Temple Sinai Bulletin New Orleans’ First Reform Congregation Founded in 1870 6227 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana 70118-6141 PHONE (504) 861-3693 FAX (504)861-3102 E-MAIL sinai@usa.net WEBSITE: templesinaino.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/TempleSinaiNOLA TWITTER: https://twitter.com/TempleSinaiNOLA Volume 87 February 2015 - 5775 Number 3 From Where I Stand Dear Friends, Here are highlights from Sydney Gold’s wonderful address to the Congregation at this year’s Henry S. Jacobs Camp Shabbat. I share them with you as lessons worthy for all of us “big kids”. Thanks Sydney! Camp has taught me a lot of things. It has given me countless Jewish role models, extensive knowledge on Israel which I might have never been exposed to otherwise, the opportunities to learn from dozens of regional rabbis, and I won’t even begin to mention the friendships. Still, one of the biggest lessons I have taken away from my camp experience is how to be a Jewish leader. Though I could go on forever about the hundreds of lessons camp has taught me about leadership, I felt that the top 18 would suffice for now. 1. Being a good leader means not being afraid to lead- This seems like a pretty obvious one, but it’s a lesson I feel Jacobs teaches well. If you want to be a leader, you need to be confident in yourself, and trust that the people around you will support you. I can’t think of an environment where I feel more accepted and comfortable than at camp, which is why this lesson topped the chart. 2. Being a leader is scary, so do it. Throughout the history of the Jewish people, we’ve had some hard times. In fact, we’ve had times so hard that the survival of our entire religion has been tested. But from this, we have gained some of our most valuable leaders. That’s what Jews do. 3. Leading means creating your own ideas, but also using the lessons that our ancestors learned to help accelerate your own leadership. If you can follow, you can lead 4. You still need to know how to be part of the collective. You’re not going to be the leader every time. 5. Don’t be afraid to be a leader in your own right. Not everyone is loud, and outgoing. If you are more comfortable leading quietly, do it. 6. Be kind 7. Be loyal 8. Be smart. Educate yourself, be well informed, and make a stand, because no matter what, no one can take that knowledge away from you. 9. Take advice 10. Be passionate about your cause. If you don’t have the drive, you won’t accomplish it. 11. Be active- passivity never got anything done. Taking a stand is one thing, but taking a step is another. Start the journey. 12. Remember why you’re doing this. 13. Learn from former leaders. No sense to make the same mistake twice, right? Find some leadership role models, be it MLK or your unit head. 14. You will rarely find more leaders in one room than in a Garin cabin. Little kids are the best leaders, and if you have any way to utilize some of that potential, do it. They have a drive, ambition, and effervesce that can rarely be matched. Draw from it, and try to find it in yourself. 15. Know how to be a good friend. Every quality a good friend possesses is important in leadership. 16. Never say your cause is stupid. Do you care about it? Then it’s not stupid. 17. Surround yourself with other leaders. This is one of camps gifts. It allows you to immerse yourself in a community of leaders, and use them as resources to grow as a person. They’re also probably going to be your best friends. 18. Leading is certainly the most difficult part of being a leader, but anyone can do it. As I drag my feet in approach to my last summer at camp, a part of me grows excited to conclude my camp experience with these lessons in tow, ready to become a leader. February Worship Services Friday, February 6 6:15 p.m.