Saints Alive No 29 Term 4 10 October 2014 GROWING THROUGH GRACE; LEARNING THROUGH LOVE From the Headmaster What a glorious time of year to be resuming the things we love most at All Saints – helping children to thrive and flourish, finding new ways to improve our performance as teachers, coaches and role models and sharing together that nurturing sense of gratitude for the abundance of gifts that come our way each and every day. I can hardly think of a better way to start the term than to have the inestimable privilege of listening to our extraordinary Year 12 musicians undertake their formal performance pieces on Monday and Tuesday evening. I was only able to attend the Tuesday night session which was simply spellbinding and by all accounts, Monday evening was every bit as special. However will we manage without them next year? Their only rival for highlight of the week was the inexhaustible Mr Thewlis thinging a thong about Giveathong at the whole school athembly on Tuesday! As we head towards All Saints Day you can expect to hear regular updates about the causes we will be supporting and, as ever, I ask all members of our community to get behind this annual drive to reach out to those at home and afar who need our help. We have never yet managed to have a Giveathon box returned from every child in the School. Some I am sure would argue that even to dream such a possibility is naïve, but dream it we nonetheless will. As I mentioned at the assembly: 2 week Term 4 ends • Year 12: Friday 21 November • Prep-Year 11: Thursday 27 November Term 1 2015 starts • New Student Orientation: Friday 23 January • Whole School Starts: Tuesday 27 January MON 13 OCT Threads Fashion Show “I know that all of us struggle with difficult issues from time to time. Some of us are struggling right now. But whatever the challenges we face, it is so important that we recognise the blessings that are also showered upon us. We go to sleep in a warm bed with a full belly each night; we attend a school with a fine reputation in the local area and beyond; we are part of a community that is mutually nourishing and respectful; we live on the beautiful Gold Coast. The contributions we make on All Saints Day to reach out to others in need, each of us according to what we can manage, is our way of saying to the world that as we celebrate our special birthday and the many gifts we enjoy in our lives, the present we want most is the smiling eyes and hearts of those people in need of a friend in the world, and who will know, through our gift to them, that there is a school on the Gold Coast who is aware of their plight and anxious to help. If all you can manage is 5 cents, then give your five cents proudly, knowing that in doing so you become part of an enterprise that is so much bigger than anything we can achieve as individuals. And when we read out all those letters of gratitude that we receive from the people and organizations we are able to help, and when speakers visit our school to tell us about the amazing things they have been able to do as a result of our gift, know that you have been a part of something that ennobles us a school, and which sends such a clear message to the wider community about the values for which we stand.” TUESDAY 14 Y4-6 After School Sport Y4 Excursion Year 6 Camp (14-17 Oct) Diploma of Business Information Session WEDNESDAY 15 Y10 – 12 Sport Training Y11 Family Eucharist So please, let’s do what we can to help this year in the certain knowledge that every cent raised goes directly to the people who desperately need it. Meanwhile I trust we are all enjoying this sensational sunshine and delighting in the uplifting effect it has on our spirits. There is such a positive energy around the School at present, evidenced in the excited chatter and laughter that seems to drift across the campus like a welcome breeze. It will be a busy term of course, not least because it is relatively short and there is much to be done. Yet, as ever, there is also much to celebrate. We are beginning to brace ourselves for the poignant farewelling of the Class of 2014 who have been such a wonderful influence in the School for so many years. They are ready for what lies ahead and excited to approach the beginning of this next stage on their journey, but whether we are quite ready to let them go is another matter altogether! Let me end by offering a sincere vote of thanks to the patient, courteous and safe manner in which our School parents have been negotiating the dreaded car park in recent times. I know we still get hold-ups at times of peak activity but your forbearance at such times has been exemplary and, thanks to you, we seem to be dropping off and picking up our precious children in as smooth and efficient way as we possibly can. Thank you. Patrick S Wallas, Headmaster THURSDAY 16 Y4-6 APS Sport Y9 ‘Rave in the Cave’ All Saints Anglican School ABN 64 010 643 857 Highfield Drive, Merrimac, Queensland 4226 Telephone: +61 7 5530 2855 FRIDAY 17 Prep Excursion Y7-12 Sport v King’s Junior School FROM THE ASSISTANT HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL JUNIOR SCHOOL LED SIGN Parents who drive in to the Junior School car park will notice that the LED sign on the Prep blue wall, which is so handy in passing on messages and reminders, has not been working now for several months. We are aware of this and we are currently waiting on a replacement (which must be slowly sailing its way to us on a leaky boat from China!). We hope to have a new sign in place by the end of this year or at least for the commencement of the 2015 academic year. In the meantime parents can keep abreast of School news by ‘liking’ us on Facebook or by following us on twitter CAMPS Next week, our Year 6 students will head off to their camp at the Noosa North Shore Retreat. It is a great camp for our older students with obtainable, but quite challenging, physical activities. I can’t stress too highly the benefits of a structured camping programme in developing children’s social, emotional and physical growth. This was only too evident to me when I accompanied the Year 4 children on their camp at the end of last term. The increase in confidence and self-belief that those students gained from trying and persevering with new and unfamiliar activities was gratifying to see. New skills were formed (who ever thought I would ride a horse at my age!). New friendships were made and the children learned to be more understanding and forgiving with each other as they lived in close proximity over three days. Home sickness was overcome and fussy eaters realised that they can’t always choose what they want to eat! Staff give up a lot to accompany your children on camp. They leave their own family, eat the food that the kids eat, console crying children, bandage scrapes and bruises and all while they are on call for 24 hours a day. They do this because they believe in the benefits of the camping programme, they know that your children will be better for the experience. Saints Alive It should be noted in relation to camp that one trap for unsuspecting parents is to immediately ask how the camp was when children step off the bus - the automatic answer to this may very well be negative and, the older the child, the more likely this is to be the case. If you really want to know what sort of time a child had on camp, it is probably better to let the stories and excitement slowly come out in the child’s own time. This may be over dinner that night or even one or two days later. To put this in perspective, remember what happens when you ask a child what they did at school when you pick them up at the end of any day, they will invariably say, “Nothing!”