ORDER Sons of Italy T R I E S T E L O D G E | President’s Message D ear Brothers and Sisters: The first general meeting of this new term was held on September 9th, and as usual, it was a successful BBQ night. A great thank you goes to Br. Joe Mongiardi and all of the other volunteers who helped cook all of those steaks and sausage to perfection! As part of the Festitalia celebrations, we held our Regional Food night on Wednesday September 24, 2014. We had close to 260 people in attendance that evening and we were treated to an outstanding evening of fine food provided by Br. Joe Mongiardi and his staff. The evening was filled with laughter, outstanding food, fine wine and most importantly, an excellent representation of Italian culture and history. At the Regional Dinner, we were proud to donate to some of the charities that benefit from the proceeds of our events. The Sons of Italy were proud to make the following cheque presentations: Camp Trillium $1,500 – accepted by Br. John Fabrizio Juravinski Cancer Centre $6,000 – accepted by Roger Ali and Br. Ralph Olivieri I would like to thank each and every one of you who have made contributions and attended our events, and we hope for your continued support in the years to come. I would also like to congratulate Festitalia on another successful year. It was a fantastic celebration of Italian heritage, filled with tremendous events and fresh faces. The Chairman of Festitalia, Maria Motchsman, along with all the committee members are to be commended for a job well done. “Thank you for another H A M I L T O N October 2014 great year!” This year’s SOI Calcio Masters Cup tournament was comprised of eight teams: SOI Roma , SOI Trieste, Glascow United FC, Azzurri, Winona Euros, SOI Inter, SOI Crusaders and Donnici. I would like to congratulate this year’s Calcio Cup Champion; SOI Crusaders!! Thank you to all the teams for participating and the tournament committee for organizing a fantastic tournament. SOI FC will also be holding their annual Poker night on Friday, November 7th, 2014 at our hall. On Sunday November 9th, 2014, we will be holding our annual Memorial Mass at All Souls Church, 21 Barton Street West at 9:30 am. Brunch will follow at our hall. Your attendance would be valued. Note: The Sons of Italy have reserved the first two pews at the front of the Church. Momentum for our upcoming Citizen of the Year Gala is building. Chairs Br. Loris Pilot and Br. Lewis Merolli have been busy planning the event for this year’s worthy recipient, Mr. Rob McIassac. I hope to share some of the exciting details with you in our next newsletter. It promises to be an exceptional evening! The Gala is set for Saturday, November 22nd at Liuna Gardens. Please contact Br. Loris Pilot at 905-518-1779, or Br. Lewis Merolli at 905-664-5088 to reserve your tickets. On behalf of our executive, I would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and remind you to attend our next general meeting on Tuesday, October 14th, 2014. Fraternally Yours, Lou Filice President Liberty, Equality, Fraternity NEXT GENERAL MEETING: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 L I B E R T Y E Q U A L I T Y F R A T E R N I T Y McMaster Italian Association Update! C iao a Tutti! It has been an exciting and action packed month for the McMaster Italian Association. At the beginning of September, we showcased our group at the annual Clubsfest Festivities in the McMaster University Student Centre where we signed on over 120 new members! Following this event, we tested our luck at the annual Grape Stomp at Fortino’s on Mall Road, as part of the Festitalia ceremonies. Sadly, we came in 3rd place, with the Hamilton Police and the Cardinal Newman Student Council coming in 1st and 2nd respectively. Hopefully we can try our luck again next year and reach the top spot! The M.I.A. also attended the Young Italians Night at the C-Hotel Rooftop Patio on September 25th. It was a great Festitalia event that catered to the needs of the younger Italo-Canadian generation. It allowed some of our members and executive to mingle in a very inviting atmosphere that made everyone feel extremely welcome. We look forward to the future of this event! Last but not least, September marked the launch of the McMaster Italian Association’s