ST OSMUND’S ╬ HOLY REDEEMER ╬ ST GREGORY’S Clifton Catholic Diocesan Trustees Registered -Charity No. 233977 PARISH PRIEST Canon Michael J Fitzpatrick 07704 113 722 ASSISTANT PRIEST Fr Colin Mason 01722 333581 PARISH OFFICE Monday - Friday 9.30 - 12.30 01722 333581 St Osmund’s 95 Exeter Street Salisbury SP1 2SF 01722 333581 Most Holy Redeemer Fotherby Crescent Bishopdown Salisbury SP1 3EG St Gregory’s St Gregory’s Avenue Salisbury SP2 7JP 01722 334496 Deacon John Proctor 01722 340206 Deacon John Detain 01722 415588 Deacon Stephen Godwin 01722 501854 Chapel of the Good Shepherd Barford Lane, Downton Salisbury SP5 3QA Deanery Youth Worker Xanthe Dell 01722 333581 Chapel of the Holy Family Southampton Road, Whaddon Salisbury SP5 3EB Diocesan Website Parish Website Deanery Website THIRTY-THIRD WEEK of ORDINARY TIME SATURDAY 15 November 9.00 am 9.30 am 10.30 am 6.00 pm SUNDAY 16 November THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 9.00 am St Osmund’s MASS Mieczyslaw Wojciechowski RIP 9.30 am St Gregory’s MASS People of the Parish 11.00 am St Osmund’s MASS Jamie Purvis RIP 6.00 pm St Osmund’s YOUTH MASS The Higgins family St Hugh of Lincoln, Bishop 9.00 am St Gregory’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer 8.45 am St Osmund’s Morning Prayer 9.00 am St Osmund’s MASS Ann Quirke, family and friends Dedication of the Basilicas of St Peter and of St Paul 9.00 am St Gregory’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer 9.30 am St Osmund’s Morning Prayer 9.45 am St Osmund’s MASS Sarah in Thanksgiving MONDAY 17 November TUESDAY 18 November WEDNESDAY 19 November THURSDAY 20 November FRIDAY 21 November 9.00 am 10.00 am 9.00 am 11.00 am 12 noon St Gregory’s St Osmund’s St Osmund’s Holy Redeemer Year A 2014 Weekday Cycle 2 Psalter Week 1 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament MASS Lyn Futcher RIP MASS Giovanni Rusalen RIP St Gregory’s Holy Redeemer Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer MASS Joe Lydon, in sickness St Gregory’s St Osmund’s St Osmund’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament MASS Violet and Denzil Grumett RIP Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9.00 am St Gregory’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer 10.00 am St Gregory’s MASS Trevor and Pili Palmer 50th Wedding 6.45 pm St Osmund’s Evening Prayer Anniversary 7.00 pm St Osmund’s MASS Catherine Montrose RIP SATURDAY St Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr 22 November 9.00 am St Gregory’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer 9.30 am St Osmund’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 10.30 am St Osmund’s MASS Holy Souls 6.00 pm Holy Redeemer MASS Bridget and Patrick Rynne RIP S AC R AM E N T O F R E C O N C I L I AT I O N St Gregory’s: Fridays 10.30am St Osmund’s: Saturdays 11.00am Holy Redeemer: Saturdays 5.45pm Also by request: please contact a priest ANNUAL CELEBRATION FOR SALISBURY CATHOLICS We are holding a special event for all Catholics in Salisbury to celebrate what we are trying to achieve in the city and to further the Pope’s call that we go out and evangelise. This is a new event and will be held in St Elizabeth’s Hall at 7pm next Wednesday evening 26 November. Please do come along to this gathering for all our Catholic churches in Salisbury and the surrounding area. We are very fortunate to have Brother Angelo, from the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, to give the address. He comes from Ohio and will talk to us about evangelisation with great passion. Please bring finger food to contribute towards a bring and share supper. Car parking will be available at St Osmund’s Primary School. Br Angelo CFR GIFT AID APPEAL At St Gregory’s and St Osmund’s Sunday Masses this Sunday,16 November, we will have a Gift Aid appeal. HOLY SOULS — NOVEMBER is the month we remember in our prayers and Masses those who have died. The Church has from the very earliest days honoured with respect the memory of the dead; and 'because it is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead that they may be loosed from their sins' (2 Mac 12:46). There will be a basket in front of the altar in which to place the names of your deceased friends, family