Stuart Congregational Church, 3110 SE Aster Lane, Stuart, FL 34994 Phone: (772) 287-5951 Website: E-mail: Good News Letter Page 2– Your Staff Our “BELIEVE” Journey, Pastor Tim Roberts Page 3– President’s Corner Page 4 - Stewardship Report Feel the Warmth, Stephen Min. INSIDE: OCTOBER 2014 Page 5 - Board of Deacons Page 6- October Calendar of Events Page 7- November Calendar of Events Page 8- Children’s Ministry Page 9- Youth Ministry Page 10- Outreach Board & Page 11- Positive Impact, Stephen Min. LAHIA Page 12- Birthdays & Anniversaries Page 13- Women’s & Men’s Fellowship Page 14- Church Yard Sale, Being a Congregationalist Page 15- “The Kingdom of God”, Pastor Tim Roberts Page 16- From Your Seminary Intern Page 17 - Little Blessings Co-Op Page 18 - “Good Grief: A Seminar on the Do’s and Don’ts of Caregiving” Page 19 - Buildings & Property Board Page 20 - From our Missionary in Haiti Page 21 - Music Ministry & Christian Education Page 22 - “BELIEVE”: Think, Act & Be Like Jesus sermon series Stuart Congregational Church is a mission community created and empowered by the Holy Spirit as a tool to draw all people to Christ. Good News Letter Page 2 Your Staff Our “BELIEVE” Journey Rev. Dr. Timothy Roberts Dear Friends, Pastor On September 7th we began our journey through “Believe: Think, Act & Be like Jesus.” More than 100 of you have purchased your “Believe” book and study guide (for $6.00). There are more available for purchase in the chapel and sanctuary foyers. Here are some answers to questions you may have about “Believe.” Esther Easley, Music Director Jessica Nelson Accompanist What is the value of participating in our 30 week “Believe” journey? You get to explore each faith topic with a personal devotional guide. You get to expand each faith topic with fellow believers in a small group. You get to experience each faith topic in worship on Sundays. You get to express your opinion to Zondervan Publishers for their final edit of the material. Explore… expand… experience… and express! Laurel Jones Office Manager Tammy Johnson Children’s Ministry Mark Nygard Youth & Worship Ministries Can I jump into “Believe” mid-stream? Yes, you can. But remember that you can do the personal devotions and see the sermons from the beginning. Just acquire a study guide Alan Hall Custodian for the devotional and view the sermon archives on Office Hours 8:30 am—12:30 pm Monday-Friday Worship Times: Sundays 8:00 am Chapel 9:00 am Sunday School 10:00 am Sanctuary w/ Nursery Care 11:14 am Chapel What “Believe” groups can I join? Currently we have four “Believe” groups: “Believe Family Night” at 6:30pm each Wednesday at SCC. This is an intergenerational gathering, meeting in the chapel. Women’s Bible Study at 10:00am each Wednesday morning. These ladies meet together in the Fellowship Hall. Women of Faith study group at 10:00am each Thursday morning beginning Oct. 2. These ladies meet together in the Family Room adjacent to the main sanctuary. Willoughby Bible Study at Willoughby Golf & Country Club (Mondays at 7:00pm, beginning November 7th). (continued on page 3) The Good News Letter is published monthly during the winter and Bi-monthly during the summer by the Stuart Congregational Church . There is no charge for a subscription. The church is located at the corner of Aster Lane and Ruhnke Streets, one half mile north of Indian Street. Mailing address: 3110 SE Aster Lane, Stuart, FL 34994. Telephone: (772) 287-5951. Website: Rev. Dr. Timothy Roberts: Pastor Laurel Jones: Good News Letter Layout Artist, Editor and Publisher Deadline for articles is the 10th of the month preceding publication Page Page 3 3 Good News News Letter Letter Good Do I have to be solid in my faith and believe everything to be part of “Believe?” No. This is a journey. We learn and evolve in our faith. None of us has “arrived” at complete faithfulness of belief. That’s why we need each other to explore, expand, experience and express. What is the main goal of “Believe?” The main goal of “Believe” is to help you embrace how God is shaping your identity… who you are becoming. It’s not about affirming all orthodox belief, or mastering all spiritual practices. We focus on what we believe (“Think”), and we emphasize our spiritual practices (“Act”) to facilitate our main goal, which is to grow into the likeness of Christ (“Be… like Jesus”). At the end of the day God doesn’t care how many Bible verses you’ve memorized or how much you pray. At the end of it all God wants you to be like Jesus in your mind, in your will, and in your body. God wants to shape your character to be like Jesus. That’s the goal of “Believe,” and that, in fact, is the goal of your entire spiritual life. I look forward to growing with you as we explore, expand, experience and express what we believe. I look forward to thinking, acting, and being more like Jesus with you! In the Grip of Grace Pastor Tim P.S.: Check out the “Believe” video introduction on our SCC website. PRESIDENT’S CORNER I write a family letter every weekend and send it out on the internet to all of our family, grandchildren, nephews, nieces, and to our god son. My grandfather