Official Publication
Of the
York Rite Masons of Washington
October 2014
Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons
MEC E. Jeffrey Craig
REC Richard M. Kovak
REC Bryan D. Bechler
REC Joseph MacIntyre
REC Robert W. Benish
Grand High Priest
Deputy Grand High Priest
Grand King
Grand Scribe
Grand Secretary
Grand Council Royal & Select Masters
MIC Michael A. Smitson
RIC Michael D. Holland
RIC Gary Norton
RIC Steven L. Dazey
MIC Anthony C. Schwab
RPC Bryan D. Bechler
Grand Illustrious Master
Deputy Grand Illustrious Master
Grand Principal Conductor of Work
Grand Master of Ceremonies
Grand Treasurer
Grand Recorder
Grand Commandery Knights Templar
SK Anthony C. Schwab
SK Ivan “Merle” Iverson
SK Theodore E. Shanks
SK Marion A. Windell
SK Robert L. Luttrell
SK Steven L. Guffy
Right Eminent Grand Commander
Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander
Eminent Grand Generalissimo
Eminent Grand Captain General
Eminent Grand Treasurer
Eminent Grand Recorder
York Rite Colleges
REDB T.H. “Dick” Dickason
REDB James T. Stephens
VEDB Donald J. Beck
VEDB Harold G. Rothgeb
Regent and Herald
Grand Governor
Deputy Grand Governor:
Deputy Grand Governor:
From Your FOCUS Editor
Companions and Sir Knights:
This issue is a few days later than expected as I just returned from Buffalo, NY where
I attended the General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International and the
General Grand Council Cryptic Masons, International triennials.
MEC Louis E. Bartrand was elected and installed as the General Grand High Priest for
2014-2017 for the General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons, International, REC
James Hodge was elected General Grand King, REC Steven Tiner was elected General
Grand Scribe, MEC Larry Gray was re-elected General Grand Recorder, MEC Palmer
Martin was re-elected as General Grand Treasurer and MEC E. Jeffrey Craig was
installed as the General Grand Chaplain.
MPC Lawrence O. Weaver was elected to a full three-year term as General Grand
Master for 2014-2017 for the General Grand Council Cryptic Masons, International.
RPC Milton “Sid” Roberts was elected as Deputy General Grand Master, RPC Ron
Guthrie was elected General Grand Principal Conductor of Work, RPC Charles Hollinger
was re-elected as the General Grand Treasurer and RPC David Grindle was re-elected
as the General Grand Recorder.
Several countries received their charters and several others are working towards
having charters issued.
Five of the six resolutions passed, some with minor changes. An updated Constitution
and By-Laws will be posted on the General Grand Council web site once it’s stabilized.
Those that passed are as follows:
Per capita for the Grand Council will be $2.00 per Companion beginning October 1,
2015, then $2.50 per Companion beginning October 1, 2016
The Subordinate Council Annual Returns are due to the General Grand Recorder by
February 28th of the year. If it is not received by that date a fine to the Recorder of
$25 per month or any part of the month will be imposed and due when the return is
The Life Membership Fee will increase to the new per capita one year before the
increase in per capita. For example, the Life Membership fee for Grand Councils is
now $50 per Companion per Council to which he belongs.
The last resolution made minor changes in the Corporate Foundation Board.
Other officers for the General Grand Council from Washington are:
MIC Michael Smitson: Ambassador in Washington
VIC E. Jeffrey Craig: General Grand Chaplain
RPC Bryan D. Bechler: Ambassador to Western Canada, Aide de Camp and Assistant
General Grand Recorder.
There were over 700 in attendance at the banquet where a number of awards were
Sincerely and fraternally,
REC Bryan D. Bechler, Editor
Grand High Priest’s Message
My Companions, Greetings in the name of our most gracious Lord!
Your Grand Chapter elected line officers have returned from a successful Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter of
British Columbia and Yukon, and a likewise very successful 69th Triennial General Grand Convocation in Buffalo and would
beg leave to report to you that our own Past Grand High Priest, MEC Louis E. Bartrand has been elected as the ME
General Grand High Priest of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons International for the next term.
Congratulations MEC Louis! I know I speak for our entire Grand Chapter in wishing you the best! MEC Louis was joined
by REC James Hodge, GG King, and Steven Tiner from Arkansas who was elected as the GG Scribe. General Grand also
passed a per-capita increase of $2.00 to take effect on 01-01-16 and an additional $3.00 to take effect on 01-01-18.
Companions, we seriously need to take a look at our financial house. I have directed our Finance Committee to prepare
our budget for next year, and to also prepare a resolution to bring us into a sound financial footing. We CANNOT afford
to tap into our principal and investments to operate or we will cease to be able to operate in very short order. I would
urge any of you who wish to make suggestions on how to proceed financially, please contact the members of this
committee. When we meet again in May, let us take the necessary and correct steps to properly fund ourselves for the
As we move into October, we move into the election season. As you contemplate who will lead your Chapters for the
next year, please give thought to the long term future of the Craft. Look at your Chapter’s long range plan and see who
will best lead you into accomplishing what you have laid out in that plan. Let us put into place Companions of vision who
will give us good and wholesome instruction for our labors, and who will assist us in spreading our light throughout the
A challenge Companions: attend Affirmation Sunday services at the Peace Arch Park on Sunday the 26th of October. We
have received warning from the Grand First Principal of BC & Yukon that he will be bringing more Canadian Companions
than we will have Washington Companions in attendance. If you have never attended, now is the time to attend this
great event, and if you have attended, attend again. Don’t let us be out shown in our own activity!
