focus.. on the future From the Minister October Theme: Creation The accumulations of changes from the earth’s tilt plus our elliptical orbit around the sun become more pronounced for me in October. The quality of the light is changing and now is almost too dark to get in a long bicycle ride before coming to work at Hope. I squint my eyes to see if fall colors are showing up in a bank of trees. Early in the month, it is still a blur of various greens but by the end, the red, oranges and yellows from the lost green chlorophyll will take over. Unless we break state temperature records, there will not be another 100° day until late next spring. I can open the sliding door in my church office. Letting the breeze and neighborhood sounds inside is soothing and inspiring. A new sign of change for the month is the regional leadership training opportunity hosted by the Tulsa Sponsoring Committee, October 11 and 12. Set aside your weekend leaf raking and yard work to experience new possibilities for the church and your own personal growth (see attached flyer). Bringing in organizers from around the country to lead sessions, this training is for all Hope members and staff. Side-by-side with other churches and non-profits, the sessions will enrich our existing social justice outreach and to embark on collaborative ones within our city. I am committed to making sure at least four Hope members attend so we have a critical mass of informed leaders. I attended a version of this workshop in Oklahoma City last fall. What I learned remains helpful for identifying and developing sustainable leadership. Unlike the changing fall leaves that are ephemeral, this social justice effort means to build a long-lived coalition in Tulsa to meet citizens’ needs. Gratefully, Rev. Cathey Edwards Volume 20 No. 10 October 2014 In this issue: Upcoming Sermons p. 2 Children’s Religious Education p. 3 Music p. 4 Outreach and Generosity p. 5 Garden & Grounds P 11 Events/Classes p. 9& 10 Adult Religious Education p. 8 Sunday Mornings October 2014 September Theme: Creation “Life is always a rich and steady time when you are waiting for something to happen or to hatch.” E.B. White Sunday Religious Education for Children and Youth 10 am - RE Wing Necker Cube Illusion Sunday Adult Religious Education 10 am - Sanctuary Sunday Worship 11am - Sanctuary Sunday, October 5 “Created from Stardust” Rev. Cathey Edwards Sunday, October 12 “Creating a Loving Community” Rev. Dr. Jacob George Sunday, October 19 “Love in Motion: Service” Rev. Cathey Edwards Sunday, October 26 “Why Worship?!?” Rev. Cathey Edwards Humans are born to look for patterns and to fill in missing gaps. This Necker Cube is two illusions built into one. First, despite incomplete lines, virtually everyone can see the outline of a cube in the arrangement of the eight circles. The second illusion is the ambiguous orientation of the wire frame cube. Some people view the face of the cube coming forward on the lower left. Others see it rising in the upper right. Not only do we interpolate visually, but also in stories, ritual, and in bringing meaning to our lives. With our imagination humans have created systems of ideas, languages, art forms and cultural norms. We are created to be creative. We are not alone in being a creative force in the cosmos. Watch an orb spider build its circular web. Listen to the mysterious songs of the humpback whales. And as the essayist and author E.B. White proposes, life unfolds in a fertile way as we are waiting. We merely have to pay attention Join us as we explore Creation this month in story, music, readings, small discussion groups, and sermons. Really, is any part of church life not an act of creation—from greeting newcomers that builds a bridge to new relationships, to preparing the monthly meal for the Day Center for the Homeless, to teaching a lesson in Children’s Religious Education and to adding your voice as we sing during worship? About Our Monthly Themes Our monthly themes express Hope Church’s openness to theological exploration. They are not an endorsement of any particular creed or belief. Instead, they provide a monthly opportunity to examine in common a religious doctrine or idea. Hope Church is a questioning community. It is a safe place to bring doubt and new ideas. This month we are exploring mystery together. Join us! Page 2 focus Religious Education for Children & Youth Sundays 10:00 am—noon “Imagination is the beginning of creativity” George Bernard Shaw Chaos and Wonder Parenting/Grandparenting Class Sunday, October 12 at 9:00 am—9:50 am in the Log Cabin The group is open to all. Childcare provided. The church theme this month is creation. Within our religious education program, we are creating a caring community where children use their imagination to play, laugh, sing, talk and build together. October News October 26—Great Pumpkin Family Sunday Each child will bring a hollowed out, small pumpkin. Families are invited to help one another carve awesome works of art which will be displayed at the end of the worship service during the Parade of Pumpkins. Children may wear costumes. 