Newsletter - Tampa Bay Technical High School

Titan Up!
Titan Up!
TBT’s Newsletter
Final Club Day—April 1 
Grade 10 ELA FSA—April 13‐
16 
Saturday School—April 11 and 25 
Report Cards Distributed—
April 17 
Senior Grad Bash ‐ April 17 
Grade 9 ELA FSA—April 27—
May 1 
Biology EOC Exams—April 20—24 
Progress Reports ‐ April 28 A Note from Mr. Ippolito Dear Parents and Students, April marks the beginning of the final grading period of the year, and also the beginning of some of the most important assessments our students will take. I know that our teachers and students have been working very hard to prepare for these tests, and because of their tenacity I know we will succeed. Our sophomores will be the first to take the Grade 10 ELA Florida Standards Assessment the week of April 13th-16th, followed by our freshmen the week of April 27th – May 1st. It’s important that all students arrive to school on me and well-rested for these important tests. Fourth quarter is always an exci ng me of year as our seniors prepare to graduate and move on to the next step in their lives. There are many exci ng events planned for them to celebrate this important milestone. Senior Grad Bash kicks off the fesvi es this month on April 17th. It’s exci ng for the rest of our students as well, because summer break is only a couple of short months away. Even with all of the excitement, it’s important that we stay academically focused. End of Course exams begin on April 20th, with Biology going first. We will con nue to offer Saturday school this month on April 11th and 25th. With so much happening, it’s important to stay on top of important dates. Please add the dates from this month’s newsle er to your calendar. As always, if you have April 2015 any ques ons please contact us at 813-744-8360. And don’t forget to follow us on Twi er @TBTechHS! Sincerely, Michael Ippolito Principal ADMINISTRATORS Mr. Ippolito Principal Ms. Woody AP Curriculum Ms. Sparano AP Magnet Ms. Carmody AP Administra on Mr. Derflinger AP Student Affairs Mr. Buffano AP Student Affairs Dr. Chapman AP Student Johnson Titan Up! Affairs In This Issue... Get to Know TBT’s Magnet Lead Teacher, Ms. Campbell on page 2. Find out how to enter the Summer Reading Short Story and Poetry Contest on page 3. TBT won big at the Florida State Spanish Conference! Check out the winners and some pictures on page 4. Check out some of our all about on page 8. Please take a minute to students’ other accom-
plishments on page 5. HOSA State Leadership Conference was held last month and TBT showed up in a big way. See how we did on pag‐
es 6 and 7. LifePath Hospice is once again offering its annual Camp Circle of Love. Find out what it’s read some important informa on about the upcoming Florida Standards Assessment on page 9. As always, TBT’s Vision and Mission statements, as well as many helpful links can be found on page 10. 1 Page 2 Titan Up! Get to Know Ms. Campbell, TBT’s Magnet Lead Teacher We are very lucky to have Ms. Elizabeth Campbell as our Magnet Lead Teacher, overseeing the Medical and Architecture programs here at TBT. As juniors, our students have to apply to get into their senior medical programs, and Ms. Campbell creates a database that helps determine placement. Her other responsibili es are varied and include things such as helping students with community service hours, organizing senior clinical rotaons, and finding new clinical facili es for our students to visit. In fact, a lot of her me is spent working with community sponsors and planning fieldtrips for both magnet programs. Another huge part of her job is recrui ng future Titans at local middle schools. Growing up, Ms. Campbell a ended a total of 18 different schools in three different states: Colorado, California and Florida, before finishing right here at TBT. She began her college career as a Business major, but quickly learned that it was not what she wanted to do. She earned her Associates Degree from Houston Community College, her Bachelors Degree from the University of Central Florida, and earned an addi onal degree in Career and Technical Educa on from the University of South Florida. A er working for a while as an opera ng nurse at the Shriner’s Hospital, Ms. Campbell decided that she wanted to be able to spend more me with her