Saints Alive GROWING THROUGH GRACE; LEARNING THROUGH LOVE From the Headmaster The English philosopher and statesman Francis Bacon wrote in one of his essays that ‘adversity doth best discover virtue,’ and whilst it reads as a statement of fact, I have always preferred to read it as a direct challenge. Every one of us will, at some time in our lives, have to confront adversity. We are imperfect beings in an imperfect world where terrible things happen. We only have to read a newspaper or listen to the radio to hear yet another example of ‘man’s inhumanity to man’ being played out in every corner of the world. In our personal lives too, people fall in and out of love; we get sick; we get selfish; occasionally tragedies occur. Adversity is everywhere, and it causes us enormous pain. The challenge for us at such times is to find a way through by calling upon our innermost resources, and by asking for help when we need it. The School continues to cope well with what is surely the busiest time of our year. I was delighted with our successes in the Science Olympiad Examinations where in Physics Nitin Niranjan was awarded the Gold Medal (placing him in the top twenty students in Australia), Alistair Butcher received the Silver Medal (placing him in the top 60 students in Australia) and Matthew Jones received the Bronze Medal, giving All Saints a clean sweep. Furthermore Nitin also received the Gold Medal in the Chemistry examination, making it the best set of results we have yet achieved in this extraordinarily tough 4 week Term 4 ends • Year 12: Friday 21 November • Prep-Year 11: Thursday 27 November Term 1 2015 starts mon 27 OCT Leadership Conference: 2015 School and House Captains competition. Four more names to add to our Science Honours board and many delighted teachers in the Science Department and beyond. Congratulations to all concerned. I was also swept away along with many others on Wednesday night by our magnificent Musical Showcase. It was such an engaging and delightful evening with levels of virtuosity which honestly took one’s breath away. So much work goes into a performance like this and my sincere thanks to Mr Scott Mason and his team, to Ms Sharron Cronin and her team and Mr Steve Lewis and his team for another superb might of music and fun. Spare a thought for our Year 12 students at the moment who are about to undertake their final round of assessment. I am amazed at their capacity to stay cheerful and positive under such circumstances, and have been most impressed by their character and determination. Even though there remains much to be done, I am already beginning to feel that sense of sand seeping through the hour glass, and looking forward rather regretfully to eventually saying goodbye to such a wonderful group of students. Meanwhile, however, let us continue to celebrate the gifts they bring to our School, and to honour all the opportunities we have been given as a community by living every day with a sense of joy and purpose. No 31 Term 4 24 October 2014 Pegasus Creative Writing Competition WINNERS Overall School Poetry • Tamara Hunt: Crayons and Crinkled Smiles Overall School Prose • Emma Davis: Loose Threads Junior School Poetry • Bronze: Krystal Pericleous • Silver: Leah Humbert • Gold: Ally Shorter Junior School Prose • Bronze: Angelina Lane • Silver: Taylor Timpani • Gold: Tess Cummins Middle School Poetry • Bronze: Connor Lu • Silver: Amber Liebenow • Gold: William Choy Middle School Prose • Bronze: Brianna Merriman • Silver: Liam Harris • Gold: Jessica Wainwright Senior School Poetry • Bronze: John Song • Silver: Sophia Whitt • Gold: Kes Wright Senior School Prose • Bronze: Sarah Flori • Silver: Annabel Harte • Gold: Sangitha Cabraal Patrick S Wallas, Headmaster TUESDAY 28 Prep 2015 Information Y4-6 After School Sport Chairman’s Dinner • New Student Orientation: Friday 23 January • Whole School Starts: Tuesday 27 January WEDNESDAY 29 Prep 2015 Information Y10–12 Sport Training Y3 (Y4 2015) iPad Information Evening JS/MS/SS InterSchool Chess Y10 – 12 Sport Training Senior School Art Show thuRSDAY 30 Y4-6 APS Sport Shindig Film Festival All Saints Anglican School ABN 64 010 643 857 Highfield Drive, Merrimac, Queensland 4226 Telephone: +61 7 5530 2855 FRIDAY 31 All Saints Day Y7–12 Sport v Trinity Y10–12 Burling Bush Benefit Duke of Edinburgh Dinner Junior School FROM THE HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL Reminder for Current Year 3 Parents We will be holding our iPad information evening to explain our Year 4 2015 iPad programme next Wednesday 29 October in the Middle School Lecture Theatre. The session will commence at 7:00pm. We hope that a parent from each family will be able to attend as we will be covering the reason for the programme, which iPad is most appropriate, which Apps need to be downloaded and we will discuss the Responsible User Agreement that we will be asking parents and students to sign before next year. Of course there will also be an opportunity for parents to ask questions and have any concerns they may have answered. Spare Sports Shorts In the Junior School we always keep a collection of spare uniform items for those times when bags go missing in change rooms, when children slip in the puddles following rain or when accidents occur. At the moment we have a shortage of sport shorts. If parents have any unwanted All Saints sport shorts at home, we would gladly accept them for our spare uniform supply. Bus Car Park Closures At times, particularly on Friday afternoons during the inter-school sport seasons, the Bus car park which is on the oval next to the Senior School tennis courts may be closed. If this is the case, parents should park in the HPE car park (which borders the creek) and walk across to the student collection area at the edge of the Bus car park. I know that parents will understand that this parking area was designed for buses rather than cars so that students returning from sport and excursions would be safe. Rod Case, Head of Junior School BIRTHDAY BOOKS Grateful thanks to these lovely birthday children for your wonderful book donations: Hugh Arthur 1W, Zoe Benham 2P, Bryce Conlin PN, William De Ambrosis 1B, Olivia Doerr PN, Jai Fowler PN, Alice Minahan 2G, Madison Souz 2D, Jack Tanner-Buckland PL, Kyla Scholz 2P, Caleb Robert 3F, Damien Thistlethwaite PW and Jake Thistlethwaite 2G. Your wonderful books shall be treasured. Pam Reardon, Junior School Librarian All Saints Day Giveathong! Next Friday 31 October, the School will be celebrating its patronal festival; All Saints Day. Traditionally on this day we also hold our annual fund raising drive, Giveathon. This year our Giveathon has morphed into ‘Giveathong’ and students will be able to wear Australiana themed outfits and thongs for the day! All students will attend our fun filled assembly and receive a cup cake to celebrate our birthday as part of the festivities. Please