American Association of Teachers of Italian
San Antonio, Texas
November 20-23, 2014
Program design: printing courtesy of Bordighera Press.
Annual National Conference
in collaboration with
San Antonio, Texas
Thursday, November 20 — Sunday, November 23, 2014
All AATI Sponsored Sessions will be Hosted at the
600 East Market Street
Set along the River Walk
Officers of the AATI
President: Frank Nuessel, University of Louisville
Vice President (University): Vacant until Jan. 1, 2015
Vice President (K-12): Mario Costa, Fiorello H. LaGuardia Arts & Performing Arts High School
Secretary/Treasurer: Enza Antenos, Montclair University
Director of Communication: Ryan Calabretta-Sajder, University of Arkansas
Regional representatives of the aati
New England (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT): Gina Maiellaro, Northeastern University
California: Christopher Concolino, San Francisco State University
New York State: Irene Marchegiani, SUNY Stony Brook & Anthony Julian Tamburri, Queens
Mid-Atlantic (NJ, PA, DE, MD, DC): Francesca Savoia, University of Pittsburgh
Southeast-Southern (NC, SC, VA, WV, KY, TN, AL, FL, GA, LA, AR, MS, PR):
Francesco Fiumara, Southeastern Louisiana University
Midwest (IL, IN, MI, OH, WI, MN, IA): Chiara Fabbian, University of Illinois at Chicago
Plains-Southwest (KS, MO, AZ, NE, ND, SD, NM, OK, TX):
Giuseppe Cavatorta, University of Arizona
Rocky Mountains-Far West (CO, ID, MT, NV, UT, WY, AK, HI, OR, WA):
Cinzia Donatelli Noble, Brigham Young University
Canada: Paul A. Colilli, Laurentian University
Italy: Alessandro Adorno, Centro Studi Italiani “Babilonia"
Ex-officio members of the aati
Editor of Italica: Michael Lettieri, University of Toronto
Editor of the AATI Newsletter: Simona Bondavalli, Vassar College
Directorships of the aati
Director of the High School Contest: Bruna Boyle
Director of the Società Onoraria Italica: Lucrezia Lindia
Consolato Generale d’Italia a Houston
1300 Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 660
Houston, TX 77056
Tel: (713) 850-7520 – Fax: (713) 850-9113
Dear AATI Teachers and ACTFL Participants,
It is with great pleasure that the Italian Consulate in Houston salutes the entire
community of Italian instructors who are gathered this year in San Antonio to
promote the study and discovery of the Italian language.
The first approach to a culture is the knowledge of the language that expresses that
culture and the whole Italian nation, through the voice of our institution, tunes its
thank to all of you who joined together as convey of diffusion of our beautiful culture.
AATI represents for us a real focal point in the great mission of spreading the Italian
language through the pursuit of ever new achievements, such as reaching the target of
the AP Examination, and the promotion of new events. Therefore, let me extend my
deepest gratitude and appreciation for a job well accomplished.
Buon Lavoro,
Elena Sgarbi
Consul General of Italy
Dear AATI Teachers & ACTFL Participants:
On behalf of the Committee for Italians Living Abroad
(COMITES) representing the States of Arkansas, Oklahoma,
Louisiana, and Texas, I would like to give a very warm
welcome to all the participants at this annual event that is
hosted this year in the beautiful city of San Antonio, Texas.
I would like to express our gratitude to all the Teachers who
are committed to the education of our Students; YOU have an
important and primary role in our Society and after the Family,
your commitment to education is the most important type of formation for the future
of our Community and for National progress.
I would also like to thank Ryan Calabretta-Sajder, the Executive Council of the
AATI, and all the teachers of the AATI for their effort in promoting and teaching the
Italian language, a mission rooted in the diffusion of culture and language, where
together we are all connected through the “Sistema Italia” and engaged to reach the
target of the AP Examination and share the unique Italian language with our
Cordiali saluti,
Vincenzo Arcobelli
Committee Italians Living Abroad
Comites Houston
Thursday, November 20, 2014
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Advanced Placement (AP) Italian Language and Culture Workshop
Friday, November 21, 2014
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Keynote Address: ANNE GRIFFITHS, an international photographer and philanthropist who has
photographed in nearly 150 countries and has worked on dozens of magazine and book projects
during her long career with the National Geographic Society. Designing a life and a career as a
globally competent individual will be a central theme of her address presented at the Opening
General Session on Friday, November 21.
