ECNP INDUSTRY MANUAL The 27th ECNP Congress foundation is a public-interest-serving entity ECNP Office – May 2014 CONTENTS Chapter th Page 1. 27 ECNP CONGRESS CONTACT DETAILS th 1.1 Contact details 27 ECNP Congress Foundation (ECNP Office) 1.2 Contact details organising secretariat (Colloquium Brussels) 4 4 4 1.3 Contact details CityCube Berlin (Congress venue) 1.4 Contact details official suppliers 2. CONGRESS INFORMATION 2.1 Provisional overview of the daily schedule 3. VENUE 3.1 Address 3.2 Contact information at the congress venue 3.3 Site visit th 3.4 General space assignment at the 27 ECNP Congress 3.5 How to reach the venue 4. GENERAL INFORMATION 4.1 Agencies 4.2 Banking facilities 4.3 Congress bags 4.4 Customs clearance 4.5 Disabled persons facilities 4.6 External suppliers 4.7 First aid 4.8 Language 4.9 Parking 4.10 Privacy of participants 4.11 Public address (PA) system 4.12 Signage 4.13 Smoking 4.14 Sponsoring 4.15 Telephone, photocopying and fax facilities 5. INDUSTRY RULES AND REGULATIONS 5.1 Adherence to rules, regulations and guidelines 5.2 Adherence to laws 5.3 Governing law, competent court 5.4 Liability and indemnification 5.5 Disclaimer 5.6 Insurance 5.7 Damage to the premises 5.8 Activities (company related) during the official ECNP programme 5.9 Activities (company related) outside the official ECNP programme 5.10 Advertisements 5.11 Printed material (including electronic material, etc.) 5.12 Distribution of material 5.13 Miscellaneous Further rules for exhibition 5.14 Audio-visual equipment 5.15 Stand activities 5.16 Obstruction of aisles and open spaces 4 5 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 1 6. SATELLITE SYMPOSIA 6.1 Access to satellite symposia 6.2 AV equipment, furniture and room specifications for satellite symposia 6.3 Catering 6.4 Disclosure 6.5 ECNP Dinner Invitation 6.6 E-mailing 6.7 Enduring material, recording (audio and image) and live webcast of satellite symposium 6.8 Installation and dismantling times 6.9 Preparation time 6.10 Printed material (including electronic material, etc) 6.11 Signage and room decoration 6.12 Simultaneous translation 6.13 Speakers ‘secretariat 6.14 Temporary staff / hostesses 7. EXHIBITION 7.1 Access to Exhibition 7.2 Allocated exhibition space 7.3 AV and IT equipment 7.4 Badges 7.5 Carpeting 7.6 Catering 7.7 Cleaning 7.8 Electricity & Lighting 7.9 Emergency procedure 7.10 Exhibitor service desk 7.11 Floral 7.12 Furniture 7.13 Hostesses / stand personnel 7.14 Internet connection 7.15 Laser products/gas cylinders and LPG 7.16 List of exhibitors (as of May 2014) 7.17 Price overview 7.18 Security 7.19 Stand information 7.20 Structural integrity and other regulations 7.21 Timetable 7.22 Trolleys 7.23 Water connection 8. SHIPPING/DELIVERY INFORMATION AND STORAGE 8.1 Contact details CEVA 8.2 Courier delivery/shipments 8.3 Material storage Further information for exhibition 8.4 Delivery 8.5 Delivery entrance/access to the venue/forwarding 8.6 Dismantling and removal of exhibits and stand fittings 8.7 Floor loading capacities 8.8 Lorry Park 8.9 Maintenance and re-stocking of stands ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 28 28 28 28 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 32 33 34 35 35 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 2 9. GROUP REGISTRATION 9.1 General 9.2 Online group registration requests 9.3 Group registration contract 9.4 Submission of participant names 9.5 Group registration confirmation 9.6 Addition to and modification of existing groups 9.7 Letter of invitation for visa application 9.8 Pick-up of congress badges for participants 9.9 Group registration procedure summary 10. HOTEL ACCOMMODATION 11. PRESS 11.1 Press briefings 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 41 41 43 44 45 45 11.2 Press facilities and material 12. PAYMENT AND CANCELLATION POLICIES 12.1 Payment terms and conditions 12.2 VAT 12.3 Cancellations and exhibition space reductions 13. SERVICES AND ORDER CHECKLIST: DATES AND DEADLINES 45 46 46 46 46 48 ENCLOSURES Stand plan sketch: layout fittings Exhibition floor plan (as of May 2014) AV set-up overview satellite symposia Detailed floor plan of satellite symposia session rooms (top and front views) ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 3 1. 27TH ECNP CONGRESS CONTACT DETAILS th 1.1 Contact details 27 ECNP Congress Foundation (ECNP Office) ECNP Office P.O. Box 85410 3508 AK Utrecht The Netherlands T: +31 88 75 69 555 F: +31 30 2538568 Melinda Spitzer Project Manager Congresses & Meetings T: +31 88 75 69 555 Rules and regulations, exhibition & satellite symposia applications, scientific secretariat 1.2 Contact details organising secretariat (Colloquium Brussels) Organising secretariat Colloquium Brussels 6 Avenue E. Van Nieuwenhuyse 1160 Brussels, Belgium T: +32 2 776 06 57 F: +32 2 779 59 60 Aurélie Caron Colloquium Brussels T: +32 2 776 06 57 Exhibition & satellite symposia logistics Sergi Migallon Registration department T: +32 2 776 06 57 Group registration Company staff registration Exhibitor badges and contractor passes Cristina Vellar Hotel department T: +32 2 776 06 57 Hotels The exhibition organisers are ECNP and the organising secretariat, Colloquium Brussels, hereinafter called organisers. 1.3 Contact details CityCube Berlin (Congress venue) CityCube Messedamm 14055 Germany T: +49 30 3038 3000 Rainer Zerell Project Management Congresses Berlin 26 Berlin T: +49-(030) 3038 3071 F: +49-(030) 3038 3032 ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany Site visits 4 1.4 Contact details official suppliers th Satellite symposia and exhibition services at the 27 ECNP Congress are provided by the organising secretariat, Colloquium Brussels, Michel de Backer, AV advisor, and designated official service suppliers. The CityCube Berlin has been appointed as the exhibition general contractor. All suppliers act on their own behalf in all arrangements with companies and are not agents or employees of the organisers. All services or materials supplied by these companies will be subject to an agreement between the suppliers and exhibitors and will be invoiced directly by the suppliers to the exhibitors. Please note that the suppliers may apply their own regulations and instructions to the agreements they use. Therefore, the organisers do not accept any liability or responsibility for any act performed or committed by such suppliers. Exhibitors may not order services or supplies that do not comply with these guidelines. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to be aware of the guidelines and to ensure that the services they order are in accordance with the congress guidelines. Service Exhibition management Supplier & contact person Colloquium Brussels Aurelie Caron Address & website Phone, mobile, fax & e-mail 6 Avenue E. Van Nieuwenhuyse 1160 Brussels, Belgium T: +32 2 776 06 57 F: +32 2 779 59 60 T: +44 20 32 87 23 77 Satellite symposia management (AV / room setup) Exhibitor staff registration and group registration DeBackerConsultants Pty.Ltd. Michel de Backer Colloquium Group Sergi Migallon 6 Avenue E. Van Nieuwenhuyse 1160 Brussels, Belgium T: +32 2 776 06 57 F: +32 2 779 59 60 Catering for exhibitors Capital Catering GMBH Oliver Paluch T: + 49 (0)30 3038 - 2993 / - 1952 F: + 49 (0)30 3038 91 2993 Contact for technical details signage satellite symposium session room Signage satellite symposium session room Atelier Köbbert GMBH Thomas Köbbert Messedamm 22 14055 Berlin, Germany Atelier Köbbert GMBH Thomas Köbbert Nassauische Str. 54 10717 Berlin T: +49 (0)30 86420086 F: +48 (0)30 8619532 Water, stand cleaning, waste disposal, Internet power supply, electricity, telephone/fax, temporary personnel (security) Hostesses Messe Berlin GmbH Bettina Dietzsch Messedamm 22 14055 Berlin, Germany T: +49 (0)30 3038 1465 F: +49 (0)30 3038 1460 MB Capital Services GmbH Doris Aust Capital Services GmbH Anja Peglow Thüringer Allee 12 A D - 14052 Berlin Thüringer Allee 12 14052 Berlin, Germany T: +49 (0)30 3038 1437 F: +49 (0)30 3038 1440 Stand equipment, shell scheme stands, carpeting, furniture, lighting, computer, printer/copier, IT, AV general, floral decoration ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany T: +49 (0)30 86420086 F: +48 (0)30 8619532 T: +49 (0)30 3067 2013 F: +49 (0)30 3067 2059 5 Hotels Colloquium Brussels Cristina Vellar 6 Avenue E. Van Nieuwenhuyse 1160 Brussels, Belgium Lifting, forwarding, customs clearance, freight & shipping CEVA Nadja Wever Elektronweg 12 3542 AC Utrecht The Netherlands ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany T: +32 2 776 06 57 F: +32 2 779 59 60 T: +31 88 028 3183 M: 31 68 362 8592 F: +31 26 31 95 222 6 2. CONGRESS INFORMATION 2.1 Provisional overview of the daily schedule SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Hours Saturday 18-Oct 07.45 – 08.45 Sunday Monday Tuesday 19-Oct 20-Oct 21-Oct Brainstorming sessions (BS) Career development sessions (CD) 09.00 – 10.40 10.40 – 10.50 Parallel tracks (S&E) Presentation ECNP Travel Awards 11.00 – 11.45 Plenary lectures (PL) 11.45 – 13.45 12.25 - 12.35 13.15 – 13.45 Poster sessions (P) and coffee & lunch Presentation poster awards (PA) Rapid-fire poster sessions 13.45 –14.30 Plenary lectures (PL) 14.45 – 16.25 Parallel tracks (S&E) 16.25 – 16.55 Scientific cafés (CA) 16.50 – 18.30 Parallel (S&E) 18.45 – 20.15 Keynote session (incl. Keynote lecture) Welcome reception 20.15 – 21.45 SATELLITE SYMPOSIA (C) Hours Saturday 18-Oct 12.30 – 14.15 1 slot 14.45 – 16.30 17.00 – 18.45 tracks Sunday 19-Oct Monday 20-Oct 3 slots 4 slots The programme consists of: - 1 Keynote session (KS) - 6 Plenary lectures (PL) - 9 Brainstorming sessions (BS) - 6 Career development sessions (CD) - 4 Tracks with 7 symposia each (S) - 1 Educational track with 7 educational update sessions (E) - 15 Scientific cafés (CA) - 3 Poster sessions (P) - 3 Rapid-fire poster sessions (RF) - 12 Slots for satellite symposia (C) ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 7 3. VENUE th The 27 ECNP Congress will be held in the CityCube Berlin. The congress venue is only 30 minutes away from the city centre, airport, and is directly located at the city train stop ‘Messe Sud’. 3.1 Address CityCube Berlin Messedamm 26 14055 Berlin Germany T: +49 30 3038 3000 Location The congress venue is located in the business and financial district of Berlin, only a few minutes away from the city centre by underground or by taxi. The drive from the airport takes about 15 minutes. Distances to congress venue: 8 kilometres from Berlin Hauptbahnhof (City Center Train station) 8 kilometres from the International Airport Tegel (TXL) 26 kilometres from the International Airport Schönefeld (SXF) 10 kilometres from the city centre For a detailed map of the area around the congress venue and transportation options please see item 3.5. ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 8 3.2 Contact Information at the congress venue CityCube Berlin Rainer Zerell Project Management Congresses T: +49-(030) 3038 3071 F: +49-(030) 3038 3032 3.3 Site visits If you wish to visit the venue before the congress, please contact Rainer Zerell (see contact details at item 3.2) at the CityCube Berlin, to schedule your visit. Please keep in mind that construction on the building might still being finalised at that time. ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 9 th 3.4 General space assignment at the 27 ECNP Congress Congress building Entrance level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Registration area Congress bag handout Business centre Cloakroom First Aid ATM Session rooms - Hall A4 - Hall A1 - Hall A3 - Hall A7 - Hall A8 Speakers’ secretariat Members’ and Faculty lounge Poster & Award area Exhibition area ECNP Plaza Junior Scientists’ lounge Smaller session rooms - Room M2 - Room M4 - Room M6 Press briefing (Room M1) Press room (Room M3) General overview floor plan Entrance level ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 10 Level 1 ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 11 Level 2 ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 12 Level 3 ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 13 3.5 How to reach the venue From the airport – International Airport Tegel (TXL) By taxi/car: Overall duration of trip is approximately 15 minutes, depending on traffic. The cost by taxi is approximately EUR 25, depending on traffic at specific times of day. By public transport: Metro/bus You can take the TXL bus to Beusselstraat then the S42 to Westkreuz (brown line) and finally the S5 to Messe Süd one stop further (orange line). You then have to exit from the right side of the track towards Jafféstrasse and you will find the CityCube across the street from the train station. Your travel time will be approximately 45min. From the airport – International Airport Schönefeld (SXF) By taxi/car: Overall duration of trip is approximately 35 minutes, depending on traffic. The cost by taxi is approximately EUR 25, depending on traffic at specific times of day. By public transport: The travel time by public transport from SXF to the venue is over 2hours. From the train station – Berlin Hauptbahnhof (City Center) By taxi/car: Overall duration of trip: approximately 20 minutes, depending on traffic. The cost by taxi is approximately EUR 25 depending on traffic at specific times of day. By public transport You can take the S5 line (orange) towards Spandau and get off at Messe Süd (7 stops), then walk towards the venue. You then have to exit from the right side of the track towards Jafféstrasse and you will find the CityCube across the street from the train station. Your travel time will be approximately 30min. For other itineraries and information, please visit the Berlin transport website at Public transport map of the area around CityCube Berlin ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 14 4. GENERAL INFORMATION 4.1 Agencies The use of agencies for logistical and technical purposes is permitted, provided the company informs the organising secretariat, Colloquium Brussels, in writing of the name of the agency and which activities it will perform. Unfortunately, it is not possible to handle any requests by agencies before such a written statement has been received. Please note that the company remains responsible for the activities organised. Should you desire to work with an agency, please fill in the Agency reply form. NB: Material regarding the contents of the satellite symposia must be provided by the company itself to the ECNP Office (including printed and press material). 4.2 Banking facilities The CityCube Berlin has an ATM machine in the entrance lobby next to the cloakroom. There are also banks and post offices located at the Theodor-Heuss-Platz (approx. 2km) such as “Postbank Finanzcenter”. The official currency in Berlin is the euro (EUR). Foreign currencies may easily be exchanged in banks, exchange offices, at the airport and at major points of interest that are listed here. The closest to the CityCube Berlin is at the train station “Zoologischer Garten / Bahnhof Zoo”. 4.3 Congress bags The contents of the bag will be limited to the final programme, notepad, pen and ECNP promotional material which are all supplied by ECNP. 4.4 Customs clearance The official freight forwarder, CEVA, has supplied full customs clearance instructions in their Shipping Instructions form. For a full quotation please complete this Shipping Instructions form and send it to 4.5 Disabled persons facilities All access points at the congress venue are adapted for disabled persons (appropriate access to session rooms, lifts to access the different levels, disabled persons’ restrooms on each floor of the building, parking for disabled persons). Please ensure that your stand and exhibits are equally accessible to people with disabilities as well as to people without disabilities. Any stand with a platform should provide an appropriate access ramp. 4.6 External suppliers An exhibitor, who would like to propose an external company or supplier, must contact Colloquium Brussels with their request. The exhibitor is responsible for ensuring that the supplies ordered in accordance with the congress guidelines. The exhibitor is responsible for following the rules and procedures established by the CityCube Berlin regarding the use of external companies or suppliers. 