Faith Points F My Favorite Season

Faith Points
Volume 54 • Number 9
October 2014
Hayes Barton Baptist Church
from the Church at Five Points, Raleigh, NC
My Favorite Season
David With
or everything there is a season,” says Ecclesiastes. There is a season for planting and a season for harvest. There
is a season for keeping and a season for throwing away. There is a season for giving and a season for receiving. For
every matter under the heavens, says the writer of Ecclesiastes, there is a proper time, a proper season.
So I suppose here in late September we should rightly add the following to our inventory of the seasons: yes, we
proclaim boldly, at this special time of year, as we witness the hunter greens transform to hues of yellow and blood
orange and as we feel the crisp autumn breeze replace the sticky summer leftovers: we confess that the time has
arrived candied apples and pink cotton candy; for Val’s “so good you’ll slap your momma” pies and choo choo
train rides around the parking lot. This is the season for sweet slow-smoked pork BBQ, giant inflatable bounce houses
and cake-walks; for live karaoke and Dr. Hailey’s best Elvis impersonation; for face-painting and pony rides; for kettle
corn, shaved ice and so much more!
This is the season for young and old, singles and couples, dunked and dunked-to-be to share together in an annual
joy-filled celebration to end all other celebrations. Yes, the time is now and the season is upon us. It’s that season when
we’ll all gather together on Wednesday, October 29th from 5:00-7:30 PM for food, fellowship and fun. Yes, it’s my
favorite season of all. It’s the season above every other season! Can you guess to what season I’m referring?
It’s the season for children laughing, for newcomers receiving a warm welcome, neighbors visiting for the first time,
front doors opening wide to the city outside, generous hospitality, and a kindred spirit all around. It’s that season for
losing ourselves in the moment
and being present to the joy of
Christ in our midst. It’s the time
for sharing stories, reconnecting,
or perhaps connecting with
another for the first time. It’s
the season that Jesus refers to
in Luke 13:18-19, when he asks,
“What is God’s kingdom like?
To what can I compare it? It’s
like a mustard seed that someone
took and planted in a garden. It
grew and developed into a tree
and the birds in the sky nested
in its branches.” What do we
call this season of new life and
transformation, of hope centered
in fellowship? What is the name
for this kind of thing?
The name for this
called church. This is church. And
this is my favorite season of all.
What about you?
Search Committee Announces Interim Minister of Music;
Dr. David Hailey
ur Minister of Music Search Committee has been working diligently in recent weeks. On Sunday, September 17,
I was pleased to announce on their behalf the appointment of Dr. Larry Dickens as Interim Minister of Music
and Worship. Dr. Dickens currently serves as Associate Professor of Church Music at Campbell University Divinity
School. He will serve our church part-time in this new role.
Previously, Dickens served as Minister of Music at Snyder Memorial Baptist Church in Fayetteville, NC, a position he
held for 15 years. A graduate of Campbell University (Bachelor of Music Education, 1975) and Southeastern Baptist
Theological Seminary (MDiv, 1983 and DMin, 1991), he has also served churches in South Carolina and Virginia.
During his service at Snyder music enrollment, in the church increased from 425 to 900 participants. In addition, the
Snyder Music Academy with over 600 students and 30 faculty members was established.
Dr. Dickens is married to Gail who teaches in the Academically Gifted program of Cumberland County Schools. They
have one daughter who is a graduate of Campbell University Divinity
Jennifer Hawkins, chair of the Minister of Music Search Committee, has
noted widespread support of the committee’s choice. “I have received
emails, phone calls, and many other expressions of approval from both choir
members and non-choir members,” she claimed. “It is clear that our people
really like Larry and his style of leadership.”
Now that the interim has been determined, the committee is ready to
begin its next and most important phase: Calling a Minister of Music
and Worship for Hayes Barton Baptist Church. “We have only one goal,”
Hawkins declared; “We want to find and call the right person for HBBC.”