I continue to ask for your thoughts and assistance on purchasing RAMCHF Life Memberships, and on new ways to get the
word out about our philanthropy. Please Companions, let’s get this great Masonic Light of assistance to others out from
under our all too present bushel basket.
Again Companions, I look forward to seeing each and every one of you as I travel around our great state this year. Let’s
have fun and take our fraternity to even greater heights by sharing the light with all whom you come into contact.
Remember: In Royal Arch, to have one be one, ask one!
Grace and Peace,
MEC ++E. Jeffrey Craig
Grand High Priest
Royal Arch Masons in Washington
MEC E. Jeffrey Craig, GHP
C 206-799-8195
Web Page
REC Robert Benish, G Sec.
rwbmtb1@comcast.net or gsramwa@comcast.net
Grand Illustrious Master’s Message
Musings from the Desk of your Most Illustrious Grand Master:
As I write this message to the membership of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Washington, I
also must look back at the past five months or so since I was elected and installed. This was a most humbling
point in my life. I accepted this honor with trembling hands and racing heart. My first thought was “What had I
gotten myself into by accepting this position?” It was very scary to say the least.
October is here! I have just returned to Washington after a long trip to Buffalo, NY for the Triennial Assembly
of the General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons, International. I know the Grand Recorder will also post the
results of the elections and report on the resolutions that were passed. October is a month of changes! We as
Masons must also look forward to this season of change. For life without change is not life at all. Stagnation is
part of the darkness that we as Masons have sworn to battle and protect the innocents of our World. We must
move forward. What the future holds for all of us as Masons, and more especially as Cryptic Masons, no one
can say. I hope we will shine the light of hope and honor for all the World to see and gather around.
As I travel around the state visiting all of our Councils I see some tough times ahead. During this month and
next, we will be electing our leadership in our constituted Councils. We must continue to help and assist our
new Companions in learning what a Council is, and the beautiful degrees we present. We must look for the
best qualified Companions to lead us to the next level of Cryptic Masonry.
Yes, change is here, I see it in the leaves of our trees on the roadside. I feel the change in the temperature as
it is getting cooler. I also see the change in our Councils. I see the change as we suffer the growth of our
older members and the new members starting to learn to take the reins of authority and work without reward,
just for the promise of doing good work. We all must be prepared to do this for the sake of the York Rite
Bodies, more especially for the Royal and Select Masters of Washington. Let us all pull together on these
reins of authority and help put our assemblies on the correct course for Cryptic Masonry. One step is for all of
the York Rite Companions and Sir Knights to complete the Companion Adept of the Temple Program. Learn
what our forefathers offered to all the world to know.
Let me close now these musings of my distorted mind and awaken and raise up. Take a step of faith that we
are headed in the right direction.
MIC Michael A. Smitson, Most Illustrious Grand Master
Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Washington
MIC Michael A. Smitson, Grand Illustrious Master
C (253) 370-9748
Web Link
RPC Bryan D. Bechler, Grand Recorder
H (360) 691-2861 C (360) 631-4187
Grand Commanders Message
Sir Knights!
One of the great privileges of being the Grand Commander is that I get to meet and greet many Sir
Knights within a formal or non-formal meeting. Some Sir Knights have some very pointed questions
about membership, charity and the state of the craft in all the York Rite Bodies. I just returned from
Buffalo, NY and we are not alone with those same questions. A guest speaker of 21 years of age
gave some of his thoughts about what we could do. The main idea was to go to Youth Meetings and
see what they are doing about these problems and how they are working at obtaining new members
and what they are doing to keep others. No one answer was given on any of the subjects because
you might have to change what you are doing to keep someone or get someone. He wanted us to
know that changes are needed if we are to continue to grow. We have to work at making our
meetings worth going to. No more going to a meeting without a program or not knowing your work.
His last point was to make sure that you are able to change your program to meet the need(s) of any
one person(s) and make sure they feel they are wanted or needed. This young man has been a
member of the York Rite since he was 18 years old.
Let us start by working on our standard work and having some programs at our meetings. The days
of coming to the meeting, paying the bills and going home should not be anymore.
SK Anthony C. Schwab
RE Grand Commander
Grand Commandery, Knights Templar of Washington
Anthony C. Schwab, REGC
C (425) 350-6696
Web Page
Steven L. Guffy, Gr. Rec., REPGC
(509) 662-7607
Grand Governor’s Message
The York Rite College will assist in conferring degrees of all bodies. Please give us some lead
time if possible. We will attempt to fill any last minute requests.
Contact the Secretary of the College or myself.
James T. Stephens, Grand Governor.
Royal Arch Masons Children’s Heart Foundation
October 2014
We had our Fall Meeting on September 6, 2014 in Ellensburg. A significant number of items were
discussed, including those chapters who have still not turned in their 2013 Heart Beat Box
Contributions. They are: Walla Walla 1, Spokane 2, Vancouver 9, Bellingham Bay 12, Yakima 21 and
Falls City 54. These should have been turned in to the Grand Scribe before Grand Sessions in May.
