IN THIS ISSUE 2 WAYS TO APPRECIATE YOUR PASTOR 3 A TRIBUTE TO GOD’S SHEPHERDS 4 HOW WE LEARN TO OBEY 5 BALANCING THE PURPOSES OF CHURCH 6 BUILD YOUR BIBLE POWER 6 IN THE NEXT ISSUE November 2007 Pastoral Anniversary Celebrates 25 years of Service Giving Thanks This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. 2 Corinthians 9:12 (NIV) N ovember marks the twentyfifth pastoral anniversary, a time of thanksgiving and rejoicing. To celebrate the love and faithfulness between Pastor Hunt and the people of Bethel, some Bethel members would like to express their well-wishes to Pastor and Lady Hunt and /or what the relationship has meant to them personally, as we, the Bethel Missionary Baptist church, look back on our union of the past 25 years and reach forward with faith and could not attend the funeral, but we a promising vision for Bethel’s future. would be in his prayers. During the service Pastor Hunt was asked to ************ come to the pulpit, my children whisPastor and Sister Hunt have been more pered to me with such enthusiasm than just church leaders to us. They “Pastor Hunt is here!” His presence have been our extended family, always meant so much to us. Mrs. Hunt her willing to lend an ear and share their smiles, hugs, attentive ear and calm love. demeanor are such a blessing! —The Brookes Family —Rene’ M. & Michael Brooks and Family ************ Pastor really touched my family and ************ me, when my mother passed. Pastor Dear Pastor and Sis. Hunt, called me and asked how I was hold- We are so blessed to have you as our ing up, he prayed with me. He said he Pastor and First Lady. We know Issue 47 that leading a large group of diverse people isn’t easy, but the two of you do it with dignity and grace. You make each one of us feel as though we’re your most important member. Know that we love you and we pray that the Lord will continually cradle each you in his loving arms. —Barbara Davis ************ What can I say? The Pastor and Mother Hunt have been such a strong spiritual support and have nurtured me and my family so much. Thank God for them. It would be endless. —Andrea Delgado ************ We have been blessed that you have allowed God to use you to help us change our lives and live for the Lord. Love, The Dembo family ************ Pastor and Mrs. Hunt, We offer our heartiest congratulations for twenty-five years of faithful and devoted service to the Bethel congregation. May God continue to bless, guide, and sustain you as we move forward in our efforts to make Bethel a fruitful branch in the vine of His master plan. —Deacon John H. Pleasants and Deaconess Doris M. Pleasants Ways to Appreciate Your Pastor O Bethel Missionary Baptist Church 2611 South Ave. Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 phone: 845.297.6188 fax: 845.297.1509 Christian Chronicles is a publication of BMBC, published six times a year, January, March, May, July, September and November. The newsletter is a ministry that encourages and communicates church and community news, promoting God’s word. Bethel Missionary Baptist Church family is encouraged to submit articles, photos, and news for the church newsletter. The editor reserves the right to edit articles for style, accuracy and length. Please place all submissions in the main office, or send via E-mail: Snail mail: Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, 2611 South Ave., Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 Deadline is the10th day of the month before publication. Feb. 10, April 10, June 10, Aug. 10, Oct. 10, Dec. 10 ctober was National Clergy Appreciation Month and the second Sunday in October, October 14 for 2007, was Clergy Appreciation Day. Nationwide, church folks set aside this special time to honor their pastors and pastoral families for the hard work, sacrificial dedication and multiple blessings provided by these special people. For thirty-one days congregants showed their appreciation by random and spontaneous acts of encouragement.s Pastor appreciation is the sign of a healthy church and healthy churches want to pay tribute to their pastor through loving acts of gratitude. So, here at Bethel, as we celebrate the twenty-fifth pastoral anniversary let us set aside November as our Clergy Appreciation Month. After all God has instructed us to recognize His servants: “The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching” (1Timothy 5:17). Here are a few ways to appreciate Pastor and Lady Hunt: • Pray regularly. Ask God to shower Pastor Dr. Edward L. Hunt pastor with an abundance of love, hope, joy, faith, peace, power, wisdom, and courage. Pray for his maturity and growth in the faith. • Attend the weekend Pastoral Anniversary Celebration on