Vol. XLI I No. 2 THE NEWS OF DELAWARE’S FIRST CONGREGATION OCTOBER 2014 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE EREV (EVENING OF) YOM KIPPUR Friday, October 3, 2014 Candle Lighting before 6:22 PM Fast begins 6:39 PM Kol Nidre PROMPTLY at 6:45 PM Sermon: “You will leave here tonight being Shomer Shabbat!!” YOM KIPPUR Saturday, October 4, 2014 Birchot Hashachar 8:00 AM Shacharit 8:30 AM Torah Service 10:00 AM Sermon : “The Disturbing Pew Study, How to respond?” 11:00 AM Youth Services 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM Yizkor Memorial Service 11:45 AM Musaf Service 12:30 PM Rabbi’s Teach-In Mincha Service Ne’ilah Sounding of the Shofar & Ma’ariv Service Break the Fast 3:00 PM 4:45 PM 6:00 PM 7:20 PM 7:35 PM Join us for AKSE’s 7th annual Break the Fast. Share some moments at the synagogue with your fellow congregants. Break the fast with your Adas Kodesch family. Sisterhood and Men’s Club OCTOBER, 2014 EVENING OF (EREV) SUCCOT Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Mincha/Ma’ariv Service Candle Lighting 6:00 PM 6:15 PM FIRST AND SECOND DAYS OF SUCCOT Thursday, October 9, and Friday , October 10, 2014 Shacharit 9:00 AM Mincha/Ma’ariv Service 6:00 PM Candle Lighting: Thursday, after 7:12 PM Candle Lighting: Friday, 6:12 PM HOSHANAH RABBAH Wednesday, October 15, 2014 Shacharit Mincha/Ma’ariv Service Candle Lighting 7:00 AM 6:00 PM 6:04 PM SHEMINI ATZERET Thursday, October 16, 2014 Shacharit Yizkor Memorial Service Mincha Service Ma’ariv Hakafot Candle Lighting after 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 6:15 PM 7:00 PM 7:02 PM SIMCHAT TORAH Friday, October 17, 2014 Shacharit Hakafot Mincha/Ma’ariv Service Candle Lighting 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 6:00 PM 6:01 PM There is no fee for the Break the Fast, but monetary contributions to defray expenses would be appreciated. SHOFAR 1 ADAS KODESCH SHEL EMETH 4412 Washington Blvd. Wilmington, DE 19802-1226 Synagogue Office (302) 762-2705 E-mail to office@akse.org FAX (302) 762-3236 Delaware Community Hebrew School (302) 762-3618 AKSE Website www.akse.org Steven Saks, Rabbi Yehoshua Redfern, Cantor Gail Weinberg, Educational Director OFFICERS Jonathan Jaffe, President Max Rosenberg, Executive VP Neil Rosen, VP Finance Harriet Ainbinder VP Education Vivian Goldberg VP Religious Affairs Wendy Shlossman, VP Administration Dan Berry, VP Facilities Lena Elzufon & Dianne Seidel Mark VP Membership Wagman, VP Community Affairs Brad Glazier VP Ways & Means Jeff Seidel, Treasurer Sharon Berry & Eleanor Weinglass Secretary Dan Berry & Len Seltzer Men’s Club Presidents Sylvia Wagman Sisterhood President STAFF Sharon Marshall, Office Manager Arlene Mac Laren, Office Assistant Carol Burg, Bookkeeper Cliff Packer Andrew Davis Maintenance The Shofar is published 11 months: September through July/August. Jonathan Jaffe, Shofar Editor E-mail to shofar@akse.org Thoughts on Parshat Noach Imagine a World Without Nations and Religions. No Thank You. Rabbi Steven Saks What sin did the builders of the Tower of Babel commit? From the account in Genesis it is unclear: the action of the builders could be construed as a pious attempt to bridge the gap between the heavens and earth. Furthermore, the builders of the tower demonstrated the ability to work together, unlike the generation of the flood, and therefore were not destroyed, as Rashi points out. Yet, it is clear that G-d is not pleased with the construction of this tower and therefore disperses the people and causes them to speak in seventy languages instead of one (the holy tongue according to Rashi). Why? There is an opinion in the Talmud Yerushalmi, Megillah 1:11, 71b, which suggests that even before the flood seventy languages were spoken amongst the inhabitants of the world. This opinion is based on Gen. 10:5, which comments that Noah’s descendants, who are the ancestors of the world’s seventy nations, lived in their separate lands speaking their own languages. If we follow this view of the Talmud, we can now make sense of the sin of Babel. The builders of the tower (located near ancient Accad, the world’s first territorial empire) were imperialists who were only able to build magnificent structures by subjugating others. In fact this was a common imperial practice in the ancient