The 2015 ACTFL National Language Teacher of the Year will also be announced from among five
regional finalists.
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Exhibit Hall Opening with welcome coffee; No AATI Sessions
11:00 AM - 12 Noon
Republic A: Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Oedipus: On Film, In Poetry, In Theory
Chair: Millicent Marcus, Yale University
Millicent Marcus, Yale University, “Cinema di poesia in Theory and Practice: The Case of Edipo
Daniela Bini, University of Texas-Austin, “Pasolini’s Poetry and the Language of the Mother”
Karen Raizen, Yale University, “Rhythmic Riddles in Pasolini’s Edipo Re”
Republic B: AP Italian Language and Culture I: The Italian Observatory Strategic Plan
Chair: Daniel Stabile, National COPILAS
Daniel Stabile, National COPILAS, “AP Italian Language Program 2014 and The Italian
Observatory Strategic Plan”
Honorable Michele Pala, Embassy of Italy, “AP Italian Language Program 2014 and The Italian
Observatory Strategic Plan”
Anna De Fina, Georgetown University, “AP Italian Language Program 2014 and The Italian
Observatory Strategic Plan”
Daria Mizza, SAIS – Johns Hopkins University, “AP Italian Language Program 2014 and The
Italian Observatory Strategic Plan”
12 Noon - 1:15 PM
Republic A: La questione meridionale: Letteratura, Cinema, e Cultura
Chair: Ryan Calabretta-Sajder, University of Arkansas
Paola Quadrini, Nazareth College, “Il brigantaggio nel contesto postunitario italiano nel film
L’amante di Gramigna di Carlo Lizzani: una prospettiva storica”
Republic B: AP Italian Language and Culture II
Chair: Giuseppe Cavatorta, University of Arizona
Giuseppe Cavatorta, University of Arizona, “Creating AP Italian Language and Culture
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM
Republic A: Italian Studies vs. Italianistica: Ieri, Oggi, Domani
Chair: Ryan Calabretta-Sajder, University of Arkansas
Paul Colilli, Laurentian University
Clorinda Donato, California State University, Long Beach
Antonella Del Fattore Olson, University of Texas, Austin
Anthony Julian Tamburri, John D. Calandra Italian American Institute
Republic B: iPads in the Italian Classroom
Chair: Linda Scolaro, Prospect High School
Linda Scolaro, Prospect High School, “To iPad or Not?” Where Do I Start? Is it really Worth
the Effort?”