and loved ones. A Mass will be offered this coming Saturday for the Holy Souls. To arrange a specific Mass intention, please contact the Parish Office. CONGRATULATIONS to Richard High and Anna Marie Cooper who were married at St Osmund’s on Saturday. Please pray for Richard and Anna Marie at this special time. BAPTISM PREPARATION The current course, which runs during and after the 9am Mass at St Osmund’s Church, concludes this Sunday morning,16 November. Please email Deacon John Proctor on for dates of the next course. CONFIRMATION PROGRAMME 2014–2015: The next meeting is in St Osmund’s Parish Rooms at 6.45pm this Tuesday evening 18 November; it is for Candidates. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION PROGRAMME 2014–2015: The first session for children and parents will take place next Saturday morning 22 November, arriving at 8.45am please for a 9am prompt start. Please note that the session takes place at St Osmunds’ School. If you have not yet enrolled please contact the Parish Office straight away. YDISCIPLE ADULTS This is running in conjunction with the Confirmation programme and continues this Tuesday evening 18 November for ALL adults interested in exploring their faith. JUSTICE and PEACE PRAYERS In the chapel of Salisbury Cathedral at Midday, Thursday 20 November. RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults — Are you interested in becoming a Catholic? Perhaps you already attend Mass but would like to know more. Perhaps you know someone that would like to know more. Our Salisbury Journey in Faith group is for those who are interested in exploring the Catholic faith. More details can be obtained from Canon Michael, Fr Colin, one of our Deacons, or the parish office on 01722 333581 or email Meetings are in St Osmund’s Presbytery at 7.30pm on Thursdays. CLIFTON CHILDREN’S SOCIETY – 110th ANNIVERSARY In the past two years Clifton Children’s Society has doubled the number of children that they have placed with adoptive families. Many more adopters are still needed. If you are interested in taking up the vocation of adoptive parenthood, please see the poster at the back of the church. ST PAUL’S SUNDAY MISSAL 2015 is now available from the Parish Office, priced £5. This is a handy paperback Missal containing all the readings for the Sunday Masses during the year 2015. CAFOD We have received grateful thanks from CAFOD for our Harvest Fast Day donations. The money will be used to help poor communities in Sierra Leone. THE SAMUEL GROUP is for single young adults (18-30s), who are wondering what God is calling them to do with their lives. The aim is to help participants discern their direction in life, whether this is to marriage or dedicated single life, to priesthood or consecrated life. It would also suit those who are making decisions about their career, or about spending time as a missionary or volunteer. All those who take part grow in their understanding of what it is to make decisions as a Christian; the main aim is that participants will end the programme with a clearer view of God’s will for their life. Participants take time to listen to God and to His Word speaking to their life. They commit to attending monthly meetings with the group, and to meeting individually with a spiritual guide. Contact Fr Matt Anscombe for details: PADRE PIO PRAYER GROUP will meet at 7pm on this Thursday 20 November in St Gregory’s Church. SECOND COLLECTION This week — SCORE Overseas Projects. Salisbury Catholic OutREach (SCORE) is one of the ways in which Salisbury Catholics reach out to others, both in the local area and overseas. This collection helps fund projects overseas. SECOND COLLECTION Next week — Catholic Youth Services. This is a national collection which also helps fund our diocesan youth work. TRAIDCRAFT stall will be in St Osmund’s Parish Rooms between Masses this Sunday 16 November. MY GENERATION meets in St Gregory’s Hall 2pm this Wednesday afternoon, 19 November. PARISH LUNCH The next lunch will be on 4 December in St Osmund’s Parish Rooms, after Mass. SPUC NATIONAL COFFEE MORNING — 11am Saturday 22 November. Please come and join us for coffee and cakes in St Osmund’s Parish Hall after morning Mass until lunch. WANTED — ST OSMUND’S