ST. )OHN~S LUTHER.AN CHURCH OCTOBER 2014 ISSUE OIF THE CHIMES "Ask yourselves, young people, about the love of Christ. Acknowledge his voice resounding in the temple of your heart. Return his bright and penetrating glance, which opens the paths of your life to the horizons of the Church's mission. It is a taxing mission, today more than ever, to teach people the truth about themselves, about their end, their destiny, and to show faithful souls the unspeakable riches of the love of Christ. Do not be afraid of the radicalness of God's demands, because Jesus, who loved us first, is prepared to give himself to you, as well as asking of you. If he asks much of you, it is because he knows you can give much." "' Pope John Paul II, The Meaning of Vocation On Rally Day, September 7, we celebrated a Children's Sabbath worship service. Our children and youth shared in worship leadership and our lessons and prayers for the day reflected the theme of the God-given gift we have in our youngest disciples. And though they are young and still growing in their faith-just as we are as adults-they, like us, are called and equipped to live as Christ's hands and feet in God's world. This is why Pope John Paul's words above are so powerful as they acknowledge that the "radicalness of God's demands" are for young people too-not because of any special strength or energy on their part, but because "Jesus, who loved us first, is prepared to give himself" to our children and youth and, in fact, already has in their baptisms. As I said in my sermon on September 7, when we welcome a newly baptized ch ild into our midst we say these words: "We welcome you into the body of Christ and into the mission we share: join us in giving thanks and praise to God and bearing God's creative and redeeming word to all the world." It's incredible, really, that we say such words, that we believe that a child who can 't yet speak or walk or feed herself is welcomed as our equal, as a disciple and instrument of Christ, God's Word made flesh . Age is no barrier to discipleship, though the wisdom and experience of faithful adults can make all the difference in the life of a child . With this in mind, as I wrote about in the September Chimes, we are hoping to begin a "prayer pal" ministry for our Amazing Grace and St. John's children. Adults who become pals with our AG children will send postcards to them once per month. Each postcard will be designed, addressed and stamped in advance for you; however, pals are encouraged to add their own personal notes. Postcards will be different each month and serve unique purposes, such as inviting children to special events, like Trunk or Treat, or sending greetings and prayers at Christmas and Easter. Then, for our own St. John's children, the Learning Team is setting-up special mailboxes-one for each child: kindergarten through high school seniors-so that assigned prayer pals through out the year might leave cards, prayers, notes, and (if they so choose) occasional small gifts. We are quite sure that the children (and even our older youth) will look forward to receiving their "mail" and will know, as a result, just how much they are valued and loved by their church family. If you would like to become a prayer pal or have any questions, please be in touch with Learning Team Chair Mari Frick or Vicar Amanda. Please prayerfully discern if God might be calling you to serve in this unique way. Remember, this isn't a complicated or time-consuming ministry, but it is one that is sacred and full of joy, for when we welcome a child, we welcome Christ himself. God's Peace, Vicar Amanda Christmas in October! Thank you to all the people who have already turned in items and/or completed shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child - a project of Samaritan's Purse. Operation Christmas Child brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoe boxes and the good news of God's love. We thank you for your continued support of this worthy outreach project. There are now 2 "Operation Christmas Child" trees up at the church one outside the chapel and one in the sanctuary. There are still some "suggestion ornaments" on the trees and donations can be left in the boxes under them through Sunday, October 26. Monetary donations are also being accepted. We can use that money to purchase additional items we may need to complete the boxes we assemble. As part of our 175th Anniversary celebration, maybe we can send 75 or 175 boxes this year! Maybe you would like to assemble your own box? It's very easy and makes a great family project. If you would like to do that, we will have Operation Christmas Child boxes under the tree for you to put together and fill. Decide on whether or not you would like