4.7 First aid First aid service is available at the entrance level of the CityCube Berlin. Telephone number within the CityCube Berlin: 2222; from outside the CityCube Berlin: 112 The nearest hospital is Krankenhaus Westend. 4.8 Language The official language of the congress is English. There is no simultaneous translation allowed, neither during the scientific programme, nor the satellite symposia. ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 15 4.9 Parking The CityCube Berlin has close public parking all around the venue that participants can have access to. On the Conventions Center map, the parking are indicated with a “P”. The ones that are circled in red are the closest from the CityCube Berlin, which are P10 (80 parking spaces), P11 (40 parking spaces), P11a (200 parking spaces), P13 (44 parking spaces) and P13a (350 parking spaces). Participants will not be able to have access to P12 as it is only for trucks or P17 and P18 because it is already reserved for another event but any other ones will be free. There is no need or possibility to reserve parking spaces. The CityCube Berlin does not have any parking for trucks, coaches or vans. 4.10 Privacy of participants All parties involved in the organisation of ECNP Congresses are urgently requested to respect the privacy of the participants. This implies that it would be greatly appreciated if no promotional material was displayed in hotels or left for the attention of the participants in their hotel rooms. Please ensure that hospitality areas in hotels are kept low profile. 4.11 Public address (PA) system The PA system is for official use by the organisers only. 4.12 Signage Signage related to satellite symposia and the exhibition will be provided and organised by ECNP. No other signage is permitted. 4.13 Smoking The ECNP Congresses are non-smoking congresses. 4.14 Sponsoring There are no industry sponsored activities allowed during the congress besides the satellite symposia and exhibition. 4.15 Telephone, photocopying and fax facilities Exhibitors can hire fax machines and phones through the venue by filling in this order form and send it to Printers and computers can be requested to MB Capital Services GmbH by filling in the order form and send it back to A business centre will be located at the entrance level of the CityCube Berlin behind the cloakroom and will be open during the congress from 09.00-18.30 on Saturday and from 07.30-18.00 from Sunday to Tuesday. Please note that this business centre will accept cash and credit cards. Service A4 BW copy A3 BW copy A4 Colour copy Fax Price in EUR (as of 1 February 2014) 0.25 0.30 1.00 1.30 ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 16 5. INDUSTRY RULES AND REGULATIONS 5.1 Adherence to rules, regulations and guidelines th All companies involved in the 27 ECNP Congress should adhere to this document, the ECNP Industry Guidelines (February 2014) sent out by the ECNP Office and to the Exhibition Regulations of the CityCube Berlin as stated in this document. In order to achieve an efficient flow of information it would be appreciated if you could provide this th information to all persons involved in the 27 agencies working on your behalf. ECNP Congress within your own company, as well as to 5.2 Adherence to laws It is the companies’ responsibility to adhere to any laws applicable in the country where the ECNP Congress is being held. The organisers accept no responsibility whatsoever for any transgression of such laws by th exhibitors and/or satellite symposia organisers at the 27 ECNP Congress. 5.3 Governing law, competent court The law of The Netherlands shall be applicable to the whole contractual relationship between the organisers and the companies, which includes - but is not limited to – the guidelines and all other agreements. Any disputes which might arise as a result of the agreements are subject to the adjudication of the competent court of jurisdiction in The Netherlands. th Participation in the exhibition and/or satellite symposia of the 27 ECNP Congress implies acceptance of these conditions. 5.4 Liability and indemnification The company will be fully responsible for any claims, liabilities, losses, damages, or expenses relating to or arising out of any injury to any of the companies’ personnel or to any other person or any loss or damage to any property of company or any other property where such injury, loss or damage is incident to, arises out of, th or is in any way connected with companies participation of the 27 ECNP Congress. Moreover, the company shall protect, indemnify, hold harmless and defend the organisers and their employees from and against any and all such claims, liabilities, losses, damages and expenses. The company further waives any claim against the organisers, their officers, directors, agents, and suppliers, th arising out of oral and written publication or republication of any statement made in connection with the 27 ECNP Congress concerning the company’s or his/her exhibits, products or services. The foregoing does not apply to claims arising from gross negligence or wilful misconduct on the part of the organisers or any person or object for which the organisers can be held liable under Dutch law. 5.5 Disclaimer For reasons beyond their control (such as war, strikes, lockouts, riots or any such civil disturbances, any acts of God, including but not limited to earthquakes, floods and droughts and any other cause or circumstance of whatsoever nature beyond its control that have an impact on the arrangements, timetables or planning of a th scientific meeting), the 27 ECNP Congress and/or its agent Colloquium Brussels and/or its agents have the right to immediately alter or cancel the congress or any of the arrangements, timetables, plans or other items th relating directly or indirectly to the 27 ECNP Congress. The company and/or participants shall not be entitled to any compensation for damages that result from such alteration or cancellation. th Furthermore, with the exception of any wilful damage or gross negligence committed by the 27 ECNP th Congress and/or its agent Colloquium Brussels and/or its agents, neither the 27 ECNP Congress nor its agent Colloquium Brussels and/or its agents shall at any time be liable for any direct or indirect damage suffered by the company and/or participants, including consequential and immaterial damage, caused by failure to comply with any provision of this document. ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 17 5.6 Insurance Although every reasonable precaution will be taken to protect the company’s property whilst on display at the th exhibition or during the satellite symposium at the 27 ECNP Congress, it must be clearly understood that th the company takes part in the 27 ECNP Congress entirely at his or her own risk. Furthermore, with the th exception of wilful damage or gross negligence on their part, the 27 ECNP Congress and/or its agent Colloquium Brussels and/or its agents, the management of the CityCube Berlin, the local authorities, and the designated official service suppliers accept no liability for any loss or damage sustained or occasioned from any other cause. It is highly recommended that all exhibitors carry the proper individual medical travel and health insurance. Furthermore, all companies should carry proper liability insurance, as the company is responsible for all personal injury or damage to property arising in connection with the construction and dismantling of the exhibition stand and/or with the satellite symposium on anything permitted, omitted or done thereon or there th from during the period of congress or the construction and dismantling periods of the 27 ECNP Congress, with the exception of personal injury or damage to property to third parties which is caused by ECNP or any person or object for which ECNP can be held liable under Dutch law. 5.7 Damage to the premises Nails, screws or other fixtures may not be driven into any part of the premises including floors, nor may any part of the premises be damaged or disfigured in any way. If any damage occurs, the company responsible for such damage will be invoiced for any charges incurred. 5.8 Activities (company related) during the official ECNP programme hours Company related activities (other than exhibition) are not allowed during the official ECNP programme from Saturday 18 October 16.50 till Tuesday 21 October 16.55, including the ECNP Dinner on Tuesday 21 October 2014. th The 27 ECNP Congress has meeting rooms for rent available (only for private staff meeting purposes) at th the CityCube Berlin during the 27 ECNP Congress at a first come first serve basis. Meeting rooms can be rented from Saturday 18 October until Tuesday 21 October 2014 between 07.0018.30 daily. For further information and reservation please send an e-mail to 5.9 Activities (company related) outside the official ECNP programme hours If a company or an organisation intends to organise a private meeting or other event during the th 27 ECNP Congress, it would be appreciated if the ECNP Office could be notified of this for information purposes only. It would also be appreciated if no activities were organised in parallel with the satellite symposia. 5.10 Advertisements Company advertisements are not permitted in the congress supplement to the journal European th Neuropsychopharmacology (ENP) or any printed matter of the 27 ECNP Congress. ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 18 5.11 Printed material (including electronic material, etc.) No use may be made of the ECNP logo. The logo is understood to include the letter type and colours of the th ECNP letterhead. However, the ECNP promotional kit is available for use for materials related to the 27 ECNP Congress. Text reference can be made to the ECNP Congress or ECNP: On the invitation for satellite symposia, worded as follows: ‘satellite symposium on the occasion of th the 27 ECNP Congress with educational financial support provided by <name company>’ On written information for the press, see chapter 10.2 under Press facilities and material On the live webcast of a satellite symposium, see chapter 6.10. Reference to exhibition is limited to ‘please visit the exhibition booth/stand of <name company>’. No trade logos and/or names may be printed on invitations for satellite symposia. 5.12 Distribution of material Apart from the exhibition stands and the rules, as stated in chapter 6 for satellite symposia, companies will th not be permitted to distribute or mount any material at the venue of the 27 ECNP Congress. Clothing etc. on which advertisements appear are considered to be printed material and staff wearing such items should remain at the exhibition stand. In addition, the use of ‘living promotional material’ outside the exhibition stand or the session room of the satellite symposium is not permitted, e.g. staff ‘helping’ participants to read the signs or to find satellite symposia, exhibition or other company related matters. 5.13 Miscellaneous In addition to these ECNP Industry Guidelines, the terms and conditions, important notes and technical guidelines mentioned in the ECNP Industry Manual, as well as the Exhibition Regulations and Technical Guidelines of the CityCube Berlin also apply. In the event of a dispute, the decision of the organisers is final. Further rules for exhibition 5.14 Audio-visual equipment The use of microphones/audio-visual equipment on the exhibition stand is permitted, but the volume must not be such as to cause annoyance to other exhibitors. The organisers reserve the right to prohibit the use of such equipment, if in the organisers’ opinion, any annoyance is being caused. 5.15 Stand activities It would be appreciated if companies endeavour to organise medically oriented exhibits. Exhibitors are permitted to demonstrate the company’s equipment and to make informational presentations regarding the product line or service within the stand. Demonstration areas must be indicated on your stand plans and, where necessary, must include soundproofing within the construction of this area. Plans must also show any proposed queuing and viewing areas within the stands. Any other attention-getting devices must be approved by the organisers prior to the start of the congress. Only activities which, in the opinion of the organisers, are in line with medically oriented exhibits will be permitted. The organisers reserve the right to end activities or to close a stand. 5.16 Obstruction of aisles and open spaces Exhibitors will not be allowed to display exhibits outside their own exhibition stands. Additionally, the organisers reserve the right to order changes to exhibition stands, which are in any way obtrusive. Any form of light projection, etc. outside the exhibition stands is not permitted. Aisles must be kept clear and free for passage at all times. Any exhibitor who does not abide by the rules is liable to have his or her stand closed by the organisers at the exhibitor’s own risk and expense. ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 19 6. SATELLITE SYMPOSIA 6.1 Access to satellite symposia All registered congress participants have access to satellite symposia. Participants are required to wear their badges in order to have access to the congress venue. Free satellite symposium staff badges Satellite symposium organisers are entitled to 4 (four) satellite symposium staff badges per satellite symposium free of charge, which will be provided on-site. These badges allow admission only to your satellite symposium and these are not name-specific but time slot-specific. On the satellite symposium staff badges, only the company name and corresponding time slot, as indicated on the satellite symposium application form, will be printed. Therefore, they are only valid for one satellite symposium. Badges for satellite symposium staff do not allow access to the scientific sessions. Exhibitors do not have access to satellite symposia. However exhibitors may attend the satellite symposium of their company. To access these, please present your exhibitor badge at the entrance of the room. For security reasons, all participants must wear the provided badges at all times during the congress. Security staff will not allow you or your staff to enter the congress without a valid badge. Additional satellite symposium staff badges can be purchased at a price of EUR 150 (excl. VAT) per badge on the satellite symposium registration link. Temporary staff/hostesses badges Badges for your additional temporary staff/hostesses are provided free of charge. These badges allow admission only to your satellite symposium and these are not name-specific but time slot-specific. Please indicate the number of additional badges you require on the satellite symposium registration link in the appropriate section. Information on how to order additional temporary staff/hostesses can be found at item 6.14. Speakers and chairs of your satellite symposium Please note that it is mandatory to register the speakers and chairs of your satellite symposium through the online individual or group registration form if you have not already done so. Please note that ECNP faculty members cannot be registered through a group. They are registered through the scientific secretariat. They can, however, be part of a group for hotel accommodation and travel arrangements. Although every effort will be made to inform you in the event of a double registration, when either an individual or another group registers the same participant, the organising secretariat cannot be held responsible should such an event occur. Badge pick-up Free and additional satellite symposium staff badges will be available for pick-up (in an envelope under the company’s name and satellite time slot) on-site at the registration desks from 15.00 until 19.00 on Friday 17 October 2014 and during the registration opening hours from Saturday 18 October 2014 to Tuesday 21 October 2014. 