website! www.clubmacital. com This website not only showcases our upcoming events, but also executive biographies, photos from past events, community partners, and our sponsors for the 2014-2015 year. The website also showcases a creative section known as “ANDIAMO!” which will contain information in regards to Italian regions, cuisine and other cultural aspects. We invite you all to take a look at the website in order to gain a better feel of the M.I.A. and the work that we do both on campus as well as in the community. On behalf of the entire M.I.A. Executive and Membership, we would like to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! Alla Prossima! Young Italians Night Festitalia Grape Stomp agrozaffiro.com One James St. South, 4th floor Hamilton, ON, Canada L8P 4R5 p. 905-527-6877 f. 905-527-6843 Francis A. DeSantis Ian P. Newcombe Charles P. Criminisi Vanda A. Santini David A. Elliot Z. S. Pete Volaric Kathryn A. McKague Jeffrey E. Naganobu Julian R.G. Thomas Nina L. Di Pietro Jennifer L. Somerville Paul H. Philp M. Edward Key D. Dean Obradovic James H. Aire Sabatina N. Vassalli Devon M. Ryerse Andrea S. Griese David J. Henderson Andrew L. Keesmaat Christopher P. Klinowski Kelly A. Dunn Louis A. Grilli Jeffrey R. Goit Jason A. Pilgrim Monika S. Korona Bradley M. Remigis Charles P. Criminisi, LL.B. Direct Line: (905) 527-6877, ext. 411 Direct Fax: (905) 527-6169 | Email: cpc@agrozaffiro.com Annual SOI Golf Tournament T he 42nd annual Golf Classic was held on June 19th at the Glendale Golf & Country Club. It was a fun filled day complete with sunshine, great golf and an excellent meal provided at our hall courtesy of Br. Joe Mongiardi and his staff. We were able to raise an amazing $13,639, $6000 of which was donated to the Juravinski Cancer Centre. On behalf of the golf committee, I would like to extend our gratitude to: Ralph Olivieri, Frank Merolli, Enrico Seminerio, Rocco Battaglia, Justin Little, and Dan Carpenter for all of their dedication and hard work. We couldn’t have done it without you all! We would also like to extend a special thank you to our Gold Sponsors: Alcor Elevator and Rainbow Mechanical Services, as well as our Silver Sponsors Technical Adhesives, and Tru Partners Insurance Brokers. Also, a special mention to Fortino’s for providing a wonderful lunch, Star’s Men shop for providing the Jacket for low net score, and the Defaveri Group for providing the Fruit Stations. Thank you to all hole sponsors and especially to those that attended who made this year’s tournament a great success. Looking forward to seeing everyone again next year! Roger Ali of Hamilton Health Sciences, Br. Worthy President Lou Filice and Br. Ralph Olivieri on behalf of the Juravinski Hospital. S C A R F O N E H A W K I N S LLP Barristers, Solicitors and Trade Mark Agents James A. Scarfone (P.C.), B.A., LL.B. Lou.Celli@ca.gt.com Partner, Trial Lawyer, Mediator Certified Specialist Civil Litigation One James St. S., 14th Flr. P.O. Box 926, Depot 1 Hamilton ON L8N 3P9 E-mail: scarfone@shlaw.ca Bus: (905) 523-1333 Direct Dial: (905) 526-4376 Fax: (905) 523-5878 Cell: (905) 308-4992 Proverbi Italiani: Sagezza della Cucina di Nonna I talians love proverbs, those ageold sayings which speak truths in a simple brief expression. You’ll remember your nonna in the kitchen with some of her lady friends during an afternoon “chiacchierata ai quattr’ occhi”; you can still see their gestures and faces, their shrugs and pokes and tears; you’ll recall their gesticulations and passionate responses which ended in a saying: “Prometto io, non per tuttol’oro del mondo”. Proverbs are maxims which repeat traditional values and virtues; they are time-honoured codes of behaviour worth preserving; vessels of wisdom from our fore fathers – wisdom, like quick silver so readily seen yet with such difficulty embraced and followed. Often pithy, proverbs say in a few words or a phrase, what the head means and the heart feels. Wisdom, our culture has taught us “per secoli”; “quello che è fatto, è fatto” and “Non si fa niente per niente”. Italian proverbs speak about our roots in the land, our stories and our beliefs. They relate to families and give us incomparable treasures of folk wisdom passed on through the ages, origins known but clearly spoken in