Exhibitor´s Manual infinite possibilities. 5 -7 August, 2014 th th Transamérica Expo Center, São Paulo, Brazil abta2014.com.br Exhibitor´s Manual Index exhibitors’ manual.................................................................................................................................4 1. GENERAL INFORMATION.........................................................................................................................5 2. IMPORTANT DATES...................................................................................................................................6 3. BASIC FORMS & ORDER FORMS FOR SERVICES..............................................................................7 4. GENERAL RULES & REGULATIONS.......................................................................................................8 4.1 - Admission of visitors....................................................................................................................8 4.2 - Exhibitor registration....................................................................................................................8 4.3 - Booth staff registration................................................................................................................8 4.4 - Parking.............................................................................................................................................8 5. BOOTH SET-UP & DISMANTLING..........................................................................................................9 5.1.1 - General cleaning........................................................................................................................9 5.1.2 - Vehicle access during set-up..................................................................................................9 5.1 - Set-up................................................................................................................................................9 5.2 - Dismantling & move-out............................................................................................................10 6. TECHNICAL STANDARDS......................................................................................................................10 6.1 - Special booths..............................................................................................................................10 6.2 - Maximum floor load of Exhibition Hall..................................................................................10 6.3 - Booth flooring...............................................................................................................................10 6.4 - Booth construction......................................................................................................................10 6.5 - Prohibited items...........................................................................................................................10 6.6 - Horizontal projection..................................................................................................................10 6.7 - Maximum height..........................................................................................................................11 6.8 - Double-decker booths................................................................................................................11 6.9 - Island, peninsula & corner booths..........................................................................................11 6.10 - Clearances..................................................................................................................................11 6.11 - Electrical facilities....................................................................................................................11 6.12 - Cabling..........................................................................................................................................12 6.13 - Water and Drainage..................................................................................................................12 6.14 - Lifting of aerial structures and works above the ground...............................................12 7. ANTENNAS................................................................................................................................................12 8. PAY-TV SERVICES....................................................................................................................................12 9. TELEPHONE & INTERNET SERVICES..................................................................................................13 10. third part INSURANCE....................................................................................................................13 2 Exhibitor´s Manual Index 11. SECURITY.................................................................................................................................................13 11.1 - Booth Security............................................................................................................................13 12. CLEANING SERVICE (DURING THE EVENT)....................................................................................14 13. PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM................................................................................................................14 14. SAFETY RULES........................................................................................................................................14 14.1 - Fire prevention...........................................................................................................................14 14.2 Compressed air.............................................................................................................................14 15. HIRING......................................................................................................................................................14 15.1 - Exhibitor employees.................................................................................................................14 15.2 - Employees of service providers............................................................................................15 15.3 - Temporary labor.........................................................................................................................15 15.4 - Self-employed labor.................................................................................................................15 16. STORAGE..................................................................................................................................................15 17. IN-BOOTH SOUND SYSTEMS.............................................................................................................15 18. PROMOTIONS.........................................................................................................................................15 19. BOOTH CONTRACTORS: RULES & INFORMATION.......................................................................15 19.1 - General provisions....................................................................................................................15 19.2 - Cleaning of tools........................................................................................................................15 19.3 - Credentials for booth set-up, teardown & maintenance................................................16 19.4 - Compulsory cleaning charge for Booth Contractors........................................................16 19.5 - Refundable security deposit...................................................................................................16 19.6 - Dismantling & move-out..........................................................................................................16 20. PROCEDURES AND TAXES..................................................................................................................16 21. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SHIPMENT OF IMPORTED GOODS............................................................17 22. EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY........................................................................................................................17 23. air conditioning..............................................................................................................................17 24. VISA...........................................................................................................................................................18 25. OFFICIAL SERVICES...............................................................................................................................18 ATTACHMENT I Check List ......................................................................................................................19 ATTACHMENT II Security Alert................................................................................................................20 ATTACHMENT III KVA´s Preferences....................................................................................................21 ATTACHMENT IV Parking.........................................................................................................................22 3 Exhibitor´s Manual Exhibitor Manual Dear Exhibitor, It is a great pleasure to welcome you to yet another edition of ABTA. Once more the show will be held at Transamerica Expo, which offers great infrastructure. To plead ignorance of the rules set out in this Manual shall not exempt exhibitors or their contractors from the applicable penalties and responsibilities established herein. You are therefore strongly advised to read this document with care and inform all staff and contractors of the relevant rules. We are confident your participation will be a resounding success, especially in terms of the business opportunities provided by ABTA 2014. At the end of the Manual you will find a checklist to help you organize your participation in the event. This Manual is designed to facilitate your participation as an Exhibitor, as well as providing guidelines on Booth Contractors and Service Providers. Like the Manual, all the required forms will be available only on the ABTA 2014 website (www.abta2014.com.br) and must be returned online by the stipulated deadlines. No forms may be sent by fax. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need more information or have any queries. Our mission is to make sure your participation in ABTA 2014 is a success. Please pay special attention to the deadlines for you to return forms. Forms will not be available on the website after the specified dates. You can contact us by phone at Converge Comunicações: (+5511) 3138-4660. Or if you prefer you can email us at any of these addresses: Information: info@abta2014.com.br / info@convergecom.com.br We recommend you make careful inquiries about possible service providers before entering into contractual arrangements, except in the case of the Official Service Providers listed by Converge. Official Service Providers will be available during booth set-up and dismantling, and of course throughout the show itself. Sincerely, The Event Organization. We would like to suggest a few of the precautions you should take before retaining firms other than Official Service Providers: - ask booth contractors for references (at least a list of clients with contacts) - agree with booth contractors that their personnel will be on hand for maintenance throughout the show - tell them about the refundable deposit that must be left with Converge Comunicações. 4 Exhibitor´s Manual 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Dates & Hours Conference & Exhibition dates: August 05th - 07th, 2014 Host Organization ABTA - ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE TELEvisão POR ASSINATURA Rua Paes de Araújo, 29 - conj. 181 04531-090 São Paulo (SP) - Brazil Tel/Fax: (+5511) 3078-9307 E-mail: abta@abta.org.br Website: www.abta.org.br Show Hours: - Congress Opening: August, 05th - Conference: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. - Exhibition: Aug/05th - Midday - 8 p.m. Aug/06th - 10:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. Aug/07th - 10:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Show Managers CONVERGE COMUNICAÇÕES Rua Sergipe, 401 cj. 603 01243-001 São Paulo (SP) - Brazil Tel: (+5511) 3138-4660 Fax: (+5511) 3138-4658 E-mail: info@convergecom.com.br Website: www.convergecom.com.br/eventos ABTA and CONVERGE reserve the right to change show hours. Exhibitors will be notified of any changes as far in advance as possible. Important! •M inors under 18 are not allowed in the Trade Show. • B adge identification and document with photo are obligatory for accessing the Event. •N o shorts, skirts, sandals, flip-flops, clogs or similar footwear may be worn by Booth Contractor personnel during booth set-up and dismantling, for security reasons Venue TRANSAMERICA EXPO CENTER (TEC) – PAVILION F, G e A Avenida Dr. Mário Villas Boas Rodrigues, 387 – Santo Amaro São Paulo - SP - CEP 04757-020 Tel: (+5511) 5643-3000 E-mail: operacional@transamericaexpo.com.br Website: www.transamericaexpo.com.br • During the setting up on August 02nd and 03rd and on August 08th for the dismanting, it’s mandatory to wear security helmet. (See item 4.3). 5 Exhibitor´s Manual Exhibitor Service Center – CAEX: office hours (move-in, move-out, duration of show) The Exhibitor Service Center (CAEX), located at the main entrance to the Pavillion of Transamerica Expo Center, it will open to Exhibitors and Booth Contractors for move-in at 3pm on Aug/01st. During the rest of the show the CAEX will be open at the following times: DATE TIME Aug 01 3 pm – 9 pm Aug 02nd – 07th 8 am – 8 pm st The services provided by the CAEX will include: - Receiving refundable security deposits from Booth Contractors - Officializing access for Booth Contractors - Delivering credentials * Registered booth contractors through the form F2 will be authorized to move in from 8:00 am on Aug 01st 2. IMPORTANT DATES The following times and dates are important for Exhibitors and Booth Builders: ITEM DEADLINE Delivery of booth design for free-build or shell scheme July 01st Deadline for filling badges requests and statement of responsability of the builders July 18th Deadline for filing out forms and request electricity, plumbing, cleaning and security July 18th TIMES Aug 01st - Aug 03rd Aug 04th 8 a.m - 10 p.m 8 a.m - 5 p.m Booth Decoration (including Flex booths) Aug 03rd Aug 04th Midday - 10 p.m 8 a.m - 10 p.m Aisles cleaned & carpeting Aug 04th 5 p.m - 10 p.m General Cleaning Aug 05th Midnight - 7 a.m. Aug 03rd - Aug o4th Aug 05th - Aug 06th Aug 07th 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. 7 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. & 8:30 p.m. - 10 p.m. 7 a.m - 8 a.m. Booth dismanting Aug 07th Aug 08th 7:30 p.m. - midnight Midnight - 4 p.m Equipment move-out Aug 07th 7:30 p.m. - midnight Exhibition hall closed for cleaning & delivery to venue owner Aug 08th 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. Booth Set-up Equipment move-in 6 Exhibitor´s Manual 3. BASIC FORMS & ORDER FORMS FOR SERVICES Service order forms must be completed by July 18th. Thereafter services must be ordered directly from the Exhibitor Service Center, CAEX, as of 3 p.m on August 01st, 2014. The CAEX will fulfill service orders on a first-come first-served basis, charging the fee in force on the date of the order, depending on availability of services requested. All forms must be completed online, in accordance with the following procedure: 1- Go to www.abta2014.com.br/en 2- Click on EXPO and then SERVICE FORMS 3- Enter the login and password sent by Converge to the email address of the person responsible for your booth at the expo F1: Exhibitor registration (compulsory) July 18th F2: Booth contractor registration & statement of liability (compulsory) July 18th F3: Booth set-up credentials July 18th F4: Service company registration July 18th F5: Booth staff registration July 18th F6: Data collector July 18th F7: Power supply (compulsory) July 18th F8: Water and Drainage July 18th F9: Official security July 18th F10: Official cleaning July 18th F11: Phone and Internet Access July 01st F12: Official show directory (compulsory) July 18th F13: Fire extinguisher July 18th F14: General liability insurance (compulsory) July 18th F15: Booth contractor compulsory cleaning charge (compulsory) July 18th F16: Pay TV service July 18th F17: Satellite dish installation July 01st PAYMENT OF COMPULSORY SERVICE FORMS MUST BE MADE BEFORE EXPO MOVE-IN BEGINS. 7 Exhibitor´s Manual 4. GENERAL RULES & REGULATIONS Exhibitors must continuously occupy the space assigned to them during show hours, staffing their booths with appropriately qualified personnel to welcome visitors. Exhibitors may not dismantle booths or otherwise interfere with show operations until the show closes to visitors on the third and last day. Booth area Booths not occupied by Exhibitors 24 hours before show opening will be deemed abandoned and may be reassigned or used as the Show Managers see fit. Any payment made for the abandoned space will not be refunded to the Exhibitor in such cases. Nº of free badges Up to 40 square meters 20 41-80 square meters 30 81-120 square meters 40 Over 121 square meters 50 4.3 - Booth staff registration Booth staff (receptionists, technicians, waiters etc.) must be registered using Form no. 4 and 5, available on the website from May 13th to July 18th. After that you can register staff only at the Exhibitor Service Center (CAEX), which opens at 4p.m. on August 01st. Registration details can be altered to add or change names on the website until the limit date mentioned above. 4.1 - Admission of visitors Advance registration of visitors on the website www.abta2014.com.br begins on May 13th. Visitors may also be registered at the show entrance as of midday on Aug 05th. Exhibitors will be sent an electronic invitation by email. This invitation can be forwarded to guests, who will need to register online using the link included in the email. Registration at the CAEX will be processed on a first-come first-served basis. Service providers are required to wear their identification badges so that they are easily visible at all times, including move-in, dismantling and move-out. Complimentary passes admit guests to the Exhibition only and cannot be used for admission to the Conference. We suggest you send free passes to clients well in advance so that they can pre-register on the ABTA 2014 website. Mandatory wearing individual security items (EPI): EPI’s are single devices to protect the physical integrity and health of the worker. It’s mandatory to wear security helmet. Admission to the Exhibition is free of charge. There is a charge to attend the Conference and you must register in advance on the ABTA 2014 website. Each exhibitor support staff badge costs R$20.00 (twenty Brazilian Real). The issue of a second or apprehended credentials will have a cost of R$50,00 (fifty Brazilian Real). No visitor under 18 years old will be admitted. 