Our President Truesdale fully discussed the history of the Royal Arch Masons Children's Heart
Foundation and described the application process. It was suggested that a DVD or CD be developed
discussing our philanthropy. I would request that if anyone can assist us in that process to contact
me at the earliest convenience. The one application we had working has been overcome by events.
The couple handled the situation themselves. It is absolutely necessary that we handle these cases
in a timely manner. Please let us know if you have discussed possible cases with your Trustee. In
fact, do you know your Trustee? If not, why? Have them brief your chapters at your stated
meetings. There have been 88 Life Membership applications to date, but more are needed. Your
continued participation is truly appreciated. If you have never attended a Heart Foundation meeting,
our next one is on March 28, 2015, 10:00 AM, Palace Café, Ellensburg, WA. Please mark your
Louis E. Bartrand
(W) 360-658-4581
York Rite Life Memorial Fund
To: All Secretaries/Recorders
Please send all contributions to:
IC Ronald Thompson
3233 224th Pl. S.W.
Brier, Washington 98036
Telephone – 425-774-4888
E-Mail rocknt1@frontier.com
Upcoming Events
Official Visits—October 2014
Grand High Priest
16th to 18th
OV – Enumclaw #42; Enumclaw, WA
OV – Vancouver #9; Vancouver, WA
OV – University #32; University Lodge, Seattle, WA
NW Regional York Rite Conference; Boise, ID
Bellingham Bay #12 International Night; Bellingham, WA
OV – Pasco; Pasco, WA
Royal Arch Affirmation Sunday; Peace Arch Park, Blaine, WA
Grand Illustrious Master
None Scheduled for October
Grand Commander
Hesperus #8 - Bellingham
Malta #18 - Bremerton
Cowlitz #29 - Vancouver
Temple #5 - Ellensburg
Year 2014 information
now posted - subject to change!
Need some "Masonic Motivation" to visit exciting Laughlin, Nevada during the pleasant
fall months? Well - you've discovered it!
Mark your calendar for October 19, 20, 21, 2014
Every October York Rite Masons from Arizona, California, Nevada, and New Mexico
gather to confer the Degrees and Orders upon worthy Candidates, as a courtesy to their
home Bodies.
In our nineteen year history we have had the honor of conferring the Degrees and Orders
of York Rite Masonry on well over 1000 candidates from twelve jurisdictions, from both
North and South America.
Attending the conferral of the Degrees is the "Masonic Motivation", but the Colorado
River Fall Festival is really about camaraderie, fraternalism, education and cooperation.
You'll see some of the finest ritual work in the Southwest - we have been used by smaller
Bodies as a model for their work. In addition to the conferrals on Monday and Tuesday,
there will be Candidate Orientation Sunday evening, a Fellowship Banquet (with
entertainment following) on Monday evening, and a "friendship tea" for the ladies, with
pastries, beverages, friendship and hospitality mid-day on Tuesday - ladies, bring your
Teddy Bears!
Be sure to bring your lady - she will have the opportunity to make new friends, visit fun
and interesting locales, do some shopping, take in a movie or two, eat a fine meal at a
very reasonable price, and you both can enjoy some "Nevada Style Entertainment"! Have
her bring a Teddy Bear to the Ladies Tea on Tuesday at 12:30 PM - details HERE.
We hope that you will be able to join us for the 2014 Colorado River Fall Festival.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the appropriate Committeeman,
or if you are not sure who to contact, e-mail the WebMason.
All Candidates must be pre-registered with BOTH the Candidate Registrar AND the
Festival Registrar by October 1, 2014. Candidates who are not pre-registered cannot
be allowed to participate.
Hotel and General Banquet reservations must also be made by October 1, 2014 - for
"special accommodations" like room upgrades, earlier dates apply - see the General
Registration Form for details!.
We stress again that the Colorado River Fall Festival is open to members from all
recognized jurisdictions - "The More, the Merrier!"
We are always looking for additional assistance. If you have a Degree team desiring
to participate, or are from a jurisdiction which wishing to be fully involved, please
contact us for further information.
Special Conclave of the Grand Commandery
To all Grand Commandery Officers, Past Grand Commanders, Eminent Commanders,
Generalissimo's, Captain Generals & Sir Knights of Constituent Commanderies;
Greetings Sir Knights:
You are cordially invited to attend the special conclave of the Grand Commandery,
Knights Templar of Washington on Sunday, November 2nd at 1:00PM at the Des Moines
Masonic Center, 2208 South 223rd St., Des Moines, WA 98198-7935. The purpose of this
Special Conclave is to present S.K. Warren A. Lee, VEDGC, the title and full honors of
Right Eminent Past Grand Commander of Washington. Lunch will be served at 1:00PM
sharp. A breast of turkey luncheon with the trimmings, dessert and beverages, for a
$15.00 donation. Please RSVP to SK Don Beck, REPGC at 425-745-6830 no later than
October 15th, 2014.
