KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Page 1 of 97 UPDATED Customer Service Department March 2014 Customer Procedures Manual March 2014 General Manager Approval: ____________________________________ KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Page 2 of 97 UPDATED Customer Service Department March 2014 Index of General Procedures I. Definitions ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 II. Energy Conservation ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6 III. Information Available to Customers ........................................................................................................................................... 15 IV. Disputed Bills ............................................................................................................................................................................. 15 V. Trouble Hours ................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 VI. Emergency Service ..................................................................................................................................................................... 16 VII. Emergency Wires down Procedures ........................................................................................................................................... 17 VIII. Outages ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 IX. Customer Correspondence .......................................................................................................................................................... 18 X. Claims ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18 XI. Service Connection ..................................................................................................................................................................... 18 XII. Access to Customer Premises ..................................................................................................................................................... 18 XIII. Protection of Utility Equipment .................................................................................................................................................. 18 XIV. Continuity of Service .................................................................................................................................................................. 18 XV. Restoration of Service ................................................................................................................................................................. 19 XVI. Notification of Interruptions ....................................................................................................................................................... 19 XVII. Indemnification by Customer ................................................................................................................................................. 20 XVIII. Customer Liability .................................................................................................................................................................. 20 XIX. Documentation:........................................................................................................................................................................... 20 XX. Documentation Scanning & Retention ....................................................................................................................................... 21 XXI. Information Management ........................................................................................................................................................... 22 XXII. Service Initiations for Minors ................................................................................................................................................. 22 XXIII. New Service Installations ....................................................................................................................................................... 25 XXIV. Temporary Service ................................................................................................................................................................. 25 XXV. Same Day Initiates.................................................................................................................................................................. 25 XXVI. Interim Services ...................................................................................................................................................................... 25 XXVII. Beneficiary of Service ............................................................................................................................................................ 26 XXVIII. Deceased Account Holder .................................................................................................................................................. 26 XXIX. Vacation Service..................................................................................................................................................................... 26 XXX. Owner Termination Request with Tenant Occupancy ............................................................................................................ 27 XXXI. Termination Request .............................................................................................................................................................. 27 XXXII. Termination by Phone ............................................................................................................................................................ 28 XXXIII. Vapor Light Procedures ..................................................................................................................................................... 28 KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 3 of 97 UPDATED Customer Service Department March 2014 XXXIV. Refusal of Service/Termination of Service/Non-pay Disconnect ...................................................................................... 29 XXXV. Medical Essential Customers ................................................................................................................................................. 31 XXXVI. Medical Essential form ...................................................................................................................................................... 32 XXXIII. Deposits.............................................................................................................................................................................. 34 XXXIV. Additional deposits ............................................................................................................................................................ 39 XXXV. Deposit Refunds ..................................................................................................................................................................... 41 XXXVI. Estimated Deposits ............................................................................................................................................................. 41 XXXVII. Deposit Interest .................................................................................................................................................................. 42 XXXVIII. Deposit Transfers ............................................................................................................................................................... 42 XXXIX. Deposits for Interim service ............................................................................................................................................... 42 XL. Deposit Receipts ......................................................................................................................................................................... 43 XLI. Deposits and Spouses.................................................................................................................................................................. 43 XLII. Deposits belonging to deceased individuals ........................................................................................................................... 43 XLIII. Deposits and Co-Account holders .......................................................................................................................................... 43 XLIV. Deposits and Abandoned Property ......................................................................................................................................... 43 XLV. Deposits and Vacation ............................................................................................................................................................ 43 XLVI. Reinitiate Service ................................................................................................................................................................... 44 XLVII. Billing ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 44 XLVIII. L. Billing Sample April 2013: ................................................................................................................................................ 44 Electric Rate Descriptions ............................................................................................................................................................... 47 LI. Customer Charge Components ................................................................................................................................................... 50 LII. Taxes (updated 3/30/12) ............................................................................................................................................................. 51 LIII. Billing Timeline .......................................................................................................................................................................... 52 LIV. Billing New Accounts ................................................................................................................................................................. 52 LV. Billing, Pro-Rated Services ......................................................................................................................................................... 52 LVI. Billing Consumption and Measuring .......................................................................................................................................... 52 LVII. Billing, Estimating.................................................................................................................................................................. 53 LVIII. Billing Schedule (Due Dates, etc.) ......................................................................................................................................... 53 LIX. Notice of Delinquency Sample: .................................................................................................................................................. 53 LX. Final Bills ................................................................................................................................................................................... 56 LXI. Late Payment Fees ...................................................................................................................................................................... 56 LXII. Average Bill Plan ................................................................................................................................................................... 57 LXIII. Payment of Billing.................................................................................................................................................................. 59 LXIV. Credit Card Payments and Fees .............................................................................................................................................. 60 LXV. Previous Balance Due Date .................................................................................................................................................... 60 KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 4 of 97 UPDATED Customer Service Department March 2014 LXVI. Partial Payments ..................................................................................................................................................................... 60 LXVII. Customer Correspondence sent with bills .............................................................................................................................. 61 LXVIII. Advance Payment .............................................................................................................................................................. 61 LXIX. Credit and Collections ............................................................................................................................................................ 61 LXX. Collections .............................................................................................................................................................................. 65 LXXI. Lien Assessment ..................................................................................................................................................................... 66 LXXII. Outside agencies and information on KUA Bills ................................................................................................................... 78 LXXIII. Meter Reading .................................................................................................................................................................... 81 LXXIV. Tampering & Diversion ..................................................................................................................................................... 82 LXXV. Distribution System Damage resulting from tampering/diversion ......................................................................................... 84 LXXVI. Meter Testing ..................................................................................................................................................................... 85 LXXVII. Customer equipment in need of repairs.............................................................................................................................. 86 LXXXII. Public Records Access ....................................................................................................................................................... 87 LXXXIII. Public Records Distribution ............................................................................................................................................... 87 LXXXIV. Law Enforcement Requests for Information ...................................................................................................................... 88 LXXXV. Payment Types and Processing .......................................................................................................................................... 88 LXXXVI. Direct Mail Processing ....................................................................................................................................................... 89 LXXXVII. Utility Service Deposit Slips.......................................................................................................................................... 90 LXXXVIII. Adjustment Procedures and Schedule ............................................................................................................................ 90 LXXXIX. Use of the KUA Facility .................................................................................................................................................... 90 XC. KUA Facility and Basic Security................................................................................................................................................ 92 XCI. KUA & Identity Theft................................................................................................................................................................. 92 XCII. Field Services Attire: .............................................................................................................................................................. 92 XCIII. Door Hangers ......................................................................................................................................................................... 93 XCIV. Meter Reading Procedures ..................................................................................................................................................... 93 XCV. Line Locate Requests ............................................................................................................................................................. 93 XCVI. Net Metering .......................................................................................................................................................................... 94 XCVII. Meter Testing Standards ......................................................................................................................................................... 97 THESE PROCEDURES SET FORTH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPON WHICH UTILITY SERVICE MAY BE APPLIED FOR AND SUPPLIED TO CUSTOMERS FROM FACILITIES OF THE KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 5 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department I. Definitions March 2014 The following definitions set forth standard interpretations of certain terms used in these policies and procedures. A. KUA or Utility: Kissimmee Utility Authority. B. Customer: Any user of the KUA utility services. C. Service: The supply by the KUA of utility service(s) to the customer including the readiness and availability of service at the Customer’s Point of Delivery at the required voltage and frequency whether or not utilized by the Customer. D. Service Drop: That portion of the Utility’s facilities, between the pole or underground cable and the point of attachment at the Service Entrance, which brings the service from the Utility’s service lines to the Customer. E. Service Entrance: Wires and enclosures owned by the Customer and connecting the Customer’s installation to the service drop. F. Customer’s Installation: Wires, enclosures, switches, appliances and other apparatus, including the Service Entrance, forming the Customer’s facilities utilizing service for any purpose on the Customer’s side of the Point of Delivery. G. Point of Delivery: The point of attachment where the Utility’s Service Drop is connected to the Customer’s Service Entrance. H. Connected Load: The total rated capacity in horsepower (H.P.), and/or kilowatts (kW), and/or kilovolt amperes (kva) of all electric equipment, appliances, apparatus and other current devices which are connected in and to the customer’s installation and which may utilize service. I. Maximum Demand: Highest integrated reading of customer’s electrical power requirements measured in kilowatts during the interval of time specified in the Rate Schedules. J. Temporary Service: The supply of electrical service by the Utility to the customer for construction purposes, or for fairs, displays, exhibits and similar services; and for other services which will be in use for less than one year. K. Rate Schedules: The applicable schedules of rates and charges for service rendered. These are approved by the City of Kissimmee for their services, TOHO for their KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Page 6 of 97 UPDATED Customer Service Department March 2014 services and KUA for electric service. The electric service rates are then filed with and approved by the Florida Public Service Commission. L. Service Classifications: The services of the Utility are divided into the following classifications; however, each of the following classifications may be broken down by one or more Rate Schedules applying to groupings within each service classification. M. Residential (Domestic): Service to a customer in a single dwelling house or single apartment or other similar unit having housekeeping facilities, occupied by one family or household as a residence for periods normally intended to be greater than six months. The premises of such single dwelling may include an additional apartment unit with separate housekeeping facilities, as well as a garage and other separate structures, where they are occupied or used solely by the members or servants of such family or household. N. Commercial: Service to a customer on a single premise where such premise is used in some commercial enterprise or business activity, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the rendering of public, professional or personal services or the selling or distributing of commodities. A premises which might otherwise, except for business activity conducted thereon, be entitled to Residential (Domestic) service shall be classified as commercial unless that portion of said premise used solely for residential purposes is metered separately. The rental of housekeeping apartment(s) or the rental of five or more rooms in a private home or the use of unit as a short term rental or vacation villa where normally leases or occupancy are less than six months constitutes a business activity under this classification. O. Miscellaneous: Service to customers whose activities do not fall properly within the preceding classifications, including, but not without limiting the generality of the foregoing, special contracts, special services and other situations of unusual nature. II. Energy Conservation A. KUA offers free Energy Conservation audits for both commercial and residential customers. These audits are free of charge and a recommended prerequisite for participation in our Conservation Rebate Programs. 1. Phone Assisted ( Class II Energy Auditors) Home Energy Audit Customer may call to talk to one of our Class II Energy Auditors who walk the customer through a complete home energy audit by phone. After completing this approximate 7 to 15 minute process, the customer will receive details on the results of the home energy audit. The customer receives helpful recommendations to improve their home’s energy KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Page 7 of 97 UPDATED Customer Service Department March 2014 efficiency and reduce electric consumption. Instructions on applying for available rebates through KUA’s rebate program are also provided to the customer. 2. In-Home Energy Survey Walk Through (On-site) A free energy inspection is conducted at the customer’s home by a Kissimmee Utility Authority Certified Energy Auditor/Rater. The representative will survey the home’s windows, insulation, duct work, water heating, cooling and heating systems and overall home efficiency. The customer will then be provided with energy-saving solutions and other cost-effective energy-savings measures. (a) Scheduling an Audit 1. Audits are scheduled with consideration of efficient use of our resources and meeting the needs of the customer. 2. Customer is asked to please contact us before the scheduled audit if they will be unable to keep the appointment. 