October 12, 2014 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Is 25:6-lOa I Phil4:12-14, 19-20 I Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 ST. MARY CHURCH 1171 Jefferson St. PO Box 179 Carlyle, IL 62231 ~""t:,.J'<"t_;~ ,..-.""'-""' Fr. George Mauck, Pastor Ellen Knolhoff, ORE Tina Wiegman, Administrative Assistant Phones: Rectory: 594-2210 ~ Parish Center: 594-2225 Relgious Education: 594-2284 E-mail: stmaryc@sbcglobal.net ~ www.carlylecatholicchurch.com ~ Fax: 594-4638 :t ~: S{W{.(UfW!t o.f J~: 9lui£etin :Deadline: [j'aJtijfi ~fltatimt: Mater Dei High School Telephone: 526-7216 Internet: www.rnaterdei. breese .il. us All Saints Academy Telephone: 526-4323 Internet: www .asasaints.com Baptismal classes are offered the second Sunday of each month at llam. Call Thomas & Laura Anderson 304-5278 to register. Saturday: 3-3:45pm Please make an appointment at least six months in advance, preferably a year. Wednesday, 12Noon We ask that all new residents register with us by filling out the form located on the radiators or by stopping by the _Parish Center. /... ... Schedule of Events ... Liturgy for the Week ... Sat.. 11.. 4:00pm.. Sun .. 12 .. 8:00am.. 10:00am.. Mon.. Tue.. Wed .. 13 .. 14.. 15 .. 7:30am.. 7:30am.. 7:30am.. Thu .. 16 .. 7:30am.. 8:00am.. Fri .. Sat.. 17 .. 18 .. 7:30am .. 4:00pm .. Sun.. 19 .. 8:00am.. 10:00am.. Liv. & Dec. Ribbing Fam. Anne Pollmann Liv. & Dec. Bruemmer Fam. Our Parish Family Joyce Grueter Joe & Mary Voss-Anniv. of Joe Leona Feldmann Communion Service Ray Becker Aloys & Leonora LoepkerAnniv. ofLeonora Liv. & Dec. Clinton J. & Leona Deters Hoffman Family Cancer Mass at St. Mary, Trenton Rowena & Rich Isaak Jack Taylor-Anniv. Fern Wobbe Loretta Rolves Jess Woltering-Anniv. Our Parish Family 65th Wed. Anniv. of Erwin & Edna Edinger Paul Luebbers Emil Bryk r------------------------ I "Be Happy, Happy, Happy with the Saints!" Auction and I Fun Night will be held Nov. 1, 2014 at the Breese KC Hall. I Happy Hour begins at 4:30pm. Dinner served 5:30-7pm. Res1ervations are $25 per person. For reservations, please visit the I school website at www.asasaints.com (Under the Happy Hap: py Happy Auction tab) or you can E-mail Cassie Peppenhorst at asaschoolauction@asasaints.com. 1 .- o o- o 0- 0 I - o o- o o- o o- o o- o ' - • •- • •- • •- o •- o •--. j Volunteers Needed for Food Pantry and/or Front Desk Re: ceptionist at Catholic Urban Programs. To volunteer, call I Gerry hasentab at 618-398-5616, ext. 203 or for additional ·- .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. -. · - .. - . - ___: Stewardship .••••• 10-5-14: Envelopes: $7848 Loose; $531 Cemetery:$204.50 Religious Retirement: $123 WorldMission: $15 Guatemala: $796;65 Online banking: Weekly-Envelopes: $130 (4) Monthly online banking: Envelopes: $3670 Cemetery;$175 Guatemala: $205 Renovation: $195 Our weekly budgeted expensefor the current 2014-'15 fiscal year is $9421. Weekly envelope/loose target is $8462. - Sat. & Sun: 11 & 12: Matthew 25 Weekend Sat. & Sun: 11 & 12: Frozen casseroles are to be returned before all Masses. Sun.. 12.. (lOam) Pre-K Faith Formation 12.. (10:30am-6pm) Aviston Legion Whole-Hog Pork Sausage & Roast Beef Dinner (llam-4pm) 7th Annual St. Vincent De Paul 12 .. Soup & Song Benefit at Schoendienst's Park, Germanton. Music by the Prairie Travelers & Friends. Soup, bread & beverage all for a donation to support our local food pantry. ( 11 am-7pm) Spaghetti Dinner & Craft 12 .. Festival at Breese KC Hall, Breese ( 1pm) Quilt & Cash Bingo at the KC Hall, 12 .. DuBois sponsored by St. Theresa Sodality. Doors open llam. Lunch available. (7pm) Mater Dei Fall Concert 12 .. Mon .. 