remember to send in your money boxes next week and we look forward to another wonderful day. This year, a sample of Year 6 and Year 10 students from across Australia will take part in a national sample assessment in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) literacy. All Saints has been chosen to participate in the Year 6 trial assessment with 20 students across Year 6 being randomly selected. The students who have been selected have received comprehensive information about the trial. The students will not need to prepare anything, as they will be taken through the process by a test administrator from the Australian Council for Education Research (ACER), with the accompaniment of myself and Mr Simon Reed, Technology teacher. The test will be conducted in the All Saints Junior School ELC on Thursday 30 October, commencing at approximately 8:30am. STATE CHESS On Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 October, Jack Luke-Paredi (Year 6), Christian Goh (Year 6), Thomas Koenig (Year 6) and Jonathan Lo (Year 1) competed in the State Chess Tournament. I received an email from a Gold Coast Gardiner Chess representative who praised our boys for their conduct, behaviour and attitude at the weekend tournament. The boys received 18th place overall, out of 30 competing schools across the State. Congratulations to Jack, Christian, Thomas and Jonathan for representing our School at a State level – you have done us proud! INTER-SCHOOL CHESS Date claimers Junior School Celebrations Pre Prep-Prep Concert: Tuesday 25 November 6:30pm Nairn Theatre Years 1-2 Concert: Wednesday 26 November 6:30pm Nairn Theatre Years 3-6 Celebration: Tuesday 18 November 7:00pm HPE Year 6 Ceremony: Monday 24 November 7:00pm Nairn Theatre Ticket details coming soon ... Saints Alive ICT NAPLAN TRIAL Junior School The next Inter-School Chess tournament will be held at Emmanuel College on Wednesday 29 October. This tournament will also involve age championship competitions, where children will compete against children of the same age, vying for the title of Gold Coast Chess Age Champion 2014. Good luck to all of the students involved from the Junior School! Rebecca Collie, Assistant Head of Junior School (Years 3-6) 24 October 2014 - Page 2 Middle School FROM THE HEAD OF MIDDLE SCHOOL GIVEATHON Schools share many similarities and it is thus very hard for many to clearly articulate their ‘point of difference’ from the rest of the pack. In my mind, Giveathon is one of the many initiatives peculiar to All Saints that sets our community apart and demonstrates our collective capacity to wear our heart on our sleeve and truly, deeply care about the welfare of the less fortunate. Whether your child has been saving, fossicking, pestering, abstaining or working in the name of charity, we very much appreciate their efforts over the past few months in collecting monies for the host of worthwhile charities we are supporting this year. On All Saints Day (actually Saturday 1 November but this year celebrated on Friday 31 October) – the culminating day for Giveathon – Middle School will be once again be staging two huge events: the Middle School Fair and the annual Billy Cart Derby. For the former, each house is responsible for a stall (involving food or their choice of sideshow alley attraction) that will charge gold coin prices with all profits going to Giveathon. For the latter, families are invited to construct/resurrect and decorate a good old billy cart that is capable of negotiating the torturous slalom course that runs from the driveway near Main Admin down to the undercover car park near Pre Prep. Each cart must have steering and a brake; each driver must have a sense of humour and sense of adventure. (I am still living down my descent of two years ago atop ‘The Rocking Horse of Doom’!). Many thanks for your patience as all this manic preparation descends upon your household in coming weeks. Reminder MUSIC SHOWCASE Am still basking in the afterglow of a breathtaking night’s entertainment on Wednesday 22 October when the School’s premier musicians presented their annual Showcase. The evening was jam-packed full of a dizzying variety of works – from the joyous to the sorrowful, from the frenetic to the serene – and the audience was taken on an unforgettable journey that will long live in the memory. I cannot (pardon the horrible pun) sing the praises of the staff and students involved loudly enough, and was particularly gobsmacked by the maturity, skill and complexity of the works performed by all the Middle School ensembles – particularly the Holst Wind Ensemble, Grainger Wind Ensemble, Birrung Voices, Amadeus Strings and Giant Steps Big Band – all simply brilliant. Additionally, Mr Scott Mason managed to pack over 120 instrumental students on stage for a combined orchestra of epic proportions. What an amazing sound! Finally, we were also lucky enough to witness not just one, but two, brilliant Middle School soloists in action: Miyuki Tseng (Piano) and Jessica Walther (Flute). As I said: it was a night to remember and the community can be justifiably proud of its brilliant Music programme. CLASS ALLOCATIONS 2015 Many thanks to all parents who submitted class allocation requests for 2015 by the deadline (Monday 13 October). Our staff will now begin the exhaustive process of collating the necessary information from across the community to best place each and every child in their Core class for 2015. A reminder that this placement will be made available to families in the week preceding the commencement of the new school year. Celebration & Art Show Year 7: Thursday 30 October Year 8: Wednesday 5 November Year 9: Friday 7 November MIDDLE SCHOOL CELEBRATION A final reminder regarding the upcoming year level Celebration Evenings whereby we recognise outstanding student contributions in the areas of Academic performance, Community Service and Citizenship. It is an expectation that every Middle School student attends their relevant celebration evening and all parents and siblings are warmly invited to attend also – with siblings from other sub schools being asked to wear their respective Day Uniform. Tickets are free but need to be booked. Please note: there is no need to book a seat for your Middle Schooler if it is their respective Celebration Evening (we have already allocated seating for the cohort being featured). Also, in order to guarantee every family a place, we ask you to try to keep to your ‘four seat quota’. If you definitely need more than four seats, please contact Mrs Michelle Trainor in the Middle School Office. STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS A reminder that if there are any notable extra-curricular achievements you’d like acknowledged, please phone/email the Middle School Reception (mtrainor@asas. and pass on the details. LOOKING AHEAD IN THE MIDDLE SCHOOL Week 4 • Monday 27 October: APS Summer