The committee is currently refining their profile for the position. They are
also receiving and reviewing resumes. A link has been established on the
church’s website that gives information about applying for the position.
Members and friends of the church who wish to recommend a candidate
should follow the procedures indicated on the website. Questions or
comments about the process should be relayed to Jennifer Hawkins.
Members of the Minister of Music Search Committee include: Jennifer
Hawkins, chair; Richard Austin; Ken Chambers; Lora Grimes; Kathy
Hartenstine; Hope Long; and Gene Ray. Mary Beth Johnston and David
Hailey also serve ex officio.
Fall 2014 KidzStuff By the Numbers!
- Total Sales $57,000
- 1060 Customers checked out
- 292 consignors with ~22000 items
- ~2500 unsold items were donated to local charities...$10,600 value
(based on consignor sales pricing)
Thank you to everyone who was involved in the fall Kidz Stuff
Consignment Sale! You helped us have our best sale yet! We
couldn’t have our sale without the help of our many volunteers,
donors and consignors. Thanks for all the time and effort you put into the consignment sale. Also, the sale
wouldn’t be successful without shoppers. If you helped spread the word about the sale, thank you!
Hayes Barton Baptist Church October 2014
Favorite Sunday School Teacher
Henry Warren
s I read an article in a previous Faith Points about a favorite Sunday School teacher, I reflected back to my childhood
and a wonderful gentleman who greatly influenced my life in my formative years. I am grateful for the influence of
Garthae Williams who taught the boys in the Junior Department at Mt. Elam Baptist Church in a rural area of eastern
North Carolina close to Dunn. Mr. Garthae, as we called him, was both a spiritual coach and a life coach. He was a part
of our lives in a way that made us want to be better people.
All the boys in my class went to the same school so we saw each other every day, and we played together each day after
school. I am sure any of these boys, now men, would tell you that Mr. Garthae was a favorite and beloved teacher.
He not only taught us about our spiritual life through Bible stories and Bible verses but
also taught us and was concerned about every area of our lives. He encouraged us to be
successful in our work at school and in our activities. He was there for all our Mt. Elam
Baptist Church baseball games often providing transportation for some of the boys in our
class. It is wonderful to share a church life now at Hayes Barton Baptist Church with his
son, Durwood Williams. I see in Durwood all those virtues and characteristics that Mr.
Garthae instilled in the boys in his Sunday School class.
We wanted to come to church each week to hear again another lesson from the Bible and
also a lesson about life. This middle aged man was so patient and kind, and he expected and
made sure that we were kind, patient, and respectful. I am a better person today because he
was my Sunday School teacher when I was in the Junior Department.
HBBC Fall Interns: Ready to Serve
Brooke Johnston
ou don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone” is what they say. Well I am blessed that I only felt that feeling for a
couple of weeks after my internship was over at the end of summer. I missed being known as “the intern” at
Hayes Barton Baptist Church, and I missed being at church every day with the best staff and church family. So naturally, I
couldn’t help but get excited when Kristen Muse mentioned that another internship position was open for the school year.
I just couldn’t get enough of serving as ministerial intern here, so I quickly signed up!
My time as intern over the summer was filled with many new experiences, mission opportunities, and fellowship. A few
of these included: planning two summer events for the Movers and Shakers; giving a children’s sermon; helping organize
“A Taste of Sunday School;” spending two weeks in Helena, Arkansas, for swim
camp; leading a team of youth in Belize; and many more!
I grew more this past summer than I ever have because of all the opportunities
given to me, and I am excited to see what God has in store in the coming
months! Going along with Dr. Hailey’s new theme, “This is Church,” we really
are not just a building. We are a church family who loves and supports each
other. I already knew that because I grew up in this church, but I really felt it
when I became an intern. The encouragement I received was like no other! So
I am truly blessed to able to give back to a congregation, a church family, like
ours as an intern.