4.4 - Parking 4.2 - Exhibitor registration The parking garage has clearly marked spaces for 2,500 cars but no valets. The car park is not managed by the exhibition center so you must buy a pass at the car park entrance. You must register as an Exhibitor using Form no. 1 (F1), available on the ABTA 2014 website from May 13th to July 18th. After that you can register only at the Exhibitor Service Center (CAEX), which opens at 4 p.m on August 02nd. Registration details can be altered to add or change names on the website until the limit date mentioned above. Your Exhibitor Badge is for your personal use only. You will not be admitted to the Exhibition Hall without it. It admits you only to the Exhibition and cannot be used for admission to the Conference. As an Exhibitor you are entitled to a discount credential at the entrance guardhouse and allowing free access to parking (limited amount per stand). Info can be obtained by e-mails: antonio.carlos@autovagas.com.br marilda.maciel@autovagas.com.br and/or by phone (11) 5643-3012. * More information, please check attachment IV Registration at the CAEX will be processed on a first-come first-served basis. Exhibitors are required to wear their identification badges so that they are easily visible at all times, including move-in, dismantling and move-out. Exhibitors are entitled to a certain number of complimentary badges (free of charge) in accordance with booth area, as shown on chart below. You can order additional badges at R$20,00 (twenty Brazilian Real) each. The issue of a second or apprehended credentials will have a cost of R$50,00 (fifty Brazilian Real) each. 8 Exhibitor´s Manual 5. BOOTH SET-UP & DISMANTLING Booths must be ready without fail by 7 a.m. on August 06th Converge Comunicações reserves the right to stop construction of any booth deemed to be in violation of the rules in this Manual. Any such decision will be taken only after a technical opinion has been obtained from the Show Managers’ inspectors or public agencies such as the Building Control Department (Contru), the Fire Department, and the Environment Department (Cetesb). Exhibitors are advised to liaise with Booth Contractors regarding the best date and time for moving equipment and merchandise in and out of the Exhibition Hall, in accordance with the timetable established by the Show Managers. 5.1 - Set-up BOOTH SET-UP SHELL SCHEME DECORATION EQUIPMENT MOVE-IN Aug 01st - 03rd Aug 04th 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Aug 03rd Aug 04th Midday - 10 p.m. 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. Aug 03rd and 04th (set up) Aug 05th and 06th (day 1, 2) Aug 07th (day 3) 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. 7 a.m. - 8a.m. & 8:30 p.m. - 10 p.m. 7 a.m. - 8 a.m Please take note of and comply with the hours for booth set-up and decoration on Aug 04th. We will begin laying aisle carpets at 5 p.m. sharp and Booth Contractors must clear aisles of all material by that time. The Show Managers reserve the right to penalize any Booth Contractor who fails to comply with the timetable. Penalties include a fine of five thousand Brazilian Real (R$5,000). •N o shorts, skirts, sandals, flip-flops, clogs or similar footwear may be worn by Booth Contractor personnel during booth set-up and dismantling, for security reasons 5.1.1 - General cleaning Aisles will be cleaned prior to carpeting from 5 p.m. on Aug 04th. Exhibitors or Booth Contractors who need extra time for set-up and decoration must apply for permission to the Exhibitor Service Center (CAEX) at the entrance to the Exhibition Hall and by signing a specific Declaration of Responsibility and payment of ambulance fee. Booth Contractors must deliver booths clean to Exhibitors, and are responsible for cleaning booths by the end of the post-closing clean on Aug 05th (7 a.m). From then on only the Official Cleaning Contractor appointed by the Show Managers may remain in the Exhibition Hall. The Exhibition Hall will be closed for a general pre-opening clean between midnight and 7a.m. on Aug 05th. Booths with any kind of bar or buffet must have at least three (3) trash cans, one for internal use and two for use by the public. No moving of equipment or merchandise into or out of the Exhibition Hall will be allowed while the show is open to visitors. The Show Managers reserve the right to penalize any Exhibitor or Booth Contractor who infringes this rule. Penalties include a fine of two thousand Brazilian Real (R$2,000). At the end of the Exhibition, all remaining waste material must be placed in plastic bags. Exhibitors will be charged for the removal of any booth material left after dismantling. Please warn your Booth Contractor that they must remove all booth material including waste, wood, broken glass etc. Any damage to the Exhibition Hall or booths, whether deliberate or accidental, will be charged to the Exhibitor or Booth Contractor responsible, who shall be obliged to pay the bill for said damage upon presentation. 5.1.2 - Vehicle access during set-up Individual Protection Equipments Materials and merchandises shall be loaded and unloaded at the pavilion’s back entrance, which can be reached through the following address: Avenida Dr. Mário Villas Boas Rodrigues, 387. Service Providers are responsible for the supply of Collective and Individual Protection Equipments to all employees and/or third-parties who will be working for the Exhibitors during the Event, demanding their use for any activity whenever necessary. Trucks and cars will be allowed entrance into the loading and unloading area in arrival order, and drivers are required to stay in the vehicle. Carts for load transport are not available at the pavilion. Trucks and cars will not be allowed entrance into the pavilion. Protective Equipment Required: closed shoes, helmet, hearing protectors and dust mask. Belt must be used to work in high places during assembly and disassembly of the event. The maximum allowed staying time in these areas is 10’ (ten minutes) for loading/unloading. If this term is exceeded, a fee will be charged for excess hour (or fraction) of staying time. 9 Exhibitor´s Manual 5.2 - Dismantling & move-out 6.3 - Booth flooring Equipment, material and merchandise may be moved out of the Exhibition Hall only at the times shown below: The floor markings placed by Converge Comunicações to demarcate individual booth spaces must be strictly observed. Equipment & merchandise move-out August 07th 7.30p.m.- midnight Booth dismantling August 07th August 08th 7.30p.m.- midnight midnight- 4 p.m. Booths may not be installed directly on the concrete floor of the Exhibition Hall. A layer of protective flooring must be laid down first. Glue may not be used. Double-faced tape must be used: ADERE 462 is recommended. Exhibitors or their Booth Contractors are liable for the complete removal of tape when booths are dismantled and will be charged by the Show Managers if they fail to do so. Exhibitors or booth contractors who fail to remove the tape on time will lose their security deposit. 6. TECHNICAL STANDARDS Converge Comunicações recommends that all booth contractors visit the pavilion before the set-up dates. Booths with raised floors must have an access ramp to make them handicapped-accessible, in accordance with the appropriate Brazilian standard (ABNT NBR 9050). Access ramps must not project beyond the borders of the floor space reserved for the booth. The projects must be sent until July 07th to the e-mail projeto@abta2014.com.br, following the requests below. Only small hand trucks or dollies and other light carts with rubber tires may be used for freight handling. Exhibitors will be held liable for any damage to the floor of the Exhibition Hall caused by heavy loads. Booth Contractors must submit booth design for technical approval by July 6th. The design documents must include the following blueprints: 6.4 - Booth construction 6.1 - Special booths No booth component or displayed product may be painted, hung or in any way fixed on the structure, walls, columns, ceilings or doors of Transamerica. - Floor plan showing booth layout and location of power outlets, plumbing and drainage; - Plan of fascias and walls showing all heights; - Complete details of Booth Contractor (fixed and mobile phone numbers, email, contact person). Sanding machines, power saws and similar tools that produce dust or residue may not be used in order to avoid damage to the air conditioning system. If you intend to install suspended or overhead structures, you must apply to Converge and Transamérica for prior approval. Free-build booths must be delivered pre-assembled so that they can be set up in the short time allowed for move-in and booth installation. 