Sport Training (3.30-4.45pm) • Thursday 30 October: Year 7 Celebration Evening & Art Show (7.00pm; Nairn Theatre) • Friday 31 October: All Saints Day (Billy Cart Derby, Middle School Fair); APS Sport (Round 6 v Trinity) Week 5 • Monday 3 November: APS Sport Training (3.30-4.45); Trinity College Examinations • Tuesday 4 November: Trinity College Examinations • Wednesday 5 November: Year 8 Celebration Evening & Art Show (7:00pm, Nairn Theatre) • Thursday 6 November: Giveathon Concert (Trinity Anglican Mission, Robina; 7:00pm) • Friday 7 November: APS Sport (Round 7 v Coomera); Year 9 Graduation & Art Show (7:00pm, Nairn Theatre). Todd Harm, Head of Middle School Saints Alive Middle School 24 October 2014 - Page 3 How Can I Get My Child To Take Responsibility? “There is a very big difference between being ‘strict’ and ‘teaching responsibility’. Being ‘strict’ is where we tell people what ‘to do’ or what ‘not to do’ and offer ‘punishment’ when unwanted behaviours occur. This style of parenting results in the child (who later becomes an adult) making decisions on ‘fear’! That is, choices are based on not doing the wrong thing because they fear getting caught out, being reprimanded, making a mistake, or even being corrected. Conversely, sometimes the opposite occurs and people make choices to guarantee they will get in trouble as this is the only outcome they can guarantee. Either way, this does not bring a person to ‘self-responsibility’. Being ‘strict’ often results in a closing down of communication between parent and child and does not foster a relationship where a child feels comfortable coming to you when they have made a mistake … of which they will make many! This style of parenting does not respect that the child is in this world to learn, develop and make many mistakes – it does not treat the child as an equal. Parenting with a goal of ‘raising a responsible person’ is about treating your child as an equal. Your role as their parent is to support and teach your child to become the most independent and responsible adult that they can be. As a teacher you can offer your child: the skills that will enable them to become an independent and responsible adult; an understanding of the natural consequences that result from the decisions and behaviour choices they make; a knowingness that when they make choices that go pearshaped there will be non-judgemental support available that helps them learn and grow from their choice. This style of parenting fosters a way of communicating where the child does not feel judged and feels comfortable coming to you when they have made a choice that results in unwanted natural consequences. Children will learn by feeling and watching, not being told. They will watch our every move and feel whether what we are saying is what we are living. Raising responsible people involves: living in a way we would like our children to become and living in a way of selfresponsibility.” Julie Deane Assistant Head of Middle School (Pastoral Care) QAMT PROBLEM SOLVING COMPETITION Participants across Years 8 and 9 accepted the challenge of a two hour long paper consisting of problem-based questions requiring full working to justify a final answer in the QAMT Problem Solving Competition. Whilst the problems certainly reflected the level of understanding being developed through current curriculum and was demonstrated by competent Mathematics students, the need for ingenuity and thought for solutions was implicit within the competition papers. Thank you to all participants. Your efforts were praised by the University of Queensland. Special congratulations to the following students who have been recognised for their notable achievements by receiving a Prize: Year 8: Caitlin Ross Year 9: Daniel Jones and Kieran Hamley. Simone McKlaren, Curriculum Co-ordinator Year 9 Rave in the Cave On Thursday 16 October, Year 9 gathered in the Dell’Arte Theatre for the annual ‘Rave in the Cave’. The Year 9 leaders co-ordinated food, drinks, music, decorations and an evening of fun. The hard work paid off when the much anticipated night arrived. Over 80 Year 9 students attended and experienced something special. The night began with an evening pizza and drink on the grass while watching the sunset. From there, we moved into the Dell’Arte Theatre where for over two hours the music played, while Year 9 jumped, danced and sang to all their favourite tunes under a spectacular light show. It was very rewarding to see all the staff and students enjoying each other’s company, and I am sure everyone who attended did not leave disappointed. In total, $860 was raised for Giveathon on the night, and everyone had an enjoyable night with their friends. Congratulations Year 9 for coming together in the spirit of friendship and giving! Liam Harris, Year 9 student THURSDAY LUNCH CLUB Thursday 16 October saw the first Thursday Lunch Club (TLC) for the final term and what a way to start off! If you are not aware, TLC provides students with the opportunity to gain valuable musical performance experience in front of their peers in a relaxed setting and is an excellent way to showcase up and coming musicians. Diversity through this group came firstly with the duo of Grace Murphy and Lahni Ferruccio. Next, the trio of Olivia Broadley, Lilou Breslin and Katie Taylor hit the stage, and were soon followed by the all girl four piece of Lilli-Rose Brown, Isabel Yamazaki, Gemma Stubbs and Leah Davidson. The final act to perform for the day was Ruby Johnston and Sienna Mansbridge. All of these girls had the full support of their peer audience and teachers alike who, with no encouragement, readily joined in on the choruses and clapped along to the music. Well done to all students that participated. Tim Brown, Music Teacher AB Paterson Public Speaking The following students were successful in reaching the Finals rounds held Wednesday and Thursday this week: Cate Cameron, Jack Carroll, Harrison Katsanevas, Henry Collins and Noah Tindiglia (Year 7), Fenlan Miller, Adam Smith, Lakshmi Sithirasenan (Year 8) and William Choy, Finn Arrowsmith and Natesh Sivakumaran (Year 9). Saints Alive All students presented speeches with great maturity, engaging the audiences with their sense of passion, humour and confidence. • • • Year 7: Noah Tindiglia - 1st place Year 8: Fenlan Miller- 1st place, Adam Smith - 3rd place Year 9: William Choy - 1st place I would like to thank all of the students who entered this competition and represented All Saints so superbly. Your efforts will stand you in good stead for the future in a world where the ability to communicate articulately and intelligently is vital and will set you apart from others. Jan Curran, Co-ordinator 24 October 2014 - Page 4 Senior School FROM THE HEAD OF SENIOR SCHOOL MUSICAL SHOWCASE Musical Showcase more than lived up to its promotion as a culmination of teamwork, energy and artistry of our young