- Shabbat Service Rabbi Cohn will speak on “Are the Ten Commandments Now the Ten Opinions”? Saturday, February 7 10:15 a.m.- Shabbat Service Torah Portion: Yitro, Exod. 18:120:23 Haftarah: Isaiah 6:1-7:6, 9:5-9:6 Friday, February 13 Friday, February 20 6:15 p.m.- Shabbat Service Rabbi Cohn will speak on “What Would Moses Do?” Candles: Lillian Opotowsky Saturday, February 21 10:15 a.m.- Shabbat Service Torah Portion: T’rumah, Exod. 25:1-27:19 Haftarah: I Kings 5:26-6:13 Friday, February 27 6:15 p.m.- Shabbat Service Rabbi Cohn will speak on “Yom Ha- Valentine, Why I love Valentine’s Day”. Candle Blessing: Dorlene Alaynick 6:15 p.m.- Shabbat Service Rabbi Cohn will speak on “What Every Villain Hates”. Candle Blessing: Doris Baron Saturday, February 14 Saturday, February 28 10:15 a.m.- Shabbat Service Torah Portion: Mishpatim, Exod 21:1-24:16 Haftarah: II Kings 12:5-16 10:15 a.m.- Shabbat Service Torah Portion: T’tzaveh Exod. 27:20-30:10 Haftarah: Esther 7:1-10; 8:15-17 Save The Date: Temple Sinai Gala April 11, 2015 Six o’clock- Patron Party Seven o’clock- Gala Temple Sinai’s Goldring Pavilion Celebrating the 145 Anniversary WITH A SALUTE TO THE PAST, WE STEP INTO THE FUTURE From The Temple Educator - Ann Zivitz Kientz After the long Winter Break our Religious School and Hebrew School jumped right back into full swing. The report cards from the 1st semester have been mailed out to all of the parents and as I reviewed how much each class has learned it really is amazing. From Pre-Kindergarten all the way through Confirmation our staff is amazing and the daunting amount of information we teach each semester is something to be very proud of. Our beginner Hebrew students have now learned the entire Aleph-bet and have begun simple reading. And our most advanced students have nearly completed learning all of the Prayers of Shabbat. All of the kids who regularly attend at every level have increased their skills exponentially. Each Sunday morning in our Sr. T’filah (4th – 7th graders) we pray the prayers of Shabbat morning as well as learn about the Torah portion of the week. This learning service is not only an opportunity to pray, learn and build skills, but also our Senior Hebrew students preparing for Bar/Bat Mitzvah are learning how to lead. Our Jr. T’filah (Pre-K – 3rd graders) begins with kids volunteering each week what they are thankful for and then we move into the basic Jewish prayers. These kids also enjoy a mini Torah service which along with their Hebrew time with Maya, is preparing them for the next level in T’filah as well as Hebrew School. Upcoming Family Friendly Experiences: Children’s Shabbat – Saturday February 7th 10:15am – THE 10 COMMANDMENTS are the theme for the service with Rabbi Cohn and Cantor Colman and the activity with Ann. Brotherhood Intergenerational Shabbat – Friday February 27th – 6:15pm Brotherhood sponsored – Family Fun Day!! Sunday March 1st 10:30 – 11:30! PURIM PLAY – “Into the Torah” – Featuring the Temple Sinai Players! A fun musical show for our congregation on Purim – Wednesday March 4th 5:30, followed by a FREE family Purim dinner! Watch your Email for MORE details coming SOON!!! DON’T MISS IT! Our Confirmation class having a wonderful time on their trip to New York. JewCCY- Ivy Cohen JewCCY was very strongly represented at NFTY Southern’s Winter KallahClave in Memphis. We enjoyed a fun weekend of programming, exploration of the Civil Rights Movement and a clean-up of South Memphis with Knowledge Quest – an organization that