First Presbyterian Church 237 North Kansas Street P.O. Box 66 Edwardsville, Illinois 62025 OPERATIONS MANUAL for ELDERS, DEACONS, and other CHURCH GROUPS Phone: (618) 656-4550 Fax: (618) 656-7321 Internet Address: Approved by the Session, 8/20/13 (Manual may be updated annually) Leadership Roster updated 2/19/14 2 2014 OPERATIONS MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Number First Presbyterian’s Mission Statement 3 THE SESSION Guidelines For Our Work Together Corporate Affairs Division Building and Property Committee Personnel Committee Fiscal Management Committee Outreach Division Evangelism and Church Promotion Committee Stewardship Committee Mission Outreach Ministries Committee Program Division Faith Formation Team Worship, Music and Arts Committee Youth Ministry Committee 4 5 6 6 6-7 7 7 7-8 8 9 9 9-10 10-11 11 THE DEACONS Coordinating Committee Deacon Visitors Deacon Ushers Deacon Stewards 12 12-13 13 14 14 CHURCH UNITS Long-range Planning Task Force The Nominating Committee Gifts, Endowments, and Memorials Committee The Scholarship Committee Presbyterian Women 15 15-16 16 17 17 APPENDICES A. Leadership Roster 18-20 B. Responsibilities of Committee Chairs and Group Leaders 21 C. Committee Meeting Guidelines 22 D. Action Report Form for Session Omnibus Motion 23 E. Payment Process Policy/Payment Voucher 24 F. Church Offering Count Policy 25-26 G. Building Use Policy 27 H. New Member Recruitment Process 28 I. Philosophy of Worship 29 J. Inappropriate Sexual Behavior 30 K. Scholarship Policy 31 L. First Presbyterian Church Bylaws 32-33 3 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOIS MISSION STATEMENT approved by the Session November 17, 1997 First Presbyterian Church believes that it is to be Christ for the world today – praising God and proclaiming God’s amazing grace; growing in the knowledge of God and God’s ways; demonstrating love for God and one another; reaching out to others with healing and service so that our community and the whole world may be drawn to Christ and increase in peace and justice through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. 4 THE SESSION Each Presbyterian Church is a representative democracy governed by Ruling Elders elected from and by the congregation who together with the Teaching Elders (Ministers) form the Session, which is the primary governing body of each local church. The Pastor is the moderator of both the Session and the Congregation. All activities of the congregation, including programs and personnel, are subject to the guidance, review, and supervision of the Session. At First Presbyterian, the Session consists of the Pastor, an Associate Pastor, a Clerk of Session who serves as an ex-officio non-voting member, and fifteen (15) Elders elected for staggered terms of three (3) years so that every year one-third of the Session members begin new terms. The Session shall designate a day each month for the purpose of assembling a quorum to discuss issues involving the Church. This meeting date can be scheduled on any day of the week except Monday or Friday, as these two days have been designated as days that are to remain available for use by the Pastor and/or Associate Pastor as a non-work day. “The Session is responsible for the mission and governance of the particular church. It has all the responsibilities and powers listed in The Book of Order G-3.02. The Pastor moderates the Session, except as provided in G-3.0104 and G-3.0201. A quorum of the session shall be the pastor or other presiding officer and one-third of the elders but no fewer than two, except for the reception and dismission of members, when the quorum shall be the moderator and two members of the session.” At First Presbyterian, the Session divides its work into divisions and committees with numbers of elders serving as follows: CORPORATE AFFAIRS DIVISION BUILDING AND PROPERTY COMMITTEE (1 elder) PERSONNEL COMMITTEE (2 elders) FISCAL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (1 elder) OUTREACH DIVISION EVANGELISM AND CHURCH PROMOTION COMMITTEE (1 elder) STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE (1elder) MISSION OUTREACH MINISTRIES COMMITTEE (1 elder) PROGRAM DIVISION FAITH FORMATION TEAM (1 elder) WORSHIP, MUSIC AND ARTS COMMITTEE (2 elders) YOUTH MINISTRY COMMITTEE (1 elder) Elders are also needed to provide leadership as the Deacons Coordinator (1 elder), to three committees of the congregation: Nominating (2 elders), Gifts, Endowments, and Memorials (3 elders), and Scholarship (1 elder), and to other committees that the Session may constitute. Every elder will serve on at least one of these groups. Because there are eighteen (18) elder roles, some elders will serve two groups. Elders will normally be called upon to serve as the chair of a committee or group during their term. One year of preparation as vice chair before assuming the role of chair is desirable, though not always possible. The Pastor and the Nominating Committee shall have the responsibility of recommending to Session the chair and vice-chair assignments and elder assignments to Session committees. This will be done taking into consideration the interests, experience, and talents of elders and the needs of Session in best governing First Presbyterian Church. 5 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOIS SESSION GUIDELINES FOR OUR WORK TOGETHER reflects work through September 17, 2007 As Followers of Christ, We will remember that our work is part of our spiritual leadership of our congregation. We will come together with open minds, seeking to understand and respect all points of view. We will share our thoughts, beliefs and ideas openly in an appropriate forum so that everyone has the information needed to make an informed decision. In our discussions, we will focus on issues and behavior. When discussions about personnel are necessary, we will do that in confidence. We will talk about our own experience and understanding, and listen to that of others. We will not talk about hearsay and rumor. Members of the congregation should be encouraged to share and discuss information and concerns with members of the session at open meetings. We will make information available in advance, give more time to discussion, and, if necessary, vote on important issues at a later date. 6 CORPORATE AFFAIRS DIVISION Staff: Pastor 1. Coordinates the work and communication of three Session committees: Building and Property, Personnel, and Fiscal Management. 2. Is chaired by a member of the Session. 3. Consists of chairs and vice-chairs of constituent committees, and other active elders serving on those committees. 4. Functions as budget committee with assistance from the Deacons Coordinator and the chair of the annual pledge campaign. BUILDING AND PROPERTY COMMITTEE Staff: Pastor, Administrative Assistant and Church Custodian 1. May be chaired by a member of the congregation. 2. Consists of at least three (3) members (one of whom is a member of the Session). 3. Evaluates building and equipment maintenance and insurance needs continually and regularly. 4. Develops a prospectus of long-term maintenance and renovation needs, and recommends needed repairs and replacements. 5. Oversees all construction, renovation, and other capital improvement projects, including choice of materials and equipment to be purchased. 6. Oversees gardening activities inside and outside. 7. Monitors building use by individuals and groups, develops and monitors policies for use of all church properties (Appendix G), and recommends policy revisions as needed to the Session. 8. Monitors utility use and seeks ways to conserve energy. 9. Maintains a liaison relationship with the church custodian and administrative assistant regarding building and property issues. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Staff: Pastor/Head of Staff 1. Chaired by a member of Session 2. Consists of two (2) Session members (including the chair), one member of the Deacons, and two members of the congregation at large. Reviews annually with the pastor each employee’s performance, concerns, expectations, and compensation; discusses with the pastor and associate pastor(s) adequacy of compensation; and is available to any employee who requests a personal visit after review by supervisor. Makes salary recommendations to the Budget Committee (Corporate Affairs) for session action. Encourages, hears, and follows up on concerns regarding staff performance and relationships and develops a remediation plan where needed. Recommends the formation of and communicates with ad hoc committees concerning any professional staff concern. Reviews personnel policies of the church (bound separately) and position descriptions of employees annually and recommends changes. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7 8. 9. 10. 11. Hires and dismisses non-exempt employees of the church. Makes recommendations to session regarding the hiring and dismissing of non-clergy exempt employees. Exempt/non-exempt employee status is defined by the personnel policies. Monitors the organizational chart and lines of administration and responsibility of the entire church staff, and of staff to Session relationships, and recommends revisions, if needed, to the Session. Monitors the placement of volunteers who have conduct with minors, administering the “Inappropriate Sexual Behavior Policy” (Appendix J), and conducting background checks as needed. Works in cooperation with the Pastor/Head of Staff to ensure personnel files are maintained in a secure place in the Church office. The following documents shall be maintained in personnel files: • Employment date of hire • Job description • Salary and benefit history • Performance documentation • Leave history including medical and other certifications • Grievance process proceedings FISCAL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Staff: Pastor and Administrative Assistant 1. Chaired by a member of Session 2. Consists of at least three (3) members (one of whom is a member of the Session). 3. Monitors the church’s financial condition, investment strategy, and banking relationships, apprises the Session of any concerns (especially in relation to the payment of bills and commitments to the mission of the church), gives monthly reports concerning receipts and disbursements, and reports in a timely fashion on other church funds and accounts. (Book of Order G-10.0401c). 4. Establishes policy for and oversees the weekly counting of offerings, gifts, and other receipts. (Book of Order G-10.0401a) (Appendix F) 5. Establishes policy for and oversees the maintenance of adequate financial records for the church. (Book of Order G-10.0401b). 6. Determines the fiscal impact of committee expenditures above their approved aggregate committee budget, and acts upon requests for additional or surplus funds. 7. Provides for an annual audit and report for Session action. (Book of Order G10.0401d). 8. Maintains a mutually supportive relationship with the Gifts, Endowments, and Memorials Committee. OUTREACH DIVISION Staff: Pastor and Associate Pastor 1. Coordinates the work and communication of three session committees: Evangelism and Church Promotion, Mission Interpretation and Stewardship, Mission Outreach Ministries. 2. Is chaired by a member of the Session. 8 3. Consists of chairs and vice-chairs of constituent committees, and other active elders serving on those committees. EVANGELISM AND CHURCH PROMOTION COMMITTEE Staff: Pastor 1. May be chaired by a member of the congregation 2. Consists of at least three (3) members (one of whom is a member of Session). 3. Implements and monitors a comprehensive “new member recruitment process” which includes publicity, contacts with the unchurched and persons seeking church membership, new member classes, and follow-up (Appendix H). 4. Develops and oversees the publicity policy of the church, especially with outside media. 5. Oversees the development and maintenance of the congregation’s web site. 6. Encourages an awareness of visitors to the church and a positive attitude toward evangelism in the congregation. 7. Coordinates greeters for worship services, with special attention to recruiting and training, open to input from the Worship, Music and Arts Committee. 8. Presents prospective members to Session to be received into membership, introduces new members to the congregation. 9. Develops methods and makes recommendations to further the assimilation of new members into the life of the church, making use of such tools as information inventories conducted with households when they join the church. 10. Encourages other committees and groups to develop programs that assimilate newcomers. 11. Works with Clerk of Session and Administrative Assistant in the updating of membership rolls and membership directories. STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE Staff: Pastor and Administrative Assistant 1. May be chaired by a member of the congregation 2. Consists of at least three (3) members (one of whom is a member of the Session). 3. Plans and conducts the annual stewardship campaign for the operating budget of the church. 4. Contacts new members throughout the year concerning their responsibility to support the church financially. 5. Works with the Faith Formation Team to cultivate the practice of stewardship among children and youth. 6. Develops in the church a sense of generosity and responsible stewardship as an act of faithful discipleship. MISSION OUTREACH MINISTRIES COMMITTEE Staff: Associate Pastor 1. May be chaired by a member of the congregation 2. Consists of at least five (5) members (two of whom are members of Session). 9 3. Develops, reviews, and implements an ongoing program of education and involvement in local mission and service opportunities in the Edwardsville, Glen Carbon, and Metro East areas. 4. Keeps the congregation informed about denominational and ecumenical local mission concerns. 5. Cooperates where compatible with non-Presbyterian local mission concerns. 6. Identifies several local mission projects in which FPC members can participate, encourages individual and group participation, and coordinates congregational efforts in these matters. 7. Nurtures and oversees FPC involvement in the Glen-Ed Food Pantry. 8. Works closely with the Faith Formation Team to insure that sufficient educational opportunities about local mission are made available to the congregation. 9. Keeps the congregation informed throughout the year about local and Presbyterian mission with an interpretation program utilizing visiting missionaries, speakers, denominational resources, The Mission Yearbook of Prayer and Study, and regular concerns of the church. 10. Promotes and implements authorized special offerings like the One Great Hour of Sharing and the Christmas Offering. 11. Keeps the church abreast of mission concerns endorsed by the Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy, Synod of Mid-America, and the General Assembly. 12. Monitors mission programs and makes budget recommendations for local, regional, and national missions line items. PROGRAM DIVISION Staff: Pastor and Associate Pastor 1. Coordinates the work and communication of three Session committees: Faith Formation Team; Worship, Music, and the Arts; and Youth Ministry. 2. Is chaired by a member of the Session. 3. Consists of chairs and vice-chairs of constituent committees, and other active elders serving on those committees. FAITH FORMATION TEAM Staff: Associate Pastor 1. May be chaired by a member of the congregation. 2. Consists of at least three (3) members (one of whom is a member of the Session). 3. Functions as umbrella entity for all children’s and adult Christian education matters. 