St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church 1649 Kingsley Avenue Father Ignatius Plathanam, CMI, Pastor Ext. 325 Father Jose Maniyangat, Parochial Vicar Ext. 311 Fr. Rafael Lavilla, OSJ Parochial Vicar Ext. 313 Fr. David Ruchinski, In Residence Deacon Peter Dang Deacon Larry Hart Deacon Ralph Martinez Sarah Thompson, Business Manager Ext. 305 Vincent Reilly, Director, Faith Formation Ext. 322 Robin Shipley, Y outh Coordinator Ext. 326 Cheri Forster, Social Ministries Coordinator Ext. 310 Lyn Hall, Stewardship Coordinator Ext. 306 Jennifer Kollasch, W orship Coordinator Ext. 324 Orange Park, FL 32073 Monday-Friday Saturday 7:00AM and 9:00AM 9:00AM Saturday Vigil Eucharist Sunday Eucharist 5:00PM 8:00AM & 10:00AM 12 Noon, 5:00 PM 6:30PM (Spanish) during 10:00AM Mass Nursery Available: Perpetual Adoration Coordinators: (Except for the month of July) Patty Archambault, 269-5030 & Mary Hartwell, 264-1904 Sacrament of Penance: Annunciation Catholic Interparish School Website: Jack G. Mullarkey, Principal (904) 264-0577 (904) 264-7999 fax 282-0504 Fax: 282-6808 Saturday 3:30-4:30PM and by appointment Parish Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30AM-4:30PM Website: email: Page 2 Mass Intentions for the Week 7:00 A.M. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9:00 A.M. Monday Tuesday Wednesday 10:00am Thursday Friday Saturday 5:00pm Ruben Rodriguez Badillo, Special Intention +Fabian Fuentes +Michael J. Kopina, Jr. +Fabian Fuentes +Maybelle Fischer +Pat Davitt +John Gettings +John & Sophie Rafacz Sigifredo Valencia, Special Intention +John P. O’Laughlin +John P. Quinn Trifona Placido, Special Intention Mr. & Mrs. Marcial Brofas, Beatriz Tolentino SUNDAY, October 19, 2014 8:00am 10:00am 12 Noon 5:00pm 6:30pm +Romeo Concepcion St. Catherine’s Parishioners +Emily Zelaya +Dennis O’Connell Josefa Pacheco, Special Intention READINGS FOR THE WEEK Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1; Ps 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48; Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1-6; Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 7-10; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 Monday: ANOINTING MASS Next Saturday, October 18th 11:00AM FOR THOSE WHOSE HEALTH IS SERIOUSLY IMPAIRED BY SICKNESS OR ADVANCED IN AGE AND ARE HOMEBOUND AND UNABLE TO ATTEND MASS WITH OUR COMMUNITY. If you know someone who is in need of this sacrament`s grace you are encouraged to bring them to this Mass. It will be good if those who want to be anointed are seated in the front pews of the church. All Souls Mass The names will be read from the Book of the Dead on Sunday, November 2nd, during the 12noon Mass. Please call the parish office or email with the names you would like included in the book. October 12, 2014 This Week SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12TH: 8:30am Religious Education 5:30pm NFP with the Moody’s, Upper Room MONDAY, OCTOBER 13TH: 9:00am Seniors Exercise Group, Rooney Hall 6:00pm Cub Scouts, Rooms A, B, C, D 7:00pm Catholicism, Room N 7:00pm NAIN, Room J 7:00pm Diocesan Hispanic Youth, Room K 7:00pm NAMI, Upper Room 7:00pm Boy Scouts, Haut Hall 7:30pm Contemplative Prayer, Siena Room TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14TH: 9:00am AARP Smart Driver Course, Upper Room 10:00am Church in Chronicles, Siena Room 11:00am Mah Jong, Rooney Hall 6:15pm Religious Education 7:00pm Jóvenes con Fé, Youth Room 7:00pm Boy Scouts, Haut Hall 7:00pm Camino a Jesus (Grpo Caristmático), Church 7:00pm Catholicism, Room O WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15TH: 9:00am Seniors Exercise Group, Rooney Hall 9:30am Handicrafts, Haut Hall 10:00am Catholicism, Siena Room 10:00am ESL, Upper Room 4:30pm Religious Education 6:15pm Religious Education 7:00pm Legion of Mary, Church Conf. Room 7:00pm Justice & Peace, Siena Room 7:00pm RICA, Upper Room 7:00pm RCIA, Haut Hall THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16TH: 