Bridge manual (SP/M/022) Third edition Bridge manual manual number: SP/M/022 © NZ Transport Agency Third edition, Amendment 1 Effective from September 2014 ISBN 978-0-478-37162-8 (print) ISBN 978-0-478-37161-1 (online) Copyright information This publication is copyright © NZ Transport Agency. Material in it may be reproduced for personal or in-house use without formal permission or charge, provided suitable acknowledgement is made to this publication and the NZ Transport Agency as the source. Requests and enquiries about the reproduction of material in this publication for any other purpose should be made to: NZ Transport Agency Private Bag 6995 Wellington 6141 The permission to reproduce material in this publication does not extend to any material for which the copyright is identified as being held by a third party. Authorisation to reproduce material belonging to a third party must be obtained from the copyright holder(s) concerned. Disclaimer The NZ Transport Agency has endeavoured to ensure material in this document is technically accurate and reflects legal requirements. However, the document does not override governing legislation. The NZ Transport Agency and its employees, agents and contractors involved in the preparation and publication of this document do not accept liability for any consequences arising from the use of this document. Users of this document should apply and rely upon their own skill and judgment, and should not rely on the manual's contents in isolation from other sources of advice and information. In applying their own skill and judgment, the standards of safety and serviceability explicitly required or implied by this manual shall not be reduced. If the user is unsure whether the material is correct, they should make direct reference to the relevant legislation or regulations and contact the NZ Transport Agency. More information Published 2013 ISBN 978-0-478-37162-8 (print) ISBN 978-0-478-37161-1 (online) If you have further queries, call our contact centre on 0800 699 000 or write to us: NZ Transport Agency Private Bag 6995 Wellington 6141 This document is available on the NZ Transport Agency’s website at Page i Document management plan 1) Purpose This management plan outlines the updating procedures and contact points for the document. 2) Document information Document name Bridge manual Document number SP/M/022 Document availability This document is located in electronic form on the NZ Transport Agency’s website at Document owner National Structures Manager Document sponsor National Manager Professional Services Prepared by Opus International Consultants Ltd, Wellington; and Professional Services, NZ Transport Agency 3) Amendments and review strategy All corrective action/improvement requests (CAIRs) suggesting changes will be acknowledged by the document owner. Comments Frequency Amendments (minor revisions) Updates to be notified to users by publication of a technical memorandum placed on the NZ Transport Agency’s website. As required. Review (major revisions) Periodic updates will be undertaken where amendments fundamentally changing the content or structure of the manual or new technology resulting from research or ongoing refinement have been identified. As required. Notification All users that have registered their interest by email to will be advised by email of amendments and updates. Immediately. 4) Distribution of this management plan Copies of this manual management plan are to be included in the NZ Transport Agency intranet. The NZ Transport Agency’s Bridge manual SP/M/022 Third edition, Amendment 1 Effective from September 2014 Page ii Record of amendments This document is subject to review and amendment from time to time. Amendments will be recorded in the table below. Changes since the previous amendment are indicated by a vertical line in the margin. The date of issue or amendment of a page appears in the header on each page. This page will be updated each time a new amendment is released. Amendment number Description of change Effective date Updated by 0 The NZTA Bridge manual 3 edition published to replace the Transit New Zealand Bridge manual 2nd edition. May 2013 Nigel Lloyd 1 Manual disclaimer extended to include contractors. September 2014 Nigel Lloyd rd Clauses 2.1.6(c), 3.2.1, 3.4.18(b)(ii), 4.2.1(a), 4.4.2 and 4.7.4(a) amended. Clauses 6.2.1 and 6.2.2 amended for changes in determination of PGAs. Section 7 amended to include 50MAX loading, define loaded lane and loaded length, revise concrete strengths and include alternate statistical analysis for reinforcement strength. Clauses A1.4, A2(c), table A2 and figure A4 notes amended. Appendix F extensively updated and draft status removed. The NZ Transport Agency’s Bridge manual SP/M/022 Third edition, Amendment 1 Effective from September 2014 Page iii Foreword The NZ Transport Agency creates transport solutions for a thriving New Zealand. We achieve this through our four core business functions: • planning the land transport networks • investing in land transport • managing the state highway network, and • providing access to and use of the land transport system. Our structures are an important component of the land transport system. It is through good structures design that the NZ Transport Agency can achieve safety and the economic use of resources. This manual gives guidelines to meet that objective, for the design and evaluation of bridges carrying road and/or pedestrian traffic; for the design of other highway structures such as retaining walls and culverts; and for the design of earthworks such as