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Republic A: Writing in Italian & Across the Curriculum
Chair: Marie Bertola, Santa Clara University
Marie Bertola, Santa Clara University, & Irena Stefanova, Santa Clara University, “Focus on
Luca Trazzi, Dickinson College, “Incorporating Italian into the Academic Writing Center”
Republic B: Motivation in the Italian Classroom
Chair: Stella Mattioli, University of Virginia
Stella Mattioli, University of Virginia, “How Can Students be Motivated in the Use of L2 for
Elisa Dossena, Princeton University, “Promoting Motivation in the Italian Language
3:45 PM - 4:45 PM
Republic A: The Effects of Media on L2 Learning
Chair: Barbara Spinelli, Columbia University
Barbara Spinelli, Columbia University, “Effect on Vocabulary Learning of Authoring
Multimedia Materials”
Morena Svaldi, Mount Holyoke College, “Creating an iMovie Trailer: Italian in Three Minutes”
Antonella Dell’Anna, Arizona State University, “Language Students’ Radio Broadcasting”
Cristiana Panicco, Sant’Anna Institute Sorrento Lingue, “Video Advertising & Italian Language
for Special Purposes”
Republic B: Technology in the L2 Classroom
Chair: Ryan Calabretta-Sajder, University of Arkansas
Ryan Calabretta-Sajder, University of Arkansas, “When Cultural Competence Becomes Public:
The NewsBlog”
Brenda Magnetti, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, “Intercultural Competence through the
Mercedes Rooney, SUNY New Paltz, “Digital Storytelling in the Elementary Levels”
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Republic A: Pedagogical Approaches to Italian Culture
Chair: Anna Clara Ionta, Loyola University Chicago
Anna Clara Ionta, Loyola University Chicago, & Anna Taraboletti Segre, Loyola University
Chicago, “Teaching Snapshots of Contemporary Life: A Different Approach”
Anna Maria Fantuzzi Rondelli, DePaul University, “Challenges in Teaching Intercultural
Competence in Italian 101”
Republic B: Italian Pedagogy I
Chair: Giuseppe Cavatorta, University of Arizona
Angela Hawkins, Wheeling High School, “AP Vertical Alignment: Writing and Speaking in
Level 1-AP”
Giuseppe Cavatorta, University of Arizona, “AP Italian Language and Cultural Exam Results: 2014”
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Republic A: Cultural Comparisons: Activities for Success
Chair: Nicoletta Villa Sella, The Linsly School
Nicoletta Villa Sella, The Linsly School, & Maria Cocchiara, Melrose Public Schools,
“Strategies and Activities for Cultural Comparison 1”
Laura Cambriani, James Madison University, & Valentina Riso, James Madison University,
“Comparing Cultures and Flipping Stereotypes in the Language Class”
Republic B: AATI Executive Council Meeting
Reserved for AATI Executive Members
7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Lone Star Ballroom - Salon C of the Grand Hyatt
General Assembly Meeting - All AATI Members are Encouraged to Attend
8:45 PM - 10:00 PM
Lone Star Ballroom – Salon A of the Grand Hyatt
Reception - All AATI Members are Encouraged to Attend
Saturday, November 22, 2014
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Republic A: AATI Swap Shop Breakfast
Chair: Bruna Boyle
Open to teachers of all levels.
Please bring 25 copies of an activity that motivates students in
learning the Italian language and culture.
Republic B: Italian Studies Doctoral Dissertations in Progress I
Chairs: Paul Colilli, Laurentian University & Colleen Ryan, Indiana University-Bloomington
Matthew Rabatin, University of Texas-Austin, “Men, Masculinity, and the Legacy of the Italian
Giuseppe Prigiotti, Duke University, “Secularism, Judaism, and Catholicism in 1870-1914 Italy”
Ettore Marchetti, University of Texas-Austin, “The Language of Contemporary Italian Cinema”
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Republic A: Italian Cuisine: Cultural & Pedagogical Approaches
Chair: Matilde Fava, SUNY Farmingdale
Flaminia Cervesi, Cornell University, & Michela Baraldi, Cornell University, “EAT-alian
Language and Culture: Learning through Cuisine”
Tiziana Triolo, Italian Culture & Community Center, Houston, “La piccola cucina: un
programma di successo per l’insegnamento della lingua”
Matilde Fava, SUNY Farmingdale, “Teaching Italian through Culture: The Evolution of Italian
