OLM Weekly Page 1 October 12, 2014 We come together as a community of faith to celebrate with praise and joy! Pastoral Team Office Support Staff Pastor Rev. Msgr. Thomas C. Costa Rectory Secretary Associate Pastors Sister Eileen Lawlor Ms. Joyce Amoroso Rev. Martin L. Klein, Ret. Rev. Patrick J. T. Grace Rev. Raymond Akpunonu School Secretary Mrs. Janet Vassallo Religious Ed Secretary Pastor Emeritus In Residence Mrs. Cathy Basso Rev. Msgr. James E. Boesel Deacon Pastoral Council Members Michael Devenney School Principal Mrs. Jane Harrigan Sister Jeannine Toppin, Assistant Principal Sister Joanne Deegan, Principal Emerita Raymond Badra Nick Perrotta Timothy Snee Donna Varney To contact: pastoralcouncil@olmrcc.com Parish Finance Committee + Director of Liturgy & Music Mr. Paul Eschenauer Director of Religious Education Mrs. Joanne Kolasa Director of Youth Ministry Mr. Kevin Kwasnik John Beaudette (Chairperson) Daniel Pisani (Trustee) Joseph Vacca (Trustee) Carmine Serravalli (Business Mgr.) Sr. Joanne Deegan Lorraine & Fred Anderson Richard Faccio, Jr. Timothy Snee Director of Parish Services Mrs. Mary Anne Scott Maintenance Staff + Mr. Larry Burns Mr. David Mullan Business Manager Mr. Carmine Serravalli Rectory Cook Michelina Gambale Building & Maintenance Director Mr. Timothy Snee Rectory School Religious Ed. 931-4351 FAX 433-8702 433-7040 433-8286 681-1228 681-1527 Convent Cook Susan Bennett Youth Ministry 935-2444 Email contact: therectory@olmrcc.com Parish Services 931-1306 OLM Weekly Page 2 October 12, 2014 From the Pastor, Happy Columbus Day! On this day in 1492, Christopher Columbus and his crew spotted land after their long voyage across the Atlantic. Thanking God for the sight of land, they first called the place they saw “Salvador” meaning Savior, attributing the sight to Our Lord’s intervention. That island today is part of the Bahamas. By December they were exploring the northern coast of what is now Cuba, and then on to the island they named Hispaniola (which is now the home of Haiti and the Dominica Republic. The New World had begun: a new culture was being born. The confluence of the European culture of Spain, Portugal and Italy (Columbus was from Genoa) with the native Mesoamerican peoples of the Caribbean Islands and the later the mainland would forever change the lives and the culture of those peoples: sometimes for good and sometimes for bad. In any event it gave birth to the culture and the people that we now call Latin America. That is why in Spanish speaking countries of North, Central and South America, today is called Día de la Raza: Day of the Race (or the People). It celebrates the rich diversity of the 17 nations of the world where Spanish is the official language as well as the cultural and linguistic ties that bind them. Italians celebrate with pride the contribution of Christopher Columbus, a native son of the city of Genoa in northern Italy, to the history of the western world. In NYC today is the big Italian American parade. So whether you choose to celebrate Columbus Day with a little pasta or with some empanadas and arroz con pollo, enjoy the holiday and thank the Lord for the blessings of our life in this New World that our ancestors struggled so hard to move to. Next week is World Mission Sunday. We will celebrate the Church’s missionary activity throughout the world. All of us are called to be missionaries by our baptism. Some go to the missions physically, others support the missions financially and prayerfully. Every year our diocese has a large diocesan World Mission Day celebration. This year we are blest to be hosting the Diocesan Mass. Bishop Andrzej, our newest bishop, will be the principal celebrant at the noon Mass and missionaries from our diocese will be present, as well as people from all over the diocese. We invite everyone to come and celebrate our call as a Church to proclaim to Gospel to every land and nation. some of the children will be dressed in the costumes of mission lands. Some of the children will be carrying flags of the land where our missionaries work. At the Mass some schools