Document 305119

2014 NoCVA HEN Data Manual NoCVA HEN 2014 NoCVA Hospital Engagement Network 2014 Data Manual
2014 ADE Measures Overview
Hospitals will study warfarin, insulin and opioids.
Inclusion Criteria
• Inpatients > 18 years
• LOS >1 day
• Patients receiving more than 1 dose
Data Submission Timeframe:
• Monthly
1. Outcome Measures
Triggers can be used to identify potential harm to patients and can also be used to track
improvements over time. For each study month generate a report on each of the triggers listed
below that meet the inclusion criteria. Use this report to identify the number of patients outside the
threshold for warfarin and insulin and those actually given Naloxone.
INR > 5 (or facility designated threshold)
Glucose < 50mg/dL (or facility designated threshold)
Patients receiving Naloxone
Percent of Patients with INR Outside Threshold
Number of patients with INR>5
Number of patients on warfarin
Percent of Patients with Glucose Outside Threshold
Number of patients with glucose< 50mg/dL
Number of patients on insulin
1 2014 NoCVA HEN Data Manual NoCVA HEN 2014 Percent of Patients Receiving Naloxone
Number of patients receiving Naloxone
Number of patients on opioids (all routes)
Data Submission
Data submission for outcome measures is due the 20th day of the following month into the QDS
(Example: February data is due March 20th)
2. Process Measures
Process measures are not submitted into QDS. Rather, the process measure review will be
attested to by email on a semi-annual basis (May and November) by the designated hospital
contact. Hospitals will be asked to attest to:
The hospital has warfarin and insulin protocols in place.
The hospital has a policy on how to assess patients on opioid drugs.
Instructions for QDS Data Entry for ADE Learning Network
Data Entry Instructions for QDS: ADE Learning Network
Only those team members from your facility that the Team Leader designates will have access to
your raw data and be allowed to enter/remove/edit data there. No other facility, whether or not project
participants, will have access to your data entry screens or raw data. (Refer to your project’s Data
Use Agreement for confidentiality requirements.)
1. Go to and put in your email address and password. It will take
you to the “QDS” (Quality Data System) log-in screen:
If you have forgotten your password, click on the red lettered phrase, “Forgot your password?”
The system will auto-generate a new password and will email it to you within a few minutes.
This password is randomly generated and encrypted by the database software itself and there
2 2014 NoCVA HEN Data Manual NoCVA HEN 2014 is no list of passwords anywhere. So, if you forget it, just follow these steps to get a new one;
do not contact the VHHA or NC Quality Center to obtain your password, as they do not have
access to it.
2. The next screen you will see will be similar to the one below. Your screen will contain icons
representing the modules to which you have access. You should see the ADE Learning
Network icon – circled in red below. (In the picture below, since Christi has access to multiple
modules, there are multiple icons. You would only see the ADE Learning Network icon if that
is the only project module to which you have been given access.) Click on the ADE Learning
Network icon.
3. The next screen you should see is the one below; here you will find resources for the Learning
Network. Resources will be added throughout the Learning Network timeline to support you.
Recordings and slides from all Learning Network Webinars will also be posted here. Look
across the top menu and select “Data” which is circled for you in the picture below.
3 2014 NoCVA HEN Data Manual NoCVA HEN 2014 4. The next screen will direct you to the Data Entry Module, Click the picture to continue
5. The next screen you should see is the one below. Select your hospital and the measure ADE
2014 using the drop downs:
4 2014 NoCVA HEN Data Manual NoCVA HEN 2014 6. Using the drop-down keys, select the desired time period:
5 2014 NoCVA HEN Data Manual NoCVA HEN 2014 7. The data entry fields for the measure will appear:
8. Enter the data and hit the “Submit Answers” button at the bottom of the page.
9. Once you hit “Submit Answers”, you will get a quick message in red font telling you that your
data were accepted. This will fade away quickly. If you need to check your data or at a later
time revise the data, you may do so by following the steps above.
Data entry is now complete for outcome and process measures. For questions, contact Christi Beals
at or (919) 677-4136.