Noah Beachy started the tradition over one hundred years ago. Noah had eleven children and he included all of his children in the family letter. You would receive, in the U.S. Mail a thick business envelope with contributions from each family member inside. We would read the news about the entire family until you reached your own letter, which you would remove. After reading and rereading the letters my mother and father would write one or two pages, front and back, and add it to the collection. My father was the youngest of the children and his older brother had already left home by the time he was born. We didn’t have a telephone installed until I was in the third grade. We had no television until I started college. The local papers, various magazines, and hand written letters were our only means of communication. My parents encouraged my brother and me to read the family letter. I remember how excited I would be when the post man delivered the letter. An entire new world would open up before my very eyes as I read through the letters. Now we have cell phones, ipads and instant connection with the internet. What a privilege to receive the T mail each week from our Dr. Tim announcing all the activities SCC is involved in. We have come a long way in our communications and it will only get better. Larry Beachy Page 4 Good News Letter OCTOBER STEWARDSHIP REPORT Now that we are through summer and going into autumn, our Church’s finances are sorely in need of restocking. We have many programs planned for this fall, and we don’t want to delay or even eliminate them for a lack of funds. In the Book of Malachi, the writer is concerned with neglect of the temple and asks the people to return to tithing. In chapter 3 vs 8-12, Malachi says God compares tithing to a floodgate. “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse (temple), that there may be food in My house. Test Me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” You see, tithing is an outward expression of an internal belief. Holding onto your income may demonstrate a belief in yourself; you earned it, you deserved it. Giving a portion of it back to God simply is a gift of gratitude, thanking the One who gave you the abilities in order to produce the money in the first place. Rich Sterns writes in his book, The Hole in our Gospel, “I have often thought of the tithe….as a kind of ‘inoculation’ against the power that money can sometimes hold over us. As we literally release money, its power is lessened, freeing us from its chains.” Once your money is released, God throws open the floodgates, and with it, pours out blessing after blessing. So this fall, as you prepare your offerings, I ask everyone to do as God asks, “Test Me in this”. Charlie Stracuzzi Stewardship Committee FEEL THE WARMTH Sometimes it takes more than a parka or a blanket to keep another person warm. Sometimes it takes the presence of a caring Christian friend. Stephen Ministers share the warmth of God’s love with those who need I most the lonely, the depressed, the grieving. Is God calling you to reach out to those who are hurting? Consider serving as a Stephen Minister. For more information, please contact Erica Garwood ( 772-225-3366). Page 5 Good News Letter Pa BOARD OF DEACONS Last March I published an article in this Good News newsletter about the deacons’ role in our church. I’m going to republish it now, and at the end, bring you up to date on where we are today in achieving the goals set out last spring. What do deacons do? You may have seen the pictures of your deacons on the bulletin board partition in the Fellowship Hall. Do you know any of these people? Have you ever wondered what their role is within our church? Now is your opportunity to find out! Pastor Tim is realigning the Board of Deacons to more closely follow the Bible’s mandate to deacons. The board of deacons is being realigned to respond to the care needs of our congregation. The deacons care about others and would like to make sure our church provides for the needs of our congregation. The deacons facilitate congregational care. Do you like to visit with people who are housebound, or in the hospital, or nursing and rehabilitation homes, and brighten their lonely days? Do you like to bake goodies to take to shut ins? Do you like to send cards? Do you want to provide hands-on help with small house responsibilities? Then you should consider becoming a deacon or joining one of the new teams being formed by the deacons to reach out to all the members of our church family. Our deacons need not be the actual “out in the field” ones making actual visits. That will be the work of members. But a deacon will recruit and organize a team of people to do the visits. Deacons will be trained and can serve communion, either on Sundays in the church, or one-on-one during a visit to someone who cannot attend a service. The honor of serving is one of the joys of being a deacon. There is much that we, as a church family, can do to reach out to the rest of our church family. As the deacons develop a plan of how to move forward in our ministry, we need your input. We are looking