Cordova Bay United Church Rev. Bill Cantelon Minister for Children, Youth and Young Adults Nancy Walker Rev. Wilfred C. Waddell Minister Emeritus Music Director—Pat Shumka 250-652-1505 813 Claremont Avenue Victoria, BC V8Y1J9 Phone: 250.658.5911 Website Chair of Council—Tom Pringle Custodian—Debbie Adkins Office Administrator—Jane Shumka SUNDAY October 12th MUSIC LEADERSHIP Pat Shumka & the Choir FAITH CONVERSATION Nancy Walker SCRIPTURE READER Bud Johnston POWER POINT TECHNICIAN Karen Clark TECHNICAL SUPPORT Peter Gray HOSPITALITY TEAM Greeters John & Pat MacLeod October 12th, 2014 Office Hours: Monday —Thursday, 9am—2pm REGULAR WEEKLY EVENTS Mondays: 7:00 pm—8:00 pm: Chime Choir Practice (resumes after Thanksgiving) —new members welcome— Wednesdays: 11:00 am—12:00 pm: Unserious Coffee —cancelled for October 15th— Thursdays: 7:00 pm—8:30 pm: Choir Practice —in Youth Lounge for October 16th— UPCOMING EVENTS Tuesday, October 14th 2:00 pm: Healing Ministry—Youth Lounge Wednesday, October 15th Book Study cancelled due to Rummage Sale setup —resumes October 22nd— 7:00 pm: Property Committee —Youth Lounge USHERS Myrna & Tom Pringle VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! REFRESHMENTS Congregational Stalwarts For our Annual Fall Rummage Sale Saturday, October 18th, 9:30am - 1:00pm DROP OFF SCHEDULE FOR RUMMAGE SALE Please note that the drop offs for the upcoming Rummage Sale will begin on Tuesday, October 14th at Noon. We will not be receiving drop offs on Monday, October 13th (Thanksgiving). Planned drop off and pick up dates are as follows: Tuesday, October 14: 12 pm—7 pm Wednesday, October 15: 10 am—7 pm Thursday, October 16: 10 am—7 pm Friday, October 17: 10 am—Noon Fun and Fellowship as we sort and sell together! Sorting begins Tuesday, October 14th. SEASON OF THANKSGIVING OUTREACH OFFERING Beginning October 12th, Thanksgiving Sunday, and through the month of October we invite you to make a special offering of non–perishable foods for ‘Our Place Society’ and the ’Mustard Seed Food Bank’. Or, you may make a special offering of items needed by the ‘Our Place Society’ such as men’s jeans, underwear and socks. THE LIFE AND WORK OF OUR CHURCH “We are an inclusive community of Christians called to know and serve God faithfully through love for the world and its people.” people.” Household Prayer: Morning On this new day, O God, I thank you for clean air that fills my lungs, for water to drink and stream over the rocks, for light that creates life and shines on my path, for soil that grows fruits and vegetables, fashions hills and valleys, and makes homes for creatures in burrows and trees. Let me see Earth today with gratitude and feast my senses on its beauty; in Jesus’ name. Amen. Household Prayer: Evening As this day is ending and I lie down to sleep, gracious God, I thank you for this day. I am mindful of the work I have done, the tasks I have not yet accomplished, the moments of blessing between me and those with whom I shared some hours, the joys of friendship and family, and all the hopes I have for tomorrow. Give me good sleep and keep me safe; in Jesus’ name. Amen. WHAT WILL BE MY SPIRITUAL LEGACY? A study based on Marcus J. Borg's new book: Convictions: How I Learned What Matters Most (available at all popular bookstores). Wednesday mornings, 9:15-10:30 beginning October 1 to November 26 inclusive (with the exception of October 15 & November 19) BOOK CLUB Read on------Oct.24th (note change of date due to the Fall Fair) The Husband’s Secret by Laura Moriarty Nov. 21st- A visit from Pam Porter, an author in our midst Dec.