OUR PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We the people of St. Margaret Mary Parish united in faith and prayer, resolve to give witness to the Gospel. The Holy Spirit calls and empowers us to love and serve, to lead and teach, to heal, forgive and understand. We pledge to share our God-given gifts and talents for the benefit of our parish and all people in the name of Jesus Christ. A People United in Faith, Prayer & Service SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Baptism Two months in advance Marriage Four to six months in advance Sacrament of the Sick Call to schedule Reconciliation 4:00 PM Sat. or by Appt. MEMBERSHIP Registration of adults over 18; Address changes appreciated. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL HELP LINE please call 729-4571 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL MEMBERS Kyle Barriger…………kmbarriger@gmail.com Peter Geniesse…………...pjgeniesse@aol.com Jay Marti…………………..jmarti@new.rr.com Kristina Nelson………aknelson614@gmail.com Jesse Ostrom……….jesserostrom@hotmail.com Ron Schreier……………schreierr@yahoo.com Michele Sliwicki………...msliwicki@new.rr.com Cindy Sypek…………...casypek7@gmail.com Evelyn Zimmerman...zimmerman1810@new.rr.com PARISH TRUSTEES Howard Healy .............hhealy@direnzolaw.com Margie Weiss .......margie@weisshealthgroup.com PARISH CENTER & OFFICES OPEN 8-4 Monday thru Thursday and 8-Noon Friday 439 Washington Ave., Neenah Parish Website: smmneenah.org PASTORAL STAFF (920) 729-4560 REV. MICHAEL INGOLD ............................................... PASTOR, Ext. 102 Daniel Laurent……………………………………………….Deacon Joan Bartman .............................................. Pastoral Associate, Ext. 106 Jessica Schaff….Director of Business Affairs & Operations, Ext. 107 Justin Krueger......................... Director of Liturgy & Worship, Ext. 108 Sheila Scanlan........................................................ Parish Nurse, Ext. 109 Sally Bellile ...................................................... Parish Secretary, Ext. 101 RELIGIOUS FORMATION STAFF (920) 729-4562 Amy Matz ........................................................................Director, Ext. 112 Doreen Benedict .......................................................................Coordinator Tina Peirick……………………………………Coordinator, Ext. 116 Cindy Kyles-Werth ...... Coordinator of Youth Ministry & RF, Ext. 113 Marcie Howard...................................Administrative Assistant, Ext. 111 TWIN CITY CATHOLIC EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM St. Margaret Mary Elementary Campus .................... (920) 729-4565 Mrs. Eleanor Healy, Principal....................................................... Ext. 120 Mrs. Mary Jo Sajdak, Secretary ................................................. Ext. 121 Seton Middle School ....................................................... (920) 727-0279 Sandy Ehlers, Principal St. Mary Central High School ....................................... (920) 722-7796 Mr. Patrick Batey, Principal OCTOBER 12, 2014 • 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME . ST. MARGARET MARY NEENAH Mass Intentions Monday, October 13 6:30 AM Liturgy of the Word with Communion Tuesday, October 14: St. Callistus I 5:15 PM Dan Holloway Wednesday, October 15: St. Teresa of Jesus 6:30 AM Ray Tuchscherer & Jane Wollersheim Thursday, October 16: St. Margaret Mary Alacoque 6:30 AM Betty Felton Friday, October 17: St. Ignatius of Antioch 8:00 AM Melissa Protz Saturday, October 18: St. Luke 4:00 PM Reconciliation 5:00 PM (Special Int.) Jim & Kathy Koziczkowski Sunday, October 19: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 AM Our Parish Community 9:30 AM Bob Block Mass Servers Saturday, October 18 5:00 PM Beran, Dunsirn & Scudder Sunday, October 19 7:30 AM Snyder Family 9:30 AM Sajbel & Staehler’s Welcomed into God’s Holy Family is Benjamin Ignatius, son of Andrew and Kristina Nelson. Ma his life be blessed with guidance from living in Christ’s light. SAVE the Date! Seniors (62 and older) please save the date for our annual “Senior Appreciation