and Religious Education programs that have had mission awareness programs will receive special awards from the Mission Office. And after Mass there will be refreshments for everyone. We are very proud to be asked to be the host parish for this Diocesan celebration. We invite you all to come to the 12 noon Mass on Sunday October 19th and join with the Bishop for this joyful Mass. God bless, Monsignor Thom Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 3 October 12, 2014 Masses for the Week Loving Memory – Rest In Peace - Tom Cutinella, Mary Heineman, Daniel Morphis the unborn and the victims of natural disasters throughout our country and the world. Monday, October 13th Gal 4:22-24,26-27,5:1/Lk 11:29-32 HOLIDAY - NO MASS 8:00 AM Joseph George Fam. COLUMBUS DAY - NO MASS Tuesday, October 14th Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41 7:00 AM Christopher Iavarone 9:00 AM Francesco & Barbara Lavoratore Wednesday, October 15th Gal 5:18-25/Lk 11:42-46 7:00 AM Heenan & Holzapple Fam. 8:00 AM Owen & Kathleen Mitchell 9:00 AM Helen Burke (1st Ann.) Thursday, October 16th Eph 1:1-10/Lk 11:47--54 7:00 AM Grace & Gaetano Ceravola 9:00 AM Mae Erickson Friday, October 17th Eph 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7 7:00 AM John & Eleanor Bergherr 8:00 AM Diane Flynn 9:00AM Feeney - Schwab Fam Saturday, October 18th Tm: 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9 8:00 AM Joan Kelly Albert Finn Florance Bruno Thomas Murray Hugh McEneaney 4:30 PM Parishioners of Our Lady of Mercy Sunday, October 19th Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21 7:30 AM Owen Traynor 9:00 AM Louis Ferrara 10:30 AM Charles Catanzaro 12:00 PM Josephine Sayers 5:30 PM Marquise Braham Remember Our Sick: Ed Krebs, Debbie Long, Wanda Coletti, Nancy Bergskaug, Mary Casteranto, Carlo Mistron, Lucy Cosenza, Ramona Burkel, Samantha Gorman, Mary Asteranto, Melissa Lyons, Margaret Carr, Maureen Geier, Jane Lucidi, Elke Cardona, Zachary Vitti, Frances Limoli, Nancy Swanso , Robert Delhaye, Peggy DeLuca, Dominic Cinarella, Edward Koerber, Sister Maureen Gregory, Florence Palmiter, Ernest Peace, Karen Freese, Catherine DeFalco, Robert Vacca, James Slattery, Vincent Cataldo, Barbara Stalter, Robert Key, Lynne Casciano, Barbara Rosina, Inf. Harlen Werner, Sr. Joanne Deegan, Christina Ehl, Millie Wolfe, Denise Kalsky, Michael Ialeggio, Robert O’Connor, Joseph Feeser, Anna Pokinska , Bruce MacDonald, Theresa Blackshaw, Denise Capponi, Arlene Figura, Mildred Faiello, Richard Long, William Herbst, Thomas Page, Norma Young, Sr. Rosemarie Pinar, Inf. Nicolo Michelli, Sr. Ave Maria, SSJ, Ann Stosch, Michael Barbuck Sr, James Fox, Carol Burns, Michael Cialdella, Maria Louise Buscarino, Caitlin Loeser, Sr. Janice Doody, Giselle Muscardy, Muriel McMahon, Agnes Peck, Frank McGough, Nina Emanuele, Harry Strawsacker, Joseph Pronti Long Term Illness: Please pray for our war casualties, all our sick, their caretakers, especially Msgr. James Boesel, Christopher Cucci, Helen D’Achille, Salvatore Fava, Charles Masterton, Sally Carnivale, Victor Ialeggio, Sam Repoli, Olivia Mannion, Andrew Betz, Lisa Pirrung, Jean DeStefano, Teddy Moore, Christina Flood, Patrick Dunn, Theresa Repole, Gloria Fitzsimmons, Nicholas Cervoni, Marie Agnoli, JoAnn Mackin, James Fisher, Joseph Makar, Ryan Sullivan, Jacqueline Ciraulo, Anthony Taddeo Sr, Frances Koerner Jamie Wrede, Patricia Froehlich, Thomas Moore, Inf. Kendall White, Donald Fournier, Lynn Klein, Joseph Luparello, Lisa Micklin, Frank McGough, Linda Stopsky and all homebound and in nursing homes BANNS OF MARRIAGE WEEK OF OCTOBER 12th -18th, 2014 U.C. Sanctuary Lamp In Memory of Joseph William Amoroso Donated By Amoroso Family 2nd Time: Darren J. Harsch St. Pius X, Plainview and Jillian M. Scorsese - OLM Eric Joseph Demery - St. Matthias, Ridgewood and Lauren Ann Buchbauer - OLM L.C. Sanctuary Lamp Donated By Camnze Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 4 October 12, 2014 And on October 21, 2014. Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 5 Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us October 12, 2014 OLM Weekly Page 6 October 12, 2014 On Stewardship Spirituality Accountability Sacrificial Giving Offertory Weekly Offering for: Oct. 5, 2014: $20,175 Oct. 6, 2013: $21,182 Respect Life Collection: 2014: $3,890 2013: $2,167 ~ ~~ ~ Thank you for your Generous Response to His Call. Everything is a gift from God which is to be gratefully received and returned to Him with Increase. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ Belong More Deeply “In every circumstance and in all things, I have learned the secret of being well fed and of going hungry, of living in abundance and of being in need. I can do all things in Him who strengthens me.” Stewardship Spirituality is about returning our Time, Talent and Treasure in service to God and His Church. When it comes to determining what portion we will offer—especially of our Treasure—many questions come to mind. Let’s start with that everburning query... Stewardship Living Q: Isn’t Stewardship just another way of raising money for the Church? A: No, not even close! But you knew I’d say that, right? First, stewardship is based on spiritual principles of the Bible. The Bible includes dozens of references to stewardship, many of which you’ve hopefully read right here over the last few years. And Jesus specifically talks about stewardship in His parables. He made it very clear how he wanted His followers to live out their Christian life by becoming involved with others and sharing what we have—not just our treasure, but our time and special talents as well. So, Stewardship Spirituality is based on God’s Word, not on fundraising to meet the needs of the Church. Second, Stewardship Spirituality is based on the individual’s need to give thanks to God, not on the Church’s need to receive. It is based on the tenet that all that we have and all that we are comes from God; and as a way to thank God for all His blessings, we return a portion of our time, talent and treasure. So, a person’s decision to give of their treasure is based on a need to give thanks (for all that you have, all that you are—don't forget that part). And that decision to give would be the same, regardless of whether their parish has a great need (such as debt) or has great bounty (such as large savings). Why? Because they give in gratitude to God. to Christ and His Church—Our Church, Our Lady of Mercy. Take a Step in Faith Third, giving of Time, Talent and Treasure is not limited to the Church. Many volunteer their time and talent in their community, in addition to their parish. Some give their treasure to worthy organizations in addition to supporting their parish. They have understood, and answered God’s call to serve their neighbor. So “No one shall appear before the Lord emptyhanded, but each of you with as much as he can give, in proportion to the blessings which the Lord, God has bestowed on you” - Deuteronomy 16: 16-17 Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 7 October 12, 2014 Schedule for Weekend of October 18th - Oct 19th, 2014 Presider Oct 18-19 Fr. Raymond A. 4:30 PM Fr. P. Grace Msgr. Costa Fr. Marty K. 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM Altar Ser Luke Pojero A. Montalbano Billy Sullivan Gregory Kies Amy Abraham Jamie Abraham Joseph Capone Kaitlyn Capone Samantha Napoli Aidan Tahany AJ LaBarca Megan Musella P. Bonda-Riva Samantha Lobo Michael Tuozzo Nicholas Rodriquez Lector 1 Lector 2 Donna Varney Michael Duffy Serena Perrotta ------------------- Folk Group Fred Anderson EM 2 EM 3 EM 4 EM Cup 1 EM Cup 2 EM Cup 3 EM Cup 4 Vincent Kramer Janet Kramer Barbara Genna Norma Goerke Pat Hegarty Caroline Morello Mary Schneider Loretta Rinaldo Evelyn Sullivan Kevin Tully ------------------------------------------------- Ellen Connors Jim Fitzsimmons Joan Hydo Ann Jedzrowski John King Elaine Marzoli Lucille Seden RIGHT TO LIFE Steven Ertelt/LifeNews.com Peter Clores Vincent Lant Jim Decker Maureen Decker Joyce Amoroso Joanne Kolasa Rosa Miranda Phillip Cavallo Donna Loesch Bishop Andrzej 12:00 PM Sabrina Colon Greg Boruch Frank Wawrzynski Nicholas Roveto Ralph Colon