. Year 3 parents will have received information this week about their camp which is to held over two days and one night at the Burleigh Christian Youth Camp in Week 3. We hope all students will be able to attend so that they can gain the benefits that a camp provides. MRS LEFTWICH Assistant Head of the Junior School (Pre Prep - Year 2), Mrs Michelle Leftwich, will be on leave from Friday 10 – Thursday 23 October. While Michelle, is away please feel free to discuss any Early Childhood issues with me or with Mrs Rebecca Collie, my other Assistant Head of Junior School. CALLING FRIENDLY DOG OWNERS We have a programme that runs in the Junior School called Story Dogs. In this programme, a parent and their dog come to the School once a week for an hour or two for the academic year and hear children read to their dog. Dogs of course are totally non-judgemental and children who struggle with their reading often are more comfortable reading to a dog. There is also the novelty value of this which is a bit of a motivational factor for children to read. One of our long term Story Dog mums is retiring at the end of this year as her child is currently in Year 12. We would be very keen to hear from any All Saints parents who would like to become a story dog handler. The requirements are that you need a child friendly dog and be willing to undertake some training (at no cost to you) in hearing children read. The commitment would be for the 2015 academic year for one to two hours per week on a regular day and time to suit you. If you are interested, please contact Mrs Jen Robin in our Ed Support Department on Rod Case, Head of Junior School BIRTHDAY BOOKS Happy birthday and many thanks for your wonderful birthday book donations: Ariana Sinner 1D, Harriet McIvor 1W, William de Ambrosis 1B and Sienna Hepburn 3F. Your lovely books shall be treasured. Pam Reardon, Junior School Librarian Junior School 10 October 2014 - Page 2 Middle School FROM THE HEAD OF MIDDLE SCHOOL ACADEMIC PRIZES: CELEBRATION EVENINGS At the various Parent Information Evenings to start the year, we explained the raft of teaching initiatives being implemented in the Middle School to improve transparency and equity when it comes to application of Standards of Achievement. We spoke of the intention to compare ‘apples with apples’ so that, by the end of the year, students would have attempted the same tasks, under the same conditions, assessed and moderated in the same way. We also flagged the following benchmarks for a student to be eligible to receive an ‘Academic Prize’: • In Year 7 and 8, taking into account all Summative assessment tasks completed across both semesters, a student who has attained a B+ average in English, History, Mathematics and Science; • In Year 9, taking into account all Summative assessment tasks completed across both semesters, a student who has attained a B+ average in English, History, Mathematics and Science, plus a B+ average across their four Elective subjects for the year. Core subjects (plus Languages), being studied over both semesters, would thus carry twice the ‘weight’ of an Elective subject which is studied over one semester only. There’s a lot to unpack here, but perhaps the most vexing questions are as follows: “What counts as ‘Summative’ assessment?”: Students have completed a kaleidoscope of tasks throughout the year – all valid and important steps in their learning journey – but each Core subject has clearly designated one or two ‘Summative’ tasks each term. These tasks were characterised by a task sheet (with accompanying rubric/ marking schema) and were cross-marked and moderated by the relevant teaching team, under the supervision of a designated Curriculum Co-ordinator. “How do we ‘average’ out the marks?”: Monday 27 October (Week 4) will be the cut-off in terms of Summative assessment tasks contributing to your child’s eligibility for an Academic Prize; however, any tasks completed after that date will still contribute to their end-of-year report. During Week 4, staff will globalise results across all the Standard Elaborations Saints Alive we have been assessing to arrive at an interim Standard of Achievement for each subject. Some students, on profile, will clearly meet the requirements of the B+ average, but no doubt there will be some borderline candidates who might be painfully close to the designated cut-off point. In these instances, there will be extensive consultation and reviewing of assessment tasks by the relevant Core teacher, Year Level Co-ordinator and Curriculum Coordinator to ensure that the final list of awardees appropriately reflects the expectations of the assessment programme negotiated by each year level this year. The finalised list of award recipients will be acknowledged, in alphabetical order, at their respective Celebration Evening. It is important to note, though, that the number of Academic Prizes awarded each year may vary, but the standards and criteria for eligibility (a B+ average) will not. In addition to Academic Prizes, we will also award ‘Citizenship’ and ‘Endeavour’ Prizes to students across the cohort. Please note: there is no restriction on the number of students in each class who may receive any of the three major prizes on offer. We sincerely hope that the process outlined above will allow students to continue to set high academic goals and know, with great assurance, if they are on line to meet their targets. If you have any questions, though, please contact either your child’s Core Teacher or me at LITTLE BIG IDEA If you’re a fan of Channel 7’s Sunrise programme, you might have been a little startled to see a young man in an All Saints Middle School uniform front and centre last week. Reece Hopley (Year 8) made it to the ‘final 3’ in the Year 7/8 division of the Origin Energy ‘Little Big Ideas’ competition with his proposal to harness the pyro-electric capabilities of the gemstone tourmaline to recharge batteries. Not only did he conceive of this amazing concept … he is fully conversant in the Science behind it. Don’t believe me? Check out this link from 2:14 onwards Middle School Long story short: Reece won his division and now travels with his family to the USA for a week to visit NASA, Disneyworld and the main Ripley’s Believe It Or Not Museum. This is a remarkable achievement and we are so very proud of and excited for him! BIENVENUE À LA MAISON/ ‘OKAERI NASAI/HUAN YING HUI JIA/ WELCOME HOME Over the holidays, it was wonderful to log on to the School webpages and follow the adventures of three different groups of Middle School tourists – Mesdames Spinella and Rose and our Year 9 New Caledonia exchange students; Sensei Dalton and her band of Year 9/10 Japanese tourists, and Lăoshī Wilkes and Mr Callaghan, and their large group of Year 9/10 Chinese expeditionaries. All three groups spent an extended period of time soaking up an amazing array of cultural experiences and I encourage you to read their recounts in this edition of Saints Alive. Many thanks to all the staff involved for their care, organisation, commitment and patience … all freely given during their own ‘holiday break’. CLASS ALLOCATIONS: 2015 A reminder that next Monday 13 October (Week 2, Term 4) is the deadline for submitting to me, in writing, any requests you might have regarding the class placement of your children in 2015. Please access the Parent Portal to read the archived Saints Alive article on this topic (Week 7, Term 3) or, alternatively, you may request a hard copy of the School’s rationale regarding requests from the Middle School Office. YEAR 8 TO YEAR 9 2015 SUBJECT SELECTION FORMS A reminder that next Monday 13 October is also the deadline for all Year 8 students to hand in their Subject Selection form to their Core Teacher. 