211N. Jonesville Street P.O. Box 148 Montpelier, Ohio 43543 Phone (419) 485-5543 Fax (419) 485-4947 October 10, 2014 AGENDA NO. 19 - 2014 Agenda for Monday, October 13,2014 Regular Meeting - 6:00pm at the Montpelier Police Department 1. Call to Order 2. Roll call 3. Prayer 4. Pledge of Allegiance 5. Miss Elayna Hasty founder of G.A.B. Girls - Proclamation on Anti-Bullying 6. Approve the Agenda for October 13, 2014 (Motion) 7. Approve the Minutes for September 22,2014 Council Meeting (Motion) 8. Approve Financial Reports for September 2014 (Motion) 9. Comments from Audience 10. Comments from Council 11. Approve Change Order #1 Basketball and Tennis Court Reconstruction Project for Gerken Paving, Inc. for $2,500.00 (Motion) 12. Executive Session to discuss Personnel and reserving the right to discuss other matters 13. Approve Fire Applicant Devon Cohoon with a One Year Probation period (Motion) 14. Approve Fire Applicant Matthew Smith with a One Year Probation period (Motion) 15. Approve Reinstatement of Lauren Hendricks to the Fire Department with a One Year Probation (Motion) 16. Income Tax report 17. Adjourn PUBLIC POWER MEMBER COMMUNITY Village of Montpelier Website: www.montpelieroh.net American Municipal Power, Inc. American Water Works Association American Public Power Association Minutes September 22, 2014 Mayor Steve Yagelski called the Regular Meeting of the Council for the Village of Montpelier to order on Monday, September 22, 2014 at 6:00p.m. Roll call was conducted and the following Council Members were present: Mr. Dan Clum, Mrs. Laura Gray, Mr. Delmar Karnes, Mr. Dan Willis, and Mr. Jim Rockey. Mr. Nathan Thompson, absent. Pastor Paul Gruetter offered a word of prayer and then everyone in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Yagelski read a Proclamation for Public Power Week which is October 5th thru October 11th and one for Fire Prevention Week for October 5th through October 11th. Mayor Yagelski feels it’s fitting that Public Power and Fire Prevention are honored during the same week. Mrs. Laura Gray moved and Mr. Dan Clum seconded a motion to approve the agenda for September 22, 2014. Vote on motion: All ayes Mr. Jim Rockey moved and Mrs. Laura Gray seconded a motion to approve the minutes for the September 8, 2014 council meeting. Vote on motion: All ayes Mrs. Laura Gray moved and Mr. Dan Clum seconded a motion to approve the Public Hearing minutes from September 22, 2014 to rezone property. Vote on motion: All ayes Mayor Yagelski welcomed the Montpelier High School Seniors to the meeting. He advised all citizens in attendance to feel free to ask questions during the meeting. Mrs. Lucas introduced Ms. Jessica Smith. Ms. Smith received a nuisance complaint because of a large amount of wood pallets that were in her backyard. She sent information to the Village officials stating that they were going to be used for a “Haunt for Hunger”. Ms. Smith recently moved here from Kentucky. Ms. Smith came to Council to address the concerns and questions they had about the issue. Ms. Smith stated that she has conducted a “Haunt for Hunger” for five years where she lived before. She provided proof of liability insurance and gave a detailed description of how the haunt was conducted, the safety measures in place in case someone was too scared to continue through the structure, and water available in case of a fire, but there will be no electricity in the structure. She stated that there is no monetary fee to go through the haunted rooms, just a donation that will be given