gives kids in South Memphis somewhere to go after school. We look forward to having even greater participation at Spring Kallah at Jacobs Camp, April 17-19! There are some awesome events for 2015, so save the dates below! If you attend a JewCCY event and wish to see the photos taken, they can always be seen at jewccy.shutterfly.com February 4 – HumpDay Hangout at Gates of Prayer – 6:30pm Dinner, Movie & some mid-week fun with JewCCY February 21st – Dads vs. JewCCy Second Annual Jewbowl Flag Football game 1pm – Contact Todd Hamilton for details or if you wish to participate! Fun for the WHOLE family! Febrary 28th – JewCCY’s FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION at SECTOR6!! All 6th-12th graders welcome! Register TODAY to save your spot https://jewccy.wufoo.com/forms/jewccys-5th-birthday-at-sector6/ Our Temple Sinai members of JEWCCY at the NFTY Weekend in Memphis Voices of Our Members By Bonnie Adler Aronson Temple Sinai Sisterhood Co-President and Board Member I am a lifelong member of Temple Sinai, which is soon to be sixty-five years. I have so many vivid recollections of my early Temple life. As a young girl in the mid-1950s, my family often attended Friday Night Family Services that were held on the first Friday night of the month. We all sat together on the far left side of the Sanctuary, a few rows from the back with my uncle, Neville Levy, my father’s brother-in-law. I was crazy about my uncle, and it made me laugh when I would see him nod off during the service. The best part of the evening for me was the reception afterwards. Shirley Jeskin, Jill’s mother, represented the Sisterhood, and she made sure that the tables were filled with beautiful small squares of chocolate doberge cakes from Mrs. Ledner’s bakery. It was worth sitting through the long services for those cakes. I also remember going to Temple on Sunday mornings for religious school wearing a dress and my black patent leather Mary Jane shoes with little white socks folded in half. It was special going to Temple and I knew it an early age. In second grade, 1957, my Sunday school teacher was a beautiful lady named Ann Harris. When I started third grade, she had become Mrs. Kiefer for the new second graders…and a Tulane student named Charles Cohen was my teacher that year. Then I remember Bobby Applebaum, another Tulane student a year or so later teaching along with Robert Wolf, a future president of Temple Sinai and Milton Fingerman whom I see to this day. As a high school sophomore, I was confirmed. Rabbi Julian Feibelman presided and stood with us at the ark. He then blessed each student with a special individual blessing. To prepare for this important milestone, we attended weekly confirmation practices on Wednesday afternoons. Mary Anna Feibelman, the Rabbi’s wife, helped me to memorize my part. I was the first to speak. I still remember my prayer. It was the 121st Psalm, “I will lift up mine eyes to the hills from whence shall my help come…” I stood under the ark again in December of 1970 when Rabbi Murray Blackman led the congregation. That night, my soon to be husband, Jay Aronson, and I received a blessing a week before our marriage. I wore a black dress. Imagine that? I joined the Sisterhood a year or so after I married, and I remember being invited to a Sisterhood luncheon as a prospective member. That meal had been prepared by Janis Barton, a marvelous member who dedicated so much energy and effort to the Temple. In the mid-1970s, Sue Levy, now Sue Barton, was president of the Sisterhood. She asked me to work with Sabina Chapman, now Sabina Altman. Our project was to create a Children’s Tree of Life. We collected