6.5 - Prohibited items All booths must have both the required floor plan and a document known as ART (Anotação de Responsabilidade Técnica) or RRT (Registro de Responsabilidade Técnica), which means “Technical Responsibility Note/Record”, signed by the engineer or architect responsible for the design. This professional must be registered with CREA or CAU, the regional associations of engineers and architects. The ART or RRT must be issued in São Paulo. The following are strictly prohibited: - Installation of in-booth air conditioning - the Exhibition Hall is fully air conditioned; - Utilization of concrete, brick, cement and similar materials in booth construction; - Utilization of easily combustible materials or substances in booth decoration; - Introduction of explosives of any kind, or toxic or liquefied gas, into the Exhibition Hall; - Operation in the Exhibition Hall of internal combustion engines or other equipment that emits gas, smoke or grease. Booth construction and design blueprints must state dimensions to a specified scale and describe all materials used. Booth set-up may not begin until the Show Managers’ architect has approved the construction plan. The Show Managers reserve the right to stop construction of any booth deemed to be in violation of these rules until the Exhibitor or Booth Contractor responsible makes the necessary corrections or pays for repair to damage to the building. The amount of such payment shall be determined solely by the management of Transamerica. Please read carefully the following technical specifications and make sure your Booth Contractor complies with them: 6.2 - Maximum floor load of Exhibition Hall The floor of the Exhibition Hall is made of smooth concrete. The maximum static load is 1000 kg/m². 6.6 - Horizontal projection No booth component or display item may project horizontally beyond the borders of the demarcated booth area. Exhibitors with equipment that exceeds maximum floor load must write in advance to Converge Comunicações, proposing a technical solution that would allow the equipment to be transported to the booth and installed without infringing the appropriate safety standards. Cantilevered elements will be allowed only inside the booth and may not project into common areas or neighboring booths. 10 Exhibitor´s Manual 6.7 - Maximum height Height 0 - 3.5 meters 3.51 - 4.00 meters 4.01 – 4.50 meters 4.51 – 5.00 meters 5.01 – 6.00 meters Maximum booth height is 6,00 meters from the floor of the building. All exhibits must comply with this rule, apart from the areas D1, D2, E1 and E2 that must have the maximum of 3.60m height. Exhibitors who plan to install equipment that would exceed maximum height must submit specific drawings for prior approval. 6.8 - Double-decker booths Minimum set-back None 0.5 meter 1.00 meter 1.50 meters 2.00 meters The walls of stands constituting an “Island” will not be obliged to comply with the retreat values. Only must comply the maximum height. “Peninsula” and “Corner” stands shall comply with retreat values only in the wall adjacent to a neighboring stand, and maximum height. Construction of double-decker booths is permitted only if approved by the Show Manager. Only booths with an area of at least 80 square meters may have an upper deck. 6.11 - Electrical facilities All Exhibitors, including lessees of shell schemes, must order electric power supply using Form no. 7 (F7) - Power Supply, available on the ABTA 2014 website from May 13th to July 18th. No more than 50% of floor area may be used to support the upper deck, which must be set back at least 1.50 meters from neighboring booths and/or aisles. Set-back requirements do not apply to stairs, provided they are open and for use solely to reach the upper deck. No power will be supplied to your booth unless you order it using F7. Mains supply at TEC is 380 volts three-phase, phase to neutral 220 volts. Weight-bearing capacity and the maximum number of people allowed must be prominently displayed on a sign next to the stairs leading to the upper deck. Form no. 7 contains a load table to help you work out your consumption and order the right power supply. No glass panels may be used on the upper deck. Only acrylic, polycarbonate or shatterproof glass is allowed. You or your Booth Contractor will be billed for the installation of mains supply and electrical systems by Converge Comunicações. If your booth consumes more than the amount ordered in kVA, the Show Managers will bill you for the difference after the show closes. Double-decker booth design must be approved in advance by the Show Manager. Design blueprints must include a floor plan, architectural perspective, electrical wiring plan (technical) and load-bearing calculations with all technical specifications. You must also submit a legally required Brazilian document known by the acronym ART, which stands for “Technical Responsibility Note”. Two ARTs are required for double-decker booths: one for the overall design and another for the upper deck. * Any change in the location of booth power outlets after installation will incur an extra charge. Converge Comunicações and the Official Electrical Contractor reserve the right to limit loads in the event of potential deficiencies in power supply to other Exhibitors. Booths for which the electricity consumption ordered is paid up in advance will begin receiving power supply from 10a.m. on Aug 04th. Double-decker booths will be approved only if design documents are submitted by July 5th. Exhibitors with free-build booths must order mains supply at 220 volts twophase or 380 volts three-phase using Form nº 7 to indicate the location of the supply point in the schematic provided for this purpose. 6.9 - Island, peninsula & corner booths Booths with an area of 50 sq.m. or more may not be enclosed with solid walls making the interior of the booth completely invisible. For aisle-facing sides no more than 70% by linear meters may be enclosed. The remainder (30% or more) may not be built so as to obstruct the visibility of neighboring stands, even with glass. The price charged per kVA installed is as follows: 220V or 380V R$ 230,00 / kva Because TEC supplies power at 220 volts or more, Exhibitors with equipment at 110 volts must use suitable transformers of their own or leased from the suppliers listed at the end of this Manual. The Show Manager reserves the right to fine an exhibitor or booth contractor who infringes these rules in an amount equivalent to the security deposit. No name boards or logos may be placed facing a neighboring booth on corner booths or booths with aisles on three sides. The mains supply point will be installed by the Official Electrical Contractor as indicated on the booth floor plan. If such installation is impossible for technical reasons, mains supply will be installed as close as possible to the location indicated on the booth design. 6.10 - Clearances Booths with neighbors must have finished walls on all sides facing other booths. Converge and the Official Electrical Contractor are responsible for the mains supply and connection from the exhibition hall’s power distribution board to your booth’s distribution board. You or your booth contractor will be responsible for in-booth installation, distribution and wiring. The external finish on that portion of a wall above 2.20 meters facing a neighboring booth is the responsibility of the Exhibitor who exceeds maximum height, even if the wall is set back. 11 Exhibitor´s Manual The prices charged for plumbing facilities are as follows: You or your Booth Contractor will be responsible for installing circuit breakers in an appropriate housing equipped with doors, to protect loads and circuits at the point of mains power supply, and for in-booth wiring. Wires, cables, switches and circuit breakers may be installed only in locations accessible to the Official Electrical Contractor and the electricians employed by TEC. Water and drainage point R$ 510,00 Sink R$ 340,00 6.14 - Lifting of aerial structures and works above the ground You are kindly requested to make sure that staffs switch off all power circuits when closing the booth at the end of each day, except for equipment that really has to be left on all the time. Any such equipment must be on independent circuits and clearly identified. These activites are carried out by the stand construction companies for some stands whose designs demand the lifting of air structures, such as: aluminum structures (box truss), lighting systems, projectors and sound devices. Use only copper wire with flame-retardant insulation for connecting circuit breakers to mains and loads, with appropriate terminals, conduits and shunt boxes. Splices must be properly insulated. Exhibitors who plan to hang any kind of structure from the ceiling in Pavilion F or G must first request permission directly from Transamérica Expo Center. These are new pavilions and do not have many ceiling anchor points, so some items designed to be fixed to the expo center’s overhead structures will be prohibited. Only Transamérica Expo Center can authorize this kind of structure at its sole discretion. If you install a switchboard in a closed area, you must leave a key to this area with the Show Managers to ensure access at any time. You are not allowed to install lighting systems equipped with automatic circuit breakers and/or high-voltage transformers that may cause interference with electrical and electronic appliances in other booths. The exhibitor needing to use such resources for additional structures for the stand shall get in touch the technical coordination department at Transamérca Expo Center. There will be a charge for this service that can be negotiated directly with the exhibition center. For more information - Phone: (+5511) 5643-3000 or email: operacional@transamericaexpo.com.br. All booths and displays equipped with electricity must comply with the standards of Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT) and Eletropaulo, the local power utility. Construction may be stopped in the event of nonconformity and Exhibitors will be charged for any rework required to make electrical systems compliant. 