City Hall Advance Current & Upcoming Projects/News from Carpinteria City Hall for October 2014 E X E C U T I V E / C I T Y C L E R K S U M M AR Y 28th Annual Avocado Festival, October 3rd, 4th, & 5th – In its 28 years, the California Avocado Festival has grown and matured into an event that promotes the Carpinteria community far and wide and provides opportunities for community organizations to share their work and garner financial support. And it’s a lot of fun too! The festival is organized and operated by the California Avocado Festival, a local organization that is independent of the City of Carpinteria. The festival provides significant public benefits and, as such, the City annually cooperates with the organizers and supports the event through a variety of City services. The California Avocado Festival and the City work hard to improve upon the event each year, including working to mitigate inconveniences to residents and businesses that are inherent to the Festival. The City thanks the community for its support and cooperation in hosting this event. Homeless Population Assistance – Through a combination of communication, enforcement of laws, and collaboration with homeless service providers, the City is beginning to see results from its efforts to address the growing population of homeless persons living in Carpinteria. A public agency committee has been meeting regularly for more than a year in order to improve understanding of the plight of the homeless population and related issues. Law and Code Enforcement, Fire District, Public Works, City and State Parks representatives are invited to attend the meetings. City law enforcement and other employees meet and talk to homeless persons in order to try and learn about their status and determine what services might be available to assist them. When necessary due to violation of the law, enforcement action has been taken in order to protect public health and safety. The City is currently working to determine what role it can play in getting homeless persons in Carpinteria into housing where services can be provided in a more stable environment. G:\Users\KEVIN\MEMOS\Status Reports\October 2014.doc City Council Tentative Agenda Items for the Month of October: Oil Drilling Ban Discussion Consider Position on Carpinteria Unified School District Bond Measure U Dalia Court Cash Bond Release Destruction of Obsolete Records Annual Bob Hansen Creeks Report Review of Investment Policy & Quarterly Investment Report Tree Advisory Board Annual Tree Replacement Recommendations Consider Position on Prohibiting “High Intensity” Oil and Gas Operations Measure P Emergency Operations Plan Update Electric Vehicle Fee Schedule Housing Element Adoption Legal Services Contract Trench Cut Ordinance Ash Avenue Update Contracts Approved by City Manager at month end: Agreement for Consultant Services with RBF Consulting for $19,400 (Via Real Sidewalk Improvements) Agreement for Entertainment Services with Kat Devlin (First Friday) for $200 Agreement for Entertainment Services with Kelly Green (First Friday) for $150 AS S I S T AN T T O T H E C I T Y M AN AG E R E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T & Avocado Festival There will be no First Friday Celebration in October due to October 4th, 5th, & 6th, being the weekend during which the 28th annual California Avocado Festival will be held. Fall Newsletter – The fall edition of the City newsletter is scheduled to be distributed as an insert in the October 30th edition of the Coastal View News. G:\Users\KEVIN\MEMOS\Status Reports\October 2014.doc City of Carpinteria Channel 21 Schedule for October 2014 Date 10/1 10/2 10/3 10/4 10/5 10/6 10/7 10/8 10/9 10/10 10/11 10/12 10/13 10/14 10/15 10/16 10/17 10/18 10/19 10/20 10/21 10/22 10/22 10/23 10/24 10/25 10/26 10/27 10/28 10/29 10/30 10/31 11/1 Start Time Program Community Scroll Community Scroll Community Scroll Community Scroll Community Scroll Community Scroll Community Scroll Water District Board Meeting Community Scroll Water District Board Meeting Community Scroll Community Scroll City Council Meeting School District Board Meeting City Council Meeting School District Board Meeting Community Scroll City Council Meeting Community Scroll Community Scroll Fire District Board Meeting Water District Board Meeting Fire District Board Meeting Fire District Board Meeting Water District Board Meeting Community Scroll Community Scroll City Council Meeting School District Board Meeting City Council Meeting School District Board Meeting Community Scroll City Council Meeting Live Broadcast Rebroadcast Live Broadcast Live Broadcast Rebroadcast Rebroadcast Rebroadcast Live Broadcast Live Broadcast Rebroadcast Rebroadcast Rebroadcast Live Broadcast Live Broadcast Rebroadcast Rebroadcast Rebroadcast All Day All Day All Day All Day All Day