11:00 am – 11:15 Children’s Chapel downstairs. Parents are invited to join us. 11:15 – 11:45 Pumpkin snack party. Weather permitting, we will go on a nature walk. We will play games and create a craft or two. Parents are invited to participate. 11:50 Parade of Pumpkins in the Sanctuary focus Youth Fellowship (grades 6 – 12) will meet : Oct 1, Oct 15, and Oct 29 from 6:30 – 7:30 pm in RE area. Topic for the month—Where do all those cuss words come from? Pizza will be served at 6:30 pm . Youth are welcome to invite friends to the group. Jackie Portman Director of Religious Education Visitors’ Corner Our Sunday program begins at 10:00 am with crafts, music, or outdoor play. At 11:00 am, we hold a short children's chapel before religious education classes. We provide nursery facilities for infants and toddlers. If you have questions, please contact Jackie Portman. Page 3 Music Notes There are many musical ways of exploring our monthly theme, “Creation,” which we can take both as “nature” and the “ results or act of creating.” Both the natural world and human beings are often partners in creation. A few of the ways we will examine this theme will be through our choir anthem selections. The exuberant anthem, “Morning, So Fair to See,” by Beverly McLarry, music director of First Unitarian Church in Oklahoma City, explores words by UU minister Vincent Silliman, which speak of our pilgrim journey amidst the beauty of the natural world around us. If we permit our spirit to respond to this beauty, our journey will be both joyful and replenished. Emily Dickinson’s poem, “Morning,” in a lovely musical setting by Janet Gardner, evokes images of nature and the yearnings of the heart to ask metaphorically whether there yet lies a “morning” ahead of us. In Kent Newbury’s lively arrangement of “I’ve Got Peace Like a River,” the images of nature provide a metaphor for experiencing peace and joy on our journey. These are among the various ways that we will respond and participate in “creation” and “creating” through making music. I would like to invite anyone who loves choral singing and can carry a tune well enough to get it off the ground, to rehearse and sing with us. If you cannot yet commit for the entire year, you can rehearse with us during the months of October and November through mid-December and perform with us during the “Sing Noel!” service on December 14. We rehearse every Wednesday evening (except for the evening before Thanksgiving) from 7pm to 9pm. Regular choir rehearsals begin at 6.30 pm until Sing Noel Joseph Rivers Director of Music Meet the Minister Sunday, October 26, 12:15 pm Minister’s Study Newcomers and their families are invited to meet with Rev. Cathey Edwards after the service. Get to know each other and about Hope. Page 4 focus Hope Outreach Generosity Offering Each month, we give away ALL of the undesignated funds from our Sunday Offering. The Outreach Committee chooses organizations that support the mission of Hope Unitarian Church. In August we raised $1,767.00 for New Life School in Uganda Generosity Recipient for October Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless The Day Center was created in 1986 by a group of concerned Tulsans seeking to provide a safe place for people who were homeless and was originally founded by Tulsa Metropolitan Ministry (TMM), The Day Center is a 501(c)(3) private nonprofit organization. The facility provides night shelter, case management, a free Nurses' Clinic, showers, restrooms, telephones, Community Voice Mail, a clothing room, mail services and a locked storage area. An average of 400 people seek shelter and services each day at the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless, which is the only day time shelter in Tulsa for people who are homeless or in need. Hope provides a meal for the Day Center on the Third Saturday of every month. We also donate milk and cereal and have collection boxes in the Fellowship Hall for their monthly needs. Sandra Lewis, Director of the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless, will be our speaker at our 10 am Adult Forum on Sunday, October 5. Please be sure to come to learn about all the necessary services this organization provides to those Tulsans in need. focus Feed the Homeless Volunteers from Hope prepare and serve a meal for the folks at the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless every third Saturday of the month. Thanks to everyone who helped in September Shopping: Keith Hamilton Pre-cooking: Mary Newman Saturday cooking/preparing: Hap Lowry, Deborah Whittaker, Rich Jackson, Ross Guthrie, Sarah Brown, Emma Tracy, Linda Tracy Serving at the Day Center: Jean Coffey and Joan Scheulen (who