Seventh Sunday after Pentecost 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary COME, GROW YOUR FAITH! .............. Adult Sunday Morning Classes for NEXT Sunday, meeting at 9:30 The Words of Preparation Theological formation is the gradual and often painful discovery of God’s incomprehensibility. You can be competent in many things, but you cannot be competent in God. Henri J. M. Nouwen The Welcome (Please sign, pass, and return the blue Friendship Register) The Introit Lord, You Are My God Franz Joseph Haydn Kate Rowland, soloist Lord, you are my God, for you I long, for you my soul cries out. Like dry land for water, Lord, for you I long. Your steadfast love, O Lord, is ever true. O Lord, I will ever praise you, with joy I will ever praise you. I sing with joy, I sing your name. Psalm 63:1-4 The Call to Worship Psalm 95 O come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are his also. The sea is his, for he made it, and the dry land, which his hands have formed. O come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker! For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. Let us stand in honor, And let us worship God! ◆ The Hymn 485 To God Be the Glory ◆ The Prayer of Adoration TO GOD BE THE GLORY Lizzy Bradford The First Reading Romans 8:12-25 The Prayer of Confession Almighty God our heavenly Father, we confess that we have sinned against you. You call us to live according to the Spirit, yet we follow the ways of the flesh. You offer us life in the Spirit, and we fall back into slavery, pursuing the things of this world that cannot satisfy. You give us a reason to hope, and yet we live our lives in fear and hopelessness, wondering if we can truly trust your promises. Lord, in your mercy, forgive us our faults, and by your Spirit, draw us into deeper communion with you. Teach us to know you that we might love you more intimately and follow you more closely. Hear now our silent prayers of confession…. (in silence…) The Assurance of Pardon Friends, hear and believe the good news of the gospel. In Christ, there is forgiveness for all who call upon him. Alleluia. AMEN! Bible Walk (All ages) Not meeting Room E101 Cornerstone (All ages) And God Saw That It Was Good, Michael Grogan Miller Library Miller Library Covenanters (Couples w/children) And God Saw That It Was Good, Michael Grogan Faith and Family (Parents) The 5 Love Languages of Children, Charlotte and Michael Brown West Parlor Forum (All ages) And God Saw That It Was Good, Michael Grogan Miller Library Harbingers (Singles/couples) And God Saw That It Was Good, Michael Grogan Miller Library Mariners (Seniors) The Book of Confessions, Bruce and Jean Lemmon E104 The Niche (Young adults) Three Distinct Religions with Christian Roots in America, Patrick Grogan E205 Reflections (All ages) The Ten Commandments, Video Series E103 Seekers (TIF/FPC) The Parables of Jesus Christ E100 Shepherds (Singles/couples) Basic Christianity, Steve Caldwell and Bob Farris E203 Sojourners (All ages) Cults, Tim and Krista Schaafsma E204 Westminster (All ages) And God Saw That It Was Good, Michael Grogan Miller Library .............. EVENTS THIS WEEK Today 07/27/14 Worship Services: 8:00 a.m. in Kerr Chapel; 8:30 a.m. in Stephenson Hall; 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary, Stephenson Hall, and Tulsa International Fellowship in the Great Hall, BC. FPC Swim Time. 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Camp Loughridge Aquatics Center. For FPC members and their guests every Sunday until September. Monday 07/28/14 Memorial Service for Fred Murray. 11:00 a.m. Kerr Chapel. Memorial Service for Stephen Dale. 4:00 p.m. Sanctuary. Tuesday 07/29/14 Tuesday Morning Men’s Fellowship Study. 6:45 - 7:45 a.m. Room E313. Called Session Meeting. 5:30 p.m. Dinner. 6:15 p.m. Meeting. Room E104. Men’s Cursillo Accountability Group. 6:00 p.m. KRC, BC. Wednesday 07/30/14 Men’s Bible Study. 6:45 - 7:45 a.m. Room E101. Thursday 07/31/14 Men’s Bible Study. 6:30 a.m. Panera, 41st and Hudson. Friday 08/01/14 Every Friday Socials. 1:00 p.m. 2nd floor lobby, BC. Friends, snacks, and fun. Do you like to play Dominos or other games? We invite you to join us. Saturday 08/02/14 July 30 - August 11 August 14-15 August 16-17 September 7 September 12 September 19 October 12 October 31 Before the Rooster Crows. 8:45 a.m. Room E103. Mark Your Calendars With These Events: Romanian Mission Trip. Global Leadership Summit. Inquirer’s Class. Breakfast on Boston and Festival Sunday - One worship service at 11 a.m. in the Sanctuary. FPC Golf Tournament benefitting Helping Hand Ministry. Evenings at the Bernsen - Sun Min Kim, Concert Pianist. 