Temple Sinai Bulletin 6227 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana 70118-6141 PHONE (504) 861-3693 FAX (504)861-3102 E-MAIL sinai@usa.net WEBSITE: templesinaino.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/TempleSinaiNOLA TWITTER: https://twitter.com/TempleSinaiNOLA Volume 86 October 2014 - 5775 Number 11 New Orleans’ First Reform Congregation Founded in 1870 From Where I Stand Dear Friends, I’m glad I grew up in Glen Burnie, Maryland. Our home was no more than 30 minutes from fields of corn and cantaloupes, peach orchards and rows of beans and tomatoes. I grew up in the country, yet admittedly, my soul was almost always hungry for the urban. I say “almost always”, because with the arrival of Succot, as long as I can remember, my greatest delight has been in building and decorating the succah with the magnificent gifts of the fall harvest. Quite simply, I become obsessed with decorating the Sanctuary Succah. Everyone of us needs some time to get right with nature: to celebrate the glory of nature and to glory in its fragrant and colorful variety. In his best-selling book of some years ago, The Rabbi, writer Noah Gordon tells the story of Michael Kind as he grows up, becomes a Rabbi, and marries a minister’s daughter who converts to Judaism. It’s been a while, but as I remember, it’s not a bad novel. Somewhere along the way, Michael’s father had changed his last name from Rivkind to Kind. As a young boy, Michael’s zehdeh, his Orthodox grandfather, lived with the family, causing fierce tension at home between Michael’s mother and her father-in-law. Needless to say, the bond which developed between the grandson and grandfather was exceedingly close and loving. Each autumn during his four-year stay with the Rivkinds, Zaydeh built a succah in their postage-stamp back yard. The sukkah was a small house of wooden planks covered with boughs and sheaves. It was hard work for an old man to build it, especially since hayfields, corn husks and trees were not plentiful in Brooklyn. Sometimes he had to go deep into Jersey for raw materials, and he badgered his son Abe for weeks until he was driven to the country in the family Chevrolet. “Why do you bother?” his daughter-in-law asked him once when she brought a glass of tea to where he strained and perspired to raise the hut. “Why do you work so hard?” “To celebrate the harvest.” “What harvest, for God’s sake? We are not farmers. You sell canned goods. Your son makes corsets for ladies with big behinds. Who has a harvest?” He looked pityingly at this female his son has made his daughter-in-law. “For thousands of years, since the Jews emerged from the wilderness, in ghettos and in palaces, they have observed Sukkot. You don’t have to raise cabbages to have a harvest.” His big hand grasped Michael behind the neck and pushed him towards his mother. “Here is your harvest.” She didn’t understand, and by then Zaydeh had been living with them long enough not to expect understanding from her. My friends, you and I need to claim our harvests in life, and frankly, I fear too many of them go unrecognized. The routine of life numbs our sensitivity and receptivity to the glory and abundance of our separate circumstances. We become blind to our greatest treasures and fail to appreciate the people and places and merciful benefits which make our lives worth the living. Succot is given to us as an antidote to such indifference! Join us this year in decorating and celebrating around the Succah booths both outside on the Avenue and in the harvest splendor upon the Sanctuary Bema. Faithfully yours, Rabbi Edward Paul Cohn October Worship Services Friday, October 3 Saturday, October 11 10:15 a.m.- Shabbat Service Torah Portion: Chol HaMo-eid Sukkot: Exodus 33:12–34:26 Haftarah: 6 Ezekiel 38:18–39:7 (39:16) / Ecclesiastes Saturday, October 4 Bat Mitzvah of Emma Meyer 10:00 a.m.- Yom Kippur Services Daughter of James & Hope Mayer Rabbi Cohn will speak on “Awe In Granddaughter of Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Meyer, Jr. and Lynne W. The Family Part IV” “Awe In The Goldman 7:30 p.m.