to shop for a boy or girl and then which age. From there use our suggested gift list or come up with some ideas of your own! We also have an excellent DVD that you can borrow and watch that will show you how to pack a box - we'll gladly share it with you! Thanks, in advance, for your support of this project! The Learning Ministry Team (taken from the OCC Special Report Magazine, 2014) "Nobody had given me a gift like that. God sent the gift just for me!" Viridiana, Mexico In a crowded Asian city, a rickshaw may be the best way to get shoebox gifts to the church where children are waiting. Almost 220,000 children in Peru received shoebox gifts in 2013. In Lima, Peru a house church that distributes shoebox gifts also works to protect local children from drug use, alcoholism and physical abuse that are rampant in the neighborhood. Hilario Morales volunteers with Operation Christmas Child in Mexico's Jalisco state and helped hand out shoebox gifts to boys and girls in the El Zalate neighborhood of Guadalajara. The gifts help churches reach out in the Name of Jesus to children who are vulnerable to gang activity, drugs and exploitation. Suggested Gifts: * School Supplies: pens, pencils and sharpener, crayons or markers, writing pads or paper, solar calculators, coloring and picture books, etc. * Toys: small cars, ball/tennis balls, dolls, stuffed animals, kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yo's, jump ropes, small Etch-A-Sketch, toys that light up or make noise (with extra batteries), Slinky, etc. * Hygiene Items: toothbrush, toothpaste, mild soap (in a plastic bag), comb, washcloth , etc. * Other: hard candy and lollipops (please double bag all candy), mints, gum, t-shirts, socks, ball caps, sunglasses, hair clips, toy jewelry, watches, flashlights (with extra batteries), rain ponchos, tools, sewing kits Please DO NOT donate the following: used or damaged items; war-related items such as toy guns, knives or military figures; chocolate or food; out-of-date candy; liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol cans. MISSIONAR~, TH£ REV. JOHN S. LUNN September 15, 2014 Greetings to my sponsoring churches! When I wrote last month, I was in Hawaii. I promise I won't bore you with tales of the warm sunshine and the lovely trade winds. I can't tell you about the lovely beaches because I barely saw a beach while I was there. I'm not even sure it's legal to visit Hawaii and not get more beach time than I got! I did get to see a lot of old friends and a chance to visit with some members of my former congregation on Kaua'i. I spent time with my friend JP who is an administrator of Hospice Hawaii where I once worked, and he had me do a presentation to the staff on hospice care in another culture where money is scarce but creative use is made of the available resources. He threatened to put me to work as a nurse since they have a shortage of nurses there. Any nurses reading this - think about that shortage when winter comes to the northern parts of the US! I was in Hawaii for three Sundays and I preached in three different churches. On my way to the smallest church, there was a full rainbow ahead of me for a good ten minutes. It was the first full rainbow I'd seen in years and it was beautiful. The rest of my time there was spent doing work via phone and email. I left Hawaii on Labor Day and flew back to my sister the cyber-secretary's place in Minnesota for a quick two days of unpacking, laundry, packing, repacking, repacking again, and finally leaving for the airport for the trip back to Arusha, Tanzania. It was a long trip back but went well so I won't complain. I arrived very late evening but my arranged taxi was there so I was home in no time. It took a while to adjust to the time changes. From Hawaii to Minnesota is a five hour time difference and then two days later, an eight hour change from Minnesota to Arusha. I think I'm back on the right time now. I have been having telephone meetings and trying to arrange more telephone meetings and trying to get as much work done as I can between meetings. I had some good news about Pastor John Sumo. He is the Liberian pastor whose leg was crushed in an accident and who was finally able to go to India for complicated surgery to try to grow bone to fill in the gap between bone ends in his leg. His surgeon said the bone was growing well and his next surgery will happen in two or three weeks. Please keep Pastor Sumo in your prayers. If you'd like to contribute to his care, please visit The Messenger' s Feet web site. You may be wondering about the Ebola situation in Liberia - I spoke with Rev. Moses Jeogbor, my pastor at St. Luke's in Phebe. He's such a gentle and wonderful pastor. He said that it was difficult - but that