All Day All Day 5:30 pm All Day 7:00 pm All Day All Day 5:30 pm 5:30 pm 8:00 pm 7:00 pm All Day 5:00 pm All Day All Day 6:30 pm 5:30 pm 8:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm All Day All Day 5:30 pm 5:30 pm 8:00 7:00 pm All Day 5:00 pm **Note: Community Scroll plays before & after shows listed G:\Users\KEVIN\MEMOS\Status Reports\October 2014.doc Estimated End Time 8:00 pm 9:30 pm 8:00 pm 7:30 pm 10:30 pm 9:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:30 pm 8:00 pm 10:00 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm 8:00 pm 7:30 pm 10:30 pm 9:00 pm 7:30 pm P U B L I C W O R K S D E P AR T M E N T ENGINEERING DIVISION Administration Program – The Department of Public Works continues to work on many Administrative Program items. Working with the Administrative Services and Finance Department, Public Works is working to implement new financial tracking and personnel timetracking databases. Additional work items for October 2014 include: Dahlia Court Cash Bond Release Tree Advisory Board Recommendations Capital Projects Construction Contract Documents Specifications Boiler Plate Update Municipal Code Updates o Trench Cut Ordinance – An additions to the Municipal Code that addresses impacts to roadway pavement lifespan by utility trenching and other work o Floodplain Management Ordinance Update – Address the City’s obligation to enact local regulations that meet the requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program Other Municipal Code updates include preparing updates to the bonding and surety, blanket permit and speed limit sections. Capital Project Program – Public Works is continuing to work on several capital improvement projects, including: Linden Avenue and Casitas Pass Road Interchanges Project – The Department of Public Works is currently working, as project partner, with the Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG) and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to develop this project. Current work efforts that will continue into October include: Engineering Design and Construction Document Preparation: Public Works continues to meet with Caltrans on technical design issues for the project. Floodplain Development Review and Permit: The Linden Avenue and Casitas Pass Road Interchanges Project may affect the Carpinteria Creek floodplain. The Department of Public Works is continuing to work with the Federal Emergency G:\Users\KEVIN\MEMOS\Status Reports\October 2014.doc Management Agency (FEMA) to ensure the project’s compliance with federal regulations. Carpinteria Avenue Bridge Replacement Project – The Department of Public Works is currently in the Preliminary Design phase of the project with the consultant team led by Drake Haglan and Associates, Inc. The Preliminary Design Phase of the Project includes the following: Conceptual Design Aesthetic Exhibits Environmental Review and Permitting Final Design and Construction Document Preparation The Department held successful neighborhood and community meetings for this project in April. The purpose of the meetings was to introduce the project and present several design alternatives and options to the public. The project status and updates were presented at the May 27, 2014 City Council meeting. Comments from the City Council on their preferred alternative will be carried forward into the EIR. In July, Public Works held a public meeting to obtain public comment on the scope and content of the draft Environmental Impact Report. Public Works will incorporate the public input received into the designs, make appropriate revisions to the exhibits, and develop aesthetic exhibits. The Carpinteria Avenue Bridge Replacement Project consists of replacing the existing bridge over Carpinteria Creek. To fund the estimated $10 million project, Public Works obtained a federal grant under the Federal Highway Administration’s Highway Bridge Program. The grant will pay 88.53% of all eligible costs to replace the bridge. Additional funding will come from the City’s Development Impact Fee program and Measure A revenues. The Department of Public Works will also continue to work on the following projects and plans in October: Ash Avenue Improvement Project o The project’s kick-off meeting with the retained consultant was held in May. o A public meeting is being scheduled to receive the public’s input on designs for parking improvements. Ninth Street Pedestrian Bridge Rehabilitation Project o City Council awarded the project to the lowest responsible bidder, J&H Engineering General Contractors, Inc., at its August 25, 2014 meeting. o Work is anticipated to commence this month. Carpinteria Avenue and Casitas Pass Road Pavement Rehabilitation Project o City Council awarded this project to the lowest responsible bidder, Toro Enterprises, Inc., at its August 25, 2014 