7. ANTENNAS Equipment must be installed with safety devices for protection against voltage fluctuations and surges. Antenna (satellite dish) installation must be authorized and supervised by the Show Managers and the management of TEC, who will determine the location of antennas. This service must be ordered using Form no. 17 (F17), available on the ABTA 2014 website from May 13th to July 1st. The date of installation must be mutually agreed by the Exhibitor and the TEC. The exhibitor is responsible for bringing the equipment as its installation and cabling to the booth. The Show Managers and Official Electrical Contractor disclaim all liability for damage caused by defective electrical installation. If you plan to use sensitive electrical equipment, you must apply well in advance to the Show Managers and Official Electrical Contractor so that an independent circuit can be provided. The Show Managers and Official Electrical Contractor disclaim all liability for damage caused to sensitive equipment if the conditions at TEC are unfavorable. A fee of R$ 605,00 (six hundred and five Brazilian Real) will be charged per antenna. Stabilizers and no-breaks must be used with all equipment to assure optimal security for all concerned. This price is for rental the area where the antenna is going to be installed. The Exhibitor is responsible for bringing the equipment, as well as for installation and cabling to the stand. Consumption of additional KVA – CAEX will deliver a statement to the Exhibitor at the event with the amount of extra KVA used in your booth and most be paid be paid at CAEX before the end of the Event. We recommend a previous visit to the place (visits shall be scheduled with the TEC). 8. PAY-TV SERVICES 6.12 - Cabling Cables and other connecting elements may not be laid across aisles or other common areas or to adjacent booths. You can order a pay-TV socket for your booth using Form no. 16 (F16), available on the ABTA 2014 website from May 17th to July 18th. Installation will be carried out by NET. 6.13 - Water and Drainage Service fee and confirmation will depend on the information supplied via the form. To order water supply, drainage and other plumbing facilities you must complete Form no. 8 (F8), available on the ABTA 2013 website from May 13th to July 18th. Water supply and drainage points must be shown on booth design documents. Please note the July 18th deadline for ordering this service. No pay-TV installation can be ordered after this date. 12 Exhibitor´s Manual 9. TELEPHONE & INTERNET SERVICES 10. third part INSURANCE The request must be done through form n. 11 (F11), available in the event website as of May 13th until July 02nd. All Exhibitors must have general liability insurance cover for at least one hundred thousand Brazilian Real (R$100,000.00) and must send a copy of the policy with proof of payment of a premium covering the full duration of the event to the Show Managers (Converge Comunicações) by July 18th. Any Exhibitor with insufficient insurance cover will be held liable for all risks. Internet access and telephone services at Transamerica Expo Center are exclusively run and managed by NEC do Brasil S.A. Special attention is recommended to the deadlines for requesting internet access points and telephone points, and for returning equipments. ABTA, Converge Comunicações and TEC disclaim all liability whatsoever in any circumstances for loss of property, physical damage or death, and for any damage to exhibits during the show or during set-up and dismantling caused by fire, flooding etc. The telephones to be used by the contracting party are offered by NEC, and the use of other manufacturer’s telephones will not be technically supported by NEC. All cabling installed in the stand is certified, and Internet access and telephone service are tested before being made available to the customer, so as to assure their functionalities. Converge Comunicações will assist all Exhibitors by offering group liability insurance. You can sign up using Form no. 14 (F14), available on the ABTA 2014 website from May 13th to July 18th. The service(s) is (are) to be requested by filling the Form for Data and Voice Services Request. The form shall be forwarded through e-mail to eventosexpo@transamerica.com.br atendimentoexpo@transamerica.com.br or through fax 5511 5643-3024 / 5511 5643-3013, to the Núcleo de Eventos. Membership in this group policy for general liability will cost three hundred and fifty Brazilian Real (R$ 350,00). The group policy will provide cover of one and a half million Brazilian Real (R$ 1,500,000.00). Converge Comunicações disclaims all liability for composition of the deductible and/or supplementary compensation in the case of insufficient cover. A customer support service will be in place, to be requested when failures in the provided service are verified. The Customer Support service can be requested through branch *3131 or phone (11) 5643-3131. A Technical Call will be started and a technician will be sent to the stand to check the incident, if necessary. 11. SECURITY Transamerica Expo Center / NEC are not taking responsibility for damages to the contracted communication media, caused by problems originated in the contracting parties and/or their sub-contracted parties. If the problem(s) observed is(are) caused by the exhibitor, Transamerica Expo Center / NEC reserves the right to disconnect the exhibitor from the network, until the cause(s) of the problem(s) has(have) been solved and the normality of the network environment is restored. The exhibitor is responsible for data, accessed websites and/or any damages or losses caused by undue usage of the contracted resources. The Event Organization will keep Security Teams at the accesses to the Pavilion and constant patrolling on the aisles for the whole Event period. The purpose of these services is to keep order in the Expo Center during the Event. The Event Organization will not assume the responsibility for any assembly material or equipments, such as notebooks, tools, cases and displayed products during the assembly, the event and disassembly periods. For exhibiting companies with their own internet network, the installation cost is shown in the table below. The official registration of the installation shall be made directly with NEC, as well as technical details adjustment, until June 01st. Internet services can’t be shared between exhibitors. You can order security service from the Official Contractor using Form no. 9 (F9), available on the ABTA 2014 website from May 13th to July 18th. Prices for 4 days of event: service Dedicate link 1M Dedicate link 2M Dedicate link 3M Dedicate link 4M Dedicate link 5M Dedicate link 6M Dedicate link 7M Dedicate link 8M Dedicate link 9M Dedicate link 10M security during the expo Full package (day and night)R$ 1.440,00 August 04th from 8 pm to 8 am August 05th from 8 am to 8 pm and 8 pm and 8 am August 06th from 8 am to 8 pm and 8 pm and 8 am August 07th from 8 am to 8 pm price (R$) R$ 4.051,00 R$ 5.564,10 R$ 6.844,00 R$ 8.281,00 R$ 9.854,00 R$ 11.530,00 R$ 13.259,00 R$ 14.983,00 R$ 16.631,00 R$ 18.128,00 Night turnR$ 880,00 August 04th from 8 pm to noon August 05th from 8 pm and 10 am August 06th from 8 pm and 10 am 11.1 - Booth Security Security inside the booths is the exclusive responsibility of each Exhibitor. All material and equipments must be kept under his strict supervision. ALL PRICES ARE IN BRAZILIAN REAL (BRL) AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. PLEASE CHECK CURRENCY RATE AS OF PAYMENT DUE DATE. 13 Exhibitor´s Manual Exhibitors who require booth security must order the service from the Official Security Contractor. No private security personnel will be allowed to work in the exhibition. 14. SAFETY RULES 11.2 Security hired by booth contractors Converge Comunicações will provide a team of fire fighters trained to audit all booths and provide guidance for Exhibitors in accordance with technical instructions from the São Paulo State Fire Department. 14.1 - Fire prevention If the booth contractor need security service, it will only be allowed the official security contractor. No other security will be allowed. In accordance with the safety standards enforced by Converge Comunicações and TEC, it is totally prohibited to use any spark- or flame-producing equipment such as gas-fired ovens, bunsen burners, cookers etc. The same prohibition applies to internal combustion engines and any device that emits gas (regardless of whether it is toxic), smoke or grease. 