they were OK. I asked him about Sunday worship - he said that you start out by washing your hands in bleach water. People keep their distance; you don't shake hands or touch in any way. You wave. Every Sunday after Praise and Worship, they have a health talk about Ebola. I asked about communion - yes, they were having. The wafer is dropped into the hand with a spoon and everyone has their own individual cup. After the service, all the cups are washed in bleach water. It was hard to hear. He was out on the church' s farm more - making sure that they are growing food. I heard a spot on BBC concerning Gbarnga, Bong County and Phebe. It is now being called the third hot spot for Ebola. On Monday a Save the Children Ebola center will open with 24 beds - set up at the cost of about $175,000. You can help through the ELCA's Lutheran Disaster Relief Fund. My Home Assignment time from Mid-June until early September was travel intensive, but filled with old and new friends and lots of good memories. Shall we do it again in two years? Let's see what the Holy Spirit has in mind! In the meantime, keep me in your prayers and please pray for the people of Liberia and the rest of West Africa as they struggle with the Ebola outbreak. You know you are always in my prayers. 'Peace, John Volunteers needed for the Produce Market at Eastside Community Ministry on Wednesday, October 15, 2014, both morning and afternoon shifts. Please contact Linda Hollingsworth if you are able to volunteer. 454-3930 or 175m Anniversary Setvlce project report On Sunday, Sept. 14, Thirty six members of St. Johns gathered to make 175 bottles of homemade laundry detergent. It was quite a learning experience for all. On September 17, the laundry soap was distributed to low income households at the Eastside Produce Market. The recipients were very grateful for our gift of soap. This project would not have been successful without the following people: Pastor Mark, Vicar Amanda, KC & Mari Frick & family, Jeff & Holly Moore and family, Karen & Jeff Showers, Amy Showers Mann, Ken & Mary Dunn, Doris Hina, Ellen Shaw, Bill-Tori-Aidyn Gable, Ed & Carol Yetter, Jim & Gail Swingle, Barb Stoneburner, Jim & Joanne Wood, Leonard & Peggy Glaub, Wayne Cunningham, Stephanie Rudloff, Clay Wilkins & family, Charlotte Moore, Waynette Bridwell and everyone that saved empty bottles for us all summer. Rod and I are so grateful for all these folks. Rod & Linda Hollingsworth , 11sth Anniversary chairs Special thanks to Ken & Mary Dunn, Karen Baker, Ellen Shaw, Ellen Vonada, Sharon Stoneburner, Doris Hina, Barb Stoneburner, Rod Hollingsworth, Peggy Glaub, and Gail Swingle, Ed & Carol Yetter for all their help at the September Eastside Produce Market. With their help we were able to provide much needed food and about 200 bottles of laundry soap to 237 families (7765 lbs of food). Buck-a-Chick Congregational Challenge As you have probably heard, our first mission project challenge for this Sunday School year is the ELCA's World Hunger Program, "Buck-a-chick"! The chi ldren have been taking turns announcing and "selling" chicks after the 10:30am services and will continue to do so through October 26th. For every "buck" that we send to the ELCA World Hunger program t hey will buy 1 baby chick and give it to a family that needs it ! How does that help? Once a chick grows up it can provide eggs for the family that received it! Eggs are an easy and great source of protein-rich meals and extra eggs can be sold at the local market. These little chicks can provide a great source of food and income! Because we are celebrating our 175th anniversary wouldn't it be great if we could raise $ 175 to purchase 175 chicks? As of September 2l5t, we had alr eady collected $113.00! Here is how you can participate: For $1.00 you can purchase a paper chick from a Sunday School child or adult on the Learning Ministry Team. The children will color the purchased chicks and hang them up in the Social Hall - our "chicken coop" - to show how many chicks have been purchased. The children will be available to take donations after the 10:30am services from September 14th - October 26th, the day of our Anniversary luncheon. At the luncheon we will announce our total! Thanks in advance for your suppor t of this project! The Learning Ministry Team ~ Mari Frick, Mary Dunn, Jeanie Greegor, Vicar Amanda, Holly Moore and Mary Sims -~ What To Witness?! "An Offering Of Continual Praise" BIBLE MEDITATION: "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." Romans 12: 1 In the Old Testament, the priests would offer an animal sacrifice to God. What do believers offer today? Romans 12: 1 tells us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices. Sacrifice was important, but