ST OSMUND’S ╬ HOLY REDEEMER ╬ ST GREGORY’S Clifton Catholic Diocesan Trustees Registered -Charity No. 233977 PARISH PRIEST Canon Michael J Fitzpatrick 07704 113 722 ASSISTANT PRIEST Fr Colin Mason 01722 333581 Parish Office Monday - Friday 9.30 - 12.30 01722 333581 St Osmund’s 95 Exeter Street Salisbury SP1 2SF 01722 333581 Most Holy Redeemer Fotherby Crescent Bishopdown Salisbury SP1 3EG St Gregory’s St Gregory’s Avenue Salisbury SP2 7JP 01722 334496 Deacon John Proctor 01722 340206 Deacon John Detain 01722 415588 Deacon Stephen Godwin 01722 501854 Chapel of the Good Shepherd Barford Lane, Downton Salisbury SP5 3QA Deanery Youth Worker Xanthe Dell 01722 333581 Chapel of the Holy Family Southampton Road, Whaddon Salisbury SP5 3EB Diocesan Website Parish Website Deanery Website TWENTY-EIGHTH WEEK of ORDINARY TIME SATURDAY 11 October 9.00 am 9.30 am 10.30 am 6.00 pm St Gregory’s St Osmund’s St Osmund’s Holy Redeemer SUNDAY 12 October TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 9.00 am St Osmund’s MASS People of the Parish 9.30 am St Gregory’s MASS People of the Parish 11.00 am St Osmund’s MASS Betty Dirks RIP 6.00 pm St Osmund’s YOUTH MASS Year A 2014 Weekday Cycle 2 Psalter Week 4 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament MASS Joseph Harris and Audrey Holmes RIP MASS People of the Parish MONDAY 13 October 9.00 am 8.45 am 9.00 am St Gregory’s St Osmund’s St Osmund’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer Morning Prayer MASS Holy Souls TUESDAY 14 October 9.00 am 9.30 am 9.45 am St Gregory’s St Osmund’s St Osmund’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer Morning Prayer MASS Pat O’Rourke RIP WEDNESDAY 15 October St Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church 9.00 am St Gregory’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer 10.00 am Holy Redeemer MASS THURSDAY 16 October 9.00 am 11.00 am 12 noon FRIDAY 17 October St Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr 9.00 am St Gregory’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer 10.00 am St Gregory’s MASS 7.00 pm St Joseph’s School INTERNATIONAL MASS SATURDAY 18 October St Gregory’s St Osmund’s St Osmund’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Requiem Mass Clive Bogie RIP ST LUKE, EVANGELIST 9.00 am St Gregory’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer 9.30 am St Osmund’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 10.30 am St Osmund’s MASS Frank Farley RIP 6.00 pm Holy Redeemer MASS People of the Parish S AC R AM E N T O F R E C O N C I L I AT I O N St Gregory’s: Fridays 10.30am St Osmund’s: Saturdays 11.00am Holy Redeemer: Saturdays 5.45pm Also by request: please contact a priest CONGRATULATIONS AND WELCOME to Riley William Hughes who will be baptised this weekend. Please pray for Riley, his parents and Godparents at this special time. RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults — Are you interested in becoming a Catholic? Perhaps you already attend Mass but would like to know more. Perhaps you know someone that would like to know more. Our Salisbury Journey in Faith group is for those who are interested in exploring the Catholic faith - more details from Canon Michael, Fr Colin, one of our Deacons or the parish office 01722 333581 or Meetings are in St Osmund’s Presbytery at 7.30pm on Thursdays. TISBURY EVENT — “IF YOU SEEK ME, YOU WILL FIND ME” A talk by David Wells (of Portsmouth Diocese) on Pope Francis's encyclical, ‘The Joy of the Gospel’, in the comfort of Tisbury Methodist Chapel at 7.00pm tomorrow evening, Monday 13 October. CAFOD CLIFTON warmly invites you to attend a Mass of Thanksgiving and celebration of 25 years of CAFOD in the Diocese. Bishop Crispian Hollis will be celebrating the Mass at St Bonaventure Church, Bishopston, Bristol, BS7 8HP, at 10.30am on 14 October. CONTEMPLATIVE SPIRITUALITY DAY Led by award-winning author David Cole. Practical help in your Christian walk with God. Alabare House Retreat Centre Salisbury 10am to 4pm this Wednesday 15 October. To book contact the venue on 01722 501586 or Or Waymark Ministries on 07702054198 or FIRST HOLY COMMUNION PREPARATION There