13 .. Holiday •.• church office closed (7:30pm) RCIA meet at St. Anthony's, 13 .. Beckemeyer (7:30pm) Mater Dei Mothers & Friends Mtg 13 .. (7pm) Parish pastoral meeting Tue .. 14 .. Wed.. 15 .. (6-10am) St. Joseph Hospital, Breese, Health Fair at Germantown Legion Hall 15 .. (6:30-7:45pm) Youth Faith Formation Thu .. (5pm) Finance committee meeting 16 .. (3-3:45pm) Reconciliation Sat.. 18 .. (4-7pm) St. Mary Pork Chop Dinner in 18 .. the cafeteria•..ladies are asked to bring desserts to the cafeteria anytime on Sat. Sat. & Sun: 18 & 19: World Mission Sunday ... envelopes are in your packet Sun.. 19.. (8am-Noon) KC Sausage & Pancake Breakfast...benefit CHS Booster Club (lOam) Pre-K Faith Formation 19 .. 19 .. (I 0:30am-5:30pm) St. Bernard Wurstmarkt @ St. Bernard PC, Albers. Bluegrass Music at 1Oam Mass St. Bernard Church. 19 .. (llam-5pm) St. Liborius Parish Wurstmarkt at the American Legion Hall, St. Libory (2pm) St. Augustine, Breese, Quilt/Cash 19 .. Bingo. Fried chicken lunch 1lam-lpm. (4-7pm) Registration for the Youth Dodge19 .. ball Tournament Oct. 25th grades 6-12. Grades 6-8 will play at 9am & grades 9-12 will play at lpm. (6:30pm) Any 8th grade or High School Thu.. 30 .. student is invited to help decorate the cafeteria for the Haunted Cafeteria. The Best of Ireland Pilgrimage, Mar. 9-19,2015 sponsored by the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows. Join Fr. Tom Ovalle, OMI and experience Ireland... visit Waterford, Killarney, Galway, Connemara, Knock, Sligo and Dublin. Cost: $2829 from St. Louis. Deposit due Fri., Oct. 31,2014. Final payment due Thu., Nov. 20,2014. For more info, cal1618-397-6700, ext 6287. ~·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··- :MISSION STATEMENT: Our mission is to involve ourselves in lay ministries, living and spreading the gospel 1 message of justice and peace. I . ..., ··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·--------------------------··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-· ~--·---·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·, j . MARK YOUR CALENDAR............ St. Mary Pork Chop Dinner October 18, 2014, 4-7pm in the cafeteria .... carryouts I ..................................................Haunted Cafeteria Oct. 31st, 6-8pm in St. Mary Cafeteria j .........................................Christmas Cantata, December 14, 2014 at 7pm in St. Mary Church · I ~·-·-·-------·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·---·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·J ~.l'¢"'"'"'"''li·cc!<i·'c~M1<.j:l.?-&;f',~~;£;c<!ic.\&>\~~~~<i·?-~&o\~~~~l)t?-<;bc~~~<!i?-$f<!i?-<~<i·;'~~~~~~~~~~~l)t?-~~~a<?-~.1!<·:1<.~ --.- ~ "'-i-~~~<ek-... ~~~~ ">" ~~~..,_,. ..... ..v· . . . ~...,..... ~....:.' ... "1-Y·~ ~~ ........ ~.-.,.... ~--- ~'--.' ~~ ""'"V ........... ~--..---..- '""'"~ ........ ~ ~'-.