I am not the only lucky one around HBBC! You may have seen Mikala Shaw
and Carter Benge around church already, but they are also serving as interns
through the school year! Mikala will be working with the youth. She is a
junior at N.C. State and is studying Middle School Education. Carter Benge
is the music intern with a special focus in youth choir. He is in his first year
of divinity school at Campbell University. He just graduated from Mars
Hill University. They are looking forward to getting to know everyone and
to really get involved at HBBC! Please give them a special and warm Hayes
Barton welcome, as you certainly did with me! God has called us here, so we
have answered and are ready to serve!
Hayes Barton Baptist Church October 2014
Indeed, is Church!
Joanne McDaniel
ayes Barton Baptist Church’s focus on the
meaning of church (“THIS is Church”) includes
effort end emphasis on church as fellowship, church
as worship, and church as mission. The lead article
in this Faith Points illustrates how church is about
fellowship with one another. The last article in this
issue addresses the importance of worship as part of
church. The following three articles offer examples
of church as or on mission.
Taken all together,
THIS, indeed, is church!
Where Does All the Food Come From and...
Does It Go?
David Hawkins
rban Ministries of Wake County is one of Hayes Barton Baptist Church’s 5 Points of Emphasis for 2014. Many
tours were set up to visit UM, and we quickly discovered just how many things it does for those living in poverty
in Wake County. Surprisingly, that number exceeds 90,000 persons RIGHT HERE
where we live.
In visiting UM, we discovered that 94 cents of every dollar raised goes to help the
poor. Most workers at UM are volunteers and even assistant directors are part time
paid employees donating many free hours.
We left our meetings knowing there were huge shoes to fill. Bobby Hall
and I reported to Missions Evangelism with several recommendations. One
recommendation was for HBBC to sponsor the food pantry for a week as they were
seeking a sponsor for each of the 52 weeks. We committed and went to work.
After week one - and collecting only 267 pounds, I went to Kristen and told her we
could never succeed. Kristen replied: “Ye of so little faith - pray about it - we will
make it work…” And work it did! We supplied food and funds to support the food
pantry for 6 1/2 weeks. Praise The Lord and thank you, Kristen, for elevating my
Let’s now follow the path of the food from our Food Drive.
Hey, it’s Sunday Morning and here comes Mary and Buddy Siler with a sack of food. Oh - there’s Kent Fullbright with
a bag and now the Tuttle Kids have cans. In the entrance to The Family Life Center, there were three large baskets
marked for UM. Now it’s Monday am and one of our Benevolence Committee member comes in, loads the food, carries
it to Josephine at UM who weighs and records the quantity. Now it’s Tuesday - know what happens? The Barksdales,
the Giles, the Hughes, Liz Bradshaw and Marilyn Nations along with others show up to sort and stock UM shelves. So
what’s next? Some of the eligible families show up to receive their family’s food. In the pantry, each order is pulled and
tagged to fit particular needs. This process goes on every day, but, there isn’t always food available. There are weeks
the HBBC regular volunteers are called and told to stay home. Sort of makes you wish that you had brought those two
extra cans, doesn’t it?
Have we done a good job - heck yeah and … Could we have done more - heck yeah and WE WILL! Our
Benevolence Committee begins its fall coat and blanket drive for Urban Ministries in October. It is time to step up
“There are so many hungry and cold. Have you done all you can do?”
Hayes Barton Baptist Church October 2014
Hands of Our Church: Serving by Building
Cindy Tuttle
s. Gayle recently began a children’s sermon with a children’s hand rhyme. Remember? “Here’s the church;
Here’s the steeple ... Open the doors and see all the people!” I thought the illustration of hands being the people
of the church very fitting as we prepare for our fall Habitat for Humanity build. The summer newsletter shared the
Ksor family’s dream of owning their first home in the United States. Hayes Barton Baptist Church will be providing
labor and love over the next few months to help build their
new home.
Since the summer, our team has been formulating, and we
are now enlisting volunteers to help with the build. During
our kick-off (October 9, 10, 11), 25 people are required daily
to help meet the goal of framing the house. We have nearly
met that goal for Thursday, and are halfway there for Friday
and Saturday. HBBC has also committed to the following
additional dates: October 25; November 1, 8, and 22;
December 4 (Thursday) and 13; and 20 (if needed).