to the Helping Hands Food Pantry. She stated that she has local businesses helping her as much as possible. Two Brother supplied the pallets; Hammer Athletics supplied shirts and candy, etc. She has notified the schools of the project and this is run entirely by volunteers. The structure will be 35’ x 34’ and have four rooms. After Halloween, the pallets structure will be taken down by October 30th and stored at a location in Michigan. She did contact Mrs. Laura Gray about the Main Street Park and other activities in the Village, and stated that next year she would like to incorporate something into the Village’s events. Council members commended her on her presentation and stated that they could tell this wasn’t her first time putting on this type of event. Ms. Smith stated that neighbors have been great and have even helped to assemble the structure. Mrs. Gray stated that she is looking forward to Ms. Smith participating in the Village activities next year when Halloween will be on Halloween, October 31st. Page 1 of 3 Village of Montpelier Council minutes for September 22, 2014 Mr. Dan Willis moved and Mr. Delmar Karnes seconded a motion to not pursue the nuisance complaint against Ms. Smith as long as the pallet structure is torn down and removed by October 30th. Vote on motion: All ayes. Mrs. Gray stated that the new permanent sign has been installed at the Main Street Park. The Main Street Park Committee did a very nice job of picking it out. It looks very nice! Mayor Yagelski stated that yesterday he and Councilman Willis attended the POW/MIA Recognition Ceremony. Mayor Yagelski noted that the 3rd Friday in September every year is POW/MIA day! Mayor Yagelski stated that the Fall Trash Drop off is on Saturday, October 4 th and October 11th from 8am to 1:30pm. Mr. Willis stated the new road at the industrial park is really nice. The Street Department had all the berms done today. Everyone did a nice job! Pastor Ben Harris stated on October 9th at 5:30 at the New Era Auditorium in Bryan there is a county wide meeting to discuss drug abuse in Williams County and its effect on our communities, and our families. Mr. Roan stated that WEDCO is involved with the Manufacturing Expo on October 3rd at Northwest State starting at 11:30am. Mrs. Lucas wanted to thank the Montpelier Students that participated in the WEDCO manufacturing video. Mrs. Lucas informed council that almost all of the village employees are certified in CPR and use of the AED. Mrs. Lucas addressed the letter that was in the council packets concerning Storrer Park Shelter House. Mrs. Lucas stated that just like the Main Street Park, we will need to have some type of restroom facilities at Storrer Park because of the construction of the shelter house. The Board of Appeals is asking for a letter from the Village stating it is willing to comply with the conditions after the building is turned over for their use. There has to be a concrete pad in order to place the portable restrooms on them. Mrs. Gray asked if a fence would be erected in the future to hide the portable restrooms; it was discussed and felt that we should follow the same guidelines as Main Street Park. Mrs. Laura Gray moved and Mr. Jim Rockey seconded a motion to approve the use of portable restroom facilities at Storrer Park in compliance with the conditions from the Ohio Building Board of Appeals. Vote on motion: All ayes. Mayor Yagelski wanted to thank the ministerial association for the leaders of the community that has brought this project to fruition. Pastor