also delivered the food from Hope to the Day Center), Coe McGinley and her friend, Shirley, Don Miller, Meredith Miller, Sarah Brown and Ross Guthrie and Laura Prather Reiman. Next Feed the Homeless date is: Saturday, October 18 2:30 pm at Hope to help cook and prepare food. 5:00 pm at the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless to help serve the meal. You can sign up for the months ahead. Sign up sheet is in the folder on Administrator’s desk. Cereal Sunday Sunday, October 12 Please bring cereal for the homeless. There’s a large basket in the Fellowship Hall where you can place your boxes/bags. This cereal, along with several gallons of milk, is taken to the Tulsa Day Center every month when we prepare their meal. Fair Trade Coffee and Chocolate When you purchase fair trade coffee and chocolate you are helping small farmers and helping the environment. Oh, and also—it’s delicious! Always on sale in the Fellowship Hall. Page 5 September Board Highlights From your President The contract is signed for replacing Hope's heating and air-conditioning system with completion date by November 1st. A 5.75 percent loan to pay for this approved pending appraisal of church property. PSO rebate is expected to be $1,300. The Board of Trustees caravanned to Grand Lake last Friday and Saturday for a retreat. The setting was beautiful, the food was good, and our time together was beneficial. Acceptance of credit cards for pledge payments, other donations and payments will be available in the next few days via Hope's website. A credit card reader will be available to take credit card payments at the Auction. The board accepted an anonymous $7,000 donation to Hope, $5,000 earmarked for RE playground equipment fund, $2,000 for grants to enable Hope members to attend General Assembly. Within, Among, Beyond Our discussion sessions centered on: why we accepted these responsibilities; a look at where Hope is and where it's going; and lastly, setting specific Board goals for this year. We enjoyed being together, getting to know each other better, and the quiet time that getting away from the city can give. We returned tired, but refreshed and enthusiastic. The Charter for the Personnel Committee approved. Thank you to Marcia and Sherrill for their wonderful hospitality at Holway Point. Hope's Visioning Committee inaugural meeting is Oct. 2. Paula Haight, BOT President The board had a very productive Board of Trustees retreat identifying Board goals, broader Hope Church goals, Board's areas of influence, great ideas for Hope Church now and in near future, and membership concerns. On another note... I wish to thank all the Committee Chairpersons for a very successful "Committee Fair" on September 7. All of you did a great job. Thank you for your hard work which continues throughout the year. Paula Hope’s 2014-15 Board before heading out for their retreat. Page 6 focus Oklahoma Food Coop Order deadline October 9 Hope Church’s membership in the Oklahoma Food Cooperative provides a way for members and friends to try the Coop without buying an individual membership. On their website, you’ll find humanely-raised and healthy foods from Oklahoma farms that are identified by name and location, at prices that are competitive with Reasor’s organic or free-range food products. This month’s order period is from October 1 until midnight October 9, and delivery date is October 16. To order, contact Joseph Rivers on cell phone # 562-2438656, or Rich Jackson at 918-494-0767 for ground rules & password, log on at, click on the Shop tab, browse, and add items you’d like to try to the shopping cart. Green Sanctuary Certification Application A draft of Hope’s application for Green Sanctuary certification was added to the Hope website the weekend of September 20. This challenging UUA program requires 12 actionplan projects in 5 specific areas. There have been so many initiatives from Hope Church members and friends that the current draft defines 27 projects, and at least one more is in negotiation with the UUA Program Manager. Contact Rich Jackson or Janet Williamson with questions, suggestions, or comments. Outreach Committee The Outreach Committee will be meeting at Hope on Wednesday, October 15th at 5:30 pm to discuss our Generosity offering recipients for January, 2015 through June, 2015. Every month Hope donates the Sunday plate collection to different 501(c)(3) organizations that are doing important and charitable work. Please feel free to attend the meeting if you have any suggestions for Generosity offerings or if you have any interest or questions about the Outreach Committee. In addition to selecting the Generosity plate recipients the Outreach Committee is in charge of our monthly meal to the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless, Tulsa Day Center Donations, Guest at Your Table, Christmas Outreach and Fair Trade coffee and chocolate sales. You