2014 PARISH INFORMATION MANUAL Stewardship Prayer Most bountiful Father, as sons and daughters of your Kingdom, we are grateful; Our existence is owed to You alone. All that we are and possess is your gift to us. The needs of our Church are great; Give us the grace to commit ourselves to provide for Her. May we help to prepare and send forth ordained ministers of the Gospel. May we help to enlighten the minds of our young people with truth. May we help to provide for the needs of the less fortunate. You love a cheerful giver; May we contribute with generous and joyful hearts, through Christ our Lord, Amen. — Father Rob Trujillo, Pastor, Holy Family Parish, Williston 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Stewardship Appeal Prayer 1 Table of Contents 2 Key Dates and Timeline 3 Appeal History – 2013 Recap 4 2014 Pastor’s Advisory Committee 5 2014 BASA Goal & Parish Targets 6-7 Parish Volunteer Team 8-9 Volunteer Team Objectives Frequently Asked Questions 10 Bulletin & Pulpit Announcements February 15-16 (Initial Announcement) February 22-23 (Announcement Weekend) Suggested Homily Content BASA 2014 Commitment Weekend – March 1-2 Preparation The Process Script for all Masses BASA 2014 Processing Pledges & Gifts How to count & label pledges/gifts BASA 2014 Follow-up Weekend – March 8-9 New script to be used Continuing Appeal Management Pledge and gift processing Monthly bulletin and parish announcements Parish goal and target reports Additional information 2 11-12 13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 21 22 - 24 25 - 26 27 28 KEY DATES & TIMELINE FOR THE 2014 BASA EVENT DATE(S) 2013 Crozier Ponce de Leon Dinner 2013 Crozier Mass & Reception St. Augustine Catholic Magazine Announcement Crozier $1,000+ Reception Crozier $1,000+ Reception Crozier $1,000+ Reception Crozier $1,000+ Reception Crozier $1,000+ Reception Crozier $1,000+ Reception Crozier $1,000+ Reception Crozier $10,000+ Receptions Deanery Meetings Training Sessions Bulletin & Pulpit Announcement Weekend Direct Mail #1 BASA Announcement Weekend BASA Commitment Weekend BASA Follow-up Weekend Direct Mail #2 LOCATION Dec. 10 Dec. 12 Jan./Feb. Issue January 16 January 27 January 29 February 10 February 11 February 13 February 18 Jan. 13, 28 Jan. 14, 21, 22, 28, & Feb. 5 Feb. 1, 8, 15 Feb. 15-16 Feb. 17 Feb. 22-23 March 1-2 March 8-9 March 31 TPC Sawgrass Cody Center All registered Families St. Joseph Academy St. Paul’s Church – Jax Beach St. Joseph Church St. Francis High School Bishop Kenny High School Santa Maria del Mar Church Bishop Snyder High School Gainesville & PVB All Deaneries BKHS, SFHS, STJA All parishes All families All parishes All parishes All parishes All families who have not pledged LONG RANGE BASA DATES - FYI Year Training Sessions 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 See below TBA TBA TBA TBA Bulletin & Pulpit Announcements Begin Jan. 26-27 BASA Announcement Weekend Feb. 2-3 BASA Commitment Weekend Feb. 8-9 Feb. 16-17 Feb. 13 March 31 Feb. 15-16 Feb. 22-23 March 1-2 March 8-9 March 5 April 20 Jan. 31 – Feb. 1 Jan. 23-24 Feb. 11-12 Jan. 27-28 Feb. 7-8 Jan. 30- 31 Feb. 18-19 Feb. 3-4 Feb. 14-15 Feb. 6-7 Feb. 25-26 Feb. 10-11 Feb. 21-22 Feb. 13-14 March 4-5 Feb. 17-18 Feb. 18 Feb. 10 March 1 Feb. 14 April 5 March 27 April 16 April 1 BASA FollowUp Weekend Ash Wednesday PARISH VOLUNTEER TEAM ORIENTATION/TRAINING SESSIONS Registration begins at 9:00am Danish and coffee provided LOCATION Bishop Kenny High School 1055 Kingman Avenue, Jacksonville St. Francis High School th 4100 NW 115 Terrace, Gainesville St. Joseph Academy 155 State Road 207, St. Augustine 3 DATE TIME February 1 9:30 - 11:00am February 8 9:30 - 11:00am February 15 9:30 - 11:00am Easter BISHOP’S ANNUAL STEWARDSHIP APPEAL History The Diocese of St. Augustine re-launched an annual appeal last year (something conducted in nearly every diocese in the United States), to help fund 3 priorities; education of seminarians, the ministries of Catholic Charities and Catholic education. Without the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal, the mission, ministry, education, and outreach in these ministries, provided for by the Diocese, would have to be funded almost totally through the Parish Sharing Tax, the tax that all parishes pay to the Diocese. Without the Appeal, these essential programs would face drastic cuts or a higher Parish Sharing Tax would be needed. While direct contributions made by families to the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal do not come out of parish income, a higher tax would. Bishop Estévez consulted pastors, lay leadership and the many faithful who participated in the Diocesan Listening Sessions conducted in 2012. Encouraged by the willingness of pastors to be supportive and the evident love for their Church that came forth from the faithful in those listening sessions, Bishop Estévez made the decision to re-launch the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal. To assist him, he appointed a Pastors Advisory Committee. The committee’s recommendations: Every parish would participate fully in the Appeal. Parishes would be given a target, but this target was not an assessment. Parishes would be asked to make a “good faith” effort to promote support for the Appeal. Parish targets would be based on the percentage of total Diocesan Sharing Revenue that an individual parish contributes, multiplied by the overall Appeal goal of $2,250,000. Any amount raised beyond a parish’s target would be used to further help pay for the costs of educating our seminarians. Recap of 2013 Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal An important financial reason for the Appeal was to fill a gap ($2.25 million) in the operational budget by funding 3 very important Diocesan ministries – Seminarians, Catholic Charities & selected Catholic Schools. How we set out to accomplish this goal: Created a Pastors Advisory Committee Adopted a goal setting formula & “case” elements Created the Crozier Society Visited Deanery Meetings to educate our pastors on the program and plan, and to encourage their full participation Basic Plan Educate parishioners about who and what the Diocese is, promote stewardship and a connection to 3 key ministries. Raise $250,000 from Crozier Society. Raise the balance, or $2 million, from an in-pew presentation & direct mail gifts. Results for 2013 BASA Amount Collected - $3,548,063 Number of donors - 12,059 Percentage of goal – 163.4% Percent of Participation – 19.1% 996 Crozier Society members gave $1.7 million 41 Parishes exceeded goal or targeted amount (St. Monica 365% & OLSS over by $272,196) 4 5 reached 79% to 99% of goal 6 reached between 48% and 78% of goal Evaluation: What were some key points learned from this experience? The success of BASA indicates confidence, and new and increased support for the Diocese and Bishop Estévez Those who participated were engaged by program, Bishop Estévez and the overall presentation. BASA does not affect offertory giving, and there