10 October 2014 - Page 3 MIDDLE SCHOOL CELEBRATION EVENINGS In the Middle School, each year level gets to celebrate their very own Celebration Evening whereby we recognise outstanding student contributions in the areas of Academic performance, Community Service and Citizenship. Please mark the following date claimers in your diaries: • Year 7 Celebration Evening and Art Show: Thursday 30 October (Week 4) • Year 8 Celebration Evening and Art Show: Wednesday 5 November (Week 5) • Year 9 Graduation and Art Show: Friday 7 November (Week 5) It is an expectation that every Middle School student attends their relevant celebration evening and all parents and siblings are also warmly invited to attend. Tickets are free but need to be booked at Please note: there is no need to book a seat for your Middle Schooler if it is their respective Celebration Evening (we have already allocated seating for the cohort being featured). Also, in order to guarantee every family a place, we ask you to try to keep to a ‘four seat quota’. If you definitely need more than four seats, please contact Mrs Michelle Trainor in the Middle School Office STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS Alex Sinclair (Year 7) recently competed at the National Schools Skiing Titles, racing in the combined Year 7/8 division and placing 37th out of 65 competitors. This is a remarkable effort … especially for a young man from the sunny Gold Coast – a place renowned for its surf rather than its snow drifts! A reminder that if there are any notable extra-curricular achievements you’d like acknowledged, please phone/email the Middle School Office and pass on the details. LOOKING AHEAD IN THE MIDDLE SCHOOL Week 2 • Monday 13 October: APS Summer Sport Training (3.30-4.45), Threads Fashion Parade (7.00pm; HPE Centre) • Thursday 16 October: Year 9 ‘Rave in the Cave’ (7.00-9.00pm; Dell’Arte Theatre) • Friday 17 October: APS Sport (Round 4 v King’s) Week 3 • Monday 20 October: APS Summer Sport Training (3.30-4.45) • Wednesday 22 October: Year 7 (2015): Student Orientation/Parent Information Morning (9.00-11.00am: Middle School Lecture Theatre) • Friday 24 October: Inter-House Quiz; APS Sport (Round 5 v Somerset). Todd Harm, Head of Middle School THE FINAL COUNTDOWN A warm welcome back to the students and families in the Middle School as we begin our fourth and final term in the 2014 academic year. Following what I trust was an enjoyable and relaxing mid–semester break, it is important that our attentions are now turned towards individual goal setting for Term 4, efficient time-management and organisation, application to the task at hand and a firm commitment to strive to reach realistic goals and academic potential. A positive and diligent approach to the academic programme can only result in attaining a feeling of personal satisfaction and the intrinsic reward associated with hard work and determined commitment. All Middle School students are encouraged to aim for the stars and finish the academic year strongly. WHAT IS CYBERBULLYING? “Cyberbullying is a way of delivering covert psychological bullying. It uses information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated and hostile behaviour, by an individual or group that is intended to harm others.” Bill Belsey 2007 Cyberbullying can be described as any harassment, insults and humiliation that occurs through the electronic mediums such as email, mobile phones, social networking sites, instant messaging programs, chat rooms, web-sites and through the playing of online games. Saints Alive Forms of Cyberbullying can include: • Harassing and threatening messages • Sending nasty SMS, IM’s pictures or prank phone calls • Using person’s screen name or password to pretend to be them • Forwarding others’ private emails, messages, pictures or videos • Posting mean or nasty comments or pictures • Sending sexually explicit images – ‘sexting’ • Intentionally excluding others from an online group. Parents are encouraged to actively promote responsible digital citizenship at all times and to regularly monitor any online communication as a means to averting and avoiding potentially damaging actions or behaviours. ABOUT GENERATION NEXT Generation Next is a social enterprise dedicated to protecting and enhancing the mental health and wellbeing of young people and their community. Generation Next, in association with Australia’s leading experts on children and teenagers, is working towards tackling the myriad of social, cultural and emotional challenges affecting the young people in today’s increasingly complex world. Their goal is to increase public awareness and understanding about key issues that children and young people face, and to promote and inspire tangible change, through the provision of authoritative, up to date, and practicallyrelevant information, strategies and advice. Each year a number of key staff from the Middle School attend the Generation Next conference at Bond University on the Gold Coast as a means to staying abreast of current research into the mental health and wellbeing of young people and to access the information and strategies provided by leading experts in the field. Parents are encouraged to subscribe to the Generation Next newsletter by logging on to This publication is free and very valuable. Julie Deane, Assistant Head of Middle School (Pastoral Care) 10 October 2014 - Page 4 ICAS MATHS RESULTS The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) are skills-based assessments completed within a competition context. The 2014 ICAS Maths assessed students’ skills and knowledge across five strands: Algebra and Patterns; Chance and Data; Measures and Units; Number and Arithmetic, and Space and Geometry. All Saints Middle School has once again demonstrated a capacity to perform at an exceptional standard in external competitions, further reinforcing the value of our current curriculum direction and initiatives in providing opportunity to build upon the core learning experience and improving student outcomes. Thank you to all participants, and congratulations to the following certificate recipients: Year 7 • High Distinction: Declan Barry, Cate Cameron, Juliet Chung, Connor Lu, Maria Suzuki • Distinction: Monica Chen, Caitlin Dorrough, Madison Eggins, Skagen Fielding, Angus Hitchcock, Adrian Jih, Liam Lee, Neta Murphy, Indraneel Sikder, Alex Sinclair, Jackson Wuoti, Jason Yang • Credit: Nicholas Chen, Samuel Gates, Izma Haider, Meg Jones, Harrison Katsenevas, Brian Lieu, Ben Lim, Connor Mclaren-Kennedy, Sarah Raftery, Liam Smith, Sebastian Younan Year 8 • Distinction: Zane Beattie, Olivia Broadley, Jason Fan, Nina Fan, Daniela Gaspar, Lily Kenway, Brian Ko, Kelvin Nakahashi, Caitlin Ross, Sam Shaw, Soobin Won, Alan Xue, Bianca Zhang • Credit: Kira Bailey, Kiarni Burton, Jackson Chang, Josh Chirio, Samson Conochie, Tayla Coulson, Hudson Frigo, Kevin Kim, Jessica Lawand, Julie Pessa, Koagul Ravirajah, Joshua Rushton, Veronika Semmelrock, Adam Smith, Matthew Taylor Year 9 • High Distinction: William Choy, Kieran Hamley, Daniel Jones, Sharwel