Gruetter wanted to thank the entire community for raising the funds to make this project a reality. Mrs. Lucas introduced Mr. John Courtney of Courtney and Associates who has been the electric, water and sewer rate consultant for many years. Mr. Courtney stated that last year we conducted a rate study and projected revenue for water and sewer to 2016. He recommended increases in the base rates, not on consumption. Council approved the two step increase and those have been implemented. Mr. Courtney stated that in reviewing the Page 2 of 3 Village of Montpelier Council minutes for September 22, 2014 information that has been received, there is still a reduction in sales, particularly on the waste water side, which are down around seven (7) percent; a shortfall of $61,000 to $83,000. Because of the decrease in revenue, he recommends that Council increase the base rates again, in the exact same manner as last year, increasing the base charges proportionally according to meter size. Mr. Courtney then addressed the power supply cost adjustment which continues to increase. The power supply costs have risen to as high as $.03 a kilowatt hour kWh) and we’re currently at $.02 to $.025; but AMP is projecting a continuing increase. The closure of some coal fired plants with an increase in the capacity of the marketplace will cause a higher price; and the polar vortex we experienced last year, and that they are predicting again this year is expected to cause some significant swings in the power supply cost. There was discussion on whether there is going to be enough power generated to cover the demand once the coal fired plants are closed, and this is a definite concern. Mr. Courtney stated that AMP, Inc. is looking into developing peaking generation projects, and he will work to make sure we will have all the power supply necessary for our community. Mayor Yagelski stated that the federal government doesn’t realize the impact shutting these coal plants down will have on the country, not only in the shortfall of energy, the loss of jobs including the transportation industry. Mrs. Lucas stated that Christmas is on Thursday and asked council if they would allow the village workers to work a full day on December 24th and have Christmas Day, December 25th and the day after Christmas, December 26th off. Mr. Dan Clum moved and Mrs. Laura Gray seconded a motion to have the village employees work a full day December 24th and have December 25th and 26th off as holidays. Vote on motion: All ayes. Mr. Jim Rockey moved and Mr. Dan Willis seconded a motion to go into Executive Session with Legal Counsel to discuss possible pending litigation. Roll call on motion: Mr. Dan Clum, yes; Mrs. Laura Gray, yes; Mr. Delmar Karnes, yes; Mr. Dan Willis, yes; Mr. Jim Rockey, yes; and Mr. Nathan Thompson, absent. Mr. Dan Willis moved and Mr. Delmar Karnes seconded a motion to return to Regular Session. Roll call on motion: Mr. Dan Clum, yes; Mrs. Laura Gray, yes; Mr. Delmar Karnes, yes; Mr. Dan Willis, yes; Mr. Jim Rockey, yes; and Mr. Nathan Thompson, yes. There being no further business to come before Council, Mr. Delmar Karnes moved and Mr. Jim Rockey seconded a motion to adjourn. Vote on motion: All ayes. ___________________________ Clerk of Council ___________________________ Mayor Page 3 of 3 CASH FUND BALANCE MONTH ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 FIRST FEDERAL BANK FIRST FEDERAL BANK-SWEEP FARMERS & MERCHANTS SOCCER DENTAL $418,928.44 $2,000,328.80 $0.00 $3,000.00 TOTAL CASH $2,422,257.24 INVESTMENTS: 5th 3rd 7340360358 CHASE-MONTPELIER WATER CHASE-MONTPELIER SEWER WRA INVESTMENTS TOTAL INVESTMENTS $170,668.46 $81,981.63 $183,222.77 $53,511.15 $7,002,251.36 PETTY CASH TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $7,491,635.37 $1,850.00 $9,915,742.61 LESS: OUTSTANDING CHECKS OUTSTANDING CHECKS (JOURNAL DATE SEPT CK DATE 10.1.14) DEPOSIT FOR 501 C 3 PLUS: INC TAX DEPOSITS POSTED TO BANK NOT BOOKS DEPOSIT IN TRANSIT NSF CHECKS UNCOLLECTED CC IN TRANSIT TOTAL CASH AVAILABLE PER BANK ($12,787.07) ($5,292.