530577-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-RS-TEMPUS-JPCR Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina http://iprod.masfak.ni.ac.rs iprod@masfak.ni.ac.rs MANUAL FOR CONTRACTUAL AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Niš, 2013. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Manual for contractual and financial management Revision set Release No. Rev. 1 2/32 Date 01/04/2013 Revision Description The first version of Manual for contractual and financial management Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Manual for contractual and financial management Contents 1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................4 2. MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE OF IPROD .............................................................................5 3. TECHNICAL AND FINANCIAL REPORTING .......................................................................7 3.1. Basic principles of reporting .................................................................................................7 3.2. Standards of all reports..........................................................................................................7 3.3. Reporting schedule ................................................................................................................7 3.4. Semi-annual partner reports ..................................................................................................7 3.4.1. Technical report .................................................................................................................8 3.4.2. Financial report ............................................................................................................10 3.4.3. Exchange Rate..............................................................................................................10 3.5. Request for payment ...........................................................................................................11 4. STAFF COSTS..........................................................................................................................12 4.1. Staff convention ..................................................................................................................13 4.2. Time sheets..........................................................................................................................16 4.4. Bank statement ....................................................................................................................18 4.5. Institutional salary payslips .................................................................................................18 4.6. Remarks ..............................................................................................................................19 5. TRAVEL COSTS & COSTS OF STAY ...................................................................................20 5.1. Individual mobility report ...................................................................................................21 5.2. Travel costs .........................................................................................................................24 5.3. Travel order .........................................................................................................................24 5.4. Travel itinerary ....................................................................................................................24 5.5. Bank statement ....................................................................................................................25 5.6. Remarks ..............................................................................................................................25 6. EQUPEMENT COSTS .............................................................................................................26 7. PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COSTS ................................................................................28 8. OTHER COSTS ........................................................................................................................30 9. TENDERING PROCEDURE ...................................................................................................32 Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina 3/32 Manual for contractual and financial management 1. INTRODUCTION Projects such as IPROD that have large Consortia require an efficient management structure. Most of the rules are defined by the Grant Agreement, but procedures for their practical implementation need to be designed by the participants. This is especially significant in situation when we need to comply the International rules with national legislation. The main objective of this Manual is to provide support to project partners so that they can manage the project locally in an efficient and successful manner. By clearly defining the procedures for financial and technical management, the communication between the project coordinator and partner will be simplified. Additionally, the project partners will be able to fulfil successfully their contractual obligations and to provide all necessary inputs with high quality to project coordinator whose responsibility is to further incorporate them in the Reports for the EACEA. This manual deals with the two types of management: technical and financial management, including reporting and monitoring. It provides the clear picture what the objectives of such management is, the procedures to be followed as well as forms to be filled in. Additionally, it offers very detailed definition of eligible and ineligible costs. It gives a wellstructured preview of all necessary supporting documents that need to be provided in order to justify adequately eligible costs, as well as rules for the tenders in order to facilitate the purchase of goods and services within the project. Please note that in this Manual some definitions and rules are taken in original form from the Grant Agreement and Guidelines for the Use of the Grant, in order to avoid any misinterpretation. Those sections are specially marked in the text, as the example given bellow: 3.6. Eligible expenses for other costs This category covers costs for dissemination of information (advertising in the media, promotional materials), hire of premises for dissemination events (only with prior written approval), audits (obligatory for projects with a awarded grant of more than EUR 750 000), interproject coaching (up to a maximum of EUR 2500), bank charges including bank guarantee charges where requested by the Executive Agency, as well as subcontracting for specific tasks. Source: “Guidelines for the Use of Grants” (Section 7.3) 4/32 Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Manual for contractual and financial management 2. MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE OF IPROD The management structure of the IPROD is based on vast managerial experience of all partners gained through the implementation of various projects funded by the EU and adjusted to fit the needs and recommendations of the Tempus programme. The role of all management bodies is to provide efficient and successful realization of planned activities. The project management structure is established to ensure effectiveness, decisiveness, flexibility and quality of work. It involves the Contractor, the Coordinator, a Management Committee, a Internal Management Committee and Evaluation board, as shown in the Figure 1. The Contractor – The contractor (University of Niš in this case) is legally and financially responsible for administering the project grant, drawing the attention of all partners to contractual rules and to releasing money only for the purposes allowed by contract. The Coordinator - As the coordinator also represents the contractor, his/her responsibility is to manage, coordinate and monitor the project activities and with regard to timetable, assess achievement of the planned endpoints and coordinate appropriate records of activities. Coordinator has full responsibility for implementation of action according to the grant agreement. Coordinator has a right to freeze all decisions until the written opinion of the EACEA. Management Committee (PMC) - Members of the Management Committee are formally appointed at the kick-off meeting and they are contact persons from each partner institution. The Management Committee is the main decision body and it may decide only if at least two-thirds of the members are present (2/3 quorum of all project partners – 15 participants) and for decision it is necessary to have at least 50%+1 vote (examples: 8 from 15, or 12 from 23). Role of the Management Committee is: to supervise global project realization, discuss all aspects of activities for global project goals achievements and to monitor and evaluate work on project. The Management Committee discusses the reports from IPM and appoints WPM from the consortium members based on coordinator proposal. Internal Management Committee (IMC) - Members of the Internal Management Committee are delegates from University institutions (10 members based on contact person proposals). The Internal Management Committee is the main decision body and it may decide only if at least twothirds of the members are present (2/3 quorum of all project partners – 7 participants) and for decision it is necessary to have at least 2/3 votes of present members (examples: 7 from 10 or 5 from 7). Role of the Internal Management Committee is: to coordinate day-to-day management with WPM, responsible for operational project, conflict and obstacles resolution in WPM, actions for solving of problems in project realization, validate assumptions and indentifying of risks, migration of risks, IPM reports annually to PCM. Evaluation board is appointed by coordinator. Role of Evaluation board is to ensure quality of project realization and monitoring. Evaluation board is reporting to PMC and it is in contact with coordinator and WP 6 manager. PMC may engage Evaluation board for inter-project coaching. WP managers (WPM) – Work Package managers, Equipment manager and PR manager have the responsibility for coordination of individual WP (with the help of task leaders) and monitoring deliverables and planned milestones related to their WP. Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina 5/32 Manual for contractual and financial management EACEA Coordinator Evaluation board Management Committee (PMC) Internal Project Management (IPM) WP 1 WP 2- E WP 3 WP 4 WP 5 WP 6 WP 7 PR Fig. 1. Management structure of the IPROD project 6/32 Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Equipment Manual for contractual and financial management 3.TECHNICAL AND FINANCIAL REPORTING 3.1. Basic principles of reporting There are two main purposes of the reporting. The formal reporting, by Coordinator (University of Nis), provides the necessary information to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) to assure them that our project is being implemented according to the Grant Agreement and that payments should therefore be released. The semi-annual reports submitted by Project Partner (PP) provide information to the Coordinator to allow him to prepare reports to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) and to enable support of PP during project implementation. Reporting also helps us to view our progress objectively. The semi-annual (technical and financial) reports are linked to transfer of grant to partners from Coordinator. The Final Report though must be approved by EACEA before the final payment to the coordinator is released. No report is required to secure the advance payment. The reports should accurately reflect (PP) progress during the reporting period, highlighting any key issues and providing justification for any deviations from the Description of the project (project proposal) as set out in Annex I of Grant Agreement. It is significantly faster to prepare the technical reports if information is added to them at the time when the activity takes place. This can always be amended later but it makes sure that the recommendations for corrective action and for improving the programme are not lost. Equally, the Work plan should be updated whenever necessary changes are identified and submitted along with the semi-annual report if there are any changes. All changes must be justified in writing. 3.2. Standards of all reports All reports should be typed and should be in English. Copy of each report and supporting documents should be provided to the Coordinator, as well as an electronic version. 3.3. Reporting schedule Project partners are required to produce two types of technical and financial reports: Semi-annual reports (six in total), prepared by the project partners to project coordinator and IPM. Reports (two in total) prepared by the Coordinator to be delivered to EACEA: Intermediate Report – 15th April 2014 and Final report – 14th December 2015. The partner has to respect the reporting deadlines (also stated in the Partnership Agreement), and submit their Report with supporting documents on validation of expenditure to the project coordinator in due time as requested, in 10 (ten) working days. If those are not submitted to the coordinator within the set deadline, they will not be included in the progress report of the project that coordinator is responsible to deliver to the Executive Agency. 3.4. Semi-annual partner reports The semi-annual reports are linked to a payment. Information contained in the reports will be reviewed as part of the monitoring process. It is not intended that these reports will provide all the details of what is happening on the project. The semi-annual reports focus on activities and results. If further details are required for clarification then PP will be contacted separately. Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina 7/32 Manual for contractual and financial management The Coordinator can only submit Intermediate and Final reports, as well as financial statements to the EACEA based on inputs from project partners. Therefore, in order to provide adequate information on the progress of the project, each Project partner has to submit a Semi-annual partner report to the Coordinator consisting of: Technical report describing the activities carried out and their results during the reporting period, and Financial report presenting the costs incurred during the reporting period. The semi-annual reports of the partners will be reviewed and approved by the Coordinator, taking into consideration following assessment criteria: Conformity of the expenditures with the budget of the project; Eligibility of the expenditures; Correct use of the procurement procedures, whenever required; Correctness and completeness of all supporting documents; Correctness of the calculations and applied exchange rates; That any changes which occurred between budget categories are eligible and justified; All copies of the semi-annual reports must be signed in original by the appointed contact person of partner institution; Expenditures must be in conformity, including full eligibility, with the allocated Budget in the Partnership Agreement. In case that information in Semi-annual Report are not complete or justified, the Coordinator will help and make recommendations on how this situation can be rectified prior to the final approval of the Semi-annual report by the IPM. The Report approved in this way is the basis for the transfer of next instalment to the partner institution. 