Degree Work
Royal Ark Mariner Degree
Pacific Council No. 30, Allied Masonic Degrees (AMD) will confer the "Royal Ark Mariner Degree" on
Sunday, October 12th, 2014, beginning at 2:00PM. The location will be the Pyramid Masonic Center
(Thornton F. McElroy Masonic Lodge building), 1700 South 340th St., Federal Way, WA. You must be a
Royal Arch Freemason in good standing to petition to receive the Royal Ark Mariner Degree. Fee to
accompany the petition is $25.00 for Life membership (Checks are to be made payable to "Pacific Council
No. 30, AMD"). To obtain a petition for the Royal Ark Mariner Degree please contact the Secretary, W. Gary
Norton, PO Box 8632, Lacey, WA 98509: 360-412-1738; email: Ptah830@comcast.net. Dress is coat and
tie. A meal is scheduled following the degree at 4:00PM. There is no cost for the meal for those receiving
the Royal Ark Mariner Degree.
Super Excellent Master Degree
A long sought-after presentation of the Super Excellent Master Degree will be conferred by King Solomon
Council No. 27. The date has been set for November 8th, 2014, which is a Saturday, at the King Solomon
Masonic Temple in Auburn, WA. There will be lunch at Noon, followed by the SEM Degree at about 1:00PM.
We have already had one rehearsal and will have two more at King Solomon Council’s stated assemblies,
all on October 18th, 2014. Most of the larger parts have been filled, but we still can use some more help
from interested companions.
Deputies of the Grand High Priest
District #1
District #2
District #3
District #4
District #5
District #6
District #7
District #8
District #9
VEC Douglas Jerome
VEC Jimmy Norton
VEC Geoff Joosten
VEC Mike Palko-Dean
VEC Rabi Peifer
VEC Charles Wood
VEC Michael Gostovich
VEC Phillip Woodland
VEC Rick Kelly
(360) 675-6796
(206) 679-6582
(425) 629-3678
(253) 939-3294
(360) 220-7628
(360) 985-1335
(509) 952-2447
(509) 529-3781
(509) 560-0510
District #1:
Bellingham Bay Chapter No. 12
Meets 3rd Monday at Bellingham Lodge, 2626 W. Maplewood Ave., Bellingham, WA. Dinner at 6:30PM,
stated meeting at 7:30PM.
High Priest:
EC Kyle Evanstad
VEC Thom Baughn
(360) 393-4271
(360) 676-0419
Anacortes Chapter No. 59
Meets 4th Monday at Anacortes Lodge, 1019 8th St., Anacortes, WA, except July, August and December.
Dinner at 6:30PM; stated meeting at 7:30PM.
High Priest:
EC Trutzwelt “Ron” Wolff
EC Gerald Myers
(360) 445-5512
(360) 679-5184
Research Chapter No. 68
Meets 1st Friday at the Everett Masonic Center, 234 Olympic Blvd., Everett, WA. Potluck begins at
6:30PM provided by the Social Order of the Beauceant in January, April and October; stated meetings
are: January, April, July and October at 7:30PM.
High Priest:
EC Scott Whippo
EC George Fischer
(206) 786-5461
(360) 403-1562
District #2:
Snohomish County Chapter No. 15
Meets 3rd Thursday at Edmonds Lodge, 515 Dayton St., Edmonds, WA, except for July, August, and
December. Potluck at 6:30PM; stated meeting at 7:30PM.
High Priest:
EC Thomas Lamb
REC Robert Benish
(425) 742-2348
(206) 497-5287
University Chapter No. 32
Meets 2nd Monday at 4338 University Way, NE, Seattle, WA, except for July and August. Dinner at
6:30PM; stated meeting at 7:30PM.
High Priest:
VEC David Flood
VEC William S. Shortt
(206) 720-1560
(206) 390-1153
Fellowship Chapter No. 61
Meets the 2nd Tuesday at Ashlar Masonic Temple, 10035 ½ Main St., Bothell, WA, except for July and
August. Stated meeting begins at 7:30PM. Dinner at 6:30PM.
High Priest:
EC Kalman Eric Koteles
C Ron Thompson
(206) 423-5128
(425) 774-4888
District #3:
Oriental Chapter No. 19
Meets on the 2nd Saturday of January, March, May, September and November at Green Lake Masonic
Hall, 307 NE Maple Leaf Pl., Seattle, WA at 10:30AM. Lunch follows all meetings at a nearby restaurant.
High Priest:
EC Jeffrey Harden
EC Coe Tug Morgan
(206) 274-5271
(206) 632-2970
Issaquah Chapter No. 39
Meets on the 2nd Tuesday at St. Andrews Masonic Center, 505 Williams Ave. S, Renton, WA except for July
and August. Potluck at 6:30PM; stated convocation at 7:30PM. Every September is the annual visitation of
Falls City Chapter No. 54.
High Priest:
VEC Shaun Yabandeh
MEC Donald J. Beck
(425) 883-8505
(425) 745-6830
Falls City Chapter No. 54
Meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 4304 337th Pl. SE, Fall City, WA, except June, July, November
and December. Potluck at 6:30PM; stated meeting at 7:30PM.
High Priest:
EC Chris Collins
EC Frank J. Schumacher
(425) 318-2764
(425) 533-9634
District #4:
Enumclaw Chapter No. 42
Meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month at the Enumclaw Masonic Temple, 42810 264 th Ave., SE,
Enumclaw, WA, except July and August. Potluck at 6:30PM; stated meeting at 7:30PM.
