CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF MELBOURNE Property Resources Manual 2014 Table of Contents Preamble 3 Property Services – What do we provide? 3 Stewardship and Extraordinary Administration 3 The Roman Catholic Trusts Corporation for the Diocese of Mellbourne 4 Archdiocesan Procedure for Extraordinary Administration 4 Custody of Documents 4 Valuation Advice 4 Land Acquisition 5 Goods & Services Tax (GST) & Real Property 5 Rates & Taxes 5 Insurances 5 Finances 6 Application Forms 7 Application to Sell Property Application to Purchase Property 11 Application to Lease/Licence Property 15 Document Checklist19 Version History Version Date 1 19/11/08 2 2/8/10 3 20/08/12 4 28/06/13 5 1/4/14 2 Comments C ATHOLI C A RC HDI OC ESE OF MELBOUR NE Property Resources Manual 1. Preamble 2. Property Services – What do we provide? This property resources manual has been prepared in order to assist Parishes and other bodies within the Archdiocese of Melbourne in dealing with their respective property issues. The Property Services team provides a range of services to serve the Archdiocese of Melbourne and is available to help you with all your property questions. The Property Services department provides support to the Archbishop and staff, Parishes and other Church organisations within the Archdiocese of Melbourne with specialist professional and reliable advice over a wide spectrum of property related issues including: The information provided in this resources manual streamlines the Diocesan procedures relating to property matters. Please read carefully the information relevant to the transaction you wish to undertake. If you still have queries Archdiocesan property staff are available to assist. Our office is located at Level 2, 340 Albert Street, East Melbourne, however all correspondence should be sent to: Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne PO Box 146, East Melbourne 8002 Attention: Property Services Tel: (03) 9926 5618 Facsimile: (03) 9926 5739 Email: •Sale of property (utilising highest and best use practices, negotiation and appointment of agent, preparation of contracts, valuation advice, conveyancing etc) •Purchase of property (property search, procurement and review of valuation advice, due diligence, negotiation, conveyancing…) •Leasing / Licensing to or from other bodies •Project Management of Land subdivision and other development •Advice and assistance on heritage and planning matters (for example town planning applications, objections, VCAT hearings, rezoning applications / planning scheme amendments…) •Advice on how to maximise the utility of property in a mission context, see Designing for Mission for the recommended Parish process to determine property changes in the context of a Parishes mission priorities •Central repository for all information and records for property held by The Roman Catholic Trusts Corporation for the Diocese of Melbourne •Advice on all other property related issues (fencing, adverse possession claims, site remediation etc) 3. Stewardship and Extraordinary Administration Independent of any secular power, the Archdiocese has the inherent right, to acquire, retain, administer, and alienate temporal goods in pursuit of its proper objectives (c. 1254). Temporal goods are in essence the assets and property held in common stewardship for the benefit of the Church and furtherance of its earthly ministry. The Archbishop supports the concept of proper stewardship of temporal goods and the important function that Property Services provides in the assistance to Parishes in the delivery of this objective. The role of Property Services is to serve the Archdiocese – we are here to serve you! PR OPER T Y R ES OUR CES M ANUAL 2014 3 4. The Roman Catholic Trusts Corporation for the Diocese of Melbourne (RCTC) 1.7 While at Canon Law a Parish Priest is the administrator of the Parish and therefore has the authority to convey, assign or transfer property, legislative provisions in Victoria provide that all property of the Diocese is held by The Roman Catholic Trusts Corporation for the Diocese of Melbourne (RCTC) as trustee for the Roman Catholic Church. This has been the position since the introduction of the Roman Catholic Trusts Act 1907 (Vic). The effect of this legislation is that only trustees of the RCTC have the authority to execute documentation pertaining to property utilised by the Archdiocese that is valid in Civil Law. Those documents include but are not limited to lease agreements, mortgages, licences, contracts of sale, covenants, easements, and town planning applications amongst others. The RCTC is also the legal entity upon which it initiates and defends any legal action in the name of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne and upon that land which it holds under trust. The execution of the documents relating to property will be facilitated by Property Services, providing that procedures outlined in this manual have been adhered to and necessary approvals granted. 