Welcome to Worship at The Anglican Parish of Logan Incorporating the worship Communities of St Mark’s and Good Shepherd We seek to serve God’s purpose in transforming communities and individuals, by providing meaning for today and hope for tomorrow, through Jesus Christ. EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST OCTOBER 11TH & 12TH 2014 You are Invited……. To The Wedding Feast! We look forward to meeting you and we encourage you to join us in worship and fellowship. Please join us for morning tea after the Sunday and Wednesday services. “Let us pray for the World and the Church” For the World: We continue to pray for all areas of our world where conflict and fighting continues, especially bringing to mind Iraq, Syria and the Ukraine, we pray for Turkey as their borders come under threat. We pray for all living under the threat of militant terror groups and continue to pray for peace in our world. We pray for the containment of the Ebola virus as cases are presented outside of Africa. We pray for China in the wake of this week’s earthquake and for Japan as they prepare for a Super Typhoon to make landfall this weekend. For Our Nation of Australia: We give thanks for all sporting events that bring pleasure and entertainment to so many, this week we pray especially for the Bathurst Races. We continue to pray for all of our Defence personnel who are deployed in the combat against ISIL, for their safety and for their families who remain at home. We continue to commit to prayer security concerns for our nation, for the vigilance of all as we carry on our daily lives We pray for full time Army chaplains, the Returned and Services League of Australia, Ken Doolan (National President) and the National Council and State Branches. This week we pray especially for Townsville Barracks/Base (Qld) and All Saints Chapel. For the Church in the World: We pray for The Church of the Province of West Africa Gambia - (West Africa): Vacant For the Church in Australia: We pray for the Diocese of Grafton: Bishop Sarah Macneil, Clergy and People . In our Diocese of Brisbane: We pray for our Archbishop Phillip Aspinall all regional Bishops, clergy and people. We pray for all formation students and parishes seeking new incumbents. We pray for the Parish of Bribie Island: Revd’s Carolyn Payne – Locum, Bishop Bruce Clark, M.Cullen, Jim Tait, Kevin Masters. We also pray for Anglicare SQ Toowoomba Community Care In Logan: We pray for Ecumenical activities in Logan: Logan Hospital Chaplaincy, Qld Churches Together, Inter-faith relations. We pray for those in Management roles within Anglicare SQ, for Branch Manager Karen McGurk, Department Coordinators and Administrative Staff. We also pray for Charlotte and Emily, who are preparing for Baptism within our parish. In the Anglican Cycle of schools : We pray for St John’s Anglican College: Head of College Sue Bain; Chaplain - Susan Crothers-Robertson; Chair of College Council - Barry Kelly; members of College Council Please Pray For: …..Ian & Beth H, Roger B, Linley J, Alan K, Len M, Troy E, Brian H, Amelia, Andrea H, Kevin B, Tara C, Peter M, Maureen B, Jo-anne A, Gladys B, Barry K, Max H, Rod S and any known to us, who have asked for, or need our prayers and support. If you would like yourself or someone you know to be placed on the newsletter prayer list, then please contact the parish office with details, including your name and contact number and the reason for the request. This can be done by phone, email or by using one of the blue request slips at the back of church. In Memoriam… We give thanks and remember the life and witness of Peter Daniels (13th October), Vera Wilson and Christine Thompson (14th October), Eric Rizdis (16th October). We remember our loved ones and others known to us whose anniversary of death occurs at this time. SENTENCE: This is our God for whom we have waited; let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation. Isaiah 25.9 COLLECT: Saving and healing God, you have promised that those who have died with Christ shall live with him: grant us grace to be continually thankful for all you have done for us, and in that thankfulness to be eager to serve and live for others, so that we and all your children may rejoice in your salvation; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. PSALM: TODAY’S READINGS First Reading Exodus 32. 1-14 Psalm 106. 1-6, 20-24 Second Reading Philippians 4.1-9 Gospel Matthew 22.1-14 106. 1-6, 20-24 1 Praise the Lord; O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good: and his mercy endures for ever. 2 Who can express the mighty acts of the Lord: or fully voice his praise? 3 Blessed are those who act according to justice: who at all times do the right. 4 Remember me, O Lord, when you visit your people with your favour: and come to me also with your salvation, 5 That I may see the prosperity of your chosen: that I may rejoice with the rejoicing of your people, and exult with those who are your own. 6 We have sinned like our ancestors: we have acted perversely and done wrong. 20 At Horeb they made themselves a calf: and bowed down in worship to an image. 