Liturgical Ministers October 18– October 19 Holy Name Saturday 5 pm St. Peter Sunday 10:00 am Sunday 8:30 am Immaculate Conception Saturday 5:05 pm Sunday 8:30 am St. Francis Sunday 10:30 am Lector Tom Grapes Gary McIntyre Mike Finnegan Betty Alfultis Michal Schemmel Bonnie West Eucharistic Ministers Don Baumler Donna Baumler Bonnie Patrick Carolyn Breuer Norm Einck Laurie Thompson Dawn Daughton Ardith Barnes MaryAnn Woodson Connie Rochford Barb Hennessey Dave Hennessey Jim Duffy Cathy Schmitz Gary Schmitz Elaine Ricks Pat Burghardt Mike Yauk Kurt Wood Gifts Tom & Chris Grapes Joe & Carolyn Breuer Mick & Mary Olson Gene Blazek Steve Corcoran Ushers Mike Elsbernd Dan Meyer Joe Breuer Don Leahy Norm Einck Mick & Mary Olson Les Teeling Tom & Sally Yungtum Lon & Barb Tisue Jim Duffy Mike Elsbernd Family Dave & Jean Kamaus Dennis & Joan Goddard Kay Luebbers Lynda Miller Joseph Britt Molly Wenthold Samantha Wenthold Jarod Bouska Brandy Langreck Philip Kleve Tanner Jacobsen Jordan Miller Elizabeth Miller Natalie Miller Isiah Brandt Jenna Brandt Morgan Brandt Mikaela Kime Korbin Yauk Jenni Elsbernd Don Baumler Norm Einck Carolyn Breuer Bruce & Sharon Kleve Steve Corcoran Lon Tisue Mary Kauten Linda Matthiesen Greeters Servers Money Counters Mike Carey Denice & Rick Fink Scot Michelson Please remember in your Masses and prayers people from our cluster who are sick or ailing, we pray that all will have firm faith and improved health: From Immaculate Conception: Louise Ahrens, Michelle Heidemann, Terri Kuethe, Pat Loomer, Noreen Miller, Peggy Pagel, Fr. Jude Rochford OFM, Rhonda Rochford, and Mark Smith. From St. Francis of Assisi: Veryl Burghardt, Mike Carey, Jerry Engels, Olivia Everett, and Rita Manderfield, and Madison Richards. From Holy Name: Keith Franzen, Hayden Grimm, Jill Krambeer, Roger Michael, Marilyn Miller, Raelonna Patrick, Kenley Scholbrock, Bob & Betty Scott, Roland Steinlage, Sue Ungerer, Linda Walz and Tom Trewin. From St. Peter: Michelle Bridge, Julie Brooks, Ellen Kneeland, Viola Lerch, Julia Martin, & Ken Wagner, Jr. Rest in Peace: We pray for those in our parishes who have died and for our families who have lost loved ones. Cecilia Hoeger, (Dyersville), aunt of Father Rausch; Ray Kass, (Marcus, Iowa), Father of Larry Kass and Grandfather of Erin Kass of IC Parish. Happenings Around Our Area October 12, 2014 - Twenty-Eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time St. Joseph the Worker Cluster - The Catholic parishes of Immaculate Conception, Sumner, St. Francis of Assisi, Fayette, Holy Name, West Union, and St. Peter, Clermont. MISSION STATEMENT: Celebrating parish identity as we work to become one family of God and strive to serve in the name of Christ. Masses & Intentions 10/13/14 – Monday 9:00 am, HN Special Intention (CAR) 10/14/14 - Tuesday 7:30 am, IC Word & Communion 9:00 am, HN Mark Bucheit 10/15/14 – Wednesday No Mass, HN 9:00 am , SFA Maple Crest Manor Berkes Family 10/16/14 – Thursday 9:00 am, SP Deceased members of The Lloyd Albers Family 10/17/14 – Friday 9:00 am, HN Mark Damisch 9:00 am, IC Hillcrest Nursing Home Jerald Teidt 10/18/14 – Saturday 7:30 am, IC Rev. Joe Kleiner 5:00 pm, HN James Lensing 5:05 pm, IC Bob & Millie Richmond Sunday, October 12, Immaculate Conception Church in Fairbank, will hold their annual Fall Festival from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. The menu consists of: turkey & dressing, roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, baked beans, sweet corn, coleslaw, rolls, dessert and beverages. The cost of the meal is $10 for adults, $5 for ages 5-12, and 4 and under free. Carry outs and deliveries will be served from the rectory garage. Call 563920-5700. There will also be kids games, a silent auction, country store, door prizes, raffle, and a bean bag tournament. Registration for the tournament is from 10:30—11:30 am. In case of inclement weather it will be moved to the Fairbank American Legion. 10/19/14 – Sunday 8:30 am, SP Dwayne Johnson (RS) Sunday, Oct. 19, St. Luke, St. Lucas - PARISH DINNER 11:00 - 1:30 PM, smoked pork loin, parsley new potatoes, corn, coleslaw, roll, pie/ ice cream. Bake sale and silent auction. $10.00/ $11.00 at the door. Children under 5 - free, ages 6-11; $7.00 at the door. Carry outs available. Mass at 10:30. 