meeting. o Work is anticipated to commence this month. Bicycle Master Plan/Active Transportation Plan o Public Works is updating this recently completed document by adding a pedestrian element. The updated document’s name will be changed to address the state and federal Active Transportation Program that replaced the Safe Routes to School and Bicycle Transportation Account grant program. G:\Users\KEVIN\MEMOS\Status Reports\October 2014.doc Public Works will continue to work on several other projects including the Carpinteria Avenue Bus Stop Improvements (at Elm Avenue) and the Camino Trillado Sidewalk Repair and Tree Replacement Project. Solid Waste – The Public Works Department will be amending the definition of unscheduled waste hauler in Chapter 8.08, Integrated Waste Management section of the Carpinteria Municipal Code, to include both permit and franchise options for unscheduled waste hauling services. Watershed Management – The annual report for Phase II MS4’s for FY 13/14 will be due to the State Water Board on October 15, 2014. This report will be submitted through the SMARTS database, and regional program managers are currently waiting for a response to comments on the draft report template. Once the final version is released, it will be completed and uploaded into the SMARTS database. Business inspections, required under the State Phase II MS4 permit, began in June and will continue into the fall. Carpinteria is also working with other agencies in the region to develop a Community-Based Social Market pilot project and a water quality monitoring program, both of which are required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Regional coordination on developing and implementing programs like these will help keep costs low for both projects. STREET MAINTENANCE DIVISION October 2014 Work Plan Avocado Festival Banner Installations Avocado Festival Event Set-up & Break-down Arts Council Banner Installations Avocado Festival Banner Installations Tree Tour CDS Unit Clean-outs (by contractor) 7th Street Asphalt Repairs (continues) Downtown Sidewalk Steam Cleaning Tree Watering (continues) Weed Abatement (continues) Stop & Stop Bar Stencil Painting (continues) Red Curb Painting (continues) C O M M U N I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P AR T M E N T DIRECTOR’S REPORT PLANNING & BUILDING Planning Commission – The meeting will be canceled in October. The Commission’s next regular meeting will be on Monday, November 3rd, at which meeting the Commission will consider a Lot Line Adjustment between two vacant parcels at the southwest intersection of Cramer Circle and Via Real. Companion applications for two G:\Users\KEVIN\MEMOS\Status Reports\October 2014.doc single-family dwellings on these two lots will be acted on by the Director after recordation of the Lot Line Adjustment. Architectural Review Board – The ARB will meet on Thursday, October 16, 2014, to review an addition to a single-family dwelling on Third Street in the Beach Neighborhood. Other agenda items will be added as we get closer to the meeting date. The ARB will hold its November meeting on November 13, 2014. City Council – At its first meeting in October, the Council will consider options to address oil and gas drilling from within the City. Options range from leaving the current regulations in place that allow onshore drilling to adopting changes to the zoning code to prohibit drilling. At the second meeting, CDD will present the Annual Bob Hansen Creeks Program Status Report and the Housing Element Update. This will provide an opportunity for the Council to hear from staff about possible options for discussing whether the development standards for second dwelling units ought to be modified to make more lots eligible for a second unit through a reduced lot size requirement or other measure to remove some of the challenges to providing more second units in the City. SBCAG – At the September meeting, the TPAC and TTAC discussed the topic of the proposed CEQA Guidelines change to use vehicle miles traveled instead of level of service as a threshold for determining whether a project causes a significant impact to traffic. This methodology eliminates congestion as a consideration and is problematic for several reasons. Comments will be submitted to the state Office of Planning and Research on the topic. The Santa Barbara Association of Governments will host its monthly Technical Planning Advisory Committee (TPAC) meeting on October 2nd. Joint Cities – County Housing Task Group – The group met on September 11th at the City of Goleta (this quarterly meeting was rescheduled from its regular date of July 24th). Councilmember Shaw attended along with Community Development Director Jackie Campbell. The group shared information relative to the status of their Housing Elements and other