21 And so they exchanged the glory of God: for the likeness of an ox that eats hay. 22 They forgot God who was their saviour: that had done such great things in Egypt, 23 Who had worked his wonders in the land of Ham: and his terrible deeds at the Red Sea. 24 Therefore he thought to destroy them: had not Moses his servant stood before him in the breach, to turn away his wrath from destroying them. Communicant members of any Christian church are welcome to come to the altar rail for communion. If you are not a communicant member of any church you may still like to come forward to the altar rail for a blessing. Prayers for healing are available at any service. If you would like prayer for healing for yourself or another, please remain at the altar rail after communion. Folks, This is one of the weeks when the Gospel reading does not seem like good news. Jesus told stories in his teaching. Matthew 22:1-14 is a fictional story of a VIP wedding. A king invited people to his son's wedding and they would not come. Clearly this was a deliberate insult to the king, so he had them all killed. Then the king invited a new set of guests, and one of them did not dress properly so that man was thrown out of the party. If you have been reading the bible for a while you might be used to this story but take a few minutes to read it out loud again. Are you shocked by it? What did Jesus mean and why did he say it this way? Jesus told the story late in his preaching career. People had had a few years to listen to Jesus' good news and follow him. Some people had started to follow him, most had not. A few people thought they were following him but would turn out not to be sincere. So Jesus told this story to jolt them, they did not have much time left to change directions and follow Jesus. The disciples who remembered this story, and Matthew who wrote it down in his Gospel, probably did so as a warning to them selves. They knew their job was to invite people to follow Jesus. This horror story would have reminded them that they had a job to do and there were real consequences for others if they did not do so. Thank you for your partnership in the task of the Gospel, Geoff PARISH nOTICES BCA Box Holders- your wonderful generosity in September has raised $927.55 for the Bush Church Aid. These funds have now been dispatched and will no doubt will help ministries out in the bush. Thank you all for your support of this vital ministry. A special thank you to Barbara Greig for all her help. Empty cardboard Tubes- The St Mark’s Craft Ladies are after empty cardboard tubes e.g. cling wrap core (not toilet rolls) to make Christmas bon bon’s . If you are able to assist please leave at the entrance of the church for collection. Thank you St Mark’s Craft Ladies Raffle. – The St Mark’s Craft ladies will be launching a raffle (prizes listed below) at Community Friendship Group on Wednesday 16th October and will be drawn of Sunday 7th November 2014. Tickets will be a $1 each and number of tickets will be limited. Tickets will be available for Parishioner to buy or take home to sell after the 16th October. Prizes 1st Doll 2nd Baby Shawl 3rd Knee Rug 4th Scarf & Beanie 5th Curly Scarf & 2 Coat Hangers Value $45+ $30+ $25+ $20+ $20+ 1st & 2nd November – All Souls and All Saints Day- This year All Souls and All Saints Day will be celebrated on Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd November and a short service of commemoration for the dead will be held within the normal Saturday and Sunday Services. There will be no separate Service of Commemoration. If you have a loved one, that you would like to be remembered, please write their name on the Remembrance Sheet at the entrance of the church. For people at St Mark’s please also indicate at what service you would like a loved one remembered at as the list is often too long to read all names out at all services. Thank you. Volunteers are needed for the Tuesday night bread pick up. If you can help with this ministry then please contact Glen Stiles for further details on 3119 7936. FORTHCOMING EVENTS/ GENERAL NOTICES Hope & Love through the eyes of refugees Art Exhibition Opening Night 16 October 2014, 5pm-7pm The Honourable Quentin Bryce will officially open this Art Exhibition at Mercy Heritage Centre, 547 Ann St, Brisbane City. RSVP to 3013 0100 or marcela.moreno@mercycs.org.au This project draws upon the experiences of refugees, their journeys and hardships, and showcases the skill and beauty of their artwork. Australian Christian Meditation Community Qld Invites you to join us for a QUIET DAY “Meditation is entering into the presence of the One who is. It’s in the presence of the One who is that each person learns to be. To hear the call to be the person we are called to be.” John Main When: Saturday 18 October 2014. 