Republic B: Italian Studies Doctoral Dissertations in Progress II
Chair: Paul Colilli, Laurentian University & Colleen Ryan, Indiana University-Bloomington
Francesca Spedalieri, Ohio State University, “The Gender Politics and Political Language of
Emma Dante’s Theatre in the Berlusconi Era (1994-2011)”
Giovanni Scarola, University of Toronto, “The Art of Literary History in the Age of Arcadia”
Pamela Arancibia, University of Toronto, “Text-Image Relationship in Italian Vernacular Bibles
from 1490-1641”
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Republic A: AP Italian Language and Culture III
Chair: Roberta Pennasilico, Naples American High School
Nadia Gatto, ICON – Italian Culture on the Net, & Elisa Bianchi, ICON – Italian Culture on
the Net, “AP Italian Language and Culture Online: Tips and Strategies”
Roberta Pennasilico, Naples American High School, & Michela Ambruoso, Vincenza High
School, “Technology-Based Activities in AP Italian Classes”
Republic B: Preparing a Manuscript for Publication
Chair: Paul Colilli, Laurentian University
Sheri Spaine Long, UNC-Charlotte & Frank Nuessel, University of Louisville, “Step-by-Step
Procedures for Submissions to Academic Journals”
Anthony Julian Tamburri, Calandra Institute-Queens College/CUNY, “Research before
Research: Scouting Out Venues for Publishing Articles and Books”
12:30 PM - 1:45 PM
Republic A: Italian Pedagogy II
Chair: Linda Scolaro, Prospect High School
Linda Scolaro, Prospect High School & M. Stella Weber, Maine South High School, “Tips,
Tricks, & Tunes: Italian Strategies to Learn Smarter, Not Harder”
Jennifer Behney, Youngstown State University & John Sarkissian, Youngstown State University,
“Proficiency Level and Grammatical Gender Marking in the Interpersonal Mode”
Republic B: The Job Interview
Chairs: Paul Colilli, Laurentian University & Colleen Ryan, Indiana University-Bloomington
Salvatore Bancheri, University of Toronto, “Mentoring Graduate Students for the Job
Michael Lettieri, University of Toronto, “Strategies for a Successful Job Search and
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Republic A: It’s All Relative: Pronouns & Generative Grammar in Hybrid Classes
Chair: Colleen Ryan, Indiana University-Bloomington
Theodoros Marinis, University of Reading, “This is not Einstein's Theory: What is Relative in
Pronoun Pedagogy”
Silvia Dupont, University of Virginia SCPS, “Where's the Link (1): The Who, What, and
Whose of Relative Pronouns in the Traditional Language Classroom”
Giorgio Corda, University of Colorado, “Where's the Link (2): Whose Pronoun is it Anyway in
Hybrid Space?”
Republic B: Italian American Culture in the Southern USA: Texas
Chair: Ryan Calabretta-Sajder, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Mark Pietralunga, Florida State University, “Italian Prisoners of War: Italian and Italian
American Impressions”
Sandra Celli Harris, University of Houston, “The Italian Texans: Italians in the Framework of
Italian Emigration Yesteryear and Today”
Antonella Del Fattore-Olson, University of Texas-Austin, “Transcultural Competence in
Intermediate Italian”
Romina Olson, Texas State University-San Marcos & Sergio Carvajal-Leoni, Texas State
University-San Marcos, “Texas Italian Stories”
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Republic A: Methods of Assessment in the Italian Language Classroom
Chair: Joanne Granata, University of Toronto
Joanne Granata, University of Toronto, “Spot Quizzes as an Assessment Method of Student
Preparation and Attentiveness”
Adriana Grimaldi, University of Toronto, "Multi-pronged, or Scaffolding Techniques, in the
Acquisition of Grammatical Structures in the L2: How to Minimize Use of the L1”
Teresa Lobalsamo, University of Toronto, "Frequent Feedback and New Assessments in Italian
Language and Culture Classrooms: Evaluations that Increase Learner Motivation”
Republic B: Italian American Culture in the Southern USA: Louisiana
Chair: Ryan Calabretta-Sajder, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Francesco Fiumara, Southeastern Louisiana University & Lucia Guzzi Harrison, Southeastern
Louisiana University, “From Italians to Americans: The Case of Southeast Louisiana”
Ryan Calabretta-Sajder, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, “Tennessee Williams, Italy, & ‘the
Margins’… or Beyond?”