6.2 AV equipment, furniture and room specifications for satellite symposia AV advisor th The ECNP AV advisor for the 27 ECNP Congress is the contact person for companies organising a satellite th symposium at the 27 ECNP Congress. For any technical requests or assistance concerning AV equipment, live webcasts etc. and assistance for satellite symposia, please contact: Michael De Backer ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 20 Room specifications th The following rooms will be used for satellite symposia on the occasion of the 27 ECNP Congress: Room Building Level Capacity (theatre) Hall A1 Congress centre Level 1 850 seats Hall A3 Congress centre Level 1 447 seats Hall A7 Congress centre Level 1 447 seats Hall A8 Congress centre Level 1 850 seats Room set-up for all satellite symposia is theatre style. Please note that the standard room set-up can under no circumstances be changed to fit your own requirements, since this might jeopardise the set-up for the scientific sessions. Detailed floor plans of the rooms are enclosed to this manual. All rooms are equipped with the following furniture and congress staff: 1 table (140 cm x 70 cm) / main entrance(s) of the room for handing out materials 1 poster board / main entrance(s) 1 panel table with space for 4 seats 1 speaker lectern (with fixed microphone) 1 senior AV-technician 1 badge checker at main entrance(s)* * Staff will be available 30 minutes prior to the start of the satellite symposium and remain until the end of the session time. For detailed information concerning the technical equipment and technical staff provided in the satellite symposia rooms, please see the enclosed document with the AV set-up overview for satellite symposia. Any additional AV items and technical staff must be ordered through the AV advisor Michael De Backer. Please contact him for any AV needs. The deadline for confirming orders is Friday 3 October 2014 and will incur additional costs for the company organising the satellite symposium. A surcharge of 50% will apply to additional orders confirmed between Saturday 4 October 2014 and the end of congress. 6.3 Catering Due to the limited space at the venue it has been decided to discontinue the possibility for companies to provide catering for their satellite symposium participants. 6.4 Disclosure ECNP requests speakers and chairs and poster presenters in the scientific programme of ECNP and in the satellite symposia to disclose potential conflicts of interest. This will allow the audience to take potential conflicts of interest into account when assessing the objectivity of the presentation. Speakers are requested to disclose potential conflicts of interest regarding their current presentation in the first slide of their presentation. Chairs are also requested to disclose potential interest regarding the topics of the presentations during their session in the first slide of their session. Poster presenters are requested to disclose potential conflicts of interest regarding their current poster presentation at the bottom of their poster. Potential conflicts of interest can involve: grants, honoraria, shares, paid positions on advisory boards etc. The text to be used for speakers {1} and for chairs {2} in the satellite symposia is: ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 21 Conflict of interest statement regarding {1 my presentation} {2 the topics of the presentations} th in the satellite symposium on the occasion of the 27 ECNP Congress with educational financial support provided by <name company> {1< title presentation>}{2 <title satellite symposium>} on <date> October 2014 ○ I have no potential conflict of interest to disclose ○ I have an interest in relation to one or more organisations that could be perceived as a possible conflict of interest in the context of the {1 subject of this presentation} {2 topics of the presentations}. The relationship(s) is (are) summarised below: Interest Name of organisation Grants Honoraria Shares Paid positions Advisory boards Other involvement _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ 6.5 ECNP Dinner invitation th For each company organising a satellite symposium on the occasion of the 27 ECNP Congress 2 (two) representatives per company are invited to attend the ECNP Dinner. The ECNP Dinner will take place on Tuesday 21 October 2014 at the ‘AXICA’, from 19.30. The names of the two representatives should be sent by the company to the ECNP Office at by 15 July 2014 at the latest. 6.6 E-mailing A participants list will not be available for companies. An e-mailing promoting the satellite symposia will be sent out by the organising secretariat Colloquium Brussels about four weeks before the congress to all preregistered participants. In this e-mailing participants will be invited to visit the ECNP Congress website that includes the digital versions of the invitations for satellite symposia, as produced by the companies. 6.7 Enduring material, recording (audio and image) and live webcast of satellite symposium ECNP gives permission to re-use the content of the programme of a satellite symposium to create enduring material and allows recording (audio and image) of a satellite symposium by the medical company in principle and if possible from a logistical point of view. ECNP allows live webcasting of satellite symposia. Re-use is permitted, provided that: This activity does not, in any way, cause any disturbance to the attendees, or causes any damage to the building All legal issues such as, for example, copyright and privacy of the attendees involved in this activity are the responsibility of the company The recorded material is a full version of the satellite symposium given without omissions or additional information There is no link or reference to ECNP or the ECNP Congress other than the sentence ‘satellite th symposium on the occasion of the 27 ECNP Congress with educational financial support provided by <name company>’ A reference is made that the content is not necessarily the opinion of ECNP If the approved satellite symposium is to be webcasted live, the utmost will be done by the organisers to provide a time slot for a short technical rehearsal in the session room. ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 22 6.8 Installation and dismantling times Companies are permitted to have material delivered to the outside of the session room and can set up their tables up to 1 hour before the start of their satellite symposium. However, companies will only have access to their assigned room and can only start to hand out material 30 minutes before the start of the satellite symposium. Extensions beyond the assigned time slot are not allowed under any circumstances. The room should be vacated immediately after the end of the satellite symposium. It is the responsibility of the company organising the satellite symposium to ensure that all materials arising from preparing their satellite symposium are completely removed from the assigned room immediately after the session. If material is left in the room, requiring CityCube Berlin to arrange waste removal, a fee will be charged for this service to the company who is responsible for the waste. 6.9 Preparation time Please note that you only have 30 minutes to set up your satellite symposium inside the allocated room. A rehearsal time slot with Michael De Backer (AV advisor) is offered for companies. You can find your exact rehearsal time slot in the enclosed AV set-up overview for satellite symposia. 6.10 Printed material (including electronic material, etc.) Printed material of the satellite symposia must have the name of the medical company involved on the cover of printed matter, on the poster and on the first page of electronic material, in the following wording ‘satellite th symposium on the occasion of the 27 ECNP Congress with educational financial support provided by <name company>’. Printed material announcing satellite symposia will only be distributed by: 1. E-mailing to the pre-registered participants: the organising secretariat Colloquium Brussels will organise an electronic mailing to all pre-registered participants approximately four weeks prior to the congress, inviting participants to visit the ECNP congress website that includes digital versions of all the invitations for satellite symposia produced by the companies. This pdf of the invitation should be approved by the ECNP Office and the final version should be sent to the ECNP Office no later than 1 September 2014. 2. Display of posters on 3 identical poster boards (1 poster – max. A1 format – per board per satellite symposium). Two poster boards for the promotion of your satellite symposium, with corresponding racks for leaflets, will be placed in the general area of the congress venue on which the posters should be placed on Saturday 18 October from 08.00 and can remain until Tuesday 21 October th 18.00. These poster boards and racks are especially provided for this purpose by the 27 ECNP Congress at the congress venue. The third poster board will be located at the main entrance of the room allocated for your satellite symposium. If the allocated room has two main entrances, a fourth poster board will be provided. These posters can be put up no more than 30 minutes prior to the start of the satellite symposium. The format of these posters should be A1 format, 841 mm high and 594 mm wide (portrait style) and these posters need to be approved by the ECNP Office. It will also be possible to order a panel for the main entrance(s) of the room allocated for your satellite symposium through the signage package order form instead of a third poster board. See item 6.11 for more details. If you order this sign, we will not provide a board for your third poster. 3. Handing out material from the exhibition stand. 4. Handing out material from the table(s) at the entrance of the room used for the satellite symposium, commencing no more than 30 minutes before the start of the satellite symposium. Companies are allowed to bring in their material to the tables 60 minutes before the start of the satellite symposium. However, the material needs to be covered until 30 minutes before the start of the satellite symposium A pdf. version of all printed material used in relation to satellite symposia should be sent for approval by 1 September 2014 at the latest to the ECNP Office to the attention of Melinda Spitzer, Project Manager Congresses & Meetings, e-mail As a rule, a response will be given within 5 working days. ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 23 6.11 Signage and room decoration Directional signage related to satellite symposia will be provided and organised by ECNP. No other directional signage or promotional signage (beyond that is mentioned in chapter 6.10) inside or outside the venue is permitted. Please see chapter 6.10 as well as chapter 5.11 of this document for information about the approval of printed matter. The organisers will provide room decoration and ECNP signage. Companies may brand the session room with their own images as they wish, but it needs to be ordered through the signage package order form. The organisers will take care that the material ordered is ready in the room 30 minutes before the start of the satellite symposium and that it is removed no later than 15 minutes after the end of the satellite symposium. The branding is being centralised in order to take care that the congress signage and decoration provided by the organisers is not removed or damaged in any way. Standard in the room will be a lectern and a panel table for 4 persons both with ECNP branding on three sides. The following packages can be ordered: 1. LECTERN BRANDING (excl. design-cost) € 189,00 € 268,00 € 635,00 € 915,00 1x banner (450cm H x 150cm W) € 578,00 2x banners (each 450cm H x150cm W) - identical € 1.130,00 free-standing 133 high (H) x 71 wide (W) x 45 deep(D) (front-panel = 135cm H x 75cm wide) (2x side-panels = each 135cm H x 45cm wide) 2. PANEL TABLE WITH COMPANY BRANDING (excl. design-cost) 4pax (comes with 2x panel mikes) 4pax (front 282cm W ; 2x sides each 100cm W ; 80cm H) 5pax (comes with total of 3x panel mikes) 5pax (front 362cm W ; 2x sides each 100cm W ; 80cm H) 6pax (comes with total of 4x panel mikes & 3rd comfort monitor) 6pax (front 423cm W ; 2x sides each 100cm W ; 80cm H) 3. BANNER inside session room (excl. design-cost, incl. labour/pulley/lighting) (position as per ECNP-drawing = red banners) 4. Satellite symposium printed panel outside entrance (excl. design-cost) 1-sided sign (100cm W ; 200cm H) € 138,00 Details with drawings and positions can be found on the signage package order form. Deadline for ordering is 3 October 2014. On late orders a surcharge of 50% will be added and these need to be paid immediately either by bank transfer or credit card, in any case before the start of the congress. 6.12 Simultaneous translation The official language of the congress is English. There is no simultaneous translation allowed, neither during the scientific programme, nor during the satellite symposia. ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 24 6.13 Speakers’ secretariat Companies organising a satellite symposium are invited to use the speakers’ secretariat free of charge to upload, review or make changes to their presentations. Presentations will be directly dispatched to the appropriate room by the official congress IT company, COVR. Only PowerPoint presentations are accepted. If you do not wish to use the speakers’ secretariat, please note that you will have to provide your own laptop in the session room. Please notify Michael De Backer (, the AV advisor, no later than 19 September 2014 if you plan to make use of this service or if you will provide your own laptop for your satellite symposium. Please note that companies who do not make use of the speakers’ secretariat may not have access to certain services (e.g. the PowerPoint computer in the room, which is connected to the speakers’ secretariat). 6.14 Temporary staff / hostesses Some technical assistance and personnel is included in the session room as specified in chapter 6.2 above and in the enclosed document AV set-up overview for satellite symposia. If you require additional temporary staff to assist with your satellite symposium, please send your request to the official supplier, MB Capital Services. Please fill in their order form and send it back to ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 25 7. EXHIBITION 7.1 Access to Exhibition The exhibition will take place on 19-21 October 2014 from 09.00 until 17.00 in Hall B on level 2 of the CityCube Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Exhibitors may enter the exhibition hall 1,5 hours before and 1 hour after the opening hours of the exhibition each day. Exhibition staff will be able to enter with either an exhibitor badge or set-up pass (see chapter 7.4). Set-up passes are special vouchers provided to exhibitor staff members registered with free congress participant badges. Exhibitors do not have access to satellite symposia. However, exhibitors may attend their own satellite symposium. To access these sessions, please present your exhibitor badge at the entrance. Exhibitors must ensure that their stands are staffed and open throughout the opening hours of the exhibition. For security reasons, all exhibitors must wear the provided badges at all times during the congress. Security staff will not allow you or your staff to enter the congress without a valid badge. 