4. Coordinates and plans a twelve-month Sunday School for ages three through grade five in order to further among children knowledge of the structure, development, events, and teachings of the Bible and the Christian faith. 5. Provides and coordinates Sunday morning childcare and childcare at other events and programs where there is a significant Christian education component. 10 6. Plans and implements Vacation Bible School. 7. Plans additional educational events for children as needed. 8. Plans, develops, directs, and evaluates a wide range of adult educational programs and events which enlarge understanding of the Bible, stimulate interest in continued spiritual growth, develop a better articulation of personal faith, broaden the awareness of Christian responsibility in the world, and challenge discipleship. 9. Encourages and develops detailed management of adult Sunday School classes, and other weekday or seasonal educational events for adults. 10. Works closely with other committees of Session in the coordination and offering of educational opportunities in such areas as social concern, worship and the sacraments, and stewardship and mission interpretation. 11. Oversees the recruiting and training of teachers and other helpers required in conducting its programs. 12. Plans and coordinates the schedule of Advent wreath candle lighters. WORSHIP, MUSIC, AND ARTS COMMITTEE Staff: Pastor, Director of Music, Organist, Harmony Youth Choir Director, Children’s Chorus Director 1. May be chaired by a member of the congregation. 2. Consists of at least five (5) members (two of whom are members of Session) 3. In conjunction with staff members, plans, oversees, reviews, and coordinates the church’s program in worship, music, and the arts in ways consistent with Constitution of the PC(USA) and the congregation’s “philosophy of worship" statement. 4. Recommends to the Session any changes in the time, place, or order of worship, and changes in music programs or presentations. 5. Plans with the pastor regular and special worship services, coordinating a schedule of special music that maximizes congregational participation, and coordinates a schedule of lay worship leaders. 6. Develops and monitors wedding policies and funeral policies (bound separately), and recommends policy revisions as needed to the Session. 7. Encourages, promotes, and coordinates a variety of musical groups for members of all ages to maximize congregational participation, promotes choir performances, and other musical programs of church and community interest, and encourages the participation of youth and laity in worship. 8. Recommends the hiring of all musicians that require monetary payment. When the committee’s general budget funds are adequate for the request, the committee may approve the expenditure. When special funds must be used to meet the request, the committee will review the request, and submit the request to Session for approval, offering its recommendation on the funding source. Approval must be obtained before an offer is made to the musicians. 9. Assists the Faith Formation Team and Youth Committees in providing music for children and youth. 10. Monitors the maintenance and repair of the church’s musical instruments, robes, music equipment, music library, and worship supplies, and works with the 11 Director of Music and Organist to purchase supplies and arrange for maintenance as needed. 11. Plans and coordinates special tasks, events, and observances, including but not limited to: a. Arranging for the choir stoles to be cleaned before the start of the fall choir season, as well as asking choir members to wash their robes. b. Hanging the Christmas Greens before the first day of Advent, and taking down the greens within two Sundays following Christmas. c. Organizing “Sing It Again Sunday,” traditionally held on Mother’s Day. This is a celebration of favorite anthems used during the year. Scriptures are read by choir members in coordination with the anthems chosen. No ‘sermon’ is required that day. The committee assists as requested by the Director of Music and Pastor. d. Organizing the choir appreciation dinner, which is usually held the Wednesday night prior to Memorial Day at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. The meal is sometimes followed by a short program or game (trivia etc) and then followed by a short choir rehearsal. e. Helping with the summer music program. In conjunction with the organist and the music director the committee fills the summer worship schedule at both services of worship from the first week in July until the last Sunday prior to Labor Day. f. Overseeing Artist Series Concerts, normally held on Sunday afternoons at various times throughout the year, providing receptions consisting of punch, cookies, and finger foods. The committee is responsible for the setting up and taking down of tables and chairs, and cleanup of dishes, etc., following the concerts. g. Overseeing an Art Showcase, held every year. The adult art showcase is usually in the fall and the children’s art showcase is usually in the spring. YOUTH MINISTRY COMMITTEE Staff: Associate Pastor 1. May be chaired by a member of the congregation. 2. Consists of at least three (3) members (one of whom serves on Session). 3. Plans, directs, and coordinates all youth fellowship programs for grade six through grade twelve, including retreats, conferences, outings, and summer programs. 4. Administers the Middle School and Senior High Sunday School classes. 5. Coordinates youth participation in special worship events, including Youth Sunday. 6. Coordinates and conducts the Confirmation Class. 7. Plans and supervises sports activities for youth. 8. Coordinates the acolytes. 9. Serves as the liaison for the Scout programs held at First Presbyterian. 10. Oversees and supports church athletic programs. 12 THE DEACONS The Book of Order (G-2.0201) summarizes the role of Deacons in this way: “The ministry of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress.” Other responsibilities of Deacons may be found in the Book of Order, (G-2.0202). Taking advantage of a 1998 amendment to the Book of Order, this congregation no longer elects Deacons for a three-year term to a “Board of Deacons,” but rather has its Session commission Deacons to one-year renewable terms for specific tasks. While Deacons may still meet occasionally as task groups or as a whole, the focus is more on service activities and less on meetings. The rationale behind this provision includes the thoughts that a reduction in meetings can free up time for service activities, and that a limited term of active service, while important in decision-making and governance, is not an issue when the office focuses upon setting an example of character and service. New Deacons are nominated, elected, ordained, and installed in the traditional manner at the same time as Session Elders in January of each year. Currently there are approximately 24 Deacons, all who report to the Session Elder assigned to be the Deacons Coordinator. At least five Deacons will be replaced each year. At First Presbyterian, the Deacons are divided into the following task groups: COORDINATING COMMITTEE (4 deacons + Elder Deacons Coordinator) DEACON VISITORS (6+ Deacons) DEACON USHERS (6+ Deacons) DEACON STEWARDS (6+ Deacons) Every Deacon will be assigned to one task group, and one Deacon from each task group will serve on the Deacons’ Coordinating Committee. In addition, one Deacon will be assigned to serve on the church officer nominating committee, one to the Session personnel committee, and one to the congregation’s scholarship committee. DEACON COORDINATING COMMITTEE Staff: Associate Pastor 1. Chaired by the Elder Deacons Coordinator. 2. Consists of the Elder Deacons Coordinator, Deacons Treasurer, Team Leaders of the three Deacon task groups, and Liaison to the Glen-Ed Food Pantry. 