- Kol Nidre Services Rabbi Cohn will speak on “Awe In The Family” Part III “Awe in Am” World” 2:00 p.m. Young Family Service Yom Kippur Memorial Sermon “Awe In The Family” Part V “Awesome Implications” Torah Portion: Deut. 29:9-14, 30:11-20/ Lev.19:1−4, 9−18, 32−37 Haftarah: Isaiah 58:1−14/Jonah 1:1−4:11 Friday, October 24 6:15 p.m.- Shabbat Service Marc Morial, National President of the Urban League will speak and present the “Living Legend Award” to Rabbi Edward Cohn Candle Blessing: Lillian Opotowsky Ushers: Jenny Rich & Jodi Aamodt 6:15 p.m.- Shabbat Service Rabbi Cohn will speak on “ A Word about Noah” Candle Blessing: Mollie Fried Ushers: Guy Brenner & Tracey Dodd Saturday, October 18 Saturday, October 25 10:15 a.m.- Shabbat Service Torah Portion: B’reishit Genesis 1:1−6:8 Haftarah: Isaiah 42:5 - 43:10 Usher: Lillian Opotowsky 10:15 a.m.- Shabbat Service Torah Portion: Noach Genesis 6:9−11:32 Haftarah: Isaiah 66:1-13, 23 Friday, October 31 6:15 p.m.- Shabbat Service Rabbi Cohn will speak on “Tricks And Treats” Candle Blessing: Sarah Churney Kiddush: Harvey Herstein Friday, October 10 6:15 p.m.- Shabbat Succot Service Rabbi Cohn will speak on “Goodness Gracious” Friday, October 17 Ushers: Edward and Benjamin Karp, Jeremy Meyer President’s Message L’Shanah Tova from the entire Gold Family! Sheila Gold Cantor’s Notes One of the great joys in our congregation is the celebration of a Simcha, a joyous happy event. From weddings, a baby-naming, a conversion, many of these life-cycle events are singular events in the lives of people that will never be forgotten. And of course the celebration of a Bar/Bat Mitzvah in our glorious sanctuary is a special service that brings happiness and smiles to all that attend. So guess what? You can come too! During the fall season, we have five Bar/Bat Mitzvah’s being held. These Shabbat morning services are for anyone who want to come to services. Do you want to see the pride in the faces of parents and grandparents, as they watch their child, now a young man or woman ascend the bimah and lead the congregation in prayer? How about when the Bar/Bat Mitzvah reads Torah, makes his/her speech, and then goes to the ark, as our wonderful Rabbi Cohn blesses the child. There are tears, there is laughter, people are celebrating, and you can share in that experience too. And if you don’t know the family, that is okay, because you are all a part of our Temple Sinai family, and it is a blessing to everyone that you are there to celebrate with all. I wanted to give you an update on my son Josh, who is serving in the Israeli army. This has been a very difficult summer in Israel, and I was in constant contact with Josh during the 50 day war. Josh’s army base is Zikim, which is located just north of the Gaza strip. There were many missile alerts, and missiles landing in the vicinity, causing many Israeli army units to report to other area’s of the country. At one point, Josh’s unit was assigned to the city of N’tivot, which is in the southern part of Israel, and was in great danger from the missiles being launched from Gaza. Josh’s unit was responsible for going door to door to make sure citizens were okay, playing with the children, and helping out however they could. When I visited Josh in August with the Federation solidarity mission, we visited Tel-Hashomer Sheba Hospital, where Josh was able to touch base with his friend Gabi, a lone soldier (from France) serving in the Golani brigade. Gabi was injured when he entered a home in Gaza, and there was an explosion. Gabi was in a coma for two days, and to the surprise of everyone at the hospital, thank goodness he recovered. It was a special moment when Josh and Gabi, two soldiers who knew each other from IDF training a year ago, gave each other a big hug. It is my hope and prayer that this year 5775, will bring peace and happiness to all. There are great challenges ahead of us, and with God’s guidance and with our work here in our community and globally, we can help make “shalom” a reality to all. Cantor Joel M Colman From The Temple Educator Coming up this month: Family Program for Sukkot – Wednesday October 8th 5:00 – 6:30 pm. Come decorate the outdoor Sukkah and then enjoy a family service & FREE pizza dinner. This program is great for families with children of ALL ages! Sukkot Under the Stars – Sunday October 12th 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Spend a little time dwelling in our outdoor Sukkah. Learn a bit more about Sukkot, or just hang out and relax. Refreshments will be served and information available about our adult programming for 2014-15 that is all FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! Ann Zivitz Kientz Religious/Hebrew School Parent Open House – Sunday October 12th 9:00 am in the Chapel with Ann for an overview of both schools. 