is evidence that it in fact helps engage parishioners in the church, increases offertory giving, and raises the level of awareness of “stewardship,” and support needed for critical diocesan ministries. The success of the 2013 campaign proves that donors understand stewardship and are much more generous than we thought. It was not just about giving “money,” or reaching a goal, but our faithful understood the greater purpose of their gifts. Parishes that did not execute the plan as presented were not nearly as successful as those that did. 2014 PASTOR’S ADVISORY COMMITTEE (PAC) Based on the success of the 2013 Appeal, Bishop Estévez has appointed the following pastors to offer advice and guidance for 2014 Appeal. This year’s committee is chaired by Fr. Timothy Cusick, Pastor at Holy Family Catholic Church in Jacksonville. DEANERY Diocese Gainesville Gainesville North Jacksonville North Jacksonville South Jacksonville South Jacksonville South Jacksonville St. Augustine St. Augustine St. John’s River St. John’s River St. John’s River PASTOR PARISH Rev. Michael Houle Rev. John Phillips Rev. Robert Trujillo Rev. Jose Kulathinal, V.F. Rev. Jose Kallukalam Rev. Timothy Cusick Rev. William Kelly, V.G. Rev. Msgr. Keith Brennan Rev. Tom Willis, V.F. Rev. Jason Trull Rev. John Tetlow, V.F. Rev. Andy Blaszkowski Rev. James Boddie Episcopal Vicar-Development & Finance Holy Faith Holy Family St. Matthew St. Michael Holy Family St. Paul Our Lady Star of the Sea Cathedral Basilica St. Elizabeth Ann Seton San Juan Del Rio St. Luke St. Catherine of Siena 5 2014 BASA GOAL & PARISH TARGETS The overall goal for the 2014 Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal is $2,250,000. Each parish target is based on the percentage of overall Diocesan Sharing Revenue they are responsible for. Money raised will not be subject to the Diocesan Sharing Tax. Individual Parish Targets No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 CHURCH Assumption Blessed Trinity Cathedral Christ the King Crucifixion Epiphany Holy Cross Mission Holy Faith Gainesville Holy Family Jacksonville Holy Family Williston Holy Rosary Holy Spirit Immaculate Conception Mary Queen of Heaven Most Holy Redeemer Our Lady of Consolation Our Lady of Good Counsel Our Lady Star of the Sea Prince of Peace Queen of Peace Resurrection Sacred Heart, Fleming Island Sacred Heart, Jacksonville San Jose San Juan San Juan del Rio San Sebastian Santa Maria Del Mar St. Ambrose St. Anastasia St. Anthony the Abbot St. Augustine St. Catherine St. Edward St. Elizabeth Ann Seton CITY Jacksonville Jacksonville St. Augustine Jacksonville Jacksonville Lake City Cross City Gainesville Jacksonville Williston Jacksonville Jacksonville Jacksonville Jacksonville Jacksonville Callahan Mill Creek Ponte Vedra Beach Jacksonville Gainesville Jacksonville Green Cove Springs Jacksonville Jacksonville Brandon Jacksonville St. Augustine Flagler Beach Elkton St. Augustine Inglis Gainesville Orange Park Starke Palm Coast 6 NO. of Families 5,681 1,384 1,288 2,381/3,892 74 624 82 2,004/4,163 2,290/3,839 532 142 1,335 857 540 946 195 943 2,673/4,705 600 2,416 963 1,615 2,508 1,442/2,812 134 2,645 725 2,331 242 1,868 64 2,738/67 3,549 194 6,118 GOAL $72,000 $42,000 $69,000 $90,000 $4,000 $25,000 $2,000 $75,000 $100,000 $6,000 $3,000 $52,000 $31,000 $15,000 $31,000 $6,000 $27,000 $140,000 $45,000 $187,000 $35,000 $75,000 $57,000 $93,000 $2,000 $130,000 $18,000 $36,000 $7,000 $65,000 $1,000 $50,000 $89,000 $4,000 $75,000 No. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 CHURCH St. Francis Xavier St. John the Baptist - Atlantic Beach St. John the Baptist - Crescent City St. John the Evangelist - Chiefland St. John, Interlachen St. Joseph St. Luke St. Madeleine St. Mary St. Mary, Mother of Mercy St. Matthew St. Michael St. Monica St. Patrick, Gainesville St. Patrick, Jacksonville St. Paul, Jacksonville Beach St. Paul, Riverside St. Philip Neri St. Pius V. St. Therese of the Child Jesus St. William CITY Live Oak Atlantic Beach Crescent City Chiefland Interlachen Jacksonville Middleburg High Springs Korona Macclenny Jacksonville Fernandina Beach Palatka Gainesville Jacksonville Jacksonville Beach Jacksonville Hawthorne Jacksonville Jasper Keystone Heights Totals 7 NO. of Families 390 539 847 194 207 2,940 2,072 401 734/1,179 163 859 1,581 255 759/1,173 872/1,357 3,867 904 94 260 293 72,354 / 79,648 GOAL $6,000 $19,000 $9,000 $4,000 $5,000 $161,000 $55,000 $10,000 $11,000 $4,000 $45,000 $50,000 $11,000 $31,000 $16,000 $120,000 $25,000 $2,000 $7,000 $1,000 $10,000 $2,361,000 PARISH VOLUNTEER TEAM Leadership Job Descriptions Pastor For the Appeal to succeed it will require the active involvement of all Pastors within the Diocese. As a leader of the parish, the pastor is the single greatest motivator in a project of this nature. Parishioners respond to their priest’s enthusiasm, leadership and confidence. The Pastor must be committed and actively follow the Appeal plan. The roles and responsibilities of Pastors within each individual parish will vary, but will most likely include: 1. Recruit Parish Volunteer Team, including Leadership Individual or Couple and a Volunteer Secretary; 2. Attend the Regional Crozier Society reception in your deanery; 3. Provide leadership to lay volunteers; 4. Make sure your parish donor prospects for Crozier Society receptions are sent to the diocese; 5. Promote the Appeal positively from the pulpit and at parish meetings; 6. Implement all activities for Announcement, Commitment, and Follow-Up Weekends; 7. Preside at all Masses on Commitment Weekend & be available at all Follow-up Weekend masses 8. Ensure Appeal Announcements are in Church bulletins and parish announcements; 9. Delegate responsibility to oversee placement of Appeal brochures and pencils in pews on Commitment and Follow-Up weekends; 10. Ensure that ushers are prepared to conduct the in-pew process on Commitment and Follow- Up Weekends; 11. Update parishioners monthly about parish Appeal results and progress toward achieving parish targets; 12. Make a gift to support the Appeal, commensurate with your personal ability to give. Volunteer Team Leader The Parish Appeal Leader should be a well-respected member of the parish community who supports the goals of the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal. He/she should be able to motivate others, have knowledge of the parish and have the ability to present the Appeal to fellow parishioners. The Leader’s responsibilities are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Assist the Pastor in all aspects of the Appeal; Attend the Regional Crozier Society Reception in your deanery; Attend a Volunteer Orientation session in February; Ensure that all Appeal parish leaders and parish staff are familiar with the Appeal plan and implementation dates; Publicly endorse the Appeal and its case for support; If requested, promote the Appeal positively from the pulpit and at parish meetings; Chair any parish meetings regarding the campaign; Ensure that