October 12, 2014 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time I can do all things with God who strengthens me. – Philippians 4:13 OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL PARISH 10460 139 Street, Surrey, BC V3T 4L5 Phone: Fax: (604) 581-4141 (604) 581-8146 E-mail: Website: parish.olgc@rcav.org www3.telus.net/olgc Office Hours Monday to Friday 9:00 am –12:30 pm 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm Saturday Sunday 9:30 am - 12:00 pm 12:30 pm – 4:00 pm 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Pastor: Associates: Fr. Mario Villaraza, SDB Fr. George Atok, SDB Fr. Jan Staszel, SDB Fr. Gerard Ravasco, SDB In Residence: Fr. John Basso, SDB Fr. Rufo “Junji” Zarate, SDB Bro. Gerard Harasym, SDB Surrey Memorial Hospital Chaplain Fr. Salvador (Jun) Reyes Pager No: 604.450.0964 Daytime Phone No.: 604.591.2271 (Immaculate Conception Delta) Secretaries: PREP Principals: Diane Craig Evelyn Reyes Tue: Danuta Szmigielska Thu: Carla Comin (604) 588-1625 RCIA: Maria Poirier Glenn Nishihata Bob De Ana Frank Cirillo PEC Chair: Marisa Giffen Screening Coordinator and Facilitator Patricia Lloyd 604-951-3207 Finance Committee: Douglas Vince Bulletin Publishing: Cherry Axibal OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL SCHOOL Principal: Secretaries: Gerard Wright Maribel Cowan Margaret Jones (604) 581-3154 TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — On this mountain the LORD will make for all peoples a feast of rich food and choice wines (Isaiah 25:6-10a). Psalm — I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life (Psalm 23). Second Reading — God will supply whatever you need (Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20). Gospel — I have prepared my banquet, and everything is ready. Come to the feast! (Matthew 22:1-14 [1-10]). MASS SCHEDULE Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:15am, 11:20am [School Auditorium] 1:00pm [Polish], 5:00pm, 7:00pm Monday to Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30am, 9:00am Saturday [Vigil/Anticipated] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:30pm, 7:00pm First Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:00pm [Laotian] Second Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5:30pm [Indo-Canadian] THANKSGIVING MASS Oct 13 – 9 AM & 11 AM NOVENA Wednesday [Perpetual Help] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00pm First Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00pm, 8:00pm [Polish] BAPTISMS On the first and third Saturdays of the month at 10am. Parents and sponsors are required to attend a class on the third Friday of the month at 7:30pm. Call the office to register. Parents should be registered in the parish for at least six months before they can register for the baptism classes. CONFESSIONS Saturdays at 3 PM and 15 minutes before all masses MARRIAGES Six months notice. Attendance at a seven-session course or a threeweekend course is required. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please set appointment with the parish office. RCIA Classes for those interested in learning about the Catholic Church. Wednesdays 7 PM. COME TO THE FEAST “On this mountain, the Lord of hosts / will provide for all peoples / a feast of rich food and choice wines” (Isaiah 25:6). That’s what Isaiah tells us today. God is putting together a huge party for “all peoples,” to “wipe away / the tears from every face” (Isaiah 25:8). And what does Jesus tell us? The reign of God, he says, “may be likened to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son” (Matthew 22:2). When the guests didn’t come, the king had his servants go out “into the main roads and invite to the feast whomever you find” (Matthew 22:9). We are called to deliver that invitation. One of the themes woven into today’s liturgy is that of divine generosity. Asleep to reality, people often think they have “earned” what they have. In our better moments, though, we know that all our gifts—even the spiritual gifts—come through God’s generosity. Our vocation is to invite people, to remind them the tickets aren’t for sale. We can only show up and say thank you. Weekly Collection October 5, 2014 Building Fund Mission Teams $16,118.02 2,322.65 1,898.15 Budgeted collection to date Actual $633,000.00 647,915.00 Children’s collection Total $32.45 1,014.66 Project Advance (741 pledges) 127,722.12 THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! Chronicles Oct 7 7:00 PM PREP Mass OLGC ADORATION CHAPEL We have an Adoration Chapel