Breakfast” sponsored by the Parish Life Committee. On Sunday, November 9 we will be delighted to serve you a delicious breakfast in Friendship Hall following the 7:30 mass. Additional details and RSVP information will follow. See you then! Craft and Bake sale! T ha n ks g i vi ng , S t . N i c ks D ay an d C hr i s t ma s A r e J us t A r ou n d t h e C or ne r ! Excellent gifts, both large and small, will be available at the Craft and Bake sale to be held on Nov 1 (3 pm - 7pm) and Nov 2 (8 am -noon) in Friendship Hall. Advanced raffle tickets will be sold after masses on Oct 18-19 and Oct 2526 for a queen size quilt, a rosemaled plate and $50. Basket raffles will take place at the sale. Mark your calendars now for this event which is being held for Building Faith in India. Check out the parish site (smmneenah.org) for pictures of items already donated. . Counting on You—Parish Outreach In the past 2 weeks we have raised $12,077.17 towards our goal of having $25,000 to use for support of those struggling financially here in our parish and beyond. We need your help to accomplish our goal. Contributions are still being accepted. You will find pink Parish Outreach envelops in the kiosk for your use. Donations can be placed in the collection baskets at mass or returned to the parish office. Thank you for helping us live our faith by helping those affected by poverty. The Human Concerns Committee Weekly Collection Report September 30-October 5, 2014 Sacrificial Giving Required Sacrificial Giving Received Collections Automatic Deposits Total SG Received $23,000.00 Parish Tuition Assistance Rec. $ $24,675.54 $11,023.00 $35,698.54 110.00 July 1, 2014 - October 5 , 2014 Sacrificial Giving Required Sacrificial Giving Received Ahead (+) or Behind (-) $284,000.00 $300,359.27 +$ 16,359.27 Scrip sales are up thanks to all of you! After Father Mike’s inspiring words about Scrip at Masses two weeks ago, Scrip sales were up with many new customers flocking to the back table! We sold $5,615 in Scrip and earned $300 in revenue for the Parish last week! According to Father Mike, “Scrip is a no-brainer” when it comes to how easy it is to help out the Parish’s bottom line, and yes, he uses it religiously (pun intended!). Thanks to those of you who came back to try it for the first time or simply asked to see the sales sheet. Feel free to look over the Scrip cards available at www.shopwithscrip.com anytime – we carry many in stock at the back table and can order any we don’t. And remember, if you’re in a hurry after Mass, just drop off your order with a check/cash in our Express Order box on the table prior to Masses and we will have it filled for you by the end of Mass. Thank you for supporting this easy income-maker (and thanks to Father Mike for the testimonial!). 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 12 28th Sun Ord Time 13 14 15 16 6:55 Rosary 7:30 Mass 6:30 Liturgy 12-2 Parish Nurse 2:30 Legion of Mary 3:45 RF Gr 1-5 Session #5 Reconcil. Grd 2 & 3 Session #2 10-11:00 AA Group 11:00 PEA Mtg. 4-8:00 SMM Elem. Conferences 5:15 Mass 6:30 Parish Council 6:30 RCIA 6:30 Mass SMM FACES Mtg 9-10:00 Bible Study 12-2:00 Parish Nurse 6:30 RF Gr 1-5 Session #5 Reconcil. Grd 2 & 3 Session #2 6:30 Human Concern 6:30 Catholicism 7:00 Choir Practice 6:30 Mass 8:00 Mass 10-11:00 AA Group 5:30 BS Pack Mtg 6:00 Finance Council Blood Pressures 9:30 Mass, Baptism, CLW, Churchcare & RF Pre K, K, 1 6:30 Confirmation Candidate/Sponsor Mtg Noon Meal Sign-up 18 8:00 Diocesan Catholic Youth Conference Gr 9-10 4:00 Reconciliation 5:00 Mass World Mission Collection Noon Meal Sign-up 19 29th Sun Ord Time 20 21 22 23 24 25 6:55 Rosary 7:30 Mass 9:30 Mass, Baptisms, CLW, Churchcare & RF Pre K, K, 1 10:30 RCIA Windows 5:00 IMAJN Mass, Snack, RF 6-8 6:30 Liturgy 12-2 Parish Nurse 2:30 Legion of Mary 3:45 RF Gr 1-5 Session #6 Reconcil. Grd 2 & 3 Session #3 6:00 American Heritage Girls 6:30 Bible Study 6:30 Christmas Giving 10-11:00 AA Group 5:15 Mass No Classes - RCIA 5:30 Faith Enrichment 6:30 Mass 9-10:00 Bible Study 12-2:00 Parish Nurse 6:15 Cantor Practice 6:30 