Untitled - Promo Tours

Word of Welcome
Dear colleagues,
It is my pleasure to announce and invite you to the 11th Annual Gastroenterology
conference in the organization of the Department of Gastroenterology, University
Clinical Center of Sarajevo.
Our team of gastroenterologists and nurses has built one of the strongest teams
in the region. The annual conference, which is presented to our daily work, caused
great interest in the country and the region.
The conference is held under the patronage of the European Society of
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE), Association for Clinical Nutrition BiH (BHSPEN),
University Clinical Centre in Sarajevo, Gastroenterology Association in Bosnia and
Herzegovina and the Association of Endoscopy Nurses and Technicians in BiH.
I’m proud of my team and my participation in building the foundations of modern
gastroenterology in our country.
I cordially invite you!
Mehmed Gribajčević, MD, PhD.
Dear Colleagues,
The 11th Annual Gastroenterology conference will take place on March 19-20, 2015,
in Sarajevo.
The learning objectives of the upcoming conference are focused on the most
interesting and recent topics in the treatment of acid related disorders.
The conference includes presentations by regional and international experts and a
symposium for nurses.
The event is of interest for gastroenterologists, oncologists, internists, surgeons,
nurses, residents and medical students.
The conference will take place at the «Dom Mladih» Convention Centre, located
at the centre of Sarajevo. We are delighted to welcome you. Enjoy the well-known
Bosnian hospitality.
Rusmir Mesihović , MD, PhD.
About the Annual
Conference in Sarajevo
Dear all,
It is my pleasure to invite you to the 11th Sarajevo Annual Gastroenterology
conference in Sarajevo.
The aim of the 11th edition of our traditional conference is to exchange recent
knowledge about acid related disorders.
Following the tradition of excellence of this conference, we are proud that this
meeting has become a leading gastroenterology meeting for this part of Europe.
The aim of the conference is the improvement of medical profession,
gastroenterology, as well as the strengthening of technical cooperation of the most
eminent medical practitioners from the region and abroad.
We hope that our activities will contribute to promote Bosnia and Herzegovina as a
country well-known for it’s high-class gastroenterohepatology.
Nenad Vanis, MD, PhD.
Governing Board of the Conference
Rusmir Mesihović, Chairman
Mehmed Gribajčević, Honorary Chairman
Nenad Vanis, Course Director
Members of the Scientific Commitee
Novka Agić
Sabaheta Bešlija
Milenko Bevanda
Marko Bitenc
Senka Dinarević-Mesihović Ernela Eminović
Bisera Gogov
Srđan Gornjaković
Mevlida Gornjaković
Zoran Hadžiahmetović
Almira Hadžović-Džuvo
Azra Husić-Selimović
Nadir Lačević
Rajko Ostojić
Nada Pavlović-Čalić
Aida Pilav
Džanela Prohić
Amra Puhalović
Svjetlana Radović
Nadan Rustemović
Nermin Salkić Ademir Spahić
Dragan Stanisavljević
Sanida Stojanović
Stevan Trbojević
Dunja Vrcić
Zora Vukobrat-Bijedić
Nađa Zubčević
The Organising Commitee
Aida Saray
Amila Mehmedović
Kenan Nahodović
Vedad Papović
Sanjin Glavaš
Nerma Zahiragić
Samra Ćato-Mehmedbašić Nađa Sivac
Momirka Milojević
Edina Mehić
Milenko Bevanda, Bosnia and
20. Svjetlana Radović, Bosnia and
Nada Pavlović - Čalić, Bosnia and
21. Nadan Rustemović, Croatia
Renata Dobrila Dintinjana,
Predrag Dugalić, Serbia
Srđan Đuranović, Serbia
Sanjin Glavaš, Bosnia and
Srđan Gornjaković, Bosnia and
22. Nermin Salkić, Bosnia and
23. Aida Saray, Bosnia and
24. Azra Husić - Selimović, Bosnia
and Herzegovina
25. Nađa Sivac, Bosnia and
26. Brigita Smolović, Montenegro
Hrvoje Iveković, Croatia
27. Kalina Stradelova, Macedonia
Nenad Joksimović, Macedonia
28. Petar Svorcan, Serbia
10. Ivan Jovanović, Serbia
29. Borut Štabuc, Slovenia
11. Nadir Lačević, UAE
30. Davor Štimac, Croatia
12. Samra Ćato-Mehmedbašić,
Bosnia and Herzegovina
31. Miroslav Šimunić, Croatia
13. Amila Mehmedović, Bosnia and
33. Dino Tarabar, Serbia
14. Rusmir Mesihović, Bosnia and
15. Klaus Monkemuller, USA
16. Kenan Nahodović, Bosnia and
17. Milorad Opačić, Croatia
18. Rajko Ostojić, Croatia
19. Džanela Prohić, Norway
32. Mario Tadić, Croatia
34. Bojan Tepeš, Slovenia
35. Stevan Trbojević, Bosnia and
36. Nenad Vanis, Bosnia and
37. Boris Vucelić, Croatia
38. Nerma Zahiragić, Bosnia and
Scientific Programme
Thursday, March 19
10.00-10.15 Opening Ceremony
Session 1
Ivan Jovanović, Rajko Ostojić, Davor Štimac, Sanjin Glavaš