Do you need construction experience to help? No! But we
do need lots of hands out there to help with the building.
All construction volunteers must be registered with Habitat.
You may register through the link on our HBBC website. You may also contact Kristen Muse for a registration form,
and we will be glad to complete the process for you.
Of course, the hands of our church are providing support in many other ways as well. Sunday School classes have
already committed to providing lunch for workers on each of the scheduled days. Likewise, hands have been joined in
prayer for the safety of the workers and the progress of our efforts.
Ms. Gayle finished her sermon by reminding the children that the church is not a building, but the people. She revised
the rhyme to finish, “Open the doors, the church is the people!” Those wiggling fingers, the people of Christ, serving
Him by building! Will you volunteer to help? Ground breaking is set for 8 a.m. Saturday October 11. Please join us in
serving by building!
With Our Community
Kristen Muse
Community Engagement; one of our 5 points initiatives!
What’s involved in being a
Math Guide or Helping with
Kindergarten Centers?
Be approved as a Wake County
level 3 or 4 volunteer. (This
is a very simple process.)
Math Guides commit to meeting
with your math pal for 30
minutes each week. This is
typically a set day and time.
Kindergarten Center Helpers commit
to helping one day a week with a
Kindergarten class from 10:45-noon.
Contact Kristen Muse (kmuse@ get involved!
Hayes Barton Baptist Church Developing 5 key partnerships; one of the goals in this initiative.
Partnership Elementary School; a fitting title for one of these partnerships.
Partnership Elementary School is located off Devereaux St. (off Glenwood
Avenue on the right as you travel from Hayes Barton Baptist Church before you
get to Peace St.); not far from HBBC. It is a school of choice within the Wake
County Public School system with just over 300 students. One of the unique
aspects of Partnership Elementary is the desire to partner with families and the
community to help bridge the achievement gaps for all children.
We at HBBC have an opportunity to be a part of that work! As we volunteer to
share with kindergarten students during their center time or to become a Math
Buddy (giving 30 minutes a week), we are engaging with our community and
being the church! The tools that we need for this work will be given to us; we
just need to give of our time.
What do you say? Will you join with me in this partnership? THIS is Church!
We plan on starting October 13! Please email Kristen Muse (
if you are interested in learning more or being a part of this partnership with
our community!
October 2014
What God Has Done Through You!
Lisa Anthony
eople often say to me “I don’t understand how you do what you do, but I’m glad you’re doing it and not me!” It
makes me laugh. I don’t know how preachers, teachers, attorneys, doctors, mechanics, custodians or FBI agents
do their work. But, I sure am glad they do! This month I thought I ‘d bring you a picture or two, since they say one
picture is worth a thousand words. You won’t have to read all that accounting-ease.
Here’s one thing I do that is
pretty easy! Let’s celebrate!
In the last six years, THIS
year has seen the highest
contributions received during
the first eight months of
the year, by far! The next
closest year was 2013 when
$1,002,567 in contributions
was $83,916 less than the
current year. This graph
only represents income
from contributions. Funds
received as rent on the
White Oak Road properties,
building use fees and Ledford
Broadcast support adds an
average of another $100,000.
Now let’s take a look at something that is not as easy to celebrate, but perhaps is a bit revealing. This graph shows
receipts (in green) for the same period as above with the addition of other income. The blue line represents all ministry
costs through August. Yes, that blue line is larger, meaning that our spending is out-pacing our receipts. The little red
columns underneath depict the net loss we are experiencing through the eight months ending August 31st of each year.
I don’t know of a church that doesn’t share this same dilemma. But I am mightily grateful that the upward trending
in giving is keeping pace with
spending. I am also grateful that
we typically receive 35% of our
total gifts in the last two months
of the year so that we end the year
in the black.