7.2 Allocated exhibition space The allocation of stand space does not mean that the organisers endorse or support the information provided at the exhibition stand. Exhibitors are not allowed to sublet their assigned stand space. 7.3 AV and IT equipment A full range of AV and IT-equipment can be ordered through MB Capital Services GmbH. For the rental of AV and IT equipment, please fill in their order form and send it back to 7.4 Badges Contractor passes During the build-up and dismantling hours of the exhibition, all exhibitors and stand contractors are required to wear contractor passes due to security reasons. These passes are valid during build-up and dismantling only and will be supplied by the organisers, free of charge. All vehicles delivering exhibits or stand-fittings must have a contractor pass. For security reasons, the contractor pass must be displayed in the vehicle at all times. Please indicate the number of contractor passes you require on the exhibition registration form and enter the code that has been sent to you by e-mail. Free exhibitor badges Exhibitors are entitled to a certain number of free exhibitor badges, depending on the size of their stand (please see below the summary table of free exhibitor and congress participant badges), which will be provided on-site. The exhibitor badges allow admission to the exhibition area 1,5 hours before and 1 hour after the opening hours of the exhibition, each day (see chapter 7.21). The exhibitor badges also give access to the satellite symposia organised by the badge holder’s own company as well as access to the coffee breaks and lunches served during the official breaks. Exhibitor badges do not allow access to the scientific sessions. Only the company names, as indicated on the application form, will be printed on the exhibitor badges; therefore exhibitors can rotate these badges, as they prefer. Additional exhibitor badges Additional exhibitor badges for stand personnel can be purchased at a price of EUR 150 (excl. VAT) per badge by using the exhibition registration form and entering the code that has been sent to you by e-mail. Free congress participant badges / set-up passes Exhibitors are also entitled to a certain number of free congress’ participant badges, provided the stand space hired is at least 25 m². The number of free congress participant badges depends on the size of the stand (see the summary table below of free exhibitor and congress participant badges). ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 26 The congress participant badges allow access to the scientific programme, satellite symposia, exhibition during opening hours, coffee breaks and lunches served during the official breaks. For more details what is included in the registration fee for congress participants please check: Please note that congress participant badges do not give access to the exhibition area before and/or after the opening hours of the exhibition. However, you can request set-up passes free of charge for your exhibition staff with free congress participant badges that entitle them to enter the exhibition area 1,5 hours before and 1 hour after the opening hours. To obtain your free congress participant badges /set- up passes, please complete the exhibition registration form and enter the code that has been sent to you by e-mail. Additional congress participant badges Any additional congress participants can be registered through the online individual registration form or the online group registration form and must be paid for in full. Deadline to complete the online exhibition registration form is: 22 September 2014 Badge pick-up Contractor passes will be available for pick up at the registration desk located on the Entrance level of the CityCube Berlin from Thursday 16 October 2014 onwards. Free and additional exhibitor badges and free congress participant badges with set-up passes, when indicated, will be available for pick-up (in an envelope under the company’s name) at the registration desk located on the Entrance level of the CityCube Berlin from 15.00 until 19.00 on Friday 17 October 2014 and during the registration opening hours from Saturday 18 October 2014 to Tuesday 21 October 2014. Summary table of free exhibitor and congress participant badges Stand size 2 9 - 19 m 2 20 - 24 m 2 25 - 29 m 2 30 - 39 m 2 40 - 49 m 2 50 - 59 m 2 60 - 69 m 2 70 - 74 m 2 75 - 79 m 2 80 - 89 m 2 90 - 99 m 2 100 - 109 m 2 110 - 119 m 2 120 - 124 m 2 125 - 129 m 2 130 - 139 m 2 140 - 149 m 2 150 - 159 m 2 160 - 169 m 2 170 - 179 m 2 180 - 189 m 2 190 - 199 m 2 > 200 m Free exhibitor badges 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany Free congress participant badges 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 27 7.5 Carpeting Carpeting will be provided in the aisles and general areas of the exhibition hall (blue 3914PF2*) and in the catering area (grey 3905PF2*). Exhibitors must provide suitable floor covering, such as carpets, in their stand space. Carpeting is required for all shell scheme stands. If the exhibitor fails to order carpeting for the stand, the exhibition manager will order carpeting for the stand and the exhibitor will be invoiced by the supplier for all charges and late order fees. To order carpeting, please fill in this order form and send it back to Before initiating the stand and in order to avoid damaging the floor, the entire surface area of the stand has to be covered with carpet (fixed by means of double-sided adhesive tape). Both the floor covering and adhesive tape must be removed at the end of the exhibition. Failure to do so will result in the exhibitor being charged for the removal costs and waste disposal. In case the surface area is not covered and the floor damaged, there will be a cost for repairing the floor which will be charged to the exhibitor. 7.6 Catering Tea, coffee and lunch is provided free of charge for any of your staff members registered at the congress during the exhibition period. Congress catering will be served in the direct proximity of the exhibition area, thus ensuring maximum contact between exhibitors and participants. To locate the catering areas within the exhibition hall, please refer to the latest exhibition floor plan. Food stations with buffet tables will be installed in the congress catering areas. Exhibitors can place orders for catering by using the catering order form and send it back to Oliver Paluch at It is forbidden to bring food and beverages from outside. The exhibitor is responsible for ensuring that the ordered supplies follow the congress guidelines and the exhibitor is responsible for following the rules and procedures established by the CityCube Berlin. Please refrain from serving alcoholic beverages in the exhibition area and take note that the ECNP Congresses are non-smoking congresses. 7.7 Cleaning Exhibitors are responsible for cleaning their own exhibition stands. Stand cleaning is compulsory and every exhibitor is obliged to keep the stand and surrounding areas perfectly clean. To order cleaning (waste disposal included), please fill in the catering order form and send it back to Aisles and other areas within the exhibition will be cleaned by the organisers. Exhibitors are requested to arrange with the official forwarder that the packing materials, empty cartons and wooden crates will be removed for disposal or storage before the exhibition opens. Exhibitors will be responsible for any charges incurred if the exhibition areas of the CityCube Berlin are not cleared by the stated time of 16.00 on Wednesday 22 October 2014. For safety reasons, aisles must be left clear and free for passage and must not be obstructed in any way. Each day, at the closing of the exhibition and during build-up and dismantling times, exhibitors are requested to ensure that rubbish is left in the aisle for collection. 7.8 Electricity & Lighting Electricity in Berlin is supplied at 220V - 50Hz AC. The plugs are continental type and have 2 round pins similar to those in many European countries. All electrical equipment must comply with the standard power supply described above and must conform to the safety standards and regulations set out by the CityCube Berlin or it will be disconnected. Exhibitors may provide their own electrical fittings, only where such fittings are in the form of made-up units, showcases, and/or signs complete and ready for connection to the main supply. The stand areas may only be connected to the main power supply by staff authorised by the CityCube Berlin. The only authorised staff is the staff from CityCube Berlin, the official electrical contractor for the 27th ECNP Congress. ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 28 To order your electrical requirements please fill in this order form and send it back to For further information please contact Bettina Dietzsch by phone: +49 30 3038 1465, by fax +49 30 3038 1460or by email on See also all the rules in chapter 5 of this document. Electricity supply All exhibitors are requested to specify their electricity needs through this order form. Messe Berlin GmbH will provide specific feedback on a case by case basis to exhibitors, if needed. The application for a power supply will only be processed once a stand drawing with clear indication of the location of the power connection has been received. Any electrical installations that take place at the CityCube Berlin must meet the local requirements and must be approved by Messe Berlin GmbH. As the official mandatory service provider of electrical installations and th the only company authorised to perform electrical installations at the 27 ECNP Congress, Messe Berlin GmbH will conduct a safety inspection of all electrical installations. The cost is included in the rental fee for the power connection. The electricity for all exhibition stands will be supplied by Messe Berlin GmbH and has the following characteristics: 400V - for line voltage 230V - for neutral to line voltage Please note that when needed, you can ask for a higher supply by contacting Messe Berlin GmbH at Please specify on the order form how many volts you need. As the CityCube Berlin is fully dependent on the Electricity Board for its power, it can in no way be held responsible for inconsistencies in the supply caused by accidents, power shortages or power cuts beyond its control. Please contact Messe Berlin GmbH to request your special authorisation. For more information, please contact Bettina Dietzsch of Messe Berlin GmbH at Electrical connections Connections will be made from the high safety power outlet deemed most appropriate by the venue’s on-site technician to ensure the best use of the electrical network. The exhibiting company can choose connections including a fuse box or bring their own. All options are mentioned on the order form as well as all regulations for own fuse boxes are mentioned on the form and in the CityCube’s technical guidelines. The exhibiting company must be able to guarantee the safe and proper working order of the electric box/fuse box by ensuring that it is of the right size and technical conditions. For any further information related to the distribution of electricity to stands please contact Bettina Dietzsch by email Every stand has to pay EUR 173 excl. 19% German VAT for the electricity connection. This charge includes electricity consumption of 3,3 kW/16 A AC with neutral conductor 230V, distribution and 1 socket + 1 socket for night current (max. 1,1 kW for 1 fridge only). Supply from electric boxes and service ducts Phone lines and electric cables will run at floor level from the appropriate service duct to the point i-on the stand requested by the exhibitor. The exhibitor must send a plan indicating the exact location where these items should be connected before the start of the event. Should the exhibitor not specify the exact location for these items, they will be installed in the place deemed most appropriate by the official supplier. Deadlines for orders and documentation The deadline for ordering electrical supply is 16 September 2014. For a complete list of deadlines, please see page 48 of this document. For any extra orders during build up, please go to the Exhibitor Services Desk. ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 29 7.9 Emergency procedure All exhibitors are requested to inform the organisers of the responsible contact person of his or her substitute for emergency situations via the Exhibitor on-site contact form in enclosures. The appointed contact person for each stand is responsible for evacuating the stand in the case of an emergency and for ensuring that the fire and safety regulations of the CityCube Berlin and the directions of the organisers and/or security officials are followed. The organisers will conduct a tour together with all contact persons for emergency situations to indicate among other things the location of all emergency exits. This will take place on Saturday 18 October 2014 after the general inspection of the exhibition area at 15.00.Please fill in the exhibitor order form and send it back to Aurelie Caron at 7.10 Exhibitor service desk An exhibitor services desk is located in the exhibition area (Hall B) on level 2 of the CityCube Berlin and will be open during build-up to assist exhibitors with last minute orders and verification and adjustments of their orders for equipment, furniture and other auxiliary services. 7.11 Floral MB Capital Services GmbH will supply the floral decorations and arrangements. They would be pleased to give quotations for stand decoration. To order your floral decoration please fill in this order form and send it back to 7.12 Furniture MB Capital Services can supply a wide variety of furniture for your stand. Furniture for hire can be viewed and ordered through their order form. 7.13 Hostesses / stand personnel Exhibitors can order hostesses from MB Capital Services through this order form. Please do not forget to order additional exhibitor badges for your hostesses (in case they are not included in the number of your free exhibitor badges) via the personalised exhibition registration form, which you received by e-mail. 7.14 Internet connection Exhibitors can order high-speed internet connections (cable connections) from the CityCube Berlin, through their order form. 7.15 Laser products/gas cylinders and LPG Laser products, gas cylinders and LPG gas are not allowed. ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 30 7.16 List of exhibitors (as of May 2014) Company (in alphabetical order) Stand number Angelini ACRAF Spa AstraZeneca Biotrial Cambridge University Press CINP - The International College of Neuropsychopharmacology Dove Medical Press Ltd Eli Lilly Elsevier EUFAMI EPA - European Psychiatric Association Ferrer Internacional S.A. GAMIAN-Europe H. Lundbeck A/S Janssen Pharmaceutica Otsuka Pharmaceutical Europe Ltd Otsuka Pharmaceutical Europe Ltd and H. Lundbeck A/S Servier Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Europe Ltd. and Takeda Pharmaceuticals International GmbH The Lancet Psychiatry Wiley Wisepress Ltd 4 5 22 18 14 20 1 ECNP Plaza 15 13 11 16 6, 7, 8 12 10 9 2 3 21 19 17 For the exact allocations please refer to the exhibition floor plan in the enclosures. 