5:15 PM - 6:15 PM
Republic A: Teaching Italian Cinema
Chair: Virginia Pichietti, University of Scranton
Thomas Cragin, Muhlenberg College, “Teaching Italian History through Cinema”
Annunziata Pugliese, University of Colorado-Boulder, “Engaging Students in the New
Millennium: Subtitling and Dubbing in Italian”
Henry Batterman, Gonzaga University, “Learning to Laugh: Understanding and Appreciating
Humor in Italian Cinema”
Republic B: Daily Language, Authentic Materials: Content-Based Resources/Best Practices
Chair: Beth Bartolini-Salimbeni, Cibola High School
Beth Bartolini-Salimbeni, Cibola High School, “Authentic Materials in the Classroom 1”
Giuseppe Cavatorta, University of Arizona, “Authentic Materials in the Classroom 2”
Antonietta DiPietro, Florida International University, “Authentic Materials in the Classroom 3”
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Republic A: Il cinema italiano contemporaneo: passaporto in un mondo globale
Chair: Annalisa Mosca, Purdue University
Annalisa Mosca, Purdue University, “Cinecittà versus Hollywood. Film italiani pronti per
l’audience giovane straniera”
Antonietta Di Pietro, Florida International University, “Per un ‘cultural comparison’ d’autore:
Gennaro Nunciante (Sole a catinelle) e Mile Mills (Beginners)”
Madga Novelli Pearson, Florida International University, “In classe con Zalone: il Checco
nazionale che piace agli italiani”
Republic B: Tips for Teachers
Bruna Boyle, University of Rhode Island, AATI National High School Exam Competition
Lucrezia Lindia, Eastchester School District, Società Onoraria Italica
Ida Wilder, Greece Athena High School
Anne Rein, Bowdoin College
7:45 PM - 8:45 PM
Republic A: Staging Cultural Networks in the Language Classroom
Chair: Andrea Scapolo, Duke University
Andrea Scapolo, Duke University, “Integrating cultures: a new format for an Intermediate-level
Italian class”
Mattia Begali, Duke University, “The art of interacting: Exploring museum spaces in the L2
Emily Sposeto, Duke University, “Collaborative learning in the flipped classroom"
Luciana Fellin, Duke University, “Culture as the core of L2 language learning”
Republic B: Intercomprehension: Practice and Theory for the Teaching of Romance Languages
Chair: Roberto Dolci, Università per Stranieri di Perugia
Ida Lanza, San Pedro High School, “French and Italian for Spanish Speakers: San Pedro High
School. A practical study of the logistics of teaching another Romance language to Spanish
Irene Zanini Cordi, Florida State University, “The Florida State University Experience: Design,
Development and Implementation of Italian for Spanish Speakers Courses”
Clorinda Donato, California State University, Long Beach, “The Ties that Bind: Italian for
Spanish Speakers in Intercomprehension”
Sunday, November 23, 2014
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Republic A: Unique Approaches to Italian Pedagogy
Chair: Manny Rosi, University of Miami,
Manny Rosi, University of Miami, “Rock me, Leopardi! Italian Poetry via the Contemporary
Music of Baustelle”
Mojca Del Fabbro, University of Miami, “Lexical Bundles nella microlingua della storia,
medicina, e filosofia”
Sandra Palaich, Arizona State University, “Digitization e-Portfolios: an Enhanced Study Abroad
Republic B: Future Directions for Italian Literature and Culture Courses
Chair: Teresa Lobalsamo, University of Toronto
Teresa Lobalsamo, University of Toronto, “Tutti a tavola: Uniting Disciplines and Disciples
with Food”
Paul Colilli, Laurentian University, “Made in Italy: Italian Fashion and Design through
Tania Convertini, Dartmouth College, “Food Culture in Italian Literature: Digital Tools to
Boost Collaboration, Reflection, Communication in the Literature Classroom”
Barbara Bird, College of Southern Nevada, “Defining Success and Learning in an Italian
Literature Class”
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Republic A: Nurturing the Undergraduate Program: Best Practices
Chair: Veronica Vegna, University of Chicago
Veronica Vegna, University of Chicago, “Intercultural Awareness and TV Commercials”
Chiara Fabbian, University of Illinois-Chicago, “Integrating Language and Content at the
Advanced Level”
Republic B: Italian Culture
Chair: Sebastiano Lucci, Middlebury College
Sebastiano Lucci, Middlebury College, “The Seventies in Italy and il poliziottesco Film Genre”
Salvatore DiMaria, University of Tennessee, “The Role of Brigands in the Unification of Italy”
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Republic A: Learning through Testing: Formative Assessment in the FL Classroom
Chair: Luciana Fellin, Duke University
Luciana Fellin, Duke University, “Formative and Summative Assessment Compared: Effects on
L2 teaching and learning”
Laura Casa, Duke University, “Challenges and Rewards of Portfolio Assessment”
Matteo Gilebbi, Duke University, "The Role of File Sharing in Formative Assessment"
Emily Sposeto, Duke University, “Portfolio Assessment Strategies”
Republic B: New Directions in the Italian Curriculum
Chair: Luiga Maiellaro, Northeatern University
Luiga Maiellaro, Northeastern University, “Developing an Online Placement Exam”
Alessia Valfredini, Fordham University, NY, “Conversation and Composition, Redesigned”
Chiara Dal Martello, Arizona State University, “The Anatomy of an Online Course: How to
Create a Successful Course Using QM”
Giacomo Pierini, ALMA Edizioni, “Il videocorso di Nuovo Italian Espresso: una metodologia
The AATI would like to thank all of its sponsors and collaborators!