may also contact Mary Newman ( or 918-810-0953) if you want to make suggestions about the Generosity offering or have any questions about the Outreach Committee. Thank you, Mary Newman Outreach Committee Chair Notes from the Office Pay by credit card! Acceptance of credit cards for pledge payments, other donations and payments will available in the next few days via Hope's website. A credit card reader will be available to take credit card payments at the Auction. Stay tuned for more information. Minister out of town The Rev. Cathey Edwards will be out of town October 11-14. Please contact Carmen Kinsey (918298-6486) for pastoral care needs. focus Page 7 Adult Religious Education Adult Forum Sundays at 10:00 am in the Sanctuary October 5 Generosity Sunday. Our speaker will be Sandra Lewis, Director of the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless, our generosity plate recipient for the month of October. October 12 Mary Fallin has been invited to participate in our Meet the Candidates program. October 19 We continue with Part 2 of “The Long Strange Trip”, The Birth of Unitarianism. Part 2 begins by chronicling how Michael Servetus’ message influenced David Ferenc (Francis David) in Transylvania and led to the first coherent Unitarian theology. October 26 Part 2 continues by tracking that theology as it spreads to Poland with Faustus Socinus and then west across Europe towards the Netherlands and England. It discusses the work of Theophilus Lindsey and Joseph Priestley in forming an organized English Unitarianism New Time, New Day, New Title! Digging Deeper A discussion class that provides the opportunity to delve more deeply into our monthly themes. October: Creation Thursday, October 16 7:00-8:30 pm Free childcare with 48 hour advance reservation. Contact Jackie Portman for childcare, Rev. Cathey serves as the facilitator for this monthly class. With an agenda that includes readings, questions and time for sharing, this smaller group allows for dialogue and reflection. “To listen is to lean in softly with a willingness to be changed by what we hear.” - Mark Nepo, poet Page 8 focus Events Lunch Bunch Women of Hope Thursday, October 2 Wednesday, October 15 at 11:30 am Social time 6:00pm Dinner 6:30 pm Program 7:00pm Our women’s Lunch Bunch event will be Napa Flats Wood-fired Kitchen. This is a new restaurant, located in the former Michael Fusco’s restaurant at 99th & Riverside Parkway. If you want to attend, contact Jane Brumley, 918/488-1370. Our speaker will be Debbie Gordon from Resonance Women's Center. Debbie attended Hope at one time, and some of you may remember her. Bring a dish/dessert for potluck. And invite a guest for a lovely fall evening on Hope Hill. Anita Ward and Deborah Whittaker ___________________________________________ Breakfast on the Hill ____________________________________ Hope Men’s Group Tuesday, October 21, 7:00 pm All men are invited to our monthly gathering. Bring a snack and drink to share if you wish. Newcomers welcome. ______________________________________________ Sunday, October 5, 9:00—10:00 am Women of the Thread $5 for adults, free for children Prepared by Cate Potter, Bob Pannell and Alice Van Wormer. We will have a pot of oatmeal, with condiments and breakfast casserole (both vegie and meat), banana bread, biscuits, jam and fruit. Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 11:30 am in the log cabin. Bring your projects and enjoy the companionship. All are welcome. Carrie Muzika and Deborah Whittaker ___________________________________________ Movie Night Tuesday, October 14, 7:00 pm The Meaning of Life is a film created by the Monty Python troupe and released in 1983. It is a series of sketches that connect life from birth through death. If you aren't familiar with Monty Python, or even if you are, be prepared to laugh. Please join us for a good discussion after the movie, and soft drinks and popcorn will be provided. focus Page 9 “Autumn on Hope Hill—Change is in the Air!” 6-6.30 pm—Drinks and Fellowship HOPE’S ANNUAL AUCTION Saturday November 8 6.30-7.30 pm—Dinner 7.15 pm—Silent auction closes 7.30 pm—Live Auction $20 includes dinner, drinks and bid card 50/50 raffle Parking Space raffle We need your donations! Do you have an item or service to donate to the auction? How about a theme dinner, a vacation, artwork, jewelry, handmade craft items, theme basket, personal services ……. Fill out an Auction Donation/Dinner Reservation Form and turn it in at the Auction Table on Sundays. Also, you may email descriptions and photographs of donations to Maggie Scott at The deadline for handing in your reservation/donation forms is Sunday, November 2. You may begin bringing in your auction items from next Sunday, October 5. Deadline for bringing items is Saturday, November 8 by 10 am (Please note: Payment for auction items is required on the night of the auction and this year you will