KHDS Kansas Health Data System ABSTRACT ENTRY MANUAL Winter 2014 KHDS STAFF Deanna Karle, Manager Todd Colglazier, Senior Field Representative Phone: 785 291-8702 FAX: 785 290-0722 E-mail: Phone: 785 291-8830 FAX: 785 290-0722 E-mail: Phone: 785 291-7658 Kelly Rippel, Systems Specialist FAX: Luke Hillin, Abstract Technician Phone: 785 291-8891 FAX: 785 290-0722 E-mail: Phone: 785 291-7291 FAX: 785 290-0722 E-mail: Mary Schneider, Administrative Assistant E-mail: 785 290-0722 KHDS E-mail: ** Please Note ** The applications listed on the following pages are the only applications available to you. Please do not attempt to access any other application. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 3 Your terminal number is located in the lower right hand corner of the screen. To access PIMS for the Kansas Health Data System, place your cursor beside PIMS and press [ENTER]. Continue to follow instructions on the next page. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 4 1. Enter USER ID (7 characters) and press [TAB] key. (50XXXX0) 2. Enter Password in the PASSWORD field (key in your current password). 3. Press [ENTER]. NOTE: The NEW PASSWORD field is used only to change your password. This can be changed at any time; however, you will be required to change your password every 90 days. If you do not know or have forgotten your password, are suspended, or locked out of the paperless system, please contact KHDS staff using one of the numbers published in the front of this document. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 5 Changing Your Password When changing your password, you must notify ALL USERS in your office of the new password you selected. To change your password you must follow these steps EXACTLY: 1. Key in your current password then press the [TAB] key. 2. Key the new password in the NEW PASSWORD field. 3. Press the [END] key (this will clear the rest of the field from previous data). 4. Press [ENTER]. NOTE: The password you select and enter must meet the criteria on the following page. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 6 Guidelines For Creating A New Password When your password expires, you will need to follow the guidelines below for creating passwords. The password must be eight (8) characters long and must contain: 1. at least one (1) letter (a-z or A-Z), 2. at least one (1) number (0-9), and 3. at least one of three (3) “national” characters (@, #, $) somewhere in positions 2-7. 4. no repeating characters ie; dd or 22 5. no repeats of the last eight passwords used 6. it cannot appear on the restricted pass word list. NOTE: A list of restricted passwords has been established. Some of the restrictions are names of the month and anything that begins with the word NEW. Profanities are also restricted. Please keep in mind these are only a few of the restrictions. If you received the error message RESTRICTED PASSWORD please select a new one. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 7 Last Used Message Information This message will be displayed for each sign on. The message informs you of the time of day and date your User ID was last used. The last used message will be similar to that shown above. Password Error Messages When your password has expired or there is a problem with the new password you have entered, a message will be displayed on the IMS/TM SIGN ON screen. Examples of the messages you may receive follow. TSS956E PASSWORD HAS EXPIRED— NEW PASSWORD MISSING TSS957E NEW PASSWORD (CHANGE) INVALID— YOU CANNOT REPEAT CHARACTERS TSS7102E PASSWORD MISSING TSS7101E PASSWORD INCORRECT TSS7101E PASSWORD VIOLATION THRESHOLD EXCEEDED TSS7141E USE OF ACCESSOR ID SUSPENDED TSS7111E NESS PASSWORD (CHANGE) INVALID– CANNOT BE CHANGED YET The message will be self-explanatory and you must comply with the instructions provided. If you have any questions or doubts, contact a member of the KHDS staff. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 8 On this screen type: 1. /FOR PAMAINMU (for Institutional business). 2. Press [ENTER]. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 9 Press [F3] in the upper row of your standard keyboard to enter the KHDS ABSTRACT TRANSACTION MENU. The following screen will appear, enter the PF key for desired transaction. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 10 By selecting [F2] on the upper row of your standard keyboard (check to see your Flock key is engaged), you will enter into the KHDS ABSTRACT ENTRY SCREEN. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 11 The ABSTRACT ENTRY SCREEN will appear like this. On the following pages you will find a step by step explanation of the screen fields and what is expected when completing this form online. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 12 Medical Record Number, Required. Field length is 30 alpha numeric characters long. KHDS will default leading zeros, you may continue to provide your number in the same format you always have. Please note if you wish to use a readmission indicator, there is no separate field for the indicator. Please use an R in the first position of the 30 digit long field if you wish to track readmissions. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 13 Patient Account Number, Required. Required field if primary pay is Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas (BL), recommended for other payers. Default to Medical Record Number if necessary, KHDS will default leading zeros. Field length is 15 alpha numeric positions long. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 14 Patient Name, Required. L = Last Name F = First Name Names are required for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas abstracts. If primary pay status is BL, names are required. Default this to LLLL only if not known for last name, default to FFFF only if not known for first name. An error will result if valid names for twin babies are not entered. Do not enter middle name or initial on BCBSKS twin babies. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 15 Patient Gender, Required. Acceptable values are: M F U = = = Male Female Unknown Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 16 Patient Race, Required. Acceptable values are: A = Asian or Pacific Islander B = Black C = Caucasian D = Subcontinent Asian American E = Other Race or Ethnicity F = Asian Pacific American G = Native American H = Hispanic I = American Indian or Alaskan Native J = Native Hawaiian P = Pacific Islander N = Black (Non-Hispanic) O = White (Non-Hispanic) Z = Mutually Defined 1 = White 2 = Black 3 = American Indian/Alaska Native 4 = Asian 5 = Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander 6 = Other 7 = Not Provided 8 = Not Applicable Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 17 Date of Birth, Required. Valid Calendar Date, format is MMDDCCYY. Example of October 15, 1951 would be entered at 10151951. This field may be forced if an error is encountered on a Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas patient for eligibility. Please verify identification number and birth date of patient prior to forcing. This would occur if the date of birth recorded in BCBSKS eligibility did not match the date of birth on the abstract. Ethnicity, recommended, acceptable values are: 1 = Hispanic 2 = Non-Hispanic Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 18 Admission Fields Including Date, Hour, Accommodation, Class, Required. Admission Date – Valid Date of Admission, verify that the date is on or after the date of birth and on or less than the discharge date. MMDDYY format. First identify the month, January through December are numbered 01 through 12. Use a lead zero for January through September. Values are 01-09, 10, 11, 12. Days of the month are designated with a leading zero for days up through the 9th. The year is recorded as XX. Example, March 9th 2008 would be recorded as 030908. Admission Hour – 00-23, verify value is within data range. Round minutes down to the hour, default to 00 if unknown. The admission hour is set up so that international time is used. Code midnight to 12:59 pm as 00 through 12 and 1:00 pm to 11:59 pm as 13 through 23. In coding hour of admission, disregard minutes. Example: The admission hour for any patient admitted from 8:00 am to 8:59 am is designated as 08. The time for any admission from 8:00 pm to 8:59 pm is designated as 20. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 19 Accommodation Code - Values are as follows, verify the code is one of the values in the following data range. If equal to 5 (special unit) then special unit 1 and special unit 1 days needs to be populated with valid code. 1 = Private of Single Room 3 = Multiple Occupancy Room 5 = Special Unit 7 = Birthing Room/Labor Room 9 = Other 2 = Semi-Private Room 4 = Nursery 6 = Hall 8 = Other Enter the appropriate code to indicate the accommodation occupied in the hospital at the time of admission. Since the type of accommodation may have changed during hospitalization, exercise care in completing this. The face sheet of the medical record normally contains the type of accommodations assigned on admission, which may not be the accommodation upon discharge. Code 1 = Single (Private), assigned to those patients who have occupied a single bed accommodation. Code 2 = Semiprivate, assigned to those patients who have occupied an accommodation containing two beds. Code 3 = Multiple, assigned to those patients who have occupied an accommodation containing three or more beds. Code 4 = Nursery, to be used for newborns. Code 5 = Special Unit, used only for those patients who have either been directly admitted or discharged from a special unit or who have expired in the special unit. Code 6 = Hall, assigned to those patients who have been placed in the hall. Code 7 = Birthing/Labor/Delivery Room, assigned to those patients who have occupied the labor room. Code 8, 9 = Code 8 or 9 for any accommodation that is unique to your hospital. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 20 Admission Class – Verify the field is 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Values are as follows: Code 1 = Emergency, true emergency admissions apply to medical conditions or acute trauma such that life limb, or the body function of the patient depends on the immediacy of medical treatment. In an emergency admission, the condition requires immediate medical attention and any time delay would be harmful to the patient. The patient does not have to be admitted via the emergency room to be considered an emergency admission. Code 2 = Urgent, urgent admissions involve medical conditions or acute trauma such that medical attention, while not immediately essential, should be provided very early in order to prevent possible loss or impairment of life, limb, or body function. This group includes those cases where very early medical evaluation or treatment is necessary because the patient has either serious disease or injury or symptoms of such disease or injury. True emergency does not exist. Code 3 = Elective, elective admissions refer to those patients designated as scheduled or routine admissions. This group includes those cases where there is no urgency for immediate or very early medical evaluation or treatment because the possibility of serious consequences resulting from lack of medical attention is small. Code 4 = Newborn, newborn admissions refer to all infants born in the hospital. Code 5 = Obstetrics, Pregnancy related admissions / delivered or undelivered. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 21 Discharge Fields Including Date, Hour, Accommodation, Patient Status upon Discharge addressed later in document, Required. Discharge Date – Valid Date of Discharge, verify that the date is on or after the date of birth and on or less than the discharge date. MMDDYY format. First identify the month, January through December are numbered 01 through 12. Use a lead zero for January through September. Values are 01-09, 10, 11, 12. Days of the month are designated with a leading zero for days up through the 9th. The year is recorded as XX. Example, March 9th 2008 would be recorded as 030908. Discharge Hour – 00-23, verify value is within data range. Round minutes down to the hour, default to 00 if unknown. The discharge hour is set up so that international time is used. Code midnight to 12:59 pm as 00 through 12 and 1:00 pm to 11:59 pm as 13 through 23. In coding hour of discharge, disregard minutes. Example: The admission hour for any patient admitted from 8:00 am to 8:59 am is designated as 08. The time for any admission from 8:00 pm to 8:59 pm is designated as 20. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 22 Accommodation Code - Values are as follows, verify the code is one of the values in the following data range. If equal to 5 (special unit) then special unit 1 and special unit 1 days needs to be populated with valid code. 1 = Private of Single Room 2 = Semi-Private Room 3 = Multiple Occupancy Room 5 = Special Unit 7 = Birthing Room/Labor Room 9 = Other 4 = Nursery 6 = Hall 8 = Other Enter the appropriate code to indicate the accommodation occupied in the hospital at the time of admission. Since the type of accommodation may have changed during hospitalization, exercise care in completing this. The face sheet of the medical record normally contains the type of accommodations assigned on admission, which may not be the accommodation upon discharge. Code 1 = Single (Private), assigned to those patients who have occupied a single bed accommodation. Code 2 = Semiprivate, assigned to those patients who have occupied an accommodation containing two beds. Code 3 = Multiple, assigned to those patients who have occupied an accommodation containing three or more beds. Code 4 = Nursery, to be used for newborns. Code 5 = Special Unit, used only for those patients who have either been directly admitted or discharged from a special unit or who have expired in the special unit. Code 6 = Hall, assigned to those patients who have been placed in the hall. Code 7 = Birthing/Labor/Delivery Room, assigned to those patients who have occupied the labor room. Code 8, 9 = Code 8 or 9 for any accommodation that is unique to your hospital. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 23 Insurance Identification Number Required on BCBSKS, Recommended for other payers. The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas identification number is required if the Primary Pay Status is BL. Must be a valid Blue Cross prefix and Identification number including the 'R' for federal BCBSKS. Leading prefixes are required if present on the ID card. Valid prefix example would be XSB. If the prefix as entered is in error, check for valid Kansas Insured, may be out of state Blue Cross. A valid prefix list may be obtained on our website Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 24 Total Charge, Recommended. Value is charge in dollars – no cents; round to nearest whole dollar. Field values are 0-9999999 – if greater than 9999999 default to 9999999. Objectives for recording total hospital charges for the period of hospitalization are: 1. For related charges for hospitalization to diagnostic and other individual patient information, and 2. To provide data for efficient and economical hospital management. Total charges are listed without regard to the source of payment and are rounded to the nearest dollar. The business office should be consulted relative to this data. Example: The total charges for patient 54326 were $2,214.52 and would be entered as 0002215. The operator must input the leading zeros. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 25 Referral Source Code, Required. Referral Source ID, Optional. Referral Source Code - Verify code is within data range as follows: D = Transfer Within Hospital NB = Newborn 11 = Physician’s Office 21 = Inpatient Hospital 23 = Emergency Room – Hospital 25 = Birthing Center 31 = Skilled Nursing Facility 33 = Custodial Care Facility 51 = Psychiatric Mental Health Facility 61 = Comprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility OP = Outpatient Department at same hospital 12 = Home Health 22 = Other Outpatient Hospital 24 = Ambulatory Surgery Center 26 = Military Treatment Facility 32 = Nursing Facility 34 = Hospice 54 = Intermediate Care Facility for Mentally Retarded 99 = Other Unlisted Facility Referral Source ID - To records any four character, A-Z, 0-9, facility ID identifying referring facility. This item is used to designate the facility transferring patient to hospital. Examples: nursing homes, etc. Note: KHDS is no longer updating the list. Each facility may assign their own Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 26 Transfer Destination Code Facility Type, Required. Transfer Destination ID, Optional. Transfer Destination Code Facility Type – Required if UB04 discharge status is equal to a transfer, verify code is within data range as follows: 12 = Home Health 26 = Military Treatment Facility 32 = Nursing Facility 34 = Hospice 51 = Psychiatric Mental Health Facility 61 = Comprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility 21 = Inpatient Hospital 31 = Skilled Nursing Facility 33 = Custodial Care Facility 35 = Adult Living Care Facility 54 = Intermediate Care Facility for Mentally Retarded 99 = Other Unlisted Facility Transfer Destination ID – Optional to record any four characters, A-Z, 0-9, facility transferred to. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 27 Primary Payment Status, Required. Secondary Payment Status, Optional. Primary Payment Status – Verify code is within data range of the validation table that follows. If 'BL' (Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas), then a valid prefix and insurance ID are required. BL = Blue Cross and NK = Non-Kansas Blue Cross Blue Shield of KS and Blue Shield CH = Champus CI = Commercial Insurance FR = Free GV = Other Government Program HM = HMO HW = Healthwave MC = Medicaid MA = Medicare Part A 09 = Self Pay 12 = Preferred Provider OT = Other WC = Workman’s Compensation Secondary Payment Status – Verify the code is within data range of the validation table above (same values as Primary Pay Status). Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 28 Service Code Type of Patient, Required. Verify the code is valid for your facility, verify age specific (pediatric) and gender specific service codes. See following table for values. Specific hospital choices must be related to KHDS for edit specifications. (continued next page) Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 29 (Service Codes continued) Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 30 Hemoglobin Low, Required. Hemoglobin High, Required. Hgb Low – Required if DRG is 0736, 0737, 0738, 0739, 0740, 0741, 0742, 0743, 0765, 0766 and payment status is 'BL.' Decimals indicate tenths. Lowest hemoglobin level during hospitalization (include pre-op lab). Hgb Drop - Required if DRG is 0736, 0737, 0738, 0739, 0740, 0741, 0742, 0743, 0765, 0766 and payment status is 'BL.' Decimals indicate tenths. Drop from highest hemoglobin during hospitalization (include pre-op lab). Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 31 Patient Discharge Status – 01 = DIS to home or self care (routine discharge) 02 = DIS to another short-term gen. hosp. for inpatient care 03 = DIS/transferred to skilled nursing facility 04 = DIS/transferred to intermediate care facility 05 = DIS/transferred to another type of institution 06 = DIS to a home under care of organized home health service organization 07 = Left against medical advice or discontinued care 20 = Expired 21 = DIS/Trans to Court/ Law Enforcement 41 = Expired In Hospital (Hospice) 43 = DIS/Trans To Federal Hosp. 50 = Hospice – home 51 = Hospice – medical facility 61 = DIS/transferred within this institution to a hospital-based Medicare approved swing bed 62 = DIS/transferred to another rehabilitation facility including rehabilitation distinct part units of a hospital 63 = DIS/transferred to a long term care hospital 64 = DIS To Cert Medicaid NF 65 = DIS/Trans To Psych Facility 66 = DIS/Trans To CAH 70 = DIS/Trans To Other 81 = Routine Home With P.A.C.H.I.R. 82 = Trans To HOSP With P.A.C.H.I.R. 83 = Trans To SNF With P.A.C.H.I.R. 84 = Trans to CUST With P.A.C.H.I.R. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 32 Patient Discharge Status – continued 85 = Trans To Cancer With P.A.C.H.I.R. 86 = Trans To Home Health With P.A.C.H.I.R. 87 = Trans To Court With P.A.C.H.I.R. 88 = Trans To Federal With P.A.C.H.I.R. 89 = Trans To Swing Bed With P.A.C.H.I.R. 90 = Trans To Rehab With P.A.C.H.I.R. 91 = Trans To Long Term Care Home With P.A.C.H.I.R. 92 = Trans To Nursing With P.A.C.H.I.R. 93 = Trans To Psychiatric With P.A.C.H.I.R. 94 = Trans To CAH With P.A.C.H.I.R. 95 = Trans To Other With P.A.C.H.I.R. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 33 Zip Code, Required. Five-digit zip code as provided by U.S. Post Office. The four-digit suffix can be added as supplied. The four-digit number is not required. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 34 Attending Physician, Required. Other Physician, Recommended if applicable. Attending Physician – Any ten-digit NPI number previously communicated to KHDS. All physician numbers need to be reported to KHDS staff prior to keying an abstract with those physicians. Other Physician – Any ten-digit NPI number previously communicated to KHDS – physician other than attending, surgeon, or consulting. Example: Assistant surgeon, etc. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 35 Consulting Physician 1, 2, and 3, recommended. Valid ten-digit NPI number previously communicated to KHDS, may not be the same number as attending or other physician. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 36 Coder ID, Optional data element. This hospital-assigned, three digit identifier allows for tracking and auditing of abstract record entry. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 37 Special Unit and Days, Required if Applicable. Verify that the code is within data range of validation table that follows and that either the accommodations on admission or discharge is equal to a '5' for special units. For Days, values are 00 – 99, verify special unit is completed. Number of days of combined special unit days cannot exceed total length of stay (discharge date minus admit date). There may be an occasion where the patient was in a special unit but not at admission or at discharge. Valid codes for units follow: H = Hospice 6 = SHORT PROCEDURE UNIT 0, 8, 9 = Other 7 = SELF CARE 1 = ICU 2 = CCU 3 = BURN 4 = ISOLATION 5 = PSYCH Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 38 Admitting Diagnosis, Required. Verify valid ICD-9-CM / ICD-10-CM (on or after 10/01/2014) diagnosis code. Decimals are implied and should not be entered. There are seven positions, begin in the first position and tab to next field when diagnosis code is completed. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 39 DRG, Calculated Field. Upon completion of abstract a DRG will be assigned if the abstract is error free. Press enter after completion and abstract will return with calculated fields complete. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 40 Diagnosis Codes, Required through at least the first code. POA Codes, Required if Diagnosis Code is present, ICD Version Code—2 digits(9, 10,11) Diagnosis Code - Verify valid ICD-9-CM / ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes, field allows up to 25 diagnosis codes to be entered. Decimals are implied and should not be entered. There are seven positions in each diagnosis code, begin in the first position and tab to the POA field when the diagnosis code is completed. POA Code – Every diagnosis code submitted should have an accompanying, valid Present on Admission indicator code. Valid codes are as follows: Y = Present at the time of inpatient admission N = Not present at the time of inpatient admission U = Documentation is insufficient to determine if condition is present on admission W = Provider is unable to clinically determine whether condition was present on admission or not 1 = Unreported/Not Used (Exempt from POA reporting) Note: A blank will also be accepted with POA exempt diagnosis codes, Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 41 Procedure Codes, Date and Surgeon, Required if there are procedures. Verify valid ICD-9-CM / ICD-10-CM procedure code. Decimals are implied. There are seven positions for each procedure code, begin in the first position and tab to next field when procedure code is completed. Blank if not applicable. Associated procedure date and surgeon must also be populated. Dates are MMDDYY. A valid calendar date, equal to or prior to discharge date, is required if there is a procedure. Procedure dates may be 1 day prior to admit date if referral source = OP (outpatient department) or 3 days prior to admit if referral source = OP and primary payor status = MA (Medicare). Verify all dates have associated procedure codes and surgeon NPI numbers. Verify valid surgeon number has previously been communicated to KHDS. Associated procedure code and procedure date must also be completed. There is space for 25 procedure codes/dates/surgeons. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 42 External Cause of Injury (ECI) Data Element 1 through 12,Required if applicable. Required if applicable DRG and Primary Pay Status is 'BL.' See attachment D for specific DRGs and values. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 43 Severity & Intensity Data Element 1 through 36, Required if applicable. Required if applicable DRG and Primary Pay Status is 'BL.' See attachment D for specific DRGs and values. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 44 Definitions of Terms in Manual Cursor Highlighted indicator shows you where you are on the display. Cursor Select Place the highlighted indictor at a particular field. Menu A list of the various transactions available to you within the Electronic Media Services. Entry The input of information into the PIMS. Inquiry Transaction whereby abstractors may obtain information as to abstract status, daily abstract totals, physician DRGs, etc. Field A set of character positions next to each other on the screen. Screen Display on terminal. Truncation If more characters or numbers are entered into a field than there are spaces, the information will be truncated or cut off to the number of available spaces. Log Off Signing off PIMS. Hours of Operation The KHDS system will be available five days a week and four nights a week except for those specific holidays observed by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas. The schedule for system availability is: Monday thru Friday 7:00 am to 5:30 pm Monday thru Thursday nights 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm Saturday 7:00 am to 11:30 am Holidays Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas currently observe eight (8) holidays that close the service center. On these eight days the Paperless Network will not be available: New Year’s Day Thanksgiving Day Memorial Day Day After Thanksgiving Independence Day Christmas Day Labor Day Last working day before Christmas The Corporation’s policy concerning the two Christmas holidays varies depending on the day the holiday falls on. KHDS will be responsible for notifying you of the exact dates of the Christmas holiday and of any changes or additions to the existing schedule. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014 45 Transmittal/Release process (F10 Key) 1. Enter the month and year of the month of abstracts that you wish to release/transmit (MMYY format). 2. Tab to the TRANSMITTAL TYPE field (skip over the 'TOTAL ABSTRACTS FOR MONTH’ field) and key in a 'B'. 3. Hit ENTER. 4. Verify that the 'TOTAL ABSTRACTS FOR MONTH' is correct and verify the LOS is reasonable. Only complete and forced abstracts can be transmitted. Any incomplete abstracts will need to be completed before you can transmit. 5. Go back to the 'TOTAL ABSTRACTS FOR MONTH' field and key in the appropriate number. 6. Hit ENTER. 7. Screen print the transmittal/release verification if you would like. Abstract Entry Manual 2014 Winter 2014
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