ongoing housing development programs and projects in each of the south coast jurisdictions. The next meeting will be hosted by the County of Santa Barbara and will be held on October 23rd. A potential topic of discussion will be the use of infrastructure financing districts to fund affordable housing projects. The group also discussed inviting a representative from Santa Barbara City College and UCSB to attend future meetings. Paredon Project – On September 11th, staff determined that the Paredon Project application submitted by Venoco, Inc. was complete for processing. Staff sent a Request for Proposal to Marine Research Specialists to determine the cost and timeline for preparation of a new Environmental Impact Report. Staff will bring an Agreement for Services to the Council for consideration once the City and Venoco have had a chance to review a Scope of Work and cost estimate for the EIR which will use information from the 2008 proposed final EIR also prepared by MRS. Other information relative to the current baseline conditions, etc., will be updated in the new EIR. South Coast HOV Lanes – Caltrans certified the Final EIR for the South Coast HOV Lanes project which proposes the widening of Highway 101 from Carpinteria to Montecito. A copy of the document (four volumes) is available for review at City Hall, the Carpinteria Public Library, and online at the Caltrans website: G:\Users\KEVIN\MEMOS\Status Reports\October 2014.doc ( Copies of the document may be obtained by contacting Caltrans Senior Environmental Planner Jason Wilkinson at (805) 542-4663 or Due to the size of the document (approximately 1,600 pages), CDs are the preferred format if you request a copy. The PDT continues to meet to discuss the project, though no formal Coastal Development Permit application has been submitted as yet. Given the encroachments into wetlands within the City along the US 101 corridor, the project cannot receive permits until a Local Coastal Program Amendment is processed through City and Coastal Commission review. This step of the process is being accomplished through review of the Linden Avenue – Casitas Pass Road Interchanges Project. CODE COMPLIANCE Pini Buildings – The City Attorney’s Office continues to work with Mr. Pini’s attorney to find resolution to the matter of the outstanding administrative costs and penalties assessed against Mr. Pini’s Carpinteria multi-family properties. These administrative costs and penalties were assessed for Mr. Pini’s failure to comply with Compliance Orders addressing various substandard conditions at the properties. Staff will continue to issue citations for public nuisance items at these properties while this negotiation goes on. New Crossing Guard at Aliso School – The Crossing Guard at Aliso School has let the City know that he will be vacating his position shortly. Training for the new Crossing Guard will commence in October for service at the crosswalk located on Seventh Street across from Reynolds Avenue. Single-Family Rental Housing Inspection Program – Zone 4 of the Rental Housing Program commenced in September with inspections in the area inland of the highway between Linden Avenue and Casitas Pass Road. Notices were mailed to 55 property owners, and 12 homes are no longer being rented out and are owner occupied. Eleven property owners have paid the inspection fee and inspections are pending in late September and October for these 11 properties. Nelson – Through the help of our foster care volunteer Lee Heller, Nelson finally got adopted into a great home with another small dog he met at Summerland Beach. The two play together nicely and his family will take them for walks every day. He waited five months for this home; and it’s a good one! Best wishes to Nelson and his new family, and thanks to Lee. Tigre – This young female Pit Bull is all about love. Abandoned by a homeless couple when suffering an illness, Animal Control Officers took the dog to Animal Medical Clinic where she recovered very quickly. She is very shy at first, and will curl up in a corner while she gets comfortable around new people. But then, be prepared to have some fun play time throwing the ball or stick and getting some long, wet tongue kisses from sweet Tigre. If you are interested in fostering or adopting a pet, please contact David Hernandez at 6845405, x418 or by email at We can always use more volunteers! G:\Users\KEVIN\MEMOS\Status Reports\October 2014.doc P AR K S & R E C R E AT I O N Carpinteria Community Pool – The Carpinteria Community Pool will be having its first session of 3rd grade swim lessons. Each year the 3rd graders from Aliso and Canalino participate in swim lessons to educate the youth of Carpinteria on swim and water safety. Teachers combine classes and come in the afternoon for half-hour swim lessons with their students. Classes