White Oak Baptist Church Offertory The Worship of God October 12, 2014 Ministry Opportunities Welcome Call to Worship Joel Pace, Deacon of the Month The Lord be with you. And also with you! Rev. Todd Higginson “Spirit of the Living God” #244 Invocation and The Lord's Prayer Rev. Higginson “Praise Him! Praise Him!” #227 Jesus Loves the Little Children #592 twice Children Are Invited To Come Forward For The Children’s Sermon Children's Sermon Sandy Glover Prayer List Updates Rev. Higginson # 253 “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow “ Choral Anthem Scripture Reading Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen Hymn of Praise Doxology “We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise” Sermon “Thy Word” Romans 14:1-13 “Who Are We to Judge?” Adult Choir John Jackson Rev. Higginson Responsive Prayer of Confession Rev. Higginson Lord, you come to us, but we do not always recognize you; you call us, but we do not always follow; you command us, but we do not always obey; you bless us, but we do not always give you thanks. Forgive and help us. You accept us, but we do not always accept others; you forgive us, but we do not always forgive those who wrong us; you love us, but we do not always love our neighbors. Forgive and help us. You have showed us how to carry out your mission, but we still insist on our own; you identified yourself with outcasts, the needy and poor, but we do not often bother to find out what is happening to them; you suffered and died for the sake of all, but we do not always give up our comfortable lives. Forgive and help us. Amen. Anyone in Christ becomes a new person altogether; the past is finished and gone, everything has become fresh and new. Friends believe the good news of the gospel: In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven! Silence and Reflection Hymn of Response Pastoral Prayer Offertory Hymn “Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior” #308 Rev. Higginson “Lord, Speak to Me, that I May Speak” #568 Offertory Scripture and Prayer Jonathan Walker "So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up. So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all, and especially for those of the family of faith." Galatians 6:9-10 (NRSV) Benediction Rev. Higginson ************************************************************* Remember Our Church and Caregiver Ministry Shut-Ins and Facility Residents with…Prayers, Cards & Visits ************************* Facility Residents Mrs. Mildred Mozingo Room 103 Wilson Pines Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 403 Crestview Avenue Wilson, NC 27893 Contact: Jean Thompson 919-553-6920 Shut-ins Mrs. Eudell Smith 200 Riverwood Dr. Clayton, NC 27527 Contact: Irvin & Jan Smith 919-553-4458 Wednesday Night Dinner Sign-Up October15, 2014 Pastor Reserve Menu Spaghetti with meat sauce, side salad, cheesy garlic brad, beverage, dessert Name: ______________________ # Adults: ($5.00)______________ (6th Grade and Up) Today is Pastor Appreciation Day. So let’s give a BIG THANKS to Pastor Todd for all his work and dedication to our church and the community we live in. # Children: ($3.00)____________ (2 yrs - 5th Grade) ___Add us to the permanent list. Pastoral Contacts/Schedule Reverend Todd Higginson Monday ~ 9:00am to 12:00pm Tuesday ~ 9:00am to 12:00pm Wednesday ~ 12:00pm to 3:00pm Thursday ~ 9:00am to12:00pm Friday and Saturday ~ Off/On Call Contact for appointments: pastor@whiteoakchurch.us 919-553-7560 (Office) 919-585-2401 (Home) 919-537-6006 (Mobile) Youth Pastor Brittany Jackson Call for appointments: 828-963-0120 youthpastor@whiteoakchurch.us Deacon Council Dennis Durham Tom Eannarino Sharon Freeman Jane Jackson Mark Jackson Larry Kristoff Mike Mulhollem Joel Pace Jonathan Walker Ann Wall Mike Sauls 963-9986 359-6309 624-7963 553-5650 550-1004 901-5920 553-7307 553-5701 749-5154 533-7187 210-6720 Deacon of the Month: Joel Pace On Sunday, October 5, 2014 The Church Gave Weekly Budget Needs: $5,155 General Funds Given: $4,491 Sunday School Attendance Enrolled: 160 Members Present: 82 Guests: 3 Worship Service