Praise and Prayer Requests This Week’s Events Francisco & Nathalie Arjona, European Christian Mission International Sun, Oct 12 Email: or PRAISES We thank the Lord for his faithfulness towards our family; a quite big gift from Australia has enabled to balance our low incomes! For 5 people from church who will become official members during our next General Assembly (12th October), praise the Lord ! For the 4 women with whom Nathalie is having a Bible study at church every Friday morning. For our daughters Eva (25) and Sonia (22) who are studying at university and doing well. PRAY For wisdom in pastoring the local church The Good Samaritan association is facing a tough financial period, subsidies from government are lower every year. Pray for new ways to finance the drug rehab center. For our missionary retreat (23-26th October), so that it can be a good time of fellowship and prayer with our co-workers here in Spain. For our son Samuel (18) who failed again his exams in September. He is studying photography one day/ week in Cordoba. May God guide him and open new doors for his future. Prayer for our Faith Church Family Pray for Cindy Reinhard and family as she recovers from a broken foot. Pray for all of the unspoken prayer requests. FINANCIAL UPDATE Weekly Giving Budget Needs Last Week’s Giving $ 8,008 $ 10,982 Fiscal Year-to-Date Budget Needs Fiscal Year-to-Date Giving $ 216,223 $ 195,851 Excess/Shortfall Giving Budget $ (20,372) Mon, Oct 13 Tues, Oct 14 Wed, Oct 15 Thurs, Oct 16 Sun, Oct 19 8:30am Prayer in Room 5 9:00am Sunday classes for all ages 10:30am Worship Service & Children’s Church 5:00pm Youth Group (6th-12th grade) 6:15pm Women’s Bible Study 9:30am Quilting Group 12:00pm Prayer in Sanctuary 2:00pm Generous Hearts Mobile Food Bank 6:00pm Worship Rehearsal 9:30am Women’s Bible Study 8:30am Prayer in Room 5 9:00am Sunday classes for all ages 10:30am Worship Service & Children’s Church 12:15pm Party With the Pastor 5:00pm Youth Group (6th-12th grade) FAITH CHURCH OCTOBER 12, 2014 Upcoming Events Oct 31 Nov 8 Trunk N Treat Great Give Away Lead Pastor: Mike McDonald Youth Pastor: Stefan Wilson Worship Pastor: Randy Bowen Children’s Ministry: Chillie Sanchez Administrative Assistant: Liz Smith Bookkeeper: Penny Holly Cleaning: David Sanchez Maintenance: Prayer Line: Women’s Ministry: Elders: Eric Anderson Brian LeVie, Chairman Lynn Nannemann, Secretary Steve Rohde, Vice Chairman Duane Roth, 900 Southern Blvd. SE Rio Rancho, NM 87124 891-0393 / 891-7843 (fax) Welcome! We extend a warm welcome to all who worship with us today. We invite you to worship with us regularly if you do not already have a church home. See inside left panel for more information. Welcome To Faith Church October 12, 2014 Order of Service Worship PARTY WITH THE PASTOR Our God Is Love We extend a warm welcome to all who worship with us today. We invite you to worship with us regularly if you do not already have a church home. Following is some helpful information: Children 4 Years-5th Grade - Children’s Church Connections Card: As a guest, we ask that you fill out the Connections Card found in the bulletin and take it to the Information Table in the Lobby for a free gift. Worship Nursery: Our church has loving, caring, trained volunteers to care for children (newborn to two years old) during the 9:00am Sunday School and 10:30am Worship Service. Sunday Morning Classes for all ages: 9:00am Worship Service: 10:30am Children’s Church: 10:30am 2’s & 3’s (Entire Service) Room #6 4yrs–K Room #3* 1st–2nd grade Room #2* 3rd–5th grade Room #5* * When children are dismissed Youth Group (6th-12th grades): 5:00pm MISSION STATEMENT Proclaiming Jesus and Making Disciples “…Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20a Announcements Welcome & Announcements Cannons Mercy Tree All Who Are Thirsty If you are new to Faith Church, on Sunday, October 19th, immediately following the service, we will have a time where you can meet Pastor Mike and get information about Faith Church. Child care and a light lunch will be provided. Please contact Liz Smith if you plan to attend at 891-0393 or BAPTISM We are planning another baptism on November 2nd. If you are interested in being baptized or would like more information, please contact Pastor Mike (891-0393, TRUNK N TREAT Sermon Acts 4:1-31 October 31st is just around the corner and it’s time to start collecting candy and planning how you will decorate your vehicle. Please put candy in the wooden crate in the children’s area. If you can help in other ways, please see the insert in the bulletin. Mike McDonald GREAT GIVEAWAY! “The Church Initiated: God @ Work Through Proclamation, Persecution and Prayer” Worship Doxology Prayer After Service You are invited to remain after worship if you would like someone to pray with you. Prayer team members are at the front of the sanctuary. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19TH Sunday’s sermon continues with the “Total Church” series on the book of Acts from Acts 4:32-5:11. Party with the Pastor for new people immediately following the service. Saturday, November 8th is our Annual Great Give Away. As you do your fall cleaning keep in mind those who can use your gently used household items and clothes. More information regarding bringing items to the church will come later. MEN’S CHILI COOK-OFF Saturday, November 15th at 6:00pm is our Annual Men’s Chili Cook-Off. Bring a dish with chili in it or come to just eat. Prizes will be awarded and there is no cost. Dads bring your sons and sons bring your dad for this great time of fellowship and fun! WELCOME NEW AND RENEWED MEMBERS New members: Marie Maine, Gary & Ruth Stephens, and Gary & Mari Wentz. Renewed members: Steve & Jean Burge and Gene Filion. New Drop off and Pick up Times for Sunday School and Children’s Church In an attempt to make it easier for parents and visitors we are changing the schedule for dropping off and picking up your children, birth through 5th grade, effective Sunday, November 9, 2014. If your children are attending both Sunday School and Children’s Church you will no longer need to pick them up from Sunday School. If they are only attending Children’s Church, bring them directly to Children’s Church prior to going into the Worship Service in the Sanctuary. For the 9:00am Sunday School time: Drop off time is 8:50-9:00am Birth—23 months in Nursery Room 4 2-3 years old in Room 6 4 years old-5th grade in Multi-Purpose Room If you need to pick up your children before Children’s Church, please let them know when you sign in your children. For the 10:30am Children’s Church time: Drop off time is 10:15-10:30am Birth—23 months in Nursery Room 4 2-3 years old in Room 6 4 years old-5th grade in Multi-Purpose Room Pick up time is immediately following the Worship Service Birth—23 months in Nursery Room 4 2-3 years old in Room 6 4 years old-Kindergarten In Room 3 1st-2nd grade in Room 2 3rd-5th grade in Room 5 Thank you, Chillie Sanchez Children’s Church Director, 891-0393
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