In the next several weeks, you will
be hearing about the preliminary
budget for 2015. So we are
asking you to begin thinking and
praying about what God may be
calling you to do in terms of your
financial giving for the coming
year. You might consider using a
prayer shared with me by a friend
who leads churches through faithbased fund raising campaigns. It
goes like this: “Lord, what do you
want to do through me, to fulfill
your will for Hayes Barton Baptist
Church?” I am so glad YOU do
what you do (give) to enable me to
do what I do (report).
Hayes Barton Baptist Church October 2014
Missions, Ministry & More
In the Gathering in October
Author Dan Day will join us for a special
study entitled Seeking the Face of God
beginning October 1. We are so excited
to have him as part of our Wednesday
Night programming. Please make plans
to be here!
Grace Offering Totals
It has been an amazing summer as we
have seen God use his people to provide
for the needs of the community and for
the ministries of our congregation. This
year, we exceeded our Grace Offering
goals; the congregation giving $12,923
to do the work of the Lord. The giving
fell into 4 categories. We gave $4,789 to
NC Baptist Men, $4,193 to HBBC Church
wide Missions, $2,874 to CBF Global
Missions, and $1,067 to NC Women’s
Missionary Union. Thank you for your
faithful giving!
Baptist Women’s Luncheon
The Baptist Women Activities and Luncheon meets on the second Tuesday of
each month. At 10:30 a.m., Carol Barksdale will lead the Craft Group in Rm. 230
(2nd floor). Join this group of ladies as
they work together to make various things
to give to others. At 10:45 a.m., a missionfocused Bible Study will be held in Rm.
125 led by Betty Bodkin. The Luncheon
will be held at 12 noon. You can sign
up by contacting the church office each
VBS Day Camps
VBS Day Camps will take place on two
more teacher workdays this fall: October
29 and November 11. They are for
children in 1st-5th grade. The programs
begin at 8:30 am, with early drop-off
for parents who work beginning at 7:30.
They end each day at 5:30 p.m. Each
camp is filled with God-centered, missionfocused activities to help children in their
faith development. There will be off-site
missions, interactive Bible dramas, crafts,
baking fun, and games. The cost per
camp is $10 and designated items for their
mission-of-the-day. Parents may sign
their child up by going to our website
and click on Ministries, then Children’s
Ministries for the link to sign your child
up. Each camp is limited to 100 children.
Hayes Barton Baptist Church Movers and Shakers October Lunch
The Movers and Shakers gather each
month to have lunch together, fellowship,
and hear from a different speaker. On October 28, Beth Stova, Miss North Carolina
2014 will be speaking to the group. The
cost of lunch is $6. Contact the church
office to reserve your seat!
Movers and Shakers Overnight to
Myrtle Beach
The Movers and Shakers will join the Forest Hills Adult Program on an overnight
adventure to Myrtle Beach on November
17-18. The trip will include a stay at the
Hilton Kingston Plantation, a show at the
Alabama Theater and transportation on
a deluxe motor coach. Cost is $154 for
a double room or $194 for a single. If
you would like to sign up, please contact
Kristen Muse ( or call
the church office.
Christian Resource Center
The CRC is open and ready for you! We
have a wide variety of books and media
to help your family grow in their faith.
Volunteers will be available to assist you
on Sunday mornings from 9:15-9:50 a.m.
and on Wednesday nights from 5:00-6:00
p.m. You can stop by anytime and choose
the book that’s right for you.
Family Night Volunteers Needed
Family Night services have started again,
and the Food Service Committee needs
volunteers to help serve meals on a rotation. If you are willing to help, please
contact Debra Barrier either by phone
(919.740.9025) or by email (dbarrier@ as soon as possible.
What a great way to show your “Deeper
HBBC Women’s Retreat 2015:
February 20-22
Caraway Conference Center
Reserve your place now for this
amazing weekend, led by Susan Hailey.
Registration forms are available at the
Welcome Center and on the web at www. They are due along with your
deposit ($75 non-refundable) by October
15. The total cost for the event is $175
for a double room or $200 for a single.