for people with new ideas and passion to provide a caring ministry to our congregation. WE NEED YOUR HELP! Let me add that the deacons are responsible for coffee hour, and also provide ushers and communion servers for the worship services. For more information please contact either Pastor Tim, or me, for ways that you can help. We are making progress in putting together teams to assist with congregational care, hospitality of the fellowship hour, and servers for communion, and ushers. BUT WE STILL NEED MORE HANDS TO HELP OUT!! Please fill out the RSVP card in the Sunday bulletin if you can help in any of these areas. Becoming involved with our church family as a participant in the work that brings us together will help you to become a closer member of our family. And best of all, it is lots of fun! Trish Smith President, Board of Deacons Page 6 Good News Letter SCC - October 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 9:30 am Co-Op 10am Women of Faith 10 am Women’s Bible Study 6:30 EPIC Band 1:30pm Stephen Leaders 2:30pm Stephen Ministers 7 pm Choir 9:30 am Co-Op 8:30 am Men’s Breakfast 6:30pm “Believe” 5 6 Canned goods for 9 am Building Salvation Army & Properties Board 9:30 am Co-Op 7 7 am Men’s Disciple Café 9 am Board of Deacons 10am Mom’s Connect 7pm Co-op Meeting 12 13 9:30 am Co-Op 14 7 am Men’s Disciple Café 1:30 pm Board of Outreach 8 9:30 am Co-Op 10 am Women’s Bible Study 11:15am Welcome Com. 6:30pm “Believe” 9 10am Women of Faith 11:30 am Women’s Fellowship 10 11 9:30 am Co-Op 6:30pm EPIC Band 7 pm Choir 15 9:30 am Co-Op 10 am Women’s Bible Study 16 10am Women of Faith 17 9:30 am Co-Op 18 8am - 12pm Annual Yard Sale Homework Angels 2:30pm Stephen Ministers Registration 6:30pm “Believe” 6:30p EPIC Band 7 pm Choir 19 20 9:30 am Co-Op 21 7 am Men’s Disciple Café 10am Mom’s Connect 26 27 28 8:30 am 7 am Men’s Newsletter Mailing Disciple Café 9:30 am Co-Op 22 9:30 am Co-Op 9 am Board of Trustees 4:30pm Homework Angels 7:30 pm Board of Directors 10 am Women’s Bible Study 6:30 pm “Believe” 29 9:30 am Co-Op 10 am Women’s Bible Study 6:30 pm “Believe” 23 10am Women of Faith Homework Angels Begins 6:30pm EPIC Band 7pm Choir 30 10am Women of Faith 4:30 pm Homework Angels 6:30pm EPIC Band 7 pm Choir 24 9:30 am Co-Op 31 9:30 am Co-Op 6-9pm Trunk or Treat 25 9am Stephen Ministers with Speaker Donna Authers Page 7 Good News Letter SCC - November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 8:30 am Men’s Breakfast 2 3 9 am Building & Properties Board 7 am Men’s Disciple Café 9:30 am Co-Op 9 am Board of Deacons Canned goods for Salvation Army 9 4 10 9:30 am Co-Op 10 am Women’s Bible Study 4:30 pm Homework Angels 6 pm Legacy Estate Planning Seminar 6:30 pm “Believe” 7 am Men’s Disciple Café 7 pm Co-Op Meeting 9:30 am Co-Op 9:30 am Co-Op 4:30 pm Homework Angels 11 18 7 am Men’s Disciple Café 10am Mom’s Connect 4:30 pm Homework Angels 7 9:30 am Co-Op 1:30pm Stephen Leaders 6:30pm EPIC Band 2:30pmStephen 7 pm Choir Ministers work Angels 17 6 10am Women of Faith 10am Mom’s Connect 1:30 pm Board of Outreach 4:30 pm Home- 16 5 12 9:30am Co-Op 10 am Women’s Bible Study 13 10am Women of Faith 11:30 am Women’s Fellowship 14 8 15 9:30 am Co-Op 10am Foundation meeting 11:15am Welcome Comm. 4:30 pm Homework Angels 6:30 pm “Believe” 6:30pm EPIC Band 7 pm Choir 19 9:30 am Co-Op 10:30 am Women’s Bible Study 2:30pm Stephen Ministers 6:30 pm “Believe” 20 10am Women of Faith 21 22 9:30 am Co-Op 4:30 pm Homework Angels 6:30pm EPIC Band 7 pm Choir 23 30 Start of Advent 5:30pm Spiritual Christmas Tree 24 8:30 am Newsletter Mailing 9:30 am Co-Op 25 7 am Men’s Disciple Café 9 am Board of Trustees 4:30 pm Homework Angels 7:30 pm Board of Directors 26 9:30am Co-Op 10 am Women’s Bible Study 6:30 pm “Believe” 27 28 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 29 Page 8 Good News Letter Dear Friends, I am so excited to write and fill you in on some of the ways God is moving in the lives of our kids and families of SCC! * A kid told me a couple of weeks ago that our church is “hands down” better than his old church, and that we blow his old church right out of the water! (That means he likes us! J ). * In Kid’s Church on Sundays we are studying the Bible with candy lessons. We learned that like gum, everything else in life eventually loses its flavor. Only Jesus can truly satisfy the desire of our hearts! It’s a metaphor. Or a simile. Or something. Our Bible verse comes from Psalm 119:103 “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” And, of course, the kids are eating candy… * Our preschool co-op is up and running! It’s an awesome opportunity to minister to kids, moms, and their families. A quote from one of our moms can say it much better than I can. “Today was my first day "not there"... well there, but gone as far as he knew ( lol) and the reports I got back, and any time I was peeking in checking on him, I felt so much more at ease knowing what good hands he's in, knowing undoubtedly how great all you moms treat him whether I'm there or not. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it and how much I love all the kids! It makes me so happy we have such a truly awesome group of little ones who play so well together. This is definitely seeming to be everything I hoped it would be”. This mom is now seeking SCC membership for her family… Looking forward to the fall, we have opportunities for you to join in with our kids and preschoolers! Friday, October 31st, will be our 1st Annual Trunk or Treat at SCC. Details to come! We would love to have you volunteer on a Wednesday night, or Sunday morning, or read a book to the preschoolers during the week. We are reaching the next generation for Christ, one family, and one kid, at a time. Come be a part of this exciting ministry J Thankful for you! Tammy Johnson Page 9 Good News Letter Hello Church, Wow, what an exciting and busy last couple months it has been for the youth at the church. From summer camps, to Bible studies and fun trips, the youth have been busy. What a blessing it is to see so many new young faces attending Stuart Congregational Church, and joining the life of the church. Over the past month we have began our new Epic Worship, as well as the new believe series. I’m so excited to see how God is using this new service along with this new series to reach such a diverse set of people from our local area. We have had great attendance for the start of Epic Worship, and even better we have new people wanting to join the church and even get baptized. Praise the Lord! If you have not attended the “believe family night” on Wednesday nights I encourage you to do so. It is so encouraging to see so many people (young, and not so young) coming together to study God’s word, and grow in their faith. Believe family night is for everyone so please come check it out on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:45pm God Bless, Mark Nygard COMING IN OCTOBER: There are a few youth activities coming up that I would like to highlight. Please pass the information along if you know any students that may benefit. Thank you Sunday October 5th the youth and I will be eating lunch together at Tijuana Flats following the Epic worship service. Parents are welcome to come also. Friday night October 10th, join us at Southfork High School at 6:30pm as Southfork plays Jensen Beach High School. We also have a couple youth members in the band. We will meet at the concession stand at 6:30. Saturday October 18th the church is having a church-wide yard sale to raise money for the youth from 8-12am. If you are interested in buying a table please contact Mark Nygard at 772-521-0483. You can also donate items for the youth to sell. Please bring your items in to donate starting Oct. 12-18. Friday night October 31st the church will be providing a Trunk or Treat and Movie night from 69pm. Please consider helping us by donating candy and or sign up to decorate a car trunk for this event. We need lots of decorated cars for this to be a success. There is a sign up sheet in the foyer if you are interested in helping, or if you have questions please call Mark at 772-5210483 or the church office. Wednesday night youth group from 6:30-7:45pm Join us Wednesday evenings as we continue to meet and study God’s word as we go through the believe series. We also have fun by playing a few games and hanging out together. Please don’t miss it. Good News Letter Page 10 THE OUTREACH BOARD WISH (From the words of Dr. Jack Heck) As I sit down this Sunday evening, Sept 14, to write this article I pick up charitable correspondences from various organizations supported by this congregation through our Outreach Board. Dr. Jack Heck's picture appears before my eyes. Yes, it was only yesterday that my husband and myself attended his memorial service in Port Huron, MI. Dr. Heck's comments are from West Indies Self Help, Inc., better know as WISH, who have built a church, a dental clinic, a hospital, a library, shelters and feed and clothes the people of LaGonave Island Haiti. Jack tells, "I have been volunteering in WISH dental clinic, two weeks each year for 31 years. After each trip, I find myself coming home with the same realization about the beautiful people of Anse-a-Galets. These poor children are rich with joy, and rich with the spirit of youth. I saw, and heard, God in those children, who live from one plate of rice and beans to the next, perhaps skipping an entire day between meals. Yes, poor in some respects, but the people both young, and old, are rich in faith for Jesus Christ. I saw and heard God in that congregation." Jack reminds us of "Proverbs 19:17, "He who reaches out to help the poor makes a loan to the Lord, and the Lord always repays what he has been given." Chris Kemp A THANK YOU TO OUR OUTREACH COMMITTEE AND STUART CONREGATIONAL CHURCH With the help of our generous volunteers and supporters including Stuart Congregational Church, Volunteers in Medicine Clinic (VIM) is able to care for over 1,000 patients at any given time, with an average of 50 patient visits per day. Increasingly, our patients are coming from the ranks of the former middle class. With our 30 volunteer physicians and surgeons we are able to provide complete, comprehensive medical care. While VIM Clinic is free to