nonna’s kitchen: “Freddo dimano, caldo di cuore.” Cold hands, warm heart. “Bella com’un’aurora.” As beautiful as a sunrise. “Piove sempre sul bagnato.” It never rains but it pours. They remind us of a measure of good sense in a mad world, often cruel and unfair; “Meglio domani; speriamo”; “Vero è duro; però fate coraggio”. They are enduring memorable phrases; “Detto, fatto”; “Ci vuole la pazienza”; “Anche la pazienza ha un limite.” “Perdonnare, vendetta ottima.” “Parole dette, proprietà d’altri.” How many times growing up did you hear? “Dolce far niente” and “dobbiamo fare una bella figura”; “Che peccato, è una propria vergongna” and “Ognuno deve portare la sua croce”. Proverbs and their cousins, idioms are special to conversations, the very salt and spice of giving meaning along with the richness of movements of hands and bodies. “Tocca ferro” – touch, knock on wood “Il fatto” – the long and the short of it “In bocca al lupo” – good luck Italians don’t speak only with words, but with motions and ther whole beings. “Corpo ed anima”. “Non dire Quattro se non ne hai nel sacco”. Remember this one about the chickens? The legacy of our ancestors can be found in the proverb, the idiom or the comparison: “Che cosati aspettavi? Era un vigliacco, un villano da giovane!” and “testardo come un mulo”. Mi ricordo la mia gentile nonna marchigiana sempre diceva: “Ma guard’un po’, Per Bacco!” and “Bada, perche in dietro della porta si trovano i guai”. And further, there are: “Brutto com’il diavolo”; “l’amore è cieco” (do you believe this last one?) “Meglio tardi, che mai”. And the ageless one from the Bible – “Occhio per occhio; dente per dente” which touches our sense of what is fair and just. There’s one from Medieval Latin whose words so closely match our Italian: CIBC World Markets Inc. 21 King Street West Suite 600, Hamilton ON L8P 4W7 Guido Di Cesare, H.B.A., CFP Investment Advisor www.guidodicesare.com Tel.: (905) 523-2360 Fax: (905) 526-4716 Toll Free: 1-800-263-0914 guido.dicesare@cibc.ca CIBC Wood Gundy is a division of CIBC World Markets Inc. Expertise that’s one to one. “Plus valet in manibus avis unica fronde duabus.” A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. Can we speak of the sources of wisdom and our remembrances without a quote from the Book of Proverbs? “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches” (Prov. 22: 1, King James) “piuttosto fama che richezza”. In four words the sage from Racalmuto, Sicilia reminds us: “Cu è riccu d’amici è scarsu di guai” Rich in friends, few in woes. My cousins from Rome and Lazio offer this gem in the romanesco dialect: “Chiha sordi nun ha mai torto.” (Rom.) “Chi è ricco, mai è torto.” (Ital.) If you’re rich enough, you’re never wrong. (My translation) Wisdom comes only after many trials and attempts and bruises and convulsions; she approaches slowly. Try defining her without using the phrase: “Experience has taught me this truth”. There are touches of irony and cynicism in our proverbs: “I diavoli che nun se trovano all inferno, sono a Roma.” Denigrating non Roman visitors who flock to the eternal city causing problems. Every family has a supply of favourite sayings:“Lasciate ci passare ci siamo di Roma”. The haughtiness which says: Let us pass we’re Romans. Proverbi Italiani: Sagezza della Cucina di Nonna “Chi ha fretto, indugi”. Haste makes waste. “Chi s’aiuta, Dio l’aiuta”. About self-reliance, first and foremost.“Di coda d’asino non sipuò fare un staccio” (sieve). This is the one about a silk purse. With impatience it tells us to: “get real”. Like yeast, the words: mai e sempre”, never and always, are kneaded into the very pasta of our proverbs clearly understood, not spoken. There are echoes of the heartaches of our collective immigrant experiences in: “Lontano dagl’occhi, lontano dal cuore”. “Son’ constretto a fare emigrante e chissà quando da te tornerò?” Do you remember that lazy guy from the neighbourhood? “Quello fanullone chi sta facendo – una buca (hole) nell’acqua”. “Contano più fatti che le parole”. “Si mangia bene se un’altro pagerà”. “Vive onestamente, non fa male per niente”. Now make a choice between these two well-known favourites: “Amore vince tutto.” or “Lavoro vince tutto.” Both are 4 letter words. How well I remember this elegantly expressed