9:45 – 10:45 am enjoy going into your children’s classrooms and meeting the teachers and joining in the class. 10:45 am Consecration of our newest Religious School students in the Sanctuary followed by a Simchat Torah Celebration and lunch given by our Sisterhood! Family Shabbat – Saturday morning October 18th 10:15 am. Join members of our Hebrew School as they lead us in Shabbat prayer. Our ISJL Fellow Noah Westrich will be reading from the Torah and leading a free, fun family lunch & learn after services! CRASH HEBREW READING COURSE FOR ADULTS (Level 1) – Starts Wednesday October 22nd 6:15 – 7:15 pm, and will be held at Starbucks at 7700 Maple Street. Coffee is courtesy of Temple Sinai. No prior knowledge is needed and this course is FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! Level 2 will start in January for those wishing to continue the learning. Mother’s Circle Class, “The Jewish Home and Shabbat” - Sunday October 26th 9:00 – 10:30 am in the auditorium. No prior knowledge is needed to attend this class which is FREE & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. For further information or to sign up for the Hebrew class contact Ann: AZK1007@aol.com. RABBI EDWARD P. COHN TO RECEIVE THE LIVING LEGEND AWARD Shabbat Service, October 17, 2014 6:15 pm Temple Sinai will be honored to have Marc Morial, former mayor of New Orleans and current president of the National Urban League to speak at Shabbat Services and to present Rabbi Cohn with the Urban League’s Living Legend Award. This award honors those who most exemplify the ideals of the Urban League movement. As an historic civil rights and urban advocacy organization, the National Urban League honors Rabbi Cohn’s longstanding work on issues of civil rights, human rights and community inclusion. “Rabbi Cohn was the driving force behind the revival of the City Human Relations Commission,” said Marc Morial, President of the National Urban League, and former Mayor of New Orleans. Rabbi Cohn has also been one of the important forces over the years in building bridges among New Orleans diverse religions, ethnic and racial communities. “Ed Cohn demonstrated an enthusiastic willingness to work alongside me while I was Mayor on very important issues of police reform, public safety, and community inclusion, and continues doing so today.” Rabbi Cohn has further made an enormous difference in making New Orleans a better and more open city, and has embraced inter-faith married families, and L.G.B.T. members of Temple Sinai. The National Urban League is proud to recognize Rabbi Ed Cohn with its “Living Legend” award. Sisterhood President’s Message As we approach Yom Kippur, we hope you will have a solemn & peaceful Yom Kippur with an easy fast. This past August our Attic Sale was a big success! Thank you again to Joanie Tuchman & all of her volunteers. I do not have enough room to list all of you, but please know Lillian Opotowsky how much you are appreciated. The ball is rolling for more activities with Brotherhood like our wonderful brunch for Religious School parents. Sisterhood will be working on a Mom’s Night Out that so many of you requested. “Let’s get to know one another”. Give me a call at 504-5293167. Please read your Bulletin & Sinai Happenings for announcements and upcoming events. Best Regards, Lillian Your Temple Sinai Leaders at the Board Retreat.. Brotherhood President’s Message Greetings from the Brotherhood…and Happy New Year! Thank you to all those who ushered during the High Holy Day services! It’s a great honor to assist the Congregation during this special time of year, so thank you to those of you who were a part of