musicians. The students’ commitment to music and their high performance standards were both evident on Wednesday night. The staff certainly shared the admiration and sense of pride in the audience (and back stage), and would like to congratulate the musicians, technical crew, staff and our Director of Performing Arts, Mr Scott Mason, on a superb evening of entertainment, one that did indeed showcase the vast pool of student and staff talent at All Saints. Just brilliant! YEAR 11 AND 12 SHUTDOWN Year 11 and 12 Shutdown timetables have now been published on the portal Please encourage students to include this as part of their planning for the remainder of this term. RELEASE OF YEAR 12 STUDENT RESULTS AND OPS SENIOR SCHOOL TERM 4 DATES Online release All results contributing to the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and OPs and FPs will be available in students’ learning accounts on the Student Connect website from 9:00am on Saturday 20 December. Students must know their Learner Unique Identifier (LUI) and password to log in and check their results. Students will be able to access their results more quickly if they have previously activated their learning account. The initial password is ddmm of their birthday. The initial password should be changed as soon as possible. Mail out Students will begin receiving their Senior Education Profile in the mail from Monday 22 December. Depending on individual student’s circumstances and results, each All Saints student’s profile will comprise one or more of the following documents: • QCE • Tertiary Entrance Statement • Senior Statement GIVEATHON DEADLINE CLOSING FAST! A reminder to keep filling those Giveathon boxes – just one week to go! The money box deadline is 12:00pm Thursday 30 October for the All Saints Day celebrations on Friday 31 October. However, it would assist us greatly if boxes, with the amount written on the box, came in earlier in the week. We will start collecting money boxes from 8:00am on Monday 27 October. Students can submit the fruits of their fundraising efforts in the box, directly to Mrs Varley in Senior School Administration. TUNNEL OF • Monday 27 October: Year 11 Leadership Conference • Tuesday 28 October: Chairman’s Dinner • Wednesday 29 October: Chess Competition • Wednesday 29 October: Senior School Art Show • Thursday 30 October: Shindig Film Festival • Friday 31 October: All Saints Day celebration and Giveathon, Duke of Edinburgh ‘End of Year Celebration’ • Thursday 6 November: TAM Concert • Monday 10-Friday 14 November: Year 12 Shutdown • Friday 14 November: APS Sport Finals • Saturday 15 November: Year 12 Formal at Bond • Monday 17 November: Final Year 10-12 Assembly • Wednesday 19 November: Senior School Speech Night • Thursday 20 November: Class of 2014 ‘Tunnel of Love’ • Friday 21 November: Year 12 Finish, Graduation & Valedictory • Thursday 20-Wednesday 26 November: Year 11 Shutdown • Monday 24 November: Year 10 Music Extension Assembly • Thursday 27 November: Year 11 QCS Trial • Thursday 27 November: Term 4 ends love Thursday 20 November Class of Saints Alive 2014 Senior School 24 October 2014 - Page 5 WORLD TEACHERS’ DAY "Teachers… ultimately determine our collective ability to innovate, to invent, to find solutions for tomorrow. Nothing will ever replace a good teacher. Nothing is more important than supporting them.” (Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director General). World Teachers’ Day, with the theme “Invest in the future, Invest in teachers”, is celebrated in Australia on Friday, October 31 (Oct 5 Worldwide). I’m sure you would agree that 2014 has been a year full of success, and I would very much like to take this opportunity to recognise the outstanding contribution of our teaching and support staff to that success. A staff who continue to pursue the highest professional standards, and go more than the extra mile in the service of our Senior School students. They are an exceptional team, worthy of our respect and support. Regardless of what subject our teachers teach, they teach people and they influence the whole person; head, heart and hands. Much has been written in recent times on the area of teaching as a vocation, the sacredness of the role of the teacher, and the sense of privilege and trust which is given to those whose profession it is to accompany and to help form the citizens of the future. As the late educational author Hedley Beare noted “The education of the young is one of the most noble enterprises in which mankind is destined to engage. Our entire existence rests on our ability to do it well”. I agree with Hedley that the past, the present, and the future has been, is, and will be shaped by the quality of educational activity. I am delighted to say that our staff continually rise and adapt to meet this challenge, and gladly accept the awesome responsibility in nurturing a future generation. WISE WORDS ON TEACHING “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” Albert Einstein “Unless one has taught … it is hard to imagine the extent of the demands made on a teacher’s attention.” Charles Silberman Steve Wright, Head of Senior School All Saints Titration at the National level 2014 This year we had an unprecedented three teams make it to the National level of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute’s Chemical Analysis (Titration) Competition. We were the only school to have that many teams qualify. All three of our teams finished in the ‘Excellent’ category on the day, which was an incredible feat! We came home with seven Gold medals and two silver medals. The following students achieved Gold medals: Wen-An Jih, Iris Lau, Amelia Fidler, Isabella Mortimore, Sol Park, Jeremy Lai and Chyden Chang. Teagan Nagy-Cox and Michael Hodge achieved Silver medals. Jeremy Lai was our highest scorer on the day followed by Iris Lau and Chyden Chang. The three of them titrated well enough to be considered equal with the winners of the National level. Their exact placings nationally will come out later in the term. I would like to thank the students for all their hard work and for being such great ambassadors not only for our School, but also our Science Department. Also, thank you to Mr Glenda Harvey for all her hard work helping the students in their preparation and to Mr Mark David-Tooze for helping me supervise the practice sessions. It has been a great year for Titration at All Saints. Stacey Ward, Senior Chemistry Teacher Year 10 Certificate I in Indigenous Tourism At the end of the Term 3 holiday break, 24 Year 10 students attended an immensely successful camp on South Stradbroke Island with activities such as kayaking, bush walking, humpy building, team challenges and much more. The students were all willing and able participants, retracing the steps of the Nunukul people, the original inhabitants and custodians of the island for thousands of years. Students