patients, we are not a walk-in clinic. Patients have to pre-qualify by showing proof of income, legal residency and ineligibility for other health care services. In essence, VIM Clinic is Martin County’s health care safety net. We treat the medically indigent with care, compassion and dignity. At VIM Clinic, we practice the art of medicine, not the business of health care. For every dollar donated, VIM Clinic provides over $13 worth of medical services. Further 98 cents of every dollar donated goes directly to patient care. Few, if any, nonprofits reach that level of fiscal efficiency. Helping to make this all possible is the largess of Martin Memorial which provides $5 million a year in diagnostic and laboratory services including MRIs and CT Scans. At VIM Clinic, we’re like family. We care about our work, our neighbors and our community. Many of our volunteers have contributed thousands of hours helping patients. In fact, several have been honored by the United States President for Volunteerism. VIM Clinic patients are the people who build our homes, fix our roads, and care for our children. They are your friends and neighbors. A recent grant provided funds to extend care to our homeless population. Thanks to you, we can help them. Thanks to you, we can keep them out of expensive emergency rooms. And thanks to you, we provide health care in an environment that preserves our patients’ dignity and hope. Together, we DO make a difference. Howard E. Voss, MD Medical Director, CEO Page 11 Good News Letter POSITIVE IMPACT You may not make a hole like a meteor does when it strikes the earth. You may not give a speech that people will be quoting for years to come. You may not perform some great feat that makes the TV evening news. But you can make an impact by answering God’s call to serve. Our Stephen Ministers have an impact on people’s lives at times when they really need someone to care. A new training class will begin soon. To find out how you can make an impact through Stephen Ministry, contact Erica Garwood (772-225-3366) today. Erica Garwood and basic physical needs. LAHIA’s mission is to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ in Martin County by providing an opportunity for a productive life to the homeless and indigent by helping them meet their spiritual They have also been serving Martin County as a partner agency of the Treasure Coast Food Bank since 2007. They do not discriminate against anyone in need of assistance on the basis of race, creed, religion or gender. LAHIA has lost their lease they are searching for a new home. Please be in prayer for this ministry. Donna Newhouse LAHIA Chair Page 12 Good News Letter October Birthdays 10/1 10/2 10/4 10/7 10/9 10/10 10/12 10/13 10/14 10/15 10/18 10/19 10/20 10/26 10/27 10/28 Ruth Corbett Maureen Grubb Susie Luce Francis Lucier Betts Freer Kevin Lonergan Joan Shevlin Mary Jo Heck Bernard Braskamp Xavier Roberts Ann Peck Don Rich Margie Mostler Loretta Schiller Andrea Radak Chelsea Warren Hillary Warren Margie Park Tony Cuda Richard Jacobus Ron Coffman Logan Garland Dylan Shaver Harriette (Twinks) Irvine Carolyn Cottle Sue Fordyce Pat Paton David Buckey William Roberts October Anniversaries 10/9 10/10 10/13 10/17 Bill and Jenett Potter William and Marsha Larson Jim and Margie Park Ted and Ethel Bench Bill and Elissa DeVries 10/21 Ross and Jean Weaver 10/25 Michael and Ginny Ricker 10/28 Ken and Barbara McMannis If you’re birthday and/or anniversary date is not listed here please contact Laurel Jones in our church office (287-5951) to have the dates added to our church database. Page 13 Good News Letter YOU ARE INVITED Our 1st meeting of the season! October 9 at 11:30 am Please bring a salad to share. This will be a meeting to discuss the coming year. Hostesses: Lean Wion and Renee Owens Please sign up 2 Sundays prior to the meeting (9/28 & 10/5). Sign up sheets will be in the Fellowship Hall. ******************************** Join us as we meet on October 4th in the Fellowship Hall at 8:30 am for great fellowship and good food. Our Speaker this month will be the Marketing Director at the Kane Center. The Kane Center is managed by the Council on Aging of Martin County, a leader in senior care on the Treasure Coast for over 40 years and the area's only comprehensive senior service agency. Come learn more about this local resource. We meet on the 1st Saturday of the month, Page 14 Good News Letter CHURCH MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY ONLINE Don’t forget - we have a Church Membership Directory (with photos) on our website ( available any time you need an address or phone number. The password is: puffin12. We do ask that you not share this password with anyone other than a church member. If you would like a printed copy (without photos) please contact Laurel in the church office (2875951) and she will make sure you receive one. ******************************** CHURCH YARD SALE Saturday, October 18, 2014 from 8am - 12pm Purchase a table to sell your items for $10 or you may donate items to the youth to sell. All proceeds go to the youth ministry. Any items you wish to donate may