Lei • Distinction: Aki Barry, Clare Cameron, Thejan Elankayer, Liam Harris, Emily Jacobs, Alan Lieu, Beau Lyndon, Anthony Wallace, Chantal Zhao • Credit: Georgie Barnao, Alec Brand, Claire Callaghan, Daniel Campbell, Lucy Coccetti, Daisy Fielding, Edgar Goakes, Han Cao, Nicholaus Harding, Jacob Henderson, Prudence Mason, Meaghan Mcleod, Sam Pitman, Anna Rhee, Felix Tan, Kevin Zhou. Simone McKlaren, Curriculum Co-ordinator LIBRARY RENOVATION UPDATE There have been some big changes as we prepare for our vacation of the Library over the next two weeks. Much of the non-fiction shelving has been removed and packed boxes are beginning to appear as we get ready for our temporary shift to ‘The Zone’ in the Senior School. We will let you know of further developments but can assure you that Middle School Library classes will continue and that the recreational reading and research resources needed by students and staff will be available, despite being in a smaller location. Our opening hours will also remain the same throughout this period. Yes, it will be a disruptive time for a while but we are all very excited about the wonderful future possibilities that our newly renovated library will bring! Senior/Middle Library Staff AB PATERSON PUBLIC SPEAKING The following students have been registered for the AB Paterson Public Speaking Competition which begins next week. Heats start at 7:15pm: • Year 7 - Tuesday 14 October: Cate Cameron, Sebastian Younan, Jack Carroll, Harrison Katsanevas, Henry Collins, Noah Tindiglia, Connor McKlarenKennedy, Emma Maddock • Year 8 - Thursday 16 October: Olivia Broadley, Fenlan Miller, Adam Smith, Jon Cornish, Lakshmi Sithirasenan • Year 9 - Thursday 16 October: William Choy, Finn Arrowsmith. Savannah Tindiglia, Natesh Sivakumaran. I shall inform the students of the session times and room allocations as soon as they come to hand. We thank all of these students for their enthusiasm and willingness to represent our School and wish them every success. Jan Curran, Public Speaking Co-ordinator Saints Alive 10 October 2014 - Page 5 Senior School FROM THE HEAD OF SENIOR SCHOOL WELCOME BACK I trust everyone managed to rest up and recharge for our final term of 2014 and I welcome you all back, including our Japan and China tourists, and the Duke of Edinburgh students who completed a challenging Carnarvon Gorge expedition. It was great to hear the sound of students’ voices returning to School on Tuesday morning. Please make sure you check the online calendar to see the details of what is on offer during another packed term (summary below). I congratulate all our students upon an overwhelmingly ‘smart’ appearance and well-presented uniforms couldn’t help but impress this week. Our uniform certainly deserves to be worn with pride and I thank all parents for their support in ensuring their children do so. Similar congratulations to students upon their focused start in the classroom and towards their studies. TERM 4 STAFF NEWS • Mr Mathew Stein and wife Emilia welcomed new daughter Olive Harper Stein into the world over the holidays. All are healthy and we wish them well. • Mr and Mrs Bunyan have returned from their Long Service Leave. Thank you to Ms Carolyn Smith and Mrs Jo Farr for filling the void during Paul and Heather’s well-earned break. • Mr Jason Leong will be on leave during Weeks 1 and 2 and will be replaced by Mrs Jenny Lawson. • Ms Julie Klein will be on leave from Weeks 2-5 and will be replaced by Ms Carolyn Smith. GIVEATHON – JUST THREE WEEKS TO GO! This year we are supporting six major projects that provide cheap and effective solutions to those in need. Please get on board as we share simple, elegant and practical solutions with a world which desperately needs them. Join us and make Giveathong great in 2014. Keep filling those Giveathon boxes! Check out the Giveathon link at YEAR 12 MUSIC EXTENSION CONCERT It was also wonderful to start the term with the Omaru Concert Series last Tuesday and Wednesday evening performed by the Year 12 students of the Music Extension (Performance) course. The students: Lachlan Grant (Saxphone), Maire PullenLattimore (Violin), Sandy Wan (Flute), Annie Kladnig (Voice), Steffi Burns (Voice), Lilian Papas (Voice), HeeJoo Kim (Cello), Mckenzie Comer (Voice), Jonathon Fraser (Guitar), Benjamin Efstathis (Piano), Reece Reed (Cello) and Lachlan O’Keefe (Drum Kit) performed an amazing selection of pieces from Bach, Beethoven and Hayden to Coldplay, Ed Sheeran and The Zutons. A special thank you to accompanists Gaynor Morgan, Kathy O’Keefe and Marie Nicholson as well as the students’ talented mentors Mrs Annabel Westhoff and Mr Scott Mason. YEAR 12 This is the last term of school for Year 12 students and, depending on their performance, it will have a significant impact on their SAIs and possibly their Levels of Achievement; I encourage all of our Seniors to remain focussed on their studies in the months ahead. It is a very busy semester and includes the major test block during the period Monday 10-Friday 14 November. I wish all Year 12 students well in this, their final term. 2015 SCHOOL LEADERSHIP ELECTIONS • Wednesday 15 October: Nominations for House Leadership close at 9.00am • Wednesday 15 October: 2014 School Captains announced at special Pegasus Assembly. • Friday 17 October: Voting for House Leaders in House meetings. • Tuesday 21 October: Relevant staff contact successful Student Leaders. • Monday 27 October: Leadership Conference for School and House Captains. • Friday 31 October: 2015 School Captains badged at All Saints Day Assembly, and all other Leaders badged immediately after the Assembly. ASSESSMENT All Assessment Schedules for Term 4 and the Year 12 Shutdown schedule have been published and are available for review on the Senior School intranet. Students should check these carefully and see their teacher if they have any issues. Saints Alive Senior School 10 October 2014 - Page 6 SENIOR SCHOOL TERM 4 DATES • Thursday 9-Monday 13 October: Duke of Edinburgh Nymboida Expedition • Monday 13 October: Threads 2014 Fashion Show • Wednesday 15 October: Year 11 Eucharist • Wednesday 15 October: Pegasus Awards Assembly • Monday 20 October: Senior School student free day (QCAA Panel Day) • Wednesday 22 October: Year 10 Cheap Thrills presentation • Wednesday 22 October: Musical Showcase • Monday 27 October: Year 11 Leadership Conference • Tuesday 28 October: Chairman’s Dinner • Wednesday 29 October: Chess Competition • Wednesday 29 October: Senior School Art Show • Thursday 30 October: Shindig Film Festival • Friday 31 October: All Saints Day celebration and Giveathon • Thursday 6 November: TAM Concert • Monday 10-Friday 14 November: Year 12 Shutdown • Friday 14 November: APS Sport Finals • Saturday 15 November: Year 12 Formal at Bond • Monday 17 November: Final Year 10-12 Assembly • Wednesday 19 November: Senior School Speech Night • Thursday 20 November: Class of 2014 ‘Tunnel of Love’ • Friday 21 November: Year 12 Finish, Graduation & Valedictory • Thursday 20-Wednesday 26 November: Year 11 Shutdown • Monday 24 November: Year 10 Music Extension Assembly • Thursday 27 November: Year 11 QCS Trial • Thursday 27 November: Term 4 ends Saints Alive WISE WORDS ON DUTY Make it a point to do something every day that you don’t want to do. This is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain. Mark Twain Best wishes to all for a productive and dutiful Term 4. Steve Wright, Head of Senior School AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CHEMISTRY QUIZ In the Australian National Chemistry Quiz, All Saints’ Senior students achieved 12 High Distinctions and 10 Distinctions. Year 10 • High Distinction: Jill Chung, Sabrina Hossain, Jui-Bin Lu, Willian Lutz and Bella Zhong. Year 11 • High Distinction: Alastair Butcher, Wen-an Jih, Matthew Jones, Jeremy Lai, Kent Nakahashi, Nitin Niranjan and Dane Prostamo-Brown. 