7.17 Price overview Type of exhibitor Price* per m Companies EUR 770 / m 2 2 (excl. VAT) Services included Publishers/booksellers EUR 300 / m (excl. VAT) 2 Stand space only Company details mentioned in the congress programme Cleaning of the aisles and public areas within the exhibition area A number of free exhibitor badges, depending on stand size (see chapter 7.4.) A number of free congress participant badges, depending on stand size (see chapter 7.4) One congress bag per company 2 *Please note that there is a minimum of 9 m per order of exhibition space 7.18 Security Security provided by the organisers has been implemented to prevent unauthorised access to the exhibition areas and not to secure the contents of exhibition stands. Each exhibitor is responsible for his or her property and necessary precautions should be taken. Whilst every reasonable precaution will be taken, the organisers accept no responsibility for any loss or damage, which may occur to persons or property at the exhibition from any cause whatsoever. Exhibitors are requested to use common sense precautions at all times, and to ensure that all stand personnel wear the official access badges. It is essential that you report any loss or theft from your stand to the nearest police station. To help ensure security at the exhibition, please follow these points: Make one member of your team responsible for your company’s safety and security at the exhibition. Do not leave cash, handbags, mobile phones, valuables etc. in unlocked drawers, cupboards or on display at your stand. Do not leave wallets in unattended clothing. Check that all lockable desks and cupboards are locked before leaving your stand. ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 31 Please note that build-up and dismantling days are high-risk periods. You are recommended to work in pairs so that the stand is manned at all times. Make sure you arrive prior to the official opening time and do not leave your stand before the official closing time. Please note that different ECNP activities may take place before or after the official closing hour of the exhibition. ECNP will provide basic venue security to prevent unauthorised access to the exhibition area, not to secure the content of the exhibition stands. It is the responsibility of the exhibitors to provide security for their own stand and material. Exhibitors can book security guards from CityCube Berlin through their order form. It is recommended that exhibitors take out insurance to cover risks of damage and theft. 7.19 Stand information A choice of shell scheme or free-build (space only) stands is offered to exhibitors. Allocated space is hired on the basis of stand space only. Stand space is defined as square metres (m²) up to the maximum height as indicated under height restriction. Stand constructions should adhere to the following criteria: Stands must not be obstructive in any way (openness of individual stands and the exhibition in general is aimed for at all times). Stands should be transparent. Only single story stands are allowed. All shell scheme stands must have a solid back and side wall(s) depending on the final location of the stand (see latest exhibition floor plan). The final decision rests with the organisers. Free-build stands Allocated space for free build stands is on the basis of stand space only. Stand services are at the exhibitors’ expense. The exhibition space dimensions have been communicated to exhibitors together with the allocation of space in February 2014. For dimensions of aisles, pillars and location of emergency exits please refer to the latest exhibition floor plan. The maximum stand height in the exhibition area is 4.00 meters. However, 25% of the stand construction may exceed this maximum with an ultimate height of 5.00 meters. This maximum height should include the technical floor of the stand, any lighting and/or lighting fixtures. Stands may not be constructed without the organisers’ written approval. All free-build stand exhibitors must supply Colloquium Brussels with two sets of drawings showing the proposed layout of their stand and all dimensions in both plan and elevation for official approval. The drawings must show the name of the company as well as the stand number. All working layout plans should be to reasonable scale, but not less than 1:100 and should include: Identification of walling, raised platforms, machinery, store rooms and special structures Description of materials used in the construction of the stand Specifications of machines and/or special equipment Lighting and lighting fixtures Deadline to submit stand drawings to the organising secretariat is 24 June 2014. Exhibitors will be advised of official approval and/or of modifications that must be made to the drawings via e-mail by latest 24 July 2014. Electronic plans are preferred; please send your stand drawings in PDF format by e-mail to Aurélie Caron at For exhibitors who choose to build their own stand (free-build stands), stand construction and stand services are at the exhibitor’s expense. Shell scheme stands Please note that wall panels and carpeting are required for shell scheme stands. Standard shell scheme stands do not need special approval prior to set up as long as these shell scheme stands are hired through the official stand builder appointed by the organisers. However, if you will bring your own stand/panels, you ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 32 are required to submit a photo of the constructed stand to the organisers for approval. Please send the photos to Aurélie Caron at A basic shell scheme package is available to exhibitors. All stand equipment for shell scheme stands, including walls and fittings, spot lights, carpeting and lettering as well as any additional material can be ordered through this order form. Deadline to order shell scheme stands: 16 September 2014 To order carpeting, please fill in this order form. If you fail to order carpeting for your stand, the exhibition manager will do so on your behalf and the carpeting supplier will invoice the exhibitor directly for all charges and late order fees. Carpeting will be provided in the aisles and general areas of the exhibition hall (blue 3914PF2*) and in the catering area (grey 3905PF2*). The maximum building height for shell scheme stands is 2.50 metres. Please remember that no item of interior display may extend beyond the limits of the stand or above the height of the dividing walls. There must also be no alteration or adjustment to any part of the shell scheme structure. If you wish to attach materials to your shell scheme such as posters, graphics and/or material we suggest the use of adhesive materials or chains that do not damage any stand part. Any damage incurred to panels or to other part of the stand will be charged to the exhibitor. 7.20 Structural integrity and other regulations All exhibit displays should be designed and erected in a manner that will withstand normal contact or vibration caused by neighbouring exhibitors, hall labourers or installation/dismantling equipment such as forklifts. Displays should also be able to withstand moderate wind effects that may occur in the exhibit hall when freight doors are open. Exhibitors should ensure that any display fixtures such as tables, racks or shelves are designed and installed properly to support the product or marketing materials to be displayed upon them. All entrances, exits, aisles, stairways, lobbies and passageways shall be unobstructed at all times. Exhibitors may not place their materials in the floor space of other exhibitors or common areas of the exhibition. Common areas must remain unobstructed at all times in order to allow the free flow of traffic. It is forbidden to keep empty packaging, excess printed material and advertising material more than necessary for a daily consumption. Items must not be stored behind stands/between inner and outer walls or areas under raised platforms. All exit doors shall remain unobstructed at all times. Exit signs, manual pull stations, fire department handsets, fire hose cabinets and portable fire extinguishers shall not be obstructed in any manner. All materials used in the construction of stands and stand interiors must comply with the German Fire Regulations. Information about this can be found in the Exhibition Regulations of the CityCube Berlin which you can find in the enclosures. Please read them carefully. All materials used in display construction or decorating should be made of fire retardant materials and be certified as flame retardant. Samples should also be available for testing. Materials that cannot be treated to meet the requirements should not be used. A flame proofing certificate should be available for inspection. All public safety laws and fire prevention regulations must be observed. Moreover, the exhibitor agrees to permit the adoption of all control and safety measures established by the organisers or by the management of the CityCube Berlin. All fire hose cabinets, fire extinguishers, pull stations and emergency exits, including those inside an exhibition space, must be visible and accessible at all times. Stoves, cooking facilities, electrical heaters or other similar electrical appliances inside the hall are forbidden. Any machinery that creates dust, shavings, and dangerous or irritating omissions must be fitted with an extraction system. For purposes of safety and in compliance with the Exhibition Regulations of the CityCube Berlin, fire extinguishers will be provided by the organisers in the display areas and placed as regulations require. In no case may any inflammable material or object be introduced in the exhibition. The use of open fire demonstrations is not allowed. Before initiating the stand and in order to avoid damaging to the floor, it is obligatory to cover the entire surface area of the stand with non-self adhesive carpeting. ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 33 The construction of stands with construction materials or adornments that contain products such as cement, sand, plaster, tile, brick or any other similar material are prohibited. It is also prohibited to drill, use glue or any other adhesive that can be difficult to remove from the structure of the CityCube Berlin. No items may be placed on the walls and seats, they must be correctly put into a pile wherever the security of the CityCube Berlin authorises. No item may be dragged unless a carpet is placed under it. Electrical and other mechanical apparatus must be muffled so that the noise does not disturb other exhibitors or other areas of the congress centre. During set-up if using paint and wallpaper the area must be covered by PVC sheeting. The CityCube Berlin will not be responsible for any item or material that has not been removed once the event is finished. The CityCube Berlin will proceed to remove the items and the exhibitor will be charged for the expense of this removal service. The exhibitor agrees to permit the adoption of all control and safety measures established by the organisers and by the management of the CityCube Berlin. The exhibitor agrees to observe the norms in force on safety, and particularly the maximum capacity of the halls and rooms, emergency exits and fire prevention measures. In no case may any flammable material or object be introduced in the exhibition. In no case may any access to a fire exit or fire hydrant be blocked. (Please refer to the floor plans to see the location of these items). Workers must remain in the areas where they work, and avoid going through any other different place in the CityCube Berlin. The exhibitor must ensure that the companies working on their behalf during the build-up, exhibition opening hours and break-down (contractors, decorators, audio-visual, catering, hostesses and other companies) are aware of the strict legislation in regard to safety and hygiene. They will respond to the damages, which might be caused by accident where there is fault or negligence, leaving the CityCube Berlin and the organisers exempted from the same. Safety measures and access The location of any fire-fighting material such as fire hoses and fire alarms, as well as access to emergency exits, must be strictly respected at all times, even when these fall within a contracted space or stand area. Access to service areas, cables, socket outlets and fuse boxes must also be respected at all times. For purposes of safety and in compliance with the rules of the CityCube Berlin, fire extinguishers will be provided by the organisers in the display areas and placed as regulations require. 7.21 Timetable Based on the experience of previous ECNP Congresses and the CityCube Berlin the times indicated below should be sufficient for build-up and dismantling. However, exhibitors who expect to need more time to buildup/dismantle can officially request this by contacting the organisers. The exhibition will open on Sunday 19 October 2014 at 09.00. Please note that the organisers will conduct the final inspection of the exhibition area on Saturday 18 October 2014 at 15.00. Therefore the stands must be built up and cleaned before this date and time. However, exhibitors can remain in the exhibition area until 17.00 for staff briefing. As a courtesy to the participants and your fellow exhibitors, ECNP requests strict adherence to the exhibition opening and closing hours. Deliveries or removal of equipment must be made before or after exhibition hours. Dismantling before the official dismantling time at 17.30 on Tuesday 21 October 2014 is prohibited. At 17.00, carpeting in the aisles will be removed and the official dismantling could start at 17.30 when the aisles will be free of carpeting. ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 34 Build-up dates and hours Thursday 16 October 2014 08.00 - 22.00 (free build stands only) Friday 17 October 2014 08.00 - 22.00 (free build stands only) Saturday 18 October 2014 08.00 – 15.00 (free build stands and shell scheme stands) 15.00 – 17.00 (staff briefing) Stands must be built up and cleaned before 15.00; however exhibitors can remain in the exhibition area until 17.00 for staff briefing. Exhibition opening dates and hours (access to the exhibition area is possible from 07.30 – 18.00 with either an exhibitor badge or set-up pass) Sunday 19 October 2014 09.00 - 17.00 Monday 20 October 2014 09.00 - 17.00 Tuesday 21 October 2014 09.00 - 17.00 Dismantling dates and hours Tuesday 21 October 2014 Wednesday 22 October 2014 17.00 – 17.30 (removing carpeting in the aisles ONLY) 17.30 - 22.00 (free build stands and shell scheme stands) 07.00 - 16.00 (free build stands only) 7.22 Trolleys Exhibitors are advised to make their own arrangements for handling exhibits, brochures, etc. For any additional requirements you can contact CEVA. 7.23 Water connection The CityCube Berlin does not offer access to drinking water. To order water cooler machines or bottles of water, please fill in this order form and send it back to ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 35 8. SHIPPING/DELIVERY INFORMATION AND STORAGE 8.1 Contact details CEVA th CEVA has been appointed as the official international forwarder and customs broker for the 27 Congress. ECNP Contact: Nadja Wever (NW) T: +31 88 028 3183 Company: CEVA Showfreight Elektronweg 12 3542 AC Utrecht The Netherlands 8.2 Courier delivery/shipments All satellite symposia organisers and all exhibitors using a courier delivery or road freight service should send deliveries directly to the lifting contractor CEVA and NOT directly to the venue. CEVA will deliver the goods (that were sent to their advanced warehouse) to the stand by Saturday 18 October by 08.00 or to the given satellite symposium room 1 hour before the satellite symposium starts. This is at the cost of the exhibitor/satellite symposia organiser. Please contact CEVA before shipping and return the completed Shipping Instructions form. Satellite symposia organisers should clearly mark all shipments with the following information: Company name Satellite symposium room Contact person Mobile phone number of contact person Date and time of the satellite symposia Exhibitors should clearly mark all shipments with the following information: Company name Stand number & exhibition area Contact person Mobile phone number of contact person The official freight forwarder, CEVA, has supplied full customs clearance instructions in their Shipping Instructions form. For a full quotation please complete this Shipping Instructions form and send it to 8.3 Material storage Please send any request for extra storage space to Nadja Wever from CEVA at: ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 36 Further information for exhibition 8.4 Delivery Due to the expected congestion at the exhibition site, we strongly recommend that you ship your goods in advance to the CEVA consolidation warehouse. This will avoid loss of valuable time during the build-up and dismantling period and ensures timely delivery of your goods to your stand. If you intend to make arrangements for a direct delivery, you must contact CEVA to apply for an allocated time for delivery and collection. Vehicles will only be allowed at the loading bay with CEVA’s approval. Unannounced vehicles will not be allowed at the (un)loading bay. This includes courier shipments, which MUST be shipped in advance to the CEVA warehouse. Please see the shipping instructions provided in the enclosures. Companies may not deliver their materials to the CityCube Berlin before the official build-up time begins on Thursday 16 October 2014 at 08.00. Any goods received before this time will be turned away by the management of the CityCube Berlin. Please contact CEVA to arrange your advance deliveries to the CEVA warehouse, deliveries to the CityCube Berlin and storage of empties as well as the reloading after the exhibition. CEVA will also assist you with moving your goods through the building. Please contact CEVA before shipping and to make pre-arrangements for the delivery and transfer of your goods inside the venue. A storage and freight forwarding service as well as shipping and customs clearance services are available through CEVA. Please contact them for your needs using the information provided on this Shipping Instructions form. Exhibitors may build up their stands from 08.00 during the three days of exhibition set-up (16, 17 and 18 October 2014). Please note that the exhibition hall will close for deliveries at 22.00 on Thursday 16 October and on Friday 17 October and at 15.00 on Saturday 18 October. 