High Priest:
EC Jim Devlit
MEC Paul Reckamp
(253) 862-1900
(253) 335-7731
Robert B. Palmer Chapter No. 46
Meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at the Auburn Masonic Temple, 10 Auburn Way S, Auburn, WA,
except May and December. Potluck dinner at 6:30PM; stated meeting at 7:30PM.
High Priest:
EC Walter Russell
EC Loren Franz
(253) 833-3988
(253) 569-3060
Triple Tau Chapter No. 66
Meets on the 2nd Wednesday of month at the Des Moines Masonic Temple, 2208 S 223 rd St., Des Moines,
WA, except July & August. Potluck dinner at 6:30 PM; stated meeting at 7:30 PM.
High Priest:
EC John A. Westland
MEC Jerry E. Whitney
(360) 889-0553
(206) 241-7510
District #5:
Tacoma Chapter No. 4
Meets on the 3rd Monday in February, April, June, August, October and December at 5405 S. Puget Sound
Ave., Tacoma, WA. Potluck dinner at 6:30PM.
High Priest:
VEC Alexander Jordan
VEC Michael Smitson
(253) 625-3567
(253) 581-3571
Olympus Chapter No. 27
Meets on the 4th Monday at the Bremerton Masonic Temple, 878 5th St., Bremerton, WA, except July and
August. Hosted dinner provided by York Rite body at 6:30PM.
High Priest:
EC John Smiley
EC Peter Dawson
(425) 850-4319
(360) 779-8219
Angeles Chapter No. 38
Meets on the 3rd Monday of January, March, June, and September at the Port Angeles Masonic Temple, 622
S. Lincoln, Port Angeles, WA. Meetings are in conjunction with Crescent Council No. 18 and Juan de Fuca
Commandery No. 17. Hosted dinners before Official Visits at 6:30PM. Stated meeting begins at 7:30PM.
High Priest:
EC Jack Wise
EC Theodore E. Shanks
(360) 681-4294
(360) 582-0253
District #6:
Vancouver Chapter No. 9
Meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the Vancouver Masonic Temple, 2500 NE 78th St., Vancouver, WA, except
for July and August. Potluck dinner at 6:30PM; stated meeting at 7:30PM. Ladies are invited to attend. Chapter meets
with Vancouver Council No. 10.
High Priest:
VEC Mark D. Sanders
(360) 921-6665
Centralia Chapter No. 44
Meets on the 1st Wednesday of February, April, June, October and December at the Centralia Masonic
Temple, 218 N. Pearl St., Centralia, WA. Stated meeting at 7:30PM. Refreshments served after the
High Priest:
EC Steve Livingston
EC Clayton LaVigne
(360) 790-8791
(360) 736-6140
No email
District #7:
Ellensburg Chapter No. 11
Meets on the 1st Thursday at the Ellensburg Masonic Temple, 111 ½ W. 6th Ave., Ellensburg, WA, except
July, August, and Federal Holidays. Stated meeting at 7:00PM. Meetings are combined with Ellensburg
High Priest:
VEC Patrick Stanton
C Marco Thompson
(509) 859-2067
(509) 901-0736
Yakima Chapter No. 21
Opens the 1st Wednesday of the last month of each calendar quarter. Declared open the other months at
the Yakima Masonic Center, 16 N. 7th Ave., Yakima, WA. Refreshments follow each meeting.
High Priest:
EC Mathew Walter
MEC Charley Chapman
(509) 576-0673
(509) 248-3829
Pasco Chapter No. 33
Meets on the 4th Wednesday in January, April, July and October at the Richland Masonic Temple, 412
Thayer Dr., Richland, WA. Stated meeting at 7:30PM. Dinner at 6:30PM when Official Visitation takes
High Priest:
EC Bobby Baxter
VEC Floyd L. Snyder
(509) 947-9756
(509) 967-5757
District #8:
Walla Walla Chapter No. 1
Meets every 2nd Wednesday of the month, but formally opens only the months of January, April and
October at the Walla Walla Masonic Center, 607 E. Main St., Walla Walla, WA, except June, July and
August. Stated meeting is at 7:30PM.
High Priest:
EC Sean Scanlon
VEC Phillip Woodland
(509) 522-2767
(509) 529-3781
Dayton Chapter No. 5
Meets the 4th Wednesday of every month at the Dayton Masonic Temple, 308 S. 6th, Dayton, WA. Stated
meeting begins at 7:30PM.
High Priest:
VEC Mark Scott
MEC Robert Truesdale
(509) 529-2547
(509) 382-2379
Evergreen Chapter No. 10
Meets the 4th Monday at the Clarkston Masonic Temple, 935 6th St., Clarkston, WA, except June, July,
August and December. Stated meeting begins at 7:30PM.
High Priest:
MEC John W. Zeller
VEC Steven Kazda
(208) 413-0375
(509) 843-3831
District #9:
Spokane Chapter No. 2
Meets the 4th Thursday of January, April, July and October at the Spokane Masonic Temple, 1108 W.
Riverside Ave., Spokane, WA, except holidays. Stated meetings begin at 7:30PM. All York Rite bodies
meet together.
High Priest:
EC Gene Enslow
EC Michael D. Holland
(509) 484-0923
(509) 951-4962
Wenatchee Chapter No. 22
Meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at the Wenatchee Masonic Center, 811 N. Chelan, Wenatchee, WA,
except July and August. Stated meetings begin at 7:30PM.