Appeal materials are ready for use on Commitment and Follow-Up weekends; Work with pastor and parish bulletin editor to ensure that all announcements promoting the Appeal are properly submitted, reviewed, and edited; Oversee preparations and implementation of the Announcement, Commitment and FollowUp Weekends, ensuring that the in-pew gift process is properly executed; Oversee training of ushers; Oversee reporting of parish results to the Diocese; Make a gift to the Appeal commensurate with their leadership 8 Volunteer Team Secretary (Volunteer) The Parish Appeal Secretary (Volunteer) is a vital link between the parish and the Diocese. Someone knowledgeable of the parish and capable of keeping accurate records is required. He or she should have access to an accurate parish roster through Church Office software. The volunteer secretary’s responsibilities are as follows: 1. Attend a Volunteer Orientation session in February; 2. Update the parish roster as changes occur; 3. Work with Pastor and Volunteer Team Leader to ensure that the Appeal has been promoted in bulletins and announcements and that Appeal materials have been delivered and distributed; 4. Assist with Appeal in-pew gift process, as needed; 5. Ensure gifts received after Appeal and Follow-up weekends are quickly mailed to the diocesan Post Office box; 6. Help audit pledge envelopes for accurate and complete information; 7. Send all completed pledge envelopes and payments to the Diocese on a weekly basis; 8. Report results through the Parish Summary Form to the Office of Development & Stewardship; 9. Make a gift to the Appeal commensurate with their ability to give. 9 2014 PARISH VOLUNTEER TEAM - LEADER OBJECTIVES Throughout the Appeal and during all stages of implementation, parish leadership and involvement is important. The success of the new Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal depends on the support of individual parish leaders like you! Objective #1: Ensure that Parishioners are Well-Informed about the Appeal Put up posters once they arrive Use the Petitions, Bulletin Announcements and Parish Announcements. Speak enthusiastically about the Appeal at all Masses and parish meetings Objective #2: Study the In-Pew Gift Process and Conduct it Efficiently There is no other method of solicitation that will secure as many pledges to the Appeal Ensure the whole process is implemented, without skipping any steps. Help prepare your Pastor for the process. The Pastor’s leadership is critical to the success of the in-pew process. No other member of the parish will be as successful in leading the process. People will respond in far greater numbers if the Pastor is the one reading the in-pew script on Commitment Weekend. The Appeal process represents the only way that Bishop Estévez can be certain that all of those who attend Mass have been invited to support the Appeal. Also, there are scores of unregistered people in every parish who attend Mass regularly. Mail will never reach them because the parish doesn’t have their names, much less their addresses, on their records. The in-pew gift process is the only way to provide these people with an opportunity to give. Objective #3: Ensure All Parishioners Have Been Asked -- Follow-Up Weekend On Commitment Weekend, many parishioners may not attend Mass at their home parish. These parishioners, and any others that were not at your Masses on Commitment Weekend, deserve the opportunity to be effectively asked to participate. If all parishes conduct the in-pew gift process on Follow-up Weekend and they averaged only 30 additional pledges each, that would result in nearly 1,800 additional pledges. With an average gift of only $120, that could result in $216,000 in additional pledges. Conducting a thorough Follow-Up Weekend process will contribute to better results in subsequent years. 10 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Please read and share with your Volunteer Team. These are questions that will better prepare your volunteer team members to be effective leaders during the Appeal. Why Should People Give to the Appeal? It is important to provide parishioners with an invitation to share their financial gifts to help provide Catholic outreach, ministry, education and services to the people and parishes throughout the Diocese. The Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal also provides a teachable moment. It allows parish leaders the opportunity to talk about the connectedness of our Church. Every time that we say the Creed, we reaffirm the fact that we are members of the “One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.” When we pray Eucharistic Prayer III, we petition God to “…Listen graciously to the prayers of this family, whom you have summoned before you,…” Often people don’t reflect fully on the meaning of these words. God calls us, through our faith, to be one family! The Appeal provides an opportunity to remind the faithful that every Catholic is part of a local Church and of the Universal Church. Each of us is responsible not only for his or her parish, but also for the well-being of the Church throughout the Diocese and throughout the world. Since we are one community of believers, members of all parish communities throughout the Diocese of St. Augustine are asked to give to this effort. What is the Crozier Society? To encourage donors to consider gifts to the Appeal of $1,000 or more, Bishop Estévez has created The Crozier Society. Each parish is asked to provide the names of families who have the perceived financial capacity to make a pledge of $1,000 ($167/month for six months) or more to the Appeal. For most parishes this will be the top 3-5% of your overall active contributors, typically families who annually contribute $2,500 or more to the Offertory. These families will be invited to one of 7 Regional Receptions hosted in January and February where the Bishop will personally invite their leadership support. Donors of gifts of $1,000 or more to the Appeal will be recognized as members of the Crozier Society in a variety of significant, appropriate ways at various giving levels for their generosity. Materials describing The Crozier Society in greater detail will be provided at Leadership training in February. Crozier Society membership is annual and all gifts at a Crozier level will be applied to parish targets. Are Parish Targets Mandatory? No. The 2014 BASA parish targets are not mandatory. It is expected that all parishes will participate in the Appeal and will generate a substantial amount of in-pew pledges. How Can A Parish Ensure It Meets Its Target? There are five steps that, if followed, will assure that parishes reach and exceed their targets. 1. Identify Leadership Gift Donors: The Appeal will begin in January by requesting gifts of $1,000 and above from potential donors, payable over six months. Parishes identify potential Leadership Gift donors to be invited to attend one of the Crozier Society Regional Receptions. These lists are generated by each parish in November, and shared with the diocese. 