-' ~<;:: ~ ~ ®Hello, ~ Welcome to Joel Leonard Lueking (Parents: Ryan & Kaci) as we baptize him this Saturday at the 4pm ~liturgy. May he grow in God's love .. .in wisdom.. .in age .. .in grace. ~ Remember that n~xt Saturday, October 18th, is the Pork Chop dinner here at St. Mary. I've got my tick~ ets ... hope to see you there. ~ I will meet with my priest support group on Sunday/Monday. We've been getting together for 25+ years ~now every other month or so. They keep me honest. ~ "In M~tthew 's gospel this week~nd, ~esus compares t~e "kingdom of heave~" .to a weddinf! invitation as ~ a way to descnbe how God works effectrvely zn our everyday lzves ... We are always mvlted to experzence God ~ breaking into whatever we do, discovering God as the essential aspect of who we are. But it's just an invitation. ~No one is forced to discover God on that level. Only those who freely accept that invitation of God will have an ~ . ~ experzenc~ of God..... . . . ~Paul remznds the Phzlzppzans that external vvealth or want no longer matters. All that matters zs that God supplzes ~whatever we need. "-Fr. Roger Karban ~ The question for all of us is this: Do we accept the invitation to walk with God/Christ? It is the best jour~ ney we can take in life, bar none. ~ Peace & good, Fr. George ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j; ~ ~ : ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~--·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·---·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·- ~ f!I!_V!:_~!!_l!_~!!L_E_·:_·~_Y~~~ .~~~ ':"'~~~~ ~~~ !~ ?~ P~r:t_o_f_!~~ p~a~r:~ ~~~~t~~'_c?~':.. ~o-~~ -~~~~-g- V!_e_?:,_C?~t: I?~:~ :::op_n;-_ ~ r---------------------1 I Retreat.... Ladies retreat at the King's House, Belleville, I I Oct. 24-26 and the men's retreat is Nov. 7-9. If interested, I I call Tina Wiegman 594-2225 or Stan Gezella 594-4434. I ~---------------------·----------------------------------~ :Christmas Cantata .. .Sun., Dec. 14,2014, 7pm in St. Mary 1 Church. Rehearsals every Sunday evening at 7pm at the : First United Methodist Church in Carlyle with an optional :women's rehearsal on Tuesdays at 7pm with men on 1 Thursday. Complete schedule on www.carlylefumc.org. I -·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··--·-··- !Rummage & Bake Sale... St. Dominic, Breese, Rummage j & Bake Sale Thu., Oct. 23, 5-9pm; Fri., Oct 24, 9am- : 8pm; Sat., Oct 25, 9am-3pm (all items l/2 price); Sun., 1Oct. 26, 9am-3pm ($2 brown bag sale) .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. --.--·-------- .. - .. -·--- 1 I - .. - .. - .. - .. -·. ·--~~~- Please remember those who have asked for our prqyers: Rose N~vak, Jennifer Buehler Wallace, Murray Fauke, Sharon Gustafson, Jace Hughes, Scott Ruehl, Jl.ldY Shomaker, Bob N~wak, RatidyRihbing, Luke Weltering, Jeremy Long, Emily Reese, :I<:J;is Huckshold, Jpn Mouldori, JoAnn Loepker, Dennis Bach, Sandy Kirksey, DCin Cannan, John 1vfontacue, BillTad- . lock, Marlai:Ioward, Luke Letica, Kristen Stiles, Richard Self, Barb Varel; Bill Warren, Vinirie Valencia, Fritz Meyer; :Bo~ Bryan,. Uo11ilda Diekeinper; Richard Salm()ll, Kensley Seiffen, David Schmidt, RickPerry, Cindy Gomez, Darline Johnson, BeliudaBeifle, Marge Pax, BradZachry, Ralph Kampwertb:, Mary Jane Lampen INFO... Tue, Oct. 21st( 6pm) Initial Child Protection Training in the PC. Call Ellen 594-2284 to register.. IIIOOuooooooooooooooonoouuooooo•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••ooooooo••••••ooooooooooooouoooooooooooonooooooooooo I Gift Bearers ... 