Th_ P[rish F[mily of St. P[tri]k L_mont, Illinois O]to\_r 12, 2014 Tw_nty-Eighth Sun^[y in Or^in[ry Tim_ MASSES Saturday Mass — 5:00 PM (Sunday Anticipation) Sunday Mass — 7:30AM (No Music), 10AM, 12 Noon & 5 PM Weekday Mass—8:00AM-Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 4:15 PM—4:45 PM. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: First Monday of Month until 9:30am after 8am Mass SICK & HOMEBOUND: Call the Parish Office if you wish to receive Holy Communion or a pastoral visit from a priest or one of our Ministers of Care. BAPTISMS: Baptisms are Parish Family events and are held on Sundays at 1:30 PM. Preparation Classes are usually held on the 2nd Thursday of each month & are scheduled by appointment. Please call the Parish Office for more information. MARRIAGES: Couples wishing to be married at St. Patrick Church need to make an appointment with the St. Patrick Marriage Minister at least six months prior to the desired wedding date. Weddings are NOT scheduled on Church or Federal Holiday weekends and other select weekends. Call the Parish Office prior to booking your reception hall. TO PARISHIONERS & THOSE WHO PARTICIPATE WITH US: We warmly welcome you and kindly ask you to register at the Parish Office. If you have moved, married and remain in our parish, have a seasonal address or change of address, please notify our Parish Office. PARISH STAFF PARISH OFFICE: Located in the Rectory 200 E. Illinois Street, Lemont IL 60439 630-257-4640 (office); 630-257-0401 (fax) PARISH EMAIL: OFFICE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday: 9am—5pm Friday: 9am—11:30am (Closed for Lunch Daily between 11:30am—12:30pm) OFFICE CLOSED ON COLUMBUS DAY, MONDAY, OCTOBER 13TH PARISH SCHOOL: St. Alphonsus—St. Patrick School 20W145 Davey Rd., Lemont, IL 60439, (630) 783-2220 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: 205 Cass Street, (630) 257-8012 Rev. Kurt D. Boras, Pastor Rev. Richard J. Shannon, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Mr. Joseph R. Winblad, Senior Deacon Ms. Renee Payne, Principal Ms. Linda O’Connor, Director of Religious Education and Director of Spiritual Life Ms. Christina Grinius, Director of Music Miss Janelle Pasch, Choir Instrumentalist Ms. Rosarita Hennebry, Music Director Emerita Mr. Michael Lundberg, Tri-Parish Youth Minister Ms. Louise Cummings, Parish Business Manager Mrs. Cathy Barrett, Religious Education Assistant Mr. Dale Hennebry, Buildings & Grounds Manager Ms. Barbara Brown, Liturgy Coordinator Mrs. Sue Raymond, Secretary, Bulletin Editor, Marriage Minister PARISH WEBSITE: P L P C ,G :B M G ,B ,T M J H ,T ,C R F L M P F C ,L R C C O ,M S :J ,L C B R Z D :J ,J ,L ,M D S C G , , , , Page 2 OCTOBER 12,2014 Perspectives From Fr. Kurt: Our Parish Family The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Patrick: Early last week, I met with hard working, enthusiastic, and creative-minded members of our 175th Anniversary Committee. We reviewed the Liturgy, the table arrangements and decorations, the carefully planned menu, and the music entertainment portion of the day. I know this will be a very memorable day in our history as a faith family because it is being planned with such love and gratitude for the many blessings we have received these 175 years from our awesome God. I hope you can join us. This is the last weekend to make reservations so that we have enough time to work with the staff of Cog Hill Golf and Country Club to make sure all is ready and properly prepared. Because of the length of this liturgical celebration for all priests, staff, and volunteers to attend, the 12 Noon Mass, just for October 19th, will be canceled. I hope you can understand the reasoning. I apologize for any inconvenience. I know we have been concentrating quite a bit these past weeks on celebrating our life as a parish family, but I am extremely proud of our Women’s Club. Please take a look at their list of many upcoming events listed on page 5 of this bulletin. They include: praying the rosary for the month of Mary and respecting life in all its forms, the “gently used” clothing drive for winter and a sponsored blood BE O D T T SE NOMIS OD FO TRY N ON PA ATI N DO Winners and finalists from the National Catholic Youth Conference’s top Talent is coming to Lemont! Positive young role models stand up for their faith, and use their talents to give glory to God. Encouraging to parents, inspiring to teens & exciting to younger children! FREE ADM SS. CYRIL IT: SATURDAY, O CT AND MET HODIUS C OBER 18TH 7PM HURCH-L EMONT drive. To me, this is why we have stayed together for some 175 years. Even as we celebrate, we remember those who are hurting, those who need a listening ear, those who need things we take for granted like food, clothing, and proper shelter. And perhaps even most importantly, coming together in prayer to celebrate the gift of life, to support those who are hurting, physically and spiritually, or emotionally, and those who are celebrating their accomplishments in God’s name “making the world a better place!” Finally, please mark down the weekend of October 25th and 26th in your calendars. Matt and Debbie Bumber, friends of Tom and Diann Rinke, will be speaking at all of our Masses as representatives of the World Wide Marriage Encounter Program accepted and promoted by our faith tradition. In this year of our 175th Anniversary, I believe it is important to celebrate with all those who have chosen the vocation of marriage and may wish to take a weekend retreat together to help strengthen their bond and commitment with God’s help. Let’s pray with and for each other in the week ahead, Cookware Stamps!!! Jewel-Osco is running a promotion now through December 2014 that awards 1 stamp for every $10 spent toward the purchase of Cuisinart Cookware. Please consider saving your unused stamps for the Des Plaines Valley Council – Boy Scouts of America. Des Plaines Valley Council will gather any stamp donations and provide dinnerware to Sharing Connections in Downers Grove. Sharing Connections assists families in crisis get back on their feet with donations of household items. Collection boxes will be provided at the Church entrances. We are collecting the stamps through December 19, 2014. Please contact Mary Pimentel 630.533.1286 or with any questions. Please spread the word! You can make a difference one stamp at a time!! TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 12 NOON MASS IS CANCELED ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19TH Show of Shows A Little Bit of St. Patrick History: Fundraising Seems that as far as fundraising at St. Patrick’s Page 3 COME JOIN US IN CELEBRATION OF OUR 175TH ANNIVERSARY. 10AM SUNDAY MASS, OCTOBER 19TH BISHOP ALBERTO ROJAS MAIN CELEBRANT MR. NEIL WINDT, OUR FORMER DIRECTOR OF MUSIC WILL BE DIRECTING HIS ORIGINAL COMPOSITION AT OFFERTORY, COMMISSIONED BY FR. KURT FOR THE OCCASION. THE A CAPPELLA CHOIR AND BRASS QUARTET WILL BE DEBUTING “PSALMIC FANFARE AND BENEDICTION” “Evening Out” Parish is concerned, almost anything goes. With Your Show of Shows, it certainly went…. and went well. During Fr. Dunne’s time, a lot of hard work and a good sense of humor went a long way toward getting the parish mortgages paid off and pulling the parish out of debt. Many current parishioners remember the Show of Shows years quite fondly as a great time for all! Pictured in ‘76 Left to right: Doris Hoinacki, Joe Burke, John Kickels, Mary Ann Lange, ___Madson, and Joan Forzley. Dine-in and Carry-out. SAVE THE DATE: OUR NEXT “EVENING OUT” TO SUPPORT OUR 175TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION WILL TAKE PLACE AT WHITE FENCE FARM from 5pm-8pm Thursday October 16. THIS IS A LARGE VENUE WITH FAMILY FRIENDLY ACTIVITIES, FOOD AND SERVICE. 