slopes, embankments and cuttings. This manual has been produced for the NZ Transport Agency by Opus International Consultants Limited, Wellington, New Zealand. It incorporates the Transit New Zealand Bridge Manual second edition published in 2003 with amendments dated June 2004, September 2004 and July 2005. This third edition introduces amendments to all sections of the manual incorporating recent advances in structures technology and construction practice. The manual also recognises the introduction of high productivity motor vehicles (HPMVs) through updated evaluation procedures for existing bridges. Structures technology remains an area of ongoing research and refinement. It is expected that this manual will be reviewed and amended in whole or in part from time to time. Comments from practitioners will therefore be welcomed. Indeed, amendments to the seismic design elements of the manual are continuing as the construction industry and New Zealand as a whole come to terms with the consequences of the Canterbury earthquakes; and amendments to vehicle load models are under development to anticipate to the future freight task for the country. Kevin Reid National Manager Professional Services – Highways and Network Operations The NZ Transport Agency The NZ Transport Agency’s Bridge manual SP/M/022 Third edition, Amendment 1 Effective from September 2014 Page iv Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Introduction 1–1 1.1 Introduction 1–2 1.2 Definitions 1–3 1.3 Acknowledgements 1–3 1.4 Technical approval and certification procedures 1–3 1.5 References 1–4 Design - General requirements 2–1 2.1 Design philosophy 2–2 2.2 Geometric and side protection requirements 2–12 2.3 Waterway design 2–13 2.4 Site investigations 2–17 2.5 Influence of approaches 2–18 2.6 Urban design 2–18 2.7 Special studies 2–21 2.8 References 2–22 Design loading 3–1 3.1 Introduction 3–2 3.2 Traffic loads - gravity effects 3–2 3.3 Traffic loads - horizontal effects 3–6 3.4 Loads other than traffic 3–7 3.5 Combination of load effects 3–17 3.6 References 3–20 Analysis and design criteria 4–1 4.1 Analysis 4–2 4.2 Reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete 4–2 4.3 Structural steel and composite construction 4–12 4.4 Timber 4–14 4.5 Aluminium 4–15 4.6 Other materials 4–15 4.7 Bearings and deck joints 4–15 4.8 Integral and semi-integral abutments 4–21 4.9 Network and tied arch bridges – hanger supports 4–24 4.10 Buried structures 4–26 4.11 Bridges subject to inundation by flooding 4–30 4.12 Miscellaneous design requirements 4–31 The NZ Transport Agency’s Bridge manual SP/M/022 Third edition, Amendment 1 Effective from September 2014 Page v 4.13 References Addendum 4A 5.0 6.0 5–1 5.1 Scope and design philosophy 5–2 5.2 Design earthquake loading and ductility demand 5–6 5.3 Analysis methods 5–13 5.4 Member design criteria and foundation design 5–16 5.5 Structural integrity and provision for relative displacements 5–20 5.6 References 5–23 Site stability, foundations, earthworks and retaining walls 6–1 6.1 Scope 6–2 6.2 Design loadings and analysis 6–2 6.3 Earthquake induced liquefaction, slope instability and ground deformation 6–16 6.4 Design of earthworks 6–19 6.5 Foundations 6–22 6.6 Earth retaining systems 6–25 6.7 Geofoam road embankments 6–35 6.8 Geosynthetic soil reinforcement 6–36 6.9 References 6–38 Effective from September 2014 6–41 7–1 7.1 Introduction 7–2 7.2 Inspection and dynamic load factors 7–5 7.3 Material strengths 7–6 7.4 Main member capacity and evaluation 7–11 7.5 Deck capacity and evaluation 7–18 7.6 Proof loading 7–24 7.7 References 7–28 Guidance note – Estimating the characteristic strength of a group of reinforcing bars 7–29 Structural strengthening 8–1 8.1 Introduction 8–2 8.2 Approvals 8–2 8.3 Durability 8–2 8.4 Existing structure material strengths 8–3 8.5 Strengthening of flexural members 8–3 The NZ Transport Agency’s Bridge manual SP/M/022 Third edition, Amendment 1 Table 6A.1 Evaluation of bridges and culverts Addendum 7A 8.0 4–41 Earthquake resistant design of structures Addendum 6A 7.0 New Zealand average relative humidities 4–36 Page vi 8.6 8.7 Appendix A References 8–14 A–1 A1 General A–2 A2 Bridge deck widths A–6 A3 Vertical and horizontal clearances A–11 A4 References A–13 Barrier systems on structures B–1 B1 General B–2 B2 Types of barrier system and their applications B–2 B3 Barrier performance selection method B–4 B4 Barrier acceptance criteria B–10 B5 Standard solutions B–11 B6 Side protection design criteria B–11 B7 Geometric layout, end treatment and transitions - the NZTA’s requirements B–16 B8 Non-proprietary bridge barrier system B–17 B9 References B–22 Appendix C Seismic hardware C–1 C1 Linkage bars C–2 C2 Toroidal rubber buffers C–5 C3 References C–6 Lightly trafficked rural bridges D–1 D1 General D–2 D2 Specific requirements D–2 D3 References D–6 Appendix D Appendix E Bridge site information summary E–1 Appendix F Technical approval and certification procedures F–1 F1 Introduction F–2 F2 Technical approval requirements F–2 F3 Requirements for project feasibility and detailed business case F–7 F4 Requirements for design and project documentation F–8 F5 Certification requirements F–11 F6 Category of structures F–12 F7 References F–15 Annex F1 Model technical approval documents F–16 Annex F2 Model certificates F–26 The NZ Transport Agency’s Bridge manual SP/M/022 Effective from September 2014 8–13 Bridge widths and clearances Appendix B Third edition, Amendment 1 Shear strengthening and ductility enhancement of reinforced concrete columns
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