reminder across a banner to the entrance of a social media club in Corinaldo. LeMarche: Italian proverbs stimulate our memories and remind us of our traditions and values; they express these values in our unique and colourful language. “Lo stupido dice quello che sa; Il saggio sa quello che dice”. “Sagezza del paese dei miei nonni. -semplice e sincera, comunque sia”. They enrich the way we look at ourselves, how we judge our past and our world; they preserve in words a measure of our culture. Nonna and the ladies would agree. In nonna’s kitchen we can take in the sounds and aromas of her preperations for supper; the ladies have left and nonno is coming in the back door with: due sacchetti, l’uno di castagni (chestnuts) e l’altro di funghi (mushrooms), which he gathered that very afternoon in the country side. “Tanti immigrant, quanti contadini”. “Mangia bene, paga poco”. “Sapere è Potere”. Dunque si può andare alla fine così: “Chi va piano, va sano e va lontano”. My friend used to say: “Chi va piano, non c’arriva mai”. “Quando la gatta dorme, i topi ballano”. “Al bisogno, si conosce l’amico”. “Amico di ognuno; amico di nessuno”. Note how our sayings have a touch of art about them: rhymes and thoughtful word order. I’ve collected ten Italian proverbs from the treasury of wisdom often heard in nonna’s kitchen. Test your ability to match the Italian with its English equivalent. Answers are on the final page of the newsletter. Saluti, in fraternità. Bob Savelli “Match” Abbinate l’italiano all’inglese 1) Paese che và, usanza che trovi a) Mistakes are often the best teachers 2) Non c’è rosa senza spina b) Never judge a book by its cover 3) Troppi cuochi guastono la cucina c) Easier said than done 4) I vecchi amici sono i migliori d) To call a spade a spade 5) A testa Bianca spesso cervello manca e) Beggars cant be choosers 6) O mangiare questa minestra o saltare dalla finestra f) When in Rome do as the Romans do 7) Dire pane al pane e vino al vino g) Too many cooks spoil the soup 8) Tra il dire e il fare c’è di mezzo il mare h) Old friends are best 9) Sbagliando s’impara i) No fool like an old fool 10) L’abito non fa il monaco j) No rose without a thorn See last page for answers. BusinessCards.indd 2 Joe Caruso Account Manager, Business Voice & Data Solutions cellular fax email 905-667-3909 905-515-0563 905-667-3210 jcaruso@clearcable.ca 141 Hester Street Hamilton, ON L9A 2N9 www.clearcable.ca 2/23/09 12:38:19 PM Photo Gallery Regional Food Night Br. Lou Filice & Br. John Fabrizio Anthony Macaluso - Festitalia Vice-Chair September Dinner Meeting BBQ Festitalia Calcio Cup Calcio Cup Champions SOI Crusaders R a l p h O l i v i e r i , B rok e r O w n e r Cel l 9 0 5 5 1 5 7 7 7 1 | ral ph@ m l it r u p a r t n e r s .c a C a r m i n e C a l v i s e , CAI B , CR M , B r o k e r O w n e r cel l 9 0 5 5 1 7 3 0 4 0 | carm i ne@ mlit r u p a r t n e r s .c a 271 Queenston Road, Hamilton, Ontario L8K 1G9 T. 2 8 9 6 6 7 0 0 2 5 | F. 9 0 5 5 4 5 8 1 1 9 w w w. m l i t r u p a r t n er s . ca Villa Italia Retirement Residence Board Of Directors Needed O pportunities are available for members to participate on the Villa Italia Retirement Residence Advisory Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is responsible to develop policy, ensure the company’s financial well-being and oversee management’s execution of policy and adherence to law. Villa Italia is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors who has responsibility for stating a vision for the outcome of the services delivered by the organization. The Villa Italia Board of Directors consist of two boards: 17 directors serve on the Management Board of Directors and 14 directors serve on the Advisory Board of Directors. Villa Italia Retirement Residence has achieved full occupancy with a wait list. Villa Italia has a good reputation in the community with an excellent opportunity to build on to our current retirement facility. History In 1993, the Sons of Italy Trieste Lodge, through the efforts of its bingo volunteers, raised roughly $30,000 for its Villa Italia campaign. It started as a dream…now it’s a place to call home. During the month of February, Villa Italia Retirement Residence celebrated its 10th year anniversary. This dream that started over twenty years