RF Gr 1-5 Session #6 Reconcil. Grd 2 & 3 Session #3 6:30 Catholicism 7:00 Choir Practice 7:00 Maintenance 6:30 Mass 10-11:00 AA Group 2:30 Divine Mercy @ St. Gabriel 8:00 Mass of Anointing 10-12 Halloween Carnival 4:00 Reconciliation 5:00 Mass & Bapt. World Mission Collection Calling all grade and middle school students. You are invited to be our guest on Tuesday, October 12 as the SMC Girls Volleyball Team challenges Roncalli at 7:30 p.m. Feel free to come early to watch the SMC Freshman and Junior Varsity teams with action beginning at 5:45 p.m. Each student receives free admittance and a coupon for a beverage and popcorn. Come out to see the excitement of SMC Girls Volleyball! St. Mary Catholic Schools Open Houses - Tuesday, October 21 - SMC is inviting all parents and students to attend our open houses. The faculty and administration will present information about academics, technology, co-curricular activities, school atmosphere, tuition assistance and a special early registration incentive for students entering grades K, 6 and 9. Please contact schools for additional information. St. Gabriel Campus 5:00 – 7:00 pm St. Margaret Mary Campus 5:00 – 7:00 pm St. Mary Campus 5:00 – 7:00 pm SMC Middle School program starts at 6:00 pm (held at high school campus) SMC High School program starts at 7:00 pm Jumbo Gumbo Come celebrate TCCES Schools on Friday, November 7th The 10th annual Jumbo Gumbo is right around the corner! Join in the excitement and support our TCCES schools on Friday night, November 7th fr om 6:00 to 11:30 pm., at Waver ly beach in Menasha. Move to the music with Boogie & the Yoyoz and the SMC jazz band and choir! Enjoy great prizes and the excitement of big cash raffles! Jumbo gumbo is a fun-filled evening raising funds for all five TCCES schools. Admission and prize tickets are available at all TCCES school and parish offices. Additional information about the event and prizes can be found at tcces.org. P ick u p tickets toda y! . 17 Religious Formation October 12 ---Children’s Liturgy of the Word during the 9:30am Mass ---Church Care during the 9:30am Mass ---Religious Formation Grades P, K, Grade 1 during the 9:30am Mass ---Confirmation at 6:30pm--This is a session for the Confirmation candidate and his/her Sponsor that will be held in Friendship Hall October 13 ---Religious Formation Grades 1-5 at 3:45pm October 15 ---Religious Formation for Grade 1-8 at 6:30pm October 18 ---High School Diocesan Catholic Youth Conference for Grades 9 & 10 from 8:00am-9:00pm at Silver Lake College in Manitowoc October 19 ---Children’s Liturgy of the Word during the 9:30am Mass ---Church Care during the 9:30 mass ---Religious Formation Grades P,K, and 1 during the 9:30am Mass *Religious Formation for Grades 6-8 at 5:00pm No Religious Formation for Grades 9 & 10. October 20 ---Religious Formation Grades 1-5 at 3:45pm ---Bible Study at 6:30pm in the Parish Center Conference Room October 22---NO RELIGIOUS FORMATION CLASSES--Area Wide Catechist In-Service at St. Mary’s in Appleton. All catechists are encouraged to attend. Volunteer assistant in SMM Parish Library Religious Formation is looking for a volunteer to assist in the Parish Library (located in the church). Duties include shelving books & arranging books and videos. Time commitment is approx. 2 hours a month. If interested, please contact Amy Matz at 729-4562 or email amatz@tcces.org Sunday, Oct.12, 2014 CROP Walk to Stop Hunger and Youth Soccer/Social at City park CROP Hunger Walks are community-wide events sponsored by Church World Service, organized by local volunteers to raise funds to end hunger. St. Margaret Mary Parish youth and families are encouraged to participate in the Fox Cities Area CROP Walk for Hunger on Sunday, Oct.12, 2014. We will meet at Memorial Presbyterian church, 803 E. College Avenue, Appleton at 12:15 pm to collect liability forms and envelops (look for the birthday balloon!)