even in the Old Testament God made it clear that obedience from the heart was much more important. (see 1 Samuel 15 :22; Psalm 40:6; Amos 5 :21-24) God wants us to offer ourselves, not animals, as living sacrifices- daily laying aside our own desires to follow him, putting all our energy an resources at his disposal and trusting him to guide us. We do this out of gratitude that our sins have been forgiven. And just as the altars of old had two flesh hooks to keep the sacrifice from slipping off, we have two hooks that hold our bodies there-discipline and devotion. Are you disciplining yourself and devoting yourself as a living sacrifice to the glory of God? God has good, pleasing, and perfect plans for his children. He wants us to be transformed people with renewed minds, living to honor and obey him. Because he wants only what is best for us and because he gave his Son to make our lives possible, we should joyfully give ourselves as living sacrifices for his service. In the Old Testament, the priests would bum incense as a fragrant offering to the Lord. What do we do today? Hebrews 13:15 says we continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise. Since the Jewish Christians of Hebrews 13:15 no longer worshipped with other Jews, because of their witness to the Messiah, they should consider praise and acts of service their sacrifices- ones they could offer anywhere, anytime. This must have reminded them of the prophet Hosea' s words, " Forgive all our sins and receive us graciously, that we may offer the fruit of our lips" (Hosea 14:2). A "sacrifice of praise" today would include thanking Christ for his sacrifice on the cross and telling others about it. Acts of kindness and sharing are particularly pleasing to God, even when they go unnoticed by others. Our incense of praise should be going up out of our body, as we are the temple of the Holy Spirit (see 1 Corinthians 3: 16). Are you giving God a continual offering of praise every moment of every day? Submitted by Doug Smith The 18th annual SOUPer Bowl Benefit Luncheon will be Sunday, October 19 at the Muskingum County Center for Seniors at Sunrise Center from 1Oam to 2pm. Tickets are $6 for adults at the door and $5 in advance. Tickets are $4 for children (12 and under) and for volunteers. See Ken Dunn, Ellen Shaw or Barb Stoneburner for tickets. Each church has been asked to provide 18 dozen cookies. Please consider baking a couple dozen to donate. It you do plan to bake cookies please tell Ellen Shaw or Barb Stoneburner as soon as possible so we have an idea of how many to expect. It is VERY helpful to have cookies at the Senior Center by Saturday morning. If you cannot take cookies on Saturday they can be dropped off at Christ Table to Keely Warden during the week or brought to St. John's (clearly marked for SOUPer Bowl) no later than Thursday morning. Barb will check at St. John's for cookies Thursday afternoon. Besides baking cookies, other ways to volunteer include helping set up on Saturday morning, helping serve during the event and helping tear down/clean up on Sunday afternoon. Please contact Ellen Shaw or Barb Stoneburner if you can help in any way. It is time to update the subscription list for The Lutheran magazine. You may either continue your subscription or add your name as a new subscriber to receive the magazine at your house once a month. The church will take care of placing orders, but you are responsible for paying for it. The cost is $11. 7 5 and checks should be made payable to St. John's. If you would like to receive The Lutheran for the 2015 calendar year, please send your money to Holly Moore, 5090 Pine Valley Drive., Zanesville, or give it to her at church on a Sunday morning. All orders must be placed by November 1, 2014. lfwe do no hear from you, you will not receive the magazine next year. Thank you. MNF: Men N Fun A new Men's Ministry is beginning at St. John's. All Men and their sons are invited to attend Men-N-Fun CMNF; Monday Night Football) weekly, beginning Sept 2.2. at Doug Smith's Uouse. We will gather for the game, but if you don't want to watch the game, you tan shoot pool, play ping pong, play Xbox, play cards, sit on the deck or sit around two fire pits and shoot the bull. BYOB and snacks. We turn the game off at half time to gather and touth base with one another and then you decide whether you want to stay for the second half or go home, since kids have to go to school and we men may have to work. The ehoite is yours. The Men· s Ministry Planning team hopes you will choose to come and enjoy the fellowship. We gather at g pm on the 2.2."4. Game time &':30. Bears at the Jets. Weather permitting: Roast some marshmallows or Cook a hotdog over the fire. Let's have some fun and