2015 SCIENCE OLYMPIAD SUMMER SCHOOL - CHEMISTRY Nitin Niranjan in Year 11 is one of only 24 students in Australia to be selected to attend the Australian Science Olympiad Summer School which will be held at the Australian National University, Canberra next January. Nitin will recieve intensive tuition in both the theory and practise of Chemistry. Mark David-Tooze, Head of Science LIBRARY UPDATE 2015 TRIP TO FRANCE – REGISTRATION NOW OPEN! Registrations for the 2015 trip to France are now open. The cost of the trip is $4,000. To register, download the letter and pro- forma (also handed out to students in a paper version) from Hand the pro-forma to Senior Administration with an initial deposit of $500 (non-refundable). Registration is now open. Students will travel to Bordeaux from 3-26 April 2015 on a student exchange programme. They will stay in host families in Bordeaux and Australian families are expected to make every reasonable effort to host a French student in July 2015. On the way back from Bordeaux to Australia, we will stop for three days in Paris where students will be able to enjoy some of the delights the French capital has to offer. All the latest is available here Jerome Richalot, Head of Languages THREADS Monday 13 October. See page 11 for further information. Tickets can be purchased at It is anticipated that we will commence operations in The Zone on Monday 27 October or at some stage in the latter stages of Week 3. Jan Curran, Middle/Senior Librarian Senior School 10 October 2014 - Page 7 FROM THE DIRECTOR OF CAREERS & VET CAREERS CALENDAR • Tuesday 14 October: Southern Cross University Schools Day, 8:45am • Wednesday 15 October: Closing date Griffith GUESTS programme 2015 • Monday 20 October: All Saints First Aid Course • Monday 20 October: Closing date ACU Early Achievers Programme • Monday 20 October: Bond University Year 10 Headstart Day • Monday 20 October: Griffith University Girls in Engineering Day • Friday 24 October: 2015 TAFE Vet In Schools application closing date • Friday 24 October: Final date for submission of VET assessment • Thursday 30 October: Sea World School-based traineeship Information Night GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING GIRLS’ DAY Girls in Years 10, 11 and 12 interested in careers in engineering are invited to attend Griffith University’s A Taste of Engineering Day on the student free day, Monday 20 October. Girls’ Day is a unique, hands-on experience day hosted by the Griffith School of Engineering’s Women in Engineering Committee. Girls’ Day is a full-day programme of discipline specific engineering activities which provide a hands-on overview of practical engineering applications. The day will be held on the Gold Coast campus. Girls’ Day workshops cover Civil, Electronic, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design. For more information and registration, please visit the website FIRST AID COURSE We will be holding a First Aid Course on the student free day, Monday 20 October, for Year 12 students. Cost of the course is $90. Enrolment forms are available at the Careers Centre. Places are limited, so book early by contacting Mrs Pettit in the Careers Office: Saints Alive • Thursday 11 December: Major Offer Round for QTAC courses in creative and performing arts • Monday 15 December: Due date for documentation to QTAC • Saturday 20 December: Year 12 Results and OPs available online at • Monday 22 December: UQ Options Evening • Tuesday 23 December: QUT Real Decisions Gardens Point campus, 9:00am • Tuesday 30 December: QTAC Selection Ranks (for non-OP students) available via QTAC application or by phone • Thursday 15 January: Major Offer Round for QTAC applicationstors attended the All Saints Careers Expo BOND UNIVERSITY YEAR 10 HEADSTART DAY Bond University’s Year 10 Headstart Day is the perfect chance for ambitious Year 10 students to experience university life. During this free event students will uncover possible career paths, take part in interactive activities, meet Bond’s professors and current students, and get to know their way around our campus. Headstart Day will be held on the Student Free Day, Monday 20 October from 9:00am-3:00pm. Full programme details and online registration can be found at QUEENSLAND CONSERVATORIUM SUMMER ROCK SCHOOL 2015 Rock School is a holiday programme designed for high school music students wanting to expand their skills in popular music. The course, run by the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University, provides a great opportunity for students to mix with budding musicians from across Australia and to work with highly experienced teachers from the music industry. Rock School will be held at the Gold Coast campus over the 2015 summer vacation period, from 5-9 January. Students attend a series of workshops taught by experts, finishing with an end of week concert for family and friends. Students also receive a recording of their work. Students with practical skills Senior School in popular music and who are interested in areas of recording and music technology apply by 12 November. Visit the Rock School website to find out how to apply. QTAC/TERTIARY STUDY APPLICATIONS Applications for most university and other tertiary study courses were due on 30 September. Late applications can be submitted. Students who need assistance to lodge their application should see Ms Weeks as a matter of urgency. Students should also ensure that documentation for any qualifications (AMEB, Diplomas, Bridging Courses etc) must be forwarded to QTAC no later than Monday 15 December in order that the QTAC Selection Rank can be allocated. Documentation not received by that date will not be considered for the January Major Round Offers. Please see Ms Weeks if you have any queries. VET STUDENTS Year 12 students completing a VET Course through our School programme, Business, IT and Hospitality, are reminded that the final date for submission of all assessment is Friday 24 October. No assessment will be accepted after that date. Year 12 students completing a VET Course through an external organisation (eg TAFE, School-based trainees etc) may have a different, and possibly earlier, closing date due to the reporting requirements of those organisations. Students should ensure they liaise with their Trainer to be sure they are aware of the final due dates. Any qualifications which are incomplete will not appear on Senior Statements and this may affect the awarding of QCE points and Tertiary Entrance Ranks. SCHOOL-BASED TRAINEESHIPS Sea World and Sea World Resort will hold an Information Evening for students, and their parents, who are interested to commence a School-based traineeship in Tourism or Hospitality. The evening will be held on Thursday 30 October from 5.30-6.30pm in the Paradise Room at Sea World. A School based traineeship runs for 12 months and requires that students attend the workplace one day per week in that time (paid) and also complete a qualification, either a Certificate III in Tourism (food and beverage), Certificate III in Tourism ( retail) or a Certificate III in Hospitality. Alison Weeks, Director