8.5 Delivery entrance/access to the venue/forwarding Direct shipments to the exhibition site will only be accepted during the official build-up dates and hours. The exhibition area is only accessible through one freight entrance. Therefore, a maximum of two trailers can enter this area at the same time for unloading or reloading. Vehicles need to be removed immediately once these operations have been completed. To avoid traffic congestion and to allow fast and smooth unloading, a pre-assigned unloading timeslot will be required for all trucks. All trucks arriving without a pre-assigned unloading timeslot will be unloaded once the full schedule has been completed. All vehicles bigger than a van cannot drive directly to the congress centre but need to report to the CEVA / Agility 1 hour prior to the confirmed slot. Delivery address CEVA / Agility: CEVA Showfreight / Agility Logistics GmbH Jafféstrasse 2 14055 Berlin Germany The CEVA staff will direct the trucks to the unloading bay at the venue according to the schedule. If a truck does not arrive at the pre-assigned time, the timeslot will automatically be given to the next in line. Please note that, under no circumstances, can CEVA be held responsible for delays or waiting times of trucks. Trucks coming directly to the congress venue, not respecting these regulations will not be allowed to unload and will be redirected to the marshalling yard. Please contact CEVA to obtain your pre-assigned unloading timeslot. To avoid long waiting hours, exhibitors are urged to send shipments less than 25 cbm to the CEVA advanced warehouse. Specifications of the freight elevators: There is no need for elevator use as the Exhibitor Hall is on the same level than the delivery lorry park. Therefore there are no size or weight restrictions concerning freight elevators. ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 37 Site restrictions No material or parcel may be delivered through the main entrance of the CityCube Berlin. All staff working during the build-up period must enter the CityCube Berlin through the staff entry or parking area and not through the main entrance. The space in front of the loading bay is limited, so a strict unloading procedure will be applied for the congress. To avoid congestion, CEVA will control parking / unloading at the venue. Furthermore, note that only CEVA will be permitted to use forklifts at the unloading bay. If the loading bay is occupied, it is mandatory to wait at the indicated parking for ECNP.. It is forbidden to park on the sideways around the CityCube Berlin. Access map to the Agility Warehouse 8.6 Dismantling and removal of exhibits and stand fittings There will be a pre-set schedule for the return of empties as well as for uploading of the freight during the dismantling period to allow for a smooth process. The same rules, regulations and procedure for truck loading during the build-up will also apply during the dismantling. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to remove all goods, materials and belongings at the conclusion of the event. When the event is finished no goods can be left in the CityCube Berlin. Any shipments remaining in the exhibition halls will be transferred to the off-site CEVA warehouse at the exhibitor’s or contractor’s cost. 8.7 Floor loading capacities The maximum weight allowed in the exhibition hall is 1 ton per square meter. 8.8 Lorry park CEVA Showfreight will permit short term parking at the unloading area. However, to avoid congestions, shipments need to be unloaded and delivered immediately upon arrival. Overnight parking is strictly prohibited. 8.9 Maintenance and re-stocking of stands Please note that the vehicle loading bays will not be open during the congress. Deliveries or removal of equipment during congress and exhibition opening hours is not allowed. All necessary maintenance as well as re-stocking of stands should be carried out 1,5 hours before or 1 hour after the exhibition hours. Small trolleys will be allowed in the exhibition hall during the exhibition opening hours, but companies should keep the transport of material to a minimum. ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 38 9. GROUP REGISTRATION 9.1 General th Groups of a minimum of 10 participants wishing to register and pay for a group of participants at the 27 ECNP Congress should follow the group registration procedure below. Smaller numbers should be registered through the online individual registration form. Each group must have a designated group coordinator. All communication for the group will be via the group coordinator. Profile statistics of registered participants ECNP requests participants to answer profile questions on the online individual registration form in order to obtain their profile as part of ECNP’s on-going attempts to improve its congress and better accommodate the needs and interests of the participants. Companies that organise a satellite symposium will receive the th statistical outcome of the profile questions after the 27 ECNP Congress. A participants list will not be available for companies. An e-mailing promoting the satellite symposia will be sent out by the organising secretariat Colloquium Brussels about 4 weeks before the congress (see chapter 6.10). 9.2 Online group registration requests Group registration requests will be processed online only through the group registration link and should be made through one contact person, hereinafter called group coordinator. The deadline for submission of group registration requests is 29 August 2014. Please note that after 29 August 2014, no more group registration requests will be accepted. Registrations will be handled on an individual basis through the regular online individual registration form (please note that these individual registrations cannot be part of group pick-up). The following information will be requested: The names, full address and contact details of the group coordinator and of the represented medical company (in case the group request is made by an appointed agency). The number and type of participants to be registered, their personal e-mail addresses for participants to receive their certificate of attendance online after the congress, the number of tickets for the welcome reception to be reserved, whether they want to order the ENP supplement, the invoicing details and the group pick-up options. Please note that it is the responsibility of the group coordinator to check the membership status of their group participants before registering them. The member registration fee is only applicable if the yearly contribution for membership has been paid. Please note that if this has not been paid or if a participant is not listed on the ECNP membership list, the organisers reserve the right to register them as a non-member and charge the corresponding fee. 9.3 Group registration contract Upon receipt of the completed online group registration form, the organising secretariat will send the group coordinator the group registration contract together with the invoice corresponding to the number and type submitted registrations. The group registration becomes effective only upon receipt of the contract duly signed and with full payment. Please note, after the contract has been signed, reductions in the number of participants are subject to the cancellation policy as specified in chapter 12. Please also note that it is possible to increase the number of participants of a group by notifying the organising secretariat by e-mail at before 9 September 2014 (see chapter 9.6). Deadline for submission of the signed contract and full payment: 30 days after submission of the group registration request form but no later than 29 August 2014. ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 39 9.4 Submission of participant names The group coordinator must submit full contact details for each registered participant. The list of participants should include the family name, first name, complete work address, personal e-mail and profile of each participant. Without personal e-mail address of participants from a group registration, the organising secretariat will not be able to send certificate of attendance to the participants. Within a week after the online group registration request, the group coordinator will receive a confirmation email with the group contract and the invoice. Once we have received full payment, the signed contract and the signed Agency reply form (if applicable); the organising secretariat will send the group coordinator the access details of the personalised online group page. The online group page offers the possibility to import participants and make name changes (within the limit of the number of reserved registrations). Please note that the contact details provided at registration should be the personal or business contact details of each individual participant registering to attend the congress. If you are registering a participant on his or her behalf, please do not use your own contact details or the contact details of the company or institution that is inviting this participant. Group participants with incomplete contact details as outlined above cannot be registered until such information is provided. Details of the company or agency in place of the participant's details will not be accepted unless it is clearly specified that the company/agency employs the participant. Please note that ECNP faculty members cannot be registered through a group. They are registered through the scientific secretariat. They can, however, be part of a group for hotel accommodation and travel arrangements. Although every effort will be made to inform you in the event of a double registration, when either an individual or another group registers the same participant, the organising secretariat cannot be held responsible should such an event occur. Deadline to upload the full list of group participants: 9 September 2014. 9.5 Group registration confirmation Please note that the organising secretariat will not issue individual registration confirmations for group participants. It is entirely the responsibility of the group coordinator to confirm registrations to the group participants. The group coordinator will receive a registration confirmation of the entire group two weeks prior to the congress. Nevertheless, in case group pick-up is not required by the group coordinator, the organising secretariat will issue a confirmation letter some days before the congress with personal information and barcode to be printed by the participant. He will be able to pick up his badge on site as from Saturday 18 October 2014 at the pre-registration self-service desk scanning his barcode. Please make sure you provide us with their correct email address so that we can send them the confirmation letter. 9.6 Addition to and modification of existing groups To add participants to a group after the online request has been already submitted, the group coordinator should contact the organising secretariat by e-mail at before 9 September 2014. Any additions to group registrations received between 15 April and 9 September 2014 will be charged the standard registration fee. After 9 September 2014, additional registrations can only be registered on an individual basis through the regular online individual registration form or on-site. Please note that these individual registrations cannot be part of the group pick-up and participants have to collect their badge individually, directly at the self-service desks during the registration opening hours from Saturday 18 October 2014 to Tuesday 21 October 2014, by scanning the barcode printed on the confirmation letter they will receive a few days before the congress. Please note that after the contract has been signed, reductions in the number of participants are subject to the cancellation policy as specified in chapter 12. Changes of registration categories will not be accepted after the contract has been signed. Changes in the group list (name changes only) are accepted at no additional fee until 18 September 2014 through the personalised online group page. From 19 to 29 September it is possible to make name changes online with a handling fee of EUR 25 (including German VAT) per name change. Payment is only possible by credit card or balance invoice. After this date the changes will be handled on-site and a handling fee of EUR ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 40 25 (including German VAT) per change will be charged directly (cash, credit card or balance invoice). This handling fee is not refundable at any time. If required a balance invoice will be sent no later than 2 weeks after the congress. Payment of the balance invoice has to be done within 10 days. Changes received within the above deadline must be done by the group coordinator through the personalised online group page, providing full contact details for the new participant to be registered (family name, first name, complete work address and e-mail address). No online changes will be possible after 29 September 2014, but the group coordinator will have access to the list of participants through his/her personalised online group page until 17 October 2014. Furthermore, if a badge needs to be reprinted* on-site due to a mistake in the list of attendees provided by the group coordinator, the badge reprint will be invoiced to the group at EUR 25 (including German VAT) per reprint and payment has to be made directly on-site or will be charged on a balance invoice. This handling fee is not refundable at any time. *including spelling mistakes, first name-last name inversion and name changes 9.7 Letter of invitation for visa application International attendees may need a letter of invitation from the congress organisers in order to obtain a visa for entry into Germany. The organisers will not be able to contact or intervene with the German Embassy or Consulate office abroad on your behalf. Participants should start the visa application process as early as possible and at least six weeks prior to their departure. All participants must have registered and paid the required registration fees before requesting an official letter of invitation. Confirmed groups are able to print letters of invitation for visa application for their registered group participants via a dedicated online page on the ECNP Congress website. 