Lodge Leader Lake of The Ozarks Elks Lodge #2517 5161 Osage Beach Parkway Osage Beach, Missouri 65065 Lodge 573-348-3798 Fax 573-302-1042 Newsletter e-mail: elks2517nl@yahoo.com Volume 40, Issue No. 10, October 2014 LODGE OFFICERS Exalted Ruler Jerry Spurgeon Leading Knight Jerry Fox Loyal Knight Sharon Cass Lecturing Knight Al Mueller Secretary Nancy Sappington Treasure Sue Doornbosch Esquire Bill Perkins Tiler John Calvert Inner Guard Mike Williams Chaplain Carol Perkins Board of Directors: 5 Yr. Bruce Meeker 4 Yr. Jim Bex 3 Yr. Sam Sunley 2 Yr. Scott Lay 1 Yr. Jim Richardson HOUSE COMMITTEE Deb Stoner, Chairman Fred Catcott, Secretary Ron Birdsong Jeniene Teichgraeber Ron Yarbrough Terry Wells Marvin Hagele A round of applause for the 40 plus Elks who braved the heat and parked cars at the shootout. The Sep 5th Hot Summer Night Vettes for Veterans had 50 Corvettes with Veterans as passengers. About half the Vets were Elks. A big event is coming up. It is the Veterans Parade on Nov 8th. It has big interest within the city. Arlene Page/City Police, Gerry Hodge/Veterans Commission, and Bob Lynch/MODOT have all attended our meetings with great input. Jeniene Teichgraeber has volunteered to be Chairman for the Elks float. Come forward and give her a hand. As sponsors of the parade, we will need members to participate in planning and running the parade. Contact me and volunteer. We have new members monthly. Contact them and make them welcome to the Lodge. A Fire Safety Program will be on Oct 4th from noon to 2 pm. Let’s have a good attendance. Both kids and adults welcome. Jerry Spurgeon Exalted Ruler House Committee Meetings: 1st Monday of the month at 9:30 a.m. Quote of the Month “Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World” LOUNGE HOURS Mon-Thurs 2:00 pm– 9:00 pm Fri-Sat 2:00 pm-10:00 pm Sun 1:00 pm—8:00 pm Happy Hour: Daily 4:00-6:00 pm (hours of operation subject to change) CHECK CALENDAR FOR GREAT MEALS, EVENTS AND MUSIC God Bless & Protect our Service Men & Women wherever they Serve our Country around the World. We appreciate their Sacrifice & Service to America. ELKS GARAGE SALE Start saving up for the Elks garage sale on October 25th. Don't need TVs or computer parts. Elk Members Carol & Bill Perkins, Sue & Wayne Doornbosch, Nancy Sappington and Gregg Masters built this rocking motorcycle. The motorcycle was raffled off at the Bike Fest held in Sept. All the proceeds went to the Veterans fund. CORNHOLE RESULTS MOUSE RACES OCTOBER 18 5 PM Aug 19 1st Place: Terry Hackett/Karen Hackett 2nd Place: Velvet Noel/Terri LaMontague Aug 26 1st Place: Gregg Masters/Kay Carter 2nd Place: Cindy Eggers/Karen Hackett Sep 9 1st Place: Kay Carter/Tanya Masters 2nd Place: Marie Bond/Don Cruzen Cost is $2 and we draw for partners. Next dates are Oct 14 & 28 at 6:00; sign up at 5:45. Look for the signs in the Lodge. Cindy Eggers FROM THE EDITOR Please EMAIL newsletter articles to Karen Hackett at kfhusa@gmail.com. SHUFFLEBOARD RESULTS Aug 13 1st Place: Bob Miller/Ron Birdsong 2nd Place: Jerry Fox/Pat Maher Aug 27 1st Place: Jerry Fox/Glenda Birdsong 2nd Place: Gregg Masters/Judy Sunley Sep 3 1st Place: Jerry Fox/Rich Poole 2nd Place: Bill Perkins/Gregg Masters Sep 10 1st Place: Ron Birdsong/Bob Miller 2nd Place: Judy Sunley/Jerry Fox COME JOIN THE FUN! Sign up at 4:45 every Wednesday. Blind Draw. Play begins 5:00. Cost $2.50 per player. Prizes awarded to 1st and 2nd place teams. WASHERS RESULTS Week of 8/18 1st Place: Randy Behrmann/Jerry Seifert 2nd Place: Bruce Golden/Jane Seifert Week of 9/1 1st Place: 2nd Place: Bruce Golden/Don Cruzen Barry Wallace/Jane Seifert Washer schedule: Oct 6 & 20, Nov 3 & 17 Dec 1 & 15 Jerry Seifert Coordinator - ELKS MEET ON THE FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH AT 7:00 PM, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF JULY, AUGUST, AND DECEMBER WHEN THERE IS ONLY ONE MEETING ON THE FIRST TUESDAY. - BOARD OF DIRECTORS (BOD) MEET THE FIRST TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT 5:30 PM. APPLICATIONS ALSO AT LODGE Charity...Justice...Brotherly Love...Fidelity 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Antonio Lato Steve Schmidt Michael Vigna Caroline Harrington Vincent Harrington Edwin Kolb Donald Glasener Clifford Shirk Shirley Long Madeline Anderson Carole Olivarri Joyce Pennington Francis Wilson Karen Hackett Ronald Larrington James Richardson Keith Rustand Maria Bond Janet Hickam Lelia Burns Orville Stoeber Rose Rand Russell Aalsburg