Near East. An inscription of the Assyrian emperor Sargon the Second states that, “Populations of the four quarters of the world with strange tongues and incompatible speech . . . whom I had taken as spoils at the command of Ashur my lord by the might of my scepter, I caused to accept a single voice.” Furthermore, there is a similarity in language between the builders of the tower and the great (Continued on page 3) 2 SHOFAR OCTOBER 2014 (Continued from page 2) though governance is needed, it should not be used as a tool to subjugate minorities and stifle individuality. John Lennon asked us to imagine a world without countries or religion. While that may sound ideal to some, unfortunately, in practicality this utopian dream would leave us with the Tower of Babel. Do we really want to live in a society that doesn’t allow room for distinctions among nations? Imagine if there had never been an Israel that taught the world not to oppress the orphan, widow and stranger or that the ruler is not above the law. Imagine that there was not a United States leading the world against ISIS (ISIL) in its attempt to establish a brutal Caliphate. That is certainly not a world we would want to live in and that is not the kind of world G-d wants us to build. imperialistic oppressor, Pharaoh (see Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, Covenant and Conversation: Parshat Noach 5772). The builders declare, “Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower . . . lest we be scattered over the face of the earth” (Gen. 11: 4). Pharaoh declares, “Come, let us deal wisely with them, lest they increase so much” (Ex. 1: 10). In light of this similarity, we can view G-d’s dispersion of Babel and confusing of her people’s languages as an act of liberation that returned the world to its pre-imperial state. Though oppressive empires are dangerous, so too is anarchy as witnessed by the corruption and violence which ravaged the world before the flood. The Book of Judges lays the groundwork for the Israelite monarchy by concluding, “There was no king in Israel and everyone did as Kol Tuv, he pleased” (Judges, 21:25). The flood account teaches us Rabbi Steven Saks that order is needed and the dispersion account reminds us that, OCTOBER, 2014 SHOFAR 3 When you read this message we will have hit and hopefully surpassed the 100 mark in Sisterhood members. We are glad to have back all of our repeat members and give a special welcome to all of our new members, including quite a few who are non-members of AKSE. These women may belong to other synagogues in town, but they see the worth in joining our wonderful Sisterhood. A big thank you to the 14 families who bought 101 bottles of honey to sweeten the New Year for friends and family and for sweetening our treasury with over $250 of profit! Don't forget that Boscovs Friends Helping Friends coupons are available for purchase in the office. We had a very successful Welcome Back Brunch with close to 50 attendees thanks to our dynamic duo of Sharon Berry and Cathy Vinograd (and their spouses Dan & Moishe too), who along with their committee planned and prepared all the food. Another terrific twosome and cute couple Ellen and Michael Feingold gave a wonderful presentation about healthy eating and shopping that is sure to change our eating habits! REMEMBER TO MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR OUR VERY SPECIAL LOCAL ARTISTS AUCTION ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2014 FROM 6:00-9:00 PM!! Looking forward to seeing you when you join our AKSE family for the Break the Fast this year. G'mar Chatimah Tovah, May you be written and sealed for a good year, Sylvia Wagman & family Sisterhood Calendar Saturday, October 4, 2014 7th Annual Break the Fast (after the Shofar blast) Tuesday, October 21, 2014 Boscovs Friends Helping Friends Day (Sisterhood will be selling passes) Friday, November 7, 2014 Friday night Shabbat Dinner Sunday, November 23, 2014 Local Artist Art Auction Friday, December 12, 2014 Friday night Shabbat Dinner Saturday, January 24, 2015 Oldies but Goodies Dance –Community Event Sunday, February 22, 2015 Combined Men’s Club/Sisterhood—Speaker Event Friday, March 13, 2015 Friday night Shabbat Dinner Sunday, May 3, 2015 Sisterhood Closing Event 4 SHOFAR OCTOBER 2014 Thank you