the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services. A special thank you the Brotherhood members who helped Josh Danzig build the Sukkah. This year the Sukkah was constructed in record time, so thank you for your efforts. Speaking of the Sukkah, please come enjoy the Sukkah along with Brotherhood members on Wednesday, October 8 at 4:30 pm. The Religious School students will be decorating the Sukkah, and there will be a special service and pizza dinner to follow. Brotherhood members, please mark your calendar for 6 pm on Tuesday November 4th for the annual Brotherhood dinner. The cost of the dinner is included in your Brotherhood Dues. It will be at Temple Sinai and catered by a great local chef that as of press time is almost finalized. Please RSVP to: jdanzig4@cox.net If you are not a member of the Brotherhood, dues are $38 per year and include the Brotherhood Dinner on November 4 as well as many other great events. Please email me for more information. Josh Danzig Brotherhood Annual Dinner at Temple Sinai Nov. 4 at 6:00 pm Please email President Josh Danzig to RSVP jdanzig4@cox.net Tuesday, Oct. 14 What would you save if your house was on fire and it contained not only everything you own, but everything you are? As we’ll learn from Alan Alda, Jane Pauley and Fred Newman, the question provokes unique responses, and forces us to delve deeply into our personal lives, work and faith. Psychotherapist and pastor Erik Kolbell, the author of the book of the same title, asks the questions and helps us all to consider what it is that we value most in life. This program is generously underwritten by Joan & Julian Feibelman SAVE THESE DATES Temple Sinai and the 92nd Street Y Broadcast Series of Temple Sinai- Fall 2014 Thursday, Nov. 20 Can America have a real national strategy and move forward without the focus of war? As we emerge from a decade of expensive overseas wars, retired four-star general Wesley K. Clark identifies a new unifying national strategy to make the US independent of the Middle East, freeing the country to fully focus on the resurgence of China. Thursday, December 4 America and Israel: The Way Forward Join Dalia Rabin, the former Israeli Deputy Minister of Defense and current chairperson of the Yitzhak Rabin Center, and Ambassador Dennis Ross, who played a leading role in shaping US involvement in the Middle East peace process, for an enlightening discussion on the future of Israel. In Memoriam Temple Sinai extends sympathy to the mourning Family of: Odell S. Farmer, mother of Verdie Richberg Mark Steven Greenberg, husband of Barbara Greenberg, father of Lauren Wakeman (Devin), and son-in-law of Herbert & Sue Barton. Mazel Tov to...... Mindy Brickman who was named as one of CityBusinesses ‘Women of the Year’ Rachel & Bert Moore on the birth of their son, Matthew David Moore. Matthew’s grandparents are Betty and the late Herbert Moore and Karen and the late Melvin Presser. Dr. Alan & Joan Sheen on the birth of their grandson, Lincoln Samuel Young. Lincoln is the son of Laurie and Will Young. And also to their daughter Laurie Sheen Young who received the Blue Ribbon (1st place) for a cookie receipt at the Minnesota State Fair. “May their memory be for a blessing! Temple Sinai Calendar October 2014/5775 Temple Sinai Scrip (Gift Cards and Gift Certificates) Order Form 6227 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, LA 70118 Phone: 861-3693 Fax: 861-3102 Please indicate the number of desired gift cards for each merchant and dollar amount. Number of Certificates Dollar Total BOOKSTORES Barnes &Noble Barnes &Noble Octavia Books $10 $25 $25 ______ ______ ______ _______ _______ _______ COFFEE SHOPS Starbucks $10 ______ _______ WINE/DELICATESSENS Kosher Cajun $5 Martin’s Wine Cellar $25 Stein’s Deli $10 ______ ______ ______ _______ _______ _______ DEPARTMENT STORES/PHARMACES Dillard’s $25 ______ Dillard’s $100 ______ Gap/Banana Republic/Old Navy $25 ______ J.C. Penney’s $25 ______ Macy’s $25 ______ Macy’s $100 ______ Target $25 ______ Walgreen’s $25 ______ Wal-Mart/Sam’s $25 ______ Wal-Mart/Sam’s $100 ______ GAS STATIONS Exxon Shell $50 $25 ______ ______ SPECIALITY STORES Bath & Body Works $10 Bath & Body Works $25 ______ ______ GROCERY