...the walk begins at 12:30 pm. Please join our YAT (Youth Advisory Team) at the CROP Walk to walk 1 mile, then reconvene at City Park for fun soccer game and social. Cake, snacks and beverages will be provided at City Park. Contact Mrs. Kyles-Werth with any questions at (920)729-4561 ext.113. Saturday, Oct.18, 2014 “Made for More” HS Youth Conference @Silver Lake: Get ready, high school youth. You are made for more than what the world sometimes tells you. The world sometimes feeds us with lies of who we “should be”, displays paintings of what we “need to do” to be successful, and often provides temporary reliefs from the pain and struggles of life. But “Made for More” is the time for you to reflect upon who you are! Sunday, October 19, 2014 IMAJN Focus Discussion Group Topic: “The Catholic Mass Revealed” St. Margaret Mary’s first IMAJN Focus Discussion Group of the year will be led by Mr. Dan Bornemann, DCN. Dan Laurent, and Mrs. Karen Kain on Sunday, Oct. 19th for parish youth ministry and religious formation eight grade students, and their parents. This 2014-2015 year’s IMAJN Focus Discussion Group Topic is “The Catholic Mass Revealed”. Each and every one of St. Margaret Mary youth ministry and religious formation middle school and high school youth and their parents will have an opportunity to experience and participate on specific, nights: Sun., Oct.19, 2014 (Grade 8); Sun., Nov. 16, 2014 (Grade 7); Sun., Dec.7, 2014 (Grade 6); Sun., Jan. 18, 2015 (Grade10); Su., Feb. 15, 2015 (Grade 10); Wed., March 4, 2015 (Grades 6-8). October 29, 2014 -- SMM Youth Ministry Raking Service Project St. Margaret Mary Parish youth ministry would like to serve our elderly parishioners by raking their lawns (and/or washing their windows), upon request, on Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2014! Please contact Mrs. Kyles-Werth at 729-4562 if you are interested in having work done. Youth and families are encouraged to help with this important service project...Volunteers are asked to meet in St. Margaret Mary school parking lot by 3:50 pm with completed liability forms, labeled rakes, tarps, leaf blowers, and gloves to break into work groups. When it gets dark out, probably around 5:50 pm we will reconvene in friendship Hall (church basement) and conclude with a pizza dinner together! We need to know counts of participants, in order to have enough food. We hope you join us! Stewardship Service<ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY>Litter Pickup It is time for St. Margaret Mary to participate in the fall pickup for the Winnebago County Adopt-A-Highway program. Our highway is the 1mile stretch of CTH G from Woodenshoe Road west to STH 76. We will pick up the litter at 10AM on Sat., October 25th. It is a fun activity for any parishioner, alone or with family, takes less than 2 hours, and helps the parish, the community and the environment. Please help by volunteering for this or any future pickup. Call Bruce Howe at 725-1775 to help make our city green. . 2014 Video Series 9:00 AM - Oct. 29 & Nov. 5 - Parish Center JESUS The life and times of Jesus of Nazareth, from His humble beginnings as a carpenter to His destiny as the son of God, are vividly retold in this epic movie event. When His earthly father dies, Mary tells Jesus the time has come to fulfill His prophecy. Jesus’ dramatic journey includes the Sermon on the Mount, the temptations of Satan, the selection of the twelve Apostles, the Last Supper, the Crucifixion and His Resurrection. Everyone is welcome to attend...no charge. LifeSHIFT: Work and the Christian Journey Life is about managing change: career, personal, family, spiritual. This retreat is an opportunity to reflect on life and faith while considering new career, job, work and/or retirement possibilities. Activities include discussions, presentations, individual consultation, journaling, the Strong Interest Inventory and aspects of Ignatian Spirituality. Participants will clarify work/life objectives and address fears of transition while experiencing imaginative ways to explore their Christian faith. Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 2014 Jesuit Retreat House 4800 Fahrnwald Rd. Oshkosh, WI Register & Information: www.center for lifetr ansitions.net (click on LifeSHIFT) tom@centerforlifetransitions.net (414)394 -9347 A Day for Women Saturday, November 1 “Jesus, the Gift that Keeps on Giving” Women, take some time to nourish yourself before the start of the hectic holiday season. The Appleton Catholic Parishes invite you to join us for a special day on Saturday, Nov.1, 2014, 10 am-4 pm at St. Mary Parish Center in Appleton. Our speaker and guide for the day will be Anne Trufant. Anne is a mother of seven, wife, musician and composer. She founded and directed a home for unwed mothers in Louisiana and worked in partnership with Mother Teresa. Download a registration form at www.appletoncatholics.com. A lunch of soup, salad and dessert will be served, plus door prizes and a going away gift bag. Registration deadline is Oct.29. Questions: Call Carol at 739-5119. St. Margaret Mary Noon Meal Outreach will be serving lunch at Fox Valley Community Table in Neenah on Tuesday, Nov. 18. We ar e in need of volunteer s to pr epar e or provide various portions of the meal, as well as people to volunteer at the meal site. Could you help out? Learn more or sign up at our table in the Gathering Space after all Masses this weekend and next . Have questions? Please contact Kristina Nelson at aknelson614@gmail.com or through the parish office. Delicious and open to anyone Chinese Cooking Workshop The SMC Confucius Classroom program is offering a special workshop on Chinese cooking. In light of busy schedules, we are considering two different Saturdays for this cooking classOctober 18 or October 25 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the St. Mar y Centr al kitchen. The cost is $10.00 per person. Contact Molly Griffin at 722-7796 ex. 803 ASAP for more information or to indicate the date you would be interested in. . Parish Nurse Information: CAREGIVER SUPPORT MEETING Oct. 15, 1:00 PM, Gathering Space All are welcome to share prayer and concerns over the role of Care-Giving in a confidential setting Workshop on discussing and filling out forms on Advance Directives, Oct. 17, 9:00am, Parish Center Do you know your parents' - spouse's - adult children's wishes if their health fails? Do your loved ones know what care you want or do not want? Come, discuss, and learn how to discuss this important topic! Sacrament of the Sick/ Healing Mass, Oct. 24, 8:00 AM (followed by breakfast,) Come and have the grade school pray over you in your needs. Grief Support: time TBD; will be held this month Parent and Child Playgroup Parents with small children come join us every second and fourth Monday of the month from 9 until 10:30 AM for friendship and fellowship in the childcare room of St. Margaret Mary Church. During this time, the children can play while the parents are able to socialize. This is a great opportunity to get to know other families within our parish. We hope to see you there. Oct. 13 and 27 Nov. 10 and 24 Dec. 8 and 22 and more dates next year! CATHOLICISM The New Evangelization Wednesdays, September 24 to October 29 6:30PM - 7:45PM St. Margaret Mary Church Facilitator: Mary Beth Fowler CATHOLICISM: The New Evangelization is a new documentary and six session, multimedia faith formation program. Hosted by Fr. Robert Barron, of Wordonfire.org, the documentary focuses on the cultural obstacles the Church faces today in its evangelization mission. Fr. Barron interviews many leading commentators on faith and culture who share their insights on how we can more faithfully put forth the message of Christ. Fr. Barron also showcases numerous examples of individuals and groups proclaiming the Gospel with creativity and innovation. We will see the Church coming alive with a renewed spirit in many parts of the world, talking about the Lord with new expressions, and reaching out globally with new communication tools. Each session will provide participants with helpful commentary and discussion materials, which will enable deeper understanding and application of the material to their spiritual life. Call St. Margaret Mary Parish Office to register: 729-4560.
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