will be a meeting for Parents in St Osmund’s Parish Rooms at 7pm this Thursday evening, 16 October. At this meeting handbooks and timetables for the preparation course will be given out. It is important that at least one parent should attend so that they can meet the catechists and ask any questions. Please make sure you have completed and returned forms before this meeting. (Available from the Parish Office.) INTERNATIONAL MASS — Our Salisbury Catholics International Mass will be held at St Joseph’s School, 7 pm this Friday evening 17 October. This year’s theme is “Happy are the Peace Makers”. We are looking for the loan of flags from all the different communities to decorate the food hall. The Mass will have hymns from around the world and afterwards there is a buffet with foods from all nations, including England, which guests are asked to contribute to. For details contact the Organiser — Vincent Thorne,; Helen James, — children's entertainment; Jiffer Pothecary, — catering. All are invited and it is a great opportunity to see our local secondary school and all the good work it is doing for our young people. TISBURY EVENT — “The Joy of the Gospel”, again Bishop Crispian Hollis (Emeritus Bishop of Portsmouth) will talk about putting the Joy of the Gospel into daily life in the comfort of Tisbury Methodist Chapel, at 7.00pm on Monday 20 October. Please come yourself and bring a friend. REGISTRATION — CONFIRMATION PROGRAMME 2014–2015 Application forms are now available in all churches. Please bring a completed form to the first session to be held at 6.45pm Tuesday 21 October. REGISTRATION — FIRST HOLY COMMUNION PROGRAMME 2014–2015 Please Registrar now for the First Holy Communion programme by collecting a form from the Parish Office and return ASAP. Thank you. DEANERY LITURGY DAY — St Gregory’s Hall, 10am to 1.30pm on Saturday 25 October. All welcome, but especially important for all those who assist in preparing and celebrating Holy Mass. Fr Andrew Moore, ( an experienced liturgist, accomplished musician and composer of liturgical music, will help refresh our thinking about the Mass and how music serves the liturgy. BAPTISM PREPARATION The next course will run on Sundays 2, 9 and 16 November, at the 9am Mass at St Osmund’s Church. Please email Deacon John Proctor on YDISCIPLE ADULTS This will be running in conjunction with the Confirmation programme on Tuesday evening starting on the 4th November for ALL adults interested in exploring their faith. THINKING ABOUT PRIESTHOOD? A priesthood discernment group, the Vianney Group, runs every month at the University of Bristol Catholic Chaplaincy. For men who want to explore more deeply this calling in mutual support, the group is under the intercession of the patron saint of priests, St John Mary Vianney. The next meeting is Wednesday 5 November at 7pm (Mass at 7.30pm). Faith, fellowship, teaching, fun! For more info speak to the parish priest or contact Fr Matt Anscombe — BIBLE STUDY GROUP Next meeting 3 pm to 4.30 pm Wednesday 15 October. For more details ring 336581. PADRE PIO Prayer Group will meet at St Gregory’s on Thursday 16 October at 7pm. ST PAUL’S MISSAL 2015 is now available from the Parish Office, priced £5. ST JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC SCHOOL — OPEN MORNING 9.30am-12.15pm, this Thursday morning, 16 October. SECOND COLLECTION — Today PACT:Prisoners’ Sunday A charity set up by Cardinal Bourne to help prisoners, ex-offenders and their families to make a fresh start. Please pray for all who are working to help them and give to the collection today. Next Sunday will be World Mission Sunday (with a second collection for Missio). FISH & CHIP SUPPER with Quiz at Holy Redeemer tonight Saturday 11 October, at 7.15pm (after 6pm Mass). BYO drink. Tickets £5 (family £15) from David Lawes (07538 943008). SUNDAY LUNCH All Salisbury Deanery Catholics are invited to The Wheatsheaf, Woodford Valley, 1.15pm today, Sunday 12 October. To book contact the Rollestones — Tel: 01722 337164. EXAM INVIGILATORS required at St Joseph's Catholic School. Please telephone Mrs Weeks on 01722 335380 for more information. TRAIDCRAFT