3.4.1. Technical report The Technical reports should provide the clear picture on the progress of project activities, time and quality of deliverables and results, to what extent the progress indicators are achieved, as well as introduction of changes into the Work plan (if any). For this purpose, the Technical report is structured as follows: Statistics and indicators, Table of achieved/planned results, Statement of costs incurred. Apart from the statistical and financial information related to the reporting period, the major part of the Technical report is consisted of the Table of achieved/planned results (one table per workpackage), with following describing elements: 1. Activities carried out and indicators of achievement, 2. Planned activities and indicators for progress, 3. Any proposed changes (people involved, budget, remaining activities…). Next page describes some fields of Table of achieved/planned results. 8/32 Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Manual for contractual and financial management Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina 9/32 Manual for contractual and financial management 1. The title and reference number as indicated in the project proposal 2. The indicators of achievement and/or performance as indicated in your project proposal 3. Activity number as indicated in the project proposal 4. The activity title as indicated in the project proposal 5. State where and when the activity takes place 6. Provide a brief description of the activity carried out 7. Insert specific indicators (qualitative and quantitative) which can help to measure the achievement of the activity result 8. Insert specific indicators (qualitative and quantitative) which measure the achievements of the activity result 9. Describe any change to the activity plan described in the previous approved report 3.4.2. Financial report When preparing the Financial report, the project partners are strongly advised to use the Excel file provided by the EACEA Final Financial Statement (Annex IV to the Grant Agreement), which contains the following sheets: Staff costs table Travel costs & costs of stay table Equipment costs table Printing & publishing costs table Other costs table. The financial management tool which is proven to be very efficient for monitoring and planning expenses, the Coordinator prepared the cash-flow tables for two cost categories that each partner has in their budget: Cash flow – staff table Cash flow – travel table They will allow partners to monitor their expenses on the monthly basis. It is strongly recommended to use these tables and update them as soon as the expense occurs, along with comments consisting of information on expense structure and reference numbers of supporting documents. In order to facilitate the collecting of supporting documents for the whole Consortium, we kindly ask partners to send the scanned versions of all supporting documents on regular basis to the project Coordinator. The Coordinator will compile on regular basis all information obtained from the Financial reports of the partners, but at least once a year, upon the receipt of the Reports. 3.4.3. Exchange Rate The Partner financial reports should be drawn up in Euro. In case that Project Partner is from State which has not adopted the Euro as their currency, the Project Partner shall convert into Euro the amounts of expenditure presented in the cash-flow tables that correspond to the invoices in national currency. Those amounts have to be included in all other tables of the Financial report. During the project implementation, the partner will use two exchange rates for the conversion of currencies into euros as follows: Any conversion of actual costs into Euros shall be made at the monthly accounting rate established by the Commission and published on its web-site 10/32 Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Manual for contractual and financial management (http://ec.europa.eu/budget/inforeuro) for October 2012 until the second pre-financing is received from EACEA, after which the rate of the month of the second pre-financing must be applied. 3.5. Request for payment The Coordinator has provided all partners with the appropriate form for issuing the transfer of funds to the partner institution – Request for Payment. Along with the Request for Payment, the partner has to submit Semi-annual report whose approval will be the basis for issuing the next instalment. Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina 11/32 Manual for contractual and financial management 4. STAFF COSTS Please refer to the Guidelines for the Use of the Grant (Tempus IV fifth call for proposals No. EACEA/25/2011 http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/beneficiaries/tempus4_2012/enguidelines_for_the_use_of_the_grant_tempus_iv_5th.pdf) and Frequently Asked Questions (Tempus IV Projects selected under the Fifth Call for Proposals in the 2012 Selection Round http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/beneficiaries/tempus4_2012/faqs-2012-5th-call-en-final-updatejanuary-2013-v2.pdf) for further info about this budget heading. Noted documents are the integral part of the Management manual and must be correspondingly respected. Institutions should consult their rectorates/management to check if some specific institution policies apply to reimbursement of staff costs. Based on coordinator decision N°: 003/12 from 16. October 2012, for the implementation of project activities the maximal staff costs reimbursed is according the following table: Table 1: Maximal staff costs reimbursed for the implementation of project activities Country Manager Teacher Technical Administrative Bulgaria – BG 84 75 58 39 Deutschland – DE 356 309 248 191 Serbia – RS 120 100 65 55 Slovakia – SK 151 122 108 88 Bosnia and Herzegovina – BA 95 80 65 45 The staff costs given in table are in gross amount and include all include all taxes and social contributions. Actual reimbursement of staff costs related should not exceed the given maximal rates and must follow the rules of institution which employs the recipient of payment. The payment of staff costs is not allowed for persons who are not employed at the institution which makes the payment. All staff costs, except co-financing, are covered from the budget heading Staff costs of Tempus IV project: „Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina” (IPROD), number: 530577 – 2012 – RS – TEMPUS – JPCR. Staff costs are based on the task performed rather than on the status of the person carrying them out. In other words, staff costs related to an administrative task that has been carried out by an academic should be charged as administrative tasks. Administrative staff costs may be charged for tasks related to the administration of a project, such as project management, book-keeping, accountancy and secretarial duties. Academic staff costs may cover the production of content directly related to the project objective(s) and would include curriculum/training programme development, development and adaptation of teaching/training materials, preparation and teaching of intensive courses or training courses and so on. Please note that supporting documents (Convention and Time sheets) are used for audit purposes, in order to verify that the number of hours worked is appropriate and compatible with the other activities of the staff member concerned, so they must be kept by coordinator and partner institutions for five years after the project termination. 