Helicobacter Pylori Management in 2015
Rusmir Mesihović, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Treatment of Antibiotic-Resistant Helicobacter Pylori
Bojan Tepeš, Slovenia
Extragastric Manifestations of Helicobacter Pylori Infection
Miroslav Šimunić, Croatia
Helicobacter Pylori Associated Gastrointestinal
Borut Štabuc, Slovenia
Barrett’s Esophagus: Current Concepts
Milenko Bevanda, Bosnia and Herzegovina
12.30-13.30 Satellite Symposium - Bosnalijek
Session 2
14.10-15.00 Satellite Symposium - Takeda
Petar Svorcan, Nada Pavlović, Nenad Joksimović, Amila Mehmedović
Current Concepts in the Management of Functional
Aida Saray, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Approach to Refractory Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in
Nermin Salkić, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Quality of Life in Patients with GERD
Nenad Vanis, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Reflux vs Eosinophilic Esophagitis:
How to Diagnose, How to Treat?
Milorad Opačić, Croatia
16.30-17.00 Coffee break
Session 3
17.00-17.30 Satellite Symposium - PharmaSwiss
Stevan Trbojević, Brigita Smolović, Kalina Stradelova, Dobrila Dintinjana,
Aida Saray
Patohistological Evaluation of Acid Related Disoreders: New Frontiers
Svjetlana Radović, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Kyoto Global Consenus on Gastritis
Azra Husić-Selimović, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Evidence Based Approach to GERD Management
Dino Tarabar, Serbia
Friday, March 20
Session 4
Klaus Monkemuller, Hrvoje Iveković, Mario Tadić, Kenan Nahodović
Is There a Role of RFA Treatment in Patients with Resistant
Predrag Dugalić, Serbia
Treatment of Upper Gastrointestinal Peptic Strictures
Srđan Đuranović, Serbia
Endoscopic Therapy for Non-variceal Upper Gastrointestinal
Nadir Lačević, UAE
Management of Preneoplastic Lesions in the Stomach
Srđan Gornjaković, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Endoscopic Management of Barret Esophagus:
Ablate or Not?
Klaus Monkemuller, USA
Advanced Endoscopic Tools in the Management of Acid
Related Disorders
Nadan Rustemović, Croatia
12.30-13.30 Satellite Symposium - Pliva
Closing Ceremony
Annual Meeting of
Endoscopy Nurses
with international participation
Scientific Programme
Thursday, March 19
10.00-10.15 Word of welcome
Session 1
Mevlida Gornjaković, Selim Čarković, Mira Čolaković
Management of Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Hemospray
Jadranka Brljak, Croatia
The Nurses Role in Interventional Ultrasound Procedures
Bahrija Haračić, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Gastrointestinal Stenting: Biodegradable Stents
Sabaheta Bešlija, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Aspects of Nurses Care – Risk of Hepatitis B and C Infection
Sanida Stojanović, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Abdominal Paracentesis: Classical Approach and Permanent
Drainage Catheter
Segmedina Džanko, Adisa Kosovac, Mevsada Čaušević, Bosnia and
Ethical Issues in Endoscopy – Nurses Role in Improving
Patients Tolerance of Endoscopic Procedures
Edina Mehić, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Coffee Break
Session 2
Sanida Stojanović, Amel Kadrić, Bahrija Haračić
Efficient Clinical Practice in Endoscopy Unit Cooperation Between Physician and Nurse
Nenad Vanis, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Updated Guidelines on Cleaning and Disinfection in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Mevlida Gornjaković, Momirka Miloojević and endoscopic team,
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Nurses Awareness of Nutritional Support in Patients
with IBD
Mira Čolaković, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Role of Nurse in management of patient with IBD
Dobrila Sušić, Milana Perač, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Impact of Biological Therapy on Patients Life: Case Report
Nezira Muslić, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Holistic Approach in Medical Care
Tamara-Snježana Bradić, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Closing Ceremony
Conference information
Conference registration desk
The Conference desk will be located at the entrance hall of the Dom mladih,
Skenderija Center
Registration desk opening hours:
March 19, 2015
08:30-18:30 h
March 20, 2015
08:30-14:00 h
Registration fees:
by January 15, 2015
by March 01, 2015
after March 01, 2015
€ 150
€ 200
€ 250
Medical Nurses
€ 75
€ 100
€ 150
Accompanying person
€ 50
€ 50
€ 50
The registrations fees are excluded of 17% VAT.