learnt how to source bush food and water, track native animals and identify environmental impacts from misuse of the land and waterways. They also listened to the heartbreaking story of a female Aboriginal elder who was forcibly removed from her family as a child. With many highlights to call upon, one in particular was the ‘Master Chef Challenge’ with the winning team serving an entrée consisting of prawns served in a lettuce cup on a paper bark decorated plate. Their theme being ‘where the land meets the sea’. Each group was asked to incorporate indigenous culture into their dishes. Thank you to CTIA, the registered training organisation that conducted the theoretical component of the course, for its sensitive and professional support; and Mr Mark Mathews, the Balunjali camp facilitator, for sharing his wealth of knowledge and passion for indigenous culture. It was a valuable and meaningful experience. Mark Stevens and I were privileged to lead this camp and the students were as equally impressed. Our students represented All Saints extremely well and we hope to offer this opportunity again in 2015. Billie Jean Musk, Indigenous Liaison Consultant Closing soon ... 2015 Trip to France – GROUP FEE OPPORTUNITY! The deadline to benefit from the group fee for the the 2015 trip to France is Tuesday 28 October. After this date, we will still be able to register students for the trip, but as individuals. In this case, we will try to keep the cost of the trip as close as possible to $4,000, however, you will have to pay the airfare upfront. Please contact Mr Richalot asap. Saints Alive BORDEAUX STUDENTS IN THE STARTING BLOCK! Students in Bordeaux have also started to register interest for the trip and we will attempt to pair up penfriends as early as possible. As a reminder, All Saints students will travel to Bordeaux from 3-26 April 2015. They will stay in host families. Students Senior School from Bordeaux will travel to Australia in July 2015. Australian families, of course, are expected to make every reasonable effort to host a French student. All the latest is available at ttps:// Jerome Richalot, Head of Languages 24 October 2014 - Page 6 FROM THE DIRECTOR OF CAREERS & VET Careers Calendar • Thursday 30 October: Sea World School-based traineeship Information • Friday 31 October: RSA Course 12:003:00pm • Friday 31 October: Due date for Diploma of Business Workplace Information • Thursday 11 December: Major Offer Round for QTAC courses in creative and performing arts • Monday 15 December: Due date for documentation to QTAC • Saturday 20 December: Year 12 Results and OPs available online at • Monday 22 December: UQ Options Evening • Tuesday 23 December: QUT Real Decisions Gardens Point campus, 9:00am • Tuesday 30 December: QTAC Selection Ranks (for non-OP students) available via QTAC application or by phone • Thursday 15 January: Major Offer Round for QTAC applicationstors attended the All Saints Careers Expo Reminder RSA Course: 12-3:00pm Friday 31 October SENIOR SCHOOL ART SHOW Wednesday 29 October The Senior School Art Show will take place on Wednesday 29 October in the Senior School Art Rooms. Student works from Years 10, 11 and 12 Visual Art, Creative Art and Multimedia will be on display from 6:00pm. All welcome to enjoy these talented young peoples’ works, along with music and light refreshments. all welcome Saints Alive Diploma of Business Graduation The Diploma of Business students were honoured this morning with a morning tea in Heavens Above to celebrate their successful completion of the Diploma of Business. A total of 41 students, along with the parents, enjoyed a delicious morning tea and each received their Diploma qualification. The Diploma is a tertiary level qualification and for many of our students it has confirmed their decision to pursue a career in business. Congratulations to all students on a great achievement. Special mention also to our Year 11/12 Hospitality students who catered the morning tea and provided the service – as always the food was exceptional and the service outstanding. Congratulations to Zanthe Heaton who received the Diploma of Business Academic Award and to John Davidson who was awarded the Accelerated Diploma Award. Diploma of Business Work Placements An important component of our Diploma of Business is for the students to spend time in a workplace to gain first-hand experience of the concepts they are studying as part of the Diploma. Our current Year 11 students have already completed one work placement in the last December/January holidays and will be undertaking a second placement in the upcoming December/January holidays. Following this placement, students will write a Business Improvement Report involving the topics covered during the past semester. Year 10 applicants for the Diploma of Business in 2015 and those students who will be in Year 12 in 2015 are also required to undertake a five day placement as part of the application process. This initial placement is designed to familiarise students with the workplace and enable them to experience some of the business areas which will be covered during the Diploma. QTAC/Tertiary Study Applications Applications for most university and other tertiary study courses were due on 30 September. Late applications can be submitted. Students who need assistance to lodge their application should see Ms Weeks as a matter of urgency. Students should also ensure that documentation for any qualifications (AMEB, Diplomas, Bridging Courses etc) is forwarded to QTAC no later than Monday 15 December in order that the QTAC Selection Rank can be allocated. Documentation not received by that date will not be considered for the January Major Round Offers. Please see Ms Weeks if you are unsure of any of this information. VET Students Year 12 students who are completing a VET Course through our School programme, Business, IT and Hospitality are reminded that the final date for submission of all assessment is Friday 24 October. No assessment will be accepted after that date. Year 12 students who are completing a VET Course through an external organisation (eg TAFE, School-based trainees etc) may have a different, and possibly earlier, closing date due to the reporting requirements of those organisations. Students should ensure they liaise with their trainer to be sure they are aware of the final due dates. Any qualifications which are incomplete will not appear on Senior Statements and this may affect the awarding of QCE points and Tertiary Entrance Ranks. Alison Weeks, Director of Careers & VET Students intending to commence the Diploma in 2015 are reminded to provide the business details and dates to the Careers Centre to ensure the appropriate workers compensation cover can be documented no later than Friday 31 October. Senior School 24 October 2014 - Page 7 Performing Arts FROM THE DIRECTOR OF PERFORMING ARTS 2015 Musical – The