Friday, Saturday and/or Sunday. • Honor the pastor with cards and letters of appreciation, but don’t flood his email box. • Offer to wash the Hunts cars or to take the cars in for an oil change • Invite the Pastor and Mrs. Hunt to dinner. • Take a walk with Lady Hunt. • Buy a gift card to Barnes and Nobles or the new Christian bookstore in Fishkill, Lily of the Valley. • Give a gift certificates to a store or restaurants • Squelch gossip. If you hear a negative comment, respond with a positive one. If misinformation is being spread, correct it with the accurate information. Or, if people are gossiping, just walk away. Remember, to express appreciation and affirmation for your spiritual leaders is appropriate throughout the entire year, simply because appreciation is what a loving congregation does. Managing Editor/Page Designer Angela Batchelor Copy Editors Pat Effort, Marilyn Willis Contributing Writers Joan Williams-Okon Rick Warren Photo Editor Kiara Tatum The friendship of Jesus enables us to see others as he saw the apostles: flawed by good children of the Father. —Brennan Manning Members of Bethel celebrate pastor’s anniversary downstairs in the Myrick Fellowship Hall in 1985. ( Photo from historical file.) CHRISTIAN CHRONICLES •2• NOVEMBER 2007 A Tribute to God’s Shepherds The Pastor’s Wife A Pastor’s Heart A well spoken message stirs a heart to rejoice There is nothing like a strong, resilient voice But when sorrow comes, there is no better gift to impart Then the gift of a caring, pastor’s heart She’s a Godly woman, she has such grace Always a warm greeting, a smile on her face She’s always encouraging, she knows her place She is - The Pastor’s Wife A loving touch or a kind word A moment of counsel from God’s holy word A telephone call—after you just heard.., Is the gift of our pastor’s heart. She has to always look just right Always on time, though the schedule’s tight From early morning, til late at night Always - The Pastor’s Wife Lord, bless this pastor In each new day Bless his ministry along the way She’s such a Lady, everyone’s friend She serves with love from deep within All of the rifts she tries to mend Oh she’s - The Pastor’s Wife For fame and fortune can never impart The precious gift of a caring pastor’s heart Just a servant of Christ and at times a dear friend With a desire to love God To the very end Tending his flock in the Savior’s way Is the gift of a pastor’s heart At church as she starts to walk up the aisle So many need to stop and talk for awhile Though she is tired, she has her own trials She’s patient, she’s - The Pastor’s Wife Striving to live as an apostle of Christ Serving his Father giving Godly advice! Preaching and teaching and sharing the Word Is the gift of a caring pastor’s heart. —Sandra L. Adams She carries your burdens, she prays for you Sometimes she cries the whole night through But you won’t know when she’s feeling blue ’Cause she’s - The Pastor’s Wife Her life, her time is not her own There’s always a need, they go on and on With a knock on the door or a ringing phone That’s the life of - The Pastor’s Wife Her husband she shares with a whole congregation She humbly accepts his intense dedication In loneliness she kneels to seek consolation God Bless - The Pastor’s Wife She will someday reach the end of her race As she meets her Master, face to face Surely our God had a Special Place In heaven for - The Pastor’s Wife —Judy Dycus CHRISTIAN C HRONICLES •3• NOVEMBER 2007 Giving Thanks continued from page 1 ************ The McCormick family proudly extends our congratulations to the Rev. and Mrs. Hunt for their twenty five years of leadership and dedicated service to God and the Bethel family. May God bestow his blessings upon them and illuminate their future with his everlasting Grace. — Edward L. and Beatrice McCormick ************ To Rev and Mrs. Hunt, May God continue to bless you on this 25th Anniversary and many more to come. Love, Mary & Frank White ************ Praise God for the sermonic word that Pastor brings each Sunday. For me, the sermons, scriptures and stories have convicted, confirmed and affirmed my walk with Christ Jesus, my fellowship with Bethel family, my tithe of talents and my talk of discipleship. For example there was a sermon that continuously reminds me that no matter what troubles come my way keep my focus. Pastor used Tiger Woods, the golf pro, as an example, so when the unexpected happens, I keep my eye on the ball, and remember my focus -- my life be a pleasing aroma to the Lord. —Angela Batchelor ************ May your journey continue with the Lord, Pastor & Mrs. Hunt, as you continue to lead our BMBC Family. —Deaconess Ministry “Whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles.” 