Messages 28th Sunday in Monsignor’s Ordinary Time On Invitations and “Wedding Garments” How many wedding invitations do you receive from year to year? There is , first of all, great stress in agreeing on a guest list. Feelings about friends and family, as well as finances often dictate who is invited and who isn’t. On the receiving end, there are invitations that we cannot wait to receive! There are others that we dread receiving. Invitation lists and responses tell us a lot about the host and the invitees. This week’s gospel (Matthew 22:1-14) presents with another of Jesus’ parables with a challenging message. Like the chief priests and elders whom Jesus addresses, we too often are not ready to be confronted on our openness to hear and respond to His message about faith and life. In the bigger picture, the king represents God who invites all to the “wedding banquet” – good and bad alike. Of course, He intends that the banquet hall be filled so that the joy and happiness can be experienced by all. (Imagine more rejections than acceptances of your wedding invitations! What would that do the few who attended? There are two responses to the king’s invitation. Many beg off for the usual reasons of busyness or even reject violently to the invitation. They have isolated themselves from the happiness of the event. One guest arrives without his “wedding garment?” (No tux!?) What’s the big deal? It’s not about a tux, it’s about a new way of thinking, living and acting. All are invited to God’s banquet (read “eternal destiny”). However, there are responsibilities that accompany the acceptance. It requires a reconsidering of one’s life, priorities, and life direction. We can’t have it both ways. The new or “wedding garment” symbolizes the movement away from a self-absorbed and sinful life. The white garment of baptism for us today represents this new life into which the baptized are linked to Christ and begin a new life as His follower. It is a life of love expressed in service, charity, and justice. It can painfully go against the grain of “what everybody else is doing or thinking.” It is about a fundamental change of heart. It is about the on-going conversion that is required of Jesus’ disciples. For Reflection Are there invitations to living differently that I am missing or ignoring? If so, why? What is the source of my resistance to change my attitudes? perhaps judgments about others? perhaps beliefs about politics and the economy? From MonsignorMonsignor’s Gaston Messages Diocese of Greensburg Political Campaign Activities Policy 2014 Last week Mother of Sorrows, along with all diocesan parishes, received this policy statement from Monsignor Larry Kulick, Vicar General of the Diocese of Greensburg. With the November 4 General Elections approaching, parishes were advised about what is permitted and not permitted during the campaign. I am sharing this with the parish. Political Activities Policy As a 501(c)(3) organization, the Church is prohibited by the Internal Revenue Code from participating or intervening in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. The ban is absolute. Any amount of such participation in a political campaign, no matter how slight, can put the tax exempt status of the Church in jeopardy. Therefore, voter guides or flyers that are single issue guides or that endorse candidates that support single issues cannot be used as bulletin inserts or distributed in parishes. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference (PCC) have issued guidelines for political activities for Catholic Churches and Organizations. Two areas of concern that come up in parishes at election time are (1) voter's guides and (2) campaign literature in church parking lots: Voter Guides The October 23 issue of The Catholic Accent will produce an approved voter guide which will include information about the races for governor and lieutenant governor, the contests for the U.S. House, and the Pennsylvania General Assembly (House and Senate) in districts within the Diocese of Greensburg. The voter guide material will be made available to the parishes. In the Diocese of Greensburg, parishes and other Diocesan institutions are not permitted to distribute voter guides unless they are published by the USCCB or the PCC. Church Parking Lot Leafleting Church parking lots are not public forums as a public