of Careers & VET 10 October 2014 - Page 8 Performing Arts FROM THE DIRECTOR OF PERFORMING ARTS Welcome back to what will be another exciting, yet frenetic term filled with students engaged in many concerts and productions in our Drama and Music departments. While some of us have been resting (a little) over the holidays, many of the teachers have been doing extra lessons for students for their upcoming examinations and our students have been involved in local productions on the Gold Coast (Opera in the Park), auditions for tertiary institutions and various other competitions and clinics. STUDENT SUCCESS • Congratulations to Lachlan Grant (Year 12) on achieving his A. Mus A on Saxophone just before the last holidays. He is now one of four students in Year 12 who has their achieved their A. Mus A while at school. A wonderful achievement. • The Year 12 Music Extension students presented their final 15 minute recital over two nights this week to their parents, friends and other All Saints students. The calibre of their performances and the musicality they exuded was outstanding. To quote Mr Wallas – “You would be very happy to pay money to see these performers”. Well done to all 12 performers: Maire Pullen-Latimore, Steffi Burns, Sandy Wan, Annie Kladnig, Lachie Grant, Lily Papas, Hee Joo Kim, McKenzie Comer, Jono Fraser, Ben Efstathis, Reece Reed and Lachie Grant. Seven of these students are intending to pursue careers in music and have recently auditioned for entrance into tertiary music institutions in Queensland, other states in Australia and America. We wish them all the very best and thank them for the joy they have brought us from their musical performances. • During the September holidays, six of our Middle and Senior School musicians attended the four day State Honours Ensemble Programme at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music. It was a thrill that Jessica Walther, Jessie McRae, Jill Chung, Kate Ellings, Naraen Sivakumaran and Nina Fan were chosen amongst 500 musicians from across the state, nation and overseas to participate in this musical excellence programme. This event happens each year and I would encourage musicians who wish to be extended on their instrument or voice to apply in future years. • In the 2014 Queensland Piano Competition, Year 8 student Nina Fan won the 13 Years Age section and Year 6 student Ryo Takamizawa achieved a Highly Commended in the same section. 2015 MUSICAL ‘THE ADDAMS FAMILY’ Cast Auditions The audition pack for the cast is now available from the Holloway Music Centre. This includes information about the production, performance dates, camp dates and a list of the roles. It also contains information about the auditions for dance and singing and the music to be learnt for the auditions on Sunday 26 October. (Please note the backing tracks are not yet available) We will be using the following site for information about the show. Students wishing to audition for the cast should complete the online application to audition. We look forward to many of you signing up to audition as I’m sure this will be another wonderful All Saints Musical. FRIENDS OF MUSIC Our next meeting is Tuesday 14 October at 7:00pm in the Holloway Music Centre. New members are always welcome. MUSICAL SHOWCASE Musical Showcase is our premiere annual concert for musicians in the Middle and Senior Schools and is held in the Nairn Theatre on Wednesday 22 October commencing at 7:00pm. Tickets are available from Ticket prices: Adults $12 & Child/student/ concession $6. Ensembles performing will include: Holst, Grainger and Malcolm Arnold Wind Ensembles, Amadeus and Senior Strings; Combined Birrung Voices and Kombumerri Chorale; All Saints Voices; Blues Factory, Giant Steps and Milestones Big Bands and Middle and Senior Percussion Ensembles, Middle School and Senior Flute Ensemble, Clarinet Ensemble, Trumpet Consort, Martin Taylor Ensemble and a number of soloists. Students will receive a letter next week with details about the concert including the important dress rehearsal, seating arrangements for performers, concert etiquette and dress for the evening. Please ensure you go through this letter carefully. CONCERT AT ROBINA ANGLICAN CHURCH Our All Saints Day Concert is on again this year - Thursday November 6 commencing at 6:00pm at the Robina Anglican Church. This concert will support our Giveathon(g) appeal and features our Senior School strings, choristers and students in the All Saints Music Honours programme. The concert will include the music of Johan Sebastian Bach (and friends). Entrance is by note donation. AMEB MUSIC EXAMINATIONS As the final exam series is approaching, I thought I’d remind parents and students about a wonderful free online ear training and testing program for the aural component of the mid-level exams. This is often an area overlooked in preparation for exams and time spent doing these exercises will allow teachers more time to focus on other aspects of exam preparation. Scott Mason, Director of Performing Arts Saints Alive Performing Arts 10 October 2014 - Page 9 Sport & Activities FROM THE DIRECTOR OF SPORT & ACTIVITIES STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS Congratulations to the following students on their achievements in sport: • Tim Delahunty (Year 11): Tim has just returned from France where he was competing in the World Surf Lifesaving Championships. Tim is now a World Champion, winning the Under 18 Beach Sprint and placing second in the Under 18 flags. Congratulations Tim, fantastic effort! • Zoe Putland (Year 11): Zoe has been selected to represent Queensland in the Ladies 16 Division 1 Netball Team and will compete at Nationals in Perth this December. Well done, Zoe. • Ethan Eyles (Year 7): Ethan is the 2014 Under 13 National Champion following his success at the Australian Junior Squash Championships held in Perth during the holidays. Following this event, Ethan went on to represent Queensland in the National Teams Championship where he was part of the successful Under 15 and combined age group team finishing 1st in both. Congratulations, Ethan. • Trystan Martin (Year 10): Trystan won the Beenleigh Age Under 16 Tennis Tournament last weekend, making this his third Under 16 tournament win for the year. Well done, Trystan. THE WELSH RUGBY 7S TEAM – ADOPTED BY ALL SAINTS Last Tuesday, All Saints welcomed the Welsh Rugby 7s team who are our ‘adopted’ team for this weekend’s IRB Rugby 7s tournament at Cbus stadium (formerly Skilled Park). While we have had many national teams train at the School over the past few years, this is the first time that we have been invited to adopt a team for the event. Adopting a team is an Australian Rugby Union initiative offering schools the chance to officially welcome a national team into the country as they prepare for the event. It was a great afternoon, with some interesting questions being asked of the players by our students preceded by short speeches and presentations of gifts between the Welsh and ourselves. Once this was completed, the Welsh players played a game of touch against some of our 1st XV Rugby players and dazzled the 200 or so spectators sitting around the field with some magical footwork and handling skills. (For the record, our boys came second!) APS SUMMER SPORT Round 3 has almost been completed against Emmanuel College, with a few touch games to be played this coming week during training sessions. Round 4 is against King’s Christian College next Friday 17 October. A