5. Archdiocesan Procedure for Extraordinary Administration The following information provides the procedure for applications to sell, purchase and lease / licence property: 1.1 Parish Priest consults with the Parish Finance Council / Committee and obtains written consent from the relevant Regional Bishop 1.2 Complete appropriate Application Form 1.3 Submit completed Application Form together with covering letter addressed to the Archbishop for approval. If you need help preparing your proposal please contact Property Services 1.4 The Archbishop will forward the proposal to the Executive Director Administration and Property Services for their consideration 1.5 Property Services consults with Parish, appraises proposal and offers advice 1.6 Property Services prepares a report on the proposal which is then distributed to the: • Regional Bishop • Vicar General • Planning Building and Finance Committee (PBFC) • Secretary of the Curia The report offers a recommendation as to whether the proposal should be accepted. 4 C ATHOLI C A RC HDI OC ESE OF MELBOUR NE The Property Services report, once distributed, requires a recommendation to the Archbishop from some or all of the following bodies: • The Regional Bishop • The Planning, Building and Finance Committee • The Curia • The Diocesan Finance Council • The College of Consultors • The Archbishop’s Council of Priests 1.8 Once approval has been granted from the above bodies, the report on the proposal is then forwarded to the Archbishop for his approval. The Archbishop’s approval, should he give it, takes the form of a letter to the Parish Priest informing him that approval has been granted and that the proposal may commence. Any lease / licence proposed with a lease term in excess of nine years requires the same permission as for acts of extraordinary administration. Those lease / licence proposals less than nine years require the consideration of the Executive Director Administration and Manager, Property Services. 6. Custody of Documents All original documents and other pertinent contractual documentation will be held by Property Services for safekeeping. Property Services at request can provide a copy of these documents. 7. Valuation Advice The provision of expert valuation advice is routinely sought by Property Services for and on behalf of Parishes, Colleges and Archdiocesan agencies to assist in purchase and sale, pre-purchase advice, GST margin scheme assessments, compensation and rental advice. The alienation or “transfer of ownership” or any transaction which may jeopardise ownership of Church property (which includes the leasing of a property) is subject to Canon Law. For an alienation to be valid there is a requirement amongst others for “written expert valuations of the goods to be alienated” (c.1293). To accord with the norms of Canon Law, any report submitted by Property Services on behalf of a Parish or other body seeking approval for alienation (including acquisition submissions) incorporates a primary Diocesan valuation assessment. A secondary or “check” valuation may also be required because the value exceeds the maximum sum for Australia as determined by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. Property Resources Manual While valuation advice may be sought directly by the Parish, preferably it should be obtained by Property Services, noting that the latter has familiarity in appropriately instructing valuers and reviewing the advice undertaken for specific purposes and property types. Please contact Property Services if you need assistance in this regard. 8. Land Acquisition A scheme has been established to assist in the purchase of land for the establishment of new Parish and educational facilities (Land Acquisition Fund). The fund is financed by means of a levy of fifteen (15) percent on sales of all property. The fund commenced operation on 1st July 2003 and applies to sales of property from 1st January 2003. The following procedures have been implemented for the application of the 15% levy on the sale of property: •Property Services will notify the Finance Office when a property has been listed for sale and again when the property has been sold and settled •The application of the levy will be considered by the Finance Sub-Committee of the Diocesan Pastoral and Development Fund (DPDF). The Sub-Committee will recommend that the levy be charged in accordance with the announced policy •The Commissioners of the DPDF will consider and, unless there are compelling reasons against doing so, endorse the recommendations of Sub-Committee •The Finance Office will issue invoices to the Parish Priest or to the Chair of the Canonical Administrators (should the land be held in common) in accordance with the minutes of the meeting of DPDF Commissioners •Payment will be forwarded to the Finance Office. With the agreement of the Parish Priest or, if relevant, the Chair of the Canonical Administrators the payment may be deducted before the proceeds of settlement are forwarded to the appropriate recipient •Should a Parish