11 2. Promote the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal: Parish members who receive the St. Augustine Catholic will receive a mailing in advance of the Parish Commitment Weekend. Utilize the suggestions contained in this manual to promote that mailing on Announcement Weekend Feb. 22nd – 23rd, 2014. Encourage all parishioners to engage in the Appeal through prayer. Distribute copies of the Appeal Stewardship Prayer to all parish groups, councils, religious formation classes. 3. Thoroughly Conduct the In-Pew Process: The next step is the in-pew gift process, described later in this manual. When in-pew and mail results are combined, many parishes will exceed their target on the first weekend of the in-pew process. However, all parishes should conduct the full in-pew process for two weekends (if possible) to assure that the amount pledged by parishioners will reach and exceed parish targets. 4. Encourage Pledges: Parishioners will give larger gifts and feel better about the impact of their gifts if they make pledges, rather than one-time gifts. Pledges to the Appeal can be made in as many as 6 monthly payments. This pledge schedule is designed to end before parishes enter the Christmas season. Pledging also helps differentiate the Appeal from a second collection. Why Is The In-Pew Solicitation Process So Important? Last year, $1.8 Million or 46.5% of all gifts to the Appeal came from the in-pew phase. Many people ignore direct mail and many others who did give had no record in the diocesan database and, therefore, don’t receive the mail. The in-pew activity is the only way they will be invited to contribute It is important to do the full in-pew gift process as directed in this Appeal plan because it will succeed in obtaining pledges from far more people than just inviting people to take envelopes home or to stop at a table. The in-pew gift process assures that each parishioner who attends Mass on Commitment or Follow-up Weekends understands that he/she is being invited to consider a pledge at that time. Because this is just the 2nd year the Diocese of St. Augustine has conducted the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal in more than a decade, parishioners might not have not incorporated this request into their gift planning. The way the Appeal is presented to them on Announcement Weekend and Commitment Weekend is critically important to motivating their enthusiastic support. It is also an opportunity to differentiate the Appeal, which is seeking a sixmonth pledge commitment, from other second collections, which invite only a one-time gift. Why Should the In-Pew Gift Process be Done on Follow-Up Weekend? Many Catholics do not attend Mass at their own parish every weekend. If they miss Mass on Appeal Weekend, they are more likely to pledge during the in-pew gift follow-up process than if they are to stop at a table after Mass. However, all parishes should conduct the follow-up process as outlined in this manual. This will assure that the amount contributed by parishioners will reach and exceed parish targets. If each parish conducts the follow-up weekend as planned, and receives just 30 additional gifts (6-7 at each Mass) and an average gift of $120 ($20/month for six months), the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal will generate an additional $216,000! 12 PULPIT & BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS February 15-16, 2014 Initial Announcement of the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal Prayers of the Faithful - Please include the following in the prayers at all masses… "That each of us will give generously to the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal as a sign of our gratitude for God's gifts to us. We pray to the Lord...." Bulletin Announcement Please print the Bulletin Announcement shown below on Feb.15-16th. Please prepare a parish announcement for the pulpit referring to the Bulletin Announcement below, calling attention to the fact that many people will be receiving the mailing asking them to participate in this year’s Appeal. Ask them to reflect on God's gifts to them and to offer their generous support to the work of the Diocese. [Bulletin Announcement] 2014 Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal - The Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal is now underway. Many of you will soon receive a mailing asking for your support. Please make a pledge to the 2014 Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal using the response card in the mailing or by completing a Commitment Envelope at Mass the weekend of March 1 - 2. Once again, our theme of the Appeal is, "One Faith, One Family”. Our contributions to our parish and our Diocese serve as a sign of our gratitude not only for God's answers to our prayers but also as a sign of our recognition that all that we are, and all that we have, are gifts given to us by God. Your gift will support the ministries and services that touch thousands of lives not only in our parish but throughout our Diocese. Please respond to our request and make a generous pledge. All pledges can be billed in six monthly installments. We ask everyone to pray for the success of the Appeal. Thank you in advance for your support. 13 2014 BASA Announcement Weekend - February 22-23 Preparation for Announcement Weekend Process: This is the weekend that Pastors will talk about the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal at each Mass. The focus of Announcement Weekend is to deliver a stewardship message, provide substantial information about who the BASA funds support, and to advise parishioners that they will be asked to give next week during the in-pew process. Each parish volunteer team should put up the posters and have prominent announcements about the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal inserted or printed in parish bulletins for distribution after the Masses. Prayers of the Faithful - Please include this in the prayers at all masses…. "That each of us will give generously to the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal as a sign of our gratitude for God's gifts to us. We pray to the Lord...." Bulletin and Pulpit Announcement Please prepare an after-communion announcement that asks people to read the brochure that has been mailed to them (and will be available at the parish next weekend) and to come to Mass prepared to make their Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal gift next weekend. Note that the In-pew Pledge Envelope will have a place where those that have already given by mail can indicate if they have already given. [Announcement at Pulpit & Bulletin] 2014 Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal A Time for Reflection This week, we hope you will review the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal information you have received. The theme of the Appeal is: ‘One Faith. One Family.’ BASA is different than a one-time special collection. It is a pledge campaign where you are invited to make a gift payable over six months. A significant gift to the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal will touch the lives of many others in a very positive way. The Appeal provides critical funding to pay for the education of our seminarians, to help the poor and those facing emergencies through Catholic Charities, and to provide support for Catholic schools. As you review the work enabled by your contribution to the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal, please reflect on God's gifts to you. He has given you all that you have. Your gifts to our parish, to the Diocese, and to the work of the Church throughout the world should be given in gratitude for the continuing gifts that God gives to you. Sometimes it is difficult to envision how one pledge can help an organization the size of our Diocese, how it can make a real difference. But each pledge does make a difference because all parishes participate in the campaign and the gifts of many enable our Diocese to deliver needed ministry and services. Our combined gifts not only signify our gratitude to God, they glorify Him by enabling the work of our Diocese. If you received your pledge form in the mail, please complete it and mail it back, or bring it with you to Mass next week. For those of you who did not receive a mailing or have not had time to respond to it, we will conduct our in-pew pledge process at all Masses next weekend and the following weekend. Thank you for your prayerful consideration and generous response. 14 Possible Homily Content for Announcement Weekend - February 22-23, 2014 The Pastor's homily on this weekend should serve as a prelude to Commitment Weekend. Pastors should ensure that the homily and post-homily message are of an appropriate length and consistent message. The theme of the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal is: "One Faith, One Family." As Pastors prepare their homilies to be delivered at Mass, they might wish to consider the following: “You shall not bear hatred for your brother or sister in your heart. Though you may have to reprove your fellow citizen, do not incur sin because of him. Take no revenge and cherish no grudge against any of your people. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.” Lev 19:17-18 + In this Sunday's reading from Leviticus 19:17-18, God commands "love your neighbor as yourself." Through the Bishop's Appeal, Catholics in the Diocese of St. Augustine are afforded a vehicle to make visible Christ's love for their neighbor through their support of Catholic Charities (direct service to the poor); Catholic education (where young people encounter Christ the Teacher and grow both in their faith and in their understanding of the world) and, ultimately, through seminarians, whose purpose is to continue the Apostolic mission of bringing the Good News of Jesus to all and celebrating the sacraments for the People. “Let no one deceive himself. If any one among you considers himself wise in this age, let him become a fool, so as to become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in the eyes of God, for it is written: God catches the wise in their own ruses, and again: The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.” 1 Cor 3:18-20 + In the Second Reading (1 Corinthians 3:16-23) Paul teaches that "the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight." When I reflect on that, what comes to mind is the need to accept that we must rely on God, not on ourselves. One way we show that we have placed our full reliance on God is to have the confidence to give away our wealth, to recognize it really isn't ours but has been entrusted to us by God, through the gifts He has given us (skills, talents, health, etc.) Do we boldly believe that God will always provide? “You have heard that it was said, You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your heavenly Father, for he makes his sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what recompense will you have? Do not the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brothers only, what is unusual about that? Do not the pagans do the same? So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Matt 5:43-48 + The Gospel today (Matthew 5:38-48) seems to expound on the First Reading. In Leviticus, God commands us to love our neighbor. But in Matthew, we see Jesus expanding that concept of "neighbor" by teaching we are to love not only our neighbor, but even more so our enemy. "If you love those who love you, what reward will you get?" The Bishop's Appeal invites support for people whom you may never meet - while not literally your "enemy," certainly the stranger. It is a way we go out and give to those who will never personally know we gave - not just "loving” those who love you" Good stewards realize that God does not call them just to love those who are easy to love, but to love the unloved and the hard-to-love people in this world as well. 15 NOTE TO PASTORS: Please point out at every opportunity, that the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal is not just another special collection. Rather, it is the one time during the year that all Catholics are asked to make a significant pledge to support the work of the Diocese. This contribution serves the needs of parishes, ministries, and all people throughout our Diocese. Ask the parishioners to read the Appeal information that they will receive in the mail or in the pews next week, prayerfully reflect on the generosity of God in their lives, and decide upon a proportionate gift to reflect their appreciation for God's gifts. Ask people to give to help share the Good News, not only with fellow Catholics, but also among all of those who look to the Diocese for leadership and support. 16 BASA COMMITMENT WEEKEND – MARCH 1-2, 2014 Preparation for Appeal Weekend As soon as you receive the shipment of Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal supplies, open the boxes and check to make sure that you have received sufficient quantities of all items. Also, prior to Commitment Weekend, make certain that you have enough pencils. If anything is missing, please call the Office of Development & Stewardship immediately: (904) 262-3200. To ease the process, please make sure that Appeal materials(brochures and pencils only) are available in each of the pews in sufficient quantities before each Mass. By doing this, you ensure that each person has everything he or she needs when they receive the pledge envelope. During the week prior to the in-pew process, we recommend each Celebrant be briefed on the in-pew process. It is strongly suggested that the Pastor lead the inpew process at every Mass. In the event that the Pastor is not the Presider, the Presider should introduce the Pastor at the time of the Homily. Make arrangements to show the Video. Check the audio and visual on the video mailed to you and make sure it can be heard and viewed