Name change from Archelon Mineral AB to Interfox Resources AB Decision on distribution of previous operations as dividend New board of directors appointed Acquisition of oil exploration project in the Tomsk region in central Russia Purchase offer regarding Archelon Mineral’s shares in Nordic Iron Ore raised 1,9 Mkr Merger between Gotland Oil AB and Gripen Gas AB created Gripen Oil & Gas AB, which was separately listed on AktieTorget Dividend of shares in Archelon AB and Dividend Sweden Net turnover during the period January – December amounted to SEK 164k (SEK 324k 2012) Financial result SEK -3 654k (SEK -3 639k 2012) Cash flow from current operations SEK -9 429k (SEK -5 049k 2012) Current assets and accounts receivable at the end of the period amounted to SEK 6 164k (SEK 7 594k) Interfox Resources AB is an exploration company that seek to identify license properties with potential to become significant oil and gas assets. The Company’s operations currently involve the development of the Company’s first asset, license 71-1 “Elley-Igayskoye”. The strategy is to secure the oil and gas reserves size and nature and then develop the asset and prepare for a sale or a deep cooperation with a strategic partner. Year 2013 ended with a complete makeover of the company, as the operations of Archelon Mineral AB in December was transferred to a newly created subsidiary and given as dividend to the shareholders. The company then transformed into an exploration company in the oil & gas sector. Up until December the company ran its business according to the previously established model. The decision to distribute the current business as dividend was taken at the EGM on December 20, 2013, which also decided to acquire the oil & gas project in Tomsk and to execute a rights issue, supported by a consortium of guarantors. The purpose of the now completed rights issue is to finance the first phase of development. Our current focus is completely on our very promising project in the Toms region of the Russian Federation. It is an exploration project, where we aim to create significant value and then to divest the project or to find an ideal partner. This is to be executed in a relatively short period, as the initial development program spans over 18 months, in which we will re-enter one of the old wells and drill one new well. The information regarding the assets is relatively rich, considering the early stage of the project, since we have two wells drilled in Soviet times with parts of its drill logs, cores and furthermore some seismic data available. During drilling, hydrocarbons were discovered in both wells. Based on this fact, we have no doubts that hydrocarbons are present. The exploration plan is designed to in the most efficient way establish the amount of reserves and how they can be extracted. The independent experts we have assigned both have analyzed all available data and have given the project a considerable amount of resources. The investments we shall make aims to prove reserves. The first stage of this process, financed by the rights issue completed on February 3rd, is to complete a re-entry of one of the old wells. Thereafter, a series of tests and data collection will be performed with modern methods, in order to create the best possible information for design of the coming new well. The rights issue has given us the means to start the work. The infrastructure on the license block is prepared and the work to get the drilling rig and material in place is being done currently. Our estimate is that all equipment shall be in place on the license block mid-March and that the actual re-entry shall be initiated at the end of March. When the detailed analysis has come far enough, decision shall be taken on where and how to drill the first new exploration well. We very much look forward to this task! Anders Thorsell CEO The Company's acquisition of Mezhlisa gave access to the prospective project that BNG acquired at a public auction in August 2010, license 71-1 "Elley-Igayskoye" in Tomsk Oblast, Russia. • A reserve report must be drawn up and approved within six months of discovery In addition to these terms, there are terms for environmental protection, reporting to authorities and industrial safety etc. The license area is 34 km2, and has been designed to cover the only known structure on the license area. The license is a combined exploration and production license, TOM01559NR, which runs until September 2035. In brief, the license terms stipulate that the licensee shall: • • • • Prepare a work programme, which can be revised while it is being performed Perform re-entry of one of the two older wells on the license block Reinterpret seismic data and design exploration and work programme Perform a exploration programme within five years If a commercial discovery of hydrocarbon is made and the licensee ascertains reserves, the following will apply for the licensee: • • • An appraisal programme must be developed