1 ~ Oct 11 th-4pm ... Nathan & Sara Henss & Family 1Oct 12th-8am... Danny & Mary Hugo ~Oct 12th-10am... Steve & Donna Hilmes ~Oct. 18th-4pm...Bob & Martha Diekemper l Oct. 19th-Sam...Bob & Judy Doerr & Family j Oct. 19th-10am... Gene & Bonnie Huels 1If you cannot be there at the specified time, please call l Linda McNurlen 594-4613 in sufficient time. Thank jyou. ......................................................................................................................... --·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··--·, I MASS SERVERS ... : Oct. 12th to Oct. 18th ~Sun: Sam Jenna Martin, Brayden & Tyler voss j lOam Camden Snow, Wade & Sophia Sabo Mon. thru Fri: 7:30am: Paul Kueper Sat: 4pm Callie Diekemper, Blake Holthaus, Jackson Haag Oct. 19th to Oct. 25th Sam Allison Diekemper, Molly Diekemper, Anne Sun: Luebbers lOam Drew Edwards, Audrey & Alan Schlau Mon. thru Fri: 7:30am: Toni Litzenburg Sat: 4pm Haily & Hayden Leath, Ian Simonton 1If you cannot be there, please find a replacement. Thank :~~ I I L.·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·· Walking in the Parish Center 8am-3pm with the exception of holidays. Monday October 13 Weekday Gai -l:22-24, 25-27.31-5:1 Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday Octooor H Weekday GoodNewJS! dear Padre October 12, 2014 October 12, 2014 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME How should parents discipline children at Mass? Is 25:6-10a I Phil4:12-14, 19-20 I Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 Gal 5:1-6 Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday October 15 Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church Gal 5:18-25 lk 11:42-46 Thursday OctoOor 16 Weekday Eph 1:1-10 Lk 11:47-54 Friday October 17 Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr Eph 1:11-14 Lk 12:1-7 Saturday October 18 Saint Luke, Evangelist 2 Tm 4:10-llb Lk10:1-9 Sunday October 19 Twenty~ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 45:1, 4-6 1 Thes 1:1-5b Mt 22:15-21 When I was growing up, Tharrksgiving and Christmas were always great feasts in our house. Turkey. mashed potatoes. gravy, and com were on the menu in November. The December menu substituted roast beef for turkey, and my father would poor a little sip of sparkling wine for each of us-a once-a-year treat. :VIy mother always made a little extra, '·because you never know when a guest might come by." Sure enough, in one year or another one of us would invite someone or a neighbor would stop by. There was always plenty, and \\e would feast and tell stories into the night. Those memories and the ones I make with my own family now are as close as I can come to the banquet Isaiah and Jesus describe, and ['m sure they're no match for that great feast in heaven. But I think [ know why Isaiah and Jesus use the metaphor. There is something sensual and earthy about gathering around a table with family and friends. It begins with the smells wafting through the house, the noise in the kitchen, the setting of the table with more than the everyday pbks. We dress a little more carefully. We are preparing for our family banquet. No matter what food is on the table, we'll be fed with love that draws us in and accepts us simply because we are family. Love is the gift we bring to the table, and love is the gift we receive in the act of breaking bread with one another. Our love ieast needs our care and attention. And God's feast deserves no less. I'm tired of being distracted by children sliding around in the pews, fidgeting constantly, and giggling with each other. How would the priest like parents to handle these situations during Mass? [presume you mean children between the ages of two and six-kids too old to be crying in their parents' arms