3. Monitors Deacon ministries and activities. 4. Meets as needed to review ministry and activities, developing any proposals stemming from Deacons activity, and submitting such proposals to Session for action. 13 5. Ensures that the schedule of communion servers is coordinated, and officers are recruited to serve for specific dates, and works with the pastor to provide training in the administration of the Lord’s Supper. 6. Manages the home communion ministry. 7. Appoint a liaison to the Glen-Ed Food Pantry. 8. Acts on requests for special assistance from the Deacons’ emergency fund. 9. Assists the nominating committee in identifying prospective new deacons (a minimum of five new Deacons is needed each year). 10. Makes recommendations concerning new chairs for Deacon task groups, and for one commissioned deacon representative to each of the following committees: church officer nominating, personnel, and scholarship. 11. Provides periodic reports to Session, and submits records for review annually (G – 6.0404). 12. Assembles the deacons for an annual joint meeting with the Session (December) at which time the work of the Deacons is reviewed, and commissions renewed, altered, or terminated by the Session. DEACON VISITORS Coordinated by Deacon Team Leader(s), who serves on the Deacons’ Coordinating Committee. Consists of at least six team members who, according to a schedule developed by the Deacons’ Coordinating Committee: Visit the homebound and hospitalized. Deliver flowers. Send cards for illness, birthdays, and special occasions. Audiotape the worship for delivery to the homebound. Oversee the prayer chain, Birthday Sunday, and emergency care coordination. Fulfill other caregiving responsibilities as from time to time may be requested by the Session. 14 DEACON USHERS Coordinated by Deacon Team Leader(s), who serves on the Deacons’ Coordinating Committee. Consists of at least six team members who, according to a schedule developed by the Deacons’ Coordinating Committee: Engage in ushering and greeting at worship services. Recruit, train and oversee usher captains, ushers, and greeters. Fulfill other worship related duties as from time to time may be requested by the Session. DEACON STEWARDS Coordinated by Deacon Team Leader(s), who serves on the Deacons’ Coordinating Committee. Consists of at least six team members who, according to a schedule developed by the Deacons’ Coordinating Committee: Make preparation for the sacraments, including communion set up and clean up, and home communion basket preparation. Cares for communion ware and paraments, making recommendations for maintenance or replacements. Organizes, arranges refreshments, and provides for cleanup for Sunday Coffee Hour and any special event receptions, such as a celebration of a significant Pastors anniversary, retirements, etc. Coordinates funeral reception preparation and cleanup. Fulfills other general service duties as from time to time may be requested by the Session. 15 CHURCH UNITS LONG-RANGE PLANNING TASK FORCE Staff: Pastor The Long-range Planning Task Force is constituted by the Session, and serves at its pleasure. It works with the Session in evaluating current ministries, and making recommendations regarding the future mission, ministries, program, and staffing of First Presbyterian Church. In no way is the Task Force itself or its work to be construed as diminishing the authority of the Session. When this committee is active, the Session elects three active elders to serve staggered terms of three (3) years, so that every year one elder begins a new term. The session also appoints four (4) persons from the congregation with annual renewable appointments. At least one congregational appointee is rotated annually. Responsibilities of the task force are stated below. 1. May be chaired by a member of the congregation. 2. Consists of seven (7) members (three of whom are members of Session). 3. Uses a variety of evaluative tools to study the congregation’s mission, programming, staffing, and facilities needs. 4. Reports regularly to Session regarding its work. 5. Reports to the congregation at its annual meeting regarding its work, and any recommended goals and objectives approved by Session. THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE Staff: Pastor/Head of Staff The Nominating Committee is composed of seven (7) members as follows: 1. Two members shall be designated by and from the Session, one of which shall be the chairperson. The other member designated by the Session must have at least one year remaining as a member of the Session and shall be named by the Session as moderatordesignate. The following year the moderator-designate shall represent the Session and be named moderator. 2. At least one member shall be a Commissioned Deacon, recommended by the Deacons Coordinating Committee, and designated by the Session. 3. Four members are elected by the congregation who shall be neither a commissioned deacon nor a member of the Session. 4. The Pastor shall be a nonvoting member of the nominating committee. 16 Nominations shall be made by the Nominating Committee, which is made up of both men and women, giving fair representation to persons of all age groups and of all racial ethnic members of the congregation. The pastor, as a member of this committee, serves ex-officio and without vote. The committee is chosen annually and no member of this committee shall serve more than three years consecutively. All nominating procedures shall be subject to the principles of participation and representation. (Book of Order, F-1.0403, G-3.0111) Duties of the committee: 1. Solicits sincerely the participation of the congregation in providing names of persons to be considered for nomination to the office of Elder serving on Session; Deacon; The Nominating Committee; The Gifts, Memorials, and Endowments Committee; and the Scholarship Committee. 2. Prepares a slate of candidates for the consideration of the congregation. 3. Supervises the election process at the annual congregational meeting. GIFTS, ENDOWMENTS, AND MEMORIALS COMMITTEE The Gifts, Endowments, and Memorials Committee was established by Session in 1998, with the objective to encourage bequests and gifts to First Presbyterian Church and to provide a mechanism for the use of such gifts to further the mission of the church and the work of Jesus Christ. The committee is composed of seven (7) members, including a chair and a treasurer. The committee keeps track of special gifts and memorials, and the purposes for which they are restricted, if any. The committee also manages endowments, where the principal is not spent, and only investment income is used by the church. Most of the monies which the G.E.M. Committee oversees are held in mutual funds in the Presbyterian Church (USA) Foundation, which independently manages the monies according to the objectives and restrictions of each fund in which they are invested, and provides much of the necessary record-keeping. Staff: Pastor and Administrative Assistant Responsibilities of the committee are as follows: 1. Administers G.E.M. Program Policies (bound separately). 2. Reports to the congregation at its annual meeting and presents the year-end financial report. 3. Provides regular information seminars for members and friends of First Presbyterian. 4. Encourages members to have a valid will and estate plan. 5. Familiarizes the congregation with planned giving. 6. Works with the Session on the annual budgeting and stewardship process to ensure that the programs and ministries of First Presbyterian are adequately funded. 17 SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE The Scholarship Committee consists of one elder and one deacon, both appointed by Session, the Clerk of Session, and two members at large, elected by the congregation to staggered two-year terms. Staff: Pastor and Associate Pastor Responsibilities of the committee are as follows: 1. Administers Scholarship Policy (Appendix K). 