names of children and newborns in the congregation, and a local artist Charles Reinike created the tree. Individual leaves were inscribed with the names we collected, and then the leaves were affixed to the tree. The leaves filled the outline, and over time the tree became filled and beautiful. The Sisterhood is an organization that I have been involved with my entire married life. I remember: Holland bulb sales, Antique seminars, and cooking lessons arranged by Lillian Opotowsky held at the Royal Orleans with experts from the Silver Palate restaurant in New York. There were monthly bingo games at Willowood, now called Woldenberg, where the Sisterhood sponsored games followed by a cake and punch reception. I often drove some of the older members across the river to help at the games – perhaps hoping silently inside that someone would drive me to such a destination when I reached that stage of life. The Temple has been a continuous anchor for me for all these decades – it is right there, on the avenue, near the park. There is always work to do inside its’ walls…and performing that work can make one feel a bit more complete. Brotherhood President’s Message - Josh Danzig February is going to be a great month for the Temple Sinai Brotherhood. February 27 is the annual Intergenerational Shabbat held in conjunction with the Religious School. Please bring your son, daughter, parent, grandparent, or any other family member to this special service. March 1 brings the Brotherhood Family Fun Day. This wonderful morning of rock climbing, games, food, and fun takes place at Shelter #11 at Audubon Park. In addition, the Brotherhood is funding a new Public Relations campaign for Temple Sinai with Peter Mayer Advertising. The campaign will celebrate Sinai’s 145th anniversary in an attempt to bring in new unaffiliated members. It will lead up to the Gala on April 11…stay tuned for more info! If you’d like more info on joining the Sinai Brotherhood, please email me at jdanzig4@cox.net Dues are $38 for the year and help the Brotherhood put on various programs that benefit Temple Sinai and the community as a whole. Sisterhood Co- President’s Message - Bonnie Aronson & Joan Tuchman 25 Reform Jewish women stepped, one by one, up onto the bimah to participate in Temple Sinai's annual Shabbat Service on the morning of January 10th, 2015. These women particularly enjoy being involved in the worship aspects of the Temple and thus created a meaningful day with their readings of passages from the scriptures emphasizing the woman's point of view. Our illustrious speaker, Nancy Marsiglia gave an inspiring speech about the non-profit organization which she and fellow Temple member, Melanie Bronsin have established to make certain that the first five years of a child's life can be as secure as possible so they can face a life full of laughter, education and hope. A spectacular display of Pot Luck followed showing the creativeness of the women who read, and those who prepared mouth watering cuisines. Kudos to the following: Dorlene Alaynick, Sabina Altman, Bonnie Aronson, Doris Baron, Sue Barton, Sarah Churney, Andrea Cohn, Judith Custer, Genie Dyer, Phyllis Feran, Robin Giarusso, Irene Hirsch, Lawlene Kaplan, Sharon Kirkpatrick, Lisette LaPrairie, Nancy Marsiglia, Betty Moore, Marian Moore, Andrea Morris, Robyn Nowak, Lillian Opotowski, Verdie Richburg, EllenRae Shallet, Judy Simkin, Sue Singer, and Joan Tuchman. Respectfully submitted by Bonnie and Joanie Co-Presidents Mazel Tov to...... In Memoriam Josh Rubinstein for being chosen by CityBusiness to the 2015 Leadership in Law class. Temple Sinai extends sympathy to the mourning Family of: Elaine & Ed Schlesinger on the birth of their granddaugher, Arielle Ruth Schesinger Margaret Veta Mother of Sherry Snyder Mike Sherman for being chosen by CityBusiness to the 2015 Leadership in Law class. Rabbi Cohn’s Updated Information Home Phone: 504-833-7200 Address: 800 Rue Rampart St. # 303 Metairie, LA 70005 Reaching the Temple in an Emergency when phones are not working Do you know someone for the Mazel Tov section? Tell the Temple Sinai office! 