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $624.70 $9,898,288.24 TOTAL CASH AVAILABLE PER BOOKS $9,898,288.24 $0.00 I have reviewed the following financial information: _________________________________date:___________ $2,419,257.24 $161,849.78 $19,215.34 $23,183.90 $82,271.15 0.0669 0.0079 0.0096 0.0340 $328.80 $328.80 $328.80 $328.80 $22.00 $2.61 $3.15 $11.18 $38.94 $12.52 $302.38 $3.93 $3.93 $6.02 $6.02 $13.45 $13.45 $11,843.94 $11,843.94 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12,208.66 $12,208.66 201 202 205 211 101 506 507 508 53 WRA CWA CSA 101-482-001 INV 101-482-002 INV 101-482-001 101-482-002 INCOME TAX $79,516.20 0.25000000 0.37500000 0.18750000 0.18750000 $19,879.05 $29,818.58 $14,909.29 $14,909.29 $79,516.20 101-000-413-000 301-000-413-000 203-000-413-000 401-000-413-000 0.625 0.1875 0.1875 1 0.25 0.375 Montpelier Fire Department Reference Committee Recommendation Fire ChieFs Recommendation Village Manager Decision Village Council Approval Name of Applicant Address Oe Cc ~ V:Y'l ~'CP1 Date of Reference action SSN, Phom[ # _ Reference Committee Comments: , Recommendation '::n\t\k)~;$ <1.'j3;l\L"'S of Chief: 1'1\~ \~\4;", \1:):(' k s.»9-l~~ \'s\N \~ ,~\...\,~ ~\1~\~\J.s ~~'S\~ " \,\..... st)~w"1 s\.Sf~(,\.A:'~~" •• ~""-;, >< Yes Action Taken on Application No tQ k\~ +-~ _ (b',;!\N\I':~' &2>~~<;w~.\..... ~ T -\'k~f\~ s'~Sk¥J~\~J.+~ \ hief of Fire Department \ -e X \ 'c, I\~ Date 10 ~ g ...\'t Approval of One (1) Year Probationary Period Village Manager: Date ----------------- Yes, _ No Village Mayor: Date _ _ Montpelier Fire Department Reference Committee Recommendation Fire Chiefs Recommendation Village Manager Decision Village Council Approval Name of Applicant Address /\Aa.f-he<v S~''''IU Date of Reference action SSN, Phon~# Reference Committee Comments: .--/ . J1'Vlct.H _-::> t)1?",v.,) Action Taken on Application ,.,.> t' e",' /-'..;l\. I Yes IZ Approval of One (1) Year Probationary Period Village Manager: Date ----------------- _ No Yes. _ _ No--- Village Mayor: Date _ K£< I ~ s-t,~-\~fY\~~\" Montpelier Fire Department Reference Committee Recommendation Fire Chiefs Recommendation Village Manager Decision Village Council Approval He'1JI'IGks kOVreh Name of Applicant Address Date of Reference action SSN _ Reference Committee Comments: bk,> ?) .;i~ • O//f.) ...:..t.Jli..-..L'.,::,/l..r.;;"';;':-.l,.;.' s';9'u dw~;; ,It>tfM1hLltJ. Jik.~ '-c.vn., ,J;) ,11:'( ,;.. f ,/'.:;!~.;..;It'.~.{ •••' --J:iWi:..L.L.' ,).{ +,,,,,,1,1£ ':"""~"--~~~=~---'-="--"-"'--.I::I' ,'-,\,A", '),- 0,/1:.,'/" ;":,,,t,.;.J--:.,b""'::'--...Lte,::;;."'..:;,f>t:....! ~\A:.;.}",,"<~o:;.::.'-'"""Ct.",-i--,-ft..;.;:'e~/:> Reference Committee Members Chairman ~::37;¢;;4 :Mtt;.~t/ Action Taken on Application No Vest< _ Recommendation of Chief: ~ief of Fire Department \ \. 