believe that it has a valid reason to appeal against the application of the levy it should forward this objection, with reasons, to the Deputy Chair of the DPDF who will forward it to the Finance Sub Committee for consideration •After its consideration, the Sub-Committee will make its recommendation to the DPDF Commissioners. Should a variation of the levy be recommended an amended invoice will be issued by the Finance Office 9. Goods & Services Tax (GST) & Real Property Since the introduction of the Goods & Services Tax (GST) on 1st July 2000, The Roman Catholic Trusts Corporation for the Diocese of Melbourne and Parishes within the Diocese of Melbourne may be liable to pay GST to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) on its sales or leases of property and, where entitled, can claim back amounts paid in respect of GST by way of input tax credits from the ATO on its purchases. Property Services will assist Parishes in procuring advice to best determine how to treat various property related dealings and transactions from a GST perspective. Property Acquisition & Sale As the RCTC holds legal title to property within the Diocese of Melbourne, it is also treated as making the supply when selling property on behalf of a Parish. Accordingly, Property Services will issue tax invoices relating to the supply in the name and ABN of the RCTC in its capacity as trustee. The RCTC will also pay the relevant amounts in GST (and claim the relevant input tax credits) to the ATO in respect of property sales. Lease & Licence With respect to the making of a supply under any lease or licence of property held on trust to third parties, the Parish will be directly responsible for the issue to third parties, in its Parish name, all tax invoices and adjustments relating to the supply. The Parish will also pay the relevant amounts in GST (and claim the relevant input tax credits) to the ATO in respect of leasing activities. 10. Rates & Taxes Exemptions apply under varying legislation for properties that are used for religious, educational and charitable purposes. Such levies may include council rates, stamp duty and land tax. Property Services will co-ordinate the application for these exemptions at the time of acquisition, where applicable; however will also assist any Parish that believes it has a valid reason against any existing levy on its property. 11. Insurances Within Victoria, the purchaser of property generally takes possession & title to the property as at settlement. To avoid any possibility for loss, it is recommended that Parishes obtain appropriate property insurance coverage no later than 5 days prior to settlement. An insurance cover note should be arranged with an insurance company or an insurance broker, the sum insured being the estimated replacement cost of the building and its contents. PR OPER T Y R ES OUR CES M ANUAL 2014 5 In the event that Catholic Church Insurances (CCI) is to be the insurer, CCI will automatically cover any property purchased even if they are not notified until after the settlement date. The following application forms and procedures have been established to accord with Canon Law and assist the Archdiocese in its consideration of all proposals. The cover note should be in the name of the Parish when a policy application is made. Any further queries in providing a quotation or issuing a policy may be directed to Catholic Church Insurances on 1300 655 001. With a complete application being filed, two month’s advance notice is required for the required approvals to be obtained. 14. Approvals 12. Finances To borrow funds for the purchase of property (assuming Archbishop approval has been given) the buyer should contact the Catholic Development Fund on (03) 9411 4200 as soon as possible to arrange financial approval. The Fund’s website,, has online information and tools to assist the purchaser to determine your borrowing needs ie, Loan repayment calculators. CDF offers competitive interest rates and has funded projects in the Archdiocese of Melbourne for over 50 years. 13. Application Forms In order to facilitate the various property transactions undertaken by Parishes, Schools and other bodies within the Archdiocese it is essential that care be given to completing the correct application form. There are individual application forms for the following: 1.Approval to sell property 2.Approval to purchase property 3.Approval to lease / licence 6 C ATHOLI C A RC HDI OC ESE OF MELBOUR NE An approval for the proposed sale, purchase, lease or licence of land: 14.1 Operates from the date on which the approval is granted, unless another date is specified in the approval; and 14.2 Expires if the proposal is not effected (as evidenced by the absence of executed documents within 12 months after the date on which the approval commences), unless another date is specified in the approval. Before an approval expires, the Archbishop may grant an extension of time to complete the proposal, at his absolute discretion. If time is extended, the extension operates from the day the approval expires and is for the period stated in the Archbishop’s correspondence. 