9:00am AARP Smart Diver Training, Room K 10:00am Jóvenes de Corazón, Siena Room 10:00am Young at Heart, Rooney Hall 7:00pm Catholicism, Room K FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17TH: 9:00am Seniors Exercise Group, Rooney Hall 4:00pm Chicken Foot, Rooney Hall SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18TH: 7:00pm El Señor de los Milagros, Misa Recepción despues de Misa, Haut Hall Next weekend our parish will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year we are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Through the work of these churches, and their witness to Christ, the poor receive pracƟcal help and experience God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please come prepared next weekend to give generously in the collecƟon for the Society for the PropagaƟon of the Faith. For more informaƟon, please visit October 12, 2014 Page 3 FORMATION Religious Education News PRUDENCE Definition: Prudence is the virtue that helps us to make sound judgments and directs our actions towards good. Scripture: Test everything: retain what is good. 1 Thessalonians 5:12 Prayer: Holy God, let prudence be a virtue that drives all that I think, say and do. Guide my words and actions so that my life is a reflection of your love. If there was a time for prudence, this is it. With the onslaught of social media that allows access to what used to be privileged information, the practice of prudence is essential. When speaking to our youth about prudence, encourage them to think before they act. Point out that by speaking too quickly or acting rashly, they often do and say things they come to regret. Encourage them to turn to the Holy Spirit for guidance as they make choices about their lives. Registration for the Sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation is closed. You can still register your child for non-sacramental preparation grades using the following web address: Children’s Stewardship Envelopes Fr. Ignatius is promoting Mass attendance of all our parish families throughout the year! We hope that our families will help us increase our Mass attendance of Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. The quality and meaningfulness of our liturgies only increases when all of our families actively participate in Mass and enhance their faith-centered family life. Religious Education is only able to complete its proper role if our students are also attending Mass with their family. Fr. Ignatius has likened it to teaching a child to swim without ever letting them in the water. To help us get our children excited about Mass every week, we provided every student in Religious Education classes as well as our Annunciation Catholic School students with a set of envelopes. Students turn in their envelopes each week in the children’s collection. This will help in recording their attendance at Mass, but more importantly, they will each have the opportunity to declare “I was there too!” This is also an opportunity to learn more about giving back their personal “gifts” to God. On the back of the envelopes, the gifts of prayer and sharing the child’s time and talents are emphasized. This is a way for the children to learn the first steps of stewardship in sharing what they have—their prayers, their time, and their talents. If they put in their pennies, that is fine, but this is not a call for the parent to simply give the children money to put in the envelopes. The purpose of these envelopes is to help our children learn the lifelong benefits of stewardship and belonging, not to increase our offertory. We also provided each family an excellent book called Celebrating Sunday for Catholic Families to use in the car on the way to and from Church in order to improve your experience at Sunday Mass. If your child has not received envelopes or this book and would like to participate, please contact the Parish Office to be included in this special endeavor to increase family participation at Mass on Sundays at our parish. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) RCIA is the process in which we welcome individuals who want to: Learn more about the Catholic faith Become a baptized Catholic Complete the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist Participate fully in the life of the Church. If you or someone you know is interested in journeying deeper into a relationship with Jesus Christ through the Catholic Church, please contact Vincent Reilly in the Parish Office at 264-0577. RCIA regularly meets as part of the 10:00am Sunday Mass. Our next Wednesday session will be on October 15 at 7:00pm in Haut Hall. Small Christian Communities Update Fr. Ignatius is building new Small Christian Communities in our parish by forming neighborhood groups. Over the summer, we have formed 12 neighborhoods in our parish boundaries and plan to work with 4 neighborhoods each year for the next 3 years to build Christian Communities throughout our parish. Our first four communities include: Orange Park Country Club, Fleming Island North, Old Orange Park, and Grove Park. We will be hosting monthly “Getting to Know You” sessions in these neighborhoods this year. Our first get together is this Monday in the Country Club. It is an informal potluck meal and a time to get to know our neighbors. We will be going to different neighborhoods each month, so check your mailbox for when it is your chance to meet with your neighbors. Our goal is to build Christian communities of faith who know and care for one another in each of our parish’s many neighborhoods. These groups will not replace the Small Christian Communities that have been meeting in our parish for years. Rather, we hope that these groups will complement each other and strengthen our parish. Page 4 October 12, 2014 Worship and Spirituality Pray for the sick: Flora Bada, Wilfredo Bada, Mary Keeton, Katie Stearnes, Maria Cristina, Maria Pinnell, Walter & Mary Skulsky, Ryan Hathaway, Johnny Hankel, Barry Scartoti, Teresa Maniyangat, Joyce Cooper, Hobart Fash, Flora Vaughan, Kevin Wilson, Esther Fernandez, Maria Ligib Gonzalez, Rosa Herrera, Beverly Kendrick, Hobart Fash, Mark Wilcoxen, Tom McDonald, Beth Brennen, Janice Evitt, Celia Dorfman, Randy Wilcoxen, Randy Wilcoxen, Jr., Kathryn Schlofman, Joseph Sales, Jocelyn Kircher Alden, Karen Switalski, Nancy Quina, Irene Meyer, Dorothy Collins, Nelson Chua, Orlando Torralba, Bob Carlson, Jim Schad, Kathleen Mullin, Terry McCarthy, Sor Aminta de la Trinidad, Diann Greenside, Olivia Celeste Dogger, Ruben Pacheco, Edwin Hernandez, Irma & Luis Rodriguez, Edwin Salvador, Jack Sumrall, Paul Joseph O’Brien, Bill Swiger, Arianna Moore, Barbie Smolinski, Alba Hernandez, Ivette Herrera, Roy Botello, Sheila Forster, Iris Torres, Michael Bassett, Stacey & Noah Quina, Michael Smith, Janet Hamilton, Amparo Flores, Maria Velez, Annemarie Faith, Venus & Aldo Hanze & Family, John Griffin, Bonnie Valdes, Oscar Martinez, Kierra Ashley, Catherine Anderson, Mike McNally, Anile Herman, Jeri Hurtt, Nancy Setinsek The Deceased: Jim Wilkey, Dewayne Brown, Frank Heppner Mary Markell, Pat Jones, Jan Chapman, Robert Moore We have both daytime and nighttime needs for adorers to spend a weekly Holy Hour before Jesus. Call Mary at 264-1904 to join our Adoration family. LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR October 19—29th Sunday in Ordinary Time SAT. 5 PM—Priest: J ose; Altar Server: Cascante, Miller; Reader: Hodges, Sroka; EMHC: Ziegler, Galloway, Catindig, Kraus, Anastas, Wetherbee, Steineck, Catalan, Stimac, Ford, Briggs. SUN. 8 AM—Priest: J ose; Altar Server: N. & K. Schad; Reader: Conroy, G. Loring; EMHC: Mayette, Kendrick, Haeussner, Cassidy, Schaefer, Skulsky, Kendrick, Hardin, Yacalavitch, Smith, Donovan. SUN. 10 AM—Priest: Ignatius; Altar Server: K & S Vadnais, R. Collins; Reader: LeSeur, Cuevas; EMHC: Counts, Tappe, Counts, LeSeur, Vadnais, Fiscus, Thomas, Fuentes, Connell, Surio, Phelps. SUN. 12 PM—Priest: Rafael; Altar