street or shopping mall would be and remain dedicated to accommodating the religious activities of the church. If a church grants permission for the distribution of campaign literature anywhere on its property, it must do likewise for all of the candidates or advocacy groups that wish to do so, no matter how repugnant the content of the literature is to Church teaching. Churches must avoid complicity in the dissemination of material endorsing or opposing political individual candidates. Therefore, churches may neither favor nor disfavor any particular group that seeks to distribute materials of that type on portions of its property that are generally accessible to the public. At the same time, the law does not impose any obligation on a church to actively monitor and prevent the leafleting of cars parked in its lots. The Diocese of Greensburg goes not authorize any leafleting or pamphleting. The Eucharistic Table Messages Monsignor’s October 13 Monday Gal 4:22-24, 26-27,31-5:1/Lk 11:29-32 8:00 AM In Memory of Janette Brinkos by Family Tabernacle Candles Babe, Bob & Sis Platte and deceased family by Mary Platte 14 Tuesday Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41 8:00 AM Health of Rita Lechnar by Family Sanctuary Lamp Joan Pechar by Family 15 Wednesday Gal 5:18-25/Lk11:42-46 8:00 AM Marcella C. Penkert by the Priests & People of MOS Altar Candles 16 Thursday Ephesians 1:1-10/Lk 11:47-54 9:15 AM Frank Bresnock by daughter, Karen Delissio 11:00 AM Mass with Anointing of the Sick 17Friday 8:00 AM Ephesians 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7 Richard J. Burgoon by Geraldine Burgoon PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING CHANGE TO THE MASS SCHEDULE: Thursday October 16 School Mass 9:15AM 11:00AM Mass With Anointing of the sick 18 Saturday 2 Timothy 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9 8:00 AM Hilda Taylor by daughter, Ruth 5:00 PM Robert O. Bauer by Kitty Pugliese 19 Sunday 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30AM In Memory of Ana Marie Winter By Eleanor Musuta Is 45:1, 4-6/1Thess1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21 For the Parishioners of Mother of Sorrows Ann and Dom Cristello by daughter Rosalie Mr. & Mrs. Philip Perry by daughter, Mary Perry October 18 & 19 Saturday 5:00 PM October 21 & 22 NO Mass Communion Service 8:00AM (Priests will be at Diocesan Clergy Ministry Schedules Monsignor’s Messages Sunday 7:30 AM Sunday 9:30 AM Sunday 11:30 AM Presider Msgr. Gaston Msgr. Gaston Fr. Ron Msgr. Gaston Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion John Bonaroti Stacey Bonaroti Kathryn Majewski Marianne McConnell Richard Jacko Mary Lynn Jacko Gregory Wagner Mary Blanche Quinn Edward Edwards Paul Rockar Judith Rockar Andrew Kowatch Dan Pilon Debbie Pilon Carl Schlenke Judy Schlenke Antonio Lodovico Vincent Esposito Joe DeMartino Brandon Aganad Adrienne Heinrich Nick Dorsch Amy Kuruc Ronald O’Toole Geraldine Burgoon Altar Servers Joseph Bonfiglio Nicole Fetsko Mitchell Debiase Michael Spila Josh Carfang Maria DeBone Renee Baldy Chrissa Baldy Conrad Molinaro Gillian Taddonio Brianna Mocharko Andrew Winge Readers Harley Wilson Kevin White Barbara Lyskava Linda Wakefield Xina Matuza Alvaro Giron Diane Boettger Jocelyn Toddonio Cantor Kelli Armstrong Peg Torbar Caroline Taddonio Maria Beer Parish LifeMonsignor’s Messages Congratulatons to the Newly Baptized and Family Weekend Offertory October 5-6 2014 Offertory Mother Teresa Outreach Food Pantry Debt Reduction Total $ $ 25,930.70 2,558.00 30.00 1241.00 $ 29,759.70 Mission Cooperation Appeal $ 7,554.89 Mass Attendance 1834 World Mission Sunday Appeal Choe Elizabeth Hoy Parents: Stephen Hoy and Ashley Platt Hoy Sponsors: Will and Kayla Platt This Week 13 14 15 15 16 17 Legion of Mary 9:00AM Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament 6:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation AM Women’s Bible Study 9:30 AM PM Women’s Bible Study 7-8:30 PM Mass with Anointing of the Sick 11:00 AM Centering Prayer Group 9:00 AM Proceeds from World Mission Sunday appeal next week support the work of missionaries throughout the world who provide hope for the poorest inhabitants of the mission dioceses. More than 9,000 clinics facilitate loving care for the sick; 10,000 orphanages provide safe shelter for children; catechists and teachers educate and form in the faith almost one million children; 80,000 seminarians prepare for ordination to the priesthood; and 9,000 men and women prepare for consecrated life as Brothers and Sisters. Enjoy/Entertainment Books MOS Youth Ministry is selling Enjoy and Entertainment books again this year, price: $30.00. They are available in the Parish Office. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Interested in the Catholic Faith? Contact Phyllis Haney at 724-733-8870 or email her at Craft Show Applications for the Craft Show are now available on the bulletin board in the Upper Narthex. . 40 Days for Life 40 Days for Life offers an opportunity to join together with thousands of Christians across America and the World to pray for an end to abortion. The campaign spans 40 days from September 24 through November 2 wherein churches and other faithful groups gather in front of abortion clinics in peaceful vigil to pray as one body in Christ. The most recent 40 Days for Life campaign in March/April 2014 included over 100,000 participants, representing over 3600 churches, at 253 locations, in 10 countries. This effort helped save the lives of 728 unborn babies and closed 8 abortion clinics. For more information on 40 Days for Life visit the website Youth Ministry Monsignor’s Messages October Events Bible Study Sunday, October 12, 5:30-6:45pm. Planning Team Meeting Tuesday, October 14, 7:30-8:30PM Parish LifeMessages Monsignor’s Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Could the Good Shepherd be calling you to serve in a particular way? If you think this invitation is for you and you would like to assist the catechist in one of our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd sessions, please contact Phyllis Haney at 724.733.8870, or Nancy Janicak at Evening Women’s Bible Study is reading themes from the Diary of St. Faustina as listed in the Second Appendix. You can download the Divine Mercy App from the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception Stockbridge, Massachusetts. For more information contact: Raissa at 412-953-8206. Grades 9-12 Last Sunday evening teens playing “Pin the Heart on the Human” with guest speakers (and parishioners) Rory Lingg and Kurt Kimmich. Mother Teresa Outreach Check the website for opportuniGrades 6-8 — Rosary Hike—Sunday, October 12, 4:30- ties to get involved and "do something beautiful for 6pm. Join us at Duff Park as we hike while praying the God." Volunteer forms available in the Narthex. Call rosary, surrounded by the beauty of God’s creation. After- Parish Office at 724-733-8870 or MTO at 724-989-2881. ward we’ll enjoy a cookout and music! Middle School Faith Night October 18 — 7-9PM Geibel Middle/High School. Cost is $10.00 per person by Oct. 16. Join Father Tyler Bandura as he talks about getting Fired Up for your Faith. There will also be games, music, prayer and of course snacks! CYO Consent forms Forms are available in the Parish Office for students participating in the competitive sports in the Diocese of Greensburg CYO Programs. Parish Life MesMonsignor’s Greensburg Diocese Rosary Rally This coming Saturday, October 18 at 11:00 a.m. at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral. This is a wonderful opportunity to gather with family and friends to honor the Blessed Mother. Need a ride or you can provide a ride to others? Those who may be interested in carpooling from Mother of Sorrows parking lot, contact Sue Fey by Wednesday, October 16: 724-327-0897 or Pen Pals needed.... There are dedicated volunteers who send cards note, letters, photos, etc. to residents of two local nursing. If you would like to make the upcoming holiday season special for someone, please think about becoming a volunteer. If you are interested and would like additional information, contact Susan Sugru Blood Drive The blood drive is sponsored by M.O.S. and the Knights of Columbus. It is scheduled for Thursday, October 16th from 12:00-6:00PM in the Family LifeCenter. Please contact Lem Bell at 724-4688743 for time slots Notice If you have a concern about sexual abuse of a child or young person by anyone in a parish or diocesan position—clergy, volunteer or paid staff—please contact Bishop Brandt’s delegate for matters of sexual misconduct. He may be reached at 724-837-0901, Ext. 1221.
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