with people praying in it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. While everyone interested in praying is welcome to enter the Chapel, we NEED volunteers to commit themselves to specific time periods so that someone will be in the Chapel while it is available to all parishioners. To sign up, please call Sabina at 604-584-5817 or contact the Parish office. COMMITTED EUCHARISTIC ADORERS NEEDED Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 12-1 AM; 2-3-4 AM; 2-3 PM; 9-10 PM 1-2-3-4 AM 2-3-4 AM; 5-6 AM; 4-5 PM 1-2 PM; 3-4 PM; 5-6 PM; 11 PM-12 AM 9-10 PM 1-2-3 AM 3-4-5-6 AM; 8-9 PM; 11 PM - 12 MN OLGC LINE DANCING Sundays from 2 – 4 pm at the Don Bosco Youth Centre Wednesdays from 8 – 10 pm at the Auditorium OLGC PRESCHOOL BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL CARE For kids 2 ½ to 12 years old at 10504 139th Street, Surrey. For more info, call Lenny at 604.581.3225. GOD’S LITTLE PEOPLE Always needed: Leaders for God's little people to teach at one mass once a month. Lessons provided. Please contact Margrit at 604-8821682 or Nicky at 604-951-0643. TRAINING FOR NEW ALTAR SERVERS Training for new altar servers starts on October 18 and every Saturday thereafter at 1 PM in the Mary Help of Christians. CWL PIES Apple, Apple/Rhubarb, Raspberry/Rhubarb available for sale at $6 each, berry pies at $7. Please call Maureen at 604.588.8224 or Ethel at 604.594.9782. The CWL pie ladies are in need of empty ice cream buckets. If you can spare them some, please drop them off at the parish office. Thank you. Mass Intentions Sunday, October 12 8:00 am +Maria Tran Thi Hot & Dominico Le Van Unh 9:30 am +Peter Chuan Nguyen 11:15 am Parishioners 11:20 am +Jose Madayag, Sr. 1:00 pm +Wlodzmierz Chochol 5:00 pm Thanksgiving: Thammavong Family 7:00 pm Thanksgiving: Cowen Family Monday, October 13 7:30 am Thanksgiving: Rosolski Family Thanksgiving: Shmil and Evangeline Alangilan 9:00 am Thanksgiving: Mark de Leon Thanksgiving: Nguyen Family Thanksgiving: Camille Illustrisimo Tuesday, October 14 7:30 am +Peter Nguyen Ba Hanh +Joseph Nguyen Ba Huan 9:00 am Hannah Reyes +Peter Nguyen Ba Hanh Holy Souls in Purgatory Wednesday, October 15 7:30 am +Peter Chuan Nguyen 9:00 am +Jose and Josefa Sarte 7:00 pm Catarina Nguyen Thi Toan +Nelly L. Pabello +Rogelio Caga-anan Thursday, October 16 7:30 am Holy Souls in Purgatory +Peter Nguyen Ba Hanh 9:00 am +Isaias A. Galang +Joseph Nguyen Ba Huan +Bianchini Isaia Friday, October 17 7:30 am Holy Souls in Purgatory +Felix Ladera 9:00 am +Peter Nguyen Ba Hanh Thanksgiving: Paola Rosalie R. Pilaspilas +Salvador and Basilia Padernilla Saturday, October 18 7:30 am +Peter Chuan Nguyen 9:00 am +Maria Bounliem Vongsavanh 7:00 pm +Teresa Viveiros +Martha Trung Nguyen +Nguyen Van Thi Lanh For masses said here, the earliest date is January 1, 2015. Other mass intentions could be sent away to the Salesian Missions. SPIRITUAL BOUQUETS: For the living – 25 Masses said in a year for five years. For the deceased – 25 Masses said for a year. PERPETUAL MASSES: One mass a day in perpetuity, said in the Basilica in Rome for the intention of the person enrolled. Half of the proceeds is used for the upkeep of the Basilica and the other half is used to help the Salesian Seminarians. THE CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP meets Thursdays 7:45-9:15 PM “Be signs and bearers of God’s love to all” A Super Man: Humble Beginnings To be continued... Announcements Project Advance is now under way at most parishes throughout the Archdiocese. Our annual appeal is an opportunity for us to meet the ideals of Christian Stewardship, to become aware of our blessings and to use them accordingly for the growth of and benefit of God's kingdom in the Archdiocese of Vancouver. Project Advance helps support so many worthwhile activities and services in our Archdiocese and in our parishes. It's easy to give online by visiting www.rcav.org/giving and designate your parish as the recipient. While online, you can also view this year's video and read more on Project Advance. Together, let us continue to live gratefully and give generously. PARISH DATABASE UPDATE The parish is updating its Parishioners database. To help us in this process, please fill out the forms at the back of the church and place them in the box dedicated for this purpose. SAFE ENVIRONMENT/PROTECTING GOD'S CHILDREN There will be a MANDATORY (required) meeting for ALL OLGC Ministry Coordinators, Supervisors and Leaders whose ministries involve minors (those under 19 years