ago has finally come to fruition. As we celebrate, we can’t forget the struggles that were encountered and those we continue to endure. We also have a waiting list of people wanting to come live at Villa Italia or enter our respite care program. We have demonstrated that we provide the best care possible to our residents. Our staff is second to none and their passion for Villa Italia is to be admired. This is evident in the referrals that we receive from the hospitals and the community. Mission Statement Villa Italia Retirement Residence is a not-for-profit provider of quality continuum of residential care nurturing the uniqueness of seniors in a home environment with love, honour and respect. Nominations Process The Nominating Committee will be meeting shortly to review vacancies available on the Advisory Board of Directors. Depending on our objectives, we are looking for individuals skilled in marketing, financing, building contractors, human resources, etc. Requirements Some of the requirements expected of a board member would be as follows: 1. Maintain confidentiality with respect to Board deliberations. 2. Abide by the By-laws, policies and resolutions of the Corporation. 3. Sit on, and be an active participant in, at least one Sub-Committee. 4. Each board member shall also participate on the Fundraising Committee, and/or be committed to and participate in fund raising. 5. Attend at two meetings. 6. Review and understand material provided at board meetings. Anyone interested in sitting on the Villa Italia Board of Directors may submit a resume, a letter of interest, and an outline of qualifications to the attention of T. Giglia, Chair, Board of Directors, Villa Italia Retirement Residence either by email to teresa.giglia@ca.pwc.com or by fax to (905) 528-4162 by October 31, 2014. In your letter of interest please include why you wish to participate on the Villa Italia Board of Directors and what special skills you will be able to offer as a director. Any applicants being considered will be contacted for an interview by the Nominations Committee. All applications will be kept on file for any future considerations. Event Calendar For those wishing to help with the following events, please see your Executive. General Meeting Tuesday October 14, 2014 SOI FC Poker Night Friday, November 7, 2014 Memorial Mass, All Souls Sunday November 9, 2014 at 9:30 General Meeting Tuesday November 11, 2014 Italian Canadian Citizen of the Year Liuna Gardens Saturday November 22, 2014 Children’s Christmas Party Sunday December 7, 2014 Members’ Christmas Dinner Tuesday December 9, 2014 Proverbi Italiani Answers: 1(f), 2(j), 3(g) ,4(h), 5(i), 6(e), 7(d), 8(c), 9(a), 10(b) Rent the Sons of Italy Trieste Hall Lodge Available for a variety of social events. For rental Inquiries please contact DMS Property Management at 905-524-2985. Chartered Accountants, LL.P. TONY CIPOLLA, CA Joseph Monachino, CA Peter Bartens, CA Vito SGRO, CA Sam CipolLa, CA Sons of Italy Executive 2014/2015 President Luigi Filice Res. 643-0594 Bus. 388-5251 x23 Past President Guido Di Cesare Res. 627-5220 Bus. 523-2360 Vice President Loris Pilot Orator Lewis Merolli Res. 930-8762 Adm. Secretary Joe Mongiardi Cell. 905-518-1779 Bus. 664-5088 Res. 385-7845 Recording Secretary Andrew Monachino Res. 905-383-1903 Cell 905-902-1483 Treasurer Livio Di Nello Res. 389-6930 Trustees Tony Giardino Res. 289-389-2917 Bus. 389-6760 Lucas Costanzo Cell: 905-517-9043 costanzlu@gmail.com Eugene Catania Bus. 905-777-1225 x 107 YACHETTI, LANZA & RESTIVO BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS A strong business is built upon a solid foundation of insurance... ROGER D. YACHETTI, Q.C. BURLINGTON • STONEY CREEK TELEPHONE: (905) 528-7534 FAX: (905) 528-5275 Ralph Vitello, RIB(Ont) VICE PRESIDENT COMMERCIAL LINES rvitello@tripemco.com Stoney Creek: 99 HWY. #8, Stoney Creek, ON L8G 1C1 T: 905.664.2266 F: 905.664.3169 Commercial Direct Line: 1.800.461.5083 SUITE 100 154 MAIN STREET EAST HAMILTON, ONTARIO L8N 1G9 E-mail: yachetti@ylrlawyers.com Anthony Chiarelli Res. 905-388-8957 Cell 905-517-8957 Eugene Stodolak Res: 905-573-0372 Cell:730-7176 Justin Little Cell 905-745-6518 Donato Cascioli 905-920-5773 www.sonsofitalyhamilton.org
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