Larry Korte Barbara Clark Ellen Garvey Jerry Fox Russell Hamman James Miller Scott Keith Mary Schutzenhofer David Curtis Gregg Pearre Peggy Bull Sharon Smith Nancy Coyne Delores Gocal Forrest O’Neal Larry Ryan Billye Bennett Edward Zenik Michael Digman Danny Galvin John Gattermeir Nancy Sappington Mike Scherer Dana Deboard Betty Menges Mark Schmitt Steven Konczqkowski Jane Cook Charlie Granda Kevin McGee Joe Schutzenhofer Karen Brindle Laverne Mentel Larry Greiwe 24 Bill Bennett Jon Riley Sherry Selk 25 Julie Hawkins Kenneth Moulder Louise Duncan 26 Albert Mueller Frank Vielhaber Lea Lewis 27 Jonas Layton 28 Michael Ralston Kathleen Swan Nancy Vanosdoll 29 Dennis Butts 30 Ronald Anderson Byran Dobry Pamela Layton 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 19 21 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Lato Mr. and Mrs. Charles Erath, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Tussey Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Langner Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lunsford Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stamm Mr. and Mrs. Tom Black Mr. and Mrs. William Lind Mr. and Mrs. William Busch Mr. and Mrs. Michael Williams Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lich Mr. and Mrs. David Witter Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sly Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith Mr. and Mrs. Roger Berg Mr. and Mrs. Richard Poole Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sallens Mr. and Mrs. Terry Ryterski Mr. and Mrs. Donald Perry Mr. and Mrs. Sean Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Donald Morin Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wade Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bunch Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Green Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bull Mr. and Mrs. Michael Digman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hackett, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hill Mr. and Mrs. John Koerber Mr. and Mrs. Dale Griffen Mr. and Mrs. Larry Whitsett Mr. and Mrs. Scott Schafer "To Our Absent Members" An Elk is Never Forgotten. Never Forsaken……….." Member Elks who have passed on: Gerald Tarr Mike Lynch Bill Yowell UPCOMING EVENTS Nov 2-3: Downstream Casino Bus Trip Nov 8: Veterans Parade (10:30 am) Nov 27: Thanksgiving Dinner Dec 6: Elks Auction Dec 7: Elks Memorial Service Entertainment for October Oct 10: Haley & Bill (Sax on the Beach) Oct 31: Cindy Lawhorn Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Open Face Drug Awareness Night (6-8) 6 5 HC Mtg 9:30 12 7 Dress Mtg 7:00 Burgers BOD Mtg 5:30 Washers 6:45 DD Visit Queen Hearts 5:30 pm 13 14 Columbus Day Queen Hearts Golf 5:30 pm Tournament Burgers 20 19 21 Burgers Washers 6:45 26 Cornhole 6:00 Queen Hearts 5:30 pm 28 27 Burgers 8 Grill Nite (Flat Iron Steaks by C.O.F) 15 Rueben Sandwich Cornhole 6:00 I am available: ___Daytime Fried or Baked Chicken Show me the money 7 pm BAND 16 17 Show me the money 7 pm Grill Nite (Potato Bar by Birdsongs) 23 Health Fair (5:30 am to 11 am) Shuffleboard 4:45 pm Show me the money 7 pm Grilled Ham & Cheese Shuffleboard 4:45 pm ___Thursday ___Evenings ___Anytime I am interested in (mark all that apply): ____Monday, Wednesday, Friday Kitchen Nights ____Hall Rental Events ____Weekend Special Events ____Any Lodge Special Event Name____________________________ Phone____________________________ Fire Safety Program (12-2) 11 10 30 Show me the money 7 pm 18 Pork Chops Mouse Races (5 pm) Guest Bartender Terry Hackett Trivia Night 6:00 The best time for me to volunteer is: ___Tuesday ___Wednesday ___Saturday ___Sunday 4 Fried Fish or Shrimp 9 Shuffleboard 4:45 pm VOLUNTEERS WANTED! I Am Very Interested In Being A Part Of My Lodge ___Monday ___Friday Sat 3 Show me the money 7 pm Shuffleboard 4:45 pm 29 Queen Hearts 5:30 pm Fri 2 Roast Beef Sandwich Shuffleboard 4:45 pm Trivia Night 6:00 22 Casual Mtg 7:00 Thurs 24 25 Chicken Fried Steak Elks Garage Sale 31 Prime Rib or Shrimp Halloween Party BAND KITCHEN WORK SCHEDULE October Week of 10/6 Week of 10/13 Week of 10/20 Week of 10/27 Sharon Cass Lois Dunnagan Terry Hackett Jeannie Teichgraeber November Week of 11/3 Week of 11/10 Week of 11/17 Week of 11/24 Scott Schafer Clark Gruninger Richard Wachter Ed McMillan KITCHEN HOURS 5:30 till 7:00 pm, or until gone, Mon/Wed/Fri (will be open longer on prime rib nights)
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