be brought in the week of October 12th and placed in the Fellowship Hall. ******************************** BEING A CONGREGATIONALIST “Ministers came too. There was a place for them. They were needed. But it was the conviction of the early Congregationalists, as it seems certainly to have been of the early Christians, that a minister was set aside only to do full time the same things that the people of the church were to do part time. Not a difference in function, but a difference in time.” Excerpt taken from The Congregational Way of Life, by Arthur A. Rouner, Jr. Page 15 Good News Letter The Kingdom of God Dear Friends, One of my favorite biblical topics is Jesus’ teaching on the Kingdom of God. Again and again he emphasizes that the Kingdom of God is present; it is here through him. Jesus teaches that he brings God’s Kingdom; he inaugurates it to make it accessible to us. Jesus also emphasizes that he now lives in us, birthing the Kingdom of God within us through him. In other words, we are Kingdom people. When we gather together we manifest an experience of God’s Kingdom. That’s why gathering corporately is so important. On the first Wednesday night of our “Believe Family Night” series there were 50 adults and ten or so youth. As I stood in front of them I noticed incredible diversity: folks young and old, SCC newcomers and old-timers, dyed in the wool Congregationalists and visitors who have never worshiped with us, and a cross section of folks from all three of our morning worship services (8:00, 10:00 & 11:14am). We even had a former Roman Catholic nun that night! It struck me as a Kingdom moment… a true representation of God’s Kingdom diversity… a taste of heaven. Friends, I yearn for that! As a pastor I don’t want to be part of a church of old folks… or of young folks… or of middle age folks. I want to be part of a Kingdom of God church that embraces people of all ages, and of all ethnic, political, theological, and educational persuasions. I want to be part of a church where people are accepted regardless of their life situation. I want to be part of a church that opens wide its doors to elderly widows and first time mothers, single fathers and to WWI veterans, the theologically sophisticated and agnostic seekers of truth, tattooed folks with addictions and refined accomplished CEOs. There’s a whole lot of room in God’s great big Kingdom… room for all of us… all of “them.” Join me in this vision! Join me in welcoming… in befriending folks different from you. Reach out to newcomers even if they are incredibly different from you. In fact, reach out to them BECAUSE they are incredibly different from you! When you do, you may also be struck by the beauty and blessing of that Kingdom of God moment. You may also get a taste of heaven, here & now. In Christ, Pastor Tim Page 16 P Good News Letter Church Family, If you would like to receive regular visits in your home from someone from the Church Visitation Team, you can call the church office, or put in a prayer request card and mark HOME VISITATION REQUEST. If you would like visitation for yourself or a family member while you are recuperating from an illness or injury, you can do the same. You are important to us and we do not want to overlook you, so please let us know how we can help look after you. In Christ’s Love, Debby Connett ******************************** COFFEE WITH JESUS Good News Letter Page 17 Did you know ? Stuart Congregational Church has a Facebook page. Check it out! And while you’re visiting, be sure to “Like” it… and tell your friends to “Like” it! We need more friends and followers. Check back often to see pictures and upcoming events and information. HAVE YOU HEARD? Little Blessings Learn & Play Co-op is now open! Please check out the labels list (on page 19) and help start earning free stuff for our Co-Op! Just collect the labels or caps from the participating items, and save them for Tammy. From soup, cereal and snacks to dairy products, beverages and food storage – your kitchen’s probably full of eligible Labels for Education items. Every label counts Our initial goal is to earn enough points to order 4 gym scooters – a total of 3200 points. Please contact if you have any questions. Thank you for your support of our program. Gym Scooter with Handles Page 18 P Good News Letter “GOOD GRIEF: A SEMINAR ON THE DO’S AND DON’TS OF CAREGIVING” On Saturday, October 25, from 8:30 AM to 12 PM, the Stephen Ministers of Stuart Congregational Church will be hosting a seminar conducted by noted author and lecturer Donna Authers. Ms. Authers is the author of “A Sacred Walk: Dispelling the Fear of Death and Caring for the Dying”. The seminar is designed to address the difficult questions and emotionally trying circumstances most of us encounter when coping with the impending or recent death of a loved one. All of us at some point in our lives will experience the loss of a spouse, family member, close associate, friend, or a child. Many of us will be called upon to be caregivers to aging parents as they approach their final days. Regretfully, few of us are prepared to deal with the practical, physical, psychological, and