properly. Next, set-up and practice to make sure all technology works. To ensure the best commitment possible from all in attendance, it is essential that they see the video and hear from Bishop Estévez before making a decision about what to give. Make sure you have someone who understands technology and who will be responsible for showing the video at each Mass. Inform the ushers. The ushers have an important role to play in the distribution and collection of pledge envelopes. Do not distribute pledge envelopes in advance by placing them in the pews. You will need one usher in every section of your church, about every 5 to 8 pews. You will need one usher in each side aisle to retrieve pledge envelopes from some pews and to provide extra envelopes for pews that do not have enough. These ushers should also take care of any people who are standing, or are in the cry room, the choir loft, or the choir. If there are large numbers of standing room people, assign extra ushers to them. Each parish may want to hold a practice session for the ushers or ensure the head usher is familiar with the Appeal process being recommended. The Pastor should read through the entire script at the practice. The ushers will collect the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal pledge envelopes and cards, if presented, immediately after the in-pew process. Make sure that the decision on who will do this is made and communicated well ahead of time. At least one member of the Parish Volunteer Team must be present at every Mass to make sure that the process goes smoothly, and completed pledge envelopes and cards are properly secured after each Mass. That person can also brief the ushers before every Mass as to the process. 17 Process The Pastor's presentation on Commitment Weekend is very important to the success of the campaign. Up to this point, people should have heard and received information about the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal and why it is so very important to support it. Some may have pledged by mail. Now is the time to ask all the rest of the parishioners for their financial support! The fact that the Pastor is asking will have a very positive effect on the importance people place on the request. Step #1 At the Homily The Pastor should introduce the Appeal and show the video. Step #2 After the Video The Pastor should ask those who are to distribute the pledge envelopes to come forward and distribute them. While they are coming forward, add your support to the campaign by reading the first few paragraphs of the in-pew script. Time the presentation so you are asking people to raise their hands at the point where the ushers are at their appointed positions. Be careful not to state or imply that people should take the pledge envelopes home and bring them back. This approach always results in large numbers of envelopes never being returned. The publicity about the campaign has allowed everyone plenty of time to consider his or her level of support. Now is the time to ask them to decide whether or not they will make a commitment. Step #3 In-Pew Solicitation Implement the full in-pew process on Commitment and Follow-Up Weekends. Remember that many things affect the outcome of an in-pew process. Among them are the ready availability of supplies and even the attitude of the people distributing them. It is hoped that all parishes will distribute the pledge envelopes by hand. Be sure pencils are in pews and pew racks are replenished with BASA brochures before each Mass. 18 In-Pew Script To be used by Pastors on Commitment Weekend March 1-2, 2014 Please note: After the pastor has reviewed and edited the following script, double space it, enlarge it to 14 or 16 point type, print it, and place it in a notebook on the Lectern. The script is available to download on the diocesan website, www.dosafl.com. Go to the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal page, and click on the Appeal Script for Masses under the Resource heading. "Good morning. Today we are conducting the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal that asks all parishioners to make a financial commitment to our Diocese.” Bishop Estévez has prepared a short video to share what the goals of the Appeal are and where the donations received will be used.” (Please show the video.) "As your Pastor, I want to assure you that the funds you contribute are deeply appreciated by our seminarians and the thousands of people who will benefit from your generosity.” "Each of us is called to share his or her gifts in support of the Church. We must first support our parish and then our Diocese and the Church throughout the world. The Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal is a very effective way to support ministries outside of our parish boundaries, as well as to fund the education of the seminarians who will serve all of the churches in our diocese.” "So, I ask one member of each household to raise your hand so that we can give you a pledge envelope and a pencil. Please take an envelope even if you have already given in the mail or cannot give at this time. You can indicate either of those choices on the front of the envelope." (Pause and make sure that everyone has received a pledge envelope. Pay special attention to people who are standing and in the cry room or choir loft and don't forget the members of the choir. Once everyone has an envelope, continue with the script.) “I ask that everyone take the time to please fill out the front of the envelope you have just received. This will help us to record everyone’s gift and or pledge accurately, and ensure our parish receives credit for your gift to the Appeal.” "Please print your name, your spouse’s name - make sure to include their last name if different from yours, your address and e-mail, on the appropriate lines.” “Please indicate the name of our parish so that we will receive credit for your gift. If you are a visitor and a member of another parish in the Diocese, you may indicate the parish you wish to receive credit for your pledge." (Pause and wait until about half of those participating are looking back at you.) "Please fill in your year of birth and your spouse’s” – this is optional (Pause as above.) 19 “Now, I am asking everyone to check one of the three boxes on the front of the envelope,” "If you have already made a gift by mail or online, check the box that reads: ‘Amen! I/we have already made a gift or pledge by mail.’ Please do not indicate any additional information on the inside of the envelope. We do not want to double count your pledge.” “If you are making a pledge or gift today, please check the box that reads ‘Yes! I/we will make a gift or pledge today”. “If you are not making a gift or pledge today, please check the box that reads, ‘ I/we are unable to pledge today’. This will ensure that you are not contacted in any follow up activity.” (Pause briefly) “For those who have already pledged by mail or online, and those who are not pledging, I ask that you take a few moments now to pray for the Appeal. If you indicated you wish to make a pledge today, please open the envelope fully.” (Pause as above.) “For added privacy and security, the Diocese has added a large flap that can be sealed after you indicate your pledge or gift amount and if you choose to make that gift by credit card.” In addition, if you would like to use your smart phone to make a pledge or gift, you can scan the QR Code printed and you will be directed to a secure giving site to make your pledge or gift instantly.” “Please indicate the pledge or gift you wish to make today. In the event that you wish to contribute an amount other than the ones shown, check the "Other" Box and indicate the full amount of your gift on the blank line to its right." (Pause as above.) “Please make sure to write your Total Pledge, Down Payment if any, and Remaining Balance in the space provided.” In addition, please check if you choose to make a onetime payment on your pledge or if you would like to make your gift payable over 6 monthly installments. Any checks or cash can be enclosed and then please seal your envelope. If you choose to pledge now and pay by check later in installments, seal the envelope now. You will receive a monthly reminder.” (Pause as above.) "If you are using a credit card to make a pledge or gift payment, I will give you another few minutes to complete your credit card information. Please indicate in the boxes displayed, your preference for a one-time charge or monthly installments.” You must fill out your card number, an expiration date and valid email address for your gift to be processed by credit card.” 20 (Pause 25 seconds) “Once you have completed your information, please seal your envelope. The ushers will now collect all pledge envelopes. "On behalf of Bishop Estévez and myself, I thank you for your contribution to the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal. May God bless you." 21 PROCESSING PLEDGES & GIFTS All gifts to the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal, whether they are received through the mail or through In-Pew Weekend collection baskets, will be processed as swiftly as possible. Once a pledge or gift is received, the following actions will occur: 1. Each pledge card and envelope will be processed, capturing the following information: Donor's name, address, birth year and parish Pledge amount indicated Total commitment and number of payments Amount of gift enclosed, if any 2. The gift will be deposited and the information added to the parish and individual giving record. All donors will receive a thank you letter from the Bishop. Parish thank you notes from the Pastor are also encouraged. A list of parish donors is available to Pastors only and must be requested from Stanton Cadow, Director of Development & Stewardship. Please see the Diocesan Policy regarding Appeal gifts and note that this information is not to be shown or distributed. It is for the Pastor only. 3. Parishioners who make a pledge to BASA and spread their gift out over a certain number of payments will be sent monthly reminders by mail. Those who gift by credit card receive monthly receipts of payment and balance owed on their pledge via email. In all follow-up mailings, individuals will be instructed to send their gift through the mail, using the Diocesan Post Office Box address. If, however, some individuals place their monthly payment envelopes in the parish collection basket, the parish should simply forward them immediately to: Diocese of St. Augustine P.O. Box 23907 Jacksonville, FL 32241-3907 4. Parish bookkeepers/secretaries should be instructed to mail all checks and cash directly to the BASA Post Office Box, noting names and addresses of donors if known. If there is a large cash gift, or any other questions, please contact the Office of Development & Stewardship. 22 HOW TO COUNT & LABEL INSTRUCTIONS For security purposes, we recommend a team of 5-6 individuals work together with regular counters for Parish offertory to process Commitment envelopes and cards on Monday immediately following both Commitment and Follow-up weekends. The Appeal Volunteer Team Secretary is the person with primary responsibility for processing the responses received during both weekends. All individuals should be good with detail and be sensitive to the highly-confidential nature of this responsibility. All Commitment envelopes will be sorted into one of 4 categories: #1 Category - I /we have already made a gift to the Appeal #2 Category - I/we will make a gift to the Appeal #3 Category - I/we am not able to make a gift to the Appeal #4 Category - All other Envelopes; Unidentified, No Information, and/or Direct Mail Pledge Cards Step 1 For all pledge envelopes, try to find an exact label match. If an exact name and address match, place the label on the pledge envelopes and sort by categories above. If no exact matching label, please place pledge envelope in Category #4 Step 2 If a check is received separate in the collection: 1. Check to see if there is an exact matching label (name & address) provided, 2. If there is a matching label, place the check and any other pledge or matching cards in a pledge envelope, and affix the label – place in Category #2 3. If there is no matching label, place check in a plain, white envelope, write the name on the check and your parish name on the envelope, seal and place in Category #4 Step 3 If cash is received loose in the collection: 1. Place all cash in a plain, white envelope 2. Write your “Parish name/Anonymous” 3. Total the dollar amount, write amount on the envelope, seal and place in Category #4 Step 4 For any remaining items, place in Category #4 All pledges and gifts Be sure to use the set of labels provided by the Diocese. There are (2) sets provided, one for Commitment Weekend and one for the Follow-up Weekend. Do not substitute any other set of labels as these have information (bar codes) necessary for quick processing of all responses. If you cannot match name and address, do not use a label. Just place envelope in category indicated Review each pledge card and locate the label for that parishioner. Remove the label and place it over the top of the Commitment Card where the Appeal logo is printed. Be careful not to cover up any information the donor has written down. If you have pledge envelopes or pledge cards that you do not have a parish label for, this may be an unregistered parishioner, guest, or someone not showing in the diocesan database. Just place them in the Category indicated. Do not label these. 23 For each pile, count how many cards you have and indicate that on the Parish Summary Report form. Complete the form. Tear off the top copy of the Parish Summary Report form and place that along with the envelopes in the Fed Ex overnight envelope provided. Mail, fax, or scan and email the 2nd copy to the diocese using the info on the form. Retain the bottom copy for the parish records. Place a rubber band around each pile of cards and place them in the Fed EX overnight envelope provided. All postage is paid. Envelope goes directly to the processor. Use the same above process for the Appeal Follow-up Weekend. After Follow-up Weekend, we ask that you immediately mail any pledges or payments to the Diocesan Post Office Box address. Please help us to quickly process all pledges or gifts. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Development & Stewardship. Stanton Cadow, Director of Development & Stewardship (904) 262-3200 Ext. 171 scadow@dosafl.com Joanna Stark Associate Director (904) 262-3200 Ext. 144 jstark@dosafl.com 24 FOLLOW-UP WEEKEND MARCH 8-9, 2014 Introduction The Appeal's primary objective is participation. In nearly every diocese that conducts an Appeal, after the initial mailing and the parish phase of the Annual Appeal have been concluded, a significant number of families have not made a donation. These are not necessarily people who do not want to give. Since people are given an opportunity to refuse to give when the in-pew process takes place, it is fair to assume that most of those who have not made a decision simply missed the mail and in-pew solicitations. Preparations The person(s) coordinating the in-pew process will need to perform the same set-up steps that were followed for Commitment Weekend. Prepare the pledge envelopes and pencils. Be sure to arrange for the volunteers that will help with the process at each Mass. Make sure that one person is assigned to manage the process at each Mass. On Follow-Up Weekend, however, there may be a different presider at each Mass. The presiding priest will need to be asked to lead the in-pew pledge process. The homily need not be about the Appeal but should be brief to allow time for repeating the in-pew process. If you amended the script from last weekend, add those amendments to the follow-up weekend script. Once the presider for each Mass is selected, the in-pew coordinator will need to meet with them to assure that they know what to do and will do it in a consistent manner. Please note: Once the Follow-up Weekend presiders have had an opportunity to edit their script, please double space it, enlarge it to 14 or 16 point type, print it, and place it in a notebook. In-Pew Presentation Script To be used on Follow-Up Weekend March 8-9, 2014 "Good morning. As you may have heard last week, we are in the midst of the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal. We are asking families to consider a pledge of financial support to our Diocese to help provide for the education of our seminarians, support the ministries of Catholic Charities and to help fund Catholic schools. On behalf of our pastor, and our own parish’s Appeal leadership, I want to thank all of those who have responded by mail or at our parish last weekend. "It is important that as many parishioners as possible make a significant pledge to support this effort. It is our hope that we will receive a response from all active households in our community. If you have not already done so by mail or last weekend at Mass, please complete a pledge envelope indicating your response, whether to make a gift. Now, I ask one member of each household that has not had an opportunity to fill out a pledge envelope to raise your hand. The ushers will bring an envelope to you.” "I ask those who have already pledged, please bear with us for just a few minutes. Perhaps each of you might offer a prayer for the success of this year’s Annual Appeal.” Pause and make sure that everyone has received pledge envelopes. Pay special attention to people who are standing and in the cry room or choir loft and don't forget 25 the members of the choir. Once everyone who has indicated they need an envelope has one, continue with the same script from Commitment Weekend "The ushers will now collect your pledge envelopes. "On behalf of Bishop Estévez, our Pastor and myself, I thank you for your contribution to the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal. May God bless you. 26 CONTINUING APPEAL MANAGEMENT Assuring That Your Parish Reaches Its Target The Appeal does not end when the in-pew processes are over. The Appeal offers a great opportunity for each family in your parish to make a gift and can expand the number of donors in each parish who can then be approached for other parish fundraising projects. Pledge Processing Please be sure to submit all pledges/ gifts to the Diocese of St. Augustine immediately. Early submission of pledges assures faster processing and mailing of the first pledge billing. This will allow people more time to pay their pledges. Reminders Pledge Reminders, except for credit card pledges will be mailed monthly beginning after processing of your parish collection, and will stop after six months. This year, all donors who make a pledge using a credit card or set up ACH debits, will receive a monthly emailed notice of all payments that will include a remaining pledge balance. Monthly Bulletin and Parish Announcements Each parish can aid the pledge collection effort by publishing the Parish Results announcement that will be emailed to Pastors and a designated volunteer team member, starting in March. Please post these in your bulletins, on your websites, and through pulpit announcements. In addition, please have a member of your parish’s Appeal Volunteer Team make a brief Parish Announcement each month on the weekend that the Results are published. This individual should inform the community of the progress toward the parish target, stress the importance of making pledge payments, and refer people to the Bulletin Announcement. New families or those who did not contribute in March should be encouraged to make a gift as well. . Parish Goal & Target Reports The Office of Development & Stewardship will be emailing a monthly report to every Pastor and designated Volunteer Team member. This report is intended to be shared with all parishioners. We want everyone to engage through prayer or gift, and publishing the target goal and the parish response is a great way to encourage and thank your parish community for their stewardship efforts! 27 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION All Appeal materials including the video, copies of the Parish Information Manual, Bulletin announcements, and forms can be found on the Diocesan website: In order to obtain these materials, follow these steps: 1) Go to http://www.dosafl.com 2) Click on the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal link 3) Select "Resources" Diocesan Post Office Box Address: Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal Diocese of St. Augustine P.O. Box 23907 Jacksonville, FL 32241-3907 Questions Regarding the Crozier Society Contact: Stanton Cadow, Director of Development & Stewardship scadow@dosafl.com (904) 262-3200 Ext. 171 Questions Regarding BASA Gifts/Pledges or Materials Contact: Joanna Stark, Associate Director jstark@dosafl.com (904) 262-3200 Ext. 144 28
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