10:30 am, SFA For the People 8:30 am, IC Joyce Farina 10:00 am, HN Wilfred Breuer A L Pastor: Fr. Jim Brokman Rectory & Church Office: 1-888-578-5366 or 563-578-5366 Sacramental Priest: Fr. Dale Rausch, I V E 563-422-3184 & 800-469-3184 A L I V E I All bulletin information directed to: by 5 pm Tuesday evening N Saturday and Sunday Mass & Reconciliation Times N C MASS TIMES on Saturdays: 7:30 am, Immaculate Conception, Sumner 5:00 pm, Holy Name, West Union / Confession 4:00 - 4:45 pm 5:05 pm, Immaculate Conception, Sumner / Confession 4:20 - 4:45 pm MASS TIMES on Sundays: 8:30 am, Immaculate Conception, Sumner / Confession 8:00 - 8:20 am 8:30 am, Saint Peter, Clermont 10:00 am, Holy Name, West Union 10:30 am, St. Francis of Assisi, Fayette / Confession 10:10 - 10:25 am C H R I S T St. Peter, Clermont: Bookkeeper/Secretary: Kathy Turner, 563-423-6007 CRE/Youth/Young Adult: Mary Olson, 563-380-6135 & Immaculate Conception, Sumner: Office Hours Church office: 563-578-5366 Bookkeeper/Secretary: Cindy Jacob Faith Formation Office, 563-578-8227 Faith Formation Program Manager: Pam Schmitt: I H R I S T St. Francis of Assisi, Fayette: Bookkeeper: Delores Fagle Thom 563-425-4410 & Faith Formation Office, 563-425-3228 CRE, Holly Streeter, 563-425-5340 & 563-419-4661 Holy Name, West Union: Office Hours 9 am to 12 pm Mon - Fri Parish Office, 563-422-3184 Bookkeeper/Secretary: Donna Bodensteiner Faith Formation Office, 563-422-5722 Faith Formation Program Managers: Pam Rochford: Jamie Hoey: Kathy Wenthold: Holy Name, West Union St. Peter, Clermont URGENT: 11th Grade Faith Formation teacher needed ASAP. Please contact Jamie Hoey, 563-3803327, or Kathy Wenthold, 563-380-1141, for more information. Christmas in the Valley/Taste of St. Peter's is fast approaching. Please be thinking about what you would like to donate for this event. Sign up sheet will be available in the entryway of the church. We need food, workers, baskets, or donations. Please help where you are able. It will be held on Saturday, Nov. 8. The Rosary Society Raffle is underway. You may purchase tickets for $5.00 each from any member of Holy Name with 55 chances to win $$$. Sunday, October 19, Catholic Daughters of the Americas National CDA Day will be observed at the 10:00 am Mass at Holy Name with corporate communion. All CDA members are urged to participate. Faith Formation students The support needed for our sponsored child from Guatemala has increased. We fund this child through the envelopes used by the children at Mass. Please use your envelopes and consider being a little more generous. K thru 4, may put their giving in the special basket Father takes up, and 5 thru 12 may put their envelopes in the regular collection basket. THANKS!!! Walkers are needed to assist with the afternoon Faith Formation classes. We leave the church at 1:50 pm, go to the elementary school and gather the students, then walk them back to the church safely. If you would like to assist please call the Parish Office 563-422-3184. Sacrificial Giving 10/5 Total: $3,798.46 Adult Envelopes Youth Envelopes Offertory Bldg. & Repairs Share to Care 2,687.00 12.00 117.46 132.00 400.00 Wednesday, October 15, Ossian De Sales Child Care Center is hosting an all-you-can-eat Dad's Belgian Waffle Supper/Open House from 5:00-7:30 pm in the De Sales School gym. The Child Care Center currently serves close to 90 children from our surrounding communities. This includes before & after school care, infants, part-time children, and drop-ins. We are proud of the service we have provided to our families for the past 14 years, and we hope you support our needs joining us for the waffle supper. The Center will be open for you to visit during this time. Sunday, October 19, Main Street West Union and the Chamber are sponsoring a Community Halloween Party in the Courtyard Square from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. Fun afternoon for “Kids of All Ages” with games, refreshments, a costume parade, prizes, and surprises. Everyone is encouraged to dress up. The parade if for “kids of all ages. Rain date is October 26. Immaculate Conception, Sumner St. Peter's Bible study program will soon be starting. It will be held the following dates from 7:00 to 8:30 each evening. October 22, November 5, January 14, February 11, February 25, March 11, March 25, April 8 and April 22. Feel free to contact Mary Olson if you are interested. Sacrificial Giving 10/5 Total: $1,371.25 Adult Envelopes Youth Envelopes Offertory Special Collection 1,141.00 13.25 52.00 125.00 Stewardship Quote In today’s second reading, St. Paul thanks the Philippians for being willing to share in his hardships and promises that God, in turn, will fully supply all their needs. Our God truly cannot be outdone in generosity! Pope’s intentions for October Peace. That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world most battered by war and violence. World Mission Day. That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world. Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging host a Caregiver Support Group monthly in Oelwein, The support group is held the third Tuesday of each month at the Arlington Place Assisted Living. The next meeting will take place Tuesday, October 21, at 1:30 pm. Individuals providing care to an older adult are invited to attend and discuss the many challenges and rewards of care giving in a confidential environment. For more information contact Barb Labosky at 800-233-4603. Youth Rally Info Saturday, Nov 1, Middle School Rally at St. Mary’s Parish in Waverly, 5:00 pm till 8:30 pm. Space is limited, we need registration asap. Sunday, Nov 2, Youth Rally in Waterloo at the Five Sullivan Brother’s Convention Center from 9:30 am till? Registration for this event will need to be into the CRE office by October 15 so we can line up adequate transportation. October is the month of the Most Holy Rosary so we will be praying the rosary before the weekend mass. A sign up sheet for Rosary Leaders is in the west entrance. Thanks to Jay Becker from Becker Milnes for taking time to meet with I*C*Y. Sunday, October 12 there will be the first student/ parent confirmation meeting after the 8:30 am Mass. This is for 10th grade student AND parents. Contact Pam Schmitt if you have any questions. Tuesday, October 14, Building Commission Meeting at 7:00 pm in Kleiner Hall. Wednesday, October 15, Youth Choir practice following Faith Formation classes. Wednesday October 22, I*C*Y will meet at Brandt’s at 6:30 pm. Please bring pumpkins to carve. Urgent: We are still in need of a teacher for half of the eighth grade. Please contact Pam Schmitt at the RE building, 563-578-8227, her cell, 319-939-3410 or by sending an e-mail to her at St. Francis of Assisi, Fayette Sunday, October 19, 2014, St. Francis of Assisi will be hosting their annual fall dinner from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. This year’s menu includes: Chili, Chicken Noodle Soup, Relish Tray, Deserts, Soft Serve Ice Cream with a selection of toppings, Coffee, and Milk. Adults $6.50. First through Fifth Grade $4.50. Kindergarten & younger FREE. The fleece blanket fundraiser is underway. Please donate your monetary and empty pop cans to the cause (collection at the back of the church hall). The proceeds will be used for the Fleece Blanket project. If you need someone to collect them, please contact Karen Michelson at 563-4254256. The confirmation students of the cluster will be tying them as a project. Thank you Karen Michelson. “Sharing Gifts from God” – October is Peanut Butter and Jelly Month. Any peanut butter, jelly and jam would be appreciated. Sacrificial Giving 10/5 Total: $1,037.00 Divine Mercy is doing a new ministry and is asking for the parish assistance in providing a meal two times a week for Fr. Brokman. The dates that are available are November 4, 6,11,13,18, 20, 25 and 27. Please contact Nancy Meyer at 563-578-8402 to reserve a date and get additional information. Thank you in advance. Adult Envelopes Youth Envelopes Offertory Our parish has again been asked to furnish salads for the Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner on November 27. In the past we have taken at least six to the Legion Hall. If you can volunteer to make a salad please call Deanna at 578-8712. RCIA CLASSES HAVE STARTED Sacrificial Giving 10/5Total: $2,084.50 Adult Envelopes Youth Envelopes Offertory Donation Food Pantry 3 & 1 Collection Pro-Life 1,569.00 4.00 106.50 150.00 20.00 15.00 220.00 Wednesday, October 22, United Methodist Women of Sumner invite you to Guest Day at 2:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall at 115 Pleasant Street, Sumner. Colleen Last will speak and show pictures of the time she spent working with the people of Tanzania in agriculture, medicine, girls’ schools, and drilling wells for safe water, Please RSVP by Wednesday, October 15, to: United Methodist Church of Sumner, 115 Pleasant Street, or by calling 563-578-3359 or Joy Mellinger at 563-578-1384. Memorial Coffee & Donuts 997.25 11.35 128.75 60.00 52.00 Do you know anyone who is interested in becoming Catholic? RICA classes are held on Sunday afternoons from 4:30 pm till 6:00 pm. For more information contact Mike Yauk at 563-422-8888. All parishioners are welcome to attend these classes. This would be a great way of deepening your Catholic faith. Read about these topics in the Oct. 12 Witness Pope tells bishops at family synod to speak fearlessly, listen humbly Dubuque group plans to open Mary's Inn for pregnant teens The Archdiocese STO seeks additional donors in light of the $1.5 million increase in tax credits CLUSTER LITURGY MEETING Liturgy Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 16, at 7:00 pm at St. Francis of Assisi, Fayette.
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