2. Provides information at least once annually to the congregation about scholarship availability, requirements, and applications procedures. 3. 4. Receives, evaluates, and acts upon requests for scholarships for education. Maintains communication with the G.E.M. committee regarding scholarship funds. PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN PURPOSE: FORGIVEN AND FREED BY GOD in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves: to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study, to support the mission of the church worldwide, to work for justice and peace, and to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom. PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN IS A CHURCHWIDE ORGANIZATION WHOSE MEMBERSHIP IS OPEN TO ALL WOMEN. The organization of Presbyterian Women in this congregation: elects its own leadership. plans and sustains its own budget through pledges and gifts. meets in a number of different circles and maintains ongoing activities such as study (Bible and other), celebration giving, mission interpretation, luncheons and fellowship, and special ministries to the congregation and the community. supports the mission of the Presbyterian Church (USA) worldwide through education, interpretation, global awareness and financial gifts. develops the leadership abilities of women in various forms of service to the church. recognizes its accountability to the Session, including an annual report with a financial record attached. may be represented by an officer (voice, but no vote) at Session meetings. maintains connections with PW at the governing body levels: Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy and Synod of Mid-America. encourages support of and participation in, ecumenical organizations such as Church Women United. 18 APPENDIX “A” COMMITTEES AND TASK GROUPS LEADERSHIP ASSIGNMENTS FOR 2014 revised 2/19/14 THE SESSION: Moderator: Clerk: John C. Hembruch Linda Bailey Treasurer: Curt Linton Corporate Affairs Division Staff: John Hembruch Building and Property Committee Staff: Kathy Bellmann, Paul Roberts Elder Chair: Peggy Hagin Members: Peggy Hagin, Dennis Harbry, Denny Tiede, Personnel Committee Staff: John Hembruch Elder Chair: Dave Lowry Elder Vice-chair: Gary Lowrie Members: Dave Lowry, Gary Lowrie, Scott Hagin, Marjorie Smith Fiscal Management Committee Staff: John Hembruch, Kathy Bellmann Elder Chair: Deidra Weidinger Members: Deidra Weidinger, Nancy Barber Outreach Division Staff: John Hembruch, Joy Myers Evangelism and Church Promotion Committee Staff: John Hembruch Elder Chair: Sarah Kirkpatrick Members: Sarah Kirkpatrick, Jennifer Coomer, Peggy Hagin, Don Davis. Stewardship Staff: John Hembruch, Kathy Bellmann Elder Chair: Nancy Barber Members: Nancy Barber + Mission Outreach Ministries Committee Staff: Joy Myers Elder Chair: Lynn Warren Members : Lynn Warren, Judy Baisch, Valerie Barber, Erin Beavers, Donna Crider, Jo Gibson, Lois Noto, Michele Suwe, Doug VanderWaal, and Lucia Weber. 19 Program Division Staff: John Hembruch, Joy Myers Faith Formation Team Staff: Joy Myers Elder Chair: Donna Crider Members: Donna Crider, Jeannie Trimmer, Peggy Lambdin, Mary Anna Davis, Robin Paproth, Lee Bernard, Dennis Pluta, Joyce Toussaint, (Lynn Warren, Gayle Driscoll, and Anne Caton also are advisors). Worship, Music and Arts Committee Staff: J. Hembruch, Joy Myers, Kyrstan Langer, Bob Raymond Elder Chair: Miki Kornell Elder: Peggy Hudson Members (5+):, Miki Kornell, Peggy Hudson, Ramon Daniels, Sue Eder, Scott Hagin, Suzanne Nevins, Roger Underwood, and Don Davis. Youth Ministry Team Staff: Joy Myers Elder Chair: Gail Miller Members (3+): Gail Miller, Lynn Warren, Bill Warren, Melinda Pauk, Kathy Rhoten, Stacey Towell, and Lynette Watson. CONSTRUCTION READINESS COMMITTEE Staff: John Hembruch, Joy Myers Elder Chair: Dave Lowry Elder: Herb Von Hoven Members: Dave Lowry, Herb Von Hoven, Jerry Barber, Don Davis, Peggy Hagin, Peggy Lambdin, Dennis Pluta, Lynn Rogers, Denny Tiede, Bob Towell. LONG-RANGE PLANNING TASK FORCE unstaffed in 2014 DEACONS Deacon Coordinating Committee Staff: Joy Myers Elder Deacons’ Coordinator: Joyce Toussaint Members: Joyce Toussaint, Linda Bailey, Mike Crider, Carol VanderWaal, Lee Bernard, Jeri DeWeese and one more to be named… Deacon Visitors Team Leaders: Linda Bailey Members: Linda Bailey, Nancy Barber, Valerie Barber, Lee Bernard, Jeri DeWeese (Prayer Chain Leader), Betty Dierkes, Pam Farrar, Rhoda Headley, Tracy Lance, Vicki Lantz, Barb Lowry, Monica McCall, Josh McIntyre, , Lois Noto, Dennis Pluta, Rhonda Powell, Kathy Rhoten, Jane Rujawitz, Marjorie Smith, Mary Lou Sullivan, Sally Toussaint, Jeannie Trimmer, Carol VanderWaal (Flower Delivery Coordinator). 20 Deacon Ushers Team Leaders: Mike Crider Members: Mike Crider, Linda Bailey, Valerie Barber, Dennis Pluta, Jane Rujawitz, Marjorie Smith, , Eric Voss. (Ushers not currently serving as deacons include: Jerry Barber, John Hallquist, Dennis Harbry, Martha Pavinski, Rick Rujawitz, James Smith, Herb and Carole VonHoven, and Youth). Deacon Stewards Team Leaders: Lee Bernard Members: Lee Bernard (Kitchen), Linda Bailey, Valerie Barber, Pam Farrar, Rhoda Headley, Tracy Lance, Vicki Lantz, Barb Lowry, Monica McCall, Lois Noto, Dennis Pluta, Rhonda Powell, Kathy Rhoten, Jane Rujawitz, Marjorie Smith, Mary Lou Sullivan, Sally Toussaint, Jeannie Trimmer, Carol VanderWaal, Eric Voss. Funeral Lunch Coordinators: Lee Bernard, Alternate: Peggy Hagin Home Communion Coordinator: needs to be filled Flower Delivery Coordinator: Carol VanderWaal Birthday Sunday Coordinator: Stacey Towell Glen-Ed Pantry Liaison: Doug VanderWaal New 2014 Deacons: Pam Farrar, Rhoda Headley, Barb Lowry, Rhonda Powell, Jane Rujawitz, and Marjorie Smith. COMMITTEES OF THE CONGREGATION Nominating Staff: John Hembruch Elder Chair: Sarah Kirkpatrick; Elder Vice-Chair: Deacon Rep.: Barb Lowry Members: Sarah Kirkpatrick, Nancy Barber?, Gayle Driscoll, Dennis Pluta, Coral Rice, Stacey Towell, and Barb Lowry. Gifts, Memorials, and Endowments Staff: John Hembruch, Kathy Bellmann Chair: Sylvia Nichols Treasurer: Anne Gregor Members: John Baisch (14), Sylvia Nichols (15), Ron Coleman, Donna Crider Rue Foe, Dick Ford, Anne Gregor, Susan Henderson, Sylvia Nichols. Scholarship Staff: John Hembruch, Joy Myers Elder Chair: ?; Clerk: Linda Bailey Deacon Rep.: Jane Rujawitz Members: Linda Bailey, Rich Keating (14), Mary Daniels (15). 21 APPENDIX “B” RESPONSIBILITIES OF COMMITTEE CHAIRS AND GROUP LEADERS 1. In consultation with other elder members of the committee and staff resource persons, recruit members from the congregation to serve on the committee for the upcoming year. Ideally, this should be completed at least one week before the January Session meeting so that the committee roster may be approved by Session at its January meeting. 2. If your group is a committee of Session, consult with the division chair to establish a regular monthly meeting night acceptable to all committees in the division. Committee meetings shall not be scheduled on a Monday or Friday, as these two days have been designated as days that are to remain available for use by the Pastor and/or Associate Pastor as a nonwork day. 3. Communicate information about anticipated group programs and events to the church office for plotting on the church’s master calendar, along with any requests for meeting rooms or other special set-up needs. 4. Check out a church key from the Administrative Assistant for use in opening and closing the building for committee activities, and make sure that lights are off and the building is secured upon departure. 5. Prepare and lead regular meetings of your committee or group according to “Committee Meeting Guidelines” (Appendix C). 