be able to pay by credit card!) focus Page 10 Garden and Grounds Early Autumn 2014 Many thanks to the seven hardy souls who worked on roadside clean up in the rain September 6 th. It was a great start, continued in the beautiful weather on the 13th. Many railroad ties were relocated to edge the north parking lot and much briar has been removed from the big trees. A number of small redbuds and wild dogwoods were freed of briar and honeysuckle. There is more to do, but it is much improved. Special thanks to Fred Pottorf for the trailer and brush hauling. Thanks also to the faithful watering crews who have kept the pots and beds looking good and the roses blooming. The late summer dry spell typical in Oklahoma has been challenging. All the young trees have been mulched for fall and winter. The bronze fennel by the patio continues to host black swallowtail caterpillars. First they eat the flowers, then the leaves, then the stems. They also like the parsley in the kids’ garden. There are preliminary plans to construct a labyrinth north of the sanctuary. It will be simple and unobtrusive, using flat stones to define the path. There are many patterns, but the (experienced) designer thought an irregular, meandering one would fit our hillside area best. The last few weeks the children have worked on a scarecrow that will be on display at the Oklahoma Botanic Garden October 4 – November 1. We did “Charlotte Visits the Garden” complete with garden lady, spider and pig. Come see it 9-4 Saturdays at the garden. Map (and lots of fun information) at A fence has been installed along the patio and ramp in the children’s playground – area now much safer. Barry Kinsey built us a butterfly house. Do you know where it is? There are plans next year to plant a lot more milkweed to assist the struggling Monarch population. Janet Williamson Chair, Garden & Grounds Committee Page 11 focus Key People Weekly Events Hope Singers Choir Rehearsal Wednesday, October 1—7:00 pm Hope Singers and Sing Noel Rehearsals Wednesday October 8—Dec 10 from 6.30 – 9pm When no one is at the church, the building is locked and the security system is on. A committee of key people have keys and security clearance to open and close the building for church events. Each takes a one-week turn of duty. Sept 29-Oct 5 Sherrill Womeldorff 918-638-7610 Brown Bag Lunch and Discussion Group Every Friday from 11.30 am to 1:00 pm Oct 6-12 Larry Vandiver 918-230-7354 Yoga Classes Currently on hiatus. Watch this space. Oct 13-17 & 19 Jim Sleezer 918-760-9711 Oct 18 Fred Pottorf 918-230-7354 October Birthdays Oct 20-26 Sherrill Womeldorff 918-638-7610 Brad Adams Elva Knoles Tom Swatek Lynn Rivers Larry Sharp Paula Haight Jean Coffey Ada Galli Joan Scheulen Jim Sleezer Shirley Adams Marcia Schaefer Peter Marschall 1st 3rd 3rd 12th 15th 16th 17th 17th 17th 16th 22nd 23rd 30th Policy for function organizers 1. First, determine if someone attending your function can open the building; 2. Find out if church will be open/ closed for another event at the same time as yours; 3. If no one is available and you need entry, contact above volunteer Key Man a few days in advance of your event. For Hope’s October Calendar—see Hope’s website Focus Deadline Submissions to the Focus should be sent to with “Focus” in the subject line and are due 9 am the 4th Wednesday in the month. Submissions are subject to editing for length and content. Next Focus will be published Wednesday, October 29. Next Deadline: 9 am, October 22. focus Page 12 8432 S. Sheridan Rd Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133-4137 (918) 481-0999 PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT TULSA FOCUS Issue October 1, 2014 (USPS 009-016) is published monthly by Hope Unitarian Church, 8432 S. Sheridan Road., Tulsa, OK 741334137. Periodicals postage paid at Tulsa, OK. POSTMASTER: send address changes to FOCUS, 8432 S. Sheridan Rd., Tulsa, OK 741334137 TO: Hope's Vision Seeking Truth, Sharing Love Within - Among - Beyond Hope's Mission Supporting the free and responsible search for truth and meaning; Teaching the history and traditions of Unitarianism; Promoting and defending freedom of thought; Celebrating life's passages; Serving the larger community with justice and compassion. Hope's Values Reason - Integrity - Tolerance Our Staff Rev. Cathey Edwards, Minister, Maggie Scott, Administrator, Jackie Portman, Director of Children’s Religious Education, Joseph Rivers, Director of Music, Our Board of Trustees Paula Haight, President Janet Nobles, President Elect Ken Jones, VP of Finance Alice Van Wormer, VP of Programs Fred Pottorf, Treasurer Vanessa Torluemke, Secretary Claudia Vandiver, Past President Hope Unitarian Church 8432 S. Sheridan Road Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133-4137 (918) 481-0999 HopeUnitarian Church Office Hours Mon –Fri 9:00 am—3:00 pm
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