STORES Langenstein’s Langenstein’s Robert’s Rouse’s Rouse’s Whole Food’s Whole Food’s Winn-Dixie Winn-Dixie $50 $100 $50 $50 $100 $50 $100 $50 $100 Number of Certificates Dollar Total ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ HOME/GARDEN STORES $25 ______ Home Depot $25 ______ _______ Lowe’s $25 ______ _______ _______ ICE CREAM PARLORS ______ _______ *Cold Stone Creamery $10 *624 S. Carrollton Ave. Location _______ _______ _______ MOVIE RENTALS/GAMES ______ _______ Game Stop/ Babbages $25 _______ _______ MOVIE THEATERS AMC (good for admission and snackbar)$25 ______ *Prytania Theatre $25 ______ (good for admission and snackbar) _______ _______ RESTAURANTS Ruth’s Chris $50 ______ *Harry’s Ace Hardware _______ _______ All cards redeemable at stores nationwide except for those indicated with asterisks. (*) Buy for your own shopping or give the perfect gift! Remember... it costs you nothing and Temple Sinai makes a profit! Date ________ Total Order: $_____________ Your Name: ____________ Phone: __________________ Address: ___________________________________ Zip Code: ________________ Order Filled By: ______________ Payment: Cash Check #____ Credit Card # ___________________ Make Checks payable to: Temple Sinai (Circle One) Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express Exp.: __________ A 2% Fee will be added for charge card usage _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Week of October 1-4: 1st: Hebrew School 3rd: Kol Nidre 7:30 pm 4th: Yom Kippur Week of October 5-11: 8th: Hebrew School 4:00 - 6:00 pm Decorating the Sukkah followed by Services 5:00 pm 9th: Sukkot Office Closed 10th: Shabbat Service 6:15 pm 11th: Shabbat Service Bat Mitzvah of Emma Mayer 10:15 am Week of October 12-18: 12th: Religious School 9:00 - 11:30 am Consecration, Dance with the Torah, & Consecration Lunch 10:45 am 13th: Executive meeting 6:00 pm Board meeting 7:15 pm 15th: Hebrew School 4:00 - 6:00 pm 16th: Simchat Torah Office Closed 17th: Shabbat Service 6:15 pm 18th: Shabbat Service - 10:15 am Week of October 19-25: 19th: Religious School 9:00 - 11:30 am Intro to Judaism 9:00 - 10:00 am 22nd: Hebrew School 4:00-6:00 pm 24th: Shabbat Service 6:15 pm 25th: Shabbat Service 10:15 am Week of October 26-31: 26th: Religious School 9:00 - 11:30 am Intro to Judaism 9:00 - 10:00 am 29th: Hebrew School 4:00 - 6:00 pm 31st: Shabbat Service 6:15 pm October Birthdays Rachel Aronson Logan Babin, Jr. Jeffrey Baron Cary Becker Joan Berenson Darryl Berger Henry Bernstein Walda Besthoff Sydney Besthoff, III Guy Brenner Katherine Buckman Dillon Butvin Ellen Chapman Rhonda Chernekoff Sarah Churney Ellen Cleary Gayle Cohen Stanley Cohn Kim Daves Shannon Entrekin Jonah Evans Mayer Finkelstein Albin Fisher, Jr. Louis Fishman Rosemary Fortmayer David Fried, Jr. Lynda Friedmann Joshua Friedmann Joseph Friend Sally Fuerst Elisabeth Gehl Todd Glazer Timothy Gold Diane Gordon Sanford Gottesman Owen Grossman Nicole Harvey Eve Herman Joyce Hiller Leslie Hirsch Edward Holub Jack Hudson Julius Isaacson, Jr. Ben Jacobs, III Allan Kagan Karen Katz Larry Katz Philip Katz Evelyn Katz Jay Kern Robert Kessler Ann Kientz Ivonne Kullman Wilfred Kullman, Jr. Lillie Lassen Richard Levine Aaron Levy Gordon Linge Simon Mexic Ross Miller William Mimeles Clifford Mintz Albert Mintz Elizabeth Murov Michael O'Dwyer Lillian Opotowsky Stanley Pulitzer Elisa Redfield Karen Reitman Jenny Rich Rebecca Rider Meryl Rosenbloom Carl Rosenblum Richard Rosenfeld Paula Shapiro Francine Siegel Michael Siegel Elliot Singer I. William Sizeler Jane Sizeler Pamela Steeg Rodney Steiner Lowell Stewart Lauren Wakeman Trisha Ward Patricia Webb Marion Weinstock Andrew Weinstock Margot Yuspeh October Anniversaries Sabina Altman Lynne & Wilfred Kullman, Jr. Meghan & Jacob Bitoun Jo-Ellyn & Abraham Kupperman Robert & Bridget Bories Dianne & Sam Levkowicz Robert & Lorynne Cahn Scott & Lauren Neustadter Valerie Coffin-Klein Tiffany & David Oestreicher II Jaclyn & Ben Cooper William & Marcia Rafkin Shannon & Dillon Entrekin Ariane & Kevin Rung Megan & Daniel Filowitz Melvin & Briann Shear Mollie & J. M. Fried, Jr. Warren & Lisa Smith Aaron & Devorah Friedman Mollye & William Smolkin Louis & Jane