Titan Up! Titan Up! TBT’s Newsletter IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES Homecoming Game Oct. 10 Homecoming Dance Oct. 11 PSAT Test Oct. 15 End of 1st Quarter Oct. 17 No School Oct. 20 Report Cards Nov. 7 Veteran’s Day/ Nov. 11 no school Fall Break Nov. 24‐28 Progress Reports Nov. 18 Conference Night Nov. 20 Winter Break Dec. 22‐Jan. 2 Semester Exams Jan. 13‐16 End of Semester Jan. 16 Report Cards Feb.10 ADMINISTRATORS Mr. Ippolito Principal Ms. Woody AP Curriculum Ms. Sparano AP Magnet Ms. Carmody AP Admin‐ istra on Mr. Derflinger AP Student Affairs Mr. Buffano AP Student Affairs Titan Up! A Note from Mr. Ippolito Dear Parents and Students, The 2014/2015 school year has go en off to a great start! We were re‐ cently honored as a 2014 Magnet School of Dis nc‐ on, which means we were recognized for demon‐ stra ng a high commit‐ ment to academic stand‐ ards, curriculum innova‐ on, desegrega on/ diversity efforts, special‐ ized teaching staffs, and parent and community in‐ volvement. It’s great to be a Titan! We have several new addi ons to our faculty this year and would like to wel‐ come them all to our Titan family. Also, a special wel‐ come to the new students and families that are join‐ ing us this year. I’m sure you’re already beginning to see why it’s so special to be a Titan. The end of Septem‐ ber marked the official beginning of Fall, which means that this is a busy, but exci ng me of year at school. Our Fall sports teams have begun their seasons, and we are ge ng excited to host our homecoming game against Plant City High School on Oc‐ tober 10. Our first pep rally was a great success, and everyone involved had a lot of fun. Thank you to our Student Govern‐ ment for all of your efforts. You can see pictures from the event in this October 2014 month’s newsle er. As always, if you have any ques ons please contact us at 744‐8360. And don’t forget to fol‐ low us on Twi er @TBTechHS! Sincerely, Michael Ippolito Principal In This Issue... Meet our newest AP of Student Affairs, Mr. Buffano, on page 2. Check out some pictures of our first pep rally and oth‐ er Fall ac vi es on page 3. See what exci ng awards and achievements our Ti‐ tans are earning on pag‐ es 4 and 5. Check out TBT’s mission and vision statements as well as important links on page 6. Find out about Belle of the Ball on page 7. Seniors: check out some important college info on page 8. Help TBT support some great causes. See page 9 to find out how. Find important links on page 10. 1 Page 2 Titan Up! Meet Our Newest AP of Student Affairs, Mr. Buffano! We are very excited to welcome Mr. Buffano as the newest addi on to our Titan family! Mr. Buffano is a graduate of Bloomingdale High School, right here in Hills‐ borough County. He originally went to school for marke ng, and a er gradua ng from the University of South Florida he went on to accept a job in Orlando as a finan‐ cial manager. While the job was very profitable, he missed his family and longed to make a difference. A er he made the decision to move back to the Tampa/Brandon area to be near his family, he made the switch to teaching. His career in educa on started as a middle school career and technology teacher. He eventually made the switch to high school, accep ng a posi on at Lennard High School where he coached the wrestling team for five years. He had always heard good things about Tampa Bay Tech, and when he saw a posi on open he jumped at the opportunity. He is now our Assistant Principal of Student Affairs, handling students with last names A‐G. Mr. Buffano lives in the Tampa Bay area with his wife. His sisters and parents also live near by in the Brandon area. In his free me he enjoys working out and pre y much anything athle c. He is also a huge sports fan. When asked if he had any words of advice for our students, he smiled and said “Go hard or go home!” Titan Up! 2 Page 3 October 2014 TBT Fall Ac vi es & the First Pep Rally of the 2014‐15 School Year Titan Up! 3 Page 4 Titan Up! Titans’ Awards & Achievements 2014 HOSA Conference Recogni on TBT honored to support Run for the Fallen Gold Star families who recently had family die in service to our country. These Titans earned perfect scores on FCAT Reading 2.0, the Geometry EOC, or the US History EOC! 2014 Na onal Mu Alpha Theta Conference Recogni on Congratula ons Nikhil Nagabandi and Steven Paul TBT Recognized at a FFCA Presenta on Vet Assis ng Students at the Hillsborough County FFA Federa on Mee ng Titan Up! 4 Titan Up! TBT’s Class of 2016 showed up in forces for the high school ring assembly. Page 5 Tech! Tech! Tech! What? TBT’s welding students’ work is now on display with this bike rack in downtown Tampa These culinary students admire their work. TBT Staff: Titan Café has opened for the year Saturday School is off to a great start. Join us! TBT Titans never know what they will have the opportunity to learn in their classes! Karina, Elaine, and Lianne show off their a re on the first day that students wore their scrubs for the 2014/15 school year. Want to see your picture and accomplishments in the TBT newsle er? Send stories and pictures about your group’s ac vi es and/or accomplishments to: tbtechhsnewsle er@gmail.com Titan Up! 5 Page 6 Titan Up! 2014 GREAT AMERICAN TEACH-IN HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Parents, community members, and friends of Tampa bay Technical High School, make plans now to be a part of the annual Great American Teach‐In, on Thursday, November 20, 2014. We are looking for volunteers to teach one class or teach all day in this community‐wide effort to give you a taste of teaching. You don't need teaching experience, just enthusiasm and a desire to share with students something about your career, your experiences, your hobby, or yourself. We want you to carry some key messages into our classrooms, including the im‐ portance of staying in school and the value of each individual student. The Great American Teach‐In is a perfect opportunity for parents, business