3. Online Home Energy Audit – Under construction (a) The Kissimmee Utility Authority will offer to its residential customers via the KUA website ( ). This audit will provide a new set of online tools and resources to help our customers better understand and manage home energy use and costs. KUA’s Rebate Offerings and requirements are as follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REBATE: VALUE: CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONER MAINTENANCE HVAC Maximum value $50 per residential customer location only (one time only) Purpose: The intent of this rebate is to encourage cost effective power demand and energy reductions through annual planned maintenance of existing central air conditioner units to ensure proper and efficient operation. Definition: Central air conditioner systems need to be inspected on an annual basis to ensure proper. Eligibility/Requirements • Must be a KUA residential electric customer whose measured demand is less than 50kW per month • Must be an existing central air conditioning system • Duct system must be thoroughly inspected and repaired which includes air handler and all ductwork • Work must be performed by a KUA Participating Contractor or any (DBPR) Florida State licensed air-conditioning (HVAC) contractor. • Customer must submit an itemized invoice with notations by contractor stating “KUA service requirements have been met” • Ducts must be sealed using mastic preferred method or a combination of mastic, pressure sensitive foil tape (UL 181 AP or UL 181 AH) KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Page 8 of 97 UPDATED Customer Service Department March 2014 • • • • • Contractor must certify that the ductwork has been inspected and sealed in accordance with the 2010 Florida Energy Code, Section Copy of receipt/invoice documenting work completed within 60 days of repair Onsite post repair inspection for quality assurance and/or testing for performance improvement may be required Rebate is issued in the form of a credit on the KUA electrical bill when all rebate requirements have been met Rebate may be issued in conjunction with other KUA rebates Restrictions • Existing location only • On-site audit required • Air conditioning systems under 15 SEER efficiency are not eligible • All rebates are subject to approval and contingent upon fund availability • Rebates are subject to change without notice ______________________________________________________________________________________________ REBATE: VALUE: INSULATION UPGRADE Maximum value $0.09/square foot up to $300 Purpose: To encourage the installation of additional insulation in existing single family homes and small businesses. Definition: Insulation slows down the amount of heat transfer that flows out of or into a home thus reducing the amount of energy needed by the heating and cooling systems to maintain a comfortable temperature. Adding insulation in an attic, walls and/or under raised flooring when existing levels are inadequate can reduce heat transfer, increase comfort and help lower energy bills. Eligibility/Requirements • Must be a KUA electric customer • Valid only on existing air conditioned homes and small businesses • Minimum additional installation of R-30 insulation (batting, blanket, board, sprayed-on or blown-in) attic or minimum additional installation of R-19 insulation or better (batting, blanket or board foam) under raised flooring; minimum wall additional installation of R13 or better • Must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations • Must be installed prior to the issuance of rebate • Must be installed by a qualified or certified insulation contractor/builder • On-site verification of installation may be required • Rebate form must be completed and submitted to KUA along with proof of purchase within 60 days of installation. If installed by the customer, a cutout section from the insulation packaging showing the product name and description type and density of insulation) must be itemized on the invoice. • Rebate will be issued in the form of a credit on the KUA electric bill • Rebate may be used in conjunction with other KUA rebates Restrictions: • All rebates are subject to approval and contingent upon fund availability • Rebates are subject to change without notice • Limit one (1) Insulation Upgrade per location during 12-month period ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Page 9 of 97 UPDATED Customer Service Department March 2014 REBATE: VALUE: DUCT LEAK REPAIR/REPLACEMENT Maximum value 50% of cost up to $200 (on-site audit required) Purpose: To encourage cost effective power demand and energy reductions through the use of professional duct leak inspection and repair or replacement. Definition: Duct leaks cause a significant increase in energy use for air conditioning and heating. Leaks in joints between ductwork and around air handler cabinets allow conditioned air to escape into attics. Leaky ductwork makes heating and cooling systems work longer and harder to maintain comfort in a home. Leaky ducts can also cause negative pressure in the house which can allow moisture and, in some instances, carbon monoxide to enter into the home. The sealing of leaks improves the efficiency and performance of central heating and cooling systems. Properly sealed ducts can help to decrease monthly energy bills, increase comfort and reduce peak electrical demands. Eligibility/Requirements • Must be a KUA residential electric customer • Rebate applies only to locations with KUA residential electric service • Must be an existing central air conditioning system • Duct system must be thoroughly inspected and repaired which includes air handler and all ductwork • Repairs must be done by a KUA Preferred Contractor or other (DBPR) Florida State licensed air-conditioning (HVAC) contractor • Ducts must be sealed using mastic preferred or a combination of mastic, pressure sensitive foil tape (UL 181AP or UL 181AH) • Customer must submit an itemized invoice with notations by contractor stating “KUA service requirements have been met” • On-site post repair inspection for quality assurance and/or testing for performance improvement may be required • When all requirements have been met and approved, the rebate is issued as a credit on the customer KUA electrical account • Rebate may be issued in conjunction with other KUA rebates Restrictions • All rebates are subject to approval and contingent upon fund availability • Rebates are subject to change without notice • Limit one (1) Duct Leak Repair rebate per HVAC system ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REBATE: VALUE: LIGHT EMITTING DIODES (LED) BULB Maximum value 50% of cost up to $50 per location Purpose: The intent of this program is to encourage the use by our customers of more efficient lighting options. “Lighting consumes 22 percent of electricity produced in the U.S” (U.S. Department of Energy). If every American home changed out just five high-use light fixtures or the incandescent bulbs in them with LEDs that have earned the ENERGY KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 10 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 STAR rating, each family would save more than $80 every year in energy costs. Not only is this a savings for our customers, but it also helps reduce carbon foot print. LED Basics LED stands for light-emitting diode, and is also referred to as “solid-state lighting”. Unlike incandescent bulbs (which generate light with filaments) and compact fluorescents (which create light from gases encased in airtight glass containers), LEDs feature semiconductors that turn electricity into either white or different color lights. Definition: This program will include educational promotions during which LED night lights are provided to customers as well as rebates for customer purchases LED bulbs. Twelve promotions are planned each year at different published locations. LED night lights are presented to customers during an onsite energy audit. Eligibility/Requirements • Must be a KUA Residential electric customer • Requirements will vary based on the promotion • One rebate per residential location only • Must submit a receipt or invoice for verification of purchase to apply for rebate Restrictions: • All LED rebates are subject to approval and contingent upon fund availability • Rebate is subject to change without notice • KUA is not responsible for manufacturer defects or for bulb breakage • Customer, retailer and manufacturer are responsible for disposal of LEDs ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REBATE: VALUE: HEAT PUMP CENTRAL AIR-CONDITIONER REPLACEMENT Maximum value $250 per location (On-site audit required) Purpose: The intent of this rebate is to encourage cost effective power demand and energy reductions through replacement of less efficient existing central air conditioner units. Definition: A rebate to assist in the purchase of an Energy Star® Certified high efficiency heat pump A/C system replacement to 15 SEER / 12.5 EER / 8.5 HSPF or higher efficiency. A list of KUA Participating Contractors is located on the KUA website ( Participating contractors have been selected and trained in the KUA rebate program and will perform the services required. Eligibility/Requirements • Must be a KUA electric customer whose measured demand is less than 50kW per month • Valid on replacement to heat pump of 15 SEER or higher from existing air conditioning system • Work must be performed by a KUA Participating Contractor or any (DBPR) Florida State licensed air-conditioning (HVAC) contractor. • Customer must submit a copy of local permit, receipt/invoice documenting new system model efficiency and AHRI certification documentation within 60 days of Install/ upgrade • All new A/C system installs must be Energy Star® Certified KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 11 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department • March 2014 • On-site pre and post inspections for quality assurance and/or testing for performance improvement may be required Rebate is issued in the form of a credit on the KUA electrical bill when all rebate requirements have been met Rebate may be issued in conjunction with other KUA rebates • • • • • Restrictions Existing location only On-site audit required Air Conditioning systems under 15 SEER efficiency are not eligible All rebates are subject to approval and contingent upon fund availability Rebates are subject to change without notice ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ REBATE: VALUE: COMMERCIAL LIGHTING UPGRADE/RETROFIT PROGRAM Maximum value is $5,000; $150 per kW Purpose and Definition In an effort to reduce electrical consumption, the Kissimmee Utility Authority (KUA) has developed a commercial lighting upgrade rebate program. When certain existing lighting fixtures and/or bulbs are replaced with more efficient ones, the customer may be eligible for a rebate to offset the cost of the upgrade project. The overall wattage reduction by the upgrade project may result in considerable savings on the customer’s monthly electric bill. Lighting Rebate Program Requirements • Retrofits must be done to a Demand General Service commercial business served by KUA • Program is for existing facilities only • An overall wattage reduction of at least 25% must be achieved • Kilowatt reduction must be at least one (1) kW • Measures must be one of those found on the Verification Form (please request form from KUA Energy Conservation) • An energy audit must be scheduled prior to completing application for rebate • The application must be accompanied by an analysis sheet and submitted to the attention of Energy Conservation, KUA • An inspection by KUA Senior Energy Auditor is required upon completion of approved project • Post project inspection sign off is required Steps to determine proposed program eligibility 1. Customer contacts KUA Energy Conservation Division 2. The Energy Conservation Division will schedule an appointment to meet with customer to perform energy audit of customer facility 3. KUA Energy Auditor will provide guidance in completing the Lighting Upgrade/Retrofit Application and Lighting Analysis Data Sheet 4. KUA Energy Auditor calculates potential kWh savings of customer proposed lighting upgrade or retrofit project 5. KUA Energy Auditor meets with the customer to discuss potential savings of proposed customer project KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 12 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 6. KUA Energy Conservation Division recommends to management whether or not the project meets requirements for approval 7. Customer is notified of approval or disapproval of project 8. Upon completion of project, the upgrade/retrofit project will be inspected by the KUA Energy Auditor 9. Rebate credit will be applied to customer account providing the upgrade/retrofit has met the specifications established in the required Commercial Lighting Upgrade/Retrofit Rebate Program paperwork and passed post inspection Other Information 1. LED exit signs, exterior signs, parking lights, interior/exterior lighting are acceptable purchases within this program providing the savings is 25% or more 2. Rebate applies to locations within the KUA electric service territory only 3. Non-electrified (such as tritium) and remote exit signs are not eligible for this rebate 4. All lighting retrofits/upgrades must be purchased and installed no greater than 90 days prior to submitting request for rebate, unless prequalified during on-site energy audit 5. Rebate forms must be accompanied by a receipt for both the equipment and installation of lighting 6. Rebate will be issued in the form of a credit on customer KUA electric account ____________________________________________________________________________________________ REBATE: VALUE: HYBRID-ELECTRIC WATER HEATER REPLACEMENT Maximum value 25% of cost up to $325 per location Purpose: The intent of this rebate is to encourage cost effective power demand and energy reductions through replacement of less efficient existing water heater. Definition: A rebate to assist in the purchase of an Energy Star® Certified high efficiency hybrid water heater replacement of EF 2.30 or higher efficiency from existing water heater system. A list of KUA Participating Contractors is located on the KUA website ( Participating contractors have been selected and trained in the KUA rebate program and will perform the services required. Eligibility/Requirements • Must be a KUA electric customer whose measured demand is less than 50kW per month • Valid on replacement to hybrid-electric water heater of EF 2.30 or higher from existing water heater system • Work must be performed by a KUA Participating Contractor or any (DBPR) Florida State licensed air-conditioning (HVAC) contractor • Customer must submit a copy of local permit, receipt/invoice documenting new system make, model number and efficiency within 60 days of install/ upgrade • Must be Energy Star® Certified to be considered for this rebate • KUA reserves the right to inspect the hybrid-electric water heater at any time to ensure that it is consistent with rebate requirements. Onsite pre and post inspections for quality assurance and/or testing for performance improvement may be required • Rebate is issued in the form of a credit on the KUA electrical bill when all rebate requirements have been met • Rebate may be issued in conjunction with other KUA rebates KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 13 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 Restrictions • Existing location only • Water heating systems under EF 2.30 efficiency are not eligible • All rebates are subject to approval and contingent upon fund availability • Rebates are subject to change without notice REBATE: VALUE: KUA NEW GREEN HOME PERFORMANCE PATH (1-Year Pilot) Maximum value $2,000 per single family new home Purpose: The intent of this rebate is to encourage cost effective power demand and energy reductions for new homes meeting the requirements listed below and verified and field-tested in accordance with RESNET Standards by a RESNET-accredited Provider. Definition: Using the HERS Index the confirmed energy savings must be 30% more efficient than the Standard New Home. Eligibility/Requirements: • Minimum of three meetings with KUA Green Team: 1. Contractor and KUA Green Team will review and establish KUA new green home performance path guidelines, FGBC checklist and acceptance into the program. A mutual contract/agreement will be executed upon home builder acceptance. 2. KUA Green Team will conduct and complete a visual measurement & verification.1 3. Contractor and KUA Green Team will complete a Building Energy Performance Rating and finalize the FGBC checklist for certification. • Compliance with all local code requirements applicable to home to be built due to the unique nature of some state and local codes and/or climates • Efficient heating and cooling systems (16 SEER variable speed Energy Star® Certified A/C system or better must be installed) • Effective insulation (R-38 insulation) • Properly sealed air ducts (R-6 duct work must be considered leak free and tested by a KUA Certified RESNET® HERS rater or BPI HERS rater; if using R-8 duct-work testing not required) • High-performance windows (windows must meet Energy Star® Certified South-Florida SHGC 0.27 or better on efficiency) • Efficient water heating (water heater must be Energy Star® Certified with an Energy Factor of EF 2.30 or better) • Building envelope weatherization (home natural air changed per hour must meet 7 ACH or less) • Efficient pool pumps (if home has a pool, the pump must be a variable speed Energy Star® Certified model) Certification Requirements: Home must score FGBC certification to qualify for final KUA rebate and approval. The FGBC Green Home Standard indicates the criteria by which a Florida home, new or existing, can be designated green. KUA Green Team can guide designers, builders or homebuyers through the process of qualifying and documenting green homes; however the purpose of this pilot program is specifically developed for new homes. 1 KUA will not use subcontractors to verify during pilot program. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 14 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 Restrictions • New home must be located in the Kissimmee Utility Authority service area • All rebates are subject to approval and contingent upon fund availability • Rebates are subject to change without notice ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Using the KUA new green home performance path 30% or more savings in energy usage and potential savings in other areas such as water can be achieved. This is designed to encourage a 2,400 square foot home or less to achieve the most utility efficiency. There are 300 possible points at platinum (certification levels are bronze, silver, gold, and platinum). Starting with the above requirements the builder is on the way to bronze or higher which is established at the point of planning and design of homes of new homes. Benefits to the homebuyer: • Enhances the profitability of resale. • Enhances the affordability of operation • Enhances the indoor air quality of the home. • Increases the durability of the home. • Provides for greater access to mortgage money Benefits to the home builder: • Gain valuable promotion and advertising. • Differentiate your home from the competition. • Homebuyers link green home features with quality • Increase customer referrals. • Add to the marketing value of your homes. Reduce builder callbacks • Benefits to the Community: • Conservation of water resources. • Management of waste and stormwater. Provide / maintain affordable housing. Maintain affordable and reliable energy sources • • The above changes went into effect February 1, 2014. Control click here→ Tips for Saving Energy -Kissimmee Utility Authority to review the energy conservation page Web page which includes energy audits, tips, access to material from the Department of Energy, rebates, and preferred contractor list (please scroll down to review all). GENERAL RESTRICTIONS • Must be KUA electric customer to be eligible for all rebates. • Rebates are subject to change without notice. • Rebates are subject to approval and contingent upon fund availability. • Random on-site verification of installed/repaired measures may be performed prior to issuing rebates. • Rebate will be issued in the form of a CREDIT on the utility bill unless specified otherwise. All rebate supporting documentation invoice/ receipt for services due within 60 days of installation or service unless otherwise authorized. • All rebates with receipt(s) verification to Kissimmee Utility Authority must be received for eligibility within 60 days. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 15 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 Visit or contact Energy Conservation Customer Service at 407-933-9800 for additional information. Address for mailing rebates with receipts to Kissimmee Utility Authority, Attn: Energy Conservation, 1701 W. Carroll Street Kissimmee, Florida 34741 or Kissimmee Utility Authority, Attn: Energy Conservation PO Box 423219, Kissimmee, Florida 34742. Fax documentation same attention but to 407-933-1936 for rebate. III. Information Available to Customers A. The Utility shall, upon request, give its customer such information and assistance as is reasonable in order that the customer may secure safe and efficient service. B. When requested to do so, the Utility will provide any customer with information as to the method of reading meters, the subsequent derivation of billings there from, the billing cycles and the approximate date of the monthly meter reading. C. Upon request, the Utility will provide any customer a copy and/or explanation of the Utility rates and the provisions applicable to the type or types of service furnished or to be furnished to such customer and to assist them in obtaining the rate schedule most advantageous for the particular service requirements. D. Upon request, the Utility will attempt to provide a customer with information and assistance pertaining to the management and efficient use of energy and water. E. The Utility shall notify the customer on their first billing after new rate schedules are adopted of the rate change, its effective date and advising that copies of the adopted rates are available upon request. F. Some information regarding a customer’s account is considered confidential. Such confidential information may be provided by the Utility to Police Department, Sheriff’s Department, the F.B.I., the I.R.S., or other such Federal, State, County or City investigative offices. Other requests for information on accounts other than the individuals own account shall be referred to a member of the Customer Service Management staff for processing according to public records request requirements. IV. Disputed Bills A. The Utility will promptly respond to all complaints, inquiries or service requests received from any Utility customer. A complaint as defined for this policy will be construed to mean substantial objection made to the Utility by a customer as to billing charges, facilities or service, the disposal of which requires investigation or analysis. Customers objecting to utility billings which are believed to be in error must present such objections to the Utility on or before the delinquent date as shown on the billing in KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 16 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 question. The customer’s failure to do so will leave the service subject to termination in accordance with the Utility’s termination policy. B. If an error in billing requires investigation by the Utility, the disputed amount owing will be deferred at the customer’s request until the investigation is completed by the Utility. If the Utility finds that no error had been made, the deferred amount becomes due and payable according to arrangements made with the KUA representative. C. If the disputed amount is to be contested further by the customer, the disputed amount must be paid, or satisfactory arrangements made for payment as set forth or the service(s) will be subject to discontinuance. D. If a customer verbally disputes a bad debt through KUA’s Customer Service Department, the representative handling the account shall assist the customer with their inquiry even though the debt has been turned over to our collection agency. E. In the event a written bad debt dispute is received directly by KUA from the customer, KUA will forward the dispute to its collection agency immediately since a written dispute is what triggers a verification requirement. This is to assist the collection agency to be in compliance with the 30-day validation period. Once verification of the debt is requested of KUA by the collection agency, KUA will then forward validation of the debt to the collection agency which will respond to the customer disputing the debt. In this case, the verification of the debt should be sent by the collection agency rather than KUA. KUA will not be responsible for the debt being marked as “disputed” on the customer’s credit bureau’s file in either case. V. Trouble Hours A. The Utility will respond to complaints of utility trouble at any time. Further, it is intended that the general public be provided limited service after normal working hours. VI. Emergency Service A. KUA will provide emergency service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Residential Utility customers may request reinstatement of service or emergency initiation of service until 11:00 p.m. However, the customer will be required to provide the Utility’s Customer Service office all required documentation before 9 a.m. the following work day or the service will be subject to immediate termination without notice. B. All requests for service outside normal working hours shall be subject to applicable fees and charges. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 17 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 C. Reports of conditions wherein property damage or personal injury is reasonably foreseeable are to be considered emergencies and will be reported immediately to the trouble duty dispatchers. VII. Emergency Wires down Procedures A. Definition – Wire (or wires) Down means any wire or wires down on the ground, or hanging down low enough to present a hazard. B. Call or information will be immediately transferred to KUA’s Energy Control Center C. VIII. The following information is needed: 1) Location of wires down, i.e. property, road 2) Closest address to the wires down 3) Major Cross Street closest to the address 4) KUA pole number (if possible) 5) Caller’s contact information 6) Wire description Outages A. Information needed: (1) etc.) Location – address or as much information as possible (landmarks, intersections, (2) No Power, Flickering Lights, High Voltage, Low Voltage, Other, or Partial Power. (3) Indicate any Hazards at the location (4) If Cause is known please indicate (accident, etc.) (5) Be sure to include any relevant remarks (public safety, etc.) (6) Call back information (name of person calling, phone #, please update and get any call back information KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department IX. EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 18 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 Customer Correspondence A. All correspondence on Utility service matters will be directed to the Customer Service Department for response which will be retained in file for a period of no more than three years. X. Claims A. All claims against the Utility covered by the Utility’s insurance carrier will be forwarded to the Human Resources Department of the Utility. XI. Service Connection A. The Utility’s connection with the customer’s service entrance shall be made with such service drop and shall be backed up by such transformers and related facilities and equipment as may be necessary to supply adequate electric service to the customer in accordance with the load data furnished by the customer at the time of applying for service. XII. Access to Customer Premises A. The duly authorized agents of the Utility shall have access at all reasonable hours to the premises of the customer for the purpose of inspecting customer’s installation, for installing, maintaining, inspecting or removing the Utility’s property, for reading meters and for other purposes incident to the rendition or termination of service to the customer; and, in acting hereunder, neither the Utility nor its authorized agents shall be liable for trespass. XIII. Protection of Utility Equipment A. The customer shall provide proper protection for the Utility’s equipment and facilities located on the customer’s premises, and shall permit no one but the Utility’s agents or persons authorized by law, to have access to the Utility’s equipment or facilities. XIV. Continuity of Service A. Due Diligence - The utility will use reasonable diligence at all times to provide continuous service at the agreed nominal voltage, and shall not be liable to the customer for complete or partial failure or interruption of service, or for fluctuations in voltage, resulting from causes beyond its control, or through the ordinary negligence of its employees, servants, or agents, nor shall the utility be liable for the direct or indirect KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 19 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 consequences of interruptions or curtailments made in accordance with the provisions of its rate schedules for interruptible, curtailable, and load management service. The utility shall not be liable for any act or omission caused directly or indirectly by strikes, labor troubles, accidents, litigation, shutdowns or repairs or adjustments, interference by federal, state, or municipal governments, acts of God, or other causes beyond its control. B. The following procedures provide for limitations of liability that shall be construed as additions to (and not in lieu of) the limitations of liability set forth above. (1) Priority of Curtailment: In an emergency, at its sole discretion, KUA may interrupt, curtail, or suspend electric service to all or some of its customers. The selection by KUA of the customers to be interrupted, curtailed or suspended shall be conclusive on all parties concerned and KUA shall not be held liable with respect to any interruption, curtailment or suspension. (2) Restoration of Service: In the event of an interruption, curtailment or suspension of electric service for any cause, KUA reserves the right to solely determine the method of restoration of service and in establishing the priority of restoration within the shortest time practicable, consistent with all safety concerns. KUA shall not be held liable for failure to render adequate electric service because of KUA’s preservation of system integrity as a priority in the restoration of a customer, nor shall KUA be held liable for any other aspect of determining priority of restoration. (3) Notification of Interruption: Whenever service is interrupted, curtailed or suspended for the purpose of performing planned work, the work shall be done at a time, if practicable, which will cause the least inconvenience to customers, and KUA shall attempt to notify in advance (except in cases of emergency or unplanned interruptions, curtailments or suspensions) those customers whom KUA knows will be affected; provided, however, that KUA shall not be liable in any way whatsoever for any failure to give such notice. XV. Restoration of Service A. In the event of an interruption, curtailment or suspension of electric service from any cause, the Utility reserves the right to solely determine the method of restoration within the shortest time practicable consistent with safety. The Utility shall not be held to be in default of rendering adequate electric service because of the Utility’s preservation of system integrity for priority in the restoration of the customer’s service. XVI. Notification of Interruptions A. Whenever service is interrupted, curtailed or suspended for the purpose of performing planned construction work on lines or equipment, the work shall be done at a time, if at all practicable, which will cause the least inconvenience to the customers, and KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 20 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 the Utility shall attempt to notify in advance (except in cases of emergency) those customers who the Utility knows may be affected. XVII. Indemnification by Customer A. The customer shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Utility from and against any and all liability, proceedings, suits, costs or expense for loss, damage, death or injury to persons or property, in any manner directly or indirectly connected with or growing out of the use or disposition of electricity by the customer at or on the customer’s side of the point of delivery, unless such loss, damage, death or injury shall result from the sole negligence of the Utility. XVIII. Customer Liability A. In the event of loss or injury to the Utility’s property through misuse, negligence or vandalism, the cost of necessary repairs or replacement shall be the responsibility of the owner of the premises upon which the Utility’s property is placed. XIX. Documentation: A. On all requests for utility service(s), the non-residential customer will be required to provide the following: (1) An adequate address for the service location. (2) A signed “Utility Service Business Application”. (3) Payment of the required security deposit or posting of the appropriate guarantee. A commercial utility customer shall be allowed 20 calendar days to pay the required deposit if it shall elect to post a surety bond, irrevocable letter of credit or certificate of deposit in lieu of cash deposit. (Written confirmation must be provided by the surety company of a bond being processed for the customer). (4) Two forms of identification; one must be a government issued photo identification. (5) If service address is a rental property, a copy of the lease signed by the property owner/manager or appropriate documentation is required. If the rental property location is in non-pay terminate status, or changes to an originally submitted lease occur, the applicant is required to provide a notarized Lease Verification form. If the service address is owned by the customer requesting service appropriate ownership documentation will be required. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 21 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 (6) If the service is in a corporate name or partnership, appropriate documentation as to the corporation officers or partners is required. (7) If the service will be used as a short term rental and is being initiated by another party, a copy of the management agreement or power of attorney will be required. B. On all requests for residential utility service(s), the customer will be required to provide the following: (1) Adequate identification is determined to be a photo identification card including, but not limited to the following: driver’s license, alien registration card, or passport. (2) Adequate service address. (3) Payment of the required security deposit, establishment of Bank Draft for the account payments in lieu of deposit, or a positive report from the KUA initiated credit check. (4) If service address is a rental property, a copy of the lease signed by the property owner/manager or appropriate documentation is required. If the rental property location is in non-pay terminate status, or changes to an originally submitted lease occur, the applicant is required to provide a notarized Lease Verification form. If the service address is owned by the customer requesting service appropriate ownership documentation will be required. ..\..\Customer Accounts Division\FORM LETTERS\Authorized Tenant Lease Verification.docx - Shortcut.lnk (5) The Utility reserves the right to require lease or ownership documentation. (6) Each customer posting cash deposit with the Utility shall be required to provide a Social Security or Federal Tax ID number which is used in reporting interest to the Internal Revenue Service. Where no number is available, interest will not be posted to the account. (7) An individual authorized by a new utility customer requesting service may apply for service on behalf of the new customer if the authorized individual provides adequate documentation on the new utility customer. Power of Attorney, Guardianship paperwork or appropriate documentation required. XX. Documentation Scanning & Retention A. All scanned documents must comply with Red Flag Rule; therefore, all sensitive information must be redacted (cut out, white-out or black-out) to meet the legal KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 22 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 requirements of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions (FACT) Act of 2003 if saved to a folder accessible to non-designated personnel. B. XXI. Information KUA has designated levels of security to comply with Red Flag. Management A. Personnel allowed access to sensitive data are approved by the Privacy Task Counselor through request by their supervisor. B. Folders will be destroyed/deleted in accordance with the Florida State Statutes on an annual basis. XXII. Service Initiations for Minors A. Rule focused on young adults leaving the foster care system. B. As long as person is 17 years old and presents judge signed order they can get service. Effective: July 1, 2008 West's Florida Statutes Annotated Currentness Title XLIII. Domestic Relations (Chapters 741-759) Chapter 743. Disability of Nonage of Minors Removed (Refs & Annos) 743.046. Removal of disabilities of minors; executing agreements for utility services For the sole purpose of ensuring that a youth in foster care will be able to secure utility services at a residential property upon the youth's 18th birthday, the disability of nonage of minors is removed for all youth who have reached 17 years of age, have been adjudicated dependent, and are in the legal custody of the Department of Children and Family Services through foster care or subsidized independent living. These youth are authorized to make and execute contracts, agreements, releases, and all other instruments necessary for the purpose of securing utility services at a residential property upon the youth's 18th birthday. The contracts or other agreements made by the youth shall have the same effect as though they were the obligations of persons who were not minors. A youth seeking to enter into such contracts or agreements or execute other necessary instruments that are incidental to securing utility services must present an order from a court of competent jurisdiction removing the disabilities of nonage of the minor under this section. CREDIT(S) Added by Laws 2008, c. 2008-122, § 2, eff. July 1, 2008. West's F. S. A. § 743.046, FL ST § 743.046 Current through Chapter 298 (End) of the 2008 Second Regular Session of the Twentieth Legislature. (C) 2008 Thomson/West C. Form Required FORM 8.977. ORDER AUTHORIZING CHILD TO ENTER INTO RESIDENTIAL LEASEHOLD AND SECURE UTILITY SERVICES BEFORE THE CHILD'S 18TH BIRTHDAY KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 23 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 ORDER AUTHORIZING CHILD TO ENTER INTO RESIDENTIAL LEASEHOLD AND TO SECURE RESIDENTIAL UTILITY SERVICES BEFORE THE CHILD'S 18TH BIRTHDAY THIS CAUSE came before the court to remove the disabilities of nonage of ..... (name)....., for the purposes of entering into a residential leasehold and to secure residential utility services.tThe court being fully advised in the premises FINDS as follows: .....(Name)..... is 17 years of age, meets the requirements of sections 743.045and 743.046, Florida Statutes, and is entitled to the benefits of thatthose statutes. THEREFORE, based on these findings of fact, it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the disabilities of nonage of .....(name)..... are hereby removed for the purposes of entering a residential leasehold and securing residential utility services. .....(Name)..... is hereby authorized to make and execute contracts, releases, and all other instruments necessary for the purposes of entering into a residential leasehold and securing residential utility services. The contracts or other instruments made by .....(name)..... for the purposes of entering into a residential leasehold and securing residential utility services shall have the same effect as though they were the obligations of a person who is not a minor. ORDERED at ..............., Florida, on .....(date)...... ____________________Circuit Judge Copies to: FN1. An original and nine paper copies of all comments must be filed with the Court on or before November 24, 2008, with a certificate of service verifying that a copy has been served on the committee chair, David N. Silverstein, 501 E. Kennedy Blvd. Suite 1100, Tampa, Florida 33602-5242, as well as separate request for oral argument if the person filing the comment wishes to participate in oral argument, which may be scheduled in this case. The committee chair has until December 15, 2008, to file a response to any comments filed with the Court. Electronic copies of all comments and responses also must be filed in accordance with the Court's administrative order In re Mandatory Submission of Electronic Copies of Documents, Fla. Admin. Order No. AOSC04-84 (Sept. 13, 2004). Fla.,2008. In re Amendments to Florida Rules of Juvenile Procedure --- So.2d ----, 2008 WL 4346502 (Fla.) KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 24 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department D. March 2014 Sample Form Completed KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department XXIII. EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 25 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 New Service Installations A. New electric service installations and initiations inside and outside the corporate limits of the City of Kissimmee will only be made for inspection and issuance of an inspection certificate by the City or County Building and Zoning Department. Where a mobile home has not been moved or unstaked and electric service was terminated and subsequently reinstated, an inspection certificate would not be needed. XXIV. Temporary Service A. A temporary electric or water service is defined as a construction service where no permanent service exists. (1) All temporary electric service connections shall be made in accordance with the City or County Electrical Code. (2) No temporary installation shall continue for more than a period of 12 months unless it conforms to all the requirements of a permanent installation. XXV. Same Day Initiates A. The Utility will initiate service, if possible, on the same day during normal working hours for an additional fee per our miscellaneous fee tariff. All other orders will be worked the day after or beyond per the request of the customer. In order to assure service initiation, the customer should give the Utility notice of not less than 2 working days. The utility customer should have someone present at the service address when the service person arrives for the service initiation. XXVI. Interim Services A. A customer requesting service at an address where electric and water service is available will not be permitted to initiate electric service only for normal occupancy purposes. However, the customer may elect to initiate or terminate certain selected services for a maximum of 5 business days if the unit is being cleaned prior to normal occupancy. Vapor lights must be active if any service is active. B. Service requested for the purpose of a walk through inspection, cleaning or a prepower test of equipment may be initiated without activating city refuse pick up service provided that the service is no longer than 5 calendar days. A termination date must be given at the time service for the walk through inspection, cleaning, or pre-power test is KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 26 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 requested. If the terminate date is extended past the 5 day period, city refuse must be activated effective the electric start date. XXVII. Beneficiary of Service A. Individual: The Utility may refuse to initiate service to an individual applicant if said applicant has been the beneficiary of service (spouse, roommate, relative, etc.) at a previous address which is terminated and remains delinquent or a beneficiary of said service has a delinquent unpaid balance. B. Commercial: The Utility may refuse to initiate service if the applicant has commercially benefitted from previous service at any address which was terminated and remains delinquent. “Commercially benefitted” includes, without limitation: (1) being in a financial, managerial or other professional relationship with the delinquent commercial entity at the address while Utility service was rendered to such entity; (2) having any affiliate relationship with the delinquent commercial entity (including without limitation, parent corporation, subsidiary corporation, partnership, membership, or agency); and (3) knowingly acquiring the property from a delinquent commercial entity that utilized criminal (including, without limitation, tampering or diversion), fraudulent and/or bad faith practices to consume Utility’s services without payment. XXVIII. Deceased Account Holder A. In situations where KUA determines that an account holder is deceased, a reasonable amount of time (not to exceed 30 days) will be given to allow occupants the opportunity to establish service in their names. KUA cannot knowingly allow accounts to be held in the name of a deceased person. XXIX. Vacation Service A. A vacation off service is available to all residential customers. (1) If a current customer is leaving for any period of time, not to exceed 1 year, and wishes to terminate selected service in lieu of a vacation off terminate (meaning all services are discontinued), such services may be left on. For example, customers may leave water and electric services active for security lighting and irrigation systems; however, discontinue garbage and storm water services. Should it be determined that the location is occupied while selected services are terminated, all services will be terminated after a five day notice. (2) Vapor lights may not be terminated while any other services remain active. Vapor lights may only be turned off if the entire account is terminated. (3) Stormwater may not be terminated if the electric service remains active. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 27 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department XXX. March 2014 Owner Termination Request with Tenant Occupancy A. KUA will refuse termination requests from an owner/ landlord (account holder) if there is any indication that a tenant occupies the dwelling per Florida Statute 83.67. The owner must furnish ownership documents and a, “Court Ordered Eviction,” for this termination to be processed. Note: this applies only to residential tenants and does not apply if the tenant is a business. B. During termination (in the field) – if Field Services Specialist is approached by someone living in the location they will leave the service on and immediately report to the office. The office will contact the owner (account holder) to inform them that we will not be able to honor their request to terminate service because it has been brought to our attention that there was a tenant. The owner must furnish ownership documents and present executed eviction paperwork for the termination to be processed. C. After termination - if anyone claims to have been residing at this location when the owner requested termination, KUA will request documentation proving this claim. If provided, the service will be restored and the owner (account holder) will be contacted to inform them that we will not be able to honor their request to terminate service because it has been brought to our attention that there was a tenant. The owner must furnish ownership documents and present executed eviction paperwork for the termination to be processed. Florida Statutes 83.67 Prohibited Practices: Landlord of any dwelling governed by this part shall not cause, directly or indirectly the termination or interruption of any utility service furnished the tenant including but not limited to water, heat, light electricity, gas, elevator, garbage collection, or refrigeration, whether or not the utility service is under the control of or payment made by landlord. XXXI. Termination Request A. The Utility will make every effort to terminate service on the day specified by the customer excluding weekends or holidays. B. If written request for termination is received requesting that the termination occur on a date prior to the date of receipt of the request, the Utility will terminate service on the next succeeding work day. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 28 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 C. Should the Utility fail to terminate service as requested within 48 hours, the customer will not be held responsible for the prorated daily consumption beyond the requested termination date. XXXII. Termination by Phone A. The Utility requires all individuals listed on the account to provide a written request or come into the Customer Service office to terminate their service(s). However, a termination request will be honored by phone if adequate identification can be given. XXXIII. Vapor Light Procedures A. Deposits for Vapor Light only accounts: will be based on two times the 12 month average charges for those lights. See Deposits B. Repairs (1) All Vapor Light repair requests are to be linked to an account for verification of active service and payment of light(s). (2) Should the light in question be on an inactive account, it will remain off until service is activated for the location account. (3) A “Confirmation Number” will be provided to the customer (service order number) to simplify the search if follow up calls are made. C. Termination of Vapor Lighting – associated fees (1) If account has had monthly lighting costs paid for more than 15 years – no charge. (2) D. If less than 15 years the charges are as follows: (a) Removal of the fixture only is $80.00 (b) Removal of the fixture and the pole is $375 Relocation of Vapor Lighting (1) Customer should contact KUA (2) KUA E&O will meet customer in the field to quote costs associated with relocation KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 29 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department XXXIV. Refusal of Service/Termination March 2014 of Service/Non-pay Disconnect A. The Utility may refuse service to the applicant should the owner of the premises have an outstanding balance. All monies due the Utility should be paid prior to initiating service(s) for a new tenant. B. The Utility may refuse to serve an applicant if, in the judgment of the Utility, the location does not have adequate facilities to render the service applied for. C. The Utility may refuse to serve any person whose service requirements or equipment is of a character that is likely to affect unfavorably service to other customers. D. The Utility may refuse to render any service other than that character of service which is normally furnished, unless such service is available. E. If the Utility refuses service for any reason specified in this policy, the Utility shall notify the applicant for service as soon as practicable of the reason for refusal of service. If the Utility will discontinue service the Utility shall notify the customer at least five days prior to discontinuance, that service will cease unless the deficiency is corrected in compliance with the Utility’s Procedures, resolved through mutual agreement or unsuccessfully disputed by the customer. As applicable, the Utility may refuse or discontinue service under the following conditions: (1) Five Day Notice (a) For non-compliance with and/or violation of any State or municipal law or policy governing electric service. (b) For failure or refusal of the customer to correct any deficiencies or defects in the wiring and/or equipment which are reported to them by the Utility. (c) For the use of energy for any other property or purpose than that described in the application. (d) For failure or refusal to provide adequate space for the meter and service equipment of the Utility. (e) For neglect or refusal to provide safe and reasonable access to the Utility for the purpose of reading meters or inspection and maintenance of equipment owned by the Utility. (f) For non-payment of bills or non-compliance with the Utility’s procedures and only after the customer has been given a five day written notice KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 30 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 separate and apart from any billing. The customer who desires may designate a third party in the Utility’s service area to receive a copy of such delinquent notice. (2) Five Day Notice Not Applicable (a) Without notice in the event of a condition known to the Utility to be hazardous. (b) Without notice in the event of tampering with meters or other facilities owned by the Utility. (c) Without notice in the event of unauthorized or fraudulent use of service. Whenever service is discontinued for fraudulent use of service, the Utility will, before restoring service, require the customer to make at his own expense all changes in facilities or equipment necessary to eliminate illegal use and to pay an amount reasonably estimated as the loss of revenue resulting from such fraudulent use. (d) A utility customer’s service may be ordered discontinued without any further notice as a result of their failure to comply with the contractual provisions for payment indicated in special payment plan. (e) A utility customer’s service may be ordered discontinued without any further notice as a result of their failure to pay for service rendered to them at a previous address if either payment or satisfactory arrangements are not made. F. When service is disconnected at the meter, a $35 fee will be assessed. An additional charge of $50 ($30 for Water Only AMR customers) will be assessed for same day reconnection of services if paid after 2:00pm and if available. If the service is disconnected at the Utility pole or transformer, a fee of $100 will be assessed. An additional charge of $50 shall be assessed for reconnection of service the same day. G. Utility service being provided to Federal, State, County, City, or Municipal governmental bodies remain subject to termination with notice being provided, when the Utility account becomes delinquent. The Prompt Payment Act for governmental entities requires payment within 45 days of receipt of the bill. H. Multiple Utility Accounts – Utility service ordered discontinued at one location may be terminated at all service locations where multiple service accounts are in existence provided they are in the same class. A residential class service may not be ordered discontinued when a commercial class service is order discontinued and vice versa, unless both classes of service are being provided at the same premises, in which case all service regardless of class of service may be discontinued. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 31 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 I. A utility customer’s service may be ordered discontinued as a result of the failure to provide adequate identification. This discontinuance will take place no less than ten days from the date of initiating service. J. A Utility customer’s service shall be ordered discontinued as a result of their failure to redeem a check or similar instrument which has been returned by the institution on which it was drawn within 7 days of written notification by KUA. (1) In addition, if the customer has had a previous returned check or similar instrument in the previous 12 month period of service, the account will be placed in a “cash only” status. K. In a case where a service has been installed prior to and not in accordance with these procedures, where electric and/or water is being taken through a single point or origin to supply two or more dwelling units, each customer benefiting from such arrangements shall be responsible for payment of their respective billings. Any violations of the procedures as set forth herein by either or any occupants of the said premises shall be deemed a violation as to all, and the Utility may enforce compliance with these policies by shutting off the supply of electric and/or water to all, except that such action will not be taken until the innocent customer in violation of the Utility’s policies has been given written notice and a reasonable time to attach their service at their expense to a separately controlled point of origin. L. The following shall not constitute sufficient cause for refusal of service to an applicant or customer: (1) Delinquent in payment for service by a previous occupant of the premises unless such previous occupant will receive benefit from such service. (2) Failure to pay for a different class of service except where two classes of service are rendered at the same premises. XXXV. Medical Essential Customers A. Discontinuance of service when that service is medically essential: Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Procedures, the Utility will give the customer a one day courtesy notice delivered to the residence prior to disconnecting service if that customer has provided the Utility with documentation that continuance of service is medically essential. Such documentation shall be the KUA form below signed by the customer along with the completed section by a doctor of medicine or a doctor of osteopathy certified to practice medicine in Florida including their signature. The form shall clearly and simply explain why continuance of service is medically essential. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 32 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 B. This information must be updated annually or the account designation will be removed. KUA will mail the form to the customer 30 days prior to expiration of this status. If the completed form is not returned within 30 days a reminder letter is sent allowing seven additional days for receipt of the completed form. On day 39, the status of “Medically Essential” is removed from the account and the requirement of a “Courtesy Notice” will cease. XXXVI. Medical Essential form MEDICAL ESSENTIAL INFORMATION Please read this page before signing and completing the attached form. If any member of your household requires medical essential equipment in your home and you choose to be on our critical needs list, please sign the attached form and have a qualified physician fill out the designated area as well. By doing so, you will enable Kissimmee Utility Authority to better serve you. The completed form must be received in our office in order to ensure that your account is placed on our updated critical needs list. Your account will not be placed on the updated critical needs list if KUA does not receive your completed form. While we are sympathetic with your situation, we simply cannot guarantee uninterrupted utility service or priority in the restoration of service. Nor does this prevent the interruption of services due to non-payment of your utility account. It is imperative that you establish a backup plan of action for your specific needs. This could include the purchase of backup generating equipment or a plan to move the affected party to another location until the problem is corrected. Kissimmee Utility Authority assumes no liability in the event you should be without utility service. We, Kissimmee Utility Authority, hope you never experience a loss of utility services, whether scheduled or unscheduled. If you do experience unexpected loss of utility service, please contact Kissimmee Utility Authority at 407-933-9800. It will be your responsibility to notify any other required emergency support services necessary for the life safety of the individual. Our office should be notified of any change in the situation listed on the attached form in order to update our files any time service opens or closes in your name. Updating of this information is to be provided annually and as needed or requested. If having read the above information you are requesting your account to be noted as being “Medical Essential”, and agree to the terms stated, please sign and date the attached form. Your physician will need to complete and sign the section on the attached form. Failure to return the attached form completed will void this request. Your signature also authorizes Kissimmee Utility Authority to discuss your utility account; including critical needs account status, if necessary with the appropriate physician(s), medical staff and/or agencies involving utility assistance. Please keep this page for your records. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 33 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 MEDICAL ESSENTIAL / EQUIPMENT INFORMATION To be completed and signed by account holder I understand that KUA cannot guarantee uninterrupted utility service or priority in restoration. I also understand that this does not prevent the interruption of service due to non payment and that I am responsible for emergency planning and support services for the patient residing at this location. Name: ________________________________ Telephone: _______________________ Address: _________________________________ KUA Account number: ____________________ Patient Name (If different from above):___________________________ Patient Date of Birth: _____________ By signing this form you agree that you have read and understand the terms stated on the previous page and authorize Kissimmee Utility Authority to discuss your utility account, if necessary with the appropriate physician(s), medical staff and /or agencies involving assistance. Account Holder Signature: _____________________________________ To be completed by Physician EXAMPLES OF NON QUALIFIED MEDICAL ESSENTIAL EQUIPMENT ARE: NEBULIZERS, REFRIFERATORS AND AIR CONDITIONERS Please select the type of equipment that the patient requires. Kidney Dialysis _____ Continuous Ventilator______ Oxygen Concentrator______ Respirator: IBBP_____ Mist_____ Other (please describe): _____________________________ Physician’s name (printed):________________________________ Physician’s Address: _____________________________________ Telephone: ____________________ Physician’s signature: _______________________________ Date: ____________ Please return this form signed and completed by you and your Physician to Kissimmee Utility Authority. P. O. Box 423219 Kissimmee, FL 34742-3219 FAX (407) 933-1936 KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 34 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 One day notice for Medical essential customers is as follows: 1 DAY COURTESY REMINDER October 13, 2008 HILARIO MURILLO 4166 CORSAIR AVE KISSIMMEE FL 347412949 Account # 001444990 - 000237290 Dear Customer HILARIO MURILLO : We have been unsuccessful in receiving payment for your overdue balance through previous notifications. This FINAL WARNING is to advise you to contact our office immediately to make satisfactory arrangements or remit payment in full. Your overdue balance is $1,187.93 for service provided which must be paid on or before October 15, 2008 to avoid disconnection of service. Our Customer Service Department can be reached at (407) 933-9800 to assist you Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Your failure to remit payment in full or make satisfactory arrangements would result in your utility services being disconnected without further notice. You have informed us that a member of your household requires medical essential equipment in your home. It will be your responsibility to make arrangements for and notify any required emergency support services necessary for the life safety of the individual in this home with medical needs. Please contact us immediately to avoid service interruption. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated in this matter. Sincerely Customer Service XXXIII. Deposits All applicants for utility service are required to post a utility deposit prior to having service provided. The types of deposits which may be accepted are as follows: A. Residential Service - The utility basic service deposit shall be determined as follows: (1) Residential Electric Deposit will be equal to two months average electric consumption for that residence, a minimum of Three Hundred Forty Dollars ($340.00). KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 35 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 (2) Residential Water Deposits are determined by TOHO Water Authority and were updated 9/22/10 (effective 11/1/10). Water & Sewer Old Current Toho I – City $25.00 $100.00 Toho I – County $50.00 $100.00 Toho II – Harmony $145.00 $100.00 Toho III – BVL $50.00 $100.00 Toho IV - Poinciana $130.00 $100.00 Old Current Toho I – City $25.00 $50.00 Toho I – County $50.00 $50.00 Toho I – Morningside $50.00 $50.00 Toho I – Hidden Glen $50.00 $50.00 Toho II – Harmony $145.00 $50.00 Toho III – BVL $50.00 $50.00 Toho III – Fountains $49.00 $50.00 Toho III – Lake Ajay $50.00 $50.00 Toho III – Intercession City $31.00 $50.00 Toho III – Bay Lake Estates $10.00 $50.00 Toho III – Pine Ridge Estates $41.00 $50.00 Toho III – Tropical Park $30.00 $50.00 Toho III – Windsong $38.00 $50.00 Toho IV – Poinciana $60.00 $50.00 Old Current $0.00 $50.00 Toho II – Harmony $145.00 $50.00 Toho III – BVL $50.00 $50.00 Toho IV – Poinciana $70.00 $50.00 Water Only Service Sewer Only Service Toho I City & County KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 36 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 (3) A residential customer’s deposit may be waived if a credit check initiated by the Utility reveals a satisfactory credit history as determined by the Utility. If the credit check reveals an unsatisfactory credit history, a deposit of two times the average monthly bill, minimum of Three Hundred Forty ($340.00) will be required and any amount over the minimum deposit may be billed on the customer’s first utility bill. NOTE: Toho water deposits should not be doubled. (4) Effective July 1, 2011, a residential customer may participate in the automated bank draft payment program in lieu of a deposit. Deposits will be assessed if direct drafting is used in lieu of a required deposit is declined by the bank. (5) Effective July 1, 2011, if an existing customer fails to pay, or fails to agree to and keep satisfactory arrangements to pay, a required deposit they will not be eligible for any further arrangements to pay any amounts owed for their actual utility services and will be subject to termination if payments for their actual utility services is not paid when due. The account must be noted that they are not eligible for arrangements by flagging the account on the CIS dashboard – “Arrangements Allowed – N”. (6) Guarantee – A customer may have their account guaranteed by another residential KUA customer of the same customer class with a satisfactory payment history (as provided herein). The form utilized is below: Guarantee of Additional Residential Accounts Guaranteeing Payment: Name____________________________________________ Telephone Number __________ KUA Account Number _______________________ _ Service Initiation Date: ______ Mailing Address: ____________________________________ _____________________________________ Date of Agreement: _______________________ Average Bill X 5 = Maximum Guarantee: ______ As guarantor of the account below I understand that non-payment of that account could result in action, including without limitation, suspension and termination of service to any and all KUA accounts in my name, and/or other legal action, at KUA’s discretion. ______________________________________ Printed Name of authorized account holder ________________________________ Signature of authorized account holder Person guaranteed by the above KUA Customer: Name____________________________________________ Telephone Number __________ KUA Account Number ________________________________ Service Initiation Date: ______ Mailing Address: ____________________________________ _____________________________________ Date of Agreement: _______________________ Average Bill X 5 = Maximum Guarantee: ______ ______________________________________ Printed Name of authorized new account holder _______________________________________ Signature of authorized new account holder KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 37 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department B. March 2014 Commercial Service (1) All Non-Residential Service electric deposits, including stand-alone vapor light accounts, will be based on two times the 12 month average consumption for that facility and the same type of business, or based on square footage and type of business, a minimum of one hundred dollars ($100.00 – typically for temporary construction service). (2) All Non-Residential water deposits are determined by the TOHO Water Authority. They are based on two times the 12 month average water consumption for that facility or a minimum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00). (3) Cash, Irrevocable Bank Letter of Credit or Assigned Certificate of Deposit or Surety Bonds - Two times the average monthly billing for service as calculated during the preceding twelve (12) months of active service. Without the required billing history, the deposit shall be estimated. (4) Commercial accounts will be rechecked after approximately six months from the initiation of service to determine whether the account has posted a deposit adequate for the customer’s actual usage. If the deposit is not in line with actual usage, an additional deposit will be required. If the deposit exceeds the adequate amount the account will be credited the excess. (5) Commercial deposits are kept until the utility account terminates. (6) Irrevocable letter of credit from an approved bank for an amount equal to two times the average monthly billing as calculated. (7) Surety bonds, irrevocable letters of credit or certificate of deposit may be posted in lieu of a cash deposit when the amount of the deposit required exceeds five hundred dollars ($500.00). (8) Surety Bonds must be written on a KUA form (see below). The bond will be written for an amount equal to two times the average monthly billing as calculated and must be posted no later than 20 days after the date the utility service is initiated. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 38 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 STATE OF __________________________________ BOND # __________________________________ COUNTY OF ____________________________________________ KNOW ALL MEN BY THE PRESENTS, THAT WE OF_________________________________________, County of_________________________________ State Of______________________________________, AS PRINCIPAL, (hereinafter called “Principal”) and _____________________________________________________________________as surety (hereinafter called "Surety"), are held and firmly bound unto the KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY, Kissimmee, Florida, in the sum of ________________________________________________________ Dollars ($__________), for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents; and WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into an Electric, and/or Water Service Contract, which also covers all other charges that Kissimmee Utility Authority is authorized to collect, on the __________ day of ____________________, 20_____, which Kissimmee Utility Authority, P.O. Box 423219, Kissimmee, Florida 34742-3219, providing for the payment due KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY, Kissimmee, Florida, from the Principal for electric, water and/or internet service and all other charges it is authorized to collect. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, including the initiation of electric and/or water services by Kissimmee Utility Authority, if the above named Principal shall promptly pay to KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY, Kissimmee, Florida, all bills for electricity and/or water, and or sanitation charges, sewer charges and taxes, if any, on any of these services, or for any appliances used in connection with same, or for any material of any kind purchased from or services rendered by said Utility, together with all penalties and interest thereon, and shall pay all costs of collection of such charges and of performance of such contract, including a reasonable attorney's fee if placed in the hands of an attorney in case of default thereunder, and shall generally faithfully comply with the provisions of said contract, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. THIS BOND IS ISSUED AND EXECUTED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. That the term of this bond shall be indefinite. 2. That the surety bond company reserves the right to cancel this bond by giving sixty (60) days notice to the said ____________________ and KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY, P.O. Box 423219, Kissimmee, Florida 34742-3219, and upon receipt of such cancellation notice, the Surety is discharged and relieved of any liability thereafter accruing hereunder, it being understood and agreed, however, that the said Principal and the said Surety will be liable for any loss accruing up to the effective date of said cancellation, including costs of collection of any amounts due under said contract and of enforcement of performance thereof, as herein described, in no event, however, in excess of the penalty of this Bond. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED this the _________ day of ____________________, 20 _____. Attest for Principal Principal Attest for Surety By Florida Agent Countersign Surety Address, City, State Surety Address Florida Agent License Number Surety Telephone & FAX Numbers Telephone & FAX Numbers By: Attorney-in-Fact KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 39 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 (9) Kissimmee Main Street Economic Restructuring Committee has established a New Business Start-up Program which allows the deposit to be billed over a 24-month period upon approval by this committee. Phone number for Kissimmee Main Street is 407-846-4643, website is http:/ (a) Before the customer may request the deposit to be billed over a 24-month period, a letter of approval must be received by KUA directly from the manager of the Kissimmee Main Street program after approval of the Overseeing Committee for this grant program. (b) The Customer must meet requirements set by the Kissimmee Main Street before receiving approval for this grant. C. Temporary Service (1) Temporary services will require a guarantee deposit as stated in the applicable Rate and Charges Schedule and many be posted using cash, certified funds, personal or corporate check or certain credit cards. D. A blanket deposit for services provided may be posted by commercial customers when multiple accounts are being placed in service. (1) The blanket deposit shall be no less than the minimum deposit required for commercial customers. (2) Contractors shall be allowed to post blanket deposits for temporary services for construction and must be equal to the minimum temporary service deposit times the number of temporary services that would be in existence at any one time. XXXIV. Additional deposits A. Additional deposits will be required of a customer whose service(s) has had two forced collections in the previous twelve month period or is involuntarily terminated. (A forced collection occurs when a trip to the property has been made to disconnect the KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 40 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 service(s) for non-payment but payment is made before the actual disconnection has been completed). Additional deposits will also be required if a customer has had two returned checks/ACH in a twelve month period, a bankruptcy, collection status, a write off account, tampering or diversion history, or one forced collection combined with one returned check in a twelve month period. 1. Notice of the requirement for an additional deposit on established accounts must be given to the customer separate and apart from any billing allowing thirty (30) days for payment. This does not apply to service initiates. 2. The additional deposit calculation shall include the existing deposit, and the total deposit shall not exceed two times the average billing for electric service as calculated during the preceding twelve (12) months of active service, a minimum of Three Hundred and Forty dollars ($340.00). With the absence of the required billing history, the additional deposit (plus any existing deposit) shall be the minimum deposit of $340.00. 3. Additional deposits assessed after May 1, 2010 shall be held by the Utility for residential customers until the account is closed. The deposit plus all accrued interest will be applied to the final bill. If the deposit exceeds the amount of the final bill, the remaining balance will be refunded to the customers, any balance due from the customer will be billed. Additional deposits paid prior to May 1, 2010, will be held until the utility account terminates or until the customer has provided a satisfactory payment record per the previous tariff. 4. An existing customer may participate in the automated bank draft program in lieu of a deposit. Deposits will be assessed if direct drafting used in lieu of a required deposit is declined by the bank. 5. If an existing customer fails to pay, or fails to agree to and keep satisfactory arrangements to pay, a required deposit they will not be eligible for any further arrangements to pay any amounts owed for their actual utility services and will be subject to termination if payments for their actual utility services is not paid when due. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department XXXV. Deposit Refunds EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 41 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 A. Residential – Deposits received after May 1, 2010, and interest is refundable upon discontinuation of service, less the amounts due from the customer in the final bill. B. Residential - Deposits received prior to May 1, 2010 shall be governed by the previous tariff as follows: A satisfactory payment record for a residential account shall be defined as one in which during the previous 12 months of active service, the customer has not received more than two delinquent notices, with no forced collections, non-pay terminations, or returned checks. The minimum period a residential customer’s deposit will be held is two years. C. If additional deposits are assessed after May 1, 2010, the entire deposit will be subject to the rules for all deposits received after May 1, 2010. D. Commercial – The deposit shall be held for the period in which the account is active. At the time of termination the deposit and all interest will be applied to the account. XXXVI. Estimated Deposits A. When a utility account does not have any billing history for a period of 12 months, the utility deposit required may be estimated. (1) The deposit may be estimated based on the billings of a comparable business or residence, as applicable. (2) The deposit may be estimated based on the load data provided or based on kWh consumption per square foot of space contained within a building or structure. (3) The deposit may be based on the size of the electrical hookup and the type and size of equipment to be used. (4) When the utility deposit has been estimated, the utility customer may request that the utility deposit be reviewed for adequacy once a billing history for a period of 12 months of continuous active service has been established. Likewise, if the KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 42 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 Utility finds the deposit to be inadequate during the year one review an additional deposit may be requested. XXXVII. Deposit Interest A. Customers posting cash deposits must provide a social security number or Tax I.D. number at the time the non-transferable deposit certificate is issued. The Finance Department, Account Division, will prepare an I.R.S. Form 1099 for all deposits where the total interest payment or credit exceeds five hundred dollars. Under no circumstances will interest be paid to those depositors who fail to provide the Utility a Social Security or Tax I.D. number. B. A Utility customer depositor will be entitled to receive interest on his deposit from the date of the posting of the deposit. The interest rate will be changed on the deposit and issued on the first working day of each month. The change will be based on the moving average of the SBA for the last working day of the month two months previous. Interest will be compounded monthly. (1) Annual interest earnings will be prorated and will be paid by check or credit to the utility account at the time the utility account is terminated and the deposit is to be applied to the final bill. XXXVIII. Deposit Transfers A. Utility deposits may be transferred for a utility customer from one account service location to another service location provided the transfer is completed within 10 days and does not require a change in class of service. At the time of transfer, adequacy of the deposit for the new utility account must be determined and all delinquent bill amounts must be paid prior to the transfer. XXXIX. Deposits for Interim service A. No Utility deposit will be required when service is being temporarily requested for a period not to exceed five days for the purpose of cleaning an apartment or other rental unit, provided further that the customer requesting the temporary service has a KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 43 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 current active utility account of the same rate class for which a utility deposit is being held or has been refunded. XL. Deposit Receipts A. A utility deposit receipt is issued to a utility customer at the time utility service is requested. The deposit receipt is a nontransferable certificate. XLI. Deposits and Spouses A. A deposit may not be claimed by the spouse of the individual who originally posted the deposit. Deposits will be refunded only to the holder of the account. XLII. Deposits belonging to deceased individuals A. A deposit belonging to a deceased individual may be transferred or assigned to another individual only upon receipt of written authorization from the heir-in-law, executor or administrator of the estate of the deceased individual. XLIII. Deposits and Co-Account holders A. A deposit posted by co-account holders at a service location cannot be claimed by anyone other than the account holders when the deposit was posted. Should one of the co-account holders remove his or her name from the account, the deposit will remain in the name of the remaining account holder(s). XLIV. Deposits and Abandoned Property A. Any utility deposit in the possession of the Utility for which no utility service has been requested or rendered for more than one year and for which no claim has been made, shall be declared abandoned property and shall be forfeited to the State of Florida as provided by law. XLV. Deposits and Vacation A. A utility deposit may be held when a customer requests it and is leaving on vacation for a period not to exceed 12 months and there will not be any intervening customer occupying that service KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 44 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 address. The deposit and accrued interest will be applied to the final bill. XLVI. Reinitiate Service A. A former KUA residential customer may return and reinitiate service of the same class within 12 months of the KUA termination without paying a deposit provided that the customer’s last 12 months of KUA active service prior to and including termination meets the satisfactory payment requirements. If not, normal deposit procedures for establishing a new KUA account will be followed. B. Should an applicant for service have had a bad debt (Write Off status) on a former service with the Utility, the applicant will be required to pay all charges and fees applicable and post a new deposit equal to two times the average billing for that premise for which application is being made. If no history is available for a commercial account, the amount will be estimated. If no history is available for a residential account it will be a minimum of $340.00. See Deposits for additional options. XLVII. Billing A. KUA is responsible for the accurate billing for electric service, TOHO Water Authority billing along with the City of Kissimmee billing XLVIII. Billing Sample April 2013: KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 45 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 46 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 47 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department L. March 2014 Electric Rate Descriptions A. Residential Service (1) Availability - Available exclusively to residential customers for residential use within the service area of the Kissimmee Utility Authority. (2) Applicability- Applicable for service in private residences and individually metered apartments used as private residences. B. General Service (GS) (1) Availability - Available for all purposes to any customer located within the service area of the Kissimmee Utility Authority. (2) Applicability - To any customer not classified as Residential for lighting and power whose energy consumption does NOT exceed 5,000 kWh per month for two (2) consecutive months and whose measured demand is less than 50 kW in the same period. Also available to sports or athletic fields operated by organizations which are non-commercial in nature whose energy consumption has exceeded 5,000 kWh per month. (3) Terms & Conditions - When a customer's consumption approaches 5,000 kWh, a demand meter will be installed. When the customer's consumption exceeds 5,000 kWh and demand exceeds 50 kW for 2 consecutive months, the customer will be transferred to the General Service Demand rate. However, if consumption exceeds 5,000 kWh but demand is less than 50 kW, the customer has the option to select either the General Service or the General Service Demand rate. C. General Service Demand (GSD) (1) Availability - Available for all purposes to any customer located within the service area of the Kissimmee Utility Authority. (2) Applicability - To any customer not classified as Residential for lighting and power whose energy consumption has exceeded 5,000 kWh per month and demand is 50 kW or KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 48 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 more, but less than 500 kW for 2 consecutive months. Optionally available on request if consumption exceeds 5,000 kWh and demand is less than 50 kW. (3) Terms & Conditions - When a customer's consumption exceeds 5,000 kWh and demand exceeds 50 kW per month for 2 consecutive months, the customer will be billed on this GENERAL SERVICE DEMAND Rate (GSD). Customers placed on this rate by the utility must remain on this rate until there are less than 2 readings of 5,000 kWh or greater, with demand readings of 50 kW or greater, in a 12 month period. Customers requesting service on this rate schedule must remain on this rate schedule for a minimum of 12 consecutive months. D. General Service Time of Day (GSDT) (1) Availability - Available for all purposes to any customer located within the service area of the Kissimmee Utility Authority. (2) Applicability - To any customer not classified as Residential for lighting and power whose energy consumption has exceeded 5,000 kWh per month for 2 consecutive months. (3) Periods Summer April through October inclusive On Peak Weekdays 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Off Peak Weekdays 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 a.m. and ALL day Saturday and Sunday Winter November through March inclusive On Peak Weekdays 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Off Peak Weekdays 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. and ALL day Saturday and Sunday. (4) Billing Demand - The greater of the following during the monthly billing period: (a) maximum 15 minute demand occurring during ON PEAK periods, or (b) 50% of the maximum 15 minute demand occurring during OFF PEAK periods. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 49 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department E. March 2014 General Service Large Demand (GSLD) (1) Availability - Available for all purposes to any customer located within the service area of the Kissimmee Utility Authority. (2) Applicability - To any customer for light and power purposes, other than Residential, where the measured monthly demand is 500 kW or more for 2 or more months out of the 12 consecutive months ending with the current billing period. Also, optionally available to any other customer who agrees to pay for service under this rate schedule for a minimum initial term of 12 consecutive months. (3) Billing Demand - The maximum 15 minute demand occurring in the monthly billing period adjusted for the power factor, but not less than 75 percent of the highest such billing demand established during the preceding 11 month period, and in no event less than 300 kW. F. General Service Large Demand Time of Use (GSLDT) (1) Availability - Available for all purposes to any customer located within the service area of the Kissimmee Utility Authority. (2) Applicability - To any customer for light and power purposes, other than Residential, where the measured monthly demand is 500 kW or more for 2 or more months out of the 12 consecutive months ending with the current billing period. (3) Periods Summer April through October inclusive. On-Peak Weekdays 12:00 noon - 9:00 p.m. Off-Peak Weekdays 9:00 p.m. - 12:00 noon and All day Saturday and Sunday Winter November through March inclusive On-Peak Weekdays 12:00 noon - 9:00 p.m. Off Peak Weekdays 9:00 p.m. - 12:00 noon and All day Saturday and Sunday KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 50 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 (4) Billing Demand - The customer shall be billed the greater of the following during the monthly billing period: (a) maximum Fifteen (15) minute demand occurring during On Peak periods, or (b) Fifty (50) percent of the maximum Fifteen (15) minute demand occurring during Off Peak periods. (5) Terms & Conditions - Customer agrees to pay for the installation of metering for this service and must remain on this rate schedule a minimum of 12 consecutive months. Any customer qualifying for this rate will remain on this rate until there are fewer than TWO (2) reads of 500 kW or greater in a TWELVE (12) month period subsequent to transferring to the GSLDT rate. G. Outdoor Lighting Service (1) Availability – Available throughout the area served by the Kissimmee Utility Authority LI. Customer Charge Components A. Meter Expenses – Cost of labor & materials used and expenses incurred in the operation and maintenance of customer meters and associated equipment B. Maintenance of Overhead Lines – Cost of labor, materials used and expenses incurred in the maintenance of overhead distribution line facilities. C. Maintenance of Underground Lines – Cost of labor, materials used and expenses incurred in the maintenance of underground distribution line facilities. D. Administrative and Overhead – Portion of Administrative and General salaries not directly chargeable to a particular operating function. Also includes Office Supplies & expenses, Outside Services employed, Property Insurance, Injuries and Damages, and Employee Pensions & Benefits. E. Meter Reading Expenses – Cost of labor, materials used and expenses incurred in reading customer meters and determining consumption when performed by employees engaged in reading meters. F. Customer Records & Collection expenses – Cost of labor, materials used and expenses incurred in work on customer applications, KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 51 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 contracts, orders, credit investigations, billing and accounting, collections and complaints. G. Uncollectible Accounts – Amount Charged to this account should be sufficient to provide for losses from uncollectible utility revenues. H. Customer Assistance Expenses – Cost of labor, materials used and expenses incurred in providing instruction or assistance to customers, the object of which is to encourage safe, efficient and economical use of the utility’s service. LII. Taxes (updated 3/30/12) Tax Matrix Gross Receipts Tax City Utility Tax County Local Utility Option State Tax Tax Tax 2.564% - 8.0% 8.0% - - - - 2.564% - - 8.0% - - - 2.564% - 8.0% 8.0% - - 7.0% - 1.0% - 2.564% - - 8.0% - 7.0% - 1.0% - Residential Inside City Electric/ O. Lights Water/ Irrigation Sewer/ Grease Trap Outside City Electric/ O. Lights Water/ Irrigation Sewer/ Grease Trap Commercial Inside City Electric/ O. Lights Water/ Irrigation Sewer/ Grease Trap Outside City Electric/ O. Lights Water/ Irrigation Sewer/ Grease Trap Sources: Gross Receipts Tax: (Statute 203.012b) - The state imposes a 2.5% gross receipt tax on electricity. Adjusted City Utility Tax: to 2.564% per 9/9/92 legal memo. (Statute 166.231; COK Ordinance No. 97-24-2196) – The city imposes an 8.0% utility tax on KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 52 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department County Utility Tax: March 2014 Electric and water services for customers within the city of Kissimmee. (Statute 166.231; County Tax Ordinance at ; County Interlocal Agreement) – The county imposes an 8.0% utility tax on electric services for customers outside the city State Tax: Of Kissimmee, retains 75% and sends COK 25% per Interlocal Agreement. (Statute 212.05) – The state imposes a 7.0% state tax on electric services for commercial Local Option Tax: Customers. (Statute 212.055) – The state imposes a 1.0% local options tax on electric services for Commercial customers. LIII. Billing Timeline A. Normally, bills for service will be rendered monthly at approximately the same period each month; however, in the case of a new service or a service transfer, a shorter or longer period may be used for billing. LIV. Billing New Accounts A. Billings for new accounts initiated less than ten days prior to the normal reading date for billings, are to be carried forward and included in the next monthly billing. B. All charges on new accounts or current active accounts for more than ten days are to be calculated and billed. LV. Billing, Pro-Rated Services A. Newly initiated and terminated accounts will be billed on consumption, minimums and component rates. All other flat rate services will be prorated on a per day basis for terminations and initiations. LVI. Billing Consumption and Measuring A. Measurement and Evidence of Consumption – Power and energy shall be measured for each point of delivery by one meter for each type of service rendered; and the Utility’s readings and records thereof shall be accepted as face value evidence of the KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 53 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 quantity of the service used by the customer at that point of delivery. LVII.Billing, Estimating A. When the Utility is unable to read a meter due to circumstances beyond the control of the Utility, such as inaccessibility of meters or stormy conditions, the Utility may render an estimated bill. An estimated bill will be so designated on the billing rendered. LVIII. Billing Schedule (Due Dates, etc.) A. Bills are due when rendered – A due date is printed on the billing which is 18 days after the bill date. If the payment is not received in the Utility’s office within 18 days of the billing date, the account is considered delinquent. The account’s payment history is charged with a delinquency, and a Notice of Delinquency is prepared and mailed to the customer at the address of record on the 19th day of the billing cycle. This notice will advance the final payment date to five days forward. If payment is not received in the Utility’s office by the time the nonpayment cut off list is prepared and finalized the account is then considered in a disconnect status. The service(s) are then processed for disconnection due to non-payment of the billing. B. Non receipt of the billing or notice of delinquency shall not release or diminish the obligation of the customer with respect to payment thereof on time. LIX. Notice of Delinquency Sample: KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 54 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 55 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department LX. EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 56 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 Final Bills A. A maximum of three weeks after discontinuance of service for non-payment of billings, a field check will be completed. If payment has not been made and the service is still out of service, the account will be processed for a non-pay final billing. B. When customer finals their account a meter reading will be taken on the date requested and this service will be disconnected. Final bills are then calculated deducting the deposits posted plus any accumulated interest. Final bills are issued on a daily basis. LXI. Late Payment Fees A. Prompt Payment Schedule - If payment is not received by the Utility by the end of business on the 18th day from the billing date listed on the bill, the electric portion of the bill amount will be subject to a 5% increase. The late fee will be assessed on the 19th day, the same day that the disconnect notice is sent to the customer. The utility reserves the right to waive the 5% increase the first time a customer is assessed the fee. B. Utilizing the same prompt payment schedule above, the TOHO Water Authority also assesses late fees of 5% with a minimum of $5.00. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department LXII.Average Bill Plan EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 57 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 58 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY 1701 W Carroll Street Kissimmee, Florida 34741 (407)933-7777 – Fax (407)933-1936 APPLICATION FOR THE AVERAGE BILL PLAN METHOD USED FOR CALCULATING AVERAGE BILLING 1. 2. 3. 4. The Average Bill Plan is a rolling average of the last 12 month’s usage at the current location. Each billing period the oldest month is dropped and the current month is added, keeping a current average up to 12 months. The Plan amount will fluctuate monthly to accommodate any changes in usage during this 12 month time frame. The Plan amount is calculated by using the average usage for all metered services in addition to any non-metered monthly service charges (if applicable) plus taxes. The Plan amount is then rounded to the nearest dollar. This amount becomes the current payment due. AVERAGE BILL PLAN QUALIFICATIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. Must be a residential account Minimum 6 months reading and billing history Account must be current and have a zero balance Must have a satisfactory payment history which includes no disconnection for non-payment, forced collections, Tampering or returned items for the previous 12 months ______________________________________________________________________________________ CUSTOMER AGREEMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The customer agrees to pay the Plan amount on or before the due date of the bill. Must maintain a satisfactory payment history. If two monthly payments are made after the due date, within a 12 month period, it could result in disqualification from the Average Bill Plan. Late fees will be assessed based on the Plan amount. Once enrolled in the Average Bill Plan, no payment arrangements will be authorized. This agreement remains in effect until cancelled by the Customer or by the Customer’s failure to comply with the terms as outlined above. Failure to comply may void the agreement and the total balance, if any, becomes due under the regular payment terms. Removal from this program for any reason will require a 12 month period to be eligible for reenrollment. ________________________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________ Customer Account Number _______ Date KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department LXIII. Payment of Billing EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 59 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 60 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 A. Utility billings may be paid at the Cashier’s counter in the lobby of the Customer Service building from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (Excluding holidays), electronically, via phone, or at various institutions in the Kissimmee service area who have agreed to accept utility bill payments. Payments made elsewhere are not accepted on or after the delinquent date on the bill. Customers paying at a participating institution must present their account number at the time payment is made. LXIV. Credit Card Payments and Fees A. Paymentus. (1) Payments processed through this third party (2) Fee Structure (a) $4.95 – Maximum payment amount $1000 (b) Multiple payments can be made if charge exceeds maximum payment amount. LXV. Previous Balance Due Date A. Utility bills with a previous balance are in no way to be construed as establishing a new date on that previous balance. Utility service is subject to immediate termination based on that previous balance as shown unless other arrangements have been made or that previous balance is an adjustment made to the account during the preceding period for which the bill is issued. LXVI. Partial Payments A. Partial Payments of current or delinquent bills received will not be construed to satisfy the current obligation of the service account. A billing must be paid in full to avoid having service placed in “Forced Collection” status and in danger of being cut off for nonpayment. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 61 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 B. Partial payments will be applied toward all services billed on a percentage basis of the total billing with the oldest amounts to be paid first. Withholding of payment on an individual service will not be permitted. C. Partial payment will reflect amounts owing for all services billed and therefore, all services will be subject to termination. LXVII. Customer Correspondence sent with bills A. All correspondence sent with bills will be forwarded to the Customer Service Department for handling. LXVIII. Advance Payment A. An advance payment for a utility billing which has not yet been calculated or billed may be accepted. All accounts on which advance payments have been made shall be subject to the provisions of the procedure regarding partial payments. (1) A customer may make an advance payment, in certified funds, to pay for a check or similar instrument which will be returned by the bank or institution on which the monies were drawn. (2) As advance payments are made, the customer should be aware of the Utility’s advance payment, partial payment and service termination procedures. LXIX. Credit and Collections A. Payment Agreements – A customer may call to have their non-pay disconnection held per the following guidelines: B. The Utility may enter into a Payment Agreement with a customer who cannot pay their indebtedness to the Utility. When a customer requests to defer their payment a Payment Arrangement and/or Letter of Agreement will be required. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 62 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 C. A customer may enter into only one Payment Agreement at a time D. If a customer fails to pay an agreed upon amount, the unpaid balance in the agreement will be due immediately and services will be subject to termination with no further notice. E. The Utility reserves the right to refuse to enter into a Payment Agreement with a customer who has failed to meet the demands of a previous agreement. F. Community Assistance (1) Various recognized agencies involved in community assistance and in good standing with the Utility may call and guarantee payment of a particular billing for a customer whose services have been or are about to be disconnected for nonpayment. The agency calling must guarantee payment in full for the outstanding billing and the payment must be received from the agency within the time agreed on by the Utility and the agency. KUA reserves the right to withdraw from any relationship with any agency or organization without notice. (1) Current Agencies 11/2012 are as follows: (a) Osceola Council on Aging (407) 846-8532 700 Generation Point (407)846-8550 Fax Kissimmee, FL 34744 (b) Catholic Charities (407) 658-0999 1771 West Semoran Boulevard Suite B Orlando, FL 32807 (c) Osceola County Social Services (407) 742-8400 108 Park Place Blvd (d) Fax Community Service Network 621 Wilkes Avenue (407) 870-0158 (407)851-5920 KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 63 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 Orlando, FL (e) Consumer Credit Counseling (407) 895-8886 6220 South Orange Blossom Trail Orlando, FL (f) Dept. of Children & Families (407) 846-5000 (g) DIAL 211 211 G. Returned Checks and Similar Instruments - Under no circumstances will a check be accepted if the person presenting the check states or implies that sufficient monies are not currently in the account to clear the check. (1) If a check or similar instrument is received in payment of a delinquent billing, the check or instrument will be processed for payment as soon as possible thereafter. (2) If a check or similar instrument is presented for payment of a billing that is in forced collection (a forced collection occurs when the payment is received after the time the trip to cut the service for non- payment has been initiated, but before the actual disconnection has been completed), the bank or institution on which it is drawn will be called to verify funds are available for clearance of the amount of the check. (3) Should the check or similar instrument fail to clear the institution on which it is drawn, the customer’s services in question shall be subject to termination. (4) Should the check or similar instrument have been returned through an admitted bank error, the customer’s account payment record shall be cleared and the additional charge shall not be assessed. (5) A service charge prescribed by law will be assessed for the handling of a check or similar instrument returned from the institution on which it is drawn, regardless of the reason. (a) $25 if face value does not exceed $50 (b) $30 if the face value is more than $50, but does not exceed $300 KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 64 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 (c) $40 if the face value is more than $300; or 5% whichever is greater (6) All checks or similar instruments returned to KUA, regardless of the reason, by the institution on which they were drawn, shall not be re-deposited and must be picked up with certified funds. EXCEPTION: a check or similar instrument may be re-deposited or accepted to replace a check which has been returned by the institution on which it was drawn for lack of signature or improper endorsement. In such instances, verification will be made with the institution. (7) Should a customer indicate that a check or similar instrument which has previously been presented as payment to the Utility is to be returned by the bank, regardless of the reason, and then the customer shall be permitted to advance sufficient money. (8) Checks returned by the bank or institution on which they are drawn are to be forwarded to the Cashiering Section for handling. A notice will be mailed or hand delivered using first class postage to the customer indicating that the returned check must be redeemed with certified funds within the time prescribed on the notice. If the customer has had a previous returned check with the Utility in the preceding twelve month period, the notice will be delivered at the same time the service is being disconnected, if the returned check debit places the account status into Forced Collection. If a customer presents a check or similar instrument that fails to clear the institution on which it is drawn for the second time in a twelve month period, the customer’s account will be placed in a cash only status for a minimum of twelve months. The following types of payments will be accepted on a cash only status account: credit card, money order, travelers check or certified funds. This status will be reviewed each month with the oldest payment being dropped and the current payment added. When the account has only one returned item within the most recent twelve (12) months the “Cash Only” requirement can be rescinded. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department LXX. Collections EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 65 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 A. After final billing delinquent date expires, the customer service division will send a “Final Collection Notice” to all customers. B. Balances on KUA customer accounts with a second account will be transferred to their active account. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 66 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 C. Accounts that do not respond to the final notice will be processed through a Collection Agency for further action or for internal collection procedures. Once a debt has been sent to our Collection Agency guaranteed funds will be required to resolve this debt. The exception will be if the customer is initiating a new KUA account. LXXI. Lien Assessment A. Lien Procedures Kissimmee Utility Authority Procedures for the Imposition of Liens Pursuant to Resolution 10-02 I. Introduction By Resolution No. 10-02, adopted by the Kissimmee Utility Authority’s Board of Directors at its regular monthly meeting on November 3, 2010, and as amended and restated by the Board of Directors pursuant to Resolution No. 12-01, adopted by the Board of Directors at its regular monthly meeting on February 8, 2012, and as further amended and restated by the Board of Directors pursuant to Resolution No. 13-02, adopted by the Board of Directors at its regular monthly meeting on May 1, 2013, the Board of Directors authorized the imposition of liens against commercial accounts in unpaid status with unpaid delinquencies exceeding the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) and on other accounts where tampering and/or diversion is present and fees related thereto and for consumption and restoration of service remain unpaid. Per the Resolution, the liens assessed hereunder shall be superior in dignity to all other liens on the affected property other than tax liens. Pursuant to this Resolution, the Board of Directors also authorized the President and General Manager of the Kissimmee Utility Authority (KUA) to establish procedures governing the assessment of such liens. Pursuant to that authorization, the President and General Manager hereby approves the following lien assessment procedures. These procedures provide for an effective date, and the process for: (1) determining whether a lien should be imposed on a certain account (particularly the amounts involved, the number of days delinquent and whether the accountholder owns the property in question); (2) notifying the account-holder of KUA’s Claim of Lien; (3) setting forth a challenge process for affected account-holders to dispute the imposition of a lien; (4) assessing and recording such lien on the account-holder’s property; and (5) removing such lien upon its satisfaction. II. Identification and Verification of Accounts Subject to Lien Assessment KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 67 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 A. Commercial Accounts: The Customer Service Department (CSD), in its normal course of reviewing accounts, will note any commercial accounts that are in unpaid status and delinquent for amounts in excess of Five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) which remain delinquent in excess of sixty (60) days. 1. Upon identifying such accounts, the CSD shall verify the following: a. Whether or not the account-holder responsible for the delinquency is also the owner of the location (i.e., the property) where electricity service was consumed and for which payment is delinquent; b. The exact amount of delinquency; c. The exact number of days delinquent; d. The amount of any deposit (including surety bonds and/or irrevocable letters of credit) on file for the account-holder; and e. Whether the delinquent amount is being paid off subject to a payment arrangement with the account-holder and the extent to which the account-holder is meeting the terms of such payment arrangement. 2. In the event it is verified that the account-holder responsible for the delinquency is also the owner of the property where electricity service was provided, the Manager of Billing and Collections shall be notified. Upon notice, they shall do the following: a. Confirm that the responsible account-holder is the owner of the property in question or, in the case of a tampering and/or diversion matter, where such tampering and/or diversion was in furtherance of a scheme to manufacture a controlled substance (as that term is used in Florida Statutes, Section 812.14), confirm whether the owner of the property or a tenant is the account-holder and, if the tenant is the account-holder, determine whether circumstances indicate that the owner knew or should have reasonably known that such tampering or diversion was occurring; b. Confirm that the delinquency is over $5,000.00 and that the amount identified as delinquent is accurate in all respects and that any deposit on file for the account-holder has been subtracted from this amount; c. Confirm that the number of days in delinquency is also accurate; d. Confirm whether or not a surety bond has been posted to this account to secure payment – in the event a surety bond is KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 68 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 available for application, it shall be applied and any balance on the delinquency so recovered shall not be subject to these lien assessment procedures; and e. Confirm whether and to what extent the delinquency is subject to a payment arrangement with the account holder and whether the account holder is current and in compliance with such payment arrangement’s terms. In the event it is determined such delinquency is subject to a payment arrangement and that the account-holder is keeping to the terms of such payment arrangement in a satisfactory manner, the remainder of these procedures for lien assessment shall not apply to the account pending payment of the delinquency in full and satisfactory compliance by the account-holder with any applicable payment arrangement’s terms. 3. Upon confirmation by the Manager of Billing & Collections, the CSD will do the following: a. Notify the Vice President of Customer Service that the account in question is subject to the assessment of a lien; b. Download the legal description (from the Osceola County Property Appraiser’s office) that matches the physical address of the property responsible for the delinquency; c. Forward the legal description information as well as information identifying: (1) the physical address of the property, (2) the full name of the owner of the property, (3) the delinquency amount (minus any applicable account deposit on file), and (4) the number of days delinquent, to the Executive Office, with a copy to the General Counsel. 4. Upon receipt of this information from the CSD indicating that the property associated with a delinquent account is subject to lien, the Executive Office, with the assistance of General Counsel’s office, shall review the legal description for accuracy, making sure that it matches the physical description of the property that is subject to lien for delinquency. Upon confirming the accuracy of the legal description, a Notification of Claim of Lien shall be sent pursuant to Section II, below. In the event the legal description is found to be inaccurate or otherwise not matching the property KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 69 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 in question, the Executive Office shall return the information to the CSD, and the correct information shall be obtained and re-forwarded to the Executive Office for confirmation as set forth above. B. Accounts Where Tampering or Diversion is Present: The CSD in its normal course of reviewing accounts, will note any accounts where tampering and/or diversion are present that are delinquent for: (1) fees related thereto, (2) payment of related unauthorized and/or illegal consumption, and (3)restoration of service fees; and which remain delinquent in excess of sixty (60) days. In the event such an account is identified, the CSD and Executive Office shall follow the procedures set forth in Subsection I (A), above. In the case of an account where tampering and/or diversion are present and a tenant is the account-holder, the CSD will verify whether the tampering and/or diversion were done in furtherance of a scheme as described in II (A)(2)(a) above and whether or not the owner of the property knew or should reasonably have known that tampering and/or diversion was occurring on the property. If the CSD makes such verification, the CSD and the Executive Office shall follow the procedures set forth in Subsection 1 (A), above. C. LIEN PROCEDURES ARE NOT APPLICABLE TO TENANT ACCOUNTHOLDER DELINQUENCIES EXCEPT IN CASES OF TAMPERING AND/OR DIVERSION IN FURTHERANCE OF A SCHEME TO MANUFACTURE A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE AS DESCRIBED IN II(A)(2)(a) ABOVE. Note: Except in cases where tampering and/or diversion are present and such tampering and/or diversion was in furtherance of a scheme to manufacture a controlled substance as described in II(A)(2)(a) above, in the event the accountholder in question for a delinquency otherwise subject to these procedures is not identified as the owner in question, but rather a tenant of the owner in question, no lien is available and the appropriate supervisor and Manager of Billing should be notified and this process discontinued. III. Notification to Subject Account-holders (Property Owners) Upon initial verification from the Executive Office that the legal description for the property subject to lien is to all appearances accurate and matches the physical description of the property in question, the Executive Office shall prepare a Notice of Claim of Lien (see Section VII below for the form of such Notice). A. Information to be Contained in The Notice of Claim of Lien: The Notice of Claim of Lien shall contain the following information: KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 70 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 1. The full name of the Account-holder of the property subject to lien. If the full name on the account does not match the full name at the property appraiser’s office, additional verification of the Owner shall be made by the CSD and the Executive Office. Once satisfied that the rightful Owner of the property has been identified, the name on record with KUA shall be used in the Notice, but reference to the exact name on the property appraiser’s rolls shall also appear (e.g. “John Smith (a.k.a. John D. Smith)”). 