- meeting cancelled due to Xmas Jan.16th- The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden by Jonas Jonasson BEAN BASH, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26th Remember to mark October 26 on your calendar for Fellowship Committee's annual Bean Bash. Come enjoy a delicious, hearty lunch with friends and fellow bean lovers. Thank you to the Stewardship Committee for the wonderful job they did organizing the Benefit Concert last Sunday. Concert–goers generously donated $1123 to the Mission & Service Fund. 2015 UNITED CHURCH CALENDARS ON SALE United Church calendars will be on sale in the hall following the worship service. Calendars are $10 each. All proceeds are for the Cordova Bay United Church Youth Fund. This fund has provided and we hope will continue to provide bursaries so that our youth might participate in regional, provincial and national youth events. Cordova Bay United Church October 2014 Children & Youth Ministry CALLING ALL YOUTH The Rummage Sale co-ordinating team has given the Youth an opportunity to raise money for the Youth Fund by selling coffee and snacks at the upcoming Rummage Sale on Saturday, October 18th. If you are able to sell for some time between 9:30 and 1:00 pm, please contact Nancy and let her know your availability. We are also looking for volunteers to make muffins, cookies, cupcakes , squares etc. that can be sold. At the last Rummage Sale we sold 10 dozen snacks. Youth Activities: November 8-11 Evolve Retreat! Together youth, young adults, and leaders will gather in this annual conference, exploring our faith, worshiping, and learning from one another. Typical activities include singing, theme exploration in age specific groups, dance party, a film festival, a carnival and spiritual practices. It is going to be awesome! For more info and to register go to The church has money to help fund this retreat. Registration deadline is October 25th. Did you know...Michelle and Mark Shields have volunteered to help with Movie Night at Our Place Society. If you too, are interested in helping, please speak with Nancy for more information. Day Camp A day of games, crafts, and exploring our theme of When: October 24th, 9am—3pm Where: Cordova Bay United Church Who: Kindergarten to Grade 6 Cost: Suggested donation of $10 -we will also be collecting new underwear and socks for Our Place SocietyWhat to bring? Outside clothing (be prepared for weather), indoor shoes, peanut free lunch. Pre-registration required. For more information and to register contact Nancy Walker at 250-658-5911 or EVOLUTIONARY CHRISTIANITY PRESENTS THE SPIRITUAL BRAIN: SCIENCE AND RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE Video-discussion series by Dr Andrew Newberg based on The Great Courses Program Cadboro Bay, Cordova Bay and First†Met United Churches are once again offering the opportunity for people to engage in a discussion series around the topic of Evolutionary Christianity based on selected lectures from this Great Course series. Topics and Host Churches: 1. Oct 7 First†Met UC: A New Perspective on Ancient Questions 2. Oct 14 Cadboro Bay UC: The Myth-Making Brain 3. Oct 21 Cordova Bay UC: How the Brain Changes God/ How God Changes the Brain ! 4. Oct 28 Cadboro Bay UC: The Mystical Mind Sessions from 7 - 9:30 pm Cost is ONLY $5.00 per session. Register in Advance on-line@ Cordova Bay United Church will be hosting the third discussion session on October 21st. We will be looking for volunteers to assist with setup and cleanup, registration/check-in, refreshments and discussion group leaders. If you would be interested in volunteering, please contact the church office (250-658-5911). Thank you. “ON THE RIDGE” JURIED CRAFT FAIR SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1ST. 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Cordova Bay United Church Hall 36 Tables of Artisan created, high quality, unique gifts. Hot Soup Lunch, Coffee, Tea and muffins. Classical Guitarist, Brad Prevodoros. $2 Admission for charity. Everyone welcome. Wheelchair access. (Posters and bookmarks are available in the narthex for pickup. Please distribute to businesses and people outside the congregation. Thank you.) TAIZE SERVICES are filled with a sense of respect filled awe and beauty, all are welcome in this ecumenical time of meditation. Fridays, Oct 17 and Nov 21, join us for Prayer and Music in the Style of Taize services at St Andrew's Cathedral, 740 View St, doors open at 5:30, service 6-7pm . INTRODUCTION TO CENTERING MEDITATION Sunday, October 19, 1:30 – 5:00pm UVic Interfaith Chapel Centering Meditation is a Christian contemplative practice that opens heart and mind to the experience of divine presence and action within. Led by Henri Lock and Miranda Harvey. To register: email
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