and too young to be in religious-education programs. Many parishes have children's Liturgy of the Word programs. but the kids still spend time at regular Mass. If s important for kids to be at Mass and to learn to be quiet for an hour. When children come to Mass. they slowly get used to the idea that they're expected to behave for a limited amount of time. Parents should bring books or soft toys-anything that won't make more noise-ro keep the kids entertained. They shouldn't let their kids bring musical toys. electronic games with sound effects, or toy trucks that can be run up and down the pews.If children continue to be disruptive. parent3 should take them outside for a short time and then bring them back. Bottom line: Priests want children to come to Mass. It's better to have fidgeting kids at Mass than no kids at all. We want them to learn to behave now so when they get older they're ready to deepen their participation in the Mass. FR. PATRICK KEYES, CSsR Mary Katharine Deeley sundaybulletin@liguori.org sundaybulletin@liguori.org 0 lOU l<G~ORI ?IJIIL:C..U!O/I'i. _jgiJOil. 'AO ~lOSnggg ~rintM n ']_:;_,'!. mnr;m<~tur: ':n lCmrUaoo! .'lith-:. W. JerrTHs;wn ~G :x~h!ish ~~s CJee!IJri!flled m11My '· ZO!~. "'f he '~ItS! ~l!'ll!lffid ::~word .\1. ~Ice. o~ux1lhU'/ ~rmoo. .l.!UltlfOcese Jr :L _ows •~rrrusSJ!IIl·o o~olil.lll'i m trnnauon thi!!!IOtrnngcOII!f~ry·o Chur(n ;eldl!nq >COIIYJned n ·h•> •Jf>lk ·t :j~; .101 •Illply my ~ndon;ement1f!lt@ ·l!llllltons ~xpr~;S>ed ·n :he Jublblion; 1or ·~ 1ny ,;~oili11 ~soumed Jy ·IBi ~ermi:;iion.' "Ia ~art >f 1115 ....ork .nay 'Je t~ed ·n ,rry ''lrm :trlllout ;Ill'. Jfior .mtt~n perrrmioo Jf 'J~uorr ~Jbric3tiOOs. icri11ture :ext5 n ~htl .~00: ><'!tal:.en :r!llll :he 'lew-\merJ("JII~Ibie, ·emf1 od1tion ~ !0]1), '991, '':186, 1':170Corllfatermty·:>t(hn;nan;}octnne, rK" Na.snington. JC. ..;J! ~igl!ts ~eser•Jed ·o!Jf~er'jguon :iunday 9uHelln>, :aii3()0-Jl5-1Sl! ) 201~ L;GUOR! ?IJBliO.TION), Llguori, 'AO ~3657-t999 'tinted ;n •J 5..~ mpnmatur: '•n ltCOfdance :lith~- ~27. ~mossoun :u :iUDli>h m '-loy I, lOU 11 fill! Mo>.t ~~verend E1w.ml M ~itP. ~U1di~rv ~r>l!oo, ~rcndr&e>l!'lf }t ~Ill\: ?errrn,;mn to pubrir.h ·>. m<ndl(,lOOll'hAI.11Jthrnqc011tmy•ac.'lun:!IU>adunq.>mnUmed,nllu;.vml: t:lW>IliJt.mpifln'{~!Kior>eml!!ltot:neJptJIIon;~xprru;>ed 'n ~e jubliotiO!I: .1or ·, lnttiahslirr mumed !ly 'Ills (lefFTliSiron.· ~o :mt Jf thrs :mrk :nov 3e ~ed n Jny 'orm .vithout the on or :mtten JE'fffiliiiGn uf ~~~utllt "!l!llicatmns_ >cnotu1e :ens .n ·Jus .vmt :Ue taK~n 'mm ·r.l! Yr=wAm~nrJn jr/Jie, '!!'ltiE!:l eamon >:llOlO. 1991. :986, 1970 C.mimermty ,;f Chmti~n i}ocwne. 'nc., Nashmgton. :>C ~~~ 'liqnts ~e1~rvet1. fo order Liguori Sundoy ~Ulfetill:l, ':ol( ~00·125·3521 ~~~n ]r~nrer1 October 18- October 19 Lector Brigid Nalewajka Arnie Wobbe Saturday, 4:00PM Dylan Doerr Jeannie Kleber Sunday, 8:00AM Marlene Hoffmann Bill Wylder Sunday, 10:00 AM Eucharistic Minister Richard Christ Suzanne Christ Shirley Etter Skip Etter Darlene Linton James Nalewajka Jean Van Dorn Ed Kleber Gene Kuhl Pat Kuhl Marian Luebbers Deb Meentemeyer Pat Wesselmann Bridget Winter Cathy Guthrie Geralyn Hodapp Roland Kampwerth Brenda Knolhoff Bonnie Kueper Linda McNurlen Joan voss Barb Wilton KayWylder October 12 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time "Go out. therefore, into the main roads and invite to the feast whomever you find'' Matthew 22:9
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