Server: McDonald, Hoy, E. Martin; Reader: Mannheimer, Christine; EMHC: C. Dungca, Tureski, Lorbis, Azenaro, Muldrew, B. Almojera, Downing, M. Almojera, O’Meara, C. Almojera, Knowles. SUN. 5 PM—Priest: Ignatius; Altar Server: K & E DeLong Reader: F orster; EMHC: DeLong, Kerschen, Mullin, Bell, Dobbertien, Costello. SUN. 6:30 PM—Priest: Rafael; Altar Server: Murillo, Rodriguez; Reader: Prieto, Hernandez; EMHC: Diaz, Santiago, Galeano. Youth Please visit our REVISED YOUTH WEBSITE And Follow us on Twitter: Stcatsyouth or Join US on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM! EDGE Night (Grades 5 and 6) Wednesday, October 15, 6:00-7:30PM in Rooney Hall for ARENA KICKBALL! SPIRIT Night (Grades 7 and 8) SCY Grades 9-12 WEDNESDAY, October 15TH, 7:30-8:45 PM Rooney Hall for ARENA KICKBALL! COFFEEHOUSE (GRADES 9-12) GATHERS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15TH, 7:30-8:45PM IN THE YOUTH ROOM. Coming in the Fall of 2015 National Catholic Youth Conference Here I am Lord in Indianapolis, Indiana If you will be in high school in the fall of 2015, YOU are eligible to attend! At NCYC you will gather with at least 25,000 Catholic teens from all over the country to learn more about your Catholic Faith as well as experience it in many different ways. For more information, contact Robin Shipley 264-0577 Registration is NOW OPEN! Help Raise Funds and Enjoy Great Food! Eat at The Loop on Wells Road anytime, any day; have your receipt stamped St. Catherine’s, turn it in to the church, and at the end of the month we get 10% of the sale! CONFIRMATION PEER TEAM-WE WILL HAVE OUR FIRST RETREAT PLANNING MEETING TONIGHT SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12TH AFTER THE 5 PM MASS! YOUTH MAKE SURE YOU SIGN UP TO WORK AT EITHER OF OUR TWO BOOTHS AT THE BAZAAR! URBAN PLUNGE SPONSORS THE FUNNELL CAKE BOOTH AND YOUTH MINISTRY SPONSORS THE FACE PAINTING BOOTH! SAVE THE DATE- XLT ADORATION WILL BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22ND AT 7:30 PM IN THE CHURCH! HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! October 12, 2014 Page 5 Hispanic Ministry Social Ministries XXVIII Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario OCTOBER IS RESPECT LIFE MONTH: This week we focus on Disabilities Bazar Parroquial 2014 Octubre 24, 25 y 26 Por favor considere donar dos horas durante el fin de semana para atender el kiosko Hispano. Para mayor información comunicarse llamando o por texto a: Luis Díaz 904-233-3366 Para mayor información sobre el bazar ver página 6. Entrenamiento para monaguillos Para nuevos y existentes Noviembre 8 de 10am-12 md. En la Iglesia. Cualquier pregunta favor de llamar a Jennifer en la oficina parroquial ó por correo electronico Misa en honor al Señor de los Milagros Patrono del Perú Celebrante Obispo Felipe Estévez Sábado Octubre 18, 2014 7:00 PM Recepción en el Haut Hall después de la Misa Ministry for Persons with Disabilities Are you living with a disability or caring for someone with a disability? Would you like to help bring awareness to the many gifts persons with disabilities have to offer? If you are interested in this ministry, & would like more info., please call Beth Moody @ 772-7552 Disabilities Ministry, Catholic Charities /Jacksonville Assists people with disabilities participate fully in the life of the church. Provides: Camp I Am Special, for special needs children and young adults, Faith and Sharing retreat program, mini camps, annual social events, adaptive equipment exchange and volunteer opportunities for all ages and professions. L’ Arche Harbor House & Rainbow workshop is a community with five family-style homes, The Blanchart Community Center and an off-site day program called the Rainbow Workshop. They create an environment where people with intellectual and physical disabilities can share their gifts, and affect a positive change in the world Words to Live by … “When a society lacks God, even prosperity is joined by a terrible spiritual