Addams Family Important Dates • Sunday 26 October: Cast Singing and Dancing Auditions • Friday 7 November: Orchestra Auditions (Woodwind, Brass, Drums, Percussion) 3:30–4:30pm • Monday 10 November: Orchestra Auditions (Strings, Keyboard and Guitar) 7:30–8:30am Important Information • All information about the show is on the website • Audition music for the Orchestra is now available as a hard copy from the Holloway Music Centre or electronically on the website. Musical Showcase – Well Done! Congratulations to all students who performed so well on Wednesday evening. There have been so many accolades (including a number from people outside of the School community) about the quality of the performances and, with so many talented Year 12 musicians, it was a fitting way to culminate their time here at All Saints. A special thanks to the students who assisted with the return of the musical equipment to the Music Centre on the evening. (It was the best pack-up after a Musical Showcase since I have been here). Finally I would like to thank the people behind the scenes who make these evenings happen – the music staff, Mr Gavin Jones and Ms Sharron Cronin, Mr Steve Lewis, the multi-media students, the tech students, the Friends of Music and the Performing Arts administration staff. Musical Showcase is indeed a team effort. UpComing Events • Monday 27 October: Junior School and Middle School Flute & Piano Studio Concert - Holloway Music Centre 6:00pm • Wednesday 29 October: Flute, Piano and Violin Studio Concerts – Holloway Music Centre 6:00pm • Thursday 30 October: Double Bass Strings Studio Concert - Holloway Music Centre 6:00pm • Monday 3 November: Trumpet Studio Concert - Holloway Music Centre 6:00pm • Thursday 6 November: All Saints Day Concert – Trinity Anglican Mission 6:00pm • Tuesday 11 November: Year 10 Music Extension Concert – Holloway Music Centre 6:00pm • Monday 17 November: Year 10 Drama Show – Dell’Arte Theatre 6:00pm Reminder All Saints Day Concert Thursday 6 November All Saints Anglican School presents a Giveathon Concert ‘Bach and Friends’ on Thursday 6 November at 6:00pm at Robina Anglican Church. 80 minutes of charming music inspired by Bach; Mozart, Handel, Ireland, Piazzolla and Nyman and, you guessed it, JS Bach. Come and hear Bach’s gems like Brandenburg Concerto No 6, Sheep May Safely Graze (set to Psalm 23) performed by a host of All Saints’ vocalists and instrumentalists. Entry by Gold Coin donation, all proceeds to charities through the School’s Giveathon programme. Saints Alive Performing Arts 24 October 2014 - Page 8 Sport & Activities FROM THE DIRECTOR OF SPORT & ACTIVITIES Student Achievements in sport Congratulations to the following students on their achievements in sport: • Jessica Just (Year 9): Jess has been selected in the Triathlon Queensland Talent Squad. Great work, Jess! • Samantha Cameron (Year 11): Samantha has qualified to represent the Gold Coast at the 2014 MJDS Queensland State Tennis Finals in Rockhampton this weekend. She is one of two girls who have been selected to represent the Gold Coast in the Final for her age group, and she has been given the added privilege of leading the Gold Coast team. Congratulations and good luck Samantha. • Joel Bruggy and Nunzio de Rensis (both Year 7): Joel and Nunzio played for their soccer club over the holidays in the Gold Coast Champions Cup, an event featuring teams from all over Australia. The boys’ team won their quarter and semi-final matches in penalty shootouts and eventually won the Grand Final 3-1. Well done, boys. APS Summer Sport v King’s Round 4 of the APS Summer Sport season resulted in All Saints winning 65% of our fixtures. A great achievement. Not only was the sport great to watch, but we had interesting weather too. We only had one or two drops of rain that did not affect any of our games, but our Junior Boys Cricket were washed out at Somerset (our closest neighbour) who suffered a deluge which lasted for 30 minutes! As we go to print, we play Somerset, followed by Trinity Lutheran College on 31 October. Round 7 is against Coomera Anglican College on 7 November and the Finals are on Friday 14 November. Up to date results and ladders can be found on the Sport Info web site State Cup Cricket UPDATE Congratulations to the following boys for their fine performance on Monday in Bundaberg. Year 8: Zane Beattie, Daniel Mason and Jaiden May. Year 9: Daniel Campbell, William Choy, Callum Davidson, James Ghusn, Campbell Glaves, Chase Gogolka, Kieran Hamley, Nic Harding, Jacob Henderson, Benjamin Mason, Matthew Taylor and Abe ThompsonGraham. Saints Alive Round 4 results BOYS AFL Senior Junior Cricket 1st XI (White) v SOM 1st XI (Blue) v EMM Jnr (White) v SOM Jnr (Blue) v EMM Basketball Open A Open B Year 10 A Year 10 B Year 9 A Year 9 B Year 8 A Year 8 B Year 7 A Year 7 B Touch Open A Open B Year 10 A Year 10 B Year 9 A Year 9 B Year 8 A Year 8 B Year 7 A Year 7 B Tennis Open A Open B Open C Junior A Junior B Junior C Water Polo Senior Junior ASAS ASAS 81-19 125-6 SOM ASAS 3/174-1/134 DRAW Wash Out ASAS 3/34-3/33 ASAS ASAS KCC ASAS ASAS ASAS KCC ASAS KCC ASAS 56-27 28-10 28-23 36-2 63-12 60-10 16-8 10-8 36-16 48-12 KCC KCC KCC DR ASAS ASAS KCC DR KCC ASAS 10-5 5-3 7-5 4-4 9-1 5-4 12-1 7-7 11-9 12-0 ASAS ASAS ASAS ASAS KCC ASAS 20-4 20-4 14-10 15-7 13-11 17-7 ASAS ASAS 12-4 21-0 The boys proceeded to the Bundaberg final series after a convincing victory over John Paul College last week. In an exciting 24 hour period, this combination of Year 8 and 9 boys won their way to the final, only to be denied victory against Toowoomba Grammar by a mere 8 runs: an admirable performance considering the might of their GPS opponents who certainly finished the game licking their wounds after their encounter with the battling All Saints team. Sports GIRLS AFL Inter ASAS Junior v Kings ASAS Softball Open KCC Inter KCC Junior ASAS Basketball Open A ASAS Open B ASAS Year 10 A KCC Year 10 B KCC Year 9 A ASAS Year Yr 9 B ASAS Year 8 A KCC Year 8 B ASAS Year 7 A ASAS Year 7 B ASAS Touch Open A ASAS Open B KCC Year 10 A ASAS Year 10 B ASAS Year 9 A KCC Year 9 B ASAS Year 8 A ASAS Year 8 B ASAS Year 7 A KCC Year 7 B KCC Tennis Open A ASAS Open B ASAS Open C ASAS Junior A ASAS Junior B ASAS Junior C ASAS Cricket Super 8 v EMM Water Polo Senior #1 ASAS Senior #2 v EMM EMM Junior BYE 68-30 51-6 18-6 12-4 14-13 43-12 19-18 35-22 24-2 20-2 34-30 20-14 30-26 54-7 16-8 5-3 5-1 6-1 3-2 5-3 FOR 8-2 8-1 6-2 4-2 20-4 23-1 15-8 14-10 FOR 17-7 ASAS 15-2 6-4 Fergus Leslie, Director of Sports & Activities The lads excelled on and off the field, exhibiting that fine spirit that is now deeply imbued in All Saints culture. On behalf of the boys, I wish to thank Brendan Callaghan for managing the side and Francis Nairn for his assistance in coaching. Warwick Glaves, Coach Special thanks from the School to Mr Glaves, Mr Callaghan and parent Mr David Taylor who took the boys to Bundaberg for the games. This was a huge effort, driving to Bundaberg on Sunday afternoon/evening and making the return trip after the games on Monday night. Thank you very much, gentlemen. 