9.30am – 2.30pm. Morning tea 9.30, BYO lunch Where: The Fort. 199 – 219 Fort Road, Oxley Suggested donations: $10 Save our Earth: Please bring cup/mug for your use Queries: Johanna Lawrence. Johanna1@optusnet.com.au Ph: (home) 3314 1404. (mobile) 0432 327 666 The day will include meditation, teaching, quiet times, and more Invitation to Attend 2014 Service of Remembrance We would like to take this opportunity to invite clients, their families and friends to join with Anglicare Logan Community Care and the St. Mark’s Anglican Church in a Service of Remembrance.This service will provide an opportunity for us to gather together and give thanks for the lives of our loved ones. It will be a special time in which to recall precious memories we have of them. Date: Wednesday 29th October at 11.00am Address: St Mark’s Anglican Church Winnetts Road, Daisy Hill, Qld 4127 RSVP: Friday, 17th October by Phoning 3299 9600 Morning Tea will be served following the service. SMASS are holding a MELBOURNE CUP PARTY on Tuesday 4th November commencing at 10.00am Entry $10.00 (inc Lunch & Dessert, Wine, Punch Tea and Coffee). Fashion and Hat Parade - Sweeps & Raffle. Everyone Welcome and bring a friend! RSVP by 30 October via sign up sheet or phone 3808 2696 BIBLE360 Seminar is a one-day introduction to the Bible for people of all ages and backgrounds .This seminar (9.00am-3.00pm) offers a place to start the adventure of reading the Bible or to pick up the journey again if it has been a while. It is interactive in approach and includes: • An opportunity to engage with others • An understanding of the history of the Bible • A brief overview of the Old Testament and New Testament • Useful information on using the Bible in the classroom • Practical tips on choosing a Bible and other resources for the classroom • Help to get started with a personal Bible reading plan. Participants will be encouraged to actively engage and apply key concepts to their local setting. There will also be an opportunity to develop a personalised Bible Reading Plan for your use after the seminar and in your classroom. Daisy Hill: Saturday 22th November 2014 9.00am - 3.00pm St Marks' Anglican Parish of Logan, (Winnetts Rd, Daisy Hill) This event is free, however places are limited. To register, visit: formedfaith.org and look for the Introduction to the Bible events. THE WEEK AHEAD Monday 13 Tuesday Wednesday 14 15 Nursing Home Service Yurana 9.00am Christian Meditation Group Contact Margaret 0427 592 490 Good Shepherd 5:00pm Wednesday 1662 Service St Mark’s 9:30am Community Friendship Group St Mark’s 10.30am Nursing Home Service Ar Care 1.30pm Thursday 16 Mainly Music St Mark’s 9.30am Friday 17 Saturday 18 Morning Service Youth Group Saturday Night Service Old St Mark’s St Mark’s Old St Mark’s 6:30am 7.00pm 6.00pm Luke Evangelist & Martyr Sunday 19 Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost Eucharist Services 7.30 & 9.30am READINGS FOR OCTOBER 19TH PENTECOST 19 FIRST READING Exodus 33.12-23 THE PSALM 99 SECOND READING 1 Thessalonians 1.1-10 GOSPEL Matthew 22.15-33 St Mark's Anglican Social Services Donations of tinned soup please. Please leave your donation in the baskets located at the entrance of your centre. THANK YOU St Mark’s Social Services is busy servicing the poor and needy in Logan City. They are always looking for benefactors and people who are willing to help out, whether it is collecting the bread or bagging and tagging it every week. Perhaps answering the phones, being on the front desk, going to Food bank, or sorting and packing. Maybe its helping with Community Friendship group twice a month. Whatever you would like to do there is a job for you at St Mark's Anglican Social Services. To find out more, please call the coordinator, Faye Fanning on 3808 2696 Mon—Fri 9.00—12.00. THE ANGLICAN PARISH OF LOGAN St Mark’s Anglican Church Logan East 41a Winnetts Rd DAISY HILL The Church of the Good Shepherd Logan West 9-17 Green Rd PARK RIDGE PARISH OFFICE 41A WINNETTS RD DAISY HILL TEL: 3290 3718. PO BOX 5085 DAISY HILL 4127 FAX: 3290 1895. WEBSITE & E-MAIL www.logananglican.com.au office@logananglican.com.au OFFICE HOURS MON –THUR 9.00AM – 3.00PM NB: OFFICE CLOSED BETWEEN 12 & 1 DAILY. CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE LOGAN PARISH NEWSLETTER ARE TO BE RECEIVEDBY THE PARISH OFFICE NO LATER THAN 1.30PM ON WEDNESDAY OF EACH WEEK. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD PHONE NUMBER [AVAIL SUNDAY ONLY] TEL: 3809 4906. RECTOR: THE REV’D GEOFF HOYTE (PLEASE NOTE GEOFF’S DAY OFF IS FRIDAY) 3290 3718. rector@logananglican.com.au MOB: 0409 66 99 04 . THE REV’D PETER GREVETT peter@logananglican.com.au THE REV’D DR.CAROL HEBRON OBL OSB THE REV’D DI MURPHY THE REV’D MARY SMITH THE REV’D IAN TURNBULL CONTACT THROUGH PARISH OFFICE. CONTACT THROUGH PARISH OFFICE. CONTACT THROUGH PARISH OFFICE. CONTACT THROUGH PARISH OFFICE HONORARY DEACONS The Rev’d Robyn Cairns The Rev’d Ian Chevis The Rev’d Peter Grevett Mob: 0410 329 236. Mob: 0409 873 941 Mob: 0409 792 035. WELFARE SERVICES ST MARK’S ANGLICAN SOCIAL SERVICES 3808 2696. MON –FRI 9.00 – 12.00 NOON. BIBLE STUDY CO-ORDINATOR The Rev’d Mary Smith Contact through Parish Office PARISH WARDENS Nicholas Ng Ron Bell Ian Mitchell Jeanette Paton Tel: 0410 047 729. Tel: 0438 288 116 Tel: 3341 0176. Tel: 3133 1519 PARISH ADMINISTRATOR NON STIPENDIARY ASSOCIATE PRIESTS TREASURER Old St Mark’s Anglican Church Dedicated 1901 Re-Dedicated & Heritage Listed 2001 Available for Weddings & Reaffirmation of Vows Contact: Anglican Parish of Logan Office Monday to Thursday during office hours Phone: 3290 3718 Email office@logananglican.com.au DISCLAIMER: Publication of advertisements does not necessarily mean endorsements of the advertised products or services. Copyright (c) 1995, The Anglican Church of Australia Trust Corporation, published under the imprint of Broughton Books by E.J. Dwyer (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Reproduced with permission.
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