2 Timothy 1:11 Greetings to Reverend Edward L. Hunt, PhD, and Mrs. Hunt and your family for serving God through His people: Twenty-five years of commitment in a time of change and turbulence in one’s life truly is a blessing from God in Jesus Christ. I want to send you a personal word of thanks in the name of Jesus for your dedication and personal presentations of love and humility while continuing in your office. Having met you and Mrs. Hunt some fifteen years ago, through the Bethel Family, is an experience that has grown into a spiritual landmark in my life. You see, after venturing into a nomadic world of rejecting God as a personal savior, I had hoped to reeducate those in the church culture as fools, but God sent me to Bethel Missionary Baptist Church. Bethel in its grace and existential love tolerated my questioning and sometimes subtle criticisms. You must have told God’s members to just tolerate me in love and allow me enough time to see the eternal hope that I was (at the time, not knowing) seeking. You must know that Bethel was the only church that did not ask me to leave and not to return. Therefore, my love for Bethel is special; it is the only church in my growing age that I’ve known and belonged. So, I just wanted you to know this information, for I am sure that there is another time outside of time where you and I will meet, where the eternal record will require of us this renewing of good times. A quarter of a century has indeed earned you my congratulations and everyone’s best wishes in whatever direction you are now thinking of traveling. Thanking you in Jesus Faith, Chuck CHRISTIAN CHRONICLES •4• NOVEMBER How We Learn to Obey God By Joan Williams-Okon Obedience is required of a servant, especially for the servant of Jesus Christ. God has said that … “to obey is better than sacrifice,”… “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.” The first commandment with a promise of long life is given to children if they obey their mothers and fathers. Obedience is important in the life of a believer. However, obeying God isn’t always easy, since sometimes obeying costs you something. In looking at how to obey God, we have to look at the example of Jesus Christ. Hebrews 5:8 says, “Though he was a Son, yet he learned obedience by the things which he suffered.” Jesus submitted to the type of suffering that was painful. To the human flesh, the mention of suffering is enough to cause some of us to run in the opposite direction. Yet, we didn’t come to serve Jesus because he promised us a life free of suffering. In many instances, the opposite is true. If we truly take up our cross and follow Jesus, we are in a process of daily denying ourselves. Where we once served sin, we have become the servants of righteousness by declaring to follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Christ chose to lead a sacrificial life. He chose to die a painful and humiliating death. It wasn’t His will, it was the will of the Father. He chose to give up his life, and He chose to raise Himself from the dead. Some can not do God’s will, perfectly, because they are not willing to suffer according to God’s will. Each one of us will suffer in this life; sometimes it is a matter of choosing which manner of suffering we will take. If Continued on page 4 2007 Balancing the Purposes of Your Church presents the By Rick Warren C hurch health is the result of balance. Balance occurs when you have a strategy and a structure to fulfill, what I believe are, the five New Testament purposes for the church: worship, evangelism, fellowship, discipleship, and ministry. If you don’t have a strategy and a structure that intentionally balances the purposes of the church, the church tends to overemphasize the purpose the pastor feels most passionate about. In evangelicalism, we tend to go to seed on one truth at a time. You attend one seminar and hear, “The key is seeker ser-vices.” You go to another and “the key is small groups” or “discipleship” or “expository preaching.” The fact is, they’re all important. When a church emphasizes any one purpose to the neglect of others, that produces imbalance—it’s unhealthy. It stunts a lot of churches. To keep things balanced, four things must happen. You’ve got to •move people into membership, •build them up to maturity, •train them for ministry, and •send them out on their mission. How you accomplish those four objectives doesn’t matter. The only important issue is that the style matches the people God has called you to reach. As long as you are bringing people to Christ, into the fellowship of his family, building them up to maturity, training them for ministry, and sending them out in mission, God