2. The physical address and matching legal description of the property; 3. The exact amount of the total amount due on the account, including all related fees (late fees, tampering, diversion and/or restoration of service fees, etc.); 4. The date the account became delinquent; 5. That in the event the delinquent amount and all related fees are paid in full within thirty (30) days after receipt of this Notice, the account will be returned to “current” status and the lien process dropped; 6. That in the event the delinquency and all related fees are not paid in full within thirty (30) days after receipt of this notice, a notice of lien against the property at which electric services have been rendered may be recorded in the Official Records of Osceola County for all amounts then due; and 7. That the Owner (Account-Holder) has the right to challenge any material aspect of the Claim of Lien by filing a written challenge petition with the Vice President of Customer Service not later than thirty (30) days after the receipt of the Notice of Claim of Lien (the appeals procedures are set forth in Section IV. below). B. Mailing and/or Service of Notice of Claim of Lien: The Notice of Claim of Lien shall be sent to the Owner at the physical address of the delinquent location (property) by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, or by any other then reasonable means of confirmed delivery (e.g., UPS, Federal Express, Express or Priority Mail of the U.S. Postal Service). In the event confirmed delivery of the Notice of Claim of Lien to the Owner is not possible because of the unavailability of the Owner and/or Owner’s abandonment of the delinquent location (property), the Notice of Claim of Lien shall be otherwise served and/or posted on the delinquent location (property) by a legal process server and an affidavit of service on the location shall be prepared by the process server and returned to KUA. A copy of the receipt confirmation shall be kept on record with the account and a second copy furnished to the Executive Office. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 71 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department IV. March 2014 Process for Challenging the Assessment of Lien Owners of property that receive a Notice of Claim of Lien from KUA may challenge any material aspect of KUA’s Claim of Lien according to the following procedures: A. Filing of Challenge Petition: Within thirty (30) days of receipt of KUA’s Notice of Claim of Lien, the affected Owner shall file a written petition detailing any disputes he or she has with KUA’s Claim of Lien. B. Contents of Petition: At a minimum the challenge petition must, among other things, advise KUA of all disputed issues regarding the amount due, or other material issues, including the identification of the property or owner. The petition shall explain the precise basis upon which the Owner asserts that the notice is incorrect. The petition shall also state the Owner’s full name, address and phone number. C. Delivery of Petition: The petition shall be filed or otherwise sent, within the thirty day deadline set forth in Subsection IV(A) above, to the following: KUA ATTENTION: Vice President of Customer Service 1701 W. Carroll Street Kissimmee, FL 34741 Or if by fax to: KUA ATTENTION: Vice President of Customer Service (407) 933-1936 The challenge petition shall be deemed filed when delivered and received within the time prescribed in these procedures. D. Consideration of Petition: Within ten (10) days of receiving the petition, the Vice President of Customer Service, or the appropriate designee, shall issue a written determination of findings on the challenge. The determination shall state the reasons for the decision and notify the Owner of his or her appeal rights. E. Appeal of Initial Determination: If the Owner is dissatisfied with the initial written determination he or she may file an appeal with the President and General Manager by filing his or her challenge petition with the Executive Office within seventy-two (72) hours of receipt of the decision of the Vice President of Customer Service or the KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 72 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 appropriate designee. The Owner shall attach a short statement with the challenge petition, notifying the President and General Manager that he or she is appealing the initial written determination. F. Consideration of Appeal: The President and General Manager, or the appropriate designee thereof, shall investigate the facts and issues behind the Owner’s challenge petition. An informal proceeding may be held, at the President and General Manager’s discretion, to gather any further evidence or testimony deemed necessary to make a final determination. G. Rendering of Final Determination: Within thirty (30) days of receiving the challenge petition appeal, the President and General Manager shall issue a written determination citing the findings of his or her investigation and the final decision. In the event the President and General Manager finds the challenge to be valid, he or she will direct the appropriate action to be taken (including, e.g., cessation of lien assessment and other collection procedures). The decision of the President and General Manager shall be final and conclusive and shall represent the end of the challenge petition and appeals procedures described herein. H. Stay of Lien Assessment Process and Lifting of Stay: Upon receipt of a challenge petition timely filed, the lien assessment process established in these procedures shall be stayed. Upon failure of an Owner to meet the deadline to appeal an initial determination or upon issuance of the final determination of the President and General Manager denying the challenge, the thirty (30) day deadline for paying all delinquent amounts and fees to avoid imposition of a lien shall be reinstated. I. Other Matters Related to the Challenge and Appeal Process: Upon receipt of a challenge petition, a copy shall be forwarded to the General Counsel and the General Counsel shall be kept informed of the progress and disposition of the petition at every state of the challenge and appeal process. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 73 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 V. Assessment and Recording of Liens: If: (1) no written challenge is received from an Owner who has been issued a Notice of Claim of Lien within thirty (30) days of receipt of such Notice, or (2) thirty (30) days has transpired since either the expiration of the deadline to appeal an initial determination on a challenge petition or the issuance of a final determination denying a challenge petition, KUA shall assess and record its Claim of Lien as follows: A. Execution of Lien: Utilizing the information verified in Section II above, the Executive Office, under the supervision of the General Counsel, shall execute a Claim of Lien under the President and General Manager’s signature. The Lien shall generally conform to the form specific in Section __ below. B. Recording of Lien: The Executive Office or the General Counsel, or the appropriate designee, as the circumstances may dictate, shall take the executed form of lien and present it to the Osceola County Clerk of Court for recording in the Official Records of Osceola County. At the Clerk’s office, the person presenting the lien for recording on behalf of KUA shall make a final verification that the legal description matches the physical description of the property subject to the lien assessment. A copy of the recorded lien shall be procured from the clerk and maintained in the records of the Executive Office. Further copies shall be furnished to the CSD for attachment to the account in question. VI. Maintenance and Removal of Lien A. Maintenance of Lien: Upon receiving a copy of a recorded KUA lien, the CSD shall make sure that this copy is attached to the affected account. Every two weeks the CSD shall run a report of all accounts whose property locations are subject to recorded KUA liens to verify their account status. If the account delinquency and related fees have been paid in full, the procedures in Subsection B of this Section shall apply immediately. B. Removal of Lien: In the event that all delinquent sums and related fees are paid in full, the CSD shall immediately notify the Executive Office and General Counsel. 1. Execution and Satisfaction of Lien: Upon notification that a delinquent account subject to a recorded lien has been paid off in full and returned to current status, the General Counsel shall execute a Satisfaction of KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 74 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 Lien on behalf of KUA and shall supervise the recording of such Satisfaction of Lien with the Osceola County Clerk of Court’s office. This Satisfaction of Lien shall be recorded no later than forty-five (45) days from the date of receipt of full payment from the affected Owner. 2. Notification to Owner of Satisfaction of Lien Recording: No later than fifteen (15) days after recording the Satisfaction of Lien, the Executive Office, with the supervision of the General Counsel, shall mail a copy of the recorded Satisfaction of Lien to the Owner at the physical address of the property that was subject to the lien. 3. Miscellaneous: A copy of the Satisfaction of Lien and Notification to Owner of Satisfaction of Lien shall be furnished to the CSD for attachment to the affected account. 4. Partial Payment: In the event that a partial payment is made on delinquent sums and fees due for which a lien has been recorded, the customer shall be informed that a Satisfaction of Lien will be executed and recorded upon payment in full of the outstanding balance on the delinquency. This shall also be noted on the affected account. VII. No Waiver Of Procedures or Other Legal Collection Efforts By virtue of its Charter and Bond Covenants, KUA possesses the right to employ any and all legal efforts to secure collection of sums and fees due to KUA for the consumption of electricity provided by it. The lien provided for in Resolution No. 1002, as amended and restated by Resolution No. 12-01, and imposed under these procedures may be collected or enforced by any legal means available to KUA. The collection and enforcement procedures set forth herein shall be cumulative with, supplemental and in addition to, all other applicable procedures employed by KUA to collect delinquent amounts owed to it, consistent with any and all relevant regulations and/or laws. Failure by KUA to follow any of the procedures set forth herein shall not constitute a waiver of its right to proceed under any other collection procedure or process permitted to it under any applicable laws, nor shall such failure operate as a waiver by KUA of the right to otherwise apply the procedures established herein to any other circumstance or account-holder. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 75 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department VIII. March 2014 Relevant Forms Any and all Notices of Claim of Lien shall generally conform to the form set out in Appendix A hereto. Any and all Claims of Lien shall generally conform to the form set out in Appendix B hereto. By the authority vested in me by the Board of Directors of the Kissimmee Utility Authority, per Resolution No. 10-02, as amended and restated by Resolution No. 12-01, as further amended by Resolution No. 13-02, I hereby approve the lien assessment procedures set forth above to be effective on the date specified below. _________________________________ James C. Welsh ________________________________ President and General Manager, Kissimmee Utility Authority Effective Date: February 8, 2012 KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 76 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 B. Notice of Claim of Lien - ..\Lien Documents\Notice of Claim of Lien (Final - 12-29-10 approved procedures).docx NOTICE OF CLAIM OF LIEN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED BELOW IS SUBJECT TO AN IMPOSITION OF LIEN BY THE KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY (KUA) UNLESS THE OWNER, OR ITS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, RESPONDS TO THIS NOTICE OF CLAIM OF LIEN WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS OF THE DATE SERVED BY KUA (SEE BELOW). This Notice of Claim of Lien is presented as follows: To: , Owner Physical Address of Property Affected: As further described in the following Legal Description either set forth below or attached as a separate page to this Notice Of Claim Of Lien: Amount of Money Owed to the KUA, including all related fees: $ IN THE EVENT THE ABOVE SUM, INCLUDING ALL RELATED FEES, IS PAID IN FULL WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS OF SERVICE OF THIS NOTICE (SEE DATE BELOW), THE OWNER’S ACCOUNT WILL BE RETURNED TO “CURRENT” STATUS AND THE LIEN PROCESS WILL BE DISCONTINUED. IN THE EVENT THE ABOVE AMOUNT AND ALL RELATED FEES, ARE NOT PAID IN FULL WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS OF SERVICE OF THIS NOTICE (SEE DATE BELOW), A CLAIM OF LIEN WILL BE RECORDED IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF OSCEOLA COUNTY FOR ALL AMOUNTS DUE ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE. THE OWNER AND/OR ITS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE HAS THE RIGHT TO CHALLENGE ANY MATERIAL ASPECT OF KUA’S PENDING CLAIM OF LIEN BY FILING A WRITTEN CHALLENGE PETITION WITH THE VICE PRESIDENT OF CUSTOMER SERVICE AT 1701 W. CARROLL STREET, KISSIMMEE, FLORIDA, 34741, NOT LATER THAN THIRTY DAYS (30) FROM THE DATE OF SERVICE OF THIS NOTICE (SEE DATE BELOW). PLEASE CONTACT KUA’S CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT FOR A COPY OF THE CHALLENGE PETITION PROCEDURES. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 77 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 C. Claim of Lien - ..\Lien Documents\Claim of Lien (final for 12-29-10 approved procedures).docx Claim of Lien State of Florida County of Osceola (Filed Pursuant to Kissimmee Utility Authority – Resolution 10-02) BEFORE ME, personally appeared the undersigned individual who was duly sworn and says that he is the authorized representative of the Lienor herein, the KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY, and whose address is: 1701 W. Carroll Street, Kissimmee, Florida 34741, and that in accordance with an electric utility service account with , its customer, Lienor furnished electric services on the following described real property in Osceola County, Florida: Owned by ___________________________________________________________________________ and whose address is __________________________________________________________________ with a total unpaid balance of $_____________________ for electric service, including all related fees, furnished thereto, from ______________, 20__ to __________________________, 20__. Lienor served its Notice of Claim Of Lien to Owner on __________________, 20__ by either ____registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, or ____ other reasonable means of confirmed delivery. ____________________________________________ Signature of Lienor’s Authorized Representative ___________________________________________ _ Printed Name of Lienor’s Authorized Representative ITS: ____________________________________________ Title of Lienor’s Authorized Representative ON BEHALF OF: LIENOR, KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY State of Florida County of Osceola Sworn to and subscribed before me this _____ day of _________________________, 20__, by _________________________________________, who is personally known to me or who has produced ___________________ as identification, as ___________________ for the Kissimmee Utility Authority. Prepared by: Arthur J. (Grant) Lacerte, Jr., By: __________________________________ Vice President & General Counsel_____ _ Deputy Clerk Kissimmee Utility Authority or 1701 W. Carroll Street, Kissimmee, FL 34741 By: ___________________________________ Notary Public ___________________________________ (Print, Type or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public) KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 78 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department LXXII. Outside agencies March 2014 and information on KUA Bills A. Policy Regarding Permission for Government Agencies to Place Information in KUA Utility Bills: B. If time, space and weight permit, KUA may permit government agencies to insert information into KUA bills. This permission may also extend to events of community interest sponsored by a government agency. In all cases the sponsorship by a government agency must be referred to on the insert. KUA reserves the right to accept or reject any material placed in the billing system. Information contained in inserts must be of general interest to the public. (1) A letter of request on agency letter head must be received by KUA’s Vice President of Corporate Communications. (2) The requesting agency must provide a mock up of the intended insert prior to sending it to a printer for duplication. (3) Inserts are to be for announcement or informational purposes only. Solicitations asking or requiring the customer to mail in response will not be accepted. (4) KUA Vice President of Corporate Communications must approve the request. (5) Inserts must be 3 ½” x 8 ½” ” printed on 20lb offset paper. Printing may appear on both sides of the insert. (6) KUA will not bear any costs associated with the development of the insert. (7) Inserts must be delivered to the TC Specialties, 8811 Boggy Creek Road, Orlando at least three working days prior to insert. (8) Folded, wrinkled or bent inserts will not be accepted. (9) In the case of an emergency or special circumstance, KUA reserves the right to supersede a planned insert with another insert. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 79 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 (10) Acceptance of inserts is on a first come first served basis. (11) The billing insert cycle usually begins on the first working day of each month and runs for a full 30 days with mailing occurring on each working day during that period. (12) Inserts will not be included where advertised events occur prior to the customer receiving the bill and insert. C. Policy Regarding Permission for Private Organizations to Insert Information into KUA Bills (Partnership Bill Insert) If time, space and weight permit, KUA may permit a private entity to insert information into KUA Bills under the following conditions: (1) The private entity must be in a contractual relationship with KUA. (2) The information contained in the bill stuffer will be restricted to the subject of the contract. (3) The cost of the bill stuffer must be borne by the private entity. (4) The physical appearance of the bill stuffer must highlight KUA and a related KUA service in addition to the subject of the contract with the private entity. (5) A mockup of the intended bill stuffer must be approved by KUA’s Vice President of Corporate Communications, (6) Size and weight of the insert must conform to KUA requirements. (7) Acceptance of a contractual relationship with a private entity and to allow stuffers to appear in the KUA bill will be at the total discretion of KUA. (8) Other guidelines and restrictions as to the availability and content of a contractual party’s bill insert may apply. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 80 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 D. KUA will accept public service announcements to be printed in the monthly Energy Informer. (1) The KUA Energy Informer is published monthly by KUA for its utility customers. The Energy Informer is delivered to the printer on the 20th of each month preceding the dated month of the publication (i.e. June 20th delivery date for the July issue). (2) As a public service to the community, KUA accepts announcements from local non-profit and civic organizations for inclusion in the Energy Informer. In order for an announcement to be considered, it must be received in the KUA Corporate Communications Office 45 days prior to the publication delivery date. (3) All public service announcements submitted become the property of KUA and are subject to editing depending on available space. (4) KUA only accepts notices from non-profit and civic organizations. The public service announcement submitted should be timely (meaning the event should occur after the end of a billing month, not during the month of publication) and of interest to the community as a whole. Announcements for the solicitation of funds will not be accepted. (5) If a public service announcement appears in the Energy Informer and the organization that submitted the announcement wishes to or is forced to withdraw the announcement, the organization shall pay the full cost of reprinting the newsletter remaining in that billing month. If an organization requests an immediate insertion of an announcement into the current newsletter and the announcement is approved by KUA, then the organization shall pay the full cost of reprinting the newsletter remaining in that billing month. All public service announcements should be typewritten and sent to: Corporate Communications Department Kissimmee Utility Authority P. O. Box 423219 Kissimmee FL 34742-3219 (407) 933-9836 KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 81 of 97 UPDATED Customer Service Department LXXIII. Meter Reading March 2014 A. Whenever a metered utility service is initiated or terminated, a meter reading is to be obtained. B. Electric and water meters will be read at regular monthly intervals for the purpose of calculating the utility bill. The Utility reserves the right to establish the reading cycles and dates upon which monthly readings will be taken. Monthly meter reading dates will not be advanced or postponed for more than five days without good cause. C. When, for good cause, a meter reading cannot be obtained, the meter reading will be estimated and so shown on the face of the billing. (1) Estimated meter readings are to be developed using the average monthly consumption, for the service provided, as calculated and indicated in billings during the preceding 12 months of active service. (2) If a 12 month history is not available, then the estimated consumption is to be equal to the highest consumption billed during the preceding 90 days. Seasonal factors will be taken into consideration when possible. (3) No more than two consecutive estimated electric readings are to be processed as to an electric metered service. An actual reading must be obtained by the Utility every third month. (4) No more than one estimated water reading may be processed for all water meters from ¾” to 2”. Water meters larger than 2” must have an actual read on a monthly basis. D. Errors discovered in meter readings will be given prompt attention. (1) If the error in meter reading resulted in an over-read of the meter, an adjustment will be processed to bill the customer on the actual reading. If the actual reading cannot be determined, consumption will be estimated based on the average monthly usage for the preceding three months or the KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 82 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 same month last year. Seasonal fluctuations will be taken into consideration when possible. (2) If the error in meter reading resulted in an under read of the meter, the customer can choose to wait until the next bill and the additional consumption will appear; or an adjustment will be processed updating the bill with the current reading and consumption. If the actual reading cannot be determined, consumption will be estimated based on the average monthly usage for the preceding three months or the same month last year. Seasonal fluctuations will be taken into consideration. E. Each utility meter will be read every month. When the reader is unable to read a meter, a note will be made in the meter comments as to the reason. F. When an obstruction exists which prevents an accurate meter reading, including attachments to KUA’s meter, it will be the customer’s responsibility to remove the obstruction. A notification requesting removal of the obstruction will be provided to the customer indicating that the obstruction must be removed within the next twenty days or the service will be discontinued. G. Upon receipt of a request from a utility customer, the Utility will reread the Utility meter(s) in use at the customer’s premise. Records of rereads will be retained according to retention requirements. H. Meter readings are to be reviewed by billing personnel and checked for reasonability. In cases where the reasonability review indicates that possible error exists, a reread will be requested. LXXIV. Tampering & Diversion A. Reported cases of meter tampering (electric or water) or pilferage of utility service will be promptly turned over to the Revenue Protection section for investigation. B. Definitions: (1) Tampering: Unauthorized use of a meter, where a specific read allows consumption to be calculated, removal of boots, and turning on service without authorization. Tampering involves unauthorized but quantifiable power and water use. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 83 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 Tampering will be dealt with by back billing customers’ accounts with appropriate charges. (2) Diversion: The use of power through inverting a meter, the altering of meter registration by using jumpers across meter jaws, diverting service cables entering premises or other means that allow unauthorized power consumption that is not readily quantifiable. C. City police or County Sheriff’s Deputies may be called in as needed. D. All diversion cases may be turned over to the State Attorney’s Office regardless of dollar amount or payment for diverted power. E. Once tampering or diversion have been verified and documented, the customer will be billed all associated fees along with the unbilled consumption. The charges must be paid in one of the following methods (1) Cash (2) Cashier’s Check (3) Bank Certified Check (4) Travelers Checks (in person so identification can be verified) (5) Money Order (in person so identification can be verified) (6) Debit and Credit Cards (Except VISA) (in person so identification can be verified) Please Note: VISA cannot be used for payment of tampering fees since we require that all debit/credit payments must be made in person KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 84 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 F. The customer will also be billed for time and expenses accrued by the utility for the cost of the investigation and processing of calculations. The charges will be based on salary plus 25% of employees involved in any part of the investigation. G. If the customer is not at the location, the charges will be placed on the customer’s account for future or final billing. In this type of situation if the customer returns to the system, the charges must be paid in one of the methods listed above before service is rendered. H. If a customer is identified and is no longer active, the debt shall be billed to the responsible party(s) and a letter notifying them will be sent. Any unpaid tampering charges shall be turned over to our collection agency for recovery. I. Tampering Fee - $150.00 Board of Director approved. Effective date 10/1/2008 LXXV. Distribution System Damage resulting from tampering/diversion A. The customer will be required to sign the following document acknowledging that this is an estimate and that they will be responsible for any additional actual costs and will be eligible for refund if the estimate was too high. Property Damage Claim Agreement The Customer signing below hereby acknowledges receipt of KUA’s estimate of property damage of $_____________ for the following location: ______________________________ Address _____________________________ Account Number – Location Number The Customer agrees that (he/she/it) is responsible to KUA for the damage described in the estimate and that (he/she/it) shall pay the costs included in the estimate as well as any actual costs that exceed the estimate once repair and/or replacement, as necessary, is complete and a true-up bill is sent to the Customer from KUA. The Customer will pay the estimated amount prior to having service restored. Unless other arrangements have been made and agreed upon between the Customer and KUA, any invoiced true-up amount shall be due within 30 days of receipt of the invoice. In the event (he/she/it) does not make full payment for the damage as trued-up by the end of the 30 days, all accounts under which the Customer receives KUA utility services are subject to disconnection. If the actual cost to repair and/or replace damaged KUA property is less than the estimate, KUA shall refund the Customer the difference between the estimate and the actual cost. ________________________________ On behalf of KUA On behalf of Customer KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department LXXVI. Meter Testing EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 85 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 A. Upon request of a customer, the Utility shall, without charge, make a test of the accuracy of the meter in use on the premises provided that the meter has not been tested by the Utility within 12 months previous to such request. (1) Should any customer request a meter test more frequently than provided in (I) of this policy, the Utility may require a charge to defray the costs of testing (Florida Public Service Commission Rule 25-6.059). If the meter is found to be running fast, in excess of the allowable limit, the charge will not be made. If the meter tests within the allowable limit, the charge may be assessed as a service charge for conducting the test. (2) If the customer so desires he or his authorized representative shall have the privilege of witnessing the test. A written report giving the results of the test shall be furnished to the customer on request. (3) Records of meter test results shall be retained according to retention requirements (Florida Public Service Commission Rule 25-6.022). (4) Whenever a meter is tested and found to exceed the accuracy limits (fast or slow) for the meter, the average error shall be determined and an adjustment shall be made to the customer’s account. (5) Whenever a meter tested is found to have an error in excess of its accuracy limits which causes the metering device to creep forward or run fast, the Utility shall refund the customer any amounts billed in error for one-half the period since the last test. This one-half period is not to exceed 6 months unless it can be shown that the error was due to some cause, the date of which can be fixed, the overcharge shall be computed back to, but not beyond such date. (6) Whenever a meter tested is found to have an error in excess of its accuracy limits which causes the metering device to run slow and not properly measure all consumption, the utility shall bill the customer an amount equal to the unbilled error for one-half the period since the last test. This one-half period is not to exceed 6 months unless it can be shown that the KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 86 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 error was due to some cause, the date of which can be fixed, the charge shall be computed back to, but not beyond, such date. (7) In the event that a non-registering meter is found, the Utility shall bill the customer for the consumption used based on an estimate determined by the average previous billing consumption for the same customer. Other sources of available data can be used provided the Utility allows the customer to pay for the unbilled service over the same time period during which the under billing occurred. (8) In the event of an overbilling, the customer may elect to receive the refund as a credit to future billings or as a onetime payment. (9) Fee of $50.00 (fee waived if problem found or meter has not been tested in 12 months) (10) All new meters are tested at KUA prior to installation in the field. LXXVII. Customer equipment in need of repairs A. KUA will inspect the service prior to removing the meter cover and/or opening the CT cabinet. B. If damage to the meter can or the CT cabinet is found and tampering is not evident the customer will be notified immediately. C. If the customer is not present a door hanger will be left and the KUA office notified to notate account. Customer will need to contact KUA if disconnection of their service(s) is required. D. In the event of the discovery of a hazardous situation, field personnel will remain on site until the service is de-energized. E. Letter will be sent to customer informing them of the required repairs. LXXVIII. Transformer needs painting – customer should contact KUA LXXIX. Sinking transformer or Leaning pole – customer should contact KUA LXXX. Service upgrades – customer should contact KUA KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 87 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 LXXXI. Inspection requests – customer should contact KUA LXXXII. Public Records Access A. It is the procedure of the Utility to provide the public with access to all records in a timely manner as defined in Chapter 119.07, Inspection and copying of records; photographing public records; fees; exemptions, of the Florida Statutes. B. Public records requests are managed by the Records Custodian within the Information Technology Department LXXXIII. Public Records Distribution A. Customer records relating to customer accounts for utility service(s) will be made available in the Customer Service office during normal working hours by one or more of the following methods: (1) Name-address directories – Computer printed directories will be available for viewing and transcribing by the public at no cost. (Subject to programming costs) (2) Printed reproductions of information available through computer terminals may be obtained within a reasonable time frame upon receipt of a Request for Information and payment of fees as specified. B. Financial, Personnel and Administration and Other Information will be provided in accordance with Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes and FACT Act. Printed information will be made available for viewing and transcribing by the public at no cost. C. All information and records will be supplied within a reasonable time frame, subject to the workload and availability of equipment. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 88 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department D. March 2014 The following schedule of fees will apply: (1) Copies of current available documents $0.15 per page. (2) Copies of second side of 2 sided document $0.05 per page. (3) Research and Transcription duplexed page based on employee hourly rate. LXXXIV. Law Enforcement Requests for Information A. CSR will provide information requested after they have verified that the records are not exempt B. LXXXV. CSR will email Sharon Gacek of the public records request (1) Subject: Records Request, Customer Name, Account # (2) Body of email: What information was provided Payment Types and Processing A. Checks, money orders, travelers checks (1) Checks, money orders and travelers checks must be made payable to Kissimmee Utility Authority. (2) No two party checks will be accepted. (3) No change will be given. (4) Checks may not be postdated or back dated. B. Credit/Debit Cards C. In person: (1) Receive valid authorization code via terminal, if declined the credit card transaction is null and void. (2) Follow normal check procedures. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 89 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 (3) Credit card charge backs will follow the same procedures as an NSF check. D. E. By telephone: (1) No ID required. (2) Valid authorization code must be received via terminal. (3) Follow normal check procedures. Payment Sites (1) F. G. Amscot – cash/money-order – account number required Lock box- processed through Finance department Bank Drafting (1) Must be established ahead of time with Finance department H. All tampering/diversion fees must be paid by cashier’s check, bank certified funds, or cash. Traveler’s checks, Money orders, and Debit cards can be used when paying in person. I. LXXXVI. Direct Mail Processing A. Payments will be processed in the normal manner. B. All active, inactive and N status returned bills and delinquent notices will be researched and every reasonable effort made to get the bill or delinquent notice to the customer. C. All returned mail from terminated and finalled accounts will be filed. D. All returned delinquent notices will be filed. E. All returned refund checks will be forwarded to the accounting department after processing by the cashiers. F. All returned mail will be retained per retention requirements. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 90 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department LXXXVII. Utility Service Deposit March 2014 Slips A. A deposit slip is provided to the customer by a Customer Service Representative. That quote slip is presented to the Teller by the customer to verify deposit amount. LXXXVIII. Adjustment Procedures and Schedule A. All adjustments are to be entered into the system by the employees and updated by their Supervisor each day. The supervisory review will include checks for correct coding, data entry, reason for adjustment, identification of representative, and amount involved. All adjustments will be maintained as a permanent record. LXXXIX. Use of the KUA Facility A. KUA meeting rooms will be made available for use by outside organizations whenever practicable as long as the event is non sales or non promotional in nature. No commercial activity will be permitted. B. Facilities will generally be available during regular business hours 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. at no cost to outside organization Monday through Friday, excluding holidays or emergency situations. C. At no time may an organization allow a meeting or function to operate beyond 9 p.m. unless prior arrangements have been made. A KUA staff member will normally advise the participants near the 9 pm deadline and lights will be turned off and doors locked by 9 pm. D. KUA personnel will endeavor to make meeting rooms available after KUA business hours (8 a.m. – 6p.m.) at no cost to governmental and quasi governmental organizations such as homeowners associations. E. KUA will not be held liable for any injuries, broken equipment, or loss of personal items. The organization will be held liable for damages to KUA property incurred by the organization or KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 91 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 its members. KUA reserves the right to deny further use of the facility to any organization. F. Organizations and their members are to refrain from interfering with KUA’s day to day business. G. A designated member from the organization must arrive 10-15 minutes prior to meeting to direct traffic to appropriate parking and the designated meeting room. H. All visitors of the organization must sign in with the receptionist and sign out with an Executive Office employee who will then conduct a walkthrough of the facility after each use. The organization needs to ensure that facilities are left clean and orderly. The receptionist will insure the designated member of the organization completes the KUA Facility Use Request Agreement. I. The East side parking lot will be used for guest parking. Under no circumstances will the customer parking at the front of the building be used by outside organizations using the KUA facility for meetings. J. Use of the facility by KUA will always take precedence over the use of the room or facility by an outside group. K. KUA cannot guarantee the availability of a room, and last minute cancellations of a reservation by KUA may occur from time to time. L. Reservations may be made by calling the Executive Office at 933-7777 ext 6100 to request information and the hold harmless agreement which must be appropriately filled out to confirm the reservation. M. Catering and food delivery must be made through the back door of the building after signing in with the Receptionist. N. Appropriate arrangements must be made for disposal of refuse after the meeting if refuse will cause an overflow in the KUA dumpster. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 92 of 97 UPDATED March 2014 O. Executive Office will provide a calendar or event information sheet to the Receptionist, Building Maintenance and Manager of Support Services. XC. KUA Facility and Basic Security A. Employees not in uniform must wear badge. Uniformed employees must have badge on their person. B. All visitors must sign in at receptionist desk and be escorted by their host both into the office area and returning to the receptionist desk to sign out. C. If police are called to the building to assist with an individual or individuals that are creating a security concern, the employees should complete the following form (which is also available in Spanish) to the best of their ability and provide the description to the police. XCI. KUA & Identity Theft A. Training – all employees with access to sensitive customer information (e.g. social security numbers, bank account and credit card numbers, etc.) will receive 2 hour introductory training followed annually by a 30 minute refresher course per mandate. Training presentation found on KUA intranet/Customer Service page B. XCII. ID Theft Affidavit found on intranet for customer use Field Services Attire: A. All field service personnel should be properly dressed in KUA provided uniforms, while working in the field. B. PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) will be worn at all times when working a service order, including approved FR clothing, steel toe boots, safety glasses, and insulated gloves with leather protectors. All visible undergarments must be 100% cotton. Always obey posted signs in construction sites and in industrial areas where hard hats and hearing protection are required. KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 93 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 C. All field service personnel will have their company identification card with them at all times and will present it upon request. D. No hats with any logo on it other than the KUA logo will be allowed to be worn. XCIII. Door Hangers A. These are left at the location of the account when additional information needs to be communicated to the customer. These are courtesy door hangers and have been proven useful through years of using them. They must be used when the situational procedure requires it. XCIV. Meter Reading Procedures A. Regular Work Hours 1. Regular work hours are 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday B. Uniform 1. KUA Issued Uniform 2. KUA I.D. card and a Valid Florida Driver’s License must be in your possession at all times and must be presented on demand by customer or higher authority XCV. Line Locate Requests A. All requests must come through Sunshine Onecall 1-800432-4770 B. Customer should always call before digging C. Inquiries on locate request – – customer can enter ticket 3 and phone # to access information D. KUA only locates electrical lines that belong to KUA KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 94 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department E. XCVI. March 2014 KUA does not install commercial secondaries Net Metering A. Requirements (1) KUA retail customer (2) Renewable generating facility not to exceed capacity of generating 2 megawatts (3) Generating facility must be on customer’s premises with primary intention to offset customer electrical requirements (4) Available on a first offered, first accepted basis up to 2.5% of KUA aggregate customer peak demand B. C. Renewable Generation – one or more of the following: (1) Hydrogen (2) Biomass (3) solar energy (4) geothermal energy (5) wind energy (6) ocean energy (7) waste heat (8) hydroelectric power Tiers (1) (2) TIER 1 – (a) 10 KW or Less (b) No application fee (c) KUA strongly encourages insurance of $100,000 TIER 2 – (a) Greater than 10 KW and Less Than or Equal to 100 KW (3) (b) $320 application fee (c) Proof of insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 TIER 3 KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 95 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 (a) Greater than 100 KW and Less Than or Equal to 2 MW (b) $470 application fee (c) Interconnection Study fee – deposit of $2,500 required in case KUA determines that interconnection study is necessary. Customer will cover entire study fee prior to KUA initiating the study. (d) D. Proof of insurance in the amount of $2,000,000 Net Metering Monthly Rate (1) Customer charged otherwise applicable rate schedule for consumption (a) Includes monthly minimum charges (b) Includes customer charges (c) Includes meter charges (d) Includes facility charges (e) Includes demand charges (f) Includes surcharges (2) Customer billed for the total amount of electricity delivered to customer from KUA E. Metering (1) Energy metered separately (a) From KUA to the customer (b) Excess (above and beyond what customer used) generated by customer and delivered to KUA electrical system. F. (2) KUA responsible for installing metering (3) May be one meter with two readings or two meters (4) Meter readings continue to be taken monthly Billing (1) Customer still billed for total amount of electricity delivered to customer by KUA KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 96 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 (2) Each billing cycle, Customer credited for total amount of excess delivered to KUA electrical system (grid) (3) Credits for excess will be in accordance with Tri-Party Net Metering Power Purchase Agreement (4) If credits exceed current bill they will be applied to the next bill (close out every Sept. 30th (5) Regardless of excess energy credit amount customer will be required to the pay the greater of the following: (6) Minimum charge as stated in applicable rate schedule (7) Applicable customer charge plus the applicable demand charge for the maximum measured demand in accordance with applicable rate schedule G. Required Forms (1) Found on KUA internet (a) KUA Application form (b) KUA Tri-Party Agreement (c) KUA Tier 1 Standard Interconnection Agreement (d) KUA Tier 2 Standard Interconnection Agreement (e) KUA Tier 3 Standard Interconnection Agreement (f) Net metering Tariff Sheet (2) Additional documentation required prior to the completion of the interconnection agreement H. Customer Process (1) Complete application and submit applicable fees to Customer Service Department (Docily) (2) Complete appropriate Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 Interconnection Agreement, submit to Customer Service Department KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL PROCEDURES GOVERNING UTILITY SERVICE EFFECTIVE DATE NUMBER July 24, 1986 Page 97 of 97 UPDATED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Customer Service Department March 2014 (3) Once Interconnection Agreement signed, Customer completes Tri-Party Agreement with KUA & FMPA (4) Customer completes installation and works with KUA to interconnect and have metering installed XCVII. Meter Testing Standards A. The standard that KUA follows for acceptable meter testing, established by ANSI, is 98% - 102%. B. New meters from manufacturer (1) All new meters that are received in from any vendor will be processed accordingly. (2) Every meter that is new will be tested and entered into our CIS system.
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