15. Designing for Mission This resource tool can be downloaded from or a hard copy can be provided upon request by Property Services. Application to sell property The attached application form is prepared for the following purposes: • Sale of Parish / School / College property Please read the notes below before completing the attached application form. Any queries relating to this application should be directed to the Archdiocesan Property Services. 1. APPLICANT: (Name and suburb of Parish or School/College) 1. All applications must have the approval of the relevant authority (Parish Priest, Regional Bishop, Archbishop) 2. All sections of the application form (where relevant) must be completed. 3. No negotiations can commence until such time as all approvals have been granted. 4. Any Contract of Sale must be signed by The Roman Catholic Trusts Corporation for the Diocese of Melbourne. Only trustees of the Corporation have the authority to execute these documents. 2. AUTHORITY: (a) Parish Priest (b) President Canonical Administrator (c) School / College Principal 3. PROJECT SUMMARY: D E TA C H A P P L I C AT I O N H E R E (a) Location and description of property PR OPER T Y R ES OUR CES M ANUAL 2014 7 Application to sell property (b) Give reasons for alienation and purposes to which the proceeds will be put. Please include you Parish Missional ‘DNA’ from Designing for Mission and your Sites/Buildings Inventory and/or Property Strategy form as appropriate. (c) What is the estimated net proceeds of sale? (Please contact Property Services to assist in determining the market value of the property.) 4. PROPOSED DATE OF SALE: / / 20 5. CONSULTATIONS: (a) Has the Parish Finance Committee been advised and approval granted? 6. SIGNATURE AND AUTHORITY OF PERSON MAKING APPLICATION o Yes Name (Please Print) o No (b) Has the Regional Bishop been advised and approval granted? o Yes If Yes, please provide written approval o No Authority (Parish Priest, Canonical Administrator, Principal) (c) School / College projects only (i) Has the Catholic Education Office (CEO) been advised of proposed sale? Finance Planning o Yes o No o Yes o No 8 Date (d) Is there likely to be any Australian Government interest in the property through the school having received capital funding assistance? o Yes Signature o No C ATHOLI C A RC HDI OC ESE OF MELBOUR NE Application to sell property Please attach any relevant plans/documents PR OPER T Y R ES OUR CES M ANUAL 2014 9 This page intentionally blank 10 C ATHOLI C A RC HDI OC ESE OF MELBOUR NE Application to purchase property The attached application form is prepared for the following purposes: • Purchase of Parish / School / College property Please read the notes below before completing the attached application form. Any queries relating to this application should be directed to the Archdiocesan Property Services. 1. APPLICANT: (Name and suburb of Parish or School/College) 1. All applications must have the approval of the relevant authority (Parish Priest, Regional Bishop, Archbishop) 2. All sections of the application form (where relevant) must be completed. 3. No negotiations can commence until such time as all approvals have been granted. 4. Any Contract of Sale must be signed by The Roman Catholic Trusts Corporation for the Diocese of Melbourne. Only trustees of the Corporation have the authority to execute these documents. 2. AUTHORITY: (a) Parish Priest (b) President Canonical Administrator (c) School / College Principal 3. PROJECT SUMMARY: D E TA C H A P P L I C AT I O N H E R E (a) Location and description of property (include real estate agent details where applicable) PR OPER T Y R ES OUR CES M ANUAL 2014 11 Application to purchase property (b) Background Information (state reasons for seeking to acquire this property). Please include you Parish Missional ‘DNA’ from Designing for Mission and your Sites/Buildings Inventory and/or Property Strategy form as appropriate. (c) What is the estimated purchase price and capacity to finance the acquisition? (Please contact Property Services to assist in determining the market value of the property). 4. PROPOSED DATE OF ACQUISITION: / / 20 6. FUNDING 5. CONSULTATIONS: (a) Has the Parish Finance Council/Committee been advised and approval granted? o Yes o No (b) Has the Regional Bishop been advised and approval granted? $ o Yes $ o No If Yes, please provide written approval (c) School / College projects only $ (i) Has the Catholic Education Office (CEO) been advised of proposed acquisition? Finance Planning 12 o Yes o No o Yes o No C ATHOLI C A RC HDI OC ESE OF MELBOUR NE Australian Government Grant $ Supplementary Capital Funding Loan – Catholic Development Fund Parish Cash Reserves School Cash Reserves $ $ Other (please specify) Application to purchase property 7. FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY: (a) All Projects Has the previous year’s Parish Annual Report been submitted