Attendance Nursery: 20 Worship: 162 Welcome to Our Guests We are grateful for your visit this morning and hope you will take a moment to fill out a Visitor’s Card (drop it into the offering plate or hand it to a church member). While we pray that your experience reveals a welcoming place to worship God, we encourage you to engage in our other activities and ministries so a friendly experience can transform into opportunities to build meaningful friendships as we worship and serve Christ and Neighbor. Announcements The Caregivers Ministry Team will meet THIS Tuesday, October 14 at 11:00 am at the Archer Lodge Community Center. We invite you to join us as we prepare delicious lunches to be taken to our shut-ins from our church family and community. Teams deliver the plates and have an opportunity to visit with these special people. We look forward to seeing you! Attention Committee and Sunday school leaders when at the church please check your mailbox weekly. There may be important information that needs your attention. Discard any magazines or mail that is not needed. There are a few mail boxes with mail from August. Thanks! Brad Gruber 10-12 Jordan Pace 10-14 Scott Galloway 10-14 Julie Hauser 10-15 Matt Dean 10-15 Carlton Vinson 10-16 Bill Siler 10-17 Andrea Koczanski 10-18 Irvin Smith 10-18 Halloween Activities October 26 6:30 pm @ ALCC Pumpkin Carving October 29 5-7pm Trunk or Treat @ ALCC October 29 7pm Halloween Event @ church ; by Children’s Committee Those Serving Our Little Ones October 19 Matt & Amy Dean Marsha Langley October 26 Andy & Karen Holland Ryan & Jenna Payton Ashley Higginson WOM-OCC Promotion GA’s OCC Promotion Nursery: Jody Castleberry & Jan Smith Children’s Sermon: White Oak Baptist Church 13943 Buffalo Road Archer Lodge, NC 27527 919-553-7560 www.whiteoakchurch.us Cancer Prayer List Gabe Bass - at Dukesurgery, recovering Doug Boney - end stage liver failure- cousin-in-law of Paula Champion Carl Brooks Murphy - surgery at Wake Med on Monday Betty Cox- recovering from shoulder surgery- mother of Rick Cox Paul Hatcher- recovering Roy Jarvis- advanced Alzheimer's disease - father of Alice Hirt Donna Lassiter - lung transplant list Crystal Newton - surgery recovery - sister-in-law of Linda Ward Diane Owen- private request Jerry Pace - at home Sandra Tippett - kidney transplant list Jimmy Toole - osteoarthritis of the knees Donna Ward - seeking work disability- sister-in-law of Linda Ward Linda Ward- seeking work disability Nancy Williams - shoulder surgery in Oct.- mother of Ken Williams Missions Gary Kittredge & Family in Gambia - son of Lee & Judy Kittredge Virginia Barnhill - lymphoma mother of Amy Collins Glenn Boyette - radiation treatments Don Brock - prostate cancer friend of Tricia Aman Colin Carberry- 13 yr old (at Duke) friend of Donna Parrish Amy Collins - additional melanoma findings; still receiving chemotherapy Charles Dodd - cancer; receiving chemotherapy - nephew of Annie Ruth O’Neal Jennifer Fox - ovarian cancer; receiving chemo, cancer spread Janice Hinton - liver cancer; receiving chemo - friend of the Kristoff’s George Hodges - lung cancer brother of Virginia Jones Dick Johnson -chronic lymphocytic leukemia and B cell lymphoma friend of Josh & Blair Barnes Dot McGuin - throat cancer; chemo aunt of Ken Williams Gail O’Neil - cancer treatments Broderick Parrot-pancreatic Cancer, friend of Josh & Blair Barnes Jay Richardson brother-in-law of Jimmy Driver Linda Ward - cancerous eye tumor Butch Williams - cancer friend of the Nolley’s Bereavement We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of Sherrill Canady and Edna Marie Aycock Bowen. Opportunities of the Week Sunday, October 12 8:00am Brotherhood Breakfast 9:00am Fellowship Coffee House 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Worship Service 6:30pm Children's Choir 7:30pm Youth Choir Monday, October 13 2:00pm WND Reservations Due 7:00pm The Evening Stars (WOM) Tuesday, October 14 10:00am Worship Planning 11:00am Caregivers 6:30pm Cub Scouts Meeting Wednesday, October 15 "Acorn" Newsletter Articles 2:00pm Due 2:00pm Bulletin Info Due 6:00pm