is pleased with your ministry. Health does not mean perfection. Bethel Missionary Baptist Church When a church focuses on evangelism, it brings in a lot of unhealthy people. My kids are healthy; they’re not perfect. There will never be a perfect church this side of heaven because every church is filled with pagans, carnal Christians, and immature believers along with the mature ones. I’ve read books that emphasize, “You’ve got to reinforce the purity of the church.” But Jesus said, “Let the tares and the wheat grow together, and one day I’ll sort them out.” We’re not in the sorting business. We’re in the harvesting business. We do get a lot of unhealthy people at church because society is getting sicker. But Jesus demonstrated that ministering to hurting people was more important than maintaining purity. When you fish with a big net, you catch all kinds of fish. A far better focal point than church growth is church health. Size is not the issue. You can be big and healthy, or big and flabby. You can be small and healthy, or small and wimpy. Big isn’t better; small isn’t better. Healthy is better. If churches are healthy, growth is a natural occurrence. I don’t have to command my kids to grow. If I provide them with a healthy environment, growth is automatic. Pastoral 25th Anniversary Weekend Celebration “Chosen of God for God’s Purpose: Looking back and reaching forward.” Youth Celebration Friday, November 9, 7 PM at BMBC Poems, skit, musical and liturgical dance tributes. Keynote Nothanda “Daisy” Bopela. Anniversary Banquet Saturday, November 11, at 5 PM Dutchess Manor, 263 Route 9D, in Beacon with fellowship, dinner, music.keynote Dr. Dale T. Irvin, Ph.D., president of New York Theological Seminary. Cost $80. Sunday WorshipService Sunday, November 11 8 AM & 10:45 AM Sunday with guest preachers, Rev. Byron Williams of Baptist Temple Church, Newburgh and Dr. Tony Baker of St. Phillips Baptist Church, Staten Island. Ministry presentations. How We Obey continued from page 4 we suffer according to God’s purpose, there is power to overcome and minister to others in that suffering. If we suffer due to our poor choices, or through our will, untold anguish, pain and destruction will result. Jesus learned how to obey God by submitting to the suffering that God had ordained for His life. Jesus chose to suffer for us; his suffering was vicarious. What is God requiring you to submit to? What choices are you facing in life that could minister to others or Rick Warren is the pastor of Saddleback Church and best selling cause great destruction in someone’s life? Many times we choose our path author. Printed with permission. of suffering; which path will you choose? CHRISTIAN CHRONICLES •5• NOVEMBER 2007 Build Your Bible Power C. 8 days D. 7 years By Lynn Austin Stories for the Ages 4. Israel’s youngest king, Joash, inherited the throne when he was how According to the Bible, we can old? serve God regardless of our age. A. 5 years Paul told Timothy, “Don’t let B. 7 years anyone look down on you beC. 10 years cause you are young, but set an D. 12 years example for the believers” (1 Tim. 4:12). Similarly, God has no 5. How old was Noah when he enmandatory retirement age. tered the ark? Joshua conquered the Promised A. 120 years B. 250 years Land when he “was well-adC. 600 years vanced in years” (Josh. 13:1). D. 750 years Can you guess the ages of the following people when God used 6. At what age did Caleb conquer them? 1. How old was Moses when he led the giants in the Promised Land? A. 85 years old the Israelites out of Egypt? (Extra B. 65 years old points if you know how old he was C. 90 years old when his mother placed him in the D. 110 years old Nile.) A. 40 years 7. How old was Jesus when Simeon B. 60 years and Anna prophesied that He was the C. 80 years promised Messiah? D. 120 years A. 40 days B. 12 years 2. What was the approximate age difference between Jesus and John the Baptist? A. 6 months B. 9 months C. 12 months D. 2 years 3. Methuselah, the oldest person in the Bible, died when he was how old? A. 123 years B. 635 years C. 872 years D. 969 years CHRISTIAN CHRONICLES •6• NOVEMBER 2007 Answers will be published in the December 2007 issue. Copyright © 2001 by the author or Christianity Today International/ Today’s Christian magazine (formerly Christian Reader). Reprint with permission. January/February 2001, Vol. 39, No. 1, Page 42 In the next issue The December 2007 Christian Chronicles will feature Ladies Tea, A Trip to Tanzania, Website announcement, and Pastor’s Anniversary Celebration. If you would like to submit an article, a photo or announcement the deadline is November 10. Please send to
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