Without the help of the following people and organizations, this conference would not have been a
The Executive Council of the AATI
The Italian Embassy in Washington DC
His Excellence, Ambassador Claudio Bisogniero
The Consulate General of Italy in Houston
Console General of Italy in Houston: The Honorable Elena Sgarbi
Cultural Officer: Marina Mocci
COMITES: Comitati degli italiani residenti all’estero
President: Vincenzo Arcobelli
Bordighera Press
American Woman, Italian Style
Sabato Rodia's Towers in Watts
Italian Americana's Best Writings on Women
Art, Migrations, Development
Edited by Carol Bonomo Albright and Christine Palamidessi Moore
Edited by Luisa Del Giudice
Critical Studies in Italian America eBook Available
Intimacy and Italian Migration
Gender and Domestic Lives in a Mobile World
Edited by Loretta Baldassar and Donna R. Gabaccia
Critical Studies in Italian America Poets of the Italian Diaspora
A Bilingual Anthology
Edited by Luigi Bonaffini and Joseph Perricone
Personal Effects
Essays on Memoir, Teaching, and Culture in the Work of Louise DeSalvo
Edited by Nancy Caronia and Edvige Giunta
Critical Studies in Italian America eBook Available
Making Italian America
The Literature of the Great Migration, 1880-­1943
Edited by Francesco Durante
General Editor of the American Edition: Robert Viscusi
Translations Editor: Anthony Julian Tamburri
Bibliographic Editor: James J. Periconi
eBook Available
Voices of Italian America
A History of Early Italian American Literature with a Critica
Martino Marazzi
Foreword by Ann Goldstein
eBook Available
Italian Folk
Vernacular Culture in Italian-­American Lives
Edited by Joseph Sciorra
Critical Studies in Italian America Consumer Culture and the Production of Ethnic Identities
Edited by Simone Cinotto
W W W . F O R D H A M P R E S S . C O M / / T E L : 8 0 0 -­ 4 5 1 -­ 7 5 5 6
The Italian Studies Series
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press
The Italian Studies series at Fairleigh Dickinson University Press is under the general editorship of
Dr. Anthony Julian Tamburri, Dean of the John Calandra Institute and CUNY Distinguished
Professor (Queens College-CUNY). Inquiries and proposals for single-author volumes and for
collections of previously unpublished essays are welcome and may be addressed to:
Dr. Anthony Julian Tamburri: anthony.tamburri@qc.cuny.edu
Dr. Harry Keyishian, Director, FDU Press: fdupress@fdu.edu.