6227 St. Charles Ave, New Orleans, LA 70118 sinai@usa.net or 504-861-3693 “May her memory be for a blessing” Temple Sinai Scrip Order Form Please indicate the number of desired gift cards for each merchant and dollar amount. Number of Certificates Dollar Total BOOKSTORES Barnes &Noble Barnes &Noble Octavia Books $10 $25 $25 ______ ______ ______ _______ _______ _______ COFFEE SHOPS Starbucks $10 ______ _______ WINE/DELICATESSENS Kosher Cajun $5 Martin’s Wine Cellar $25 Stein’s Deli $10 ______ ______ ______ _______ _______ _______ DEPARTMENT STORES/PHARMACES Dillard’s $25 ______ Dillard’s $100 ______ Gap/Banana Republic/Old Navy $25 ______ J.C. Penney’s $25 ______ Macy’s $25 ______ Macy’s $100 ______ Target $25 ______ Walgreen’s $25 ______ Wal-Mart/Sam’s $25 ______ Wal-Mart/Sam’s $100 ______ GAS STATIONS Exxon Shell $50 $25 ______ ______ SPECIALITY STORES Bath & Body Works $10 Bath & Body Works $25 ______ ______ GROCERY STORES Langenstein’s Langenstein’s Robert’s Rouse’s Rouse’s Whole Food’s Whole Food’s Winn-Dixie Winn-Dixie $50 $100 $50 $50 $100 $50 $100 $50 $100 Number of Certificates Dollar Total ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ HOME/GARDEN STORES $25 ______ Home Depot $25 ______ _______ Lowe’s $25 ______ _______ _______ ICE CREAM PARLORS ______ _______ *Cold Stone Creamery $10 *624 S. Carrollton Ave. Location _______ _______ _______ MOVIE RENTALS/GAMES ______ _______ Game Stop/ Babbages $25 _______ _______ MOVIE THEATERS AMC (good for admission and snackbar)$25 ______ *Prytania Theatre $25 ______ (good for admission and snackbar) _______ _______ RESTAURANTS Ruth’s Chris $50 ______ *Harry’s Ace Hardware _______ _______ All cards redeemable at stores nationwide except for those indicated with asterisks. (*) Buy for your own shopping or give the perfect gift! Remember... it costs you nothing and Temple Sinai makes a profit! Date ________ Total Order: $_____________ Your Name: ____________ Phone: __________________ Address: ___________________________________ Zip Code: ________________ Order Filled By: ______________ Payment: Cash Check #____ Credit Card # ___________________ Make Checks payable to: Temple Sinai (Circle One) Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express Exp.: __________ A 2% Fee will be added for charge card usage _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ If you have an emergency and need to reach the Temple and the Temple phones are unavailable due to a power outage, please note the following cell phone numbers for emergency use: Rabbi Edward Paul Cohn: 504-231-6626 Cantor Joel Colman: 504-296-7221 EllenRae Shalett (Exec. Director): 504-812-4993 Temple Sinai Calendar February 2015/5775 Week of February 1-7: 1st: Religious School 9:00 - 11:30 am 4th: Hebrew School 4:00 - 6:00 pm 6th: Shabbat Service 6:15 pm 7th: Shabbat Service 10:15 am Week of February 8-14: 8th: Religious School 9:00 - 11:30 am 10th: 92nd Street Y 6:30 pm 11th: Hebrew School 4:00 - 6:00 pm 13th: Shabbat Service 6:15 pm 14th: Shabbat Service 10:15 am Week of February 15-21: 15th: NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 16th: Office Closes at Noon 17th: Mardi Gras - Office Closed 18th: NO HEBREW SCHOOL 20th: Shabbat Service 6:15 pm 21: Shabbat Service 10:15 am Week of February 22-28: 22nd: Religious School 9:00 - 11:30 am 23rd: Executive & Board Meetings 25th: Hebrew School 4:00 - 6:00 pm 27th: Shabbat Service 6:15 pm Brotherhood Shabbat 28th: Shabbat Service 10:15am February Birthdays James Altman Anne Babin Patricia Barnett Michael Barton Linda Baum Vanessa Berg Jean Brickman Melanie Bronfin Max Cohen Joel Colman Giselli Danzig Mildred Denegre Craig Evans Barbara Fisher Mollie Fried Marcia Gersovitz Robin Goldsmith John Haspel Eve Hirsch Ellen Hooper Stephanie Kenyon Brittany Kirschman Kenny Klein Noah Kohan Lynne Kullman David Kunian Lori Lambert Adolph Levy Jack Lyles, Jr. Mary Miller Marian Moore Betty Moore Robyn Nowak Eric Nowak Kim O'Donnell Avra O'Dwyer Arthur Pulitzer Ann Rabin Allison Reu Zollie Richburg Louis Rippner Carol Lise Rosen Susan Roskind Neil Shapiro Briann Shear Michael Sherman Mimi Shlenker Aimee Siegel Jonathan Silverman Susan Simon Alan Sizeler Steven Sobel Jane Steiner Mary Stern Walter Stern Lynne Stern Sharon Wolfson Leonard Wormser Justin Zitler February Anniversaries Jeffrey & Candice Betz, Tamie & Lee Bressler, Matthew Glodowski& Jeri Rome, James & Hope Meyer, Edna & Lester Scheinuk, Gail & Harold Victor, Margot & Larry Yuspeh February Yahrzeits February 6,7 Jack Alden Elise Mayer Besthoff Moise S.Cahn Marilyn Weiss Davis Charles W. Frank, Sr. Jay Morton Jalenak Charlotte McArthur Kornman Charles H. Levy Leopold LeonardLevy Gertrude ScherckLevy Rose Newman Mopsik Paul Rosenmeyer Julia A. Sasso Ethel R.Sternberg Leo Weil Louis A.Weil Joseph D. Weiner Eva Simon Welsch Jules Wolbrette February 13,14 Theresa Abraham Janet Jacobs Aschaffenburg Philip Beekman Sydney J. Besthoff William B. Burkenroad Rudolph J. Cohn Jan Corenswet Abraham B. Feibelman Melanie Pulitzer Feldman Albin Charles Fisher, Sr. Irving A. Fosberg Betty Pearlman Fosberg Bernard H. Goldsmith Mary Roos Haas Max H. Hart Edward Max Heller Edward Max Heller Hannah Block Hirsch Ralph Katz Howard L. Leventhal Dianne Lynn Levy Hilbert Sampson Loeb Leopold Loeb Samuel Marcuse Hermance Dreyfus Meyer Leo Miller, Jr. Leo Miller, Sr. Velma D. Prins Edwina Hirsch Reisfeld Jesse S. Rosenfeld, Sr. Henrietta B. Rosenthal Hans W.Schlesinger Paul Schreier Virginia Rush Threefoot Arthur Weiss Samuel Wolf Janet Selig Wolf Zadek February 20, 21 Lillian Erlich Alaynick Myrtle Blum Nettie Pulitzer Carmel Louis E.Cohen Mayer Leon Dresner Anne Kurtz Elster Jake Henry Gutmann William Haspel, Jr. Benjamin Goodwin Katz Yevgenia Khaimsky I. Jay Krieger Celestine M. Lazarus Carrie Abraham Lemann Miriam Straus Levy Ezekiel E Moore Milton Eli Pick Emma L. Sperling Harold Simon Weil Julius Weill J. Benjamin Weiner Hyman Weinstein Albert Jacob Wolf Tillie Diefenthal Wolff Dora Finger Yuspeh Isadore Zadek February 27, 28 Coleman E. Adler Joan Opotowsky Caplan Thomas B. Cobb Sol Cohen Reuben A. Cohen Beulah G. Drapekin Charles F. Dufour, Sr. Fred Feran Ida Finkelstein Greenberg Edward A. Hayem Abraham J. Jacobson Carolyn Blum Klein Isabel Weil Kohlmeyer Ethel Lichtentag Rose Pollock Litwin Leo Levy Lowentritt BeatriceLevy Marcuse Nancy Alcus Marshall Sally Marx David Regenstein Samuel Reisfeld Claretta Mayer Rosenberg Rebecca Russell Bernard N. Samuel Tess Levy Schornstein Gabe Scooler Patrick E. Senac Harry Spiro, Sr. Clara Weil Steeg Justin Wormser The Congregation Extends its Sincere Thanks for the Following Contributions ALTAR FUND IN HONOR OF SHEILA GOLD’S BIRTHDAY Sydney, Audrey & Timothy Gold IN HONOR OF IRVING GOLDSTEIN’S BIRTHDAY Irving & Joyce Goldstein IN MEMORY OF FLORA OKUN \ HIRSBERG AND BERNARD HIMAN HIRSBERG Dr. & Mrs. Harris Hyman, III IN MEMORY OF RONALD F. KATZ Allan Katz & Saundra Katz Levy IN MEMORY OF NAUM KHAIMSKY Alexandra Shikhris IN MEMORY OF JANE LEVY LUCAS William Lucas, Jr. IN MEMORY OF EMMA ANNETTE WEINBERGER Lynne Goldman IN MEMORY OF ROBERT YUSPEH, JR. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Yuspeh ENDOWMENT FUND The Gottesman Family Foundation George & Milly Denegre Fund IN MEMORY OF COURTNEY ELIZABETH GIARRUSSO Patricia Barnett IN MEMORY OF MELBA LAW STEEG Patricia Barnett IN MEMORY OF DR. SAUL SILVERMAN Patricia Barnett IN MEMORY OF DR. JULIUS E. ISAACSON, JR. Patricia Barnett GOTTESMAN FUND IN APPRECIATION OF RABBINICAL SERVICES Mrs. Fred Kahn II HASPEL GARDEN FUND IN MEMORY OF BERNARD TUCHMAN Patricia Barnett RABBI MURRAY BLACKMAN LECTUE FUND IN HONOR OF MAX MOSES’ BAR MITZVAH Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Andry, III SOCIAL JUSTICE FUND Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Cohn Dr. & Mrs. Donald Pulitzer Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Tuman IN MEMORY OF SARALYN BRONFIN Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Bronfin TEMPLE FUND Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kenter IN HONOR OF DR. DANIEL BRONFIN RECEIVING THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRIC’S SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Dr. Diane Africk IN HONOR OF RABBI EDWARD PAUL COHN RECEIVING THE WEISS AWARD Dr. Diane Africk IN HONOR OF RABBI EDWARD PAUL COHN RECEIVING THE LIVING LEGEND AWARD AND THE WEISS AWARD Patricia Barnett IN HONOR OF ELLENRAE SHALETT Linda M. Kaplan IN HONOR OF ANN THOMPSON Dr. Diane Africk IN MEMORY OF ALINE FRIED THORPE ANDERSON Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sloan IN MEMORY OF EDITH SPECTOR ARONOFF Shirley Aronoff IN MEMORY OF COUTRNEY ELIZABETH GIARRUSSO Dr. Diane Africk Mr. & Mrs. Albert Batten IN MEMORY OF JOSEPH GIARRUSSO, JR. Dr. Diane Africk IN MEMORY OF BERNARD GOLDSMITH & CHARLES GOLDSMITH Robin W. Goldsmith IN MEMORY OF MARK STEVEN GREENBERG Dr. Diane Africk Mr. & Mrs. Albert Batten IN MEMORY OF RICHARD GODCHAUX HIRSCH Dr. Diane Africk IN MEMORY OF MILES HOCHBERG Mr. & Mrs. John Elmer IN MEMORY OF SOEVAH SACHS JACOBS Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Jacobs IN MEMORY OF MARTIN S. LITWIN Nancy Kittay Litwin IN MEMORY OF HENRY L. ROSENFELD Perry & Marilyn Brown IN MEMORY OF JULIUS “JULES” SOBEL Guy & Kelley Brenner Harris & Rosalie Dulitz Altar Flowers Jan. 2,3 – In loving memory of Emma Annette Weinberger from Lynn Goldman; in loving memory of Ronald Katz from Allan Katz and Saundra K. Levy. January 9 & 10 –From Joyce and Irving Goldstein in honor of Irving’s Birthday and in loving memory of Naum Khaimsky from Alexandra K. Shikhris January 16 & 17 -In honor of the Birthday of Sheila K, Gold from Tim, Sydney and Audrey Gold; and in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Haley Abrams from Jennifer and Larry Abrams January 29,30 – In loving memory of Dr. Melvin Steiner, Jane Blumenthal Steiner, and Everett Rubenstein from Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Steiner, Sidney Steiner, Michael Rubenstein & Jane Rubenstein; in loving memory of Moise S. Steeg, Sr, from Rob and Pam Steeg and in loving memory of Clarice Weinstein from her family. Thank you for your support of Chesed From December 22 - January 16 Neil & Kim Abramson Mrs. Dorlene Alaynick Robert & Caroline Brickman Stanley & Karen Cohn Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Cohn Mr. Julian Feibelman, Jr. & Mrs. Joan Feibelman J. M. Fried, Jr. & Mollie Fried Mr. Joseph Friend Judge Robin Giarrusso Mr. Julian Good, Jr. & Mrs. Wendy Good Mr. John Haspel & Mrs. Amy Gainsburgh