to the following for their generous contributions to Sisterhood. These contributions will be used to offset our expenses for our Break the Fast: Mitzi Echt Ellen Feingold Marilyn Harwick Barbara Longwill Israel Abate Luft Rhonda Shulman Andrea Tinianow OCTOBER, 2014 SHOFAR 5 SISTERHOOD WELCOME BACK BRUNCH 6 SHOFAR photos by Sylvia and Mark Wagman OCTOBER 2014 OCTOBER, 2014 SHOFAR 7 ATTENTION ALL FAMILIES WITH COLLEGE STUDENTS AKSE’s Young Adult Committee sends holiday packages to undergraduate college students whose parents are members of our congregation, periodically throughout the school year. If you would like your student included in our mailings, please e-mail your student’s name, college, address, and expected year of graduation to Rosemary Russell. Her address is rosedelaware@comcast.net If we already have your student on our list, please make sure to update his/her address information for this school year. Please indicate “college student address” in the subject line of your email. The deadline is October 31, 2014. Mazel Tov! to all in the AKSE community who have graduated from high school and college in 2014. We wish you well in your future endeavors! Rosemary Russell, AKSE Young Adult Committee RABBI SAKS’ STUFF Ethics class Hebrew school Sundays 9-10 am. Prophets' class - Oct 11 Immediately After Shabbat Services and light Kiddush lunch "The beginning of the end for the Northern Kingdom" IT’S BACK!! & PIZZA PARSHA Hebrew School Wednesdays Discussion led by Rabbi Saks Beginning October 22 6-7 pm EMMANUEL DINING ROOM VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We will prepare and serve lunch for needy people on: Friday, November 7th Sunday, December 7th Wednesday, January 7th Needed are: Kitchen help, bakers, food shoppers, cash If you can help call: Wendy Shlossman 302 479 5599 or pshlossman@comcast.net Thank you for taking part in this important mitzvah Rhonda Shulman 302 479 9789 or wilmrob@aol.com 8 SHOFAR OCTOBER 2014 Lauren Michelle Unterberger Lauren Michelle Unterberger will become a Bat Mitzvah on November 22, 2014. Lauren is a straight-A student at PS DuPont Middle School’s Gifted Program and loves to play piano and trumpet. She is a member of the National Junior Honor Society and her school’s selective Ambassador Program. Lauren will be joined in celebration by her mother and stepfather, Andrea and Lloyd Tinianow, father, Robert Unterberger, sister and brother, Sarah and David Unterberger, and kvelling grandparents, Madeline and Neil Hirschfeld, and Cherie Unterberger. The service begins at 10:00 a.m. Lauren’s family invites the congregation to a kiddish luncheon which follows the service. We Invite You to Sponsor a Shabbat Kiddush Dear Fellow AKSE Congregants: The members of the Kiddush Fund Committee invite every family to sponsor at least one regular Shabbat Kiddush every year for $36. Your name will be posted in the Shabbat newsletter as the sponsor of the Kiddush that morning. Please think of a Simcha that is coming up that you would like to share with your congregational family such as a birthday, anniversary, retirement or any other happy occasion. Our goal is for each family to annually show support for the Kiddush fund which enables us to come together to celebrate and share happy occasions on Shabbat. Please contact the office at 302-762-2705 to find out if your desired Shabbat date is available for sponsorship. Please contact Judy Berlin at 302-762-3649 to discuss your special requests. Additional items like a special cake or kugels can be included for an additional charge. Thank you in advance, The Kiddush Fund Committee Sayings of the phathers: If I do not sponsor a Kiddush, who will? If others sponsor a Kiddush and I do not, what am I? If not now, when? OCTOBER, 2014 SHOFAR 9 TISHREI TISHREI— —CHESHVAN 5775 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Evenings Candle Lighting Saturday Evenings Mincha Ma’ariv Havdallah Times 1 OCT 3 OCT 10 OCT 17 OCT 24 OCT 31 6:22 PM 6:12 PM 6:01 PM 5:51 PM 5:42 PM OCT 4 OCT 11 OCT 18 OCT 25 NOV 1 7:20 PM 6:05 PM 6:00 PM 5:50 PM 5:40 PM 7:30 PM 7:09 PM 6:59 PM 6:50 PM 6:41 PM Chug Ivri 7:30 pm With new shlicha Lior Ron as guest. AKSE Library 5 6 7 2 8 12 12TISHREI 13 INTERMEDIATE DAY 19 14 INTERMEDIATE DAY 18 TISHREI 13 TISHREI INTERMEDIATE DAY 19 TISHREI 