HOW TO MAKE USE OF THE SERVICE FAMILY PLANNING A full range of contraceptive services is available, including monitoring of contraceptive pills and fitting of caps and coils. Pre-conceptual advice is also available. Emergency contraception is available. If you need this ask for an urgent appointment with the doctor or the nurse. (The morning after pill is effective up to 72 hours and the emergency coil can be fitted up to 5 days after). IMMUNISATIONS Childhood Vaccinations We run a vaccination clinic in Park Green Surgery on a Tuesday morning. Your child will be automatically called. Adult and Travel Vaccinations The practice nurses run these clinics. Appointments should be made in plenty of time. The NHS is only responsible for certain vaccines others will need to be paid for. Malaria tablets must always be paid for. Influenza and Pneumonia Each autumn we run a vaccination programme for those at risk. REPEAT PRESCRIPTIONS Repeat prescriptions are authorised for a period of time after which you must be seen by your doctor. We do not accept requests over the phone or by fax. Please allow 2 working days (48 hours) to process repeat prescriptions. Some local chemists offer a delivery service to your home. Please contact your pharmacist for information. INVESTIGATION RESULTS For blood test, x-ray, scans and specimen results please ring between 2.00pm and 4.00 pm. SICK NOTES You do not need a sick note for the first 6 working days as this is covered by an SC1 (self certificate). If your illness continues for longer you must see your doctor to obtain a sick note. EMERGENCY TREATMENT WHEN THE SURGERY IS CLOSED If you need urgent medical care when the surgery is closed contact the out of hours service. The centre is staffed from 6.30 pm to 8.00 am Mon to Sat and from 8.00 am on Sat to 8.00 am on Mon. If you have an emergency medical problem that will not wait until normal surgery hours telephone the primary care centre on 01625 502999 PRIVATE FEES Some services we provide are outside the NHS and you will have to pay for them i.e. Private medical insurance claim forms, e.g. BUPA, travel cancellation, some medical examinations, i.e. HGV. Half of the fee is payable for failure to attend without giving 24 hours notice. GP Training/ Scheme We are a GP training practice and will usually have a Registrar working with us. This is a fully qualified doctor in the latter part of their training. Some of their consultations are video recorded, but your consent will be sought beforehand. TRAINING AFTERNOONS The Surgery closes for 8 afternoons per year for staff training. This gives us valuable protected learning time Details of the dates are displayed in the waiting area. CONFIDENTIALITY CODE OF CONDUCT Confidentiality is central to the work of everyone working in healthcare. All information about patients is confidential. All patients can expect that their personal information will not be disclosed without their permission except in the most exceptional of circumstances. SIGN LANGUAGE We are pleased to say that 2 of our reception staff are trained in basic sign language. We also have a portable loop. Please ask if you would find this useful. PARK GREEN SURGERY PATIENT GROUP Please ask for details at Reception. P PARK GREEN SURGERY Waters Green Medical Centre Sunderland Street Macclesfield Cheshire SK11 6JL Telephone 01625 429555 Information for patients and a guide to services MAP OF THE AREA OPENING TIMES The surgery is open from 8.00 am to 6.30 pm Monday to Friday Version: 004/14 Review Date: October 2014 THE PRIMARY CARE TEAM Dr Christopher Ratcliffe MBChB (1978 Manchester) MRCP MRCGP Special Interest: General Medicine Dr Kim Monaghan MBChB (1983 Newcastle upon Tyne) MRCGP DRCOG Special Interest Menopause, HRT and diabetes Dr Rosemary Van Ross MBBaOBch (1981 Cork) MRCGP Special Interest: Child health surveillance Women’s health, contraception and musculoskeletal medicine Dr Ruth Kenny BMBS (1985 Nottingham) MRCGP Special Interest Children’s and women’s health Dr David Morris MBChB (1990 Bristol) MRCGP GP Trainer. Special Interest: Sports medicine, emergency care and asthma Dr Graham Duce MBChB (1994 Manchester) MRCGP DCH Special Interest Dermatology, minor surgery and medicines management Dr Campbell Whaley MBChB (1998 St Andrews and Manchester) BSc DRCOG DFFP MRCGP Special Interest: Men’s health and diabetes Dr Joanne Leigh MBChB (1995 Sheffield) DRCOG DFFP MRCGP Special Interest Palliative care, contraception and diabetes Dr Faye Knowles MBChB (2006 Leeds) MRCGP DFSRM Special Interest Women’s health THE PRIMARY CARE TEAM THE PRACTICE MANAGER Miss Isobel Chetwood MA HRM PG Dip. CIPD BA (Hons) Dip PM The Practice Manager is responsible for the overall management and smooth running of the practice. THE SECRETARIES AND RECEPTIONISTS The Receptionists man the front desk and manage appointments. They will help you arrange an appointment with the appropriate person, deal with prescription requests, sick notes and many other duties. We have 2 Secretaries who will help with referrals. THE NURSE PRACTITIONER Victoria Treanor is our Nurse Practitioner who is able to see and treat patients with more minor illnesses or injuries. THE PRACTICE NURSES We have 2 Practice Nurses and a Healthcare Assistant. Their roles include health promotion, e.g. dietary advice, screening (cervical smears), family planning, immunisation of children and adults and performing tests. THE DISTRICT NURSES We have 4 District Nurses whose duties include caring for the sick and elderly in their homes, monitoring chronic illness and liaison with social workers. COMMUNITY MATRON The Matron looks after high dependency patients to try and prevent frequent hospital admissions. THE MIDWIVES The Midwives provide care for women during pregnancy, labour, after delivery and the first 2 weeks of life. They run antenatal clinics on the 1st Floor at Waters Green and the Family Centres THE HEALTH VISITORS Our Health Visitors help with all aspects of health promotion. They work with the under 5s and their families and also promote health in the elderly. COUNSELLOR We have a Practice Counsellor who helps manage depression, anxiety or relationship problems. HOW TO MAKE USE OF THE SERVICE SURGERY HOURS Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 6.30 pm APPOINTMENT SYSTEM Doctors’ appointments are 7 to 10 mins long. If your problem is complex please ask for a double appointment. We ask that you inform us if you need to change your appointment or cannot keep it. We operate a DNA policy. URGENT APPOINTMENTS One doctor is on duty each day for urgent problems. You will be seen that day but it may not be your usual doctor. Your call may be passed to the triage nurse. The doctor may be called out on an urgent visit so you may have to wait. CONTACTING YOUR DOCTOR The doctors are usually available to speak to patients by phone. You need to ring the surgery before 11.00 am to book a telephone consultation. CONTACTING THE PRACTICE NURSE The practice nurses can be contacted by phone between 11.30 am and 12.00 pm for general enquiries. HOME VISITS Home visits are only for the completely housebound or those whose illness prevents them coming to the surgery. Please phone before 10.30 am to request a visit. You may be put through to the triage nurse or doctor. CLINICS The following clinics are provided: Asthma, Diabetes, Menopause, Child Health Surveillance, Well Baby, Minor Surgery and Wart Clinics. Details from Reception. DRUG MISUSE SERVICE The Barnabas Centre is the first contact point for help with drug misuse. We have a weekly clinic for those on the maintenance programme and have a firm policy on this. No prescription drugs can be issued by any other GP
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