bring your son, if you wish. Doug Smith's Uoust; 1&'5 Eagles Nest Rd off the Airport Rd Area. The Men's Ministry Team invites you to watch the Bank of America 500 Charlotte Rate Saturday Ott Ufh in the Youtfl room on the big serun. It's the second race of the "Contender" round. We will have drinks and pizza for a $5 charge. Food in the hallway. Bring some snacks to share. Root on your favorite driver. Card tables set up in the middle of the room. Plenty of eoueh spate. Cornhole in the social hall. ONTAP The Men's Ministry wants to remind all men that '1heology On Tap" meets at Weasel Boy the 4tt. Tuesday of every month. It is not for men only, but men do gather. It is informal with no particular subject matter to cover. Bring your questions and discuss just about anything that is on your heart or mind. Atheological question is most welcome, but not necessary. We gather at 6:30 pm. Hope to see you there. Saturday, Nov 2.qtt', 12.p Nud we say more. The Men's Ministry invites all men and their son's to tailgate in the parking lot of the church. You tan start it, whenever you get there. We will watch the game in the youth room on the big scrun. BYOB, grills, snacks. Some snacks provided for the game. Bring your leftovers up to the room. Men's Retreat 2014 You are invited by the Men's Ministry. Everyone needs to get away now and then; even Jesus regularly went away with "the guys!" Spend some fun, yet meaningful time away with other men. The focus will be on "checking-in" - checking-in on your faith, on your questions, and with God. There will be Bible study, worship, recreation, time for personal reflection, and of course, naps! The worship and study leader is Pastor Gary Eichhorn of Our Savior Lutheran, Dayton, Ohio. LMC- Priebe Retreat Center: $95 online registration or $105 paper registration per person double occupancy October 17-19, 2014,7:00 pm on Friday - 12:00 noon on Sunday For registration forms go to the website: See a member of the Men's Ministry for details about travel arrangements. There is a group rate and registration form. St. John's Men's Ministry: MENNAJ. y Our VidOll For every ma11 to ouome a oo/d, dari11g follower of Je&u& ChriGt. Our Mialo11 By God'& graee, to help eo11gregatio11& oui/d life- l.JTHE ft T ~ CTf\I\. 1 ~~LVJ. 'I ~ Bulldtnq men for c hrlst ella11gi11g MillimieG with Mell; to Gtre11gthe11 me11'$ faith 8/ld relatio11&hip& for wiflle&G a11d &ervi&e; to equip f ol/owerG of Je&u& ChriGt t/Jrough eve11t&, re&ouree&, a11d leader&hip developme11t. The Men's Ministry Planning Team has begun to plan events for men and boys to strengthen their faith and relationships for witness and service just like the Vision and Mission Statements proclaim. We hope the men, young men and boys of the congregation will take part in many of the events we have planned. There will be several throughout the year. Continue to cheek the bulletin, "The Chimes", the website, Facebook, and listen for announcements at church. It will be life changing. Pastor Combs, Jeff Ferrell, Dave Uarlan, Doug Smith and Greg Zink OCTOBERS Lector 8:00 Ellen Shaw 10:30 Jim Rudloff Lay Assistant 8:00 Greg Zink 10:30 Kim Bumpus & Mary Sims Greeters 8:00 Carolyn Dean 10:30 Bill & Tori Gable Acolyte 8:00 10:30 Keegan Bumpus Crucifer 8:00 10:30 Kayla Dodson Nursery 8:00 10:30 Shelly Fritter & Sara Grandstaff Sound 8:00 10:30 Jim Rudloff OCTOBER12 Lector 8:00 Linda Hollingwoth 10:30 Gloria Bailey Lay Assistant 8:00 Greg Zink 10:30 Waynette Bridwell, Deb Walston Greeters 8:00 Jim & Gail Swingle 10:30 Ed & Carole Yetter Acolyte 8:00 10:30 Cora Wilkins Crucifer 8:00 10:30 Preston Frick Nursery 8:00 10:30 Holly & Jeff Moore Sound 8:00 10:30 Randy Foster OCTOBER19 Lector 8:00 Jennifer Stotts 10:30 Karen Baker Lay Assistant 8:00 Greg Zink 10:30 Doug Smith & Bill Gable Greeters 8:00 Judy Diamond 10:30 Jeff & Karen Showers Acolyte 8:00 10:30 Aidyn Gable Crucifer 8:00 10:30 Jenna Berry Nursery 8:00 10:30 Kara and Samantha Green Sound 8:00 10:30 Doug Smith OCTOBER26 Lector 10:30 Mary Dunn Lay Assistant 10:30 Barb Olney & Ed Yetter Greeters 10:30 Al & Barb Olney Acolyte 10:30 Connor Moore Crucifer 10:30 Samantha Green Nursery 10:30 Jessica & Shane Rockey Sound 10:30 KC Frick Deacons Rod Hollingsworth & Mary Dunn Ushers Bil Baker, Jeff Engle hart, Jack Booth, Bill Gable "'** Pastor ~ \) OCTOBER PASTOR APPRECIATION MONTH Please Consider signing up to Deacon. It only involves One or Two months of Sundays out of 12 months. Sunday Monday Tuesday pas tormarkstj ohns@, PICTORIAL OCTOBER IS ,·icaramandas tj ohns@midohio.t wcbc.corn DIRECTORY PASTOR APPOINTMENTS APPRECIATION renees tj ohns@.rnidohio.t '' OCTOBER MONTH NEW EMAIL ADDRESSES 23, 24, 25 5 6 8:00 Worship/Communion 7 9:30 Morning Prayer 9:15 Soulfire/Sunday School 