6. Report at Session as needed on the work of the committee and on activities under the committee’s jurisdiction, introducing action items and explaining background as needed. 7. Oversee the line items in the budget under the committee’s responsibility and to authorize and sign (or have the staff member responsible for the program area sign) vouchers dealing with committee expenses (Appendix D). 8. If necessary, request through the Fiscal Management Committee any increase in the approved aggregate committee budget and any requests for use of end-of-year surplus funds beyond the approved committee budget. 9. Prepare with the committee operating budget (May-June) requests for the coming year and submit them to the Pastor or the Corporate Affairs Committee. 10. Develop and maintain a notebook of relevant committee policies, actions, activities and programs to be passed on each year for easy reference and for orienting the committee annually. 11. Write a brief summary of the group’s activities for inclusion in the printed Annual Report presented to the congregation at the annual meeting in January. 22 APPENDIX “C” COMMITTEE MEETING GUIDELINES 1. Well in advance of your group’s meeting, consult those who may have reports or significant items of business. Ask for input from the member of staff who acts as liaison to your group. 2. Appoint a committee secretary who is responsible for taking minutes, typing the minutes, and distributing copies of the minutes to committee members and appropriate staff. 3. Prepare a written agenda. State a time to start as well as a time to conclude. Insofar as possible, deliver the agenda well in advance of the meeting, and include minutes from prior meetings, as well as any supporting documentation for items of business. 4. Include in the agenda an opening devotional/prayer and a closing prayer. Prepare an opening devotional/prayer, or assign it to a member of the committee. When the pastor or another staff member is present, he or she may deliver one of the prayers. 5. If minutes have been distributed in advance, there is no requirement to take time for a spoken or silent reading of the minutes. As stated below, the approval of minutes does not necessarily require a formal motion. 6. Many items of business need no formal motion, especially in smaller bodies where it is easier to perceive consensus. Instead, the chair specifies the action, and announces that, if there is no objection, the action will be considered adopted. For example, “The next item on the agenda is approval of the minutes of March 1. You all have received and reviewed the minutes. If there is no objection, the minutes (or “the action”) will be considered approved.” If no one speaks, the chair continues, “There being no objection, the minutes stand approved” (or “the action is adopted”). 7. When reports are delivered, it is not necessary to make a motion, or act, to “approve” or “adopt” the report, especially when the report contains no recommended course of action for the group. In most cases, it is better to thank the party delivering the report, and proceed to the next item on the agenda. 8. “Old Business” refers only to actions proposed in prior meetings that were laid on the table, postponed, or in some other way deferred to a later time. Often “Old Business” becomes the time for a group member to resurrect an old issue without having engaged in preparation to productively address it in the current meeting. Unless there is a specific item of business left over from a previous meeting, it is better to leave “old business” off the agenda. 9. “New Business” refers only to action items that the group is being asked to approve or disapprove. It is a time for decision-making, not introducing reports on new subjects with no intention of calling for a vote. However, since the Holy Spirit works in group process, it is a good idea to place this on the agenda, and sometimes the conversations and work of the evening will spawn new proposals for action at this point. 10. Items that need session approval should be written up on an “action report form” (Appendix D), and submitted to the Pastor/Moderator at least five (5) days before the session meeting at which the action item will be considered. 23 APPENDIX “D” First Presbyterian Church Edwardsville, Illinois ACTION REPORT FORM FOR SESSION MEETING COMMITTEE: ______________________________________________________ DATE OF MOTION: ______________________________________________________ I. RECOMMENDED ACTION: __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ II. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ CHAIR OF COMMITTEE: ______________________________________________________________ (signature) DATE ACTION APPROVED: ______________________________________________ 24 APPENDIX “E” PAYMENT PROCESS Various Session and Deacon committees oversee line items in the budget related to each committee’s responsibility. They authorize and sign (or have the staff member responsible for the program area sign) vouchers dealing with committee expenses. 1. When the expense is $250 or more, the payment voucher must be signed by the committee chair, or if unavailable, by the committee vice-chair. 2. When the expense is less than $250, the payment voucher may be approved by a staff member designated as liaison to that committee. 3. Vouchers for budgeted professional and auto expenses may be signed by the staff member for whom they are designated. 4. Exceptions to the above for which an authorizing voucher need not be submitted are regularly recurring budgeted expenses for: i.) utility bills, ii.) mission payments, and iii.) personnel (such as payroll and pension dues). 5. Other exceptions may be granted by the pastor in consultation with the chair of the Corporate Affairs Division. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Edwardsville, Illinois PAYMENT VOUCHER Date: __________________________________________________________________ To: __________________________________________________________________ For: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Account: ____________________________________________________________ Purchased by: ____________________________________________________________ Amount: ____________________________________________________________ Approved: ______________________________________________________ 25 APPENDIX “F” (part 1 of 2) OFFERING COUNT POLICY approved June 21, 2004 Church Offering Tally Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. A team of counters shall be duly appointed by the fiscal management sub-committee, and composed of at least two persons, whose relationship is devoid of potential conflicts of interest (members of the same family by blood or marriage, employeremployee, business partners, etc.). The offering should be counted as soon as possible following the final worship service scheduled for that day. It should be taken from the safe in the deacons’ closet to the church office or another secure space for counting, never off site. Remove any notes or paperwork for delivery to the pastor after counting is completed. One person counts while the other observes, and then the observer recounts while the original counter observes. For each category, the offering should be recorded in ink on the tally form to be signed and dated by both counters. Loose cash and coin should be counted first, and kept separate in their own envelope from other coin or cash in contributor envelopes. Loose checks should be put into an envelope that lists each check number (not name) and the corresponding amount given. Sort the pre-printed offerings envelopes numerically into groups of 50. Each envelope should be opened separately, the amount counted and written on it. All checks should be stamped “For deposit only” Recheck your figures, sub-totals, and totals, and sign the form. Photocopy the signed tally form and place the photocopy, along with any notes or paperwork for the pastor, on the pastor’s desk. The offering, now sorted and separated by rubber bands, is placed with the tally form in a moneybag, and secured in the church safe. The first business day following, the administrative assistant, with the help of at least one church member unrelated by blood or marriage, will complete the records of contributions, reconcile them with the entries on the tally sheet, and call any discrepancies to the attention of the Pastor or Chair of the Fiscal Management subcommittee. The deposit will then be prepared. 