poverty” Pope Francis September 23, 2014 St Vincent de Paul Society El próximo fin de semana nuestra parroquia celebra el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones. Este año se nos invita a extender nuestras manos y ayudar a construir la Iglesia en Mongolia, la iglesia católica más joven del mundo, como también a iglesias locales en las zonas más remotas de nuestro planeta. Mediante el trabajo de estas iglesias y su testimonio de Cristo, los pobres reciben ayuda práctica y experimentan el amor y la misericordia de Dios, su esperanza y su paz. Por favor, rece diariamente por las Misiones y venga preparado el próximo fin de semana para dar generosamente en la colecta para la Sociedad para la Propagación de la Fe. Para obtener más información, visite El Rito de Iniciación Católica para Adultos Es un proceso que incluye: oración, studio, discusión, culto y compartir la fe. Miécoles 7pm en el salon “E” Para más información favor de comunicarse con Delia 652-7214 ó Ana 655-2389 October 12—Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: In today’s Gospel we hear Jesus say: “Many are invited, but few are chosen.” To give thanks for all that God has given to you, have you considered answering the call to help serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul OUR DONATION BOX IS LOCATED IN THE BRICK PILLAR UNDER THE PICTURE OF ST. VINCENT de PAUL The Giving Tree is fast approaching. We need you!!!! Experienced or Eager to learn. We will train you!!! Join a team! Make your own team with a family! or with friends BUT What do I have to do???? * Attend a meeting on Mon., Nov. 17th (information & tags) *Fill out Ornament tags by Nov. 22nd. *Help us sort and organize gifts on Dec. 7th (9-1) *Drop by Dec. 9th (5pm) to sort late gifts * Shop on Dec. 10th for any missing gifts * Wrap and pack up presents Contact Donna Porter To Volunteer…... YOUR 44th ANNUAL BAZAAR UPDATE:2 Fridays October 24th, 25th and 26th till opening!! Set–up is next weekend!!! JOIN US 9AM-12Noon Buy Ride Tickets starting This and Next weekend! Booth sign ups. WE NEED YOU!!! Please visit: http// Please log in to sign up … Enter email: Visit our new website: Attic Treasures. We can accept donation items that are clean, useable and working. The Trailer is now open!!! We cannot accept PC Monitors, Mattresses, TV’s , VHS tapes. WE CANNOT TAKE CRIBS & CAR SEATS!! Volunteers are needed PLANTS are needed. Hope you have started your cuttings. Please drop off the week of the bazaar only. BOOKS We accept books, video tapes/DVD’s & CD’s . We cannot accept magazines, text books, personal videos & encyclopedias. STUFFED ANIMAILS We are collecting new or nearly new stuffed animals. Please bag your donations in a plastic bag and label it “Animal and Things” Raffle Tickets: Pick-up your tickets after Mass in the Narthex. We are asking each family to buy or sell (3) books of tickets. Our Winners are: Andy Stofanik Ignacio García For Large item pick-ups Or if you can help us on pick up day please contact…. Randy Russo904-610-4933 Sponsors needed: Advertise your business by sponsoring a booth at the bazaar. Contact Cheri in the parish office for a sponsorship packet. Silent Auction: We are asking all groups, CCD classes, ministries or interested families or individuals to donate a basket. (sports, food, movies etc.) For more information Contact Mary Ellen @ 278-9152 Did you know that the top three influencers on a teens faith are: 1. Youth Conferences– Like NCYC and World Youth Day 2. Service Experiences– Like Urban Plunge and Just Five Days 3. Going on Retreat We plan to attend the National Catholic Youth Conference and World Youth Day in 2015 We need to raise A LOT of money! The return on this investment in our youth is huge! We are in need of Sponsors. Any help you could give our youth would be greatly appreciated. Every little bit helps! First we ask for your prayers and if you can help monetarily, please send the donation directly to the church: St. Catherine