20% OF THE PROCEEDS ARE DONATED BACK TO ST. PATRICK’S. YOU MUST BRING THE FLYER WHICH CAN BE FOUND ON OUR WEBSITE, TO THE CASHIER. M , Also in 1976 from left to right: Jerry Bolino, Bob Gorski, Marv Ludwig, _______, Red (Abe) Ordman and Joe Wohead. A S .P C 1980. A T B . ! Page 4 OCTOBER 12,2014 Renee Payne, Principal 630-783-2220 Visit: FOOTBALL HOMECOMING For many Celtic fans, the word Homecoming means a traditional reunion to gather and celebrate the community spirit with a day’s line up of action packed football games. But this year, we rolled the clocks back and kicked the weekend off by bringing back a good old fashioned “Pep, Cheer and CELTIC Rally” under the Friday night lights on our home field at Lemont High School. The night began with an inspirational prayer lead by Fr. Kurt whose words of praise and very important message to honor God’s grace through fair play; good sportsmanship and embracing the camaraderie of team spirit led us into a moment of silence. After prayer, the teams were marched onto to the field with the emotionally evoking sounds of the bag pipes played by Piper Brian Cunningham who inspired all who attended with this grand Celtic tradition. The Celtic feasting began with a Tailgating Appetizer Competition showcasing an epic pregame cooking challenge! Our DFL Celtics ushered in a hat trick day with the first win against Infant Jesus of Prague 13-0, followed by the undefeated JV team winning over IJP, 20-0 and commencing with an undefeated Varsity win 28-0. It was a banner day for our program…congrats to all! The St. Alphonsus-St. Patrick’s Celtic Football Program would like to thank the following organizations and services for helping us create a memorable 2014 Homecoming Weekend. Your giving spirit is most appreciated and your donations helped make this year’s festivities a memorable one for the players, families, and coaches. Thank you Home Run Inn Pizza, Gelsosmo’s Pizzeria, Mama D’s, LHS Athletics Dept. Concessions, our announcer, our bagpiper, Brian Cunningham, and the Celtic moms who gave selflessly of their time and talents to assure a wonderful celebration. Finally, thank you to the supportive Celtic fans and families… your dedication and support are incredibly valuable. St. AlphonsusSt. Patrick Athletic Board St. Patrick Church, RE Linda O’Connor, Director 630-257-8012 Thank you to the parents who took the time to come to our Open Houses last week. It meant a lot to the children to have you there. Parents of children making their First Reconciliation this year are asked to attend the meeting for parents on Wednesday, October 22 at 6:05pm. It will take place in the church and should last about an hour. Last week the children received a baby bottle as part of our fundraiser for the Women’s Center of Greater Chicagoland. During the month of October, Respect Life month, we encourage you to fill the baby bottles with loose change. Money raised will benefit less fortunate women and their babies. Bottles should be returned on October 22/26. Thank you for your support of life. Confirmation packets were distributed at the parent meeting held prior to the Inscription Mass. The packets contain important information on Confirmation preparation. Please call the RE Office if you did not receive a packet. No classes will be held on Sunday, October 12th or Wednesday, October 15th due to Columbus Day. Our Church is participating in the Baby Bottle Project which benefits the Women’s Centers of Greater Chicagoland. Please take a baby bottle home with you from the church TODAY, fill it with your spare change, and return it the weekend of November 2nd. This non-profit organization directly assists mothers and families experiencing crisis pregnancies by offering emotional, financial, material, and spiritual support through counseling, clothing, and monetary provisions, prayer, and other aid. Each year the three locations together have over 5,000 appointments with expecting mothers. By God’s Grace, the Women’s Centers have saved over 37,000 babies-and their mothers– from abortion since opening in 1984. TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page 5 MEN WANTED Adam Darnell and Heather Doser Married October 4th 2014 join the Adult Choir! I would love to expand the tenor and bass voices and be able to choose future music that utilizes those two voicings! The A Cappella Choir has much fun and we rehearse on Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall. It’s a wonderful way to get out of the house and socialize with other music-loving folks! So why don't you try us out? Come to a rehearsal to see what we're all about! You'll love it! Christina Grinius—Director of Music BIBLE STUDY IS ON THURSDAY NIGHTS… at 7pm in the Ministry Building, Rm. 6 We will continue WEEKLY. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: WOMEN’S CLUB EVENTS Daniel Idell and Megan Skopek Married October 3rd 2014 Congratulations to all couples who say “Yes” to the vocation of Marriage. October 20th: Pray Rosary in Church-6:30pm (Monday Night) October 12th: Last day to bring in “gently used winter clothing items.” October 16th: Halloween Boo-Co [aka: Bunco] 7pm. Bring a friend, invite your spouse, or come alone. Join Women’s Club for an evening of fun! Bunco, laughter, & refreshments will be our agenda! October 25th: Blood Drive-8AM to 12 Noon Bereavement Program: How to Go On After a Loved One Has Died. St. Michael’s Parish in Orland Park. 4 sessions on Thursdays during October at 7pm in the Ministry Room (enter from Narthax). October 16th: Feelings: My Life Has ChangedExplaining the Changes. (Session #2) For Info call Sister Marietta: 708-873-4635. Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1; Ps 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48; Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1-6; Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 7-10; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 SENIOR COMMUNITY CORNER: Attention Seniors-Beginning October 21st on Tuesdays from 12pm-3pm pinochle will be played in the Lions Room at the Centennial Community Center, 16028 127th St., Lemont. Come out to meet new friends and enjoy a friendly game of pinochle! Any questions, call Donna at 630-257-7872 THE LEMONT KNIGHTS W OF COLUMBUS WILL BE OUTSIDE OF CHURCH AFTER ALL MASSES THIS WEEKEND. BOXES OF 50 TOOTSIE ROLLS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR A MINIMUM DONATION OF $6. DONATIONS COLLECTED WILL BE ADDED TO THE KNIGHTS DONATION TO TRI-PARISH SPRED MINISTRIES AND TRI COUNTY SRA. HALLOWEEN WILL BE HERE BEFORE YOU KNOW IT AND THESE TREATS MAKE GREAT TRICK OR TREAT CANDY! Page 6 OCTOBER 12,2014 MASS INTENTIONS S T 5:00 pm ,O 5:00 pm 5:00 pm S ,O 7:30 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 12 Noon 12 Noon 11—V -T -E S O T †Patrick Hennebry, Jr. —Family †Arthur Dominick (1 Year Anniv. of Death) —St. Patrick Parish Family †Henry Boras —Dennis & Mary Ellen Hennebry 12—T T -E T S O †Pearl & †Charles Schroll —Kogut Family †Patricia Boyle —St. Patrick Women’s Club †Shirley Zeiger —Harold & Patricia Schneider Maria and †Gerald Liberty (Anniv. Of Marriage)—Maria Liberty †Emily Oslak—St. Pat’s Parish Family †Richard W. Collins—Family 5:00 pm †Michael Joseph Grala —St. Patrick Parish Family M ,O 13—W 8:00 am Sp. Int. Jett & Setterberg Families —Prew Family T ,O 14—W 8:00 am St. Patrick Parishioners W ,O 15—S . T J 8:00 am †Emily Oslak (1 yr. Anniv. of Death) —William Oslak S ,O 18—V -T T -N S O T 5:00 pm †Stephen Nevell—Mary Nevell 5:00 pm †Mary Joe Tobin —St. Patrick Parish Family 5:00 pm †Paul Murray —Dennis & Mary Ellen Hennebry S ,O 7:30 am 10:00 am 5:00 pm 19—T T -N S O T †Pearl & †Charles Schroll —St. Patrick Parish Family All living & deceased benefactors of St. Patrick Parish Sp. Int. Rev. Kurt Boras & Ann Boras —St. Patrick Men’s Club II. Jamie Scheinblum & Mary Kate Fischer May God bless them on their journey! Please pray for the repose of the souls of… James Born And Marty Lee May the choirs of angels welcome them and lead them into paradise. OUR CANDLE LIGHTING MASS FOR ALL SOULS DAY... WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE 5 P.M. SATURDAY MASS ON NOVEMBER 1ST. IF YOU HAVE LOST A LOVED ONE IN THE PAST YEAR, PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE TO RESERVE A CANDLE FOR YOUR FAMILY TO LIGHT AT THIS SPECIAL SERVICE. ALL ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND AND TO REMEMBER THEIR OWN LOVED ONES. EXTRA BLESSED CANDLES WILL BE AVAILABLE THAT EVENING AT MASS. COMING UP THIS WEEK Fri, Oct 10: Wedding Rehearsal at 7pm in