emotional demands these situations impose on our lives and our wellbeing. For obvious reasons we tend to avoid exploring, understanding, and ultimately accepting the inevitable journey toward life’s end - for ourselves and our loved ones. Donna Authers addresses these issues head on in her seminar and in her book. Her advice and counsel to family members, hospice workers, clergy, and anyone involved in caregiving has proven to be invaluable as individuals work through the grieving process and begin healing. A panel of local experts will join Ms. Authers for a Q and A session following her presentation. David R. Reeves, Chaplain of Martin Health Systems; Diana Strudnick, Manager of Care Management at the Martin County Council on Aging; and Andy McNeil, CEO of the National Alliance for Grieving Children will expand on Ms. Auther’s comments and discuss the do’s and don’ts of caregiving with attendees. All are encouraged to attend this free seminar and bring a friend. A continental breakfast will be served beginning at 8:30 AM. Ms. Authers will also have signed copies of her book available for purchase after the seminar. To insure we have adequate seating for this inspirational and informative event, please RSVP to Erica Garwood, (772-225-3366). Page 19 P Good News Letter NOTES FROM BUILDINGS AND PROPERTY Have you noticed when you approach SCC that your level of excitement and anticipation increases? Do you feel the serenity and safeness of our campus? Many of us, including staff, committee chairpersons and their members have an overwhelming sense of pride in the accomplishments we have achieved to worship our Lord and bring glory to His name. With effective leadership, our church strives to be proactive in all ways, and to reach out to each other and our community for the continued growth of our church. So, what does this mean and what does it have to do with the Buildings and Property Board? Well…..we are here as preservationists, conservationists and simply handy people who have a bent to fix what’s broken, and to anticipate the next problem or crisis. To that end, every square inch of grounds and all buildings are our blueprints. The Board would like to inform you of some of he maintenance projects that have been given attention in the last few months. We have embarked on a two year plan to convert all exterior lighting, both in parking areas and buildings, to the more energy efficient LED lights. This will save considerable expense on our electrical costs and bulb replacements. We have started to convert the interior lights of the Sanctuary as well, but on a limited basis. As an example of need, there are presently 14 indirect lights hidden from your view in the Sanctuary which are 400 watt metal Halide bulbs. As we try to cool down the temperature on Sundays, we fight a heat source that consumes more energy, wasting our resources. A new storage shed was purchased and its replacement has been moved closer to the dumpster area. The dumpster fencing will be replaced and painted before the holidays. Also, the church has been plagued by air conditioning challenges, especially in the Fellowship Hall. Nis Air has been diligently working to solve the problems and alleviate last minute surprises in temperature during church activities. Keeping the SCC Columbarium pristine has been an ongoing challenge as we battle leaves, dirt and debris falling during inclement weather. We have lost dedicated volunteers to injury and illness. The Board has discussed additional resources and an updated plan to preserve and renew this memorial area, personally significant to so many. Our landscape contractor, Valley Crest, has done a great job in maintaining our lawns and tree. Periodically, we need volunteers to prune, remove and replant shrubs. We will be planning a Work Party in the near future, so please watch for the advertising. You’re all invited!!! At this time, we have six men on the B & P Board, several of whom are snowbirds, leaving only a few to handle responsibilities through summer months. We need to be a 12 month Board with more participation. We would like to add 6 to 8 new members. Our invitation extends to both men and women who will help to make important decisions regarding all maintenance issues that fall under this board. Our meetings are held on the first Monday of each month. In addition, we would welcome any volunteers who would like to do some limited painting or cleaning as your time and schedule permit. Help us meet our goal to keep SCC a clean, safe and beautiful environment for our ministries and worship. If you have any interest or questions about joining our Board, please call me at 772-2153762. In His service, Paul Piatti Good News Letter Page 20 Beyond the Mountains, There Are Mountains – old Haitian proverb Haiti has a mixture of beach front, desert, plains, and mountains, but you are usually overwhelmed by the number of mountains. When you travel by car from one mountainous region to the next you seem to spend hours just circling on a mountain road, up, up, up, then, down, down, down. Then up, up, up, and then down, down, down. You