26 APPENDIX “F” (part 2 of 2) Church Offering Tally Form Date: ________ Time: _____________ The offering was from the following service(s): 8:15: ___10:30: ___ The offering is to be counted after the day’s final worship service on the church premises by at least two duly appointed persons. Was this requirement met in the counting of this offering? Yes ___ No ___ Type of Offering Counter 1 Counter 2 Amount Amount _________ + _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ A. Loose Cash B. Loose Coin + PLATE OFFERING SUBTOTAL C. Pre-printed envelopes 1-50 D. Pre-printed envelopes 51-100 E. Pre-printed envelopes 101-150 F. Pre-printed envelopes 151-200 G. Loose Checks now in envelopes PLEDGE/CONTRIBUTION SUBTOTAL TOTAL OFFERING: NOTE: The totals in column one and column two must be the same. Counter One : ____________________________________ Signature Counter Two : ____________________________________ Signature 27 APPENDIX “G” BUILDING USE POLICY approved June 16, 2003 I. Eligibility and Fees for use of the Church Facilities. A. Church sponsored organizations and events always have the highest priority for scheduling of facilities. 1. Church sponsored events include activities such as fellowship groups, Session and committee meetings, weddings and funerals. 2. Church groups will be charged no fee for building use (except as stated in the wedding and funeral guidelines ). B. Active church members will not be charged a fee if activities are “not-for-profit”, do not require use of kitchen and/or do not require assistance or clean-up. If a fee is to be charged, the fee will be determined by the Corporate Affairs Division. C. Community or civic organizations may also use the church facilities when space is available. 1. A civic group is defined as a regularly organized group that is not engaged in fundraising or earning a profit through their use of the facility and whose purpose is to promote the spiritual, cultural or economic level of the community. 2. Civic groups may rent rooms for the following suggested fees: a. Sanctuary: $200 b. Inner Room: $150 c. Fellowship Hall: $150 d. Fellowship Hall with use of Kitchen: $175 e. Classrooms: $50 per room 3. Organizations which exist primarily to serve the mission needs of the community may apply to have the rental fees waived or reduced by the corporate affairs committee. D. “For Profit” groups or individuals may rent the church facilities for a fundraising or income-producing enterprise after receiving approval from the Session. 1. A fee schedule for use of church facilities by “for profits” groups is listed below: a. Sanctuary $200 b. Inner Room: $150 c. Fellowship Hall: $150 d. Fellowship Hall with use of Kitchen: $175 e. Classrooms: $50 per room 2. Organizations, groups and/or church members may apply to the Corporate Affairs Division to have the rental fees waived or reduced. II. Rules governing the use of Church Facilities A. Any organization, group and/or church member who wants to use church facilities must make their request through the church office. If this request includes the use of the church nursery or preschool room for children, the organization, group or church member must provide a responsible person (at least 14 years old or older) who is in the room with the children at all times. B. No alcoholic beverages are allowed. C. After use, the building shall be left in a clean and orderly condition. (Large dinners or meetings which require clean-up by the custodian will incur an additional fee for this service.) D. Church equipment may not be checked out by outside organizations or individuals for use at another site. E. Payment of rent is due three (3) days before the scheduled event for single time use. Payment for monthly use is due the first day of each month prior to building use. F. Renting party should arrange for the building to be opened for their use. G. All trash and coffee grounds shall be disposed of in the trash container outside the building. H. Chairs and tables shall be replaced as they were prior to occupancy. I. If damages are incurred, the person(s) using the building shall be responsible. Payment for damages shall be made to the church upon request. J. All doors must be locked before departure. K. The First Presbyterian Church shall not be responsible for items left in the building. 28 APPENDIX “H” NEW MEMBER RECRUITMENT PROCESS approved April 10, 2005 A) Attracting Visitors with 1) Personal Invitation from members of this congregation 2) Service to and networking in community activities and organizations 3) Programming opportunities 4) Church Signage 5) Appropriate Exterior Lighting 6) Yellow Page Advertisements 7) Newspaper Advertisements 8) Special Mailings targeting specific groups 9) The Church Web Site 10) Free Advertising as opportunities arise B) Informing Visitors with 1) Facility Signage, Maps, and Parking 2) Greeters and Ushers 3) Friendship Registers 4) Welcome Brochures 5) The Visitor Information Table 6) Name Tags 7) The Coffee Hour 8) Facility Tours C) Following Up on Visitors with 1) A Phone Call from a member of the congregation to first time visitors 2) A Gift from committee to first time visitors 3) A Letter from pastor to first time visitors 4) Use of a Visitor Log coded to indicate frequency of attendance 5) Addition to the newsletter mailing list (After 3rd visit), an additional phone call and/or letter of invitation to New Member Class D) Orienting Visitors/New Members with 1) A New Member Class offered regularly by the Pastor (2 hours on a Sunday afternoon) 2) Receipt of a member name tag and other appropriate tokens of membership 3) A Photograph highlighted on a bulletin board 4) “Time and Talent” interest forms distributed to proper committee and group leaders 5) A Sponsor member household assigned to each new member household 6) A review of participation level during first year of membership, and follow up as needed 29 APPENDIX “I” PHILOSOPHY OF WORSHIP approved April 10, 2005 A) The Worship Services of our church will seek to be an expression of our mission statement: 1) “To be Christ for the world today – praising God and proclaiming God’s amazing grace; growing in the knowledge of God and God’s ways; demonstrating love for God and one another; reaching out to others with healing and service – so that our community and the whole world may be drawn to Christ and increase in peace and justice through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.” B) The Worship Services of our church will strive to achieve a balance between: 1) Faithfulness to the norms of our Presbyterian Christian tradition as expressed in the “Directory of Worship” of the Constitution of the PC (USA) 2) Relevance to the cultural forms appealing to new generations of worshippers, emphasizing music that is both excellent and chosen from a variety of styles C) The Worship Services of our church will make room for the experiences of: 1) Adoration of God that emphasizes God’s mystery and holiness 2) Confession of sin, and other expressions of humility and dependence upon God 3) Thanksgiving for God’s goodness and gifts 4) Supplication for God’s active presence in the lives of all for whom we pray D) The Worship Services of our church will maintain: 1) A relatively