12/32 Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Manual for contractual and financial management 4.1. Staff convention A duly filled in staff convention for each person employed by the project must be attached to the project accounts and retained by the co-ordinator as supporting document. The conventions must be signed by the person concerned, then signed and stamped by the person responsible in the institution where this person is normally employed (rector/director or a person with the legal right to sign documents instead rector/director). For staff performing both administrative and academic tasks a separate convention must be signed for each type of activity. Please submit a separate convention for each duty performed. It is advisable that staff conventions should be submitted to accounting service quarterly. As an example task performer can have: Convention N°1 for Manager duties with accompanying three time sheets related to monthly manager duties Convention N°2 for Researcher/Teacher duties with accompanying three time sheets related to monthly researcher/teacher duties Convention N°3 for Technical duties with accompanying three time sheets related to monthly technical duties, etc. Co-financed staff cost should be represented on a separate Convention. In above example, as all activities a task performer done during the three months were partly co-financed, a person should submit 3x2 Conventions (three for reimbursement by TEMPUS and three for co-financing) and 9 time sheets. For instance the Convention N°1 is the same for reimbursement by TEMPUS and co-financing, only the number of days (position 7 on figure 3) is different. Table 2. Short institution names Organization University of Nis University of Belgrade University of Kragujevac University of Novi Sad University of Banja Luka University of East Sarajevo University of Mostar TU Sofija Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Slovak Technology University School of Higher Technical Professional Education Nis Subotica Tech-College of Applied Sciences Collegue of Textile Leskovac College of Applied Mechanical Engineering Trstenik Railway College of Vocational Studies College of Applied Sciences Požarevac National Employment Service Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry Niš ORAO Regional Chamber of Commerce Kragujevac GOŠA Machine and Equipment Factory Zastava Vehicle Group State Short name RS RS RS RS BA BA BA BG DE SK RS RS RS RS RS RS RS RS BA RS RS RS UNI BU UNIKG UNS BL UES SVEMO TUS KIT STU VTSNI VTSSU CTL VTMSSS VZSSS VPSSS PO NES RCCI Nis ORAO RCCKG GF ZVG Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina 13/32 Manual for contractual and financial management An example of staff convention is given on Fig.3. The Convention template is located in the project dropbox (root folder). Position 1. Reference number Fig.2. Convention file name and reference number The staff convention should be named the same as the convention reference number (Fig.2). The scanned convention with all the signatures and stamps should be uploaded to the corresponding project dropbox folder immediately upon completion. Example of Ref. No. KIT-M-03.12.2012-1: 1. Short institution name – refer to Table 2. 2. Duties preformed: M – Manager R – Teacher/researcher T – Technician A – Administrative O – Other. Please consult Annex 3 (Page 17) of Guidelines for the Use of the Grant (Tempus IV fifth call for proposals No. EACEA/25/2011 http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/beneficiaries/tempus4_2012/enguidelines_for_the_use_of_the_grant_tempus_iv_5th.pdf) for classification of duties. Keep in mind that staff costs are based on the task performed rather than on the status of the person carrying them out. For instance if a full professor is performing the technical duties he must be reimbursed based on rates for technician. 3. Date of start of the task. 4. Number of conventions with the same base reference number – several persons performing the same duties with the same start date. Also used to differentiate TEMPUS reimbursement and co-financing. Position 2. Project number – always 530577-TEMPUS-RS-TEMPUS-JPCR. Position 3. Full institution name. Position 4. Name, surname, institution and institution address of the task performer. Position 5. Date of start of the task. Position 6. Date of end of the task. Position 7. Number of days devoted on project work from the timesheets. Please divide this number on TEMPUS reimbursement and co-financing on separate conventions. Position 8. Mark the duty performed (only one allowed). Position 9. Give a short description of the duties performed. A more detailed description should be inputted in corresponding time sheets. Position 10. Use daily allowance according to the Table 1 based on duty performed. Position 11. Input the date at least two weeks after the end of the task. The convention should be submitted at least one week upon the end of the task. 14/32 Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Manual for contractual and financial management Fig. 3. Example of staff convention Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina 15/32 Manual for contractual and financial management Please obtain stamps and signatures and put the scanned Convention in the corresponding project dropbox folder. The convention is accompanied by corresponding scanned time sheets and scanned proof of payment (bank statement) or co-financing (payment ballot from your institution). 4.2. Time sheets Time-sheets have to be attached to each staff convention. The time-sheets must indicate the date of the service provided the number of hours worked on these dates the tasks performed (short description). The time-sheets must be signed by the person concerned and countersigned by the person responsible in the institution where this person is normally employed (rector/director or a person with the legal right to sign documents instead rector/director). The time sheets should be named according to the rules given below (Fig.4). The scanned time sheets with all the signatures and stamps should be uploaded to the corresponding project dropbox folder immediately upon completion. Fig. 4. Time sheet file name Time sheet file name example (Fig.4): Time_sheet KIT-M-1-03.12.2012-1 1. KIT – Short name of the institution i.e. UNI, BU, UNS, etc. (refer to short names given in Table 2) 2. Duties preformed M – Manager R – Teacher/researcher T – Technician A – Administrative O – Other 3. Number of timesheet over the Convention period (from 1 to 3 for three months) 4. Date of the corresponding Convention (see Fig.3. position 3) 5. Number of the corresponding Convention (see Fig.3. position 4) Fig.5 shows an example of the time sheet. The following fields should be entered into the time sheet: Position 1. Project number – always 530577-TEMPUS-RS-TEMPUS-JPCR. Position 2. Surname, name, full institution name and institutional position/title. Position 3. Duty, the same as in corresponding Convention. Position 4. Time sheet period (usually full month). Position 5. Date of work on the task. The task performer must be available to work for TEMPUS project on dates given in the time sheet. TEMPUS forbids work during holidays and weekends so only working days/dates can be used. 16/32 Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Manual for contractual and financial management Fig. 5. Time sheet example Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina 17/32 Manual for contractual and financial management Position 6. Work amount in hours. Please keep in mind that working day has 7,5 h. All the regular work at home institution plus work on the IPROD project cannot surpass 7,5 h. TEMPUS controllers will check institution website and if they determine that task performer had lectures on the date entered in time sheet on position 6 (for instance 07.12.2012) from 09:00 h till 13:00 h they will conclude that the task performer could not work on that date for IPROD project for 5 h. The same applies for meetings, consultation with students, work on other projects, etc. Position 7. Number of Work Package in which the tasks/activities were performed. Position 8. Description of the task/activities performed. Always refer to the activities from the IPROD project proposal. Position 9. Total number of working days devoted to IPROD project. As two Conventions are made for a period of three months (TEMPUS reimbursement and cofinancing) the total time entered in those Conventions (position 7, Fig.2) must correspond to sum of total working days on three time sheets. Please obtain stamps and signatures and put the scanned Time sheets in the corresponding project dropbox folder immediately upon completion. 