10:30 Worship/Communion 12 13 8:00 Worship/Communion 14 9:30 Morning Prayer 9:15 Soulfire/Sunday School 10:30 Worship/Communion 6:00 Finance Ministry 19 20 8:00 Worship/Communion 7:00 Church Council 21 9:30 Morning Prayer 9:15 Soulfire/Sunday School 10:30 Worship/Communion SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY 26 9:15 Soulfire/Sunday School 27 28 9:30 Morning Prayer 10:30 Worship/Communion 175th Anniversary Dinner 6:30 Weasel Boy Theology on Tap Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 9:00 Quilters 9:30 Morning Prayer 9:30 Morning Prayer 2:00 Bible Study 10:00 Pastors' Pericope Study 6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir 8 9 10 9:00 Quilters 9:30 Morning Prayer 9:30 Morning Prayer 11 2:00 Bible Study 10:00 Pastors' Pericope Study 6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir 15 16 17 9:00 Quilters 9:30 Morning Prayer 9:30 Morning Prayer 18 2:00 Bible Study 10:00 Pastors' Pericope Study 5:00 Worship 6:00 Handbells CH IMES DEADLINE 7:00 Choir 22 23 24 9:00 Quilters 9:30 Morning Prayer 9:30 Morning Prayer 25 2:00 Bible Study 10:00 Pastors' Pericope Study 6:00 Handbells PICTORIAL DIRECTORY PICTORIAL DIRECTORY 30 31 PICTORIAL DIRECTORY 7:00 Choir 29 9:00 Quilters TRUNK OR TREAT 10:00 Pastors' Pericope Study NOVEMBER2 6:00 Handbells ANNUAL MEETING 7:00 Choir DECEMBER7 Worship Appeal St. John's Lutheran Church Council & Finance Ministry has designated October for Worship Appeal to Purchase two new Christmas Trees for the Sanctuary. The Artificial Trees will cost approximately $750 a piece. Please consider giving a generous donation to support our Christmas Tree Project. Human Trafficl~ing Awareness Who: Theresa Flores When: October 7, 2014; 6:30-8:00 pm Where: Zane State College What: 1. Theresa's Story 2. Human Traffid?ing Overview 3. Solutions (S.O.A.P.) 4. Red Flags of Trafficl:?ing Who Should Attend: Young Adults, Educators, Parents, Students in Middle & High School and College Hospitality Appeal St. John's Lutheran Church Council & Finance Ministry has designated September for Hospitality Appeal. (Hospitality can be defined as the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers or relating to or denoting the business of housing or entertaining visitors.) Our Hospitality Ministry provides coffee (cream, sugar) for the congregation on Sundays; paper products (plates, napkins, cups, plastic silverware) for dinners & events; meals for Lent & Advent; meals for visiting choirs & guests; meals for memorial services & funerals. Please consider giving a generous donation to support our Hospitality Fund. St. Johns Lutheran 175m Anniversary Celebradon We will be winding down our 175th anniversary year with a special guest at Reformation Sunday worship, Oct. 26, 2014. Bishop Suzanne Dillahunt, Southern Ohio Synod, will serve as guest preacher at the 10:30 am service (no 8 am service that day). Following the worship, we will join in the social hall for a catered luncheon and fellowship. Please contact the church office or put a note in the offering as to how many reservations you will be making. We need reservations no later than Monday, Oct. 20. There is no charge for the luncheon, but an RSVP is necessary. Hope to see you all on October 26! Rod & Linda Hollingsworth, Anniversary Co-chairs ........................... OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS 2 JAN TANDY 3 SCOTT DODSON SR 5 REV. AL LAESE 6 CARLY DIN GEY PRAYER MINISTRY 8 HELEN MILEY 10 KAREN MILEY 12 DEBORAH APPERSON 12 DORIS BAKER 13 AL COLLINS 14 MADELINE DUNN 15 CLAY WILKINS 16 CONNOR OLNEY 21 ZACHARY APPERSON I organized this ministry in 1976. Some of us thought it was a very good ministry. We had approximately 18 members sign up to participate. The chains were divided into 3 chains with Ellen Vonada, Peggy Glaub and myself. Prayer requests were directed to one of these people. They in tum would call it through their chain. Through the years we lost a lot of our fatithful Prayer Warriors. They passed away. I re-did the chains into 2 chains with Ellen Vonada and Peggy Glaub at the top. They have been so faithful, I couldn' t remove one of them to put myself in the top of a chain, but I am still willing to take calls and pass them on to Peggy and Ellen. Please call me if you have any questions. We are always open for new members. 23 ANN CORDER 23 MICHELE SHIRER 26 TIM DUNN 28 ELLEN VONADA 30 ERIN DUNN 30 SCOTT YETTER ~-....