stable order for each service 2) A significant repertoire of worship elements E) The Worship Services of our church will reflect planned and concerted efforts to create: 1) Hospitality 2) Inclusiveness for all of our members 3) Strong connections between worship and mission to people beyond the boundaries of our membership 30 APPENDIX “J” INAPPROPRIATE SEXUAL BEHAVIOR POLICY The purposes of this policy are: To prevent sexual abuse within the First Presbyterian Church in Edwardsville, Illinois To safeguard the church’s members, children and staff from any form of sexual misconduct Definition Sexual abuse is the term used to include: Child sexual abuse which includes, but is not limited to, any contact or interaction between a child and an adult when the child is being used for sexual stimulation of the adult person or of a third person. The behavior may or may not involve touching. Sexual behavior between a child and an adult is always considered forced whether or not consented by the child. Sexual Harrassment is the unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Rape or sexual contact by force, threat or intimidation. Offensive, obscene or suggestive language or behavior, unacceptable visual conduct, unwelcome touching or fondling that is injurious to the physical or emotional health of another. Prevention All employees, volunteer or salaried, are required to sign a written acknowledgement indicating that they have received a copy of the Sexual Misconduct Policy. All employees, volunteer or salary, are required to fill out an Employment Data Form that will be kept on file. All employees, volunteer or salaried, are required to fill out the Professional Reference Form that will be kept on file. It is the responsibility of the Interview Committee to contact references. All volunteer employees are required to attend First Presbyterian Church for six months before working with minors or accompanied by an accepted employee. All employees, volunteer or salaried, are required to present themselves to an Interview Committee before employment. Whenever possible, two adults 18 or older must be present when working with minors (children 17 or younger). Reporting All allegations of sexual misconduct should be reported to the Pastor. If the Personnel Committee deems it necessary, the session will be notified. All allegations of sexual misconduct involving the Pastor should be reported to the chairman of the Personnel Committee. This will be taken to the Personnel Committee for remedial action. All allegations reported to the Pastor will be discussed with the Chairman of the Personnel Committee for remedial action. If the allegation becomes public knowledge the session will be called together. This policy has been reviewed with me by my supervisor, I have received a copy of it. I have read, reviewed, considered, and agree to abide by its provisions. Date: _________________________ Signature: _________________________________________ 31 APPENDIX “K” SCHOLARSHIP POLICY approved by the Session, August 18, 2007 1. Funds may be used for higher education expenses incurred by high school or college graduates. These expenses may include tuition, books, and supplies 2. Preference will be given to applications related to preparation for Christian ministry, but funds will not be used exclusively for that purpose. 3. The Scholarship Committee will manage the promotion and application process, and has the authority to approve applications and scholarship amounts, limited by funds available. 4. The Scholarship Committee will report to the Session in a timely manner on its work. 32 APPENDIX “L” BYLAWS OF THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH approved November 20,2011 (1) The Constitution of The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is obligatory upon the First Presbyterian Church of Edwardsville, a particular congregation of said church, and its members. (2) There shall be a meeting of the congregation in the church edifice within the month of January each year for the transaction of business appropriate for said meeting. (3) The session or presbytery may call special meetings. Special meetings shall be restricted to the business specified in the call for such meetings. (4) Public notice of the meeting shall be given on two successive Sundays. The meeting may be convened following the notice given on the second Sunday. (5) The pastor shall preside at all meetings. In the event the pastor cannot preside at meetings because he is ill, the church is vacant, or the pastor is otherwise unable to attend, a minister from the presbytery may be invited to preside at meetings. A minister may also be invited to preside at meetings by the pastor. Any such invitations must be approved by the committee on ministry of the presbytery. (6) The clerk of the session shall be secretary at meetings of the congregation. If the clerk is unable to attend the meeting, the congregation will elect a secretary for that meeting. (7) All communicant members of the church shall be entitled to vote at congregational meetings affecting the ecclesiastical affairs and corporate status of the church, provided such members are in good and regular standing with the church. (8) Voters may not cast their vote by proxy. (9) The procedural rules at all meetings shall be the General Rules for Judicatories as adopted by the General Assembly of The Presbyterian Church (US.A.) if applicable and if not applicable, the usual legislative rules of order. (10) All meetings shall be opened and closed with prayer. (11) The pastor or other person, eligible to preside at meetings as provided by bylaw (5), the secretary, and not less than one-tenth of the members of the congregation shall consist a quorum. 33 Bylaws of the First Presbyterian Church, 11/20/11 (continued) (12) Fifteen active elders shall make up a session. (13) The session shall have the spiritual and corporate administrative responsibility of the church. (14) The session shall consist of 3 equal classes of active elders. At each annual meeting, one class of elders shall be elected for a three-year term. (15) No elder shall be elected for a term of more than three years, nor shall an elder serve for consecutive terms, either full or partial, aggregating more than six years. An elder having served a total of six years shall be ineligible for re-election to the same board for a period of at least one year. (16) The clerk of session shall be an elder elected by the session for such term as it may determine. The treasurer shall be elected annually by the session, and his/her work shall be supervised by the session. (17) Vacancies on the session may be filled by special or annual meeting of the congregation. (18) Deacons shall be elected by the congregation and individually commissioned by the session to particular tasks consistent with their office. The session shall ordinarily conduct an annual review of their service, at which time their commission may be renewed, altered, or terminated. Deacons may be appointed by the session to serve on its committees. (19) The church shall have a nominating committee. It shall consist of 2 members of the session, one of which shall be the chairperson, elected from the session, one member from among the commissioned deacons, elected by the session, and four members elected by the congregation who shall not be either a commissioned deacon or a member of the session. The pastor shall be a nonvoting member of the nominating committee. The nominating committee shall be chosen annually. (20) These bylaws may be amended at special or annual congregational meetings by a two-thirds vote of the quorum. (21) No bylaw shall be enacted or interpreted in a manner inconsistent with the Constitution of The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
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