4.4. Bank statement An official bank statement for a transfer of funds for staff costs reimbursement is necessary as a reliable evidence of payment of staff costs to recipient’s bank account. Every Convention must be followed by a bank statement which proves the payment of costs given in a Convention on a recipient’s bank account. Payment of staff costs in cash is not permitted. Bank statement file name is the same as Convention reference number with Bank_statement prefix. For Convention reference number KIT-M-03.12.2012-1, the scanned bank statement file name is Bank_statement KIT-M-03.12.2012-1. Scanned bank statement which contains the proof of payment must be uploaded to the corresponding project dropbox folder immediately upon completion of payment. 4.5. Institutional salary payslips As every work performed on the IPROD project is partially co-financed and two Conventions are issued for all the payments of staff costs (one for reimbursement from TEMPUS and one for cofinancing, see section 1.1) a proof of co-financing must be provided. The institutional salary payslips or bank statements which prove the payment of regular salary of task performer from his base institution are accepted as a proof of co-financing. Every co-financing Convention must be followed by the institutional salary payslip/bank statement which proves the payment of co-financing given in a Convention on a recipient’s bank account. As payment of co-financing for staff costs is done quarterly (every three months), every institutional salary payslip/bank statement is corresponding to one time sheet. Scanned institutional salary payslip/bank statement file name is the same as Time sheet file name with CF suffix. For Time_sheet KIT-M-1-03.12.2012-1 the scanned institutional salary payslip/bank statement file name is Time_sheet KIT-M-1-03.12.2012-1 CF. Scanned institutional salary payslip/bank statement which contains the proof of co-financing payment must be uploaded to the corresponding project dropbox folder immediately upon completion of co-financing Convention. 18/32 Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Manual for contractual and financial management 4.6. Remarks Before submission to institution accounting service supporting documents must be reviewed and approved by local coordinator/administrative officer. As soon as the cost is incurred and necessary supporting documents are provided to justify that costs, it is strongly recommended to notify project administrative officer (A. Miltenovic) on email amiltenovic@yahoo.com. To summarise, the complete documentation of one payment for same category of duties performed consists of: fully signed and stamped Convention with requested reimbursement from TEMPUS, fully signed and stamped Convention with co-financing amount, three time sheets for a period of above noted Conventions, bank statement which proves the payment of requested reimbursement from TEMPUS, institutional salary payslips/bank statements for the period of three months which provide proof of staff costs co-financing. Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina 19/32 Manual for contractual and financial management 5. TRAVEL COSTS & COSTS OF STAY Please refer to the Guidelines for the Use of the Grant (Tempus IV fifth call for proposals No. EACEA/25/2011 http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/beneficiaries/tempus4_2012/enguidelines_for_the_use_of_the_grant_tempus_iv_5th.pdf) and Frequently Asked Questions (Tempus IV Projects selected under the Fifth Call for Proposals in the 2012 Selection Round http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/beneficiaries/tempus4_2012/faqs-2012-5th-call-en-final-updatejanuary-2013-v2.pdf) for further info about this budget heading. Noted documents are the integral part of the Management manual and must be correspondingly respected. Institutions should consult their rectorates/management to check if some specific institution policies apply to reimbursement of travel costs & costs of stay. Based on coordinator decision N°: 001/12 from 16. October 2012, for the implementation of project activities maximal gross allowance for cost of stay during staff mobility is according the following table: Table 3. Maximal gross allowance for cost of stay during staff mobility Maximal gross allowance for Maximal gross allowance for Length of stay international mobility in € national mobility in € 1 day 150 80 2 days 292 150 3 days 434 220 4 days 576 290 5 days 718 360 6 days 860 430 1 week 1.000 500 2 weeks 1.600 800 3 weeks 2.100 1.000 4 weeks 2.500 1.250 Each additional week 300 150 Where the stay falls in between the week durations indicated in the table, the upper limit will be calculated as follows: The figure for the shorter duration is subtracted from the figure for the longer duration. The resulting figure divided by 7 gives the daily allowance for each day beyond the duration of the shorter stay. Actual reimbursement of costs related to staff mobility should not exceed the given maximal allowances and must follow the rules of institution which issues the staff travel order. The reimbursement for mobility costs is not allowed for persons who are not employed at the institution which issues the travel order. During mobility, the financial allowance is approved to cover cost of stay and travel. All costs of travel and stay during mobility are covered from the budget heading Travel costs & Costs of Stay of Tempus IV project: „Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina” (IPROD), number: 530577 – 2012 – RS – TEMPUS – JPCR. The full amount of gross allowance for national mobility is allowed only for mobility longer than one day. For one day long mobility, the full amount of gross allowance for national mobility is allowed only in case of all day long activities (conferences or seminars with all-day agenda), or in the case of shorter coordination meetings when the distance to meeting locations is over 200 kilometres in one direction. Otherwise, the person has the right to half of the full amount of gross allowance for national mobility. 20/32 Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Manual for contractual and financial management Costs of travel and health insurance, as well as the visa costs, are covered from the budget heading Other costs of Tempus IV project: „Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina” (IPROD), number: 530577 – 2012 – RS – TEMPUS – JPCR. All other costs which are not in line with budget headings Travel costs & Costs of Stay and Other costs will be considered as ineligible. The cost of travel will be reimbursed according to door to door principle. Based on coordinator decision N°: 002/12 from 16. October 2012, for the implementation of project activities maximal gross allowance for cost of stay during student mobility is according the following table: Table 4. Maximal gross allowance for cost of stay during student mobility Maximal gross allowance for Maximal gross allowance for Length of stay international mobility in € national mobility in € 1 month 1.500 1.000 The calculation for costs for stays falling in between full months should be proportionate with the monthly amount indicated above. Actual reimbursement of costs related to mobility should not exceed the given maximal allowances and must follow the rules of institution in which student is enrolled. The reimbursement for mobility costs is not allowed for students who are not enrolled at the institution which makes the reimbursement. During mobility, the financial allowance is approved to cover cost of stay and travel. All costs of travel and stay during mobility are covered from the budget heading Travel costs & Costs of Stay of Tempus IV project: „Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina” (IPROD), number: 530577 – 2012 – RS – TEMPUS – JPCR. Costs of travel and health insurance, as well as the visa costs, are covered from the budget heading Other costs of Tempus IV project: „Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina” (IPROD), number: 530577 – 2012 – RS – TEMPUS – JPCR. All other costs which are not in line with budget headings Travel costs & Costs of Stay and Other costs will be considered as ineligible. The cost of travel will be reimbursed according to door to door principle. Students must use public transport (plane bus, train, taxi). Students are reimbursed the actual amount of travel costs to the submitted invoice / recipes (with a boarding pass included).Travel costs for travel of students by car (private, company or hired) will not be reimbursed unless authorised by project coordinator. 