and agreed within 12 months A seismic 2D or 3D programme must be commenced or a new well drilled within 24 months At least two wells must have been drilled within four years, of which at least one must have been drilled in the third year Interfox Resources AB believe that hydrocarbons primarily can be found at three different depths, in the layers from the Jurassic period and in the weathered zone in the layer between the Jurassic and Devonian layers, as well as down in the Devonian layers, between depths 3,000 and 4,500 metres deep. The Devonian layers have traditionally not been prospected to a great extent in Russia, and it was not until recently that interest in them has increased significantly. Previously, the rich assets in the Jurassic layers or younger formations were more than enough to meet needs and have been better adapted to existing established technology. The structure is deemed a reef-like structure with a very large amplitude between the top and the bottom. The license block is located in a part of the Western Siberian Basin which comprises a subdivision, the Nuyrola Basin, which has 13 similar properties with established hydrocarbon deposits in the Devonian layers. The Devonian layers are at greater depths in Tomsk and consist in the case of license block 71-1 primarily of limestone with properties different from the sandstone in the Jurassic layers. The greater depths result in higher pressure, which, all other things being equal, leads to higher flows of any hydrocarbons present than if they were situated in a more shallow location, such as in the Jurassic formations. The core analysis conducted during the Soviet period also show that the limestone at this depth exhibits extensive fissuring to a great degree. The fissures create the conditions for gas and liquids to flow both horizontally and vertically. Significant flows of hydrocarbons from individual wells are found in nearby license areas with similar geology. In the winter of 2012/2013, BNG ordered a reinterpretation of the seismic data encompassing both older profiles from the Soviet period and modern ones collected between 2007 and 2009 by major oil company Sibneft for a large area. The order went to renowned Russian company Geoprime (partially owned by major international companies Schlumberger and Integra). Geoprime identified three very interesting formations in the deeper Devonian layers. This data was correlated with information from the logs of the two existing wells. The result is that Geoprime sees four potential hydrocarbon-saturated intervals. Geoprime estimates in a mineral resource estimate according to Russian standard that the license block in total contains the equivalent of 134 million barrels of oil equivalent in category C3, which means that they are potentially extractable and with an assumption that the hydrocarbons are primarily gas and the rest is oil and gas condensate. This is by no means a reserve assessment. It is an estimate of potential mineral assets/resources. The estimated hydrocarbon-bearing zones altogether have a total thickness of approximately 148 m. The interpretations confirmed the Company's own estimates and geological models and correlates with previously collected historical data. As far the Company knows, these seismic maps are the first ones that, with modern tools, systematically cover the deeper Devonian layers in this part of the Tomsk region and possibly the entire Tomsk region. They are based on 600 line kilometres of seismic data, divided into 13 profiles. The overview reflects the operations of Archelon Mineral AB. On December 20, 2013 the Company changed name to Interfox Resources AB (publ) from Archelon Mineral AB (publ). On the extra general shareholders meeting on December 20, 2013 the shareholders decided to adopt the proposal from the board regarding the acquisition of the oil project in the Tomsk region in Central Russia. The transaction will take place via an acquisition of all shares in the Cyprus based company Mezhliza Ltd, whose sole asset is the oil project in Tomsk. The project will be contributed to Mezhliza gradually via a so called “farm-in”. Payment for Mezhlisa will be executed in new issued shares. After the acquisition of the oil project in Tomsk and the transformation of the operations Interfox Resources AB is traded at the observation list on AktieTorget until AktieTorget’s review committee decides to return the Company’s share to the ordinary listing. The short name for the share is IFOX B. The seller of the project, the Far East and Pacific Investments Inc. ("FEPI") is now, taking into account all share issues, the owner of 25.9 percent of the shares in Interfox Resources AB. This is also after transferring 4.0 percent of the shares in the company to Archelon AB for a total remuneration of SEK 3, according to agreement. Anders Thorsell, Patric Perenius (remaining), Jens Bruno and Jan Lundström form the new Board of directors in Interfox Resources AB. At