reminder to all students that training is compulsory and that we now have ‘Phone Free Fridays’ – students, please leave your phones in your bags during Friday afternoons and give your full attention to the games being played in front of you by your peers. Keep up to date with upcoming fixtures, results and ladders by visiting the Sport Info web site at Fergus Leslie, Director of Sports & Activities If you get along to Cbus this weekend, please give the Welsh boys an extra loud shout – it was an absolute pleasure to have them at School this week and we wish them well in the tournament. Their games on Saturday are South Africa at 11:18am, Kenya at 3:01pm and American Samoa at 5:55pm. Their games on Sunday will depend on results from these matches. The ‘O’ symbol that the boys are showing represents a get-well message for Owen Williams, a former Welsh International player and good friend of the boys who was injured playing in Singapore earlier this year. Saints Alive Sports 10 October 2014 - Page 10 Whole School CHAPLAINCY MATTERS YOU STUPID CROSS! I have a beautiful ‘charm’ bracelet which is embellished with a number of Christian crosses in a variety of different styles. Last week I was trying to hook the catch around my wrist – with great difficulty. In exasperation I found myself exclaiming “Oh get out of the way you stupid cross!” as one of the little gold crosses kept falling over the tiny clasp I was clumsily trying to hook. The words ‘stupid cross’ reverberated in my ears as if I had uttered the most scandalous cuss word. My inadvertent outburst stayed with me throughout the day and, in the evening, as we watched the news broadcaster reporting on incidents of beheadings and crucifixions, I found myself drawn to some introspection on the cross and what it has meant, and indeed still does mean for millions of people the world over. Walking into School this morning to begin the new term, such horrors seemed very distant and surreal in the society in which we live and move and have our being. Glancing up into the beautiful sky, the silver cross atop the Chapel glistened in the sunlight with a crow perched on the cross-bar and I became aware once again of the central position of the cross in the ethos and teaching of All Saints. Two simple strokes of the pen create a simple symbol which has made an indelible mark on the history of the world. It has been associated with both supreme goodness and abject evil throughout its long existence. From the tiny emblem of blessing adorning my sentimental bracelet (a gift of love), to the stark reality of cross-shaped wooden stakes used as instruments of humiliation, torture and execution in another part of the world today, the cross embodies a complexity which belies its simple shape. I guess for many people today it may well be seen to be a stupid cross. In the understanding of some it represents religion, and religion is associated with many of the evils perpetrated today, from the abuse of children to a religio-political weapon of war. And yet for me its benevolence far outweighs its more sinister application because it embraces both the extreme pain and the abundant love which seem to stand so inexplicably side by side in the intricacies Saints Alive of our everyday lives. Perhaps this is the meaning of the double-edged sword spoken so often about in Scripture. I cannot remember a time in my life when I have not had some or other symbol of the cross close to me – either as an adornment, or tucked away in my handbag where my fingers brush it every time my hand delves into the abyss to search for one or another treasure stored in the bag. For me, the cross allows me to stand in solidarity with the pain of human suffering whilst remembering God’s great love for me and others evidenced in the life and actions of Jesus. Far from an affinity with those who misappropriate Islam to perpetrate evil, especially through crucifixion, it grants me the opportunity to explore the meaning and sanctity of life as it is upheld by both Islam and Christianity. I am led to ponder the way in which I hope to live out my Christian faith as it pertains to the community in which I live. I suppose there are those who would say that I am as stupid as the stupid cross I hold onto so dearly. Be that as it may, it is this cross in its complexity and mystery of meaning that has steered me morally and practically throughout my life’s journey as a herald of God’s good grace despite my many faltering steps and blustering failures. Its precepts continue to hone my oftentimes recalcitrant character and enlarge my capacity for compassion and understanding, and I know that I would be a lesser person without it. I also know that I am not alone in my belief, and that many fellow pilgrims find that the meaning and purpose which it translocates into our lives is a treasure beyond all the material wealth that the world can offer. The Message that points to Christ on the Cross seems like sheer foolishness to those hellbent on destruction, but for those seeking the way of salvation it makes perfect sense. (1 Cor 1: 18 - The Message) Spring Fair Saturday 11 October 2014 from 9am Plants Tea/Coffee Preserves White elephant Craft Cakes Books Toys Jumping Castle Displays in the Church Sausage Sizzle 186 Robina Town Centre Dr. Robina A number of our staff and Senior students have undertaken to make a decision to follow the Christian pathway in the Anglican tradition, and will be confirmed as members of this world-wide community on Friday 24 October at 7:00pm. For further information, or if you would like to join our happy band, please feel free to contact me. Mtr Ann Whole School 10 October 2014 - Page 11 PUBLISHING CONTACT DETAILS P&F DIRECTORY 2015 Should you not wish your family details to appear, or should current families wish to change details as they appeared in the 2014 Directory, please advise the School of your wishes in writing by 1 November 2014 addressed to Mrs Leigh Sweeting Should no written notification be received by this date, your family details will be included in the P&F Directory for 2015. Please note: the School requires notification each year as past information is not held. In the case of shared custody, parents should advise the School if they wish to have the child’s second address included. Should you not have a home telephone number listed and do not advise us which (if any) mobile number to use, then the entry will list your address only. BABY SITTING Students in Year 11 & 12, 2014 are welcome to submit their contact details for the baby sitting service in the Directory. Please supply name, contact number and preferred areas. This information must be provided with parents’ permission. Leigh Sweeting, Assistant - Development & Admissions FROM THE SICK BAY Welcome to Spring, warm weather and all the creepy crawlies that go with it! It’s time for snakes to be on the move, ticks to dig in and things that sting and bite in the ocean to do just that. Queensland Health has a great page on its website that gives some simple advice for each of the above mentioned. There are some who are allergic or anaphylactic to bites; the ASCIA page offers further advice in preventing such bites. The Poisons Information Centre is available 24 hours a day for advice regards treatment of bites and stings. 