SACRISTANS We need volunteers please to help in the Sacristy at St Osmund’s, to prepare the church for Mass. We would like to put together a rota. Training will be given. Please contact one of the priests or the parish office, if you would like to find out more. Many thanks. ST OSMUND’S Now available in the Parish Rooms a repository table with Christmas cards, nativity sets, Advent calendars, and candles. ST OSMUND’S and CATHOLICISM in SALISBURY Copies of John Elliott’s fascinating book are available from the Presbytery, £7 per copy. All profits are in aid of our church building funds. APF–MISSIO RED BOXES EMPTYING Please will all holders of ‘Red Boxes’, that are not normally ‘collected’, kindly leave their Red Boxes for emptying at either Holy Redeemer or St Osmund’s churches by Saturday 29 November. St Gregory’s Red Box holders will be advised separately. ST GREGORY’S Christmas Bazaar is being held on Sunday 23 November after morning Mass. Draw tickets are currently on sale. Stall Holders can set their stalls up between 4pm and 5.30pm on Saturday 22 November, when items can also be brought for the stalls, including Cakes and Bottles which are now needed. Cakes can also be brought on the day. INTERNATIONAL MASS — SERVING SPOONS Several of the school’s large serving spoons went missing after the International Mass in the school. Could you please check at home. If you do have them, please would you drop them off either at the school or to Niki at the parish office. YOUTH YOUTH MASS Will be held in St Osmund’s at 6pm this Sunday evening,16 November. STUDIO GROUP For year 12 up. Tuesdays at 5pm. Contact Xanie for details. SOURCE Youth Group for 10-14 year olds, meets on Mondays at 6.30-8pm in St Osmund’s Parish Rooms. SPIRIT GROUP for Years 3, 4 and 5, meets in St Osmund’s Parish Rooms on Mondays in term time at 3.30-5pm. WORLD YOUTH DAY — POLAND — 2016 Please register your interest now if you would like to go with our Salisbury group to World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow, Poland. You will need to be aged 16 or over by July 2016. Deposits of £50 should be dropped in at the Parish Office by December 14 this year. YDISCIPLE This is a brand new approach to youth ministry which we are trying out here in the Salisbury Deanery. Teams have only just started, so if you would like to join with lots of other young people discovering for themselves what a life of faith is all about please contact Xanie. FROM POPE FRANCIS Church Tradition has always urged prayer for the deceased, in particular by offering the Eucharistic Celebration for them: it is the best spiritual help that we can give to their souls, particularly to those who are the most forsaken. The foundation of prayer in suffrage lies in the communion of the Mystical Body. As the Second Vatican Council repeats, “fully conscious of this communion of the whole Mystical Body of Jesus Christ, the pilgrim Church from the very first ages of the Christian religion has cultivated with great piety the memory of the dead”. Remembering the dead, caring for their graves and prayers of suffrage, are the testimony of confident hope, rooted in the certainty that death does not have the last word on human existence, for man is destined to a life without limits, which has its roots and its fulfilment in God. With this faith in man’s supreme destiny, we turn to Our Lady, who suffered the tragedy of Christ’s death beneath the Cross and took part in the joy of his Resurrection. May She, the Gate of Heaven, help us to understand more and more the value of prayer in suffrage for the souls of the dead. They are close to us! (Pope Francis, 2 November 2014) SPECIAL MASSES Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham Mass: Ordinariate Evensong and Benediction: Polish Mass: Syro-Malabar Rite Mass: Extraordinary Form Mass – Third Saturdays: Holy Redeemer: 11.00am Sunday and 6.30pm Wednesday Holy Redeemer: 6.00pm Second Sunday of the Month St Osmund’s: 4.00pm Second Sunday of the Month Holy Redeemer: 5.30pm First Sunday of the Month Holy Redeemer: December, March, June, September. Wardour: November, February, May, August. HEALING PRAYER MINISTRY After the following Masses: 6:00pm Saturday 22 November, Holy Redeemer 9:30am Sunday 21 December, St Gregory’s 6:00pm Saturday 17 January, Holy Redeemer 9:00am Sunday 7 December, St Osmund’s 11:00 am Sunday 4 January, St Osmund’s 9:00am Sunday 1 February, St Osmund’s PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR THIS WEEK CLIFTON DIOCESE: With the diocese we pray for the priests and parishioners of St Peter’s, Gloucester. CHURCHES TOGETHER IN SALISBURY With other local Christians we pray for those involved in Prisoners’ Week. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS all those who are sick and in hospital. We remember those who have died recently and those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they rest in peace. DIOCESAN PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS “A perfect wife – who can find her? She is far beyond the price of pearls” Is marriage an outdated institution? The debate rages on as the numbers of marriages, on the whole, decreases year on year. Surely, though, it all depends on how you understand marriage. Is it just a legal contract or a convenient framework to nurture children? Viewed as a call from God, marriage is something beautiful, enriching, generative and a path to holiness for those involved. “The vocation to marriage is written in the very nature of man and woman as they come from the hand of the Creator”, says the Catechism. Marriage reflects the covenant relationship between God and his people, grounded in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Let’s encourage our younger members to reflect on the awesome nature of this vocation. Vocation not institution! WEEKLY REFLECTION ON THE EUCHARIST by OUR YOUNG PEOPLE. I think that it is very easy for us to take for granted that Jesus Christ is really and truly present in the Holy Eucharist. Unlike most miracles, which are one-time events, the Holy Eucharist is available to us at every Mass. Sometimes I think that due to the availability of this beautiful sacrament we can perhaps overlook that we are truly receiving the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ. We must remember that the Holy Eucharist is not only a sacrament but also a sacrifice that really shows Jesus’s love for us. Mother Teresa said “when you look at the crucifix you understand how much Jesus loved you, when you look at the Sacred Host you understand how much Jesus loves you now.” WEEKLY GUIDE TO PRAYER This Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time brings us the familiar and powerful parable from Matthew's Gospel about the servants who are each given sums of money to invest. We are all called upon to use the gifts we have received as gifts, and to return them, fully developed, having made the best use of them. During these last two weeks of Ordinary Time, the first reading at weekday Masses is from the Book of Revelation, with its mystic imagery. Written for readers who were familiar with apocalyptic writings, the writings send a hidden message of salvation to the earliest communities of Christians, and to us. Luke's Gospel continues with the story of the blind man who hails him, “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me!” An unpopular tax collector, Zacchaeus, climbs a tree to get a glimpse of Jesus and is given personal recognition as Jesus says, “Zacchaeus, today I must stay at your house.” In Jerusalem, Jesus weeps over the city, foreseeing the destruction that is coming, “because you did not recognize the time of your visitation.” Jesus drives out the sellers from the temple while the chief priests plot against him. LITURGY OF THE WORD First Reading A reading from the book of Proverbs 31:10-13; 19-20;30-31 A perfect wife – who can find her? Responsorial Psalm Ps 127 O blessed are those who fear the Lord. A reading from the first letter of St Paul to the Thessalonians 5:1-6 Let not the Day of the Lord overtake you like a thief. Alleluia, alleluia! Even if you have to die, says the Lord, keep faithful, and I will give you the crown of life. Alleluia! A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew 25:14-30 You have been faithful in small things; come and join in your master’s happiness. Second Reading Gospel Acclamation Gospel
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