the first board meeting Jan Lundström was elected as chairman and Anders Thorsell was appointed CEO. The extra general shareholders meeting decided that the previous operations should be transferred to a newly formed fully owned subsidiary called Archelon AB that should be handed out as dividend to the shareholders per December 30 2013. For each share in Interfox Resources AB one (1) share in Archelon AB was distrbuted. The share dividend in Archelon AB, "New Archelon", was executed after the record date December 30 2013. After the payout the trading of the share was initiated on AktieTorget. At the extra general shareholder’s meeting a decision was also made on the share dividend of Dividend Sweden AB, where Interfox Resources AB had acquired shares for a symbolic amount. For each share package of 13 shares in Interfox Resources AB one (1) share in Dividend Sweden AB was received. Record date for this transaction was also set to December 30 2013. The payout of shares was executed in the beginning of January 2014. These shares are not publicly traded. Due to the distribution of the former business and the execution of the rights issue, the meeting decided to reduce the share capital (without redemption of shares), when the quota value is changed from 4 öre to 1 öre. A new share issue in the spring of 2013 brought Gotland Oil AB, a company that was formed on Archelon Mineral’s initiative, about 7.5 million before related costs. The issue was directed to the public in order to achieve as good free float as possible in preparation for listing on AktieTorget on 18 April 2013. At the Annual General Meeting June 24, 2013, the shareholders of Gotland Oil AB decided to merge with Gripen Gas AB. The AGM decided that the company after the merger will be renamed Gripen Oil & Gas AB. Public trading of the share was initiated under the new name Gripen Oil & Gas AB on 10 July 2013, short name GOG. The Board of Gripen Oil & Gas decided in September to pursue a rights issue of shares and warrants of approximately 15.3 million SEK with preferential rights for existing shareholders. Archelon Mineral's holding in Gripen Oil & Gas was transferred to Archelon AB in connection with the distribution of the former business as dividend. During the July 2013 a loan of 4 million was settled. The loan was raised in December 2012, where Archelons shareholding in Nordic Iron Ore AB had been pledged as collateral. 30 September 2013, the Board of Archelon to set up a purchase offer, where Archelon shareholders were given the option to buy the remaining holding of about 640 000 shares in Nordic Iron Ore at a price of 8.50 per share. The offer took place between 14 and 28 October 2013. The outcome was that about 220 000 shares were sold, which raised about 1.9 million. Archelon Mineral's holding in Nordic Iron Ore was transferred to Archelon AB in connection with the distribution of the former business as dividend. Geotermica AB works with the extraction of geothermal energy. Activities are being established in Italy, where geothermal heat has for long been exploited for electricity generation. Ownership in Geotermica amounts to about 17.8 percent. For further information, see the company website Archelon Mineral Holdings in Geotermica was transferred to Archelon AB in connection with the distribution of the former business as dividend. Net turnover, SEK k Result after financial items, SEK k Total assets, SEK k Equity ratio, % Total employees 164 324 428 286 164 -3 654 -3 639 -4 597 6 441 -2 698 6 584 13 320 13 122 17 724 12 143 24 64 95 96 95 4 4 4 4 2 Return on total assets (%) -36,7 27,5 Return on total equity (%) -71,9 -34,6 Return per share (SEK) -0,05 -0,05 Equity per share (SEK) 0,02 0,12 Quick ratio (%) 123 165 Number of A-shares 2 051 090 2 051 090 Number of B-shares 71 016 548 71 016 548 Total number of shares 73 067 638 73 067 638 Average number of shares 73 067 638 73 067 638 Net turnover - 164 26 324 Other revenue - - - 50 164 374 Operational costs Materials -2 -2 - -78 -981 -1 823 -465 -1 302 -1089 -4 107 -1034 -4 134 - -53 -18 -58 -2068 -5 821 -1491 -5 198 10 2 261 1471 1 471 2 12 10 87 381 -106 -106 - -238 Result after financial costs -2162 -3 654 -10 -3 639 Result before taxes -2162 -3 654 -10 -3 639 Result of the period -2162 -3 654 -10 -3 639 Other costs Salaries Depreciation Operational results Financial costs Income from other investments and loans Other interest income and other financial income Interest and other financial costs ASSETS Fixed assets Immaterial fixed assets Other immaterial fixed assets - 360 - 360 Equipment and other fixed assets - 262 Other fixed assets - 25 - 288 Other long term securities - 4 835 Other long-term receivables - 32 - 4 867 - 5 515 - 36 3 515 65 533 110 4 047 211 Cash 2 536 7 594 Total current assets 6 584 7 805 TOTAL ASSETS 6 584 13 320 Fixed assets Financial fixed assets Total fixed assets Current assets Current receivables Accounts receivables Other receivables Prepayments