Glade Devin & Lauren Wakeman Jeff & Terri Haffner Carol & Leslie Hirsch Adam & Carla Rose Jacob Claire & Leonard Katz Carol & Norman Kauffmann, Jr. Ashley & Michael Kirschman Mitch Klein October Yahrzeits October 3, 4 Selma Harris Cahn Bella Stern Fredrick Drr. John A. Haas Jake Levy Clara Schuster Levy Retta Fisher Loeb Dr. Monte F. Meyer Irwin W. Rosenthal Berenice Kronengold Simon Charles A. Snyder William L. Springer Rosa Rubel Wolf October 10,11 Simon Baar Rabbi Julian B. Feibelman Carolyn K. Godchaux Ben Goldstein Rogenia Hyman Hiller Richard Benjamin Kaufmann Beulah Kern Herman S. Kohlmeyer Shepard M. Latter Lucille DumasLouviere Marvin Lewis Rich Jack Rich Simon U. Rosenthal Elsie Wald Scheinuk Julia Levy Schuster Ida Schwabacher Solis Seiferth, Sr. Morris Steinberg Ethel May Gutmann Stern Herbert Stern Denise Sternberg Sterne Alex Watsky October 17, 18 Sarah Aronson Augustine Israel Bloch Morris Block David Caron Julius E. Isaacson, M.D. Florence Strug Kerner Julius Lehman Albert Levy Rietta K. Levy Frances Moss Levy Rose Baginsky Love Fannie Tillman Lucas Claire Strauss Meyer Harry Okun Patricia Uhlmann Rich Harriet Stern Rosenthal Isaac D. Scharff Bertha Scooler Abraham Sherman Bertha Levy Siegel Bella Levy Sternberg Leah Levy Ury October 24,25 Levi H. Aronson Sarah Blum Babin Vera Levy Barton Stanford M. Beer, Jr. Amalia L. Blum Mae Webman Goldberg Alexander Hanau Nona Horowitz Henry Jacobs Fred Kahn II Samuel Karlin, M.D. Shirley Latter Kaufmann Jules Jacob Lazarus Pam Frank Lenoir Beverley Marcuse Levy Leah Rosen Miller Leigh Barton Muller Albert J. Newman M. L. Opotowsky Daniel L. Scharff Ethel G. Shroder Harold Smith William Stein, Jr. October 31 - November 1 Miriam Cornman Ampolsk Miriam Shapiro Aronson Eugene Albert Aschaffenburg Renee Samuel Bear Rabbi Murray Blackman Hannah Levy Bodenheimer Irving Carr Moses Frishman Gilbert Hellman Ella Shlenker Hess David Jacobson Ann Bograd Kiefer J.N. Moses Kierr Robert L. Kohlmann Sigmund Mendelsohn Beatrice Levy Neumaier Alan H. Rosenbloom William U. Rosenthal Ida Sarah Sherman Rebecca Sina Reaching the Temple in an Emergency when phones are not working If you have an emergency and need to reach the Temple and the Temple phones are unavailable due to a power outage, please note the following cell phone numbers for emergency use: Rabbi Edward Paul Cohn: 504-231-6626 Cantor Joel Colman: 504-296-7221 EllenRae Shalett (Exec. Director): 504-812-4993 The Congregation Extends its Sincere Thanks for the Following Contributions ALTAR FUND IN HONOR OF THE BAR MITZVAH OF SIMON MARCUS BRICKMAN Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brickman IN HONOR OF RABBI EDWARD PAUL COHN BEING SELECTED AS A RECIPIENT OF THE 2014 ANNUAL WEISS AWARD & ALSO BEING REAPPOINTED TO SERVE ON THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF THE HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION BY MAYOR MITCH LANDRIEU Mr. & Mrs. Irving Goldstein IN MEMORY OF FLORENCE LAZARUS LEVY ADLER, DR. LEOPOLD L. LEVY, & DR. HARTWIG MOSS ADLER Donald I. Levy IN MEMORY OF ETHEL & AARON ABRAMSON AND SANDY & SAM SCHUDMAK, JR. Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Schudmak, III IN MEMORY OF RABBI JULIAN B. FEIBELMAN Mr. & Mrs. Irving Goldstein IN MEMORY OF JOSEPH GIARRUSSO, JR. Honorable Robin Giarrusso IN MEMORY OF JEROME GOLDMAN Lynne Goldman IN MEMORY OF ROBERT B. HASPEL John Haspel, Shirley Haspel, Amy Gainsburgh-Haspel & Family IN MEMORY OF ALBERT K. KLEIN Dr. & Mrs. Robert Marcus IN MEMORY OF ROBERTA KORONES, PAULINE SMITH, LOUIS & MILDRED GOLD, AL & FRANCIS MADFIS AND SAMUEL & ESTELLE KORONES Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Gold IN MEMORY OF DOTTY NATHAN Max Nathan, Jr. IN MEMORY OF SARAH WEINSTEIN OSOFSKY & MAX OSOFSKY AND MARION DONIGER DAVIDSON & HARRY ELIOT DONIGER Drs. Howard & Joy Osofsky IN MEMORY OF SAMUEL RABIN & MARYANN LENGSFIELD Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rabin IN MEMORY OF J. PHILIP STEIN Karen Stein IN MEMORY OF JANE & DR. Altar Flowers MELVIN STEINER, CAROL STEINER RUBENSTEIN AND Altar Flowers: EVERETT RUBENSTEIN September 5 & 6 – In loving memory of Albert K. Klein from Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Steiner