High Priest:
EC Wesley Beare
VEC Steven Guffy
(406) 207-0626
(509) 662-7607
Okanogan Chapter No. 41
Meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Okanogan Masonic Lodge, 7 N. Ash St., Omak, WA, except
January and February. Stated meetings begin at 7:30PM.
High Priest:
VEC Leonard J. Wyllie
MEC Herbert N. Weaver
(250) 494-9487
(509) 476-4952
Masters of the Arch
Arch No. 1
Arch No. 2
Arch No. 3
Arch No. 4
Arch No. 5
Arch No. 6
Arch No. 7
Arch No. 8
Arch No. 9
VIC James Houston
VIC Marion A. Windell
VIC Ian Hyde
VIC Alan T. Spreen
VIC Norm Greenly
VIC Mark D. Sanders
VIC Nickolas Henderson
VIC Sean Scanlon
VIC Robert Brannon, Jr.
(360) 698-7404
(360) 678-6893
(206) 356-5420
(253) 370-3484
(360) 358-8328
(360) 921-6665
(509) 674-1335
(509) 522-2767
(509) 235-2027
Arch No. 1:
Naval Council No. 11
Meets the 3rd Monday of each month at the Bremerton Masonic Temple, 878 5th St., Bremerton, WA,
except July and August. Stated meetings begin at 7:30PM.
Illustrious Master:
IC Rabi Pfeifer
VIC Peter Dawson
(360) 220-7628
(360) 779-8219
Crescent Council No. 18
Meets on the 3rd Monday of each month at the Port Angeles Masonic Temple, 622 S. Lincoln St., Port
Angeles, WA, except December. Stated meetings begin at 6:30PM. Meets in conjunction with Angeles
Chapter No. 38 and Juan de Fuca Commandery No. 17. Hosted dinner before OVs.
Illustrious Master:
IC Dave Larson
IC Theodore E. Shanks
(360) 457-9444
(360) 582-0253
Arch No. 2:
Everett Council No. 8
Meets the 1st Friday at the Everett Masonic Center, 234 Olympic Blvd., Everett, WA, in February, May,
August and November. Stated meeting begins at 7:30PM. Potluck begins at 6:30PM provided by the
Social Order of the Beauceant in February, May and November.
Illustrious Master:
RPC Bryan D. Bechler
IC George Fischer
(360) 691-2861
(360) 403-1562
Bellingham Council No. 16
Meets the 2nd Monday of each month except for July and August at the Maplewood Masonic Center, 2626
Maplewood Ave., Bellingham, WA. Stated meeting at 7:30PM. Hosted dinner begins at 6:30PM.
Illustrious Master:
IC Marion A. Windell
IC Gerald L. Myers
(360) 678-6893
(360) 679-5184
Arch No. 3:
Adoniram Council No. 17
Meets the 3rd Friday in September, November, March and May at the Greenwood Masonic Center, 7910
Greenwood Ave. North, Seattle, WA. Stated meeting begins at 7:30PM. Potluck begins at 6:30PM.
Illustrious Master:
IC Kanjin Cederman
VIC David Flood
(206) 446-0365
(206) 720-1560
Walter F. Meier Council No. 22
Meets the 2nd Friday in January, March, September and November; 1st Friday in May at the Ashlar
Masonic Temple, 10035 ½ Main St., Bothell, WA. Stated meeting begins at 7:30PM. Potluck dinner
(main course provided) begins at 6:30PM.
Illustrious Master:
IC Robert Benish
IC Roger Pankey
(206) 497-5287
(206) 542-1937
Arch No. 4:
Tacoma Council No. 1
Meets the 3rd Monday of January, March, May, July, September, and November at 5405 S. Puget Sound
Ave., Tacoma, WA. Stated meetings begin at 7:30PM. Potluck dinner at 6:30PM.
Illustrious Master:
IC Alexander Jordan
MIC Michael Smitson
(253) 625-3567
(253) 581-3571
Seattle Council No 6
Meets the 3rd Friday of February, April, June, October and December at the St. Andrews Masonic Center,
505 S. Williams Ave., Renton, WA. Potluck dinner at 6:30PM.
Illustrious Master:
IC Sat Tashiro
IC Geoffrey Joosten
(425) 802-3079
(206) 707-3296
King Solomon Council No. 27
Meets the 3rd Saturday of each month except for May and July which meets the 4th Saturday at King
Solomon Masonic Temple, 10 Auburn Way S, Auburn, WA. November meeting is installation only; no
December meeting. Stated meeting at 10:00AM. Breakfast at 9:00AM.
Illustrious Master:
IC Vinny DiGiulio
IC Loren Franz
(425) 802-4274
(253) 569-3060
Arch No. 5:
Alpha Council No. 20
Meets the 1st Wednesday of January, March, May, September and November at the Centralia Masonic
Temple, 218 N. Pearl St., Centralia, WA. Stated meeting at 7:30PM. Dinner at Country Cousin
Restaurant, 1054 Harrison Ave., Centralia, WA, at 6:00PM.
Illustrious Master:
IC Larry Byrd
IC Clayton LaVigne
(360) 960-8967
(360) 736-6140
Arch No. 6:
Vancouver Council No. 10
Meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the Vancouver Masonic Temple, 2500 NE 78th St., Vancouver, WA, except
July and August. Council open ceremonially on odd numbered months.