41st Annual Organ Concert by Ron Pearson. Evenings at the Bernsen - OSU Concert Chorale and Chamber Choir. Thank everyone for the lovely reception last Sunday. I treasure all of you and our times together and will think of my First Church family often as I settle into my new home in Dallas. A special thanks to Jane Hawkins, Joan Hoar, Barbara Peters, Cathy Akin, and Monte Prater for arranging a special day and for many wonderful memories. Much love, Freda Huckin The Summer Choir welcomes you! You are invited to add your voice to the Summer Choir for the 11:00 a.m. Sanctuary service. The only time requirement is a brief rehearsal at 10:15 a.m. in the Choir Room. If you’ve always wanted to give it a try, here’s your opportunity - please join us! THE FIRST CHURCH UPDATES On Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in July and August, we are offering a class series, “And God Saw That It Was Good.” Experts Harry Todd, Dr. Katie McQueen, Michael Grogan and Jean Lemmon will offer their Christian insight into the geologic history and the creatures, heavens, and waters of God’s good earth. The series continues through August 3 in the Miller Library. Venue change for “Faith and Technology”! Please join us at 9:30 a.m. in the 1st Floor Reception Area of the Bernsen Center on Sundays, August 10 and 17. Our summer intern Michael Raubach, who holds a Masters degree in Religion, Theology and Culture from the University of Glasgow, will explore the theology and questions of technology and its connections with the Christian faith. To notify the church of a birth, death, illness, hospitalization; change of address or phone number in your family; or to request a pastoral visit at home or in the hospital, please contact Dionna Schooley (918-301-1029 or First Church is currently seeking a full-time Associate Director of Middle School Ministries and a full-time Ministry Assistant for Mission and Outreach. To read a job description and/or to submit your resume, please visit Opportunity to serve International Students – International Community Outreach gives used furniture to new international students at the University of Tulsa, on Saturday, August 23. Your furniture and presence can be a blessing. Used furniture (beds, chairs, desks, etc.) suitable for apartments will be picked up each Saturday, July 26 - August 16. To donate items, contact us at or 918-345-2062 or 918-504-3489. The next Inquirers’ Class will be held on Saturday, August 16, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. in Room E100 and on Sunday, August 17, from 9:15 - 10:30 a.m. Room 206. NEXT GENERATION MINISTRIES UPDATE High Five. Our last event is on Tuesday, July 29, and we are finally going to the River Country Water Park in Muskogee! We’ll leave from the church at 10:15 a.m. and make a quick stop at the QuikTrip at 129th and Hwy. 51 for those who may want to join the caravan. We’ll leave the park at 2:00 p.m. to return to Tulsa. Contact Jan Miller (918-301-1006) with questions. TINA - (Totally Into gNarly Adventures). TINA is the Pathfinder Summer Program and we will be meeting on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. from June 25 - July 30 in various Pathfinders’ homes. The evening includes swimming or games, snacks, a lesson and small groups. Pathfinders Discipleship Quest is a local mission overnight opportunity for all current 6th and 7th graders. On August 8 - 9, we will be serving at different locations on Friday and Saturday mornings with fun activities and meaningful lessons in between. We will spend the night in the PowerHouse and the cost is $10. Register online at Exodus Night – Tuesdays from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. from June 24 - August 12. The evening usually includes swimming or games, snacks, a lesson and small groups. Check the Exodus Facebook page for locations. If you have questions or want to host, please contact Dan Russell ( 44 Hours of Fun (for incoming 9th - 12th graders) will be on August 8 - 10. We’ll float the Illinois River near Tahlequah and play games, watch movies and fellowship in the PowerHouse. Cost is $50 for everything. Register online ( by Sunday, August 3. UKirk Bible Study. Thursdays from 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. Join us for dinner, fellowship, worship, and study. We are looking for host homes, so if you would like to host or need more information, please contact Rev. Dan Hutchinson (918-613-1351 or dhutchinson@ Our First Church UKirk Intern needs a home from the middle of August 2014 until the end of May 2015. The host family would provide food and lodging for the intern. We are ideally looking for someone in the mid-town area, as the Intern’s responsibilities will be at TU and the church. For more information, please contact Daniel Hutchinson (dhutchinson@ The Peace of Christ Since God has forgiven us in Christ, let us forgive one another. The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. And also with you. ...................... THE PARISH REGISTER ◆ The Response Glory Be To The Father GLORIA PATRI Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. AMEN. ◆ The Affirmation of Faith The Apostles’ Creed (hymnal, p. 14) Prayers for Healing: Sheri Allen, Michael Arthur, Bob Balch, Bette Baumer, Julia Becwar, Brenda Bender, Jay Brady, Janice Burnett, Joan Hastings Camp, George Cheatham, Diane Cherry, Robert Clemens, Jean Conkwright, Beth Delametter, Janice Dorndorfer, Maxine Dubois, Donna Droege, Susan Fesperman, Kimberly Flanagan, Betty Foote, Bill Gent, Marsue Gent, Trenton Hall, Donovan Hamilton, Betty Hawes, Mary Hight, Bill Huckin, Lee Johns, Betty Kelly, Levan Kelly, Tom King, Robert Kramer, Bob Lawless, Jimmie Mathews, George Matson, Lynn Miller, Frances Morgan, Judy Murray, Jackson Owens, Lanette Owens, Patti Parker, Jim Pearson, Lily Ramey, Lisa Rice, Monnie Roney, Alice Savage, Patrick Schwartz, April Smith, Burton Speed, Lewis Taggart, Bill Thompson, Audrey Tucker, Ruth Wilson, Richard Wright. The Sacrament of Baptism Elders Gary Mathews and Anna Milligan Graham Anthony Bevel, son of Shane and Frances Bevel With Gratitude for the Resurrection: Frederick Murray, a member since 1975, died on July 20, 2014; Stephen Dale, a member since 1960, died on July 23. The Hymn of Preparation 356 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing The Sacrament of Baptism: Molly Beth McCracken, daughter of Ryan and Carrie McCracken; and Henrik James Sundahl, son of Lukas and Sara Sundahl, were baptized on July 20. NETTLETON Letters of Well Wishing are available for you to sign before or after the services. This week letters go to Beverly Dale and to our volunteers for Works of HeArt at the Day Center for the Homeless. The Second Reading Psalm 42 The Sermon The Lord Reigns in Our Lament Rev. Daniel Hutchinson Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? (Psalm 42:5) ...................... WORSHIP NOTES The flowers for today’s worship service in the Sanctuary are given in loving memory of of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Schelper and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Holmes by Col. Shirley Schelper and Dr. June Holmes. The Prayer of Dedication The Offertory Only in God John Michael Talbot Only in God is my soul at rest, in Him comes my salvation. He only is my rock, my strength and my salvation. My stronghold, my Savior, I shall not be afraid at all. My stronghold, my Savior, I shall not be moved. Only in God is found safety when my enemy pursues me. Only in God is found glory when I am found meek and found lowly. Refrain. Psalm 62 The Hymn 276 Great Is Thy Faithfulness ◆ The Charge and Benediction ◆ The Postlude Fanfare on TO GOD BE THE GLORY ◆ Please stand LORD REIGNS! Praying the Psalms in Every Season Keeping the “Lord’s Will” in “our Will” extends what we can do to advance the Kingdom beyond our lifetime! Have you included the First Church Foundation in your will? For those who need assistance in the Sanctuary or Stephenson Hall, audio headsets are available from the ushers. Also available are large-print hymnals and Bibles. The Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer ◆ Do you (or someone you know) need prayer? Please complete a prayer request card from the Sanctuary pews and place it in the offering plate or in the Prayer Request box located in the Narthex. Pastors and members of the Guild of Intercessors will pray over your request. All prayer requests will be treated in a confidential manner. THE FAITHFULNESS Don Hustad First Church telecasts are: Sunday 11:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m., and 10:00 p.m. on Cox 3 and Channel 703 (HD); Saturday 7:00 p.m. on Cox 7 and KWHB-UHF 47. Also now available on the church website, on the “Digital Media” tab. THE FIRST CHURCH MINISTRY STAFF James D. Miller, Ph.D., Co-Pastor Ryan V. Moore, M.Div., Co-Pastor Elaine H. Cervini, M.Div., Associate Pastor James Estes, M.Div., Associate Pastor Daniel Hutchinson, M.Div., Associate Pastor Wambugu Gachungi, M.Div., Director of Tulsa International Fellowship Steve Caldwell, Chief Operating Officer Duff Points, Executive Director of Ministries Called to make fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ Inwardly Strong and Outwardly Focused. Lucas Forsythe, Director of Communications Patricia Hall, Director of New Member Outreach Elaine G. Horkey, Director of Planned Giving Ministries Jan Miller, Director of Children’s Ministries Ronald J. Pearson, M.M., Organist and Director of Music Ministries Amy Russell, Assistant Director of Children’s Ministries Dan Russell, Director of High School Student Ministries Steve Wilson, Director of Middle School Student Ministries JULY 27, 2014 Tulsa’s First Church is a Stephen Ministry Congregation. If you or someone you know needs the support of a good listener who offers distinctively Christian caring, please call 918-301-1039. 709 South Boston Avenue ✞ Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119 (918) 584-4701 ✞ 11:00 AM SANCTUARY First Presbyterian Church of Tulsa
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