Church Sat, Oct 11: Wedding at 2pm Sun, Oct 12: Guitar Ensemble at 10am Mass Pro-Life Procession beginning at SS. Cyril’s Grotto @ 3pm, past St. Patrick’s, ending at St. Al’s with Adoration and Benediction. Mon, Oct 13: Parish Office Closed Tues, Oct 14: Children’s Choir at 6pm Parish Hall A Cappella Choir at 7pm in Parish Hall Thurs, Oct 16: White Fence Farm-Evening Out (must present flyer to cashier between 5pm and 8pm, see website for flyer; Bible Study at 7pm Classroom 6 Sat, Oct 18: 175th Music rehearsals in Parish Hall and Church at 10am Pro-Life Vigil of Prayer at Access Health Center 8am—10am Sun, Oct 19: RE at 8:25am 175th Anniversary Mass @ 10am 175th Anniversary Luncheon at Cog Hill 12 Noon 12 Noon Mass is canceled today. Mon, Oct 20: Pray the Rosary in Church at 6:30pm TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Weekly Offering We pray for The Sick of our Parish Week Ending September 14, 2014 Revenue for Week of 9/14/2014 9,620 Target Revenue for Week 11,795 Better/(Worse) than Plan (2,175) Year-To-Date 7/1/2014 – 9/14/2014 Year to Date Actual as of 9/14/2014** 134,522 Year to Date Target as of 9/14/2014** 129,745 YTD Better/(Worse) than Plan 6,952 Average # of Weekly Envelopes EFT Givers 185 43 ** Includes Ordinary income and expense. Does not include extraordinary items or Capital Campaign Contributions or pledges. THIS WEEKEND’S COLLECTIONS 1st: Regular Weekly Contribution 2nd Collection: St. Pat’s “For Our Parish” Capital Campaign SUPPORTING OUR PARISH NEXT WEEKEND’S COLLECTIONS 1st: Regular Weekly Contribution; 1% of Contribution will be used for Archdiocesan Propagation of Faith 2nd Collection: None NEXT WEEK: PRESIDER/MASS SCHEDULE The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in OT SATURDAY, October 18th: 5pm-Fr. Lou Zake SUNDAY, October 19th: 7:30am-Fr. Upton (No Music) 10am– Bishop Rojas—175th Anniversary Mass Noon Mass-Canceled 5pm-Fr. Valdi—Lemont Tri-Parish Mass Page 7 If you would like to have someone who is ill prayed for at Mass, please call the Parish Office The name of that person will be announced in church and will be added to the prayer column in the weekly bulletin. (Note: Privacy laws may affect our ability to publish specific information). *Please call or email the Parish Office to remove a name. Kevin Anderson, Ann Boras, Colleen Burns, Lynn Callahan, Robert Camp, Filomena Compiani, James Coughlin, Marianne Diewald, Michael Doll, Ken Emerson, David Erickson, Michaela Fischer, Karen Forzley, Rev. Joseph Furczon, Celeste Gambla, Cardinal Francis George, Camille Golminas, Gregory Gorski, Becky Granat, Laura Graves, Fr. Don Headley, Darrell Hutton, Jim, Butch Jirgl, Barbara Landes, Catherine Mannix, Kathleen Mannix, Lisa Marzano, Judy Murray, Mary Nally, Terrence Pelech, Joan Pepich, Jean Porter, Beverly P., Florence Provencher, Ed Richards, Ron Rickerson, Ethel Roman, Lewis Ruppert, Florence Rybski, Julius Savrimas, Leonard Semetulskis, Raymond Shuman, William Siewertsen, Cory Steck, Mary Tadda & Melanie, Pat Traynere, Bill Waitkus, Richard Waliczek. LOW/NO-GLUTEN HOSTS If you are gluten intolerant, please be aware that we have low & no gluten hosts available for you. If you would like to receive one of these hosts, please speak to the presiding priest prior to Mass to make arrangements. (Some hosts are being stored in the Priest’s Sacristy refrigerator and some may already be consecrated in the tabernacle). We pray for Our loved ones in the military We would like to pray for all of our loved ones who are serving in the armed forces. Lt. Daniel Alvey, Andrew Bosko,Jr., Zachary F. Eriksen, Capt. Daniel J. Falvey, Steven Korbus, Warren Miller, Chad Peters, Maj. Leslie Rafferty, Ryan Rudman, Kevin Thomas. Name: __________________________________ Requested by: _____________________________ Phone #:_________________________________ If you would like to submit a name for the list, please fill out the form above and mail it to the Parish Office or place in the Sunday collection basket. Please include your name & phone number
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