&1A1•r .................... In Christ, Vangie 740-452-6207 If you have a Prayer Concern, please contact St. John' s Lutheran Church Office 740-452-7569. The Parish Administrator will contact Vangie Cunningham. OCTOBER ANNIVERSARIES 15 ALAN & JEANIE GREEGOR 15 ERYCKA & JASON ADAMS 19 KC & MARI FRICK 28 JOHN & BETTY BAKER 29 JESSICA & SHANE ROCKEY Thank You, Peace often begins with an act of kindness .. .thank you for yours. Your expression of sympathy will always be remembered by the family of Clyde Wilson. Thanks for the lovely luncheon you served us after the funeral service. Much appreciated!!! Dorothy & Family St. John's Lutheran Church will be creating a new Pictorial Directory Family pictures will be taken : • • • Thursday, October 23, 24 and 25: 2 pm - 8 pm Friday, October 24: 2 pm - 8 pm Saturday, 9 am - 4 pm Every family photographed will receive a FREE ax 10 and a Color Pictorial Directory. You will receive $10 off if you sign up online and $5 off if you bring a food item (all food items will be donated to a local food pantry.). ::i:<: ENHANCEMENTS Sirg1e Opening Digita l Boraers Portrait Image CD With minimum $149 purchase Available on sizes: 1-8x10 2-5x7 1-10x13 1-16x20 1-20x24 Without 149 purchase add $10 . . .. $ 49 . . . . $199 Wood Frames Your choice of design and personalization 5x7 . ... .. $19 8x10 ..... $24 10x13 .... $32 16x20 .... $59 20x24 .. . . $89 Portrait Reto uch Professional Lifetouch retouch specialists will soften facial lines, remove blemishes, whiten teeth & eyes. One-time charge per pose. $ add 4 1-8x10 4-3x5 2-5x7 1-10x13 1-16x20 1-20x24 Premier Finish $10 add $20 add $20 add $20 add $40 add $60 add Purchase one frame, each add itional frame 10% off Discount taken ott the least expensive frame(s) Portra it Greeting Ca rds Portrait Finish Upgrade Size Q Heirtoom Finish add First 25 of one card ...... $40 $20 Each additional 25 of same card ... . .. . . .. +$20 not available $40 add $40 add $80 add $120 add Price includes personalization per pose/design 1.888.313.17 46 L!!!j Finish upgrades not available for wallets or 10x20s ii] U.S. Only Lifetouch is PCI certified to handle credit cards. Prices and products subject to change withollt notice and do not include Joo-01608 handling or tax. Collection discounts good at time of sitting only. Rev 5/14 Not valid on reorders. Pr1Ce code 0109 Memories that last a lifetime r Connecting You through Family Photography .B~ S~ P_R_00UC1 ~ ~hoose ~olor, _B!W or s_epia Collection Example Customize a Portra it Collection that best meets your needs Iii 1-8x10 1-8x10 Multi Design $25 $50 Collection Discounts Buy More, Save More! on base products only 9-wallets 4-3x5s 2-5x7s $25 $50 $50 Spend $1 oo -$150 _. _Save 1Oo/o Spend $175- $225 . . . Save 15 °/o Spend $250 -$350 . __ . Save 20°/o Spend $375-$475 . . _. 1-10x13 Multi Design $50 $75 Framed 10x20 1-8x10 Save 25°/o Save 15°/o 30°/o Discounted Price S191 .25 Spend over $500 _. . . . Save 1-10x13 9-wallets 2-5x7s Collection Example Collection Example I Ill I I 1-16x20 Traditional or Multi Design 1-20x24 Traditional or Multi Design $100 $1 50 • 2·5x7s II 9-wallets • 2-5x7s 4-3x5s 2-5x7s 9-wallets Framed 10x20 1-8x10 Save 10°/o 1-Framed 1Ox20-Your choice of design & frame $125 1-8x10 Discounted Price 9-wallets Save 20°/o Discounted Price s240 jfaitbful .llraper for ~our jfamilp God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you: but I will teach you the good and right way" (I Samuel 12:23) Next to inviting people to "Come to Jesus , the deepest desire or a man' s heart is to leave a godly legacy through his children and grandchildren. Psalm 112: 1-2: ... "Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord, that delighteth greatly in His commandments. His seed shall be mighty upon the earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed." How can we leave a godly legacy? Pray the Scriptures is a good way to start and use this one for your children: "For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant <insert your child's name here>, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints, what is breadth, and length, and depth and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God. (Ephesians 3: 14-19) It was Paul's prayer for the church at Ephesus, but what a prayer for a dad or mom to pray for a child! Persist in Prayer is what Hannah, Samuel's mother, did. She persisted. "And it came to pass, as she continued praying before the Lord .. ." (1 Samuel 1: 12) She continued to pray, "Lord, I want him to serve you," both before and after he was born. We need to have determination that is unwavering. Here are some scripture references: "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength ... " (Isaiah 40:31) "Rest in the Lord, and patiently wait for Him ... "(Psalm 37:7) "Wait on the Lord, be of good courage ... " (Psalm 27: 14) "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance .. ." (Ephesians 6:18) Get rid of Substitutes. Prayer has no substitute. Enthusiasm, intellect, energy, ingenuity- none are substitutes for prayer. " have not, because