NUMBER 23 of 2014/15 DATE : 12 september 2014 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE NORTH WEST ____________________________________________________________ PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA PROVINCIAL SUPPLY CHAIN SUPPLIER DEVELOPMENT 1|Page 1. IMPORTANT INFORMATION For new subscriptions and enquiries please contact : Ms M.G. Mothibedi (018) 388 4227, Ms N.E. Makhoeng (018) 388 4227/4230 and. For more information on bids invitations, please contact the person listeds on the bid under “Contact Person.” Annual subscription fee for the Bulletin is R50.00 It is the responsibility of the bidder to obtain bid documents from relevant Departments. Please check the required deposit for each bid. Bids documents should be duly completed, signed sealed in an envelope: marked bid number, closing date and time; and should be deposited in the relevant bid box not later than 11:00 am on the closing date. No exceptions will be made. Please comply with General Conditions of the Contract (GCC – Annexure A) No telegraphic, facsimile or e-mailed bids will be considered. Provincial Departments reserve the right to accept any bid in whole or in part and do not bind themselves to accept lowest or any bid offer. Bidders may ask the Departments in writing to explain whatever the bidder needs an explanation on. NOTE VERY WELL SHOULD THE TAX CLEARANCE BE NOT ATTACHED, BE NOT THE ORIGINAL COPY OR BE NOT SIGNED BY SARS ON THE CLOSING DATE OF THE INVITED BID, THE BID WILL BE DECLARED INVALID. Producer : Mapule Mothibedi, Telephone (018) 388 4227 Chief Editor : Seipati Leshomo, Telephone (018) 388 4226 The Tender Bulletin is obtainable from : The Provincial Supply Chain Management, First Floor, Botshelo Water Building, University Drive, MMABATHO, 2735. 2|Page 2. INVITATIONS BID NO AND EVALUATION CRITERIA EDU18/14NW DEPARTMENT Functionality as specified in the Bid documents 100 points (90/10) Public Works, Roads and Transport 90 : Price 10 : Preference Points (Points will be allocated according to BBBEE Ratings) NWDOH 15/2014 Functionality as specified in the Bid documents 100 points (90/10) PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON Supply and delivery of reels/rolls of paper for printing purposes required by the assessment, certfitication and accreditation division value. Up and including 350 000kg supply and delivery of paper. A non-refundable deposit of R300.00 is payable for this document. Specification Enquries COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION Date : 15 September 2014 Time : 11h00 Venue: Department of Education, Mmabatho High School Hostels Hall, Albert Luthuli Drive, Mmabatho Supply and delivery of care kits for Home Community-based Care (HCBC) Programme in the North West Department of Health for a period of two (2) years. A non-refundable deposit of R200.00 is payable for this document. COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION Health 90 : Price 10 : Preference Points (Points will be allocated according to BBBEE Ratings) NWDOH 16/2014 Functionality as specified in the Bid documents 100 points (80/20) Health Date : 30 September 2014 Time : 10h00 Venue: Department of Health North West, New Office Park Building, behind The Crossings Mall (Buffalo Conference Room, Ground Floor) Maintenance and Cleaning of Gardens and Grounds for Mmabatho College of Nursing in the North West for a period of three (03) years. A non-refundable deposit of R100.00 is payable for this document. COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION 80 : Price 20 : Preference Points (Points will be allocated according to BBBEE Ratings) 3|Page Date : 30 September 2014 Time : 10h30 Venue: Department of Health North West, Mmabatho College of Nursing (Multipurpose Hall) Dr Albert Luthuli Drive Ms Willem Nell at (018) 297 5211 Mr Pako Gill at (018) 384 0067 Purchase of Documents: CLOSING OF BID DETAILS 08 October 2014 At 11h00 Ms S Moalahi, East Wing Entrance Accounting Services Offices, First Floor, Garona Building at (018) 388 3474 Administration Enq: Ms Ngakantsi / Ms NE Segwabanyane At (018) 391 4239 4386 15 October 2014 Technical Enquiries: At Ms M Mokgothu and Ms M Koyo At (018) 391 4072 / 4061 11h00 Administration Enq: Ms R Mogolegang and Ms NE Segwabanyane At (018) 391 4237 4386 Technical Enquiries: Ms L M Moreotsile and B P Zungu at (018) 384 1123 15 October 2014 At 11h00 PLEASE NOTE Bids for the Department of Education Bid Documents will be available at the Department of Education, Supply Chain Management, First Floor, Garona Building, East Wing, Sekame Road, Mmabatho from 10 September 2014 from 08h00 to 15h00 to 15h00 Monday to Thursday AND Friday from 08h00 to 14h00. Enquiries regarding bid documents can be directed to Ms Tshiamo Keetile / Ms Emily Mandubo at (018) 388 3408 / 388 2510. Bids will close at the CFO’s Office on the Ground Floor, East Wing, Garona Building, Sekame Road, Mmabatho. Bids for the Department of Department of Health Bid documents will be available from 25 September 2014 from the North West Department of Health, Ground Floor, New Office Park Building, 3801 corner First Street and Sekame Road, Mmabatho AND will close at the same building. 3. awarded tenders TENDERS AWARDED – DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SAFETY AND TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT Bid Number DPS 27/13/14 Description of Projects Supply and Delivery of MVR Speed Detector with Digital Eyewitness and Speed and Traffic Light Volation Detection with Digital Image Recording Machine (DCAM) with Maintenance Plan for the Period of three years for the Department of Community Safety and Transport Management. 4|Page Name of Bidder Total Amount Awarded R813 400.00 Mosia Motubatse and Projects D-Cam Mobile Camera @ R427 600.00 Moving Camera Violation Camera @ R233 800.00 Exc VAT, 4. NOTICES TO ALL BIDDERS 5. 5.1. Service provider/s who reside(s) within the boundaries of the North West Province are hereby invited to register their companies in the Provincial Supplier Database. There is no closing date. 5.2. Tender Bulletin subscribers are reminded to check the validity of their subscription and renew it on or before the expiry date. Note that the expiry date is twelve months after the date of first subscription. 5.3. Communities. Youth, SMMEs and Disabled people who wish to be work-shopped or trained on the Government Bidding Process should contact Margaret Molale at 018 – 388 3935 or 4227. 5.4. Bidders who have complaints regarding bid contracts may forward their complaints to Erlin Peterson, Compliance Unit, Provincial supply Chain Management, Private Bag X2132, MMABATHO, 2735; or First Floor Botshelo Water Building, Univeristy Drive, MMABATHO, 2735; or call him at 018 – 388 3924 5.5. Further information and queries may be directed to The Director, Provincial Supply Chain Management, Private Bag X2132, MMABATHO, 2735; or First Floor Botshelo Water Building, Univeristy Drive, MMABATHO,2735 BULLETIN : Bidders are advised to read the entire Bulletin. No Official of the Provincial Supply Chain Management will be held responsible for loss of opportunity due submission of incorrect address, or delays caused by the Post Office, or nonrenewal of the subscription. NB 5|Page
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