Registration includes
• Admission to all
scientific sessions
• Admission to poster
• Name badge
• Conference materials
(Final Program,
Abstracts Book,
• Scheduled coffee
breaks and soft drinks
during the breaks
• Snack lunches
• Social Events: Gala
Conference web site
All information will be available at official websites
Registration, hotel reservation and submission forms are available online.
Conference languages
The official languages of the Conference are languages of the people in Bosnia and
Herzegovina and English.
Certificate of Attendance (CME)
All delegates will receive a certificate of attendance on arrival.
The month of March is characterized by rapidly rising daily high temperatures,
with daily highs increasing from 8°C to 14°C over the course of the month,
exceeding 20°C or dropping below 1°C only one day in ten.
Electricity in Bosnia and Herzegovina is 220-volt current, AC.
Time Zone
Sarajevo time zone is CET and is 6 hours ahead of the US - Eastern Standard time.
Hotel accommodation
There are numerous comfortable hotels in Sarajevo,with a wide range of prices,
which can provide a comfortable stay in Sarajevo. The official hotels for the
conference are:
l. Hotel Europe *****
2. Hotel Art ****
3. Hotel Bosnia ****
4. Hotel Colors Inn 4 ****
5. Hotel Astra Garni 3 ***
Hotel reservation
Due to limited room availability in Sarajevo, we do advise you to make your
reservation as early as possible in order to have the best choice of available hotels.
We strongly recommend to book your accommodation with official agency of the
Conference, Promo Tours at gastrosa@promotours.ba
Upon receiving the registration and the corresponding payment, the conference
office will send a confirmation and invoice to the participant. Please show this
confirmation of registration at the conference registration desk when picking up
your conference material.
If the attendance at the conference is cancelled by March 09, 2015, the registration
fee minus a processing fee of 25% will be refunded. No refund will be given if the
registration is cancelled at a later date. Cancelation must be sent in writting form to
When registering please arrange payment of the registration fee. All payments can
be made in KM (BAM) or EUR. You can choose between two forms of payment,
credit card or bank transfer.
Credit card (MasterCard, VISA)
Bank transfer to the bank account - Bank details
KM: 161-00000-113-000-26
EUR: 502015000-34018
Bank: Raiffeisen Bank D.D., Danijela Ozme 3, Sarajevo
Swift code: RZBABA2S
IBAN CODE: BA391611000001225847
ALL BANK FEES ON PAYER’S ACCOUNT. All payments made by bank transfer
have to be net of all bank charges (Bank commission, transaction fee and all
other bank expenses)
Group Registration
We are pleased to offer special registration and benefits for groups:
1. Registration package •
In case of 25 paid full registrations we can offer 1 regular delegate badge
free of charge
In case of 50 paid full registrations we can offer 3 regular delegate badges
free of charge.
In case of 100 paid full registrations we can offer 5 regular delegate
badges free of charge.
In case of 125 paid full registrations we can offer 7 regular delegate
badges free of charge.
2. Group pickup
Should you need to collect all the materials for your group prior to the official
opening of the Conference, please contact us at: gastrosa@promotours.ba
3. Accommodation package
In case of group booking please contact Promo Tours, the official travel agency of
the Conference at gastrosa@promotours.ba The list of the available hotels can be also found at www.promotours.ba
4. Other package
Should you need any additional assistance for your group in terms of organizing
transfers, guided tours, restaurant services please feel free to contact Promo Tours at