of Siena 1649 Kingsley Ave Orange Park, FL 32073 Attention: Robin Shipley/Youth Director Please write “NCYC” or “WYD” in the memo. We also are resuming our Rent a Delegate Program to help teens raise money to attend these life changing events. f you would like to pay our teens to do work for you, contact Robin Shipley 264-0577 Thank you in advance for your consideration and support. Help Us Deliver Brand New Clothing to the Needy in Our Community! Catholic Charities and Dignity U Wear are working together to provide clothing for children, veterans and women and men in crisis. We need a volunteer who can: Work from their computer to receive clothing orders sent via e-mail from Catholic Charities Organize the orders and fax or e-mail them on to Dignity U Wear Pick up the ordered clothing from Dignity U Wear located at 136 N. Myrtle Ave. in downtown Jacksonville Bring the clothing to Catholic Charities at 134 E. Church St. downtown, then sort and distribute it to the various programs inside the building The volunteer needs to provide their own transportation and be willing to provide 4-5 hours twice a month (8-10 hours/month total) to help us bring new clothing to those in need in our community. Check out the Dignity U Wear website at If you are interested please contact Charlene Akers at Catholic Charities or 224-0071. Altar Server Training—new & existing Please read the following carefully as it pertains to ALL altar servers. All sessions are on Saturdays in the Church. Oct 18: 11:30am-1pm: all servers for 10am & 12n Sun Nov 8: 10am-12n: all servers for Sun 6:30pm If you have any questions or concerns, to include scheduling conflicts, please contact Jennifer in the parish office as soon as possible. Page 8 October 12, 2014 Sunday Offering Weekly Offertory Receipts Weekly Mortgage Receipts Monthly Mortgage Payment Mortgage Balance 32,176.55 5,370.00 18,461.05 556,081.16 St Catherine's Catholic Church is pleased to offer a preventive health event. Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, will host their affordable, non-invasive and painless health screenings on 11/21/2014. Five screenings will be offered that scan for potential health problems related to: blocked arteries which is a leading cause of stroke; abdominal aortic aneurysms which can lead to a ruptured aorta; hardening of the arteries in the legs which is a strong predictor of heart disease; atrial fibrillation or irregular heart beat which is closely tied to stroke risk; and a bone density screening, for men and women, used to assess the risk of osteoporosis. Register for a Wellness Package which includes 4 vascular tests and osteoporosis screening from $149 ($139 with our member discount). All five screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete. In order to register for this event and to receive a $10 discount off any package priced above $129, please call 1-888-653-6441 or visit Knowing, loving, and serving God: Establish a love relationship with Jesus! Eucharistic Adoration is the adoration of Jesus Christ Himself, present in the Holy Eucharist. During Adoration in our chapel, the Eucharist is exposed in a beautiful vessel called a monstrance. From the altar, our Lord gazes at us in the Eucharist, wanting for us to give Him our hearts, our burdens, our sufferings, our joys and our sorrows so that He may transform us and sanctify us. In the silence of hearts, we are able to go before Him, to love and adore Him simply because HE is GOD. [Call 264-1904 to learn more about a Holy Hour.] The monthly parish breakfast hosted by the Knights of Columbus is this Sunday morning, after the 8AM & 10AM Masses, in Haut Hall. Please join our Knights for Breakfast with your whole family. The menu is: Eggs, French Toast, Bacon, grits, Fruit Cups, assorted Cereals, Milk, Juice & coffee. Prices are: Family /$20, Adults /$6, children 6 to 12 years of age/$4, and children 6 years of age or under eat free. A great price for a great breakfast, and you will be