Illustrious Master:
IC John Hubbard
(360) 574-2800
Arch No. 7:
Yakima Council No. 12
Meets the 1st Wednesday of February, May, August and November at the Yakima Masonic Center, 16 N.
7th Ave., Yakima, WA. Stated meeting at 7:30PM. Refreshments follow each meeting.
Illustrious Master:
IC Mathew L. Walter
VIC Charley Chapman
(509) 576-0673
(509) 248-3829
Ellensburg Council No. 26
Meets the 4th Thursday of each month at the Ellensburg Masonic Temple, 111 ½ W. 6th Ave., Ellensburg,
WA, except July, August and Federal holidays.
Illustrious Master:
IC Marco Thompson
IC Greg Maes
(509) 901-0736
(509) 962-8083
Arch No. 8:
Zabud Council No. 7
Meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month, but formally opens only the months of February, May and
November at the Walla Walla Masonic Center, 607 E. Main St., Walla Walla, WA, except June, July and
August. Stated meetings at 7:30PM.
Illustrious Master:
IC Anton Miles Lodmell
VIC Phillip Woodland
(509) 967-6415
(509) 529-3781
Zadok Council No. 23
Meets the 4th Wednesday of February, May, August and November at the Richland Masonic Temple, 412
Thayer Dr., Richland, WA. Stated meetings at 7:30PM. Dinner at 6:30PM when Official Visitation takes
Illustrious Master:
IC Larry Brisbois
MIC Floyd Snyder
(509) 582-3431
(509) 967-5757
The Tri-Cities York Rite thanks everyone that joins us at breakfast at the Richland Masonic Center, 412
Thayer Dr., Richland, WA. We again invite everyone to join us for breakfast at 9:00AM on the 4th Saturday
of the Month. See you there.
Arch No. 9:
Spokane Council No. 4
Meets the 4th Thursday in February, May and August and November at the Spokane Masonic Temple,
1108 W. Riverside Ave., Spokane, WA, except holidays. Stated meetings begin at 7:30PM. All York Rite
bodies meet together.
Illustrious Master:
IC Gene Endslow
RIC Michael D. Holland
(509) 484-0923
(509) 951-4962
Grand Council R&SM Long Range Planning Committee
Meets the 4th Thursday of each month at the Pyramid Masonic Center, 1700 S. 340th St., Federal Way, WA.
All York Rite Masons are welcome to attend.
MIC Alfred J. Luberts, Jr. Chairman
(253) 777-6707
Commanderies of Knights Templar
Deputy Instructors
District No. 1
District No. 2
District No. 3
District No. 4
District No. 5
District No. 6
District No. 7
District No. 8
SK George Roberts
SK Alexander J. Jordan
SK Alfred J. Luberts, Jr.
(503) 410-0122
(253) 625-3567
(253) 777-6707
SK Marion A. Windell
SK Michael Gostovich
SK Michael B. Holland
SK Phillip L. Woodland
(360) 678-6893
(509) 654-3278
(509) 951-4962
(509) 529-3781
District No. 1
Cowlitz Commandery No. 29
Meets the 2nd Wednesday of March, May, June and October at the Vancouver Masonic Center, 2500 NE 78th
St., Vancouver, WA. Potluck dinner at 6:30PM; stated meeting begins at 7:30PM.
Eminent Commander:
Eminent Recorder:
SK George Roberts
None at this time
(503) 410-0122
District No. 2
Ivanhoe Commandery No. 4
Meets the 1st Monday of each month at 5405 S. Puget Sound Ave., Tacoma, WA. Potluck dinner at 6:30PM.
Eminent Commander:
Eminent Recorder:
SK Gary Norton
SK Michael Smitson
(360) 412-1738
(253) 370-9748
De Molai Commandery No. 6
Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Centralia Masonic Lodge, 218 N. Pearl St., Centralia, WA,
except July and August. Stated meeting begin at 7:30PM.
Eminent Commander:
Eminent Recorder:
SK David O. Anderson
SK Bruce York
(360) 532-8732
(360) 480-7811
District No. 3
Seattle Commandery No. 2
Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Seattle Scottish Rite Center, 1207 N. 152nd St., Shoreline,
WA, except for June, July and August. The May meeting is held on the 4th Wednesday, due to the York
Rite Grand Sessions. Dinner at 6:30PM; stated meeting begins at 7:30PM.
Eminent Commander:
Eminent Recorder:
SK Daniel Baines
SK Ian Hyde
(206) 784-5245
(206) 356-5420
Rainier Commandery No. 28
Meets the 4th Thursday of each month at St. Andrews Masonic Center, 505 Williams Ave. S, Renton, WA,
except for July, August, November and December. Potluck dinner at 6:30PM; stated meeting begins at
Eminent Commander:
Eminent Recorder:
SK Harold Hobbs
SK Jerry Whitney
(253) 887-1498
(206) 241-7510
District No. 4
Juan De Fuca Commandery No. 17
Meets the 3rd Monday of April, July, October and November at the Port Angeles Masonic Temple, 622 S.
Lincoln Ave., Port Angeles, WA. Stated meeting begins at 6:30PM. Hosted dinner before OVs.