9.8 Pick-up of congress badges for participants By prior appointment, group badges will be available for pick-up on-site at the group registration desk on Friday 17 October 2014 from 8.00 to 19.00. After this date, non-collected badges will have to be printed individually at the self-service desks during the registration opening hours from Saturday 18 October 2014 to Tuesday 21 October 2014. When processing your group registration request on the online group registration form the organising secretariat will ask you to indicate whether you would like to use the possibility to pick up your badges on Friday 17 October 2014. Only groups who have indicated their wish to benefit from a group pick-up appointment on the online group registration form will be contacted for a group pick-up appointment. Groups who have not requested a pickup appointment on the online group registration form will not be contacted. In this case, participants will be able to collect their badge individually, directly at the self-service desks, by scanning the barcode printed on the confirmation letter they will receive a few days before the congress. The registration desks will be open as from Saturday 18 October 2014. Please make sure you provide us with their correct e-mail address so that we can send them the confirmation letter. Appointment for group pick-up For a smooth group pick-up procedure, the organising secretariat will contact each group coordinator (if group pick-up was indicated on the online group registration form) by e-mail two weeks prior to the congress in order to schedule an appointment for the collection of badges at the venue. The organising secretariat will not be held responsible for delays or inaccuracies to group material, if appointments are not respected. The final list of group participants will be required during the appointment. Appointments will not be made for group pick-up if the terms and conditions of the group registration contract have not been met. Should this be the case, individual participants will be responsible for picking up their own badge at the self-service desks during the registration opening hours from Saturday 18 October 2014 to Tuesday 21 October 2014. Any outstanding balance(s) of the total reserved number of registration fees must be paid in full prior to receiving a group appointment. Changes resulting in additional charges can be paid by credit card or balance invoice. ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 41 Group pick-up will only be possible on Friday 17 October 2014. After this date, badges will have to be collected individually at the self-service desks as from Saturday 18 October 2014, during the regular opening hours of the registration desks. Please note that no group pick-up is possible for individual registrations. Distribution of badges to group participants Congress badges for the entire group will need to be picked up at the same time. No badges may be left nor returned at the group registration desk. The group coordinator or the person picking up the congress badges must make their own arrangements to distribute badges to their group participants. The organising secretariat cannot be held responsible for badges that have been picked up by the group coordinator but have not been forwarded to group participants. Please note that duplicate badges will not be issued individually for participants of a group who picked up their congress material, except in case of a lost badge (see chapter 9.6). Distribution of congress bags to group participants The congress bag will be distributed on-site only, as of Saturday 18 October 2014, to individual participants, by scanning the barcode on the badge of the participant. Pick-up of congress bags by the group coordinator for the entire group is not possible. ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 42 9.9 Group registration procedure summary GROUP REGISTRATION PROCEDURE SUMMARY I WANT TO REGISTER MINIMUM 10 PARTICIPANTS I did not appoint an official agency for my group I appointed an official agency I need to complete and send back the agency reply form to the organising secretariat I or my appointed agency can make the online group registration request on the ECNP website at before 29 August 2014, indicating one group coordinator (one contact only). The invoice will be available online, the contract will be sent to the group coordinator directly after the group request. The signed contract should be returned & full payment should be made before 15 April 2014 to benefit from the early registration fee. Once full payment has been received, the organising secretariat sends a link to the group coordinator which will give him access to his personal website. He will be able to upload his list of participants until 9 September 2014 with the full contact details of each group participant. Please make sure you provide us with their correct email address so that we can send them the confirmation letter. The group coordinator can increase the number of participants of an existing group by notifying the organising secretariat by email at until 9 September 2014. (the standard registration fee will be applied) From 19 September to 29 September 2014 it is possible to make name changes online with a handling fee or EUR 25 (including German VAT) per name change. Payment by credit card or with a balance invoice sent no later than 2 weeks after the congress. This only applies to group registrations. After this date changes will be handled on-site and charged EUR 25 (including German VAT) per change. PICK-UP OF BADGES FOR THE GROUP PARTICIPANTS I want to pick up the badges of my group AND I mentioned in the group registration request form that I wanted to be contacted for a pick up appointment. I do NOT want to pick up the badges of my group OR I did not mention in the group registration request form that I wanted to be contacted for a pick up appointment OR I did not come to my pick up appointment. 2 weeks prior to the congress, the organising secretariat will contact you to schedule an appointment for the collection of badges at the venue on Friday 17 October 2014. It is the responsibility of the group coordinator or the person picking up the badges to distribute the badges to the participants. Each participant will be responsible for picking up their own badge at the preregistration self-service desks as from Saturday 18 October 2014 during regular opening hours. Participants will receive a confirmation letter in advance so they can print their badge on-site. Please make sure you provide the organising secretariat with their correct email address so that we can send them the confirmation letter. ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 43 10. HOTEL ACCOMMODATION Colloquium Brussels has been appointed as the official housing agency for the 27 Berlin, Germany. th ECNP Congress in For group accommodation (9 rooms or more per night), Colloquium Brussels has blocked hotel rooms in various price categories. To ensure those preferential rates for your group accommodation booking please do not hesitate to contact Colloquium Brussels. Every effort will be made to meet your needs through customised offers. To receive more information or to request a quote, please contact Cristina Vellar at Colloquium Brussels: Colloquium Brussels Cristina Vellar T: +32 2 776 06 57 Please make sure that Colloquium Brussels has received your hotel reservation request on or before 18 June 2014. Rooms are subject to availability and cannot be guaranteed after 18 June 2014. ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 44 11. PRESS 11.1 Press briefings Please note that only ECNP organises official press briefings during the congress at the congress venue. Companies can only organise press conferences outside the congress venue and outside congress hours. If at the company press conference information or documentation is included about data presented at the th 27 ECNP Congress: The current disclaimer for press material ‘does not necessarily reflect opinions of ECNP’ is to be used Reference to ECNP can only be made with the sentence ‘on the occasion of the th 27 ECNP Congress with educational financial support provided by <name company>’. No other reference to ECNP or the ECNP Congress is allowed. If at the company press conference no information or documentation is included about data presented at the th 27 ECNP Congress: No reference to ECNP can be made 11.2 Press facilities and material At the congress two rooms are available for the press: An interview room where the press can hold interviews. Equipment is not included. A work press room where companies organising satellite symposia can leave written information (folders) for the press. This information must comply with the following rules: 1. Only scientific information related to the contents of the company’s own satellite symposium is allowed. 2. The company name and the title of the satellite symposium must be mentioned in the press briefing 3. A maximum of 2 kinds of folders per company, A4 format (reasonable number of copies per folder). One press pack containing several folders is also permitted 4. The information should be presented by the company to ECNP, through the ECNP Office, at the latest 10 working days before the congress. As a rule a response will be given within 5 working days. In the event that the information conforms to the rules the company may provide similar copies as handouts for the press 5. The top of each page should contain the phrase: ‘does not necessarily reflect opinions of ECNP’ 6. It should be clear where the information stems from, for example from a specified satellite symposium or official publication in a journal. A general statement that the information stems th from the 27 ECNP Congress is not allowed 7. At all times the company should make it clear that the information made available is information provided by the company ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 45 12. PAYMENT AND CANCELLATION POLICIES 12.1 Payment terms and conditions Exhibition services Payments for exhibition services should be made according to the instructions mentioned on the order forms. Please note that services cannot be guaranteed without full payment received in due time. Group registration Full payment of the total reserved number of registrations must be paid in advance upon signing the group registration contract and no later than 29 August 2014. To benefit from the early registration fees, the payment should be done on or before 15 April 2014. Group registration requests will not be processed without the required contract and full payment. The invoice of the online group registration request will be available on the personal group page. The amount of the invoice is due within 30 days of receipt. For invoices issued after 15 July 2014, payments need to be made before 29 August 2014 and the 30 days limit does not apply. For invoices issued after 29 August 2014 payments needs to be made as soon as the invoice is received and the 30 days limit does not apply. Payments should be made to the following bank account: th Account name: Stichting 27 ECNP Congress Bank Name: KBC Bank (KBC Arenberg-Horta, Arenbergstraat 11, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium) IBAN code: BE09 7310 2480 1457 (mandatory for international bank transfers) Swift/BIC code: KREDBEBB The bank transfer must clearly state the name of the company and pro-forma number (if applicable). Please note that unidentified bank transfers cannot be processed. All applicable taxes and any bank charges are to be paid by the company/appointed agency. Payments by credit card will only be accepted for group registrations up to 20 participants. Payments for groups with more than 20 participants have to be done by bank transfer. 12.2 VAT Exhibition space Please note that in order to obtain VAT returns on invoices for exhibition space companies are obliged to register for German VAT with the German TAX authorities. Please undertake any necessary steps as soon as possible and send us your German VAT number on the relevant application forms. Satellite symposia Invoices for satellite symposia are charged with Dutch VAT. Group registration German VAT will be charged in accordance with German legislation. 12.3 Cancellations and exhibition space reduction Cancellations of satellite symposia and/or exhibition space must be sent in writing to the ECNP Office and cancellation requests of group registration must be sent in writing to the organising secretariat, Colloquium Brussels. The effective date of the cancellation will be the date that the written notification was received by the ECNP Office. A cancellation will result in the release of the allocated satellite symposium time slot or stand space. Satellite symposia In the event of cancellation, the following policy will apply: 50% of the total amount will be refunded for cancellations made before 15 February 2014 No refund for cancellations made on or after 15 February 2014 Exhibition space In the event of cancellation or reduction of exhibition space, the following policy will apply: 50% of the total amount will be refunded for cancellations or reduction made before 1 March 2014 30% of the total amount will be refunded for cancellations or reduction made on or after 1 March and until 1 May 2014 No refund for cancellations or reduction made on or after 1 May 2014 ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 46 Group registration In the event of cancellation the following penalties will apply: Refund of fee minus an administrative fee of EUR 75.63 per registration (excluding German VAT) for cancellations received on or before 29 August 2014 No refund for cancellations made after 29 August 2014 No refunds will be made for cancellation of registration at reduced rate. Refunds will be made after the congress. ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany 47 13. SERVICES AND ORDER CHECKLIST: DATES AND DEADLINES The following is a calendar of important dates by which you must confirm reservations and return the forms in the back of this manual. The prompt return of forms is always appreciated. Deadlines: Completed Service How to order Guaranteed hotel reservations Please see at the ECNP Congress website: hotelreservation.aspx 24 June 2014 Stand plan (free-build stands) See enclosures Drawings to be sent to Aurélie Caron at 15 July 2014 Names of 2 representatives per company that will accept the invitation to the ECNP dinner Send it to 29 August 2014 Group registration deadline & full payment of total reserved number of registration fees Requests to be sent to Sergi Migallon - Registration Coordinator at 1 September 2014 All printed material used in relation to satellite symposia Send to 1 September 2014 Final pdf of invitation satellite symposia to ECNP Office for approval and for publication on Send it to 8 September 2014 Forwarding & customs clearance Please see the CEVA order form. 9 September 2014 Increase number registration if needed Send it 9 September 2014 Upload list with full contact details and profile of each group of participants through personal group page Please see your personal group page. 9 September 2014 Increase in number in the list of participants at no additional cost Send it 16 September 2014 Cleaning Please click on this order form 16 September 2014 Waste disposal Please click on this order form 16 September 2014 Internet Please click on this order form 16 September 2014 Stand security Please click on this order form 16 September 2014 Printer Please click on this order form 16 September 2014 Laptop Please click on this order form Deadline 18 June 2014 (or until rooms sell out) (if applicable) of group ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany to to 48 16 September 2014 AV equipment Exhibition Please click on this order form 16 September 2014 Carpeting Please click on this order form 16 September 2014 Electricity Please click on this order form 16 September 2014 Furniture Please click on this order form 16 September 2014 Stand equipment/fittings Please click on this order form 16 September 2014 Floral Please click on this order form 19 September 2014 Deadline to notify AV-advisor whether you will use your own laptop or the PPT-PC via speakers’ secretariat Contact Michel de Backer at 19 September 2014 Exhibitor on-site contact Please see the exhibitor order form 22 September 2014 (Additional) exhibitor badges and contractor passes Please see additional exhibitor link (personal code sent through email) 22 September 2014 Additional satellite symposia badges Please order badges through your personal link. 29 September 2014 Name changes in the list participants at no additional cost Change on the personalised online group page 3 October 2014 Signage satellite symposium Please use order form 3 October 2014 Deadline to request additional AV equipment for satellite symposia from the AV advisor Requests to be send to 3 October 2014 Hostesses satellite symposia Please click on this order form 6 October 2014 Catering Exhibition Please use the order form 16 October 2014 Pick up contractor passes At the registration area on Entrance level in the CityCube Berlin 17 October 2014 Pick-up exhibitor/satellite symposium staff badges and group materials At the registration area on Entrance level in the CityCube Berlin of ECNP Industry Manual 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany the signage package 49 STAND PLAN SKETCH: LAYOUT FITTINGS Please use the template below to show the connection points (electrical connections and installations, telephone, water etc.) on your stand. Scale (please tick the appropriate box below): For large stands use: 1:100 (1 cm = 1 m) For small stands and shell scheme use: 4:100 (4 cm = 1 m) For electrical installations please use the following symbols: triple socket 1 m2 spotlight (arrow in direction of light) single socket WC Damen WC Herren 16 3.00 3.00 15 9 sqm 14 9 sqm 3.00 13 9 sqm 4.00 3.00 9 sqm 3.00 12 sqm 3.00 12.00 3.00 17 3.00 18 3.00 3.00 9 sqm IS. 13 Schacht 1.00 IS. 12 Schacht 3.00 9 sqm Coffee & lunch 20 3.00 3.00 9 sqm WC Damen Entrance Publishers / societies 3.00 19 10.00 9.00 6.00 9 sqm 10 3.00 22 FT. 09/10 Fahrtreppe 23 11 12 100 sqm 36 sqm 72 sqm TR. 15 Fluchttreppe FT. 03/04 Fahrtreppe 4.00 9 sqm 3.00 3.00 10.00 3.00 6.00 9 sqm 8.00 21 WC Behinderte 3.00 3.00 Coffee & lunch 100 sqm 10.00 10.00 400 7 8 2.73 400 8.00 07 Poster, Award & Catering area 6.00 08 4 150 sqm 09 60 sqm 10 400 Elevators 1.45x2.5 mtr 2.73 400 2.73 400 To and from 100 sqm 2.73 48 sqm 15.00 2.73 Lager 4.00 16 400 5 10.00 17 2.73 10.00 18 AS. 02/03 Aufzug 6.00 10.00 40 sqm 4.00 6 9 19 Entrance Exhibition area 10.00 10.00 2.73 Session rooms 400 2.73 400 Entrance Exhibition area HKV 12.00 20.00 TR. 08 Haupttreppe TR. 02 Fluchttreppe 10.00 2 120 sqm 10.00 3 200 sqm 2.47 1.45 AS. 04/05 Aufzug AS. 06/07 10.00 FM 30 sqm Vorwand WC 1.50m hoch Coffee & lunch 3.00 1 Coffee & lunch Personal WC Flur Catering 2.69 Ansichtskante 60er Wand aus ZE1 2.93 TR. 07 Fluchttreppe Ausstellungserweiterung TR. 06 Fluchttreppe Ausstellungserweiterung Deckenkante 1,2 0 15 2.94 400 20140501V04 published May 2014 The 27th ECNP Congress foundation is a public-interest-serving entity 1,2 1,2 0 0 14 2.94 400 13 2.94 400 1,2 0 TR. 05 Fluchttreppe 12 2.81 400 11 4.93 Putzmittel UV-AV FM AS. 01 Lastenaufzug 2.81 400 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany Provisional exhibition floor plan (subject to alteration) CityCube, Level 2, Hall B 140526_ecnp2014_satsymp_specsV3 ECNP2014 - Berlin 18-22OCT2014 : AV-setup overview sat.symposia (status 26MAY2014) Hall_A1 (850pax) timing audio light visual 1 2 1 2 2 2 4 1 2 3 5 3+3 1 2 2 1 (W34.6 x D29.3 x H7.0) rehearsal sat.symp. access sat.symp. sat.symp. C.02 Janssen Pharmaceutica NV rehearsal sat.symp. access sat.symp. sat.symp. C.05 Servier rehearsal sat.symp. access sat.symp. sat.symp. C.09 AstraZeneca SAT 18oct 13h15-14h15 PA-system for 850pax - delayed - mono monitoring for speaker & chairman-table monitoring ppt-operator lectern-microphone (wired) on 1 lectern lavalier-microphones(wireless) panelmicrophone (wired) Q&A-microphones on stand (wired) audio-feed on XLR to camera-area inhouse PA-system (8+4 K&Fspeakers ; 16ch-console) basic lighting : speakerdesk (front-light only) basic lighting : chairman-table (front-light only) uplight draped backdrop (onstage) uplight draping (L&R of stage) remote-controlled roomlight (up/down) inhouse light-package 2xprofile&4xfresnell ; from truss data-projector PPT screen (4:3) for ppt matrix splitter/switcher for rgbhv / vga inhouse 10K LCD projector SAT 18oct 14h15 SAT 18oct 14h45-16h30 SUN 19oct 11h00-12h00 SUN 19oct 16h30 SUN 19oct 17h00-18h45 MON 20oct 11h00-12h00 MON 20oct 16h30 MON 20oct 17h00-18h45 one small loudspeaker each behind lectern / chairman-table one small loudspeaker with volume-control : Fostex inhouse gooseneck microphones UHF - wireless : SKM MX418 sennheiser e840 signal out from sound-console via aux on XLR LED-bar-uplights (blue) on floorstands inhouse dimmable lighting Extron USP405 or ISS108 or similar 2x vga-IN for laptop @ ppt-tech-desk comfort-monitor for speaker comfort-monitor for chairman laserpointer back-up elec. connection at camera-area cue-system by COVR timing-device by COVR mouse-on-lectern 17in HD 1 1 1 1 1 1 inhouse stage set of surround for tech-desk (height 120cm) draped backdrop over width of room lectern with reading-light chairman-table for 04pax ECNP-branded printed backdrop modular stage 8m*3m c/w carpet/skirting 1 ECNP-session-manager main speaker-contact / ppt-system-supervisor 1 allround AV-tech CCB operate audio, light, switcher, projector 1 2 1 1 COVR COVR COVR crew LED-bar-uplights (blue) on floorstands inhouse screens : frontproj. 600*450cm check staging inhouse light-package 2xprofile&4xfresnell ; from truss DeBackerConsultantsPtyLtd 17in HD inhouse CCB-laserpointer green 16Amp 220V shucko only for networked ppt-pc (DSAN) only for networked ppt-pc (built-in software) only for networked ppt-pc colour black grey molton CCB-lectern with built-in comfort-monitor 4-pax table with ECNP-branding on cover (284cm W * 80cm H * 100cm D) suspended from ceiling in between the 2x projection-screens Page 1 of 4 140526_ecnp2014_satsymp_specsV3 ECNP2014 - Berlin 18-22OCT2014 : AV-setup overview sat.symposia (status 26MAY2014) Hall_A7 (447pax) rehearsal sat.symp. access sat.symp. sat.symp. C.01 H. Lundbeck A/S access sat.symp. sat.symp. C.03 H. Lundbeck A/S rehearsal sat.symp. access sat.symp. sat.symp. C.06 Eli Lilly rehearsal sat.symp. access sat.symp. sat.symp. C.10 H. Lundbeck A/S SAT 18oct 11h00-12h00 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 PA-system for 450pax - delayed - mono monitoring for speaker & chairman-table monitoring ppt-operator lectern-microphone (wired) on 1 lectern lavalier-microphones(wireless) panelmicrophone (wired) Q&A-microphones on stand (wired) audio-feed on XLR to camera-area inhouse PA-system (4+2 K&Fspeakers ; 16ch-console) 2 3 5 1 basic lighting : speakerdesk (front-light only) basic lighting : chairman-table (front-light only) uplight draped backdrop (onstage) remote-controlled roomlight (up/down) inhouse light-package 2xprofile&4xfresnell ; from truss 1 1 1 data-projector PPT screen (4:3) for ppt matrix splitter/switcher for rgbhv / vga inhouse 10K LCD projector timing audio light visual (W18.1 x D29.3 x H7.0) SAT 18oct 12h00 SAT 18oct 12h30-14h15 SAT 18oct 14h15 SAT 18oct 14h45-16h30 SUN 19oct 11h00-12h00 SUN 19oct 16h30 SUN 19oct 17h00-18h45 MON 20oct 11h00-12h00 MON 20oct 16h30 MON 20oct 17h00-18h45 one small loudspeaker each behind lectern / chairman-table one small loudspeaker with volume-control : Fostex inhouse gooseneck microphones UHF - wireless : SKM MX418 sennheiser e840 signal out from sound-console via aux on XLR inhouse dimmable lighting Extron USP405 or ISS108 or similar 2x vga-IN for laptop @ ppt-tech-desk comfort-monitor for speaker comfort-monitor for chairman laserpointer back-up elec. connection at camera-area cue-system by COVR timing-device by COVR mouse-on-lectern 17in HD 1 1 1 1 1 2 inhouse stage set of surround for tech-desk (height 120cm) draped backdrop over width of room lectern with reading-light chairman-table for 04pax ECNP-banners modular stage 8m*3m c/w carpet/skirting 1 ECNP-session-manager main speaker-contact / ppt-system-supervisor 1 allround AV-tech CCB operate audio, light, switcher, projector 1 2 1 1 COVR COVR COVR crew LED-bar-uplights (blue) on floorstands inhouse screen : frontproj. 600*450cm check staging inhouse light-package 2xprofile&4xfresnell ; from truss DeBackerConsultantsPtyLtd 17in HD inhouse CCB-laserpointer green 16Amp 220V shucko only for networked ppt-pc (DSAN) only for networked ppt-pc (built-in software) only for networked ppt-pc colour black grey molton CCB-lectern with built-in comfort-monitor 4-pax table with ECNP-branding on cover (284cm W * 80cm H * 100cm D) suspended from ceiling L&R of proj.screen Page 2 of 4 140526_ecnp2014_satsymp_specsV3 ECNP2014 - Berlin 18-22OCT2014 : AV-setup overview sat.symposia (status 26MAY2014) Hall_A3 (447pax) rehearsal sat.symp. access sat.symp. sat.symp. C.04 H. Lundbeck A/S rehearsal sat.symp. access sat.symp. sat.symp. C.07 Ferrer rehearsal sat.symp. access sat.symp. sat.symp. C.11 Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Europe Ltd and Takeda Pharmaceuticals International GmbH SAT 18oct 13h15-14h15 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 PA-system for 450pax - delayed - mono monitoring for speaker & chairman-table monitoring ppt-operator lectern-microphone (wired) on 1 lectern lavalier-microphones(wireless) panelmicrophone (wired) Q&A-microphones on stand (wired) audio-feed on XLR to camera-area inhouse PA-system (4+2 K&Fspeakers ; 16ch-console) 2 3 5 1 basic lighting : speakerdesk (front-light only) basic lighting : chairman-table (front-light only) uplight draped backdrop (onstage) remote-controlled roomlight (up/down) inhouse light-package 2xprofile&4xfresnell ; from truss 1 1 1 data-projector PPT screen (4:3) for ppt matrix splitter/switcher for rgbhv / vga inhouse 10K LCD projector timing audio light visual (W18.1 x D29.3 x H7.0) SUN 19oct 16h30 SUN 19oct 17h00-18h45 MON 20oct 11h00-12h00 MON 20oct 16h30 MON 20oct 17h00-18h45 one small loudspeaker with volume-control : Fostex inhouse gooseneck microphones UHF - wireless : SKM MX418 sennheiser e840 signal out from sound-console via aux on XLR inhouse light-package 2xprofile&4xfresnell ; from truss LED-bar-uplights (blue) on floorstands inhouse dimmable lighting inhouse screen : frontproj. 600*450cm Extron USP405 or ISS108 or similar 2x vga-IN for laptop @ ppt-tech-desk comfort-monitor for speaker comfort-monitor for chairman laserpointer back-up elec. connection at camera-area cue-system by COVR timing-device by COVR mouse-on-lectern 17in HD 1 1 1 1 1 2 inhouse stage set of surround for tech-desk (height 120cm) draped backdrop over width of room lectern with reading-light chairman-table for 04pax ECNP-banners modular stage 8m*3m c/w carpet/skirting 1 ECNP-session-manager main speaker-contact / ppt-system-supervisor 1 allround AV-tech CCB operate audio, light, switcher, projector 1 2 1 1 COVR COVR COVR crew SUN 19oct 11h00-12h00 one small loudspeaker each behind lectern / chairman-table check staging SAT 18oct 14h15 SAT 18oct 14h45-16h30 DeBackerConsultantsPtyLtd 17in HD inhouse CCB-laserpointer green 16Amp 220V shucko only for networked ppt-pc (DSAN) only for networked ppt-pc (built-in software) only for networked ppt-pc colour black grey molton CCB-lectern with built-in comfort-monitor 4-pax table with ECNP-branding on cover (284cm W * 80cm H * 100cm D) suspended from ceiling L&R of proj.screen Page 3 of 4 140526_ecnp2014_satsymp_specsV3 ECNP2014 - Berlin 18-22OCT2014 : AV-setup overview sat.symposia (status 26MAY2014) Hall_A8 (850pax) timing audio light visual 1 2 1 2 2 2 4 1 2 3 5 3+3 1 2 2 1 (W34.6 x D29.3 x H7.0) rehearsal sat.symp. access sat.symp. sat.symp. C.08 Otsuka Pharmaceutical Europe Ltd and H. Lundbeck A/S rehearsal sat.symp. access sat.symp. sat.symp. C.12 Otsuka Pharmaceutical Europe Ltd and H. Lundbeck A/S SUN 19oct 11h00-12h00 PA-system for 850pax - delayed - mono monitoring for speaker & chairman-table monitoring ppt-operator lectern-microphone (wired) on 1 lectern lavalier-microphones(wireless) panelmicrophone (wired) Q&A-microphones on stand (wired) audio-feed on XLR to camera-area inhouse PA-system (8+4 K&Fspeakers ; 16ch-console) basic lighting : speakerdesk (front-light only) basic lighting : chairman-table (front-light only) uplight draped backdrop (onstage) uplight draping (L&R of stage) remote-controlled roomlight (up/down) inhouse light-package 2xprofile&4xfresnell ; from truss data-projector PPT screen (4:3) for ppt matrix splitter/switcher for rgbhv / vga inhouse 10K LCD projector MON 20oct 11h00-12h00 MON 20oct 16h30 MON 20oct 17h00-18h45 one small loudspeaker with volume-control : Fostex inhouse gooseneck microphones UHF - wireless : SKM MX418 sennheiser e840 signal out from sound-console via aux on XLR inhouse light-package 2xprofile&4xfresnell ; from truss LED-bar-uplights (blue) on floorstands LED-bar-uplights (blue) on floorstands inhouse dimmable lighting inhouse screens : frontproj. 600*450cm Extron USP405 or ISS108 or similar 2x vga-IN for laptop @ ppt-tech-desk comfort-monitor for speaker comfort-monitor for chairman laserpointer back-up elec. connection at camera-area cue-system by COVR timing-device by COVR mouse-on-lectern 17in HD 1 1 1 1 1 1 inhouse stage set of surround for tech-desk (height 120cm) draped backdrop over width of room lectern with reading-light chairman-table for 04pax ECNP-branded printed backdrop modular stage 8m*3m c/w carpet/skirting 1 ECNP-session-manager main speaker-contact / ppt-system-supervisor 1 allround AV-tech CCB operate audio, light, switcher, projector 1 2 1 1 COVR COVR COVR crew SUN 19oct 17h00-18h45 one small loudspeaker each behind lectern / chairman-table check staging SUN 19oct 16h30 DeBackerConsultantsPtyLtd 17in HD inhouse CCB-laserpointer green 16Amp 220V shucko only for networked ppt-pc (DSAN) only for networked ppt-pc (built-in software) only for networked ppt-pc colour black grey molton CCB-lectern with built-in comfort-monitor 4-pax table with ECNP-branding on cover (284cm W * 80cm H * 100cm D) suspended from ceiling in between the 2x projection-screens Page 4 of 4 _A3 (447pax) Hall_A1 (850pax) MAIN ENTRANCE Scientific & Sat.Symp. xxx (1x table 140*70) (1x poster sat.symp.) (1x badge-checker) 140*70 xxx 140*70 140*70 Unlocked door = xxx xxx FOYER Hall_A3 (447pax) Hall_A1 (850pax) MAIN ENTRANCE Scientific & Sat.Symp. (1x table 140*70) (1x poster sat.symp.) (1x badge-checker) Unlocked door = xxx xxx PLENARY 140*70 xxx 140*70 140*70 xxx PLENARY xxx 140*70 140*70 140*70 MAIN ENTRANCE Scientific & Sat.Symp. (1x table 140*70) (1x poster sat.symp.) (1x badge-checker) Unlocked door = xxx Hall_A7 (447pax) Hall_A8 (850pax) FOYER _A7 (447pax) 140*70 140*70 xxx 140*70 MAIN ENTRANCE Scientific & Sat.Symp. (1x table 140*70) (1x poster sat.symp.) (1x badge-checker) Unlocked door = xxx Hall_A8 (850pax)
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