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Yes Approval of One (1) Year Probationary Period Village Manager: ------------ Date _ No Village Mayor: ------------- Date _ I- INCOME TAX COLLECTION COMPARISONS 2014 MONTH END SEPTEMBER 2014 January February March April May June July August September October November December January February March April May June July August September October November December 2012 Monthly Accumulated 237,029.71 237,029.71 97,235.51 334,265.22 80,967.65 415,232.87 368,077.72 783,310.59 69,165.90 852,476.49 95,302.44 947,778.93 79,149.54 1,026,928.47 215,816.88 1,242,745.35 60,871.50 1,303,616.85 246,826.22 1,550,443.07 70,383.98 1,620,827.05 92,758.00 1,713,585.05 2013 Monthly Accumulated 271,168.66 271,168.66 77,628.96 348,797.62 62,438.21 411,235.83 363,456.48 774,692.31 61,274.39 835,966.70 69,307.27 905,273.97 238,670.36 1,143,944.33 74,974.88 1,218,919.21 85,777.21 1,304,696.42 245,164.20 1,549,860.62 60,575.36 1,610,435.98 45,783.70 1,656,219.68 2012 2013 % Above or below (-) 4.79% 8.14% 5.92% 0.87% 4.79% 3.15% 21.02% 6.29% 7.42% % Above or below (-) -8.40% 3.64% 6.95% 1.99% 6.86% 7.99% 8.64% 8.37% 7.34% Monthly 248,382.84 113,096.62 78,332.10 350,277.12 103,255.43 84,259.21 265,187.73 78,100.51 79,516.20 2014 Accumulated 248,382.84 361,479.46 439,811.56 790,088.68 893,344.11 977,603.32 1,242,791.05 1,320,891.56 1,400,407.76 ICFRCRPT 2014/09/30 12:48:17 VILLAGE OF MONTPELIER Pa IT Cash Recapitulation Report BASE YEAR 2014 DEPOSIT DATE DIRECT BUSINESS DEPOSITS DIRECT INDIVIDUAL DEPOSITS TOTAL DIRECT I/B DEPOSITS WITHHOLDING DEPOSITS TOTAL ALL DEPOSITS 01/2014 01/2013 01/2012 19744.55 19435.70 12487.50 7007.24 8909.98 9030.97 26751.79 28345.68 21518.47 221631.05 242822.98 215511.24 248382.84 271168.66 237029.71 02/2014 02/2013 02/2012 6126.16 673.00 922.67 14904.95 15131.39 23334.78 21031.11 15804.39 24257.45 92065.51 61824.57 72978.06 113096.62 77628.96 97235.51 46 16 03/2014 03/2013 03/2012 25681.06 5534.29 13226.52 25813.37 30001.49 24547.51 51494.43 35535.78 37774.03 26837.67 26902.43 43193.62 78332.10 62438.21 80967.65 25 3- 04/2014 04/2013 04/2012 56020.77 47499.23 108885.92 93266.35 89437.60 72415.73 149287.12 136936.83 181301.65 200990.00 226519.65 186776.07 350277.12 363456.48 368077.72 45- 05/2014 05/2013 05/2012 2547.84 725.10 486.23 8375.88 6273.75 8308.64 10923.72 6998.85 8794.87 92331.71 54275.54 60371.03 103255.43 61274.39 69165.90 69 49 06/2014 06/2013 06/2012 45113.69 39783.31 27374.61 11945.36 7002.10 4900.64 57059.05 46785.41 32275.25 27200.16 22521.86 63027.19 84259.21 69307.27 95302.44 22 12- 07/2014 07/2013 07/2012 3299.00 1201.50 2179.59 17513.41 15019.84 9037.03 20812.41 16221.34 11216.62 244375.32 222449.02 67932.92 265187.73 238670.36 79149.54 08/2014 08/2013 08/2012 2803.00 1811.00 4276.40 7759.95 11225.33 13628.08 10562.95 13036.33 17904.48 67537.56 61938.55 197912.40 78100.51 74974.88 215816.88 4 64- 09/2014 09/2013 09/2012 62433.84 49740.50 36225.15 4648.23 5489.96 8428.66 67082.07 55230.46 44653.81 12434.13 30546.75 16217.69 79516.20 85777.21 60871.50 731 10/2014 10/2013 10/2012 0.00 1567.00 3406.25 0.00 12120.30 13807.01 0.00 13687.30 17213.26 0.00 231476.90 229612.96 0.00 245164.20 246826.22 100100- 11/2014 11/2013 11/2012 0.00 304.00 597.00 0.00 5472.16 5395.47 0.00 5776.16 5992.47 0.00 54799.20 64391.51 0.00 60575.36 70383.98 100100- 12/2014 12/2013 12/2012 0.00 22511.52 60331.75 0.00 4403.76 3257.92 0.00 26915.28 63589.67 0.00 39137.46 29168.33 0.00 66052.74 92758.00 100100- ***2014 ***2013 ***2012 223769.91 190786.15 270399.59 191234.74 210487.66 196092.44 415004.65 401273.81 466492.03 985403.11 1275214.91 1247093.02 1400407.76 1676488.72 1713585.05 1618- PCT +/85 11 235
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