old) and vulnerable people (the elderly, hospital and home visits, and any other persons with mental or physical disabilities) on Monday, October 27 at 7:00 p.m. in the school auditorium. As mandated by the policies of the Archdiocese of Vancouver in providing a safe environment and to protect God's children, this meeting will offer instructions and clarifications on the role of Ministry Co-ordinators, Supervisors and Leaders in the screening process for new volunteers and paid employees. CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Attention Parents of children 3-5 years of age. Parish Religious Education Program extends its religious instructions and offers the program called “Catechesis of the Good Shepherd”. The program is offered on Tuesday afternoons from 3pm to 4pm as well as in the evenings from 6:45pm to 7:45 pm. We also offer the program on Thursdays from 6:45pm to 7:45pm. Tuesday evening class is full, therefore we cannot accept any more students for this particular class, however space still remains in the other two classes. Registration forms and the Program’s brochures are available at the Parish Office. CWL MEETING Ladies of Our Lady of Good Counsel - you are invited to join us on Monday October 13th (yes Thanksgiving) in the Mary Help of Christians Hall for our meeting at 7:00 PM Father Junji, our Spiritual Advisor, will be joining us and providing us with some spiritual nourishment! If you have any questions please call Theresa at 604-574-9069. TH 10 ANNIVERSARY DINNER DANCE th The Don Bosco Past Pupils will be hosting their 10 Anniversary Dinner Dance this coming October 25, 2014, Saturday. Proceeds will go to support our preparations for Don Bosco’s 200th Birthday and our YCOM Missionaries. Tickets are available at OLGC Office at $30 each. For further details please contact Bong Dizon, 604-377-2285; Joel Fausto, 604-889-0801; or Edzel Escala, 604-582-9346. ANNUAL WHITE MASS For all Healthcare Professionals and their families, celebrated by Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB, Friday 17 October, 7:00 PM. at St. Augustine's Church, 2028 West 7th Avenue, Vancouver. Reception by donation to follow. Hosted by the Catholic Physicians' Guild. Info Judy: 604-430-2712, Email: drtoniparsons@telus.net or visit www.vancouvercatholicphysiciansguild.com EVANGELIZATION THROUGH BEAUTY The Epiphany Sacred Arts Guild will hold its fifth biennial juried exhibition and sale of newly created sacred art by its members. New works for the Archdiocesan Centre will be on display. The Epiphany Sacred Arts Guild is a society of artists and associates promoting the practice and appreciation of sacred arts as defined by the magisterium of the Catholic Church. The exhibition runs from October 17-26, 2014 at St. Jude’s Parish, 15th and Renfrew St., Vancouver. The opening and blessing of the exhibit by Fr. Lawrence Donnelly, pastor of St. Jude’s and ESAG Chaplain, will be held on Friday, October 17th at 6:15pm. A small reception will follow where you can meet the artists. The gallery will be open Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM and on weekends from 9 AM to 6:30 PM. Entrance donations would be much appreciated. For further information and details contact Steve Knight, curator and ESAG President, at s_knight50@hotmail.com or phone(604) 294-5958 K OF C COUNCIL 2252 DINNER AND DANCE You are cordially invited to our dinner dance to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Knights of Columbus council 2552 in St. Joseph Parish hall, 20676 Fraser Hwy., Langley on October 18, Saturday at 6:00 p.m. Tickets are $35 each. Please call Dong Edmilao at 604-534-7366 or Wayne Feser at 604-351-3494 to reserve your tickets SYMPOSIUM The Role of Lay Catholics today in preaching the gospel: St. Catherine of Siena’s inspiration. October 18, 2014 at 9:15 am 4:00 pm. St. Mary's Church basement, 5251 Joyce St., Vancouver. Featuring a one-woman drama on the life of St. Catherine of Siena by Sr. Nancy Murray, OP. Cost $25 full day; $15 half day (morning or afternoon). Hot drinks provided; bring your own lunch. www.dominicanlaity.ca/events or phone 604.874.8037. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT A faith-based Bereavement Recovery Support Group. Confidential and supportive. Facilitated by Liz Fong-McLaughlin, MSW RSW, Staff Counsellor at the Office of Life, Marriage & Family. Starts Mon Oct 20, and meets for six weeks, from 6:30pm – 8:30pm. Register at rccav.org/events or 604-443-3220. Please register early as space is limited. TH CWL 60 ANNIVERSARY The Catholic Women's League of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish is celebrating its 60th Anniversary in November. On November 3rd, 1954 our Parish inaugurated its very own CWL! Celebrate with us by joining us at 9:00 a.m. Mass November 3rd, 2014 Monday followed by a trip to the ABC Restaurant (15373 Fraser Hwy., Surrey (604) 583-3228) for brunch afterwards. Everyone welcome. SILENT LIVE-IN RETREAT Silent Live-in Retreat for women interested in Discerning a call to Religious Life. 7 PM Friday, November 7, 2014 to 3:30 PM Sunday, November 9, 2014. For further information or to register contact Sister Denece at 604-985-4872 (dbillesberger@shaw.ca) or Sister Linda at 604-936-2875 (bechardlinda@gmail.com) Space is limited so register early. RIGHT HERE WRITE NOW Bring the whole family! TICKETS ON SALE NOW! Sun, November 29, 2014. Two shows: 2 PM and 7 PM at the Bell Theatre, Surrey. For the benefit of ANCOP & Holy Cross High School. The cast includes Holy Cross students and staff. For tickets ($25), call Maryann at 778.861.6418. Program/Directory/Ad Space available. Email REC@holycross.bc.ca for more information. CANADIAN TIRE MONEY FOR DOMESTIC ABUSE SERVICES If you have "Canadian Tire" money at home and can donate it please put it in an envelope and mark the envelope "CWL for DAS". You will be helping DAS with restocking their safe house (transition home) with much needed goods. Envelopes can be left at the Parish office. Thank you. VOLUNTEERS FOR BIRTHRIGHT Birthright is in desperate need of volunteers. If you can volunteer 4 hours a week to give love and support to pregnant women please call us. We will provide training and on hand assistance helping you to be a compassionate listener to women in need. Please call Helen Martens at 604-541-8787. Prayers For The Sick Please keep in your prayers those who are sick at home or in the hospital. Call the parish office for your prayer requests. Andy Sebok Agnes McCashion Alberto Cabilan Alberto Villarreal Albina Bordignon Alejandro Volpiana Alice Molina Amanda Kershaw (Wahl) Amelita Pacunana Ana Asic Andre Angelito Astrera Ann Cheah Archbishop Emeritus Raymond Roussin, SM Ashley Kidd Aurora Orosco Ayna Manna Bill Papuc Blanka Sumbera Boniface Khoo Carlo Campanilla Carolyn Pinlac Ceasar Ursua Cezar Malobago Charity Van Dongen-Cannon Cheryl Kwong Christopher Newn Cicel Rosario Clinton Rosario Cristina Contawe Concetta Grande Conrado Griarte BEQUEST CLAUSE Constance Abbick Corazon Amado Cresencio Aguinaldo Danny Villapana Debbie Eileen McCourt Denis Harper Deo Cruz Desirre Pino Diana Volpiana Diosdado Salvador Donald Harpe Edith Morales Edna Ordiales Elodie Ann Bourque Ernest Gary Jude Simon Ester Maceda Eugenia Mejia Evette Simon Fernanda Badke Fr. Benno Giovanna Artuso Giuseppe Lapenna Helen Cartier Henry Lemieux Hilka Verterback Ilona Sebok Imelda Bordignon Isadora F. Aquino JR Venancio S. Lachica Jeff Herrington Jennifer Vu Jill Kachur Jorann Pacheco Jose Navarro Joseph Warlimont Julian Kawalilak Junjits Bangius Keith Andrew Kevin Dunatov Kevin McCourt Khristine Cabrera Kristen Hatt Laurie Lemmon Leonida Punzal Lorna Keras Lorretta Cherkas Luis Enrique Cervantes Luna Vince Luke Raymond Lydia Mejia Margaret Larson Margot Sale Maria Nikita Anos Maria Josenia Redito Maria Muro Maria Paquita Esperanza Lao Marita Reyes Marivic Contawe Negrete Mary Benes Mary Hodel Mary Kennedy Maureen Campbell May Calimoso Medencio Cebujano Melanie Simon Ruiz Melinda Torres Go Mercedes San Miguel Myrna Gonzales Nicanor Esteron Nora Herra Patricia Rinosa Patsy Newn Paolo Marziale Pauline Turenne Phillip John Ochangco Racel Redito Espejo Ricardo Angeles Ricardo Rinosa Ricken Robert Ong Rodito Cotin Ron Hatt Rosita Quiaoit Ryker Shaun Antol Shelley Erickson Simone Hnatuk Sir Roque Juatco Tim Hatt Trevor Livingston Valeriana Ramos Veronica Khaing Veronica Turnquest Victor Arthur Ong Virginia (Jean) Chisholm Willie Bruno Simon Yolanda Violine Yoland Buco Zeny Espinosa (This can be added to your existing Will as a codicil.) I give and bequeath to the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver, incorporated under a special Act of Legislative Assembly of B. C., and whose offices are located in Vancouver, B. C., for the benefit of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Surrey, B.C. The sum of $_____________________________________ dollars or _________ percentage of the estate or the total of the residue of the estate.
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