Dr. & Mrs. Robert Marcus and Dr. & Mrs. Sam Lupin and in IN MEMORY OF BETTY loving memory of Robert B. Haspel from John Haspel, Amy GREIF ZIVITZ Gainsburgh-Haspel, Shirley Haspel and family Harrel A. Zivitz IN MEMORY OF AUDREY September 12 & 13 – In loving memory of Joe Giarrusso, Jr. LILLIE ZURAWEL from the Giarrusso family Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dodd September 19 & 20 – In loving memory of Marilyn Stewart ORGAN CONSOLE FUND from Lowell Stewart IN HONOR OF HERMAN J. October 10 & 11 – In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Emma Leah OBERMAYER’S 90TH Meyer and in loving memory of Jerome L. Goldman, Leah BIRTHDAY Mrs. S. Herbert Hirsch Goldman Karp and Emma Annette Weinberger from Hope & SOCIAL JUSTICE FUND Jimmy Meyer IN MEMORY OF HONORE SCHILL FOX Mr. & Mrs. Harold Singer IN MEMORY OF LORE MARIE BAER MAY MENDLER Changing of the Torah Covers Mr. & Mrs. Irving Goldstein IN MEMORY OF SUSAN ROSEN Mrs. Betty Fishman TEMPLE FUND IN HONOR OF MR. & MRS. IRVING GOLDSTEIN’S 69TH ANNIVERSARY Shirley Schiffman & Children IN MEMORY OF DORA HIRSCH Irene Hirsch IN MEMORY OF HELEN CHAJA LEVKOWICZ The Levkowicz Family IN MEMORY OF SUSAN ROSEN Mr. & Mrs. Jay Aronson IN MEMORY OF SUSAN ROSEN Temple Sinai Board of Trustee Members assist Sarah Churney Rabbi Cohn as the Torah Covers are changed for IN MEMORY OF SIMON SHLENKER, JR. the High Holy Days. Michael Shlenker IN MEMORY OF Dr. SAUL SILVERMAN Nancy Kittay Litwin Temple Sinai Simcha Board A wonderful way to honor a Wedding, Bar or Bat Mitzvah, Anniversary, Birthday, Graduation or any other happy occasion is to place a plaque on the Temple Sinai Simcha Board in the Sanctuary. To place an order or for more information, please call EllenRae Shalett in the Temple Sinai office (504-861-3693). Thank you for your support of Chesed August 20 - September 13 Mr. George Denegre, Jr. & Mrs. Mildred Denegre Dr. & Mrs. Marc Glovinsky Harvey & Shirley Herstein Nancy Kittay Litwin Mrs. Kay Kronenberg Mr. & Mrs. Byron Levy Drs. Howard & Joy Osofsky Mr. & Mrs. Lee Schlesinger Mr. & Mrs. A. Barry Simon Mr. & Mrs. Robert Steeg Mrs. Sylvia Stern Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wahlder Cedric & Julia Walker Mr. M. Charles Wallfisch Gabriela Lehmann Leaves a Jewish Legacy Before Gabriela Lehmann passed away on March 9, 2010, she made provisions in her will to fund the Kurt J., Molly S. and Gabriela Lehmann Yahrzeit Designated Fund, which she had established at the Jewish Endowment Foundation of Louisiana in 2007. Through this fund, annual donations are made to Temple Sinai and to other Reform, Conservative and Orthodox congregations in metropolitan New Orleans to inscribe the names of her loved ones, as well as to remember all those who have passed away and no longer have friends or family to remember them on Yom Kippur, in the synagogues’ memorial books. By establishing this fund and providing generous donations to these congregations, Gabriela Lehmann has created a meaningful and important Jewish legacy for our community, managed by JEF, to benefit our Greater New Orleans congregations and endure forever for future generations. May her memory always be a blessing. Temple Sinai Organist Dr. Marcus St. Julien and the Loyola University Symphony Orchestra will present Organ Symphony Extravaganza at Temple Sinai on Sunday, October 19 at 5:00 P.M. The program includes Camille Saint-Saëns’ Symphony No. 3, the famous Organ Symphony. The Temple’s historic E. M. Skinner organ will also be featured solo in Charles Marie Widor’s Symphonie I, Movement 1. This concert is free and open to the public. TEMPLE SINAI EMAILS Sheila K. Gold Temple Sinai President golds1@cox.net Rabbi Edward Paul Cohn D.D., D.Min. sinai@usa.net Joel M. Colman, M.S.M. Cantor joel@colman.us Ann Z. Kientz Director of Education azk1007@aol.com EllenRae Shalett Executive Director ershalett@templesinaino.org Herbert Barton Executive Director Emeritus/ Exec. Secretary Hebrew Rest Cemetery Assn. sinai@usa.net Josh Danzig Brotherhood President jdanzig4@cox.net Lillian Opotowsky Sisterhood President sidlil@bellsouth.net Temple Sinai Office Staff Paula Jackson Rabbi’s Assistant pjackson@templesinaino.org