Wednesday Night Dinner 7:00pm Bible Study & Prayer Time 7:00pm Celebration Ringers Children's Mission Groups RA's, GA's & Mission Friends Youth Group 8:00pm Adult Choir Practice Thursday, October 16 7:30pm Deacon's Meeting Saturday, October 18 11:00am ALCC Community Auction Sunday, October 19 Operation Children Shoebox Begins 9:00am Fellowship Coffee House 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Worship Service 7:00pm Church Conference 6:30pm No Choir Practice Children 7:30pm No Choir Practice Youth Bake Sale Bonanza Bake Sale Bonanza Bakers and Buyers needed for the Bazaar! Friday, November 21, 2014 Bakers and Buyers needed for the Bazaar! Friday, November 21, 2014 Buyers: Let us help you with your holiday baking. You can reserve cakes, pies, breads and cookies by contacting Connie Muhollem or Sue Boyette. Would you prefer to schedule your baked item for Christmas or another occasion? Let us know and we will be happy to match you with a baker who will prepare the requested item for you at a later date. Please fill out your request below and place it in the offering plate. Buyers: Let us help you with your holiday baking. You can reserve cakes, pies, breads and cookies by contacting Connie Muhollem or Sue Boyette. Would you prefer to schedule your baked item for Christmas or another occasion? Let us know and we will be happy to match you with a baker who will prepare the requested item for you at a later date. Please fill out your request below and place it in the offering plate. Bakers: Please let us know if you are willing to bake a certain item to be sold at the bazaar. After baking and wrapping your treats, please label them with your name, the name of your dessert and the organization which will benefit from the sale of your baked goods. Please fill out your information below if you are able to contribute a baked good. Bakers: Please let us know if you are willing to bake a certain item to be sold at the bazaar. After baking and wrapping your treats, please label them with your name, the name of your dessert and the organization which will benefit from the sale of your baked goods. Please fill out your information below if you are able to contribute a baked good. ********************************************************** ********************************************************** I would be willing to donate the following item(s) for the Bazaar Bake Sale: I would be willing to donate the following item(s) for the Bazaar Bake Sale: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ I would like to request the following item(s) to be purchased at I would like to request the following item(s) to be purchased at the Bazaar Bake Sale: the Bazaar Bake Sale: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Name:____________________________________________________ Name:____________________________________________________ Phone Number: Phone Number: WHITE OAK BAPTIST CHURCH ANNUAL BAZAAR WHITE OAK BAPTIST CHURCH ANNUAL BAZAAR Friday, November 21 2014 Friday, November 21, 2014 at the Archer Lodge Community Center at the Archer Lodge Community Center Dinner Served 6:00-7:30 pm Dinner Served 6:00-7:30 pm Soups, Sandwiches, Hotdogs, Desserts Soups, Sandwiches, Hotdogs, Desserts Homemade Quilt Drawing 7:15 pm Homemade Quilt Drawing 7:15 pm (do not have to be present to win) (do not have to be present to win) Craft and Bake Sale 6:30-8:30 pm Craft and Bake Sale 6:30-8:30 pm (to special order baked goods, call the church office at 919-553-7560 by November 17.) (to special order baked goods, call the church office at 919-553-7560 by November 17.) Silent Auction 6:00-7:30 pm Silent Auction 6:00-7:30 pm Bazaar Door Prizes Will Be Drawn Throughout The Evening! Bazaar Door Prizes Will Be Drawn Throughout The Evening! (must be present to win) (must be present to win) Come early to shop for Christmas and to help support the missions in which White Oak Baptist Church participates. Come early to shop for Christmas and to help support the missions in which White Oak Baptist Church participates.
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