lead‐ ers, and community members to let our students know we care about them. The idea is simple ‐ join us on November 20, 2014, and teach a class or two, whatever your schedule permits. We'll do our part in giving you some sugges ons and preparing you for this teaching experience. Simply email the school at Ernes ne.woody@sdhc.k12.fl.us to register for the Great American Teach‐In. You won't regret your decision to be a volunteer teacher during The Great American Teach‐In! We can't wait to hear from you. Students learn about the medical field during the Great American Teach‐In. Titan Up! 6 Titan Up! Page 7 BELLE OF THE BALL INC. Homecoming And Prom Dresses To In-Need H.S. Girls WHAT Belle of the Ball Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organiza on which pro‐ vides homecoming and prom dresses to in‐need, low‐income high school girls in Pinellas, Hillsborough and surrounding coun es. Established in 2003, Belle of the Ball Project`s mission statement is "no girl should be denied the opportunity to a end her high school dance because of financial difficul es.” We are 100 % volunteer organiza on. We have volunteer opportuni‐ es for distribu on day helpers during the hours of 10‐2 on distribu‐ on dates. WHEN Homecoming 2014 shopping dates are September 6, 20, October 4, 18 Hours are 10 am to 2 pm. No appointment necessary. These dates and times will be the only time to receive a dress. WHERE We operate out of a 4,000 square store front inside the Seminole Mall 11201 Park Blvd. Seminole, Fl. This loca on has more than 2,000 quality dresses in inventory. HOW Girls are referred to Belle of the Ball by school guidance counselors, teachers, churches, other non‐profit organi‐ za ons, foster care, the guardian ad litem system, and other civic organiza ons. Even though the honor system and the girl's anonymity are highly respected, the recipient must be present and must a est that they currently are having financial difficulties or have been referred by School Social Worker, Guidance Counselor, Principal, Community Involvement Personnel, Guardian ad litem, Foster Care, or other non-profit organization or agency CONTACT US www.belleo heballproject.com 727‐386‐4502 Visit us on Facebook Belle of the Ball YouTube h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXBssFMH6rc h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0K7c4X3xSUU If you are interested in helping, please contact us at volunteerbelle.info@gmail.com If you would like informa on on dona ng dresses, contact us at dona onsbelle.info@gmail.com to contact Susan Schwartz, Founder and Execu ve Director, sschwa1004@aol.com Titan Up! 7 Page 8 Titan Up! College Entrance Exams SAT TESTING Oct. 11, 2014* Nov. 8, 2014* Dec. 6, 2014* Jan. 24, 2015 March 14, 2015* May 2, 2015* June 6, 2015* Sept. 12, 2014 Oct. 9, 2014 Nov. 6, 2014 Dec. 29, 2015 Feb. 13, 2015 April 6, 2015 May 8, 2015 ACT TESTING Sept. 13, 2014 Aug. 8, 2014 Oct. 25, 2014* Sept. 19, 2014 Dec. 13, 2014* Nov. 7, 2014 Feb. 7, 2015* Jan. 9, 2015 April 18, 2015* March 13, 2015 June 13, 2015* May 8, 2015 *test offered at TBT What is the SAT Subject Area Test? The College Board offers numerous Subject Area Tests for students to verify ability in specialized academic areas. AFTER appropriate scores are attained on the SAT Reasoning Test, and if referred or recommended by the college/university of acceptance, then students may register for the SAT Subject Area Test (s). These tests are not offered on every SAT test date, so check your registration carefully! If you register for the SAT Subject Area Test in error, be sure to make the correction with the College Board PRIOR to the testing date. There is a charge for the correction. Should you take the ACT optional Writing test? The writing portion of the ACT is optional. Many colleges, however, are beginning to use this portion of the test for placement purposes. Some colleges are using it as part of the evaluation process. The be certain of what your college is looking for, check with an Admissions Counselor at that school, or the college's website. College Visits at TBT There are s ll a couple of college visits in the near future. See Ms. Francis to sign up. October 14th‐ University of Florida October 29th‐ University of Tampa The following colleges visited TBT in September: Titan Up! 8 Titan Up! Page 9 Beta Club will collect Yoplait lids - just drop CLEAN lids off in Mrs. Hollingsworth’s office! Titan Up! 9 Hillsborough County Public Schools, FL Helpful Links mySPOT: Student Parent Online Toolkit Hillsborough County Public Schools Tampa Bay Tech Edsby TBT Guidance Department TBT School Psychologist TBT Media Center TBT Magnet Programs Mission Statement We, at Tampa Bay Technical High School, will use the coopera ve team approach to jointly coordinate instruc on and provide a nurturing environment to assure student success. We guarantee opportuni es for students, parents, faculty, and community in planning, implemen ng, and evalua ng the programs to assure quality technical and educa onal opportuni es exist for all students. We emphasize pride, work ethics and goo ci zenship in school and community. TBT Technical Programs Vision Statement Each student is given the opportunity to earn a high school diploma while acquiring technical skills to assure the founda on of future success. SDHC Calendars Follow @TBTechHS on Twi er Titan Up! Tampa By Technical High School (TBT) was established in 1969 as Tampa Bay Voca onal Technical School. TBT’s program is now an excep onal blend of academ‐ ic rigor and technical relevance. A dedicated faculty provides instruc on in everything from advanced placement to cer fied technical skill courses. The cam‐ pus resembles a community college campus with large laboratory facili es for several unique technology pro‐ grams. The students must apply to this school and transporta on is provided. Tampa Bay Technical High School 6410 Orient Road Tampa, FL 33610 813.744.8360 10
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