Recent publications
Anthony Julian Tamburri. Re-reading Italian Americana: Specificities and Generalities on
Literature and Criticism (2014)
Melissa Coburn. Race and Narrative in Italian Women's Writing Since Unification (2013)
Graziella Parati, editor. New Perspectives in Italian Cultural Studies, Vol. 1: Definitions,
Theory, and Accented Practices (2012)
Graziella Parati, editor. New Perspectives in Italian Cultural Studies, Vol. 2: The Arts and
History (2012)
Barbara Pezzotti. The Importance of Place in Italian Crime Fiction: A Bloody Journey (2012)
Shirley Ann Smith. Imperial Designs: Italians in China, 1900-1947 (2012)
Frank Rosengarten. Giacomo Leopardi's Search for a Common Life through Poetry: A
Different Nobility, a Different Love (2012)
David Aliano. Mussolini's National Project in Argentina (2012)
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press M-GH2-01
285 Madison Avenue
Madison NJ 07940
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press is a co-publishing partner of Rowman & Littlefield.
For details, see www.rowman.com.
american association of teachers of italian
FALL 2013
A AT I N ew s l et t er
National Italian High School Exam Contest
Contact Person: Bruna P. Boyle, tennisadict@cox.net
Message from the President
1. Message from the President
3. Ron Schoeffel
4. AATI Officers and EC
6. Distinguished Service Award
8. AP Exam
9. AP Results 2013
10. Committee Reports
11. AATI- ACTFL Conference in
12. New Editor for Italica
13. Calls for Papers
15. Competitions
16. Società Onoraria Italica
17. Publications
18. Job Opportunities
Since the last message in the AATI Newsletter (Spring 2013), there are many new
items to report. The following is a brief summary. Without the gracious cooperation
of the members of AATI, this work could not be accomplished. We are grateful to
all of the members of AATI for their help and assistance.
Committee Reports
AATI would like to thank the members of the following committees for their
excellent work:
the Nominating Committee provided the Association with an excellent slate of
candidates for four regional representative positions (January 1, 2014 to
December 31, 2016). The Committee also provided a slate of candidates for the
position of Secretary-Treasurer (January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2017). The
Committee members are: (1) Elissa Tognozzi (Chair, California, UCLA) [2013];
Lyn Scolaro (Midwest, Prospect High School, IL) [2013-2014]; Flavia Laviosa
(New England, Wellesley College) [2013]; Nicoletta Villa Sella (Linsly School,
High School, WV) [2013]; and Irene Marchegiani (SUNY, Stony Brook)
the Fund Raising Committee for their excellent report, which appears on p.10
of this newsletter. The members are: (1) Anthony Julian Tamburri (Chair,
Queens College, CUNY); Maria Rosaria Vitti Alexander (Nazareth College,
Rochester, NY); and (3) Paul Colilli (Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario,
the On-Line Publication Committee developed guidelines for the creation of an
on-line site to publish selectively papers presented at the annual AATI meetings.
The members are: (1) Irene Marchegiani (Chair, SUNY, Stony Brook); (2) Flavia
Laviosa (Wellesley College); and (3) Paul Colilli (Laurentian University, Canada);
the Committee for Distinguished Service evaluated proposals for the Award.
The members are: (1) Elissa Tognozzi (UCLA, Chair); (2) Lyn Scolaro (Prospect
High School, IL); (3) Mario B. Mignone (SUNY, Stony Brook); (4) Paul Colilli
(Laurentian University, Canada); and Ida Wilder (Greece Athena High School,
Rochester, NY);
College Essay Contest
Contact Person: rnesto Livorni,elivorni@wisc.edu
Società Onoraria Italica
Contact Person: Lucrezia Lindia: societaonorariait@gmail.com
Advanced Placement Program in Italian
THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS OF ITALIAN was founded in 1924 to promote the study of Italian language, literature, and culture in schools, colleges and
universities in North America. It has approximately 1500 members worldwide. The Association publishes the quarterly journal, Italica, and a twice-yearly
Newsletter. It sponsors seminars and workshops in the broad area of Italian studies and holds annual meetings in the US, usually in conjunction with ACTFL and
NIAF, but also in Italy. AATI is dedicated to excellence in teaching and research in all areas of Italian studies.
Visit our website at www.aati-online.org!
VIA FOLIOS, Voices in Italian Americana, CROSSINGS