Haspel Dr. Ben Jacobs, III & Mrs. Augusta Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Philip Katz Dr. & Mrs. Robert Kessler Dr. & Mrs. Alvin Lassen Dr. & Mrs. Alan Levin Dr. & Mrs. Louis Levin Henry & Jane Lowentritt Jack Lyles, Jr. & Pamela Lyles Mr. Charles Madanick Mr. Joshua Mayer & Mrs. Jill Dupre James & Hope Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Keith Miller Mr. Michael Rubenstein Kevin & Dr. Ariane Rung Mark & Amy Stein Lowell & Nancy Stewart 92nd Street Y Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2015 6:30 p. m. $5.00 admission Join us for dinner at 6:00 p.m. Please RSVP to Temple Sinai 504-861-3693 David Axelrod in Conversation with David Remnick—Believer: My Forty Years in Politics One of the key players in the historic campaign that made Barack Obama President, David Axelrod has been involved with some of the greatest political changes of the last decade. Axelrod has devoted a lifetime to questioning political certainties and to bringing fresh thinking into the political landscape. Join him as he discusses his remarkable career from young journalist to political consultant and ultimately senior advisor to the President along with his views on the most pressing issues facing the United States today. TEMPLE SINAI EMAILS Sheila K. Gold Temple Sinai President golds1@cox.net Rabbi Edward Paul Cohn D.D., D.Min. sinai@usa.net Joel M. Colman, M.S.M. Cantor joel@colman.us Ann Zivitz Kientz Director of Education azk1007@aol.com EllenRae Shalett Executive Director ershalett@templesinaino.org Herbert Barton Executive Director Emeritus/ Exec. Secretary Hebrew Rest Cemetery Assn. sinai@usa.net Josh Danzig Brotherhood President jdanzig4@cox.net Bonnie Aronson & Joan Tuchman Sisterhood Co-Presidents aronsonb@bellsouth.net Temple Sinai Office Staff Paula Jackson Rabbi’s Assistant pjackson@templesinaino.org Linda Schillage Bookkeeper lschillage@templesinaino.org Carla Rose Jacob Communications Specialist cjacob@templesinaino.org To Report An Address or Phone Number Change, New E-mail Address, or to Submit a Mazel Tov for the Bulletin, or for general correspondence to Temple Sinai: sinai@usa.net TEMPLE SINAI BULLETIN (USPS 538-240) is published monthly for 50 cents per year by Congregation Temple Sinai 6227 St. Charles Ave. New Orleans, Louisiana 70118 VOL. 87 February 2015-5775 Periodicals Postage Paid at New Orleans, Louisiana NO. 3 Sheila Gold............................................................President Robert Brickman..........................Executive Vice-President The Honorable Robin Giarrusso...................Vice-President Tracey Dodd.................................................Vice-President Harvey Herstein....................................................Secretary Michael Kirschman...............................................Treasurer Josh Danzig......................................President/Brotherhood Bonnie Aronson & Joan Tuchman..Co-Presidents/Sisterhood Dr. Edward Paul Cohn................................................Rabbi Joel M. Colman, M.S.M............................................Cantor Ann Zivitz Kientz..................................Education Director EllenRae Shalett.....................................Executive Director Herbert Barton........................Executive Director Emeritus DATED MATERIAL DO NOT DELAY “POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Temple Sinai 6227 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, LA 70118” President of Xavier University Dr. Norman Francis, Mayor Mitch Landrieu, Rabbi Cohn, and Former Mayor Moon Landrieu at MLK Shabbat.
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