stall will be in St Osmund’s Parish Rooms on Sunday 19 October between Masses. HOPE AND FRIENDSHIP This group is for those bereaved or suffering a loss. Next meeting will be a Pub Lunch at 12 noon tomorrow, Monday 13 October. CHARITY STALL Tuesday 14 October in The Market Place in aid of St Gregory's/Faith & Light. If you have anything we could sell we would be most grateful and if you had an hour to spare that morning to help with the stall that would be much appreciated also. Please contact Teresa Jay on 01722 322029. COFFEE MORNING In aid of Alabare, by kind permission of John and Pat Newsam, at 62 Harnham Road, SP2 8JJ, next Saturday morning 10am to 12 noon, 18 October. All welcome. JUMBLE SALE in St Gregory’s Hall, 10.15 am next Saturday morning 18 October. Jumble accepted from 6pm to 7pm Friday on 17 October, and from 9am on Saturday morning. Please contact Teresa 322029 for further details. GAZA CRISIS Angela and Jeremy Ames are arranging a meal in aid of Medical Aid for Palestinians. At Sarum College on Monday 3 November, at 7 for 7.30pm. Tickets should be purchased (£15 each) no later than October 26 from Angela or Jeremy on 01722 322542 ( ST GREGORY’S Church Christmas Bazaar is being held on Sunday 23 November. Please bring bottles, tins, and unwanted gifts from now on, to enable them to be sorted in advance. Helpers are still needed: could you please speak to Chris Francis. Also St Gregory's Church will be selling Christmas Cards, Calendars, Diaries, Advent Calendars, Gifts, and Candles from Sunday 26 October. YOUTH YOUTH MASS is at St Osmund’s at 6 pm today Sunday evening, 12 October. MEAL AND SOCIAL TODAY Sunday evening 12 October, after the 6pm Youth Mass at St Osmunds, for all youth. Free food, bring a drink, bring your YDisciple group and if you are not yet in one come anyway! STUDIO GROUP For year 12 up. Tuesdays at 5pm. Contact Xanie for details. SOURCE Youth Group for 10-14 years, meets on Mondays at 6.30-8pm in St Osmund’s Parish Rooms. SPIRIT GROUP for Years 3, 4 and 5, meets in St Osmund’s Parish Rooms on Mondays in term time at 3.30-5pm. YDISCIPLE This is a brand new approach to youth ministry we are trying out here in the Salisbury Deanery. Teams have only just started, so if you would like to join with lots of other young people discovering for themselves what a life of faith is all about please contact Xanie. YOUTH 2000 — BOURNEMOUTH will be 31 October; let Xanie know asap for transport and booking. PAINTBALLING TRIP — 9th November, £10. 20 spaces so please book quickly. Prayer to the Holy Family for the Synod Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contemplate the splendour of true love, to you we turn with trust. Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that our families too may be places of communion and prayer, authentic schools of the Gospel and small domestic Churches. Holy Family of Nazareth, may families never again experience violence, rejection and division: may all who have been hurt or scandalized find ready comfort and healing. Holy Family of Nazareth, may the approaching Synod of Bishops make us once more mindful of the sacredness and inviolability of the family, and its beauty in God’s plan. SPECIAL MASSES Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham Mass: Holy Redeemer: 11.00am Sunday and 6.30pm Wednesday Ordinariate Evensong and Benediction: Holy Redeemer: 6.00pm Second Sunday of the Month Polish Mass: St Osmund’s: 4.00pm Second Sunday of the Month Syro-Malabar Rite Mass: Holy Redeemer: 5.30pm First Sunday of the Month Extraordinary Form Mass – Third Saturdays: Holy Redeemer: December, March, June, September. Wardour: November, February, May, August HEALING PRAYER MINISTRY After the following Masses: 9:00 am Sunday 12 October, St Osmund’s 9:30 am Sunday 26 October, St Gregory’s 11:00 am Sunday 9 November, St Osmund’s 6:00 pm Saturday 22 November, Holy Redeemer 9:00 am Sunday 7 December, St Osmund’s 9:30 am Sunday 21 December, St Gregory’s PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR THIS WEEK CLIFTON DIOCESE: With the diocese we pray for the priest and parishioners of St Stanislaus, Dulverton and Sacred Heart Minehead with Watchet. CHURCHES TOGETHER IN SALISBURY With other local Christians we pray for The Quakers. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS All those who are sick and in hospital. We remember those who have died recently including Clive Bogie, Brenda Higgins and Honoria Constant and those whose anniversaries occur at this time. We also remember their family and friends in our prayers. May they rest in peace. DIOCESAN PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS “There is nothing I cannot master with the help of the One who gives me strength.” In Mike Horn’s book, Conquering the Impossible, he recounts his incredible solo 12,000 mile journey around the globe at the Arctic Circle. He recalls perilous sailing journeys, treacherous hikes over ice, and hair-raising encounters with polar bears. It’s amazing how we humans can have the mental and physical toughness to conquer in such a way as this. Spiritually too, we have that capacity. In whatever way God is calling us to step out of our comfort zone and follow him, the grace to persevere is on offer. After all, as St Paul says, “We are more than conquerors through him who loved us”. If that’s the case then there really is nothing we cannot master for Jesus if he is the One who calls us to it. THE FIRST WEEKLY REFLECTION from our young people on the Eucharist. "When I come to a human heart in Holy Communion my hands are full of graces which I want to give the soul” (St Faustina's diary). Sooo many times out of routine, I have got up, received the Eucharist, sat down, and left Mass and carried on as if it was any normal day! But some days God reminds me that nothing is 'normal' when I have received Jesus in His Body and in His Blood. It always amazes me that we become a living tabernacle, carrying Jesus around where we live, work and study, and I think Jesus desires nothing more than for us to recognise Him in this way so that he can start to change our lives as he has done for me. :) WEEKLY GUIDE TO PRAYER On this Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, we hear the story from Matthew about the King who gave a banquet for his son and invited many guests. It is a powerful story about rejecting Jesus' own invitation and about God's universal invitation to a new group of “Chosen” people. This week we end our look at the Letter to the Galatians and begin two weeks of Paul's Letter to the Ephesians. The letters emphasize the universal Church and the unity of this Church that brings together Gentiles and Jews. In Luke's Gospel this week, Jesus seems frustrated that some of the people will not listen to him. When a Pharisee invited Jesus for dinner, the fellow was shocked that Jesus did not do the required ritual washing of his hands. Jesus uses this as an opportunity to talk about real purity. He recommends they give money to the poor and tells the Pharisees, “You impose on people burdens hard to carry.” As Jesus continues to challenge the Pharisees, they hatch a plot to get rid of him. Jesus tells his disciples to beware of the “leaven” or “hypocrisy” of the Pharisees. “There is nothing concealed that will not be revealed, nor secret that will not be known.” Jesus wants us to acknowledge him, in the face of persecution. Even when we sin, we simply cannot give up on the work of the Spirit among us. It is the Spirit who will guide us in what to say or do. LITURGY OF THE WORD First Reading Responsorial Psalm Second Reading Gospel Acclamation Gospel A reading from the prophet Isaiah 25:6-10 The Lord will prepare a banquet, and will wipe away tears from every cheek. Ps 22 In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell for ever and ever. A reading from the letter of St Paul to the Philippians 4:12-14;19-20 There is nothing I cannot master with the help of the One who gives me strength. Alleluia, alleluia! The Word was made flesh and lived among us; to all who did accept him he gave power to become children of God. Alleluia! A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew 22:1-14 Invite everyone you can find to the wedding.
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