12. CLEANING SERVICE (DURING THE EVENT) Flex booths will be delivered to exhibitors in a clean condition and will be cleaned in preparation for the exhibition opening on Aug 04th, 2014, as of 8 p.m. They must remain clean until the exhibition opens at midday on Aug 05th, 2014. All construction and other materials used in booths must be fireproof in accordance with the standards and rules issued by the authorities responsible. Under no circumstances whatsoever may doors and exits be obstructed. No flammable materials may be stored in booths. Daily cleaning of flex booths will be performed after exhibition closing on Aug 05th and 06th, 2014 as of 8 p.m., with maintenance during exhibition opening hours, i.e. from midday to 8 p.m., on Aug 05th, from 10:30a.m. to 8 p.m. on Aug 6th and from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Aug 7th. This cleaning comprises carpet sweeping and collection of waste from booth trash cans but does not include cleaning of equipment or products on show. Exhibitors must equip booths permanently with fire extinguishers in the quantities specified by ABNT technical standards (state decree 38069/93). DCP (dry chemical powder) extinguishers must each weight at least 4 kilos. CO2 (carbon dioxide) extinguishers must each weigh at least 6 kilos. Both must have the capacity to cover up to 20 square meters depending on booth type, furnishings and products displayed. Custom booths must be delivered to exhibitors in a clean condition by the respective booth contractors, who are also responsible for general cleaning of these booths until exhibition opening at midday on Aug 05th, 2014. You can order fire extinguishers using Form no. 13 (F13), available on the ABTA 2014 website from May 13th to July 18th. Each extinguisher costs One Hundred Brazilian Real (R$100.00) to rent. Exhibitors with custom booths who require cleaning services during the exhibition must request these services using Form no. 10 by July 18th. Neon lighting is subject to approval and requires the installation of safety devices. All booths will be audited by the Fire Department. Exhibitors are responsible for compliance with technical standards and may be penalized for non-compliance in accordance with the law. Booth cleaning services are performed only during the three days of the exhibition and only for exhibitors who request such services via the above-mentioned form. Cleaning services may be contracted for in two ways: Service 14.2 Compressed air Price (R$) Maintenance during the event R$ 14.00 per square meter Cleaner permanently on booth R$ 800.00 per cleaner Installation of compressed-air pumps and tanks is prohibited. Compressed gas or liquid cylinders will be accepted, providing they have been tested in accordance with official recommendations and authorized in writing by the Show Managers and TEC. ALL PRICES ARE IN BRAZILIAN REAL (BRL) AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. PLEASE CHECK CURRENCY RATE AS OF PAYMENT DUE DATE. 15. HIRING If you prefer to make your own cleaning arrangements, you must fill out Forms 4 and 5 to register the cleaning personnel you hire. This form is available on the ABTA 2014 website. The Ministry of Labor regularly sends inspectors to trade shows to ensure compliance with the law on hiring and firing of temporary employees for the purposes of such events and to provide guidance to Exhibitors. 13. PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM Even if you hire self-employed personnel or contractors for ABTA 2014, you may be considered jointly liable if the individuals concerned are deemed to be in violation of the labor laws. You are advised to ensure that all service providers obey these laws by requiring them to show you the relevant documents proving compliance. Exhibitors may use two-way radio equipment for communications but the Show Managers reserve the right to ask them to shut such equipment down if the frequency utilized interferes with the communications systems used by TEC, the Official Security Contractor and the simultaneous interpreters working in the ABTA 2013 Conference. 14 Exhibitor´s Manual 17. IN-BOOTH SOUND SYSTEMS So when you hire receptionists, waiters, guards, cleaners, booth builders and other service providers or contractors, please make sure everyone concerned has all the required papers. Exhibitors may use in-booth sound systems only at the decibel level shown below. Amplifiers may not be used to broadcast sales or promotional messages. The following sections list the documents that you must hold on your booth for the Ministry of Labor to audit: The maximum decibel level for in-booth sound systems is 80 dBA. 15.1 - Exhibitor employees Copyright royalties must be paid for live or reproduced music to: ECAD - Escritório Central de Arrecadação e Distribuição Av. Paulista, 171, 3º andar - CEP 01311-000 - São Paulo - SP Tel: (+5511) 3287-6722 / Fax: (+5511) 3285-6790 www.ecad.org.br - Copy of each employee’s hiring records and time sheet. 15.2 - Employees of service providers - Service agreement between Exhibitor and service provider; - Copy of each employee’s hiring records (or ID badge) with full name, job title, data of hiring and PIS/PASEP no., and time sheet. 15.3 - Temporary labor 18. PROMOTIONS - Service agreement between Exhibitor and supplier of temporary labor; - Supplier’s registration with Ministry of Labor; - List and time sheets of temporary workers. YOU MUST HAVE PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE SHOW MANAGERS FOR PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES SUCH AS PRIZE DRAWINGS, RAFFLES, PERFORMANCES, MIME, ETC. 15.4 - Self-employed labor Promotional material may not be distributed outside the booth. The Show Managers reserve the right to stop distribution of material even in the booth if it causes a disturbance or attracts a large crowd. - Copy of each self-employed worker’s registration with city government and social security (INSS). The TEC sound system is for the exclusive use of the Show Managers. Exhibitors will gain access to it only for emergency messages. Booth guards: - Service agreement; - Copy of each employee’s hiring records or badge (I.N. no. 3, 9/1/97); - Registration of employees with Ministry of Labor and time sheets. 19. BOOTH CONTRACTORS: RULES & INFORMATION In addition to the above documentation required for presentation to Labor Ministry inspectors, you should also request copies of the documents specified in the legislation below at the time of entering into service agreements with contractors. They may come in useful in the event of any future claims against you under the labor laws. The Show Managers will be pleased to answer questions from Booth Contractors to clarify any doubts about this Manual. 19.1 - General provisions Legislation 1. Employees of Booth Contractors hired under employment contracts of indefinite duration - Consolidated Labor Laws (CLT), arts. 3 & 4; 2. Employees of Booth Contractors hired under employment contracts of limited duration (normally for the duration of the event including booth set-up and teardown) - CLT, art. 443, 1-2, clauses (a) & (b); 3. Employees of service providers - Instrução Normativa no. 3, 9/1/1997; 4. Temporary workers - Decree 73841, 3/13/1974 & subsequent legislation; 5. Self-employed workers, viz. pertinent labor and social security laws. Booth Contractors must be appointed by Exhibitors using Form no. 2 (F2), pay the compulsory cleaning charge using Form no. (F15) and sign the waiver. Only with these three documents can any Booth Contractor submit a design for approval. The forms will be available on the ABTA 2014 website from May 13th. Booth Contractors will be admitted to the exhibition hall to begin setup only with a duly approved design, a receipt for their refundable security deposit check and proof that required fees have been paid. 16. STORAGE The booth design must be delivered by July 1st. The compulsory cleaning charge must be paid by July 18th. Storage of large crates or other material at the show venue is prohibited. Exhibitors and Booth Contractors must make arrangements to remove containers, boxes, crates etc. from the site and bring them back only for move-out and dismantling. No booth construction or remodeling may be carried out after the show opens. Repairs or minor adjustments may be allowed, subject to prior approval by the Show Managers. Infringement of this rule subjects the offending Booth Contractor to a fine of five thousand Brazilian Real (R$5,000). No shorts, skirts, sandals, flip-flops, clogs or similar footwear may be worn by Booth Contractor personnel during booth set-up and dismantling, for security reasons. 15 Exhibitor´s Manual Booth Contractors and service providers must provide their employees with safety equipment and protective clothing such as antislip rubber gloves, face masks for carpet fitters, welding masks, footwear with insulated soles for electricians, and gumshoes for cleaners. The charge will be billed by bank collection order issued in accordance with Form no. 15 (F15 - Compulsory Cleaning Charge). The charge does not cover removal of debris, waste and wood. If this is required, the Show Managers will deduct the cost of removal from the refundable security deposit or fine the offending Booth Contractor. All remaining material must immediately be removed from the Exhibition Hall by the end of services. The compulsory cleaning charge to be paid by Booth Contractors is fourteen Brazilian Real (R$14,00) per sq.m. 19.2 - Cleaning of tools Tools such as brushes, trowels etc., cloths and other builders’ materials must be cleaned in the facilities provided for this purpose in the service yard. No tools or materials may be washed in the rest rooms. Sinks for cleansing brushes and other tools/materials are available in the decks (loading/unloading area). Entrance into the pavilion will only be allowed once the payment of the Compulsory Cleansing and Power Supply (Form n. 7) is verified. 19.5 - Refundable security deposit One deposit is required for each booth for which the Contractor is responsible. The same applies to Form no. 2 (F2 - Booth Contractor Registration & Waiver). Checks must be payable to Glasberg Assessoria, Consultoria e Representações S.A and accompanied by Form nº 2. Deposits and forms may be delivered by mail or by hand to Converge (Rua Sergipe, 401 cj. 603 - 01243-001 São Paulo/SP – Brazil). Deposits and forms may also be delivered to the Exhibitor Service Center (CAEX) at TEC on the first day of set-up (as of 3 p.m. on Aug 02nd). 