5.1. Individual mobility report A duly filled in and signed individual mobility report (IMR) for each person which performed mobility in the frame of project realisation must be attached to the corresponding project dropbox folder, together with other supporting documents such as: copies of travel tickets, boarding passes, invoices and receipts; travel itinerary; travel order from beneficiary’s institution; bank statement which proves the payment of requested reimbursement from TEMPUS; bank statement which proves the mobility payment if mobility was co-financed. Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina 21/32 Manual for contractual and financial management The aim of the supporting documentation is to demonstrate the actual cost of the travel and the fact that the trip actually took place. When travel costs are shared, the supporting documentation (invoice) for the group should be retained and each individual should keep a record of their share of the hire costs in the Individual mobility report. An example of completed IMR is given on Fig.7. The IMR template is located in the project dropbox (root folder). Position 1. Reference number Fig. 6. Individual mobility report file name and reference number The IMR file should be named the same as the IMR reference number (Fig.6). The scanned signed Individual mobility report should be uploaded to the corresponding project dropbox folder immediately upon completion. Example of Ref. No. UNI-16.11.2012-2 (Fig.6) 1. Short institution name – refer to Table 2. 2. Date of mobility start 3. Number of IMR with the same base reference number – several persons from the same institution performing the mobility with the same start date. Position 2. Project number – always 530577-TEMPUS-RS-TEMPUS-JPCR Position 3. Surname, name, gender, home institution and position at home institution Position 4. Host institution. If more, please list them all. Position 5. Please indicate what activities were performed during mobility. Please put the number after the tick mark to order them according to their importance if more than one activity were performed (Fig.8) Position 6. Cost of stay. Cannot surpass values given in Table 3 and must be in line with coordinator Decisions N°: 001/12 and N°: 002/12 from 16. October 2012. Position 7. Actual travel costs based on door to door principle. In the case of using public transport (plane bus, train, taxi, hired car, ...), project participants are reimbursed the actual amount of travel costs to the submitted invoice/recipes (with a boarding pass included). Travel costs for travel of project participants by car (company or private) are reimbursed in maximal gross amount of 0.22 €/km. The amount is reimbursed once, regardless of the number of passengers in the vehicle. The travel distance in case of car travel should be determined at www.viamichelin.com, according to the Michelin recommended route. Position 8. Sum of Cost of stay and Travel costs Position 9. Please indicate the source of payment Tempus grant or co-financed (delete the excess source of payment). Position 10. Date of mobility start. Position 11. Date of mobility end. 22/32 Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Manual for contractual and financial management Fig. 7. An example of completed IMR Fig. 8. Ranking of activities performed during mobility Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina 23/32 Manual for contractual and financial management Position 12. Duration of mobility in days. Position 13. Give a brief description of activities performed during mobility. Position 14. Input the date at least two weeks after the end of mobility. The IMR should be submitted to institution accounting no later than three working days upon the finishing of mobility. Please sign and scan the IMR and upload it in the corresponding project dropbox folder immidiattely upon the payment to recipient bank account. 5.2. Travel costs Travel costs may be claimed only for journeys directly connected to specific and clearly identifiable project-related activities. Reimbursement of travel costs is based on real costs, independent of the means of travel chosen (rail, bus, taxi, plane, hire car); beneficiaries of mobility are required to use the cheapest means of travel (e.g. Economy tickets for air travel and to take advantage of reduced fares; where this is not the case a full explanation should be provided). Travel costs are reimbursed based on supporting documentation. The aim of the supporting documentation is to demonstrate the actual cost of the travel and the fact that the trip actually took place. The supporting documentation includes all proofs of actual travel expenses such as original travel tickets and bills, boarding passes, car hire invoices, etc. The sum of all expenses from supporting documentation must be equal to travel costs requested in IMR (Position 7, Fig. 7). For every IMR, scanned copies of supporting documentation must be uploaded to a corresponding dropbox folder immediately upon the payment of costs to recipient bank account. All the documents must be merged into the single PDF file. Supporting documentation file name is the same as IMR file name with acc suffix. For IMR file name IMR UNI-16.11.2012-2 the scanned supporting documentation file name is IMR UNI16.11.2012-2 acc. 5.3. Travel order Every IMR must be followed by a travel order for the mobility which legally proves that mobility took place as it is signed by a responsible person. Travel order consist travel details such as dates, times and reasons for travel as well as the budget of the mobility. Scanned travel order must be uploaded to the corresponding project dropbox folder immediately upon completion of payment of costs related to mobility. Travel order file name is the same as IMR reference number with Travel_order prefix. For IMR reference number UNI-16.11.2012-2 the scanned bank statement file name is Travel_order UNI16.11.2012-2. 5.4. Travel itinerary Every IMR must be followed by a travel itinerary which gives the travel directions and usage of travel means. The Travel itinerary template is given in project dropbox. Signed travel itinerary should be scanned and uploaded to the corresponding project dropbox folder immediately upon completion of payment of costs related to mobility. Travel itinerary file name is the same as IMR reference number with Travel_itinerary prefix. For IMR reference number UNI-16.11.2012-2 the scanned bank statement file name is Travel_itinerary UNI-16.11.2012-2. 