Linda Schillage Bookkeeper lschillage@templesinaino.org Carla Rose Jacob Communications Specialist cjacob@templesinaino.org To Report An Address or Phone Number Change, New E-mail Address, or to Submit a Mazel Tov for the Bulletin, or for general correspondence to Temple Sinai: sinai@usa.net TEMPLE SINAI BULLETIN (USPS 538-240) is published monthly for 50 cents per year by Congregation Temple Sinai 6227 St. Charles Ave. New Orleans, Louisiana 70118 VOL. 86 October 2014-5775 NO. 11 Sheila Gold............................................................President Robert Brickman..........................Executive Vice-President The Honorable Robin Giarrusso...................Vice-President Tracey Dodd.................................................Vice-President Harvey Herstein....................................................Secretary Michael Kirschman...............................................Treasurer Josh Danzig......................................President/Brotherhood Lillian Opotowsky...............................President/Sisterhood Dr. Edward Paul Cohn................................................Rabbi Joel M. Colman, M.S.M............................................Cantor Ann Zivitz Kientz..................................Education Director EllenRae Shalett.....................................Executive Director Herbert Barton........................Executive Director Emeritus CONGREGATION TEMPLE SINAI High Holy Day Services - 2014 (5775) Yom Kippur Eve Friday, October 3, 2014 7:30 pm Yom Kippur Saturday, October 4, 2014 •Morning Service (Sanctuary) 10:00 am •Youth Service in the Chapel; 10:00 am •led by Temple Sinai Youth •Music & Meditation (Chapel) 12:45 pm •Congregants in Conversation (Library) 12:45 pm •Young Family Service (Sanctuary) 2:00 pm •The Ark will be open in the Sanctuary from 12:45 to 2:00 pm for private meditation •Afternoon Service (Sanctuary) 3:00 pm •Memorial & Concluding Service (Sanctuary) 4:00 pm •Moise S. Steeg, Jr. Break The Fast 5:30 pm Sukkot Wednesday, October 8, 2014 5:00 pm “Decorate the Sukkah” followed by a service led by our Hebrew School students followed by a Pizza dinner Friday, October 10, 2014 Shabbat Sukkot Service 6:15 pm Saturday, October 11, 2014 Shabbat Sukkot Festival Service 10:15 am Simchat Torah Sunday, October 12, 2014 •Consecration of New Students Pre K-3 •Dance with the Torahs & Sisterhood Lunch 10:30 am 11:00 am Periodicals Postage Paid at New Orleans, Louisiana DATED MATERIAL DO NOT DELAY “POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Temple Sinai 6227 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, LA 70118” HIGH HOLY DAYS RADIO & INTERNET BROADCAST The Jewish Endowment Foundation of Louisiana is delighted to announce that the following High Holy Day services will be broadcast live from Temple Sinai on WRBH 88.3 FM In addition these services will be streamed on the internet and you will be able to hear it logged on to WWW.WRBH.ORG or WWW.TEMPLESINAINO.ORG KOL NIDRE Friday, October 3 7:30 P.M. Underwritten by the Ferber Family of Houma Foundation For more information, please call EllenRae Shalett, Congregation Temple Sinai 861-3693 Saundra Levy, Jewish Endowment Foundation of Louisiana 524-4559 In addition, we are pleased to announce that video streaming will be available on our site for all of the High Holy Day Services held in the Temple Sinai Sanctuary. To view the Live From the Sanctuary Video Stream, you may click on the link at www.templesinaino.org or go directly to our streaming page at www.templesinaino. org/streaming.html. When streaming is live, the image should appear in the box bordered in red. Otherwise, you will see a photograph of the Sanctuary and a note that no stream is available. All streamed services will be archived for viewing at a later date. The Live from the Sanctuary Video Stream is underwritten in memory of loved ones: Bruce Levy Beverley and Loris Levy Miriam Pailet and Benjamin Katz Ronald Katz, and Michael J. Neustadter, from Lauren, Scott, and Michael Braden Neustadter, Jonathan and Saundra Levy, and Allan Katz. Temple Sinai is grateful for these wonderful gifts.
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