13 11 26 Advice is also available from 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) I hope your children have returned refreshed; however, if your child requires medications to be given on return to School, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Lyn Hammett, School Nurse 0434 071 158 Saints Alive 10 October 2014 - Page 12 Parents & Friends GET TOGETHER • Friday 14 November from 7:00pm at Fix Bar, Hilton Surfers Paradise 6 Orchid Avenue. $20 per person (includes canapes). RSVP 7 November: to book please use the following link: www. Further information: Sandy: 0403 051 717, Karyn: 0438 767 403, Danielle: 0421 138 512 Please note parking is available at the hotel if required. Looking forward to seeing you all for a great night out! YEAR 1 P&F • Saturday 11 October: Family Picnic 10:00am-12noon at Cascade Gardens. Bring your own picnic basket and rug. • Saturday 22 November: End of Year 1 Christmas Disco Celebration at Doodlebugs Indoor Play Centre 5:30-7:30pm. $9 per Child payable on the night. Cafe will be open for food and coffee. BYO for parents. Please RSVP to Sara 0433 574 700 YEAR 12 P&F Facebook: ‘ASAS Class of 2014 Parents’ or email nicolahayward@ to be added to email list. • Friday Night 17 October at Greg and Sharon O’Neill’s Please text Sharon if you are able to come for catering purposes. 0409 924 450 • Formal Get-together, which will be held at Bond University Saturday 15 November following the arrival and presentation of students. All welcome. Bookings can be made via trybooking. • Thursday 20 November: Tunnel of Love at All Saints, followed by lunch at The Glades. Suggestions and queries welcome. Nicola 0418 180 406, Sharon 0409 924 450 Saints Alive YOU! TUESDAY 14 OCTOBER 7:00PM tre en PRE-PREP PARENTS END OF YEAR PARTY sC All Saints C are er THE P&F NEEDS YOU! At the end of this year, seven members of the All Saints Parents & Friends Association will be leaving the School as their last child finishes Year 12. This will leave the P&F Committee with perhaps only seven parent representatives. • Would you like to enquire about joining the P&F Committee? • Would you like to find out what is involved? • Would you like to become involved for the greater good of the School. Please come along to our next meeting Tuesday 14 October 7:00pm in the Careers Centre. This meeting will give you an overview of what the P&F does and an opportunity to ask questions. Wouldn’t it be great if we had one or two parent representatives from every year level! Following this information session, formal nominations to join the Committee must be submitted before the AGM on 10 November. Nomination forms will be available at the October meeting. TUCKSHOP HELPERS Volunteers urgently needed. Benefits include a free lunch for your child and $5 credit on your School account each day you volunteer. Weekly/fortnightly vacancies. Please phone Natalie 5587 0375 - all welcome. allsaints Parents & Friends 10 October 2014 - Page 13 Back to School FREE 2015 delivery! STATIONERY PACKS 2015 The requirement list for Stationery Packs are for Years 3 – 12 only and will be available through the online Bookpack Order Process below. Pre Prep to Year 2 will be required to pay for complete packs which are delivered in bulk to the classroom. This will be invoiced to your School Fees Account with payment due by the end of January 2015. Place your order from 13 October - 9 November 2014 to receive free delivery to your home during the week commencing 1 December 2014. To use the internet ordering system, click and follow the instructions. (Alternatively Parent Resources and follow the link.) The prices shown on the booklist are for All Saints Anglican School on-line orders only. Any purchases made directly through Symons will be charged full retail price. BOOKPACK ORDER PROCESS •Click on Bookpack Orders button. •Enter your School logon code FAS01. •Fill in the details of your Child’s name, RESIDENTIAL address (No PO Box) and DAY TIME contact details. •Select your Year level in 2015 and click the Save Details button. •Please ensure that you read the Order Documentation. •Should you require a full pack, just click the Full Order button. If a full pack is not required, just tab to the order quantity column and key in the number required. •Click on Save Details. •Should you have additional students, click on Next Student button, if not click on Pay Now. •Click on the Pay Now button – this will take you through to a secure payment page. •Click on the type of credit card you wish to pay with (eg. Visa, Mastercard or American Express) •Fill in your credit card details and click on the Enter Payment button. •A confirmation will be forwarded to you at the email address you have included. •Once your credit card payment has been approved, you will receive an Order Confirmation on screen. A confirmation will also be forwarded to the email address you have included in your child’s details. Please retain your ORDER REFERENCE NUMBER for any queries you may have. •Should you not receive confirmation and Order Reference Number, please contact Symons Educational Supplies on 07 5531 3633 or email REMEMBER TO PLACE YOUR ORDER BY SUNDAY 9 NOVEMBER 2014 Saints Alive 10 October 2014 - Page 14 CONTENTS 2015 MUSICAL ‘THE ADDAMS FAMILY’ 9 2015 SCHOOL LEADERSHIP ELECTIONS 6 2015 SCIENCE OLYMPIAD SUMMER SCHOOL - CHEMISTRY 7 2015 TRIP TO FRANCE – REGISTRATION NOW OPEN! 7 ABOUT GENERATION NEXT 4 AB PATERSON PUBLIC SPEAKING 5 ACADEMIC PRIZES: CELEBRATION EVENINGS 3 AMEB MUSIC EXAMINATIONS 9 APS SUMMER SPORT 10 ASSESSMENT 6 AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CHEMISTRY QUIZ 7 BABY SITTING 12 BIENVENUE À LA MAISON/ 3 BIRTHDAY BOOKS 2 BOND UNIVERSITY YEAR 10 HEADSTART DAY 8 BOOKPACK ORDER PROCESS 14 CALLING FRIENDLY DOG OWNERS 2 CAMPS 2 CAREERS CALENDAR 8 CHAPLAINCY MATTERS 11 CLASS ALLOCATIONS: 2015 3 CONCERT AT ROBINA ANGLICAN CHURCH 9 END OF YEAR PARTY 13 FIRST AID COURSE 8 FRIENDS OF MUSIC 9 FROM THE ASSISTANT HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL 2 FROM THE DIRECTOR OF CAREERS & VET 8 FROM THE DIRECTOR OF PERFORMING ARTS 9 FROM THE DIRECTOR OF SPORT & ACTIVITIES 10 FROM THE HEAD OF MIDDLE SCHOOL 3 FROM THE HEAD OF SENIOR SCHOOL 6 FROM THE SICK BAY 12 GET TOGETHER 13 GIVEATHON – JUST THREE WEEKS TO GO! 6 GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING - GIRLS’ DAY 8 ICAS MATHS RESULTS 5 JUNIOR SCHOOL LED SIGN 2 LIBRARY RENOVATION UPDATE 5 LIBRARY UPDATE 7 LITTLE BIG IDEA 3 LOOKING AHEAD IN THE MIDDLE SCHOOL 4 MIDDLE SCHOOL PRIZE-GIVING NIGHTS: TERM 4 4 MRS LEFTWICH 2 MUSICAL SHOWCASE 9 ‘OKAERI NASAI/HUAN YING HUI JIA/ WELCOME HOME 3 P&F DIRECTORY 2015 12 PRE-PREP PARENTS 13 PUBLISHING CONTACT DETAILS 12 QTAC/TERTIARY STUDY APPLICATIONS 8 QUEENSLAND CONSERVATORIUM SUMMER ROCK SCHOOL 2015 8 SCHOOL-BASED TRAINEESHIPS 8 SENIOR SCHOOL TERM 4 DATES 7 STATIONERY PACKS 2015 14 STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS 10 STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS 4 STUDENT SUCCESS 9 Saints Alive TERM 4 STAFF NEWS THE FINAL COUNTDOWN THE P&F NEEDS YOU! THREADS TUCKSHOP HELPERS VET STUDENTS WELCOME BACK WHAT IS CYBERBULLYING? WISE WORDS ON DUTY YEAR 1 P&F YEAR 8 TO YEAR 9 2015 SUBJECT SELECTION FORMS YEAR 12 YEAR 12 MUSIC EXTENSION CONCERT YEAR 12 P&F YOU STUPID CROSS! WIN! 6 4 13 7 13 8 6 4 7 13 3 6 6 13 11 $3 $5 ticket for 3 fle air Rafini Bike F s t n i All Sa onda CF 50 M H WIN! a tickets on-line Purchase yboo /100871 ybooki ET! R TICK ET YOU E TO G y 31 October C N A H LAST C All Saints Da Drawn All Saints Anglican School ABN 64 010 643 857 ! T I S I V All Saints Anglican School ABN 64 010 643 857 10 October 2014 - Page 15
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