Imager 3001 Hardware User Manual Version 2.6

Imager 3001
Hardware User Manual
Version 2.6
January 2010
Copyright © 1992 - 2012 by Optical Imaging, Ltd.
Nov 2008
Doc. Version
Hardware Version
This document is provided as is. The information it contains is believed to be accurate and
reliable. However, Optical Imaging, Ltd assumes no responsibility for its use. Optical Imaging
reserves the right to make changes in specifications without prior notice.
Imager 3001/C Hardware Manual −
Table of Contents
1 Imager 3001/C Hardware Manual.............................................................................................................1
1.1 Manual Scope.................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Front panel connections.................................................................................................................1
1.2.1 Artifical Cortex Connection.................................................................................................3
1.2.2 Stim Bits...............................................................................................................................3
1.2.3 Input Bits..............................................................................................................................3
1.3 Rear panel connections..................................................................................................................3
1.3.1 CameraLink Camera Connection.........................................................................................4
1.3.2 D15 (female) Camera Power Connection............................................................................4
1.3.3 D15 (male) Stimulus I/O Connection...................................................................................4
2 Contact Information....................................................................................................................................6
1 Imager 3001/C Hardware Manual
The Imager 3001/C is a compact implementation of an Imager 3001 system from Optical Imaging, Ltd. The
2U rack mount chassis combines a powerful computer, a laboratory interface device, and a frame grabber.
Coupled with an Adimec 1000m/D camera, it forms a complete intrinsic imaging system for studying the
The Imager 3001/C can run following Optical Imaging software applications:
VDAQ − Video Data Acquisition. For episodic experiments, either intrinsic or VSD. 
LongDaq − Continuous data recording. For intrinsic experiments in which data is continuously
saved to disk while a succession of stimuli are presented.
1.1 Manual Scope
This manual focuses on the computer and lab interface hardware of an Imager 3001/C system. There are
separate manuals that describe
The Adimec 1000M/D camera, its operating modes, and how to balance its taps. 
Vdaq software 
LongDaq software 
The functions assigned to the four BNC connectors are specified using the VdaqReg utility on the Lab
Inteface page, which is described in both the Vdaq and LongDaq manuals.
1.2 Front panel connections
The front panel of the Imager 3001/C contains four BNC connectors that can be assigned any of the 24
signals that are present in the full lab interface used on other Optical Imaging Imager 3001 systems:
Output Signals
 Illumination shutter control (open/close) – controls the opening and closing of the
illumination shutter
 Respirator control (start/stop) – starts and stops the respirator 
 Trial Trigger Ready – goes high to indicate that Vdaq is ready for a start trial trigger 
1 Imager 3001/C Hardware Manual
Imager 3001/C Hardware Manual −
♦ Stim Trigger Ready – goes high to indicate that Vdaq is ready for a start stimulus trigger
♦ Frame Toggle – changes polarity once each frame, so that data acquisition can be
monitored externally
♦ User 0ut 0, 1, 2 – spare output bits
♦ GO – Goes high to indicate the start of data acquisition
♦ Stim bits 0 through 6 – indicate the current stimulus number
• Input Signals
♦ Heart beat − external input to indicate the heartbeat phase
♦ Respirator phase – external input to indicate phase of respiration
♦ Trial trigger – an external input trigger to start a trial, which is a group of stimuli
♦ Stimulus trigger – an external input trigger to start data acquisition
♦ Stim bits 0 to 3 – used to supply the stimulus number externally
The selection of the signals to route to the four BNC connectors is found in the Compact Lab Interface
Setup dialog that's accessible from the VdaqReg Laboratory Interface page. See the VdaqReg section of
either the Vdaq or LongDaq software manual.
When Vdaq or LongDaq is running, it shows the current assignments of the BNC connections in the LCD
using the following abbreviations:
S0, S1, S2, S3
Out: Stim Bits 0, 1, 2, 3
Out: GO
Out: Frame Toggle
Out: Illumination Control
Out: Respirator Control
Out: Stim Ready
Out: Trial Ready/td>
In: Heart Beat
In: Respirator Phase
In: Stim Trigger
IN: Trial Trigger
1.2 Front panel connections
Imager 3001/C Hardware Manual −
1.2.1 Artifical Cortex Connection
The Imager 3001/C is supplied with a LED signal source that's often called an artificial cortex (ACAT). It
is used with a 3OD (1/1000) optical attenuator to create tiny signals for testing. The Imager 3001/C system
uses a stereo phone connector for the ACAT connection. The pinout is stim bit 0 on tip, stim bit 1 on ring,
and ground on sleeve. The brightness of the LEDs on the ACAT is controlled by a slider on the Camera
Setup screen. Note that only two of the seven leds of the ACAT device are controllable on the Imager
3001/C system.
1.2.2 Stim Bits
Both the input and output stim bits can be accessed from the front panel BNC connectors, or from the rear
panel D15 connector. When stimulus numbers are input from the rear D15 connector, you can use up to
eight bits, whereas from the front only four bits are accessible. When stimulus numbers are output using the
rear D16 connector, the GO bit is also available on that connector. Note that you can't use the rear D15 for
both input and output at once. Also note that you control the usage of the rear D15 connector using the
VdaqReg Laboratory Interface page.
1.2.3 Input Bits
Input bits that are not assigned to a BNC connector will read as if they were OFF (zero). The only
exception is when the input stim bits are assigned to the rear D15 connector. Note that the LEDs
corresponding to the input signals on the BNC connectors are only updated when when data acquisition is
underway, or when you have specified Poll Inputs on the digital I/O test panel of the Vdaq program.
1.3 Rear panel connections
1.2.1 Artifical Cortex Connection
Imager 3001/C Hardware Manual −
1.3.1 CameraLink Camera Connection
The frame grabber is usually installed on the center slot of the system, and the camera data connector is the
right hand connector. After inserting the cameralink cable, be sure to tighten the two locking screws so they
are snug, and make sure the connector is not skewed (one end not fully inserted).
Note that the D15 female connector on the left of the middle slot is part of the frame grabber and is not used
in Imager 3001 systems. Be careful to leave it empty; do not insert the camera power cable into this
1.3.2 D15 (female) Camera Power Connection
The camera power connector is a female D15 usually present in the top slot.
1.3.3 D15 (male) Stimulus I/O Connection
The stimulus I/O D15 male connector is usually placed in the bottom slot of the system. The stimulus I/O
connector is bidirectional and can be used for either input or output of stimulus bits. When used for output,
the GO bit is also available on this connector. Note that the pinout varies depending on whether it is used
for input or output.
When used for output:
Stim bit 0
Stim bit 1
Stim bit 2
Stim bit 3
Stim bit 4
Stim bit 5
Stim bit 6
+5V (low current capability)
1.3.1 CameraLink Camera Connection
Imager 3001/C Hardware Manual −
When used for input:
Stim bit 0
Stim bit 1
Stim bit 2
Stim bit 3
Stim bit 4
Stim bit 5
Stim bit 6
Stim bit 7
+5V (low current capability)
Unused input stimulus bits should be tied low so they will read as off.
1.3.3 D15 (male) Stimulus I/O Connection
2 Contact Information
Optical imaging Ltd
Rabin Science Park
5 Oppenheimer St.
3rd floor, suite 43
Rehovot 76701, Israel
Tel: +972-8-9463259
Fax: +972-8-9463261
2 contact information