Joseph Mistron Donna Mulligan Geraldine Peters Carol Sylvan Jessica Schmitt Theresa Cornish Judith Ann Galgano Carmen Wilkonski Fr. Raymond A. 5:30 PM Matthew Richards Nicholas Richards Christopher Rios Justin Rios Jamie Kimelstein Philip Lauto Brendan Graney Matthew Smith Tara Burns -------------------------------------------------------------- Pope Francis: Abandoning the Elderly is a Form of Euthanasia The end of last month, Pope Francis restated the importance of taking care of the growing number of elderly people across the globe. He said the lack of care and concern for the elderly is equivalent to euthanasia -- because elderly person often die physically from neglect and face spiritual and emotional depression because their family may abandon them. Meeting with thousands of elderly people in Saint Peter’s Square, Pope Francis said old age “is a time of grace.” Francis timed his meeting with the elderly to coincide with national Grandparents’ Day, celebrated in Italy on October 2. He said grandparents are entrusted with handing down their wisdom and their faith, conveying their life experience and the story of their family, community and nation. Blessed, he said, are those families who have grandparents nearby. In a way, he added a grandfather is “twice a father” and the grandmother “twice the mother.” How many times we “discard” older people, Francis said, comparing this to “s hidden form of euthanasia.” A society that doesn’t care for grandparents “has no future,” he added The culture of discarding human beings hurts our world, he said. “We discard children, young people and older people under the pretense of maintaining a ‘balanced’ economic system.” Pope Francis compared having former Pope Benedict living close by in the Vatican to “having a wise grandparent at home.” In his address, Pope Francis explained that elderly people can transmit their history and life experiences. He also denounced the neglect and violence against them. “Violence against the elderly is inhuman. Just like it is against children. God does not abandon you, He is with You!” Pope Francis asked Christians to work towards a more inclusive society, that does not throw away the weak. He also reminded them of the good the elderly do in society. “A people that does not care for its grandparents, that does not treat them well, are people that have no future Why do they not have a future? Because they lose their memory and tear from their roots.” For the Pope, to be with an elderly person does much good to society and brings joy. They also bring one of the most beautiful things to life. One of the most beautiful things in the life of a family, of our lives, is to caress a child and to let them be caressed by a grandfather or grandmother. Lastly, the Pope reminded them that there are elderly people who have no family and live in retirement homes. He asked that these institutions be true homes and not “prisons” Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us I ’ v e b e OLM Weekly Page 8 October 12, 2014 The Celebration of the Sacraments Celebrations of the Eucharist: Saturday: Sunday: Italian Mass: Family Mass: Weekdays: 8:00 AM & 4:30 PM 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 PM and 5:30 PM 8:45 AM, 2nd Sunday of Each Month 10:30 AM, 1st & 3rd Sunday of the Month 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 AM Mon., Wed. & Fri. 7:00, 9:00 AM Tues. & Thurs. Rosary after 9:00 AM Mass First Fridays: 7:00, 8:00 & 9:00 AM Adoration 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM Holydays: 5:00 PM the evening before 7:00 & 9:00 AM, 12 Noon & 7:30 PM Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday following the 9:00 AM Mass. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday: 3:30-4:15 PM and Eve of Holydays 4:00-5:00 PM in the Church Anytime by appointment-please call and speak with a priest. On Becoming A Catholic: R.C.I.A. welcomes those interested in becoming a Catholic and/or anyone seeking to further their education in the Catholic Faith. Please leave your name and telephone number at the Rectory Office. Parish Membership: All new families and individuals are welcome to our parish. We request that you register in the rectory when you move into our community so that we can be of service to you. Our parish family invites all of its members to participate fully in our spiritual and social life. The priests and ministers are here to serve your needs, to share your joy, and to help lighten your burdens. Sacrament of Baptism: Communal Celebrations of Baptism are on the second and last Sunday of each month at 1:30 PM. All arrangements for Baptism must be made at the rectory. Sacrament of Marriage: The Sacrament is celebrated on: Fridays: to be arranged. Saturdays: l0:30 AM, l2:30 and 2:30PM Sundays: to be arranged. Arrangements must be made by personal appointment with one of the priests. Couples should make an appointment with the priest at least six months to a year in advance of the marriage date. Nuptial Masses as well as ceremonies are available on Friday and Saturday. Ceremonies only are available on Sunday. Pre Cana-OLM Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation Program, is offered twice a year in the Fall and early Spring. Please inquire in the Rectory for dates. Anointing of the Sick: The Sacrament for the seriously ill and elderly can be arranged by contacting one of the priests or at any time in an emergency. The Sacrament is also celebrated communally during the year. Ministry to the Sick and Homebound: Parish priests and Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist regularly visit those who are ill or homebound. Please call the rectory to arrange for home visitation. Rectory Hours: Mon-Sat: 9:00-11:30 AM, 1:00-4:30 PM, 7:00-9:00 PM, Sunday: 9:00-1:00 PM OLM Weekly Page 9 October 12, 2014 Organizations New members are always welcome! Music Ministries: OLM Adult Chamber Choir: Meets Tuesday afternoons at 5:00 to 6:30 PM in the Upper Church. OLM Children’s Choir: Meets Wednesday afternoons at 2:45-3:30 PM or 3:30-4:00 PM in the School Cafeteria. OLM Folk Group: Meets Sundays after the 9:00 AM Mass in the Lower Church. OLM Rock Group: Meets Monday evenings at 8-l0 PM in the Upper Church. Parish Organizations: Columbiettes: Meets on the 2nd Thursday at 8:00 PM in the School Cafeteria. Hicksville/OLM Senior Club: Meets on Mondays 11:00AM-3 PM at the Bethpage Senior Center. For information contact Joan at 938-4261. Holy Name Society: Corporate Mass and Communion on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 9:00 AM Mass. Membership meetings on the following Monday at 7:30 PM in the Lower Church Meeting Room. Phone: (516) 405-OHNS (0467). Email: olmholyname@aol.com Web: www.olmholyname.org Knights of Columbus: The Our Lady of Mercy Joseph F. Lamb Council # 5723 Knights of Columbus meets on the 1st & 3rd Thursday at 8:00 PM in the School Cafeteria. For information contact Mike Trimarco, Grand Knight, at 938-6067. Legion of Mary: Meets on Tuesdays at 10:00 AM in the Lower Church. First Saturday Fatima Devotions: 7:40 AM. Nocturnal Adoration: First Friday of Month - 8 to 10 PM Lower Church. Prayer Group: Prayer meetings are held on Tuesdays at 7:30 PM in the Lower Church. Rosary Altar Society: Meets quarterly at 7:00 PM in the School Auditorium. See column for additional info. St. Vincent de Paul Society: Contact the Rectory for information (931-4351). The Men of St. Joseph: Meets every Wednesday at 7:00 PM in Lower Church Meeting Room. Thrift Boutique: Mon-Sat 9:30 AM — 1:00 PM located in The Trailer Building. Youth Council: Meets monthly in school from September to June see parish calendar for location. For information contact Bob Farrell 822-9656 Support Groups: Alcoholics Anonymous Groups: First Things First: Our Own Group: Al-Anon: Open Meeting every Friday: 8:00-9:00 PM in the Convent Basement. Closed Meeting every Sunday: 7:00-8:00 PM in the Convent Basement. Closed Meeting every Monday: 4:30-5:30 PM in the Convent Basement. Step Meeting every Thursday: 4:30-5:30 PM in the Convent Basement. Adult Children meet on Friday evenings: 7:30-10:00 PM in the School Cafeteria. Emotions Anonymous: Families Anonymous: Meets on Thursdays at 8-10 PM in the Convent Basement. Meets on Wednesdays at 7:30-9:30 PM. Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 10 Our Lady of Mercy School Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us October 12, 2014 OLM Weekly Page 11 Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us October 12, 2014 OLM Weekly Page 12 October 12, 2014 Our Lady of Mercy Religious Education News The Religious Education Program is in full swing...we have already held three Saturday morning classes for grades K through 5 and three classes on Wednesday evenings for grades 6 through 8 and Confirmation SE. We have worked out all the usual glitches, and pray for each of our Catechists, their students, and parents that the year will be blessed abundantly. Registration will close on Friday, October 31st. That leaves only two weeks to register; tell your friends to call the Religious Ed. Office now! IMPORTANT DATES October 15: Regular Classes for Grades 6 to 8 & Confirmation SE. October 18: Regular Classes for Kindergarten to 5th Grades. October 19: Mission Sunday: Diocesan Celebration at the 12:00 noon Mass. Second & Third graders will be participants in the Entrance Procession. October 22: Regular Classes for Grades 6 to 8. October 25: Regular Classes for Kindergarten to 4th Grades. Parents’ Meeting: for parents of parish 1st graders in OLM School & Religious Education at 9:30am and 11:00am in the School Gym. Attendance will be taken. October 27: EXCEPTIONAL YOUNG ADULTS HALLOWEEN PARTY. Help is desperately needed for parish Adults and their 7th & 8th grade children seeking Community Service hours — Monday evening, October 27th from 5:30pm to 9:00pm in the school Gym. Please call the Religious Ed. Office at 516-681-1228 to volunteer. +++++++++++ OLM PARISH SACRAMENT PROGRAM Sat.,Oct.25th: PARENTS’MEETING:9:30amand11:00amintheGym.All parentsoffirstgradersinOLMSchoolandReligiousEducationare askedtoattendoneofthesemeetings. Sun.,Oct.26th: CONFIRMATIONCOMMITMENTCEREMONYforparish8thgradersin OLMSchoolandReligiousEducationatthe10:30amMassintheChurch. Tues.,Nov.4th: PARENTS’RECONCILIATIONMEETING:7:00pmintheChurch.Parents ofPARISHchildreninOLMSchoolorReligiousEducationwhoarepreparing toreceiveReconciliationandCommunionarerequiredtoattend.Important informationregardingReconciliationandCommunionwillbepresented. DateandtimeofFirstCommunionwillbeannouncedatthismeeting. Rel. Ed. Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00AM-12:00PM; 1:00-4:00 PM OLM Weekly Page 13 October 12, 2014 Parish Services Serving with Mercy Mary Anne Scott Thanksgiving Food Drive We are preparing our lists of people in need who will receive assistance this Thanksgiving. If you know of anyone who needs help at the holidays, suggest they call Parish Services at 931-1306 or call us with a confidential referral. A referral can also be made to the parish St. Vincent DePaul Conference by calling the rectory at 931-4351. The students of our school and religious education program will be bringing home notices inviting them to join with Parish Services and the St. Vincent DePaul Conference in our annual Thanksgiving Food Drive by donating a can or box of food for those in need. Each grade has been given a list of suggested items to donate. Please check your child’s backpack or folder for this notice this week. Please have your Thanksgiving donations in by the end of October so we will have time to prepare for our distributions. Pro Bono Legal Fair—Free Assistance, Information & Referral—Thurs., Oct. 23 3-6:30pm Call 747-4070 to register for a free individual consultation with an attorney for legal information and guidance on any of the following issues: Bankruptcy Mortgage Foreclosure Veterans’ Issues Divorce & Family Issues Senior Citizen Issues Health & Disabilities Immigration Education & Special Education Sponsored by the Safe Center LI and Nassau County Bar Association at their headquarters, 15th & West Streets, Mineola. The attorneys will not be providing free on-going representation beyond this consultation. Prepare for Medicare Open Enrollment– Do You Need