are taught by the pool’s team of professionally- trained lifeguards and teach the students how to be a safe swimmer and the basics of water safety. The classes will continue through November and start back up in March. The Carpinteria Aquatics Club has been excited for the upcoming swim season as they enter their first swim meet in late October. The CAC has had a couple of additional coaches added to the team this summer for water polo and swim and are ready to hit the pool deck. The club has also added an additional Wednesday practice to the Bronze “novelist group” to get in extra day in the water for the kids. New Sanitation System – The Carpinteria Community Pool has just installed an ozone pool water sanitation system, making it the only local public pool using this advanced technology. The accomplishment is another big step in the City of Carpinteria’s effort to make the Carpinteria pool the most sustainable public pool in the region. Ozone is not only a superior water disinfectant, it also helps purify the water, making it crystal clear. The traditional use of chlorine bleach leaves nasty disinfection byproducts behind, the kind that makes your eyes burn and hair green. With no buildup of harmful chemicals in the pool’s water, the pool water can be exchanged less frequently helping to conserve in the drought. Use of ozone also saves on operational costs, reduces traffic and reduces the pool’s carbon footprint. The Pool’s schedule for October will continue its summer hours on Saturdays. Currently the pool is open Saturdays from 10am till 4pm, but as fall and winter arrives, the hours on weekends shorten to 2pm. Since the weather and the attendance of swimmers has been promising, the Carpinteria Community Pool will do a trial run the month of October with extended lap and recreational swimming on Saturdays! Seaside Park Project The project will be closed out and deemed complete in October. The Holly Avenue Lifeguard Tower The concrete base of the tower has been ordered and the detailed shop drawing is expected in October. The project will replace the Holly Avenue tower with a more capable design and is scheduled for completion in March of 2015. The Carpinteria Garden Sustainability Faire G:\Users\KEVIN\MEMOS\Status Reports\October 2014.doc The Parks Department is sponsoring a Sustainability Faire that will demonstrate good homegardening practices. The event will be held at the vacant lot adjacent to the Spot Restaurant on Saturday, October 18th. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/FINANCE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM To: Fidela Garcia, City Clerk From: John Thornberry, City Treasurer Date: 9/30/2014 Subject: Cash Report – Government Code 41004 In accordance with California Government Code Section 41004, attached please find a schedule showing Cash Disbursements, Cash Receipts and Ending Cash Balances for each fund of the City for the periods beginning May 31, 2014 through June 30, 2014. Also in accordance with CGC 41004 I request that a copy of this report be filed with the City Council at your earliest convenience. G:\Users\KEVIN\MEMOS\Status Reports\October 2014.doc City of Carpinteria Treasurer's Cash Report 05/31/2014 Fund Cash 06/30/2014 Disbursements Receipts Change Cash 10 General 11 Traffic Safety 13 General Reserve 15 Replacement/Repair Reserve 20 Revolving 21 Replacement 22 Park Development 23 Park Maintenance 25 Gas Tax 26 Local Transportation 27 Measure A 28 Tidelands Trust 29 Street Lighting 31 Trust & Agency 33 Right of Way 38 PBIA 39 AB939 41 Measure D 42 Capital Improvement 48 Recreation Services 5,519,596.05 (9,115.64) 1,063,382.87 1,017,489.95 (1,040,619.80) 1,735.90 888.84 200.48 1,031,969.23 33.30 0.00 650.00 (8,650.57) 1,769.20 888.84 850.48 5,510,945.48 (7,346.44) 1,064,271.71 1,018,340.43 26,671.67 8,126.43 15,445.41 14,526.00 28,120.15 39,244.97 1,087,038.10 243,459.65 969,623.01 2,772,565.21 (42,530.31) 21,311.89 316,226.86 1,071,940.96 1,018,524.12 4,589.28 (99,672.19) 6.79 (43,203.91) (156,528.47) 73,899.53 1,402.53 62,726.95 32,055.36 (10,984.80) (20,303.22) (92,789.16) 17,224.45 (8,823.34) 895.99 (7,563.27) (145,503.62) 0.00 0.00 13,746.90 28,445.43 0.00 279.26 43,079.40 1,558.96 0.00 390.00 462.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,104.67 0.00 (99,672.19) 6.79 (29,457.01) (128,083.04) 73,899.53 1,681.79 105,806.35 33,614.32 (10,984.80) (19,913.22) (92,326.49) 17,224.45 (8,823.34) 895.99 22,541.40 (145,503.62) (73,000.52) 8,133.22 (14,011.60) (113,557.04) 102,019.68 40,926.76 1,192,844.45 277,073.97 958,638.21 2,752,651.99 (134,856.80) 38,536.34 307,403.52 1,072,836.95 1,041,065.52 (140,914.34) Total 15,186,236.63 (1,434,954.96) 1,150,719.82 (284,235.14) 14,902,001.49 G:\Users\KEVIN\MEMOS\Status Reports\October 2014.doc
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