Eminent Commander:
Eminent Recorder:
SK Paul Carmean
SK Theodore E. Shanks
(360) 928-3358
(360) 582-0253
Malta Commandery No. 18
Meets the 2nd Monday of each month at the Bremerton Masonic Temple, 878 5th St., Bremerton, WA, except
for July and August. Stated meeting begins at 7:30PM.
Eminent Commander:
Eminent Recorder:
SK James Houston
SK Peter Dawson
(360) 698-7404
(360) 779-8219
District No. 5
Hesperus Commandery No. 8
Meets the 1st Monday of each month at the Bellingham Masonic Center, 2626 W. Maplewood Ave.,
Bellingham, WA, except for July and September (September meeting is held the last Monday of August due
to Labor Day). Dinner at 6:30PM; stated meeting begins at 7:30PM.
Eminent Commander:
Eminent Recorder:
SK Douglas Jerome
SK Skipp Metzger
(360) 675-6796
(360) 303-9104
Palestine Commandery No. 11
Meets the 1st Friday of March, June, September and December at the Everett Masonic Center, 234
Olympic Blvd., Everett, WA. Potluck begins at 6:30PM provided by the Social Order of the Beauceant in
March, June, September and December; stated meeting begins at 7:30PM.
Eminent Commander:
Eminent Recorder:
SK Glenn Wilson
SK George P. Fischer
(425) 835-0508
(360) 403-1562
District No. 6
Temple Commandery No. 5
Meets the 4th Thursday of each month at the Ellensburg Masonic Temple, 111 ½ W. 6th Ave., Ellensburg,
WA, except July, August and Federal holidays. Stated meetings begin at 8:00PM (meeting will be at
7:30PM when OV is scheduled).
Eminent Commander:
Eminent Recorder:
SK Nick Henderson
SK Marco Thompson
(509) 974-1335
(509) 901-0736
Yakima Commandery No. 13
Meets the 1st Wednesday of January, April, July and October at the Yakima Masonic Center, 16 N. 7th Ave.,
Yakima, WA. Stated meeting begins at 7:30PM. Refreshments follow each meeting.
Eminent Commander:
Eminent Recorder:
SK Mathew Walter
SK Charley Chapman
(509) 576-0673
(509) 248-3829
District No. 7
Cataract Commandery No. 3
Meets the 4th Thursday in March, June, September and December at the Spokane Masonic Temple, 1108
W. Riverside Ave., Spokane, WA except holidays. Stated meetings begin at 7:30PM. All York Rite bodies
meet together.
Eminent Commander:
Eminent Recorder:
SK Jim Endslow
SK Michael D. Holland
(509) 484-0923
(509) 951-4962
District No. 8
Washington Commandery No. 1
Meets the 2nd Wednesday of March, September and December at the Walla Walla Masonic Center, 607 E.
Main St., Walla Walla, WA, except July and August. The June meeting will be held on the 4th Wednesday.
Stated meetings begin at 7:30PM.
Eminent Commander:
Eminent Recorder:
SK Sean E. Scanlon
SK Steven L. Kazda
(509) 522-2767
(509) 843-3831
Pasco Commandery No. 21
Meets the 4th Wednesday of March, June, September and December at the Richland Masonic Temple, 412
Thayer St., Richland, WA. Stated meeting begins at 7:30PM. Dinner at 6:30PM when Official Visitation
takes place.
Eminent Commander:
Eminent Recorder:
SK Russ Campbell
SK Floyd Snyder
(509) 396-9214
(509) 967-5757
York Rite Colleges
Kamiakin York Rite College No. 28
Merle Iverson
Merle Iverson
(509) 979-5173
(509) 979-5173
Meets at the following dates and places at 10:00AM. Lunch reservations: Contact secretary one week
prior to meeting.
Yakima Masonic Temple 16 N. 7th, Yakima, WA
Richland Masonic Temple, 412 Thayer St., Richland, WA
Spokane Masonic Temple, TBD when a new location is found
Walla Walla Masonic Center, 607 E. Main St., Walla Walla, WA
Rainier York Rite College No. 54
Warren Lee
DB Jerry Whitney
(360) 420-7161
(206) 241-7510
Meets at the following dates and places at 9:30AM: (note: Contact secretary to verify time).
Meets the 1st Saturday at the Stanwood Masonic Center, 27205 102nd Ave. NW, Stanwood,
Meets the 1st Saturday at the Stanwood Masonic Center, 27205 102nd Ave. NW, Stanwood,
Meets the 2nd Saturday at the Stanwood Masonic Center, 27205 102nd Ave. NW, Stanwood,
Meets the 1st Saturday at the Stanwood Masonic Center, 27205 102nd Ave. NW, Stanwood,
Tahoma York Rite College No. 197
James Houston
DB Jerry Whitney
(360) 398-7404
(206) 241-7510
Meets at the following dates and places at 10:00AM: (note: Contact secretary to verify time).
Meets the 4th Saturday at the Pyramid Masonic Center, 1700 S. 340th St., Federal Way, WA.
Meets the 4th Saturday at the Pyramid Masonic Center, 1700 S. 340th St., Federal Way, WA.
Meets the 4th Saturday at the Centralia Masonic Center, 218 N. Pearl St., Centralia, WA.
October 2014
Bryan D. Bechler, Editor
bry.kat@frontier.com (360) 691-2861