24/32 Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Manual for contractual and financial management 5.5. Bank statement An official bank statement for a transfer of funds for costs of stay & travel costs reimbursement is necessary as a reliable evidence of payment of noted costs to recipient’s bank account. Every IMR must be followed by a bank statement which proves the payment of costs given in the IMR on a recipient’s bank account. The bank statement is necessary for reimbursement of noted costs from TEMPUS as well as for co-financing of costs of stay & travel costs. Payment of costs of stay & travel costs in cash is not permitted. Bank statement file name is the same as IMR reference number with Bank_statement prefix. For IMR reference number UNI-16.11.2012-2 the scanned bank statement file name is Bank_statement UNI-16.11.2012-2. Scanned bank statement which contains the proof of payment must be uploaded to the corresponding project dropbox folder immediately upon completion of payment. 5.6. Remarks Before submission to institution accounting service all the requested documents must be reviewed and approved by local coordinator/administrative officer. As soon as the cost is incurred and necessary supporting documents are provided to justify that costs, it is strongly recommended to notify project administrative officer (A. Miltenovic) on email amiltenovic@yahoo.com. To summarise, the complete documentation of one mobility performed during realisation of IPROD project consists of: signed and completed IMR; supporting documentation consisting copies of travel tickets, boarding passes, invoices and receipts; travel order from beneficiary’s institution; travel Itinerary; bank statement which proves the payment of requested reimbursement from TEMPUS; bank statement which proves the mobility payment if mobility was co-financed. Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina 25/32 Manual for contractual and financial management 6. EQUPEMENT COSTS Please refer to the Guidelines for the Use of the Grant (Tempus IV fifth call for proposals No. EACEA/25/2011 http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/beneficiaries/tempus4_2012/enguidelines_for_the_use_of_the_grant_tempus_iv_5th.pdf) and Frequently Asked Questions (Tempus IV Projects selected under the Fifth Call for Proposals in the 2012 Selection Round http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/beneficiaries/tempus4_2012/faqs-2012-5th-call-en-final-updatejanuary-2013-v2.pdf) for further info about this budget heading. Noted documents are the integral part of the Management manual and must be correspondingly respected. Institutions should consult their rectorates/management to check if some specific institution policies apply to reimbursement of costs related to purchasing of equipment. The purchasing of equipment must be in line with IPROD project proposal. If a change in purchasing plan is necessary, contact persons from partner Universities musk ask for EACEA permission through the project coordinator. Only equipment considered eligible for TEMPUS projects can be requested to be included in the purchasing plan defined in project proposal. Taxes, duties and charges (such as customs and import duties) are considered ineligible for the Tempus projects. Within the framework of a Tempus project all equipment purchased and the provision of services in the Partner Countries must be exempt from taxes (including VAT), duties and charges, as a Common Framework agreement has been signed between the European Commission and the Partner Countries involved into project realisation. The purchased equipment must be recorded in the inventory of the university/ies where it is installed. This university which made the payment from his share of the Grant is the sole owner of the equipment. Equipment which is not eligible under the Tempus grant and not listed in the purchasing plan from the project proposal cannot be co-financed. In these cases other sources of funding must be found. Supporting documents which are proving the equipment purchasing or co-financing are: invoice for purchased/co-financed equipment; three quotations from three different firms; documentation on the tendering procedure if the equipment costs are larger than 25.000 EUR the certificate of tax exclamation issued by government tax office; bank statement which proves the payment of equipment. Every equipment purchase has its reference number based on Invoice date. The example reference number is given on Fig.9. Fig. 9. Example of equipment purchase reference number The beneficiaries may not split the purchase of equipment into smaller contracts with individual amounts lower than the EUR 25 000 threshold. Please note that order forms, pro-forma invoices, quotations or estimates are not considered as proof of expenditure. 26/32 Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Manual for contractual and financial management The scanned copies of documents necessary as proof of equipment expenditure must be uploaded to the corresponding project dropbox folder immediately upon completion of payment. The file names are derived from equipment purchase reference number shown on Fig.9. Example of Ref. No. E-UNI-16.11.2012 (Fig.9) 1. Short institution name – refer to Table 2. 2. Date of invoice Scanned Invoice file name is the same as equipment reference number with Invoice prefix. For equipment reference number E-UNI-16.11.2012 the scanned Invoice file name is Invoice E-UNI16.11.2012. Scanned Quotations file name are the same as equipment reference number with Quotation prefix and suffix which designate the number of quotation document (from 1 to 3). For equipment reference number E-UNI-16.11.2012 the scanned second Quotation file name is Quotation EUNI-16.11.2012-2. Scanned Tax Certificate file name is the same as equipment reference number with Certificate prefix. For equipment reference number E-UNI-16.11.2012 the scanned Certificate file name is Certificate E-UNI-16.11.2012. Documentation on the tendering procedure should be uploaded as a single PDF file with Tender_documentation prefix. For equipment reference number E-UNI-16.11.2012 the tendering documentation PDF file name is Tender_documentation E-UNI-16.11.2012. Scanned bank statement file name is the same as equipment reference number with Bank_statement prefix. For equipment reference number E-UNI-16.11.2012 the scanned bank statement file name is Bank_statement E-UNI-16.11.2012. Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina 27/32 Manual for contractual and financial management 7. PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COSTS Please refer to the Guidelines for the Use of the Grant (Tempus IV fifth call for proposals No. EACEA/25/2011 http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/beneficiaries/tempus4_2012/enguidelines_for_the_use_of_the_grant_tempus_iv_5th.pdf) and Frequently Asked Questions (Tempus IV Projects selected under the Fifth Call for Proposals in the 2012 Selection Round http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/beneficiaries/tempus4_2012/faqs-2012-5th-call-en-final-updatejanuary-2013-v2.pdf) for further info about this budget heading. Noted documents are the integral part of the Management manual and must be correspondingly respected. Institutions should consult their rectorates/management to check if some specific institution policies apply to reimbursement of costs related to printing and publishing. The printing and publishing costs must be in line with IPROD project proposal. If a major change in printing and publishing plan is necessary, contact persons from partner Universities musk ask for coordinator permission. The printing and publishing costs not listed in the project proposal cannot be co-financed. In these cases other sources of funding must be found. Supporting documents which are proving the printing and publishing costs or co-financing are: invoice for purchased/co-financed printing and publishing; three quotations from three different firms; documentation on the tendering procedure if the costs are larger than 25.000 EUR; bank statement which proves the payment of printing and publishing. Every printing and publishing document has its reference number based on Invoice date. The example reference number is given on Fig.10. Please note that order forms, pro-forma invoices, quotations or estimates are not considered as proof of expenditure. The scanned copies of documents necessary as proof of printing and publishing expenditure must be uploaded to the corresponding project dropbox folder immediately upon completion of payment. The file names are derived from printing and publishing reference number shown on Fig.10. Fig. 10. Example of printing and publishing reference number Example of Ref. No. P-UNI-16.11.2012 (Fig. 10) 1. Short institution name – refer to Table 2. 