24 October 2014 - Page 9 Whole School CHAPLAINCY MATTERS There is a particular grace which enters the conversation when a group of people come together to speak of things divine. I have been particularly aware of this over the past few weeks in the times where I have been a part of such conversations: in the Monday morning meditations, the Wednesday morning reflection and discussion group, and in the group which has met to prepare for their Confirmation. It is a grace which holds within it properties which are a perplexity, to say the least. At once intangible, and yet very present; unseen and yet so very evident; hesitant and yet abounding with bold courage … the list could go on. But as Brother Roger of Taize says: the Imago Dei, and as such every person is completely worthy of our love and respect as facets of the divine hand of God in creation. What is discovered in our conversations is the beauty of God found in one another – a divine beauty. If it were possible to fathom a heart, what would we find there? We would be surprised to discover that in the depths of the human condition there lies the longing for a presence, the silent desire for communion. forinmany There is a kindness beautyyears. which can inform and bless a lesser force adjacent to it. And then we discover in the Gospel a response to this longing. Saint John expresses it in these words: The light that shines on every human being came into the world. We are a motley group of people from across the whole School community. It is probably the one forum in our beautiful School where we unite without concern for role or position, age or gender, staff, student or parent. We simply come before God with attitudes of curiosity, experience, and a longing to know more about the mystery and complexity of God the Trinity, including the life of Jesus and the workings of God’s Holy Spirit. Our task is simply to explore the themes willingly presented by different people each week and attempt to apply the results to both the everyday circumstances and quandaries which face not only the world, but our individual place within it. It is a place where some speak more than others – and that’s quite okay. Where questions are asked and deliberated in an openness of heart attitude that makes each encounter a beautiful engagement in which we are granted the gift of knowing one another a little better. With such knowledge comes a greater gift of understanding. With such understanding comes an even greater gift of appreciation. With such appreciation we receive the best gift of all – that each one of us is created in the image of God, Saints Alive SPIRITUAL AWAKENING As the author John O’Donohue puts it: When beauty touches our lives, the moment Monday becomes luminous. These grace-moments mornings are gifts that surprise us. When we look 7:30-8:00am beyond the moment to our life journey, perhaps we can choose a new rhythm of Suitable for beginners journeying which would be more conscious asopen well as those who of beauty and more to inviting her to disclose herself tohave us inbeen all theengaged situations we travel through. with reflective practice As our groups meet each week, the grace and beauty of God is found in our pondering, wondering, searching, debating – and always in the loving-kindness of God’s presence in our meeting place. Of course God is wherever we gather, but I have had a number of people who have mentioned to me of late that the Chapel is a place where the divine presence particularly embraces those who enter and all are welcome! Please feel free to join us in these conversations on a Monday morning and a Wednesday morning. They are a wonderful way to begin another day at All Saints. Tonight heralds our Confirmation Service which is the first to be held in our School Chapel. Bishop Alison will be with us to Confirm a number of staff and students – and all are welcome to share in this celebration to support those who have chosen to start a new stage of their Christian journey. CHAPEL PRAYER Wednesday mornings 7:30-8:00am Facilitated by various members of the group. From time to time a Eucharist is offered. SPIRITUAL AWAKENING CH PR Monday mornings 7:30-8:00am We mo 7:3 Suitable for beginners as well as those who have been engaged with reflective practice for many years. Fac me Fro Eu Please pray for Katie Heyer, Jessica Unicomb, Tim Brown, Scout Easson, Elaine de Voigt, and James Fairley who are to be confirmed. Todd Harm will be received into the Anglican Communion at the same service. May you know the light, beauty and presence of God in your lives, and in the lives of others in your daily encounters this week. Mtr Ann, School Chaplain Whole School 24 October 2014 - Page 10 PUBLISHING CONTACT DETAILS P&F Directory 2015 Should you not wish your family details to appear, or should current families wish to change details as they appeared in the 2014 Directory, please advise the School of your wishes in writing by 1 November 2014 addressed to Mrs Leigh Sweeting Should no written notification be received by this date, your family details will be included in the P&F Directory for 2015. Please note: the School requires notification each year as past information is not held. In the case of shared custody, parents should advise the School if they wish to have the child’s second address included. Should you not have a home telephone number listed and do not advise us which (if any) mobile number to use, then the entry will list your address only. BABY SITTING Students in Year 11 and 12 2014 are welcome to submit their contact details for the baby sitting service in the Directory. Please supply name, contact number and preferred areas. This information must be provided with parents’ permission. Leigh Sweeting, Assistant - Development & Admissions FROM THE SICK BAY The news, papers and radio are awash presently with health alerts associated with an outbreak of Measles in southern Queensland. So this week I have included links with information regarding measles, its symptoms and how to check what immunisations your children have had. I heard a specialist in Public Health speak through the week about the importance of immunising yourself as well as your children so that the vulnerable in the community are protected from these devastating diseases. The vulnerable include babies who can not receive the measles vaccine until 12 months of age. The current alert from Queensland Health is as follows. So what is Measles, it’s signs and symptoms? Here’s the link for information regarding the immunisation schedule. Do you know what immunisations your children have had? Here is the link to gain access to your information: If you have concerns regarding this or any