kids, so she began to take some educa on courses and look into teaching. She has been here at TBT for an impressive 23 years! She has taught many different courses, including Physical and Occupa onal Therapy, Med Lab, Prac cal Nursing, and CNA. She even designed an Alterna ve Medicine course that is s ll offered as an elec ve in the Medical program. An interes ng fact about Ms. Campbell is that her husband is a well-known and loved teacher here at TBT as well, Mr. Doug Carter. He teaches AP Psychology. A couple of their favorite hobbies are to ride their bikes downtown and visit art museums. In her free me, Ms. Campbell also enjoys kni ng and yoga. When asked if she had any prac cal advice for our students, she said, “Don’t get ta oos on your hand!” She laughed and then added, “Seriously, get them somewhere that no one will see it.” This is great advice, because as she pointed out, it can be extremely difficult to secure employment, especially in the medical field, when you have ta oos on your hands. Ms. Campbell can be found in her office, which is located in the back of the Main Office. Titan Up! 2 Page 3 Titan Up! Just Read, Titans! Want to see your picture and accomplishments in the TBT newsle er? Send stories and pictures about your group’s ac vi es and/or accomplishments to: tbtechhsnewsle Titan Up! 3 Titan Up! Page 4 TBT Wins First Place in Division at the Florida State Spanish Conference! Congratula ons to the following students for their achievements at the Florida State Spanish Conference: Kimberlie Vera
Estafania Garcia-Yepes
Lianne Cintero
Lina Bernal
Juan Forero
Yuly Basulto
Staphanie Mujica
Nermalis Vera
Samira Otero
Benjamin Rodriguez
Alana Luzardo
Evelyn Angeles
Alex Schwartz
Zeneida Arevalo- Velasco
Rachel Stewart
Hernando Muñoz
Titan Up! 4 Page 5 Titan Up! More TBT Student Awards, Achievements, & Cer fica ons Titans take home awards at the Math Bowl on 3/25. Nikhil 5th Pre-Calculus, Suzanna 7th Geometry, Arsany 15th Algebra 2 Congratula ons to the en re Titan Math Bowl team! Congratula ons to senior, Juan Rojas for being named a FINALIST in the Na onal Merit Scholarship Program. This is a very pres gious honor, and Juan will be honored at the May 12 School Board mee ng! TBT’s track team is doing great this season! Malik Wright won his 200 meter race on Saturday, March 24 and became ranked FIRST in the state and fourth in the country! TBT’s King of Clovers contest was won by Nabil from the Commercial Art Academy. Congratula ons, Nabil! Titan, the dog, also par cipated in the contest. Titan Up! 5 Titan Up! Page 6 TBT Health Academy Students Par cipate in the HOSA State Leadership Conference | March 26‐29 Titan Up! 6 Page 7 Titan Up! Brooke Singletary won 4th Place in Dental Terminology at HOSA SLC! Way to go, Brooke! Titan Up! Congrats to Selena, Noelle, and Amanda for taking 2nd, 3rd and 4th Place in Physical Therapy at HOSA SLC! 7 Titan Up! Page 8 Titan Up! 8 Page 9 Titan Up! Titan Up! 9 Hillsborough County Public Schools, FL Helpful Links 
mySPOT: Student Vision Statement Tampa Bay Technical High School will provide a caring and educa onally rigorous experience to develop successful students. Parent Online Toolkit 
Hillsborough County Public Schools 
Tampa Bay Tech 
Edsby 
TBT Guidance Mission Statement Tampa Bay Technical High School will maintain the highest standards of excellence for all students as they acquire career and academic knowledge to become life
-long learners and produc ve ci zens. Department 
TBT School Psychologist 
TBT Media Center 
TBT Magnet Programs 
TBT Technical Programs 
SDHC Calendars 
FSA Assessments 
ELP/Tutoring is Tampa By Technical High School (TBT) was established in 1969 as Tampa Bay Voca onal Technical School. TBT’s program is now an excep onal blend of academic rigor and technical relevance. A dedicated faculty provides instruc on in everything from advanced placement to cer fied technical skill courses. The campus resembles a community college campus with large laboratory facili es for several unique technology programs. The students must apply to this school and transporta on is provided. offered most days a er school. View the schedule for available sessions. Follow @TBTechHS on Twi er Titan Up! Tampa Bay Technical High School 6410 Orient Road Tampa, FL 33610 813.744.8360 10