helping our Knights continue to assist those in need in our community. First Friday Holy Hour in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus started on September 4, the feast day of Blessed Mother Theresa, 9:30 am to 10:30 am. All are welcome to join on all First Fridays. Our next Holy Hour will be November 7. Each week a new question will appear, based on next Sunday’s readings. Parish groups meeting during this next week will also be sharing their faith with one another using these same questions. QUESTION OF THE WEEK/FAITH SHARING (based on next Sunday’s readings) Adult: When they arise, how do you handle dilemmas between Church values and teachings, and civil values and teachings? Child: Name some ways you show God the respect that is due him. Nursery News- Mother’s Day Out Pre-School September-May 2014/2015 school year. Program is open to children 2-5 years old. MDO is on Tuesday, Wednesday and/or Thursday from 9am-1pm. For more information, contact the parish or call Margaret @ 504-9699. Families Following Christ – Family Night Please join FFC – Families Following Christ on Wednesday, November 5th at 7pm at the St. Joseph's Cody Center as we continue our 2014 series: A Year of Prayer. The night titled "Come, Now is the Time to Worship" and will focus on things in our daily lives that can lead us to worship. We will begin with an extended praise and worship session led by Phil Militante and will continue with small group discussion. Nursery is available for ages 6 months to 3 years old. Children’s catechism class is available for ages 4 to 11 years old. Please RSVP for the children’s ministry to If you have any questions, feel free to contact Stephen Coots at (904) 226-9157. Sharing Time... As prayer becomes integrated into our lives, we experience the reality of God’s gifts and the conversion of our hearts to God. We want to share God’s love with others. We support over 100 active ministries in our parish and community. Sharing Talent... Each of us has special gifts given by God. We are called to discover and share our gifts with others. Our parish has many members volunteering their time and talent to help the parish and our community. Sharing Treasure... Proportional giving means making a commitment to return a percentage of our income to God in Thanksgiving for what we have received. St. Catherine’s Parish is a tithing parish. Besides our support to the Diocese, Annunciation Catholic School and the special collections we take up during the year, we also support a number of social ministry efforts. Here are some of the service projects we help: St. Catherine’s Parish Financial Report July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014 INCOME Offertory Building Fund/Mortgage Bazaar St. Vincent de Paul Formation Youth Pamphlets, votive stand Non-Parochial Collections Mothers Day Out All other income $1,343,019.23 253,961.16 65,000.00 54,787.28 47,188.65 25,471.53 31,698.84 73,604.44 12,365.00 58,599.29 Total $1,962,132.15 EXPENDITURES Administration Salaries/Benefits-Clergy/Staff Parish (Diocesan) Sharing Mortgage Annunciation School Formation Liturgy Youth Stewardship Social Ministries/Outreach Repairs/Maintenance Non-Parochial Marian Garden $ 86,344.28 653,467.54 285,166.42 221,532.60 167,345.08 48,915.28 35,434.78 38,213.39 3,594.20 76,091.05 68,121.22 73,604.44 2259.00 Holy Rosary Parish I.M. Sulzbacher Center The Clothes Closet Clay County Soup Kitchen Catholic Volunteers in Florida Farm Workers Ministry Divine Mercy House Harbor House Apostleship of the Sea The Way Free Clinic St. Boniface/Haiti Foundation Feeding America DOSA Camps BANK ACCOUNTS AS OF JUNE 30, 2014 Call or email us at 264-0577 or for ways you can participate more actively in the life of the parish. OPERATING 628,579.25 DIOCESAN SAVINGS 1,336,267.85 (Contingency/Repair&Maintenance, Long Term Capital, hurricane deductible, mortgage debt, unallocated savings Total $1,936,719.99
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