to the Diocesan Finance Office? o Yes o No (Please submit with application) (b) Parish Projects only Has the five year Cash Flow Report been submitted to Diocesan Finance Office? o Yes o No (Please submit with application) (c) School / College projects only (i) Has application been made for CEO interest factor (subsidy)? o Yes o No (ii) Has the CEO been provided with all relevant financial information? o Yes o No (iii) Has an application been made for a loan through the CDF? o Yes o No 8. SIGNATURE AND AUTHORITY OF PERSON MAKING APPLICATION Name (Please Print) Signature Authority (Parish Priest, Canonical Administrator, Principal) D E TA C H A P P L I C AT I O N H E R E Date PR OPER T Y R ES OUR CES M ANUAL 2014 13 This page intentionally blank 14 C ATHOLI C A RC HDI OC ESE OF MELBOUR NE Application to lease/licence property The attached application form is prepared for the following purposes: • Lease or Licence of Parish / School / College property to or from other bodies 1. All applications must have the approval of the relevant authority (Parish Priest, Regional Bishop, Archbishop) 2. All sections of the application form (where relevant) must be completed. Please read the notes below before completing the attached application form. 3. No negotiations can commence until such time as all approvals have been granted. Any queries relating to this application should be directed to the Archdiocesan Property Services. 4. Any Lease or Licence Agreement must be signed by The Roman Catholic Trusts Corporation for the Diocese of Melbourne. Only trustees of the Corporation have the authority to execute these documents. 1. APPLICANT: 2. AUTHORITY: (Name and suburb of Parish or School/College) (a) Parish Priest (b) President Canonical Administrator (c) School / College Principal 3. PROJECT SUMMARY: D E TA C H A P P L I C AT I O N H E R E (a) Location and description of property (include real estate agent details where applicable) PR OPER T Y R ES OUR CES M ANUAL 2014 15 Application to lease/licence property (b) Background Information (state reasons for seeking to lease / licence and how this will improve your Parish Mission). Please include you Parish Missional ‘DNA’ from Designing for Mission and your Sites/Buildings Inventory and/or Property Strategy form as appropriate. (c) What is the estimated term of the agreement, anticipated rental and requirement for any special conditions? (Please contact Property Services to assist in determining the market rental value of the property). 4. PROPOSED DATE OF LEASE / LICENCE: / 5. CONSULTATIONS: (a) Has the Parish Finance Committee been advised and approval granted? o Yes o No (b) Has the Regional Bishop been advised and approval granted? o Yes o No If Yes, please provide written approval (c) School / College projects only (i) Has the Catholic Education Office (CEO) been advised of proposed lease / licence? Finance Planning o Yes o No o Yes o No d) Is there likely to be any Australian Government interest in the property through the school having received capital funding assistance? o Yes 16 o No C ATHOLI C A RC HDI OC ESE OF MELBOUR NE / 20 6. SIGNATURE AND AUTHORITY OF PERSON MAKING APPLICATION Name (Please Print) Signature Authority (Parish Priest, Canonical Administrator, Principal) Date Application to lease/licence property Please attach any relevant plans/documents PR OPER T Y R ES OUR CES M ANUAL 2014 17 This page intentionally blank 18 C ATHOLI C A RC HDI OC ESE OF MELBOUR NE Document checklist Completed Application Form........................................................................................................ Parish Missional ‘DNA’ Form......................................................................................................... Sites/Building Inventory and/or your Property Strategy................................................................. Latest Annual Financial Statement................................................................................................ Five (5) year cash flow (incorporating proposed project)............................................................... Drawings: Site/masterplan...................................................................................................................... Floorplans/elevation............................................................................................................... Property Maintenance Plan........................................................................................................... Cost Plan Estimate........................................................................................................................ PR OPER T Y R ES OUR CES M ANUAL 2014 19 CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF MELBOURNE Property Services, Level 2, 340 Albert Street, East Melbourne, VIC 3002 All correspondence to Property Services, Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne, PO Box 146, East Melbourne, VIC 8002 Email:
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