and accrued income EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity Restricted equity capital Equity 1 397 1 397 2 923 2 923 1 333 2 511 -3 654 190 20 662 -11 368 -3 639 5 655 Total equity 1 587 8 578 Current liabilities Accounts payable Tax liabilities Other liabilities Accrued expenses and deferred income 143 25 4 000 829 38 26 4 093 586 4 997 4 743 6 584 13 321 Unrestricted equity Share premium account Retained earnings Result of the period TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Pledged assets Pledged shares - 1 751 Total - 1 751 none none Commitments Operating activities Result after financial items Adjustments for items not included in cash flow, etc. -3 654 -2 200 -3 639 -1 463 -5 854 -5 102 Cash flow from changes in working capital Increase(-)/Decrease (+) of accounts receivable Increase(+)/Decrease (-) of accounts payable -3 836 262 -27 80 Cash flow from operating activities -9 429 -5 049 Sale of immaterial fixed assets Acquisition of material fixed assets Sale of material fixed assets Acquisition of financial assets Sale of financial assets 360 288 4 867 -321 90 -1 030 2 454 Cash flow from investment activities 5 515 1 193 Financial operations Share issue Reduction of share capital New liabilities Dividends Shareholder’s contribution 2 000 2 192 -500 -4 836 4 000 - Cash flow from financial operations -1 144 4 000 Cash flow of the period Cash at the beginning of the period -5 057 7 594 144 7 450 2 536 7 594 Cash flow from operating activities before changes in working capital Investment activities Cash at the end of the period A rights issue was conducted in February, raising a gross SEK 23.7 million. In total 1 093 036 208 new shares were issued, bringing the total number of shares to 1 232 770 512. Out of these 205 998 816 shares were subscribed by virtue of subscription rights and 518,439,009 shares without subscription rights. Out of the total number of shares, 368 598 383 were subscribed by The Far East and Pacific Investments Inc, who in their turn transferred 49 310 820 to Archelon AB for a remuneration of SEK 3, according to agreement. In accordance with the dividend policy, the Board will propose to the Annual General Meeting that no dividend shall be paid for 2013. Among the principal risks relating to the company and the industry may be mentioned that the company's operations are subject to all of the risks and uncertainties that businesses focused on exploration, acquisition, development, production and sale of oil and gas are associated with. All oil and gas reserves and oil and gas resources contain a degree of uncertainty. In many cases, exploration activities never get to development and production. The company's potential inability to retain and expand its reserves would have a material adverse effect on the company's business, results and financial postition. The company may also suffer accidents and damage to facilities, the environment and staff, and natural disasters. Any major incident could have an adverse effect on the company's ability to produce oil and gas. The company's operations are located in Russia whose political and legal system reform continuously. These reforms may suffer setbacks, which can create unsafe conditions for investments. The Company may in the future need to turn to the capital market for additional funding. Both the size and timing of the Company's potential future capital requirements will depend on a number of factors, including the nature resource. There is a risk that the required funding of operations is not available at the right time and at reasonable cost. Interfox Resources' Annual Report for 2013 will be published by 30 April 2014. Out of respect to both environmental and cost reasons, Interfox Resources AB has decided to primarily distribute the Annual Report via the company's website. The printed version will continue to be available to order through contact with the company. Interfox Resources Annual General Meeting 2014 will be held in Stockholm May 15, 2014 at. 16:00. Information on how proposals are submitted and how to participate will be posted on the website; The company has in the preparation of this interim report applied the Swedish Annual Reports Act and the general advice as given by the Swedish Accounting Standards Board. Annual report 2013 April 2014. Q1 2014, January - March 2014 will be published May 15 2014. Q2 2014, April – June 2014, will be published August 19 2014. Q3 2014, July – September 2014, will be published November 18 2014. Year-end report 2014 February 17 2015. Annual Shareholder’s meeting shall be held on May 15 2014. Financial reports, press releases and other information are available on Interfox Resouces’ website: This report has not been reviewed by the auditors. Stockholm February 20 2014 Jan Lundström Anders Thorsell Chairman CEO and member of the board Jens Bruno Patrik Perenius Member of the board Member of the board
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