19.3 - Credentials for booth set-up, teardown & maintenance Only duly accredited professionals will be admitted to the Exhibition Hall. You must order badges for Booth Contractor personnel using Form no. 3 (F3 - Booth set-up credentials), available on the ABTA 2014 website from May 13th to July 18th. After this deadline, the form must be delivered directly to the Exhibitor Service Center (CAEX) from 03 p.m. on Aug 01st. Free badges will be issued to Booth Contractors as shown in the table below and will be valid for set-up and teardown only. Deposit checks will be refunded after teardown to Booth Contractors deemed by the Show Managers to be clear of any pending issues. Each Booth Contractor is entitled to two (2) maintenance badges that can be used during the show itself. Users of these badges must be named on Form nº 4. The refundable security deposit is five thousand Brazilian real (R$ 5,000) per booth. Badges can be picked up from the CAEX as of 3 p.m. on Aug 01st, upon presentation of a check for the refundable security deposit (see item 19.5) and proof of payment of the compulsory cleaning charge. Members of Sindprom are not required to effect a security deposit provided they are not in arrears with union dues. The waiver is obligatory for all Booth Contractors. Extra badges can be supplied for twenty Brazilian reais (R$20.00) each. Booth area Up to 40 square meters 41-80 square meters 81-120 square meters Over than 121square meters 19.6 - Dismantling & move-out Nº of free badges 20 30 40 50 Equipment move-out (Exhibitors only) August 07th 6:30 p.m.- midnight Booth dismantling August 07th August 08th 6:30 p.m.- midnight Midnight - 4 p.m. Removal of Exhibitor merchandise and equipment and Booth Contractor material must be completed by 4 p.m. on August 08th. Exhibitors or Booth Contractors who fail to comply will be fined five thousand Brazilian Real (R$5,000). All maintenance or repair action at the booths has to be previously notified to the Organizer, through e-mail to info@abta2014.com.br or by written letter (in paper with the company’s logo) in CAEX, mentioning the company, name of the person in charge and booth number. All equipment, merchandise and material remaining in the Exhibition Hall after the above date will be removed by the Show Managers, who disclaim any liability for damage or theft. The Exhibitor or Booth Contractor will be charged for the cost of removal and possible storage. 19.4 - Compulsory cleaning charge for Booth Contractors The compulsory cleaning charge for Booth Contractors covers the cost of maintenance and cleaning in common areas during set-up and dismantling of the event. 16 Exhibitor´s Manual Exhibitor’s booth. Their contacts are: Phone: (+5511) 2207-7650 Pax: (+5511) 2207-7654 Contacts: Mariane Ewbank (mewbank@fulstandig.com.br) or Claudio Machado (csmac@fulstandig.com.br) 20. PROCEDURES AND TAXES The Event Organizers are responsible for paying all municipal taxes relating to trade exhibitions, booths, advertising and leafleting. Exhibitors are no longer responsible for these taxes (since January 2003). All Exhibitor, Booth Contractor and Service Provider materials and merchandise admitted to the Exhibition Hall must be accompanied by tax invoices (nota fiscal) for review by Official Security before being allowed past the entrance. 22. EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY Every Exhibitor is entitled to free listing in the Official Show Directory. You must fill in Form nº 12 (F12 - Official Show Directory) supplying the following information: company name, address, telephone number, fax number, email, business, products/services on display (maximum 150 characters with spaces). Invoices must be of the appropriate kind (Nota Fiscal de Remessa/Retorno). The Nota Fiscal de Remessa (outgoing) must be filled in as follows: Destinatário: [Name of company to which materials or merchandise are being shipped - Exhibitor company] Endereço: Av. Dr. Mario Villas Boas Rodrigues, 387 Pavilhão A,F,G - Santo Amaro São Paulo - SP - CEP 04757-020 CNPJ: [Name of company to which materials or merchandise belong] Inscrição Estadual ou Municipal: [Name of company to which materials or merchandise belong] Nome do Evento: Feira e Congresso ABTA 2014 Local de Realização: Transamérica Expo Center The form will be available on the ABTA 2014 website from May 13th to July 18th. The Show Managers disclaim all liability for wrong information in the directory if the form is filled in incorrectly. To advertise in the Official Show Directory, contact the sales department of Converge Comunicações: Converge Comunicações Rua Sergipe, 401 - Cj. 603 01243-001 São Paulo (SP) - Brazil Contact: Manoel Fernandez Tel: (+5511) 3138-4657 Fax: (+5511) 3214-1483 E-mail: comercial@convergecom.com.br The Nota Fiscal de Retorno (return journey) must be filled in as follows: Destinatário: [Name of company to which materials or merchandise are being shipped] Endereço: [Company’s address] CNPJ: [Addressee’s federal taxpayer number] Inscrição Estadual ou Municipal: [Addressee’s state or municipal taxpayer number] 23. air conditioning The pavilion of the Transamerica Expo Center is climatized, so the exhibitor will not need an air conditioning system inside the stand. It is forbidden to install air conditiones inside the exhibition. Exhibitors, Booth Contractors, Suppliers and Service Providers must not ship materials and merchandise to the show unless a company representative is on hand to receive the goods directly at the booth. The Show Managers are not responsible for receiving materials or merchandise. 24. VISA A visa is a document issued by the diplomatic and consular representations abroad in Brazil that allows the entry and stay of foreigners in the National Territory once that they meet the conditions laid down by law. Equipment, material and merchandise for the event will be admitted to the exhibition hall as of Aug 02nd. Use of Transamérica Expo Center’s or Converge’s addresses is authorized only for delivery without charge or collection of bills. For more information on the need to obtain visas for foreigners coming to Brazil, please visit the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE). 21. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SHIPMENT OF IMPORTED GOODS http://www.portalconsular.mre.gov.br/estrangeiros/qgrv-simplesing-09.01.2014.pdf Exhibitors may therefore import goods temporarily for demonstration at the show without paying duty under a special exemption provision. Click here for the official invitation letter for the event, which will help in getting your visa. Fill out the card and send it to info@abta2014.com.br The Official Transportation Contractor, Fulstandig Shows e Eventos MC Ltda., offers end-to-end coordination of shipments, managing the transportation of equipment and merchandise from the place of origin to the The cost for sending the letter by FEDEX will be responsibility of the visitor. This letter does not guarantee obtaining the visa, since this award is responsibility of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 17 Exhibitor´s Manual 25. OFFICIAL SERVICES Transfers and car rental Dinhotur Phone: (11) 3085-6397 Cel: (11) 7838-3555 E-mail:Hcontato@dinhotur.com.brH Site: www.dinhotur.com.br Contact: Marcelo dos Santos For the convenience and security of Exhibitors, Converge Comunicações has selected a range of service providers who will be at your disposal before and during ABTA 2014. All official contractors and service providers will have representatives on site during set-up and throughout the show if you need their services or support at those times. However, you are advised to plan ahead and arrange for whatever services you need well in advance to avoid last-minute difficulties. Transportation Contractor Fulstandig Shows e Eventos MC Ltda Phone: (11) 2207-7650 Fax: (11) 2207-7654 Cel: (11) 9980-5575 E-mail: csmac@fulstandig.com.br / mewbank@fulstandig.com.br Site: www.fulstandig.com.br Contact: Claudio Machado / Mariane Ewbank Booth Contractor Gto Arquitetura de Eventos Phone: (11)3906 8997/ (11) 95658 2413 E-mail: beatriz@gtostands.com.br Site: www.gtostands.com.br Contact: Beatriz Expo3 Fone: (11) 3392-1755/1646 E-mail: cybila@gmail.com Site: www.expo3.com.br International Projects Management AURUM EXHIBITIONS Phone: 11 9 65131839 E-mail: beatriz@aurumexhibitions.com Site: www.aurumexhibitions.com Contact: Beatriz Audiovisual Rental Plithy Locações Phone: (11) 3858-5454 Fax: (11) 3858-5454 E-mail: lygia@plithy.com.br Site: www.plithy.com.br Contact: Lygia Santoro Plants Tutoia Flores Phone: 11 3885 5888/11 98381 1131 E-mail: tutoiaflores@uol.com.br Site: tutoiaflores.com.br Contact: Jorge Ishikawa Furniture Rental La Compagnie du Mobilier Phone: (5511) 3699-6378 E-mail: info@lacompagnie.com.br Site: www.lacompagnie.com.br Contact: Priscila S. Albino Buffet Ãnimã Publicidade e Eventos Ltda Phone: 55 11 41216267 /55 11 78184668 E-mail: buffet.abta@animaeventos.com.br Contact: Marisa Souza Casting (Recepcionists, etc) Agência Lótus Produções e Eventos Phone: (11) 4301-5089 / (11) 97164-2244 E-mail: cristiane@agencialotussp.com.br Site: www.agencialotussp.com.br Contact: Cristiane Jonas 18 Exhibitor´s Manual ATTACHMENT I CHECKLIST Please use this checklist to make sure you comply with all the requirements for exhibitors at ABTA 2014. Exhibitors should contract the services listed below, according to their specific needs. For services which don’t have specific forms, exhibitors must directly contact the correspondent providers, according to the information listed in the end of this Manual. STATUS 1.1 SERVICES Booth projects should be contracted directly with the booth constructors Extra materials for standard booths should be provided by the official booth constructors Electricity (compulsory) Phone and internet connections Water usage and disposal Security and cleansing services Hosting personnel for the fair Data collectors