a New Plan? Medicare open enrollment is from October 15-December 7. During this period, current recipients can make changes to their health plans or Part D coverage possibly registering for a plan better suited to their needs and budgets. A session providing information to help Medicare beneficiaries make better decisions about their personal health and prescription drug coverage needs will be held on October 24 from 10:30am—12:30pm at the Bethpage Community Center, 103 Grumman Rd. West, Bethpage. Food Pantry Needs: Granola bars, cereal, toothpaste and toilet paper. Thanks. **Next day for Saturday pantry opening: Oct. 25 from 9:30-11:30am.** Parish Services 931-1306 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:30AM-12:00PM, 1:00-4:30PM Pantry Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 1:30-3:30PM Wednesday & Friday 9:30-11:30AM Last Saturday of month 9:30-11:30AM—call to confirm date Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 14 October 12, 2014 SUPER BONANZA WINNERS 2014 OUR LADY OF MERCY We are pleased to announce the following winners: Oct 1, - $25. Oct 2, - $25. Oct 3, - $25. Oct 4, - $25. Oct 5, - $25. Oct 6, - $25. Oct 7, - $25. Lorraine Ciani Margherita Pace Margaret Heenan Dmitriy Riebl Lisa Abramo Geraldine Peters Richard Arcas - Bethpage - Plainview - Plainview - Massapequa - Plainview - Woodbury - Plainview Congratulations to the winners, your ticket has been returned to the drum, and you have many more opportunities to win. Checks are being mailed to our winners this week. GIVE THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING ……….. At just $25 per ticket. Buy one for your spouse, mother, father, sister, brother, aunts, uncles, grandparents, godparents, nieces, nephews and friends. You can sell them to your co-workers, neighbors, friends, relatives, mailperson, mechanics, etc; for birthdays, etc. Everyday of the week for 52 weeks of 2014, your ticket has an opportunity to win a prize of $25 or $100, $500, $750 or $800. on special events days. White entry cards and the blue gift cards are available on the windowsills of the church as well as at the rectory for your convenience. YOU GOT TO BE IN IT TO WIN IT! Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 15 October 12, 2014 SUPERMARKET GIFT CERTIFICATES Thank You! All Rosarians and Ladies of OLM: Kindly continue to pray the rosary. PANTRY NEEDS: granola bars, cereal, toothpaste and toiletpaper. Thank you La Santa Messa in Italiano Siamo lieti de annunciare che la prossima celebrazione della S. Messa in lingua italiana sará Domenica il 12 ottobre alle 8:45AM nella Capella della Madonna nella chiesa inferior. Passa la parola ai vostri amici y parenti chi parlono italiano, e speriamo di fa’ crescere la nostra commu‐ nitá italiana. To All Parishioners: GIFT CERTIFICATES may be purchased every weekend after Saturday evening and Sunday Masses and also in the rectory during the week during regular office hours. Sales this past week were $2145., of this the Parish earned $109.25 If you do not use supermarket dollars, please give it a try! Ask those who use it, how convenient it is! Unclaimed Supermarket Gift Ticket as of: 10-6-14 398286 10/6/14 WORLD MISSION SUNDAY Next weekend our parish will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year we are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Through the work of these churches, and their witness to Christ, the poor receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please come prepared next week to give generously in the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. For more information, please visit www.IAmAMissionary.org. ALTAR SERVER TRAINING Any student in grade 5 or higher who wishes to become an altar server should submit his/her name to Fr. Grace at the rectory. Training will start October 6,on Mondays and Wednesdays in the Upper Church. There will be two sessions: 3 -4PM and 4-5PM. Times are interchangeable if one time is preferable. Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 16 Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us October 12, 2014 OLM Weekly Page 17 Please Remember in Prayer the following parishioners currently serving in the armed forces: For those service members who are no longer serving in the military, please advise the Rectory Office at 931-4351 so we may remove the name. Pfc. Matthew Austin, USMC Pfc. Thomas Austin, USA ABH3 Ryan J. Ayers, USN Lt. Col. James Benson, USA Maj. Vanessa Benson, USA Staff Sgt. Jason E. Bond, USA Maj. Sean Carroll, USMC Jason Cirillo, USN Sgt. F.C. Manuel Collantes, USA Maj. Ralph A. DePalma Jr., USAF MMFN Patrick Fallon, USN Gen. John Ferrari, USA Sgt. Richard Flanagan, USA Maj. Kenneth B. Furst, USMCR Capt. Christopher L. Grady, USAF Lt. Michael Hearon, USN Sgt. Ryan Hoey, USA Pfc. Christopher Hosein, USMC Sgt. Charles L. Ihrig, USMC Sgt. Thomas M. Ihrig, USMC 1st Lt. David Jacobs, USA Brian R. LaNasa, USN Staff Sgt. Andrew Masin, USA Capt. Edward Michael O’Connell, USA FC Jeff Odom USAF Pfc. Sean Oliva, USA SrA Dion Charles Paragas, USAF Pfc. Joseph Raffoni, USA Staff Sgt. Richard J. Skelly, USAF Cpl. Jason Tulowitzski, USMC Lt. Col. Michael A. Zaccardo, USAF October 12, 2014 PRAYER FOR THOSE SERVING OUR COUNTRY THROUGHOUT THE WORLD As we live daily enjoying the freedom of this country, many loved ones are giving themselves with unselfish love in places of perilous action. Lord, hold in your loving hands our troops and all those who try to respond to the needs of the less fortunate throughout the world. Bless them and their families for the unselfish acts they perform as they attempt to alleviate many global concerns. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. AMEN. Twenty-Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time In today’s Gospel we hear Jesus say: “Many are invited, but few are chosen.” To give thanks for all that God has given to you, have you considered answering the call to help serve the poor by joining the society of St. Vincent de Paul? Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 18 October 12, 2014 BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION Box tops for Education can be placed in the collection box in the church vestibule. This is a great way to earn money for our school. Each box top is worth 10 cents when submitted to General Mills. Funds raised this year went toward the purchase of materials to enhance the math curriculum. Don’t throw that money away! THE HAPPY BOOK CLUB NEWS We had the first meeting of the happy book club on Monday, September 29, in the meeting room of Our Lady’s Chapel to discuss our first selection of the new reading year: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. The title is a tongue twister, and the writing style is different, but the story held the attention of most of our reading partners. The consensus was that it was a very worthwhile piece of literature. Our next selection is Keeping Faith by Jodi Picoult. Our next meeting is Monday November 3rd, at 7:15PM in the meeting room of Our Lady’s Chapel. Enjoy Reading! Fr. Marty SISTERS OF LIFE “HAVE YOU SUFFERED AN ABORTION? Experience God’s love and mercy and begin the journey of healing. Please call the Sisters of Life: 866/575-0075 or e-mail: hopeandhealing@sistersoflife.org. For men, call Theresa Bonopartis at Lumina: 866/586-4621 or e-mail: Lumina@postabortionhelp.org We have been asked to put this in the bulletin for anyone who like to stop the cutting down of the trees. E-mail: www.change.org or you can call. Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 19 October 12, 2014 Our Lady of Mercy Holy Name Society Presents Movies of Faith Fridays with the Saints Friday Evenings 7:30 PM in the Lower Church Meeting Room October 17: St Barbara The true story of Barbara, daughter of the Roman governor, who was so inspired by her Christian friends that she embraced their faith and with it martyrdom in the Roman Empire of 303 AD. Starring Vanessa Hessler and Thomas Trabacchi (color, 100 min.) Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 20 Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us October 12, 2014
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