other disease, 13 HEALTH or 13 43 25 84 is a fantastic help line or, of course, your GP. Lyn Hammett, School Nurse 0434 071 158 Saints Alive 24 October 2014 - Page 11 Parents & Friends GET TOGETHER Pre-Prep Parents End Of Year Party • Friday 14 November from 7:00pm at Fix Bar, Hilton Surfers Paradise 6 Orchid Avenue. $20 per person (includes canapes). RSVP 7 November: to book please use the following link: Further information: Sandy: 0403 051 717, Karyn: 0438 767 403, Danielle: 0421 138 512 Please note parking is available at the hotel if required. Looking forward to seeing you all for a great night out! YEAR 1 P&F • Saturday 22 November: End of Year 1 Christmas Disco Celebration at Doodlebugs Indoor Play Centre 5:30-7:30pm. $9 per child payable on the night. Cafe will be open for food and coffee. BYO for parents. Please RSVP to Sara 0433 574 700 YEAR 6 PARENTS • Saturday 22 November: We have almost 80 students attending Drax for Kids for our Year 6 Leavers’ lunch. If you have not paid or have not put your child’s name on the list, this is the final call. Please have money in an envelope to the Junior School Office by Monday. Money was due last week but I managed to get one week’s extension. Please call Carol 0438 766 865 for any details. TUCKSHOP HELPERS Volunteers urgently needed. Benefits include a free lunch for your child and $5 credit on your School account each day you volunteer. Weekly/fortnightly vacancies. Please phone Natalie 5587 0375 - all welcome. Year 11 Parents • Friday 7 November 6:30pm at The Groove Train, Robina: End of Year Christmas Party. Let’s get together for a laugh and drink to celebrate 2014. This will be held on the function side of the restaurant where drinks and light meals can be purchased from the bar. Remember to put in your diaries everyone! Please RSVP so we can get approx. numbers. Hope to see you there. Renee, Sally and Jacqui 0417 307 901 YEAR 12 P&F Facebook: ‘ASAS Class of 2014 Parents’ or email nicolahayward@ to be added to email list. • Formal Get-together, which will be held at Bond University Saturday 15 November following the arrival and presentation of students. All welcome. Bookings can be made via trybooking. • Thursday 20 November: Tunnel of Love at All Saints, followed by lunch at The Glades. Suggestions and queries welcome. Nicola 0418 180 406, Sharon 0409 924 450 Reminder P&F AGM 7:00pm Monday 10 November Held in the Middle School Lecture Theatre all welcome Reminder P&F Melbourne Cup 11:30am Tuesday 4 November Mecca Bah, Broadbeach $70/seat allsaints Saints Alive Parents & Friends 24 October 2014 - Page 12 Back to School FREE 2015 delivery! STATIONERY PACKS 2015 The requirement list for Stationery Packs are for Years 3 – 12 only and will be available through the online Bookpack Order Process below. Pre Prep to Year 2 will be required to pay for complete packs which are delivered in bulk to the classroom. This will be invoiced to your School Fees Account with payment due by the end of January 2015. Place your order from 13 October - 9 November 2014 to receive free delivery to your home during the week commencing 1 December 2014. To use the internet ordering system, click and follow the instructions. (Alternatively Parent Resources and follow the link.) The prices shown on the booklist are for All Saints Anglican School on-line orders only. Any purchases made directly through Symons will be charged full retail price. Bookpack Order Process •Click on Bookpack Orders button. •Enter your School logon code FAS01. •Fill in the details of your Child’s name, RESIDENTIAL address (No PO Box) and DAY TIME contact details. •Select your Year level in 2015 and click the Save Details button. •Please ensure that you read the Order Documentation. •Should you require a full pack, just click the Full Order button. If a full pack is not required, just tab to the order quantity column and key in the number required. •Click on Save Details. •Should you have additional students, click on Next Student button, if not click on Pay Now. •Click on the Pay Now button – this will take you through to a secure payment page. •Click on the type of credit card you wish to pay with (eg. Visa, Mastercard or American Express) •Fill in your credit card details and click on the Enter Payment button. •A confirmation will be forwarded to you at the email address you have included. •Once your credit card payment has been approved, you will receive an Order Confirmation on screen. A confirmation will also be forwarded to the email address you have included in your child’s details. Please retain your ORDER REFERENCE NUMBER for any queries you may have. •Should you not receive confirmation and Order Reference Number, please contact Symons Educational Supplies on 07 5531 3633 or email REMEMBER TO PLACE YOUR ORDER BY SUNDAY 9 November 2014 Saints Alive 24 October 2014 - Page 13 Contents 2015 Musical – The Addams Family 2015 Trip to France – GROUP FEE OPPORTUNITY! AB Paterson Public Speaking All Saints Day Concert All Saints Day Giveathong! All Saints Titration at the National level 2014 APS Summer Sport v King’s BABY SITTING BIRTHDAY BOOKS Bookpack Order Process BORDEAUX STUDENTS IN THE STARTING BLOCK! Bus Car Park Closures Careers Calendar CHAPLAINCY MATTERS CLASS ALLOCATIONS 2015 Diploma of Business Graduation Diploma of Business Work Placements End Of Year Party FROM THE DIRECTOR OF CAREERS & VET FROM THE DIRECTOR OF PERFORMING ARTS FROM THE DIRECTOR OF SPORT & ACTIVITIES FROM THE HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL FROM THE HEAD OF MIDDLE SCHOOL FROM THE HEAD OF SENIOR SCHOOL FROM THE SICK BAY GET TOGETHER GIVEATHON GIVEATHON DEADLINE CLOSING FAST! How Can I Get My Child To Take Responsibility? ICT NAPLAN TRIAL INTER-SCHOOL CHESS Junior School Celebrations LOOKING AHEAD IN THE MIDDLE SCHOOL Saints Alive 8 6 4 8 2 6 9 11 2 13 6 2 7 10 3 7 7 12 7 8 9 2 3 5 11 12 3 5 4 2 2 2 3 MIDDLE SCHOOL CELEBRATION MUSICAL SHOWCASE Musical Showcase – Well Done! MUSIC SHOWCASE Pegasus Creative Writing Competition WINNERS P&F AGM 7:00pm P&F Directory 2015 Pre-Prep Parents PUBLISHING CONTACT DETAILS QAMT PROBLEM SOLVING COMPETITION QTAC/Tertiary Study Applications RELEASE OF YEAR 12 STUDENT RESULTS AND OPS Reminder for Current Year 3 Parents Round 4 results SENIOR SCHOOL ART SHOW SENIOR SCHOOL TERM 4 DATES Spare Sports Shorts STATE CHESS State Cup Cricket UPDATE STATIONERY PACKS 2015 STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS Student Achievements in sport THURSDAY LUNCH CLUB TUCKSHOP HELPERS UpComing Events VET Students Wednesday 29 October WISE WORDS ON TEACHING WORLD TEACHERS’ DAY YEAR 1 P&F YEAR 6 PARENTS Year 9 Rave in the Cave Year 10 Certificate I in Indigenous Tourism YEAR 11 AND 12 SHUTDOWN Year 11 Parents YEAR 12 P&F 3 5 8 3 1 12 11 12 11 4 7 5 2 9 7 5 2 2 9 13 3 9 4 12 8 7 7 6 6 12 12 4 6 5 12 12 24 October 2014 - Page 14
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