and readers Insurance for exhibition goods Booth catering 1.2 TRIP AND HOTEL ARRANGEMENTS Exhibitors are responsible for meeting their own arrangements 1.3 DOCUMENTATION Exhibitors shall send special booth projects Exhibitors shall provide booth ART (Note of Technical Responsibility). This document is issued by our national council for architects and engineers, and is usually provided by the stand constructor. For booths with mezzanine, structural calculation and correspondent ART must also be provided Exhibitors are supposed to comprehensively fill out any requested form in this Manual Exhibition good’s invoices and documentation Any by our National Labor Secretary requested documents (see Manual for further instructions) § Documents expressing compliance between surveillance services´ providers and our Federal Police (see Manual for further instructions) 1.4 PAYMENTS Assure area’s rent payment Assure the full payment of any extra contracted service and taxes Assure the payment of eventual copyright taxes for booths sound and music usage 1.5 MARKETING ACTIONS Exhibitors shall provide information for the exhibition catalogue Exhibitors are supposed to bring informational material about their products and services Exhibitors should prepare material for press and arrange a contact person for press enquiries Exhibitors shall send invitations to visitors and clients on their own responsibility 1.6 BADGES NEEDED FOR Constructors for area only rentals Hosts Company staff Any other service * ARTs and RRTs must be signed by the engineer or architect responsible for the design. 19 Exhibitor´s Manual ATTACHMENT II Security Alert Dear Participant, Thank you for participating in this year’s edition of ABTA. To assure an agreeable and productive experience during the event, the following security alert is important. We have received reports of recent incidents involving organized criminals who specialize in stealing baggage and valuables at hotels, airports, convention centers etc. We therefore advise you to keep careful watch over your belongings at all times, especially notebooks, tablets, cell phones, suitcases, hand baggage, backpacks, briefcases, and valuables in general. You should redouble attention to these items on booths, in auditoriums, restaurants or snack bars, at registration and during conference coffee breaks. Converge Comunicações cannot accept liability for any thefts or losses on the premises during setup or teardown or at any time during ABTA 2014. Thank you for taking the time to read this alert. We will be happy to provide any additional information you may require. Sincerely, Converge Comunicações 20 Exhibitor´s Manual ATTACHMENT III REFERENCE CHART OF KVA’S EQUIPMENT CONSUMPTION OF KVA/EQUIPMENT COFFEE MAKER 0.50 COMERCIAL COFFEE MAKER 1.5 per neb FOLLOWSPOT 300 WATTS 0.30 FOLLOWSPOT 500 WATTS 0.50 FOLLOWSPOT 1.000 WATTS 1 BEER COOLER (COMPRESSOR OF 760 KCAL/HOUR) 0.60 AIR CIRCULATOR/ FAN 0.30/0,50/1,0 CPU 0.50 ELECTRIC OVEN COMMERCIAL TYPE 1.50 ELECTRIC OVEN RESIDENTIAL TYPE 1.75/2.40 MICROWAVE OVEN 1.35 FREEZER 0.50 FREEZER HORIZONTAL / VERTICAL 0.50 FRIGOBAR 0.30 REFRIGERATOR RESIDENTIAL TYPE 0.50 PRINTER INK JET/ MATRIX/ LASER 0.30/0.50/0.50 LASER 11 LAP TOP 0.30 MICRO-COMPUTER W/ MONITOR 0.50 MONITOR 0.25 NEON PER METER 0.03 TELEVISION0.30 TV PLASMA (MEDIUM POWER) 0.30 BIG FAN 0.30 VIDEO WALL 9 TV 29 INCHES 12.5 LAMP INCANDESCENT 100 W 0,10 LAMP INCANDESCENT 150 W 0,15 LAMP FLUORESCENT 20 W 0,03 LAMP FLUORESCENT 40 W 0,05 REFLECTORS HQI 0,30 21 Exhibitor´s Manual ATTACHMENT IV ESTAPAR ESTACIONAMENTOS – TRANSAMÉRICA EXPO CENTER 1. LOCATION 2. ON-SITE PARKING • Located at no. 387, Avenida Dr. Mario Villas Boas Rodrigues, Jardim Dom Bosco (ZIP 04757-020), São Paulo (SP), Brazil. • Parking Lot A: 2,500 places • Avenida Dr. Mario Villas Boas Rodrigues, 387 • Self-parking prices: • Cars – R$ 38 • Motorcycles – R$ 28 • Trucks – Up to 24 hours: R$ 80; additional 12 hours: R$ 80 • Buses – R$ 80 • Reference point: • At the end of Ponte Transamérica bridge over the Pinheiros River and expressway (Marginal do Pinheiros). • Near no. 18,591, Marginal de Pinheiros. • Parking Lot B: 700 places • Rua Bento Branco de Andrade Filho, 947 • Self-parking prices: • Cars – R$ 38 • Parking Lot C: 1,000 places • Rua Bento Branco de Andrade Filho, 477 • Cars – R$ 38 • All parking lots are SELF PARKING: the user parks, locks the vehicle and takes the key. • Parking places are unmarked. No reservations. 22 Exhibitor´s Manual 3. GO TO TRANSAMÉRICA EXPO CENTER BY SUBWAY • Take Yellow Line subway to Pinheiros station • Transfer to CPTM light rail • Take Emerald Line train and alight at Santo Amaro station • Walk along Rua Engenheiro Francisco Pitta Brito and Rua Adele – 5 minutes to Transamérica Expo Center 23 Exhibitor´s Manual 4. SET-UP AND TEAR-DOWN 6. GUEST PARKING BILLING OPTION • Exclusively on set-up and tear-down days, vehicles (cars, trucks, LUVs and minivans) pay once only per day, however many times they enter and leave the parking lot – same vehicle only, identified by license plate. • Estapar will bill exhibitors and other companies such as agencies and promoters who wish to offer complimentary parking to visitors, speakers, attendees and/or other guests. • Guest parking is paid for by VOUCHER, not sticker (EXAMPLES BELOW). • Free parking vouchers are produced and distributed by the exhibitor or other company who wishes to offer complimentary parking. • VOUCHERS must be delivered to users (visitors, speakers, attendees and/or other guests) at the Reception Desk, Secretariat, exhibitor’s booth or Exhibitor Service Center (CAEX). • The user goes to the parking cashier desk and hands over the parking ticket and VOUCHER to our cashier, who validates the ticket to allow the vehicle to leave the parking lot. • Estapar retains the voucher and payment terminal coupon. • Minimum billing amount: R$200 (two hundred reais). • At the end of the event, Estapar sends you an electronic tax invoice (nota fiscal eletrônica), bank payment slip (boleto bancário) and the redeemed vouchers. • Payment must be EXCLUSIVELY by bank payment slip (boleto bancário). • The due date for all billed parking vouchers is a maximum of ten (10) days after the end of the event. • Estapar reserves the right to charge 50% of expected voucher redemption 72 hours in advance of the event opening. • Estapar requires completion of a customer billing application form for credit analysis and approval. • Customer billing applications must be submitted two weeks in advance of the event to allow time for analysis and approval by Estapar. • The above does not apply during the event, i.e. on days when the event is open to the public. 5. SALE OF EXHIBITOR PARKING PASSES • IMPORTANT: • No exhibitor can be a sold a parking pass until they have registered with CAEX, Transamérica Expo’s Exhibitor Service Center. • Parking passes are sold to exhibitors for a specific event and are valid only for the days during which the event is open to the public. Example: 3-day event = 3 days parking = R$105 (one hundred and five reais). • No checks accepted. Payment by Visa, Redecard and Amex credit or debit cards only. • Parking passes are sold exclusively to registered exhibitors. • Up to 2 parking passes may be purchased per booth. • Parking passes may be used ONLY ON THE DAYS WHEN THE EVENT IS OPEN to attendees and visitors. • Parking passes may be used only by CARS. • Parking passes go on sale on the first day of SET-UP. • Parking passes are available for purchase only from the Transamérica Expo Center parking cashier desk. 24 Exhibitor´s Manual • Voucher examples: 7. PAYMENT • Parking is paid for at the unit used by the visitor. • Visa and Redecard credit or debit cards accepted. • Visa Porto Seguro and American Express credit cards accepted. 8. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION • For more information, please call Marilda Muniz on + 55 11 5643-3012. • You can also fax us on +55 11 5643-3030. Please email us if you prefer: • marilda.maciel@autovagas.com.br • transamerica.expocenter@autovagas.com.br • antonio.carlos@autovagas.com.br • valdemir.oliveira@autovagas.com.br • cmc@autovagas.com.br Sincerely, CMC PARKING ADMINISTRAÇÃO DE ESTACIONAMENTOS LTDA. Rua Afonso Brás, nº 864 - conjunto 21 - Vila Nova Conceição São Paulo-SP - CEP 04511-001 Tel/Fax (+5511) 3046-3566 cmc@estapar.com.br 25 Exhibitor´s Manual ATTACHMENT V São Paulo – Brazil, xxxxxx, xxxx , 2014 Ref.: ABTA 2014, São Paulo, SP – Brazil Dear Mr. xxxxxxxxx Thanks for your company’s participation in ABTA 2014, which will be held on August 05th to August, 07th, 2014, at Transamérica Expo Center , address: Avenida Dr. Mário Villas Boas Rodrigues, 387 Santo Amaro - CEP 04757-020, São Paulo, SP – Brazil. We sincerely invite you to represent xxxxxxx (name of the company) We hereby confirm the following; Company Name: xxxxx Adreess xxxx Email xxxx Telephone number: xxxxx Passport’s Country of Origin: xxxxx (country) The following representative will be working in its booth: Name: xxxx Title: xxxx Date of birth: xxxxx Passport: xxxxx issued on xxxxx Expire Date: xxxxx Place of Issue: xxxxxx If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours sincerely, Otavio Jardanovski, Director, Glasberg Assessoria, Consultoria e Representações S A Phone: 55.11.3138 4631 E-mail: otavio@convergecom.com.br Company name: Glasberg Assessoria, Consultoria e Representações S A CNPJ. : 65 011 538 0001 47 / INSCR. EST.: 114 420 833 111 Company address: Rua Sergipe, 401, sl 605, Higienópolis CEP 01243-001 – São Paulo – SP – Brazil 26
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