ye asked not" (James 4:2) Unoffered prayer is a tragedy. Prayer has a purpose and a priority. If God just gave us what we needed without asking, would we pray? God asks us to pray to invite Him. Prayer is fellowship with God. " We then as workers together with Him ... " 2(Corinthians 6:1) He wants us to grow and we grow when we pray. When we pray, we have a Father who will hear us and a King who can answer us. We have the sympathy of a Father and the sovereignty of a King. Mothers and Fathers who want to leave a heritage, need to learn to pray. Don't forget Morning Prayers at St. John' s are Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings at 9:30 am in the Chapel. Retired? Come and Pray! Grandma' s and Grandpa' s? You are still moms and dads. Come and Pray! Got time? Come and Pray! You get up in the morning? Read your devotions and pray! Before you go to bed, Pray. Before you read another page of the Chimes-PRAY. Submitted by Doug Smith .......... St.Je.._ OfaloSjaed. St. John's Lutheran Church Council Meeting September 9, 2014 Doug Smith called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. Council Members Present: Bill Gable, Pastor Mark Combs, Jeanie Greegor, Mary Sims, Doug Smith and Deb Walston. Council Members Not Present: SeAnne Foster and Greg Zink Jeannie moved to accept the August Council Meeting Minutes, seconded by Bill and unanimously approved. Pastor led devotions discussing the hymn, Immortal, Invisible, and verses starting with 1Timothy1:17 and how we think of God. Pastor's Report: Pastor discussed his upcoming schedule. Pastor Brian is getting married October 4, with Pastor Mark Combs officiating, in Pastor Brian's fiancee's church near Grove City. The Cramer/Hartmeyer wedding will be at St. John's on November 22. The Council continues next meeting reading the book, What Every Pastor Should Know, by Gary Mcintosh and Charles Arn. During the Congregational Meeting held on September 7, 2014, Ed Yetter presented Property Ministry's request to use up to $34,750 for the building repair of the West and North Walls financed through the Wilma Graham Fund. Dave Harlin motioned as read and Norm Shade seconded it. It was unanimously approved. Ministry Reports: Council discussed the Finance Ministry Report and the Financial Report. Finances are in the black. There were some extra expenses for Amazing Grace Day Camp over what was budgeted for Coleena's and Renee's extra time and the school bus rental. There will be some appeals for the Hospitality Fund in September and in October for Christmas trees. Bill moved to accept Treasurer's Report, seconded by Mary and unanimously improved. Lifetouch Pictorial Directory - October 23, 24 and 25. Bill is coordinating the scheduling of pictures for shut-ins and groups. Prayer in the Chapel: one person per day has attended so far, with two people on one day. There will be prayer forms on the Web site in the upcoming month. The Prayer Chain will be printed in The Chimes. Pastor and Amanda are working with the Witness Ministry on assembling assistants for Homebound Communion. The Men's Ministry has been formed and is meeting. The bus will starting running September 28 to pick up children from Amazing Grace Day Camp who wish to join us for Sunday School. Men's Ministry would like to meet to view a night race on NASCAR on Saturday, October 11 at the church and bring their own beer if they wish. Council approved this proposal by consensus. Wows: To Amanda, Mark and the children helping with the service on the Children's Sabbath, the Children's Choir, Rally Day, to the Youth Gathering Party at Doug's house, to the trip to Germania, to the Men's ministry getting started, the trip to see Beth Moore and for planning the Women's Retreat. Council adjourned at 8:33 pm. The next Council Meeting is 7 pm Tuesday, October 14. Respectfully submitted, Deb Walston, Council Secretary Respectfully submitted, Deb Walston, Council Secretary ST• .JoHN•s l..vnaaMt CllullCll ocroH• 2fl<t 19SUI O• TD ClllMD NON-PROFIT US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 1259 ZANESVILLE, OH 43701 116 N 7TH STREET ZANESVILLE OH 43701 Office Hours Mon-Thurs 9:00-2:00 CLOSED FRIDAY Phone: 74-0-452-7569 Fax:74-0-452-4743 Serving Christ wffh You to the Glory of God The Reverend Mark A. Combs, Pastor pas tormarks t The Rev. Sem. Amanda Highben, Vicar , ·icaramandas tjoh ns@midohio. twc I BftlJl&N SllRVl€B UQ;flJBSUD Cantor, Mark Pinnick can tormarks t Parish Administrator/ Financial Secretary, Renee Thom reneest johns@mi< Sexton, Colleena Joh11Son Accountant,, Taffy Tippett Ha11dbell Choir Director, Chuck Archer Missionary, The Rev. John S. Lunn :: "Q) Q) E I I I ~ +"" .c: Q) u C) I I "?:' I
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