2. Date of invoice Scanned Invoice file name is the same as printing and publishing reference number with Invoice prefix. For printing and publishing reference number P-UNI-16.11.2012 the scanned Invoice file name is Invoice P-UNI-16.11.2012. Scanned Quotations file name are the same as printing and publishing reference number with Quotation prefix and suffix which designate the number of quotation document (from 1 to 3). For printing and publishing reference number P-UNI-16.11.2012 the scanned second Quotation file name is Quotation P-UNI-16.11.2012-2. 28/32 Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Manual for contractual and financial management Documentation on the tendering procedure should be uploaded as a single PDF file with Tender_documentation prefix. For printing and publishing reference number P-UNI-16.11.2012 the tendering documentation PDF file name is Tender_documentation P-UNI-16.11.2012. Scanned bank statement file name is the same as printing and publishing reference number with Bank_statement prefix. For printing and publishing reference number P-UNI-16.11.2012 the scanned bank statement file name is Bank_statement P-UNI-16.11.2012. Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina 29/32 Manual for contractual and financial management 8. OTHER COSTS Please refer to the Guidelines for the Use of the Grant (Tempus IV fifth call for proposals No. EACEA/25/2011 http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/beneficiaries/tempus4_2012/enguidelines_for_the_use_of_the_grant_tempus_iv_5th.pdf) and Frequently Asked Questions (Tempus IV Projects selected under the Fifth Call for Proposals in the 2012 Selection Round http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/beneficiaries/tempus4_2012/faqs-2012-5th-call-en-final-updatejanuary-2013-v2.pdf) for further info about this budget heading. Noted documents are the integral part of the Management manual and must be correspondingly respected. Institutions should consult their rectorates/management to check if some specific institution policies apply to reimbursement of costs categorised as Other costs. The expenditures under the category Other costs must be in line with IPROD project proposal. If a major change in budget heading plan is necessary, contact persons from partner Universities musk ask for coordinator permission. The Other costs not listed in the project proposal cannot be co-financed. In these cases other sources of funding must be found. Supporting documents which are proving the expenditure in budget heading Other costs or cofinancing are: invoice for obtained/co-financed services; three quotations from three different firms; subcontract with the supplier of the services obtained/co-financed; documentation on the tendering procedure if the costs are larger than 25.000 EUR; bank statement which proves the payment in this budget heading. Every document related to this budget heading has its reference number based on Invoice date. The example reference number is given on Fig.11. Please note that order forms, pro-forma invoices, quotations or estimates are not considered as proof of expenditure. The scanned copies of documents necessary as proof of expenditure under the budget heading Other costs must be uploaded to the corresponding project dropbox folder immediately upon completion of payment. The file names are derived from other costs reference number shown on Fig.11. Fig. 11. Example of Other costs reference number Example of Ref. No. O-UNI-16.11.2012 (Fig.11) 1. Short institution name – refer to Table 2. 2. Date of invoice Scanned Invoice file name is the same as Other costs reference number with Invoice prefix. For Other costs reference number O-UNI-16.11.2012 the scanned Invoice file name is Invoice OUNI-16.11.2012. Scanned Quotations file name are the same as Other costs reference number with Quotation prefix and suffix which designate the number of quotation document (from 1 to 3). For Other costs reference number O-UNI-16.11.2012 the scanned second Quotation file name is Quotation O-UNI-16.11.2012-2. 30/32 Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Manual for contractual and financial management Scanned subcontract should be uploaded as a single PDF file with Subcontract prefix. For Other costs reference number O-UNI-16.11.2012 the subcontract PDF file name is Subcontract O-UNI16.11.2012. Documentation on the tendering procedure should be uploaded as a single PDF file with Tender_documentation prefix. For Other costs reference number O-UNI-16.11.2012 the tendering documentation PDF file name is Tender_documentation O-UNI-16.11.2012. Scanned bank statement file name is the same as Other costs reference number with Bank_statement prefix. For Other costs reference number O-UNI-16.11.2012 the scanned bank statement file name is Bank_statement O-UNI-16.11.2012. Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina 31/32 Manual for contractual and financial management 9. TENDERING PROCEDURE During the tendering procedures within this project (applied only to WBC universities), following rules have to be obeyed: All procurements must be in accordance with the rules defined in the Grant Agreement, concluded between the EACEA and the Project Coordinator. All procurements must be realized in a transparent way, and the goods and services with cost-quality ration best must have the priority. Depending on the total value of procurement envisaged in the project, following principle must be followed: If the value of the total procurement in the project is lower than 25 000 Euros, it is advisable that the procurement should be realized on the basis of three quotations. When the procurement value is 25 000 Euros or more, it is necessary to collect at least three different quotations from potential providers. Very rarely, in cases when purchase of equipment is planned and there are not enough potential suppliers, it is allowed to realize procurement with less than three quotations, which must be previously approved by the EACEA. Procurement of equipment in the project cannot be split in order to avoid collecting at least quotations and it is necessary to consolidate them at the level of project with the aim of more efficient usage of project resources. Potential splitting of procurement within the project must be previously approved by EACEA. The project coordinator is responsible for keeping and archiving the documentation on realized procurement. In order to avoid any complication that may arise while transferring the equipment, every institution pays directly the cost of equipment to the supplier from their own account, provided of course that the project coordinator has previously transferred the funds to that institution. Institution, for which equipment procurement was realized within the project, is obligated to file it in the official documentation and to catalogue it regularly. Every institution must clearly document the tendering procedure and retain the documentation in particular for audit purposes in accordance with Article II.19 of Grant Agreement. 32/32 Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
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