DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION RASHTRASANT TUKDOJI MAHARAJ NAGPUR UNIVERSITY, NAGPUR Phone No. 0712-2531696 / mobile no. 9850329169 / 8149760656 E-mail :-, Website :- NO.DPE/RTMNU/14-15/413 DATE : 06/10//2014 To, The Principals of all Concerned Colleges, Subject :- Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University VOLLEY BALL (MEN) team for Year 2014-2015. Sir/Madam, Following players are selected to represent Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University VOLLEY BALL [ MEN ] team in WEST ZONE INTER UNIVERSITY VOLLEY BALL [ MEN) Championships scheduled to be held at UDAIPUR Organized by MOHANLAL SUKHADIA UNIVERSITY. The competition will be held on 14TH OCTOBER 2014 TO 18TH OCTOBER 2014 The University team will leave for the Venue on 11TH OCTOBER 2014. THE MEN TEAM PLAYERS INSTRUCTION AND CAMPS DETAILS HAVE TO REPORTS ON 9th OCTOBER 2014 AT 12.00 A.M. IN THE OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, RASHTRASANT TUKDOJI MAHARAJ NAGPUR UNIVERSITY, R.B.D. CAMPUS, LAW COLLEGE SQUARE, AMRAVATI ROAD, NAGPUR Sr. Name of Players 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 (MEN TEAM) Mr. Prashant Maske Mr. Mahesh Bopate Mr. Vilas Dhoke Mr. Kewal Barai Mr. Vikas Kamble Mr. Pawan Choudhari Mr. Swanand Khedkar Mr. Jitendra Patel Mr. Vedant Thaore Mr. Satish Kshirsagar Mr. Sohel Shiekh Mr. Mrudul Meshram Stand bye 01 Mr. Shubham Korge 02 Mr. Sugam Choudhari 03 Mr. Krunal Bhange 04 Mr. Pritik Thakare 05 Mr. Suresh Satpute 06 Mr. Bhagram Thomare 07. Mr. Akash Patil ..02.. C. Attacker C. Blocker C. Blocker C. Blocker Lifter C. Attacker Lifter Universal C. Blocker Libro C. Attacker C. Attacker C. Attacker C. Blocker C. Blocker Lifter Libro All-rounder Lifter Name of College Kamla Nehru Mv., Nagpur V. N. Govt. Instt. Of A. S. S. Nagpur Br. S. Wankhede Mv. Khaparkheda Arvindbabu Deshmukh Mv. Bharsingi Br. S. Wankhede Mv. Khaparkheda Arts Commerce & Sci. Arvi J. C. P. E. Nagpur Br. S. Wankhede Mv. Khaparkheda Dhanwate National College, Nagpur N.P. Shivaji Mv., Mowad Arts Comm. & Science, Koradi Dhanwate National College, Nagpur Shivaji Science College, Nagpur Pushpak Mahavidyalaya, Umrer Dr. Ambedkar Engg. Nagpur New Arts Comm. College, Wardha Br. S. Wankhede Mv. Mohpa Arvindbabu Deshmukh Mv. Bharsingi V. M. I. T. Engg., Nagpur ..02… The selected Players are requested to report on 12.00 A.M. 9th OCTOBER 2014 AT in the Office of the Director, Physical Education, Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur alongwith college IDENTITY CARD AND XEROX COPY OF 12th MARKSHEET, 10TH DIPLOMA. In case a player is employed it is mandatory to produce N.O.C. from their employer. Otherwise they will not be allowed to participate in the coaching camp/Inter University Tournament. It is therefore requested to kindly inform the concerned players of your college accordingly. Thanking you. Dr. Dhananjay M. Welukar Director Physical Education Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University Nagpur COPY FORWARDED TO :07. The Chairman, Board of Physical Education, R. T. M. Nagpur University, Nagpur 08. The Member of Volley Ball (Men) Selection Committee for information. 09. The Wardan, University Girls Hostel, Nagpur for information. 10. The Estate Officer, Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University Nagpur for information. 11. Shri. Mohd. Salim U.D.C. Dept. of Physical Education, Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, for information and necessary arrangement. 12. The Sports Editors of all Local News Papers for favour of wide publicity. Sd/Director Physical Education Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Mjrehman 06-10-2014
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