Contact Kristen Muse (
if you have questions.
October 2014
FLU Clinic October 15
The Hayes Barton Pharmacy Flu Clinic
will be held on Wednesday, October
15, from 4-6:30 p.m. upstairs in FLC
Room 204. Patients with Medicare or
BCBSNC will receive the vaccine at no
cost, and everyone else will be able to
get the vaccine for $30 (check or cash
accepted). Service will be first come first
Sa v e t h e D a t e:
Fe brua ry 7 , 2 0 15
Val e n t in e’ s D a n ce
October Words for Life
Let everything you say be good
and helpful, so that your words
will be an encouragement to
those who hear them.
Psalm 55:22
August 31, 2014
Worship 280
Sunday School
September 6, 2014
Worship 523
Sunday School
September 14, 2014
Worship 463
Sunday School
Welcome New Members!
Nancy Finger joined on 9/7/14 by
Letter of Transfer
Henry & Donnie Helms joined on
9/14/14 by Letter of Transfer.
In Memoriam
Suzanne Nalon, 9/15, 2014
Hayes Barton Baptist Church
Timeless values for a changing world:
Faith, Hope, Love
Dr. David J. Hailey, Pastor
ext. 104,
Ms. June Burbage, Organist
ext. 137,
Rev. Gayle Justice, Minister with Children
& Families, ext. 120,
Rev. Kristen Muse, Associate Pastor
ext. 110,
Rev. David With, Minister with Students
ext. 101,
Faith Points (USPS 112-040)
Edited by the Bus. Mgr./Admin.
Published 10 months of the year by:
Hayes Barton Baptist Church
1800 Glenwood Avenue
Raleigh, NC 27608
Periodicals POSTAGE PAID
at Raleigh, NC
at Raleigh, NC
Postmaster please send
address changes to:
Faith Points
Hayes Barton Baptist Church
1800 Glenwood Avenue
Raleigh, NC 27608
(919) 833-4617
fax: (919) 839-1084
THIS is Church, What is Worship?
Joanne McDaniel
s “worship” a noun or a verb? Is there only one way to “worship”? Or one day to “worship”? Why do we do what we
do during worship? Is worship supposed to be educational, educative, entertaining, evangelical, or/and experiential?
All of these or none of these? Should we be still and reverent during worship or should we sing and shout “glory
Dr. J. Daniel Day is going to help Hayes Barton Baptist Church answer questions like these on Wednesday nights in
October. With the series title of “Seeking the Face of God: Clarifying the Nature and Practice of Worship,” Dr. Day
will focus on the subject of worship. “I’ll be dealing with the theology of worship by trying to focus on the crucial role
of worship, rightly understand, in our spiritual growth,” shares Dr. Day about his upcoming presentations.
“The worship of God in spirit and truth is the beginning of Deeper Commitment which stands at the top of our
5-Points Vision,” says Dr. David Hailey, HBBC’s senior pastor. “I am delighted that Dr. Day will be leading this study
on Wednesday nights. Nothing is more important in the life of the church than the true worship of God. I can think
of no person more capable of leading this discussion than Dan Day.”
In 2013, Dr. Day’s book Seeking the Face of God: Evangelical Worship Reconceived was published. While he will not
be “teaching the book” on our October Wednesdays nights at HBBC, he will be using some information from the book.
And folks just may want to buy a copy which will be available for purchase. The book offers a comprehensive look at
worship and makes that point that, bottom line, “Worship is about God. Period.”
In his book, Dr. Day writes that making worship about “seeking the face of God” means that it is “less about us and
more about God.” It should be “vertical” in orientation. And God should be the subject and object of worship. Reading
the book is a worthwhile activity if you’ve ever wondered about the nature and power of worship and have an interest
in developing a better understanding of worship and how worship can truly help you in seeking the face of God.
Dr. Day is former Senior Professor of Christian Preaching and Worship at Campbell University Divinity School and
also Emeritus Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Raleigh.