get the picture. I was fortunate enough to be invited recently on a joy ride to the mountains. The compound where we live is at the foot of these very tall mountains, one of them the highest peak in Haiti. All these mountains joined together make a curious funneling shape which seems to flow right to the campus of Love A Child (LAC). The mountains are so high they disappear into the clouds, up to the heavens. I have mentioned to Ken before, it seems to me God is funneling blessings down to LAC, and as they continue to glorify the LORD in all they do He channels more blessings on them, and they in turn continue to bless others in so many ways. Bobby and Sherry Burnette, co-directors and founders of LAC left Thursday morning for their annual board meeting in Ft. Myers, Florida. They were happy to report to the board 93% of money collected went toward program services to Haiti in the fiscal year. This is why they are blessed because for them every day they live is in the presence of the LORD. Every moment is a teachable moment of “what would Jesus do”, every person a purposed part of God’s creation. The old Haitian proverb “Beyond the mountains there are mountains” translated means; “If it is not one thing, then it is another thing”. This proverb is typical of what life in Haiti is like. Haiti is hard like the mountains with many challenges as you pass on the roads, you witness the harshness of life as you pass little children carrying water from the wells, dirty from the dust on the road and barefoot on the rugged terrain. The question I dread the most from the US is the questions about changes in Haiti. Our church started going to Haiti in 2008. The answer I so want to give is, “YES!”, but the fact remains, physical changes are very slow. There is corruption here, there is ignorance here, and there is culture differences so obtuse to what we know it causes you to sometimes be discouraged. But there is a constant, and that is Jesus. We, as missionaries bring the hope of Christ, not just His power, but his love for us. It is not only recognizing Jesus for themselves, but a true interpretation of what Jesus wants in our lives. Many believe that until they are perfect there is no hope in seeking the LORD. They live in the Old Testament faith, but we are here to tell them about the Good News of Jesus. His love for us now, His Spirit ready to fill us when we accept Him into our lives. It is hard to tell a mother of 6 about the love of Jesus when her children have not eaten today. We as missionaries bring hope about the family of Christ reaching out. There is a prayer the Haitians pray, and we would all do well to pray it ourselves each day. “LORD, Thank you that You have given us the name Christian. Now, give us strength to carry it.” Barbara MacMannis Missionary, Haiti Page 21 Good News Letter FROM OUR MUSIC DIRECTOR Don't you just love Christmas music? I remember as a child getting out Christmas music in the middle of the summer and listening to my heart's content. I'm not sure if the rest of my family was quite as happy as I, but they put up with it anyway! Well, the middle of summer is past, and it's now time to get out music, roll up our sleeves and get to work on the Christmas Cantata! If you are interested in joining the choir for this delightful time of year, we would love to have you! Cantata rehearsals will begin on Thursday evening, Oct 9 at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Come join us! Esther Easley Music Director BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Happy fall to all at Stuart Congregational Church. Hopefully by the time this newsletter arrives, a new playground will have been installed and will be being enjoyed by all! Rain has made it difficult for the company to maintain their schedule and while the rain is always gratefully received to maintain life, it does get in the way of serious pursuits such as play! Along with October comes a drop in temperatures which makes the playground even more enjoyable. If you'd prefer not to climb or slide, you may enjoy sitting on the patio and watching the delight on children's faces or see children at work as you walk to the coffee hour. The Board of Christian Education will still gratefully accept any donations towards our playground and helping our church to develop a larger younger generation to praise Jesus and grow in body, mind and spirit! Also in fall, we are overjoyed to welcome back our "snowbird" friends and to have the opportunity to suggest trying something new. The Board of Education is anxious to have new members assisting our Sunday School and youth in numerous ways. One of the greatest gifts you can offer children is through sharing your own experiences in your Christian walk and working as a committee to see how we might effectively put these ideas to work at helping our children to grow in light and love. Don't think "what can I do?" Prayerfully talk with God asking "what Can I do"! Then share your name and phone number with the church office. In God's love, Konnie Nordyke - chairperson Good News Letter Page 22
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