20 8 TISHREI Succot SHEMINI ATZERET YIZKOR 21 TISHREI 22 23 26 27 TISHREI 26 TISHREI 27 28 28 TISHREI 29 29 TISHREI 30 10 SHOFAR 10 TISHREI 11 October Birthday Kiddush Succot Torah Study 5:15 pm Chol Hamoed 16 TISHREI 17 TISHREI 17 18 Mincha Ma’ariv Service Begins at 6:00 pm Kiddush for Loretta’s Augenbraum Special Birthday SIMCHAT TORAH Torah Study 5:15 pm 23TISHREI 24 TISHREI 25 Friday Night Service Begins at 6:30 pm Kiddush Ufruf for Jacob Weiner ROSH CHODESH ROSH CHODESH 30 TISHREI Torah Study 5:00 pm 1 Cheshvan 31 Jacob Weiner Wedding to Alisa Litan 2 Cheshvan Shofar Sounds 7:20pm Mincha Ma’ariv Service Begins at 6:00 pm 24 Board of Governors Meeting 7:30 pm Services Begin 8:00 am 10 22 TISHREI Executive Committee Meeting 6:30pm 25 TISHREI 4 9 TISHREI 15 TISHREI 16 HOSHANAH RABBAH Saturday YOM KIPPUR 14 TISHREI 20 TISHREI 21 3 9 15 Friday KOL NIDRE Service Begins at 6:45 pm 7 TISHREI Erev Succot 11 TISHREI Thursday Torah Study 5:00 pm 3 Cheshvan 4 Cheshvan 5 Cheshvan 6 Cheshvan 7 Cheshvan 8 Cheshvan OCTOBER 2014 AKSE Community Hebrew School 2014-2015 Calendar Sundays 9-11:30 am and Wednesdays 4-5:45 pm School meets on the grayed dates September 2014 S M T W T F February 2015 S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 S 7-Opening Day 13-Ariel Shweiki Bat Mitzvah 24-No School-Erev Rosh Hashanah 25/26-Rosh Hashanah Services: 11:30-1 PM M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15-No School-Presidents’ Day 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 27-School Service at 6 PM 28 29 30 October 2014 S M T W 1 5 6 7 8 T 2 F 3 March 2015 S 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 4-Yom Kippur Services: 11:30-1 PM 8-No School-Sukkot 11-Family Sukkah Breakfast at 10:30 AM 15-No School-Shemini Atzeret 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 M T W T F 14-Jr. Cong. at 10:30 AM 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 November 2014 S 1-Purim Family Program 29-School Passover Seder: 9-11 AM April 2015 S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 S M T W T F S 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 F S 22-Lauren Unterberger Bat Mitzvah 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26−30-Thanksgiving Break 26 27 28 29 30 1-Jr. Cong. at 10:30 AM 1-11-Passover Break 12-Classes Resume 30 December 2014 S M T W T F May 2015 S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 3 28 29 30 1 S 19-Chanukah School Service at 6 pm 21-Chanukah Mitzvah Visit 24-Jan 3-Winter Break M T W T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2-Jr. Cong Breakfast at 10:30 AM 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 17-Closing Program/Dinner at 5 PM 10-No School-Mother’s Day 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 January 2015 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 4-School Resumes 10-Jr. Cong. at 10:30 AM 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 18-No School-MLK Holiday 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31-Shabbat at Kutz Home at 10:30 AM OCTOBER, 2014 SHOFAR 11 WHAT'S COOKING IN YOUR KITCHEN? High Holidays are coming up sooner than we think, time flies just as quickly as summer went by so quickly now it is time for a taste of Fall. Here are a few recipes that might help with your planning for the holidays. Recipes that are easy and take little time are helpful when you want to get dinner on the table and get to services on time. This first recipe is for stuffing. We all make stuffing and our families love our stuffing. I love it plain with chicken livers which is not a favorite of most people’s taste. So, I tried to make it with cranberries, apples, nuts and raisins, - things that remind of Fall.. Some people love mushrooms and some people hate them. We do not eat sausage stuffing, but if you want to brown some ground chicken with fennel seasoning you will get a similar result. How about cutting a pocket in your brisket and put stuffing in the center of that? That is delish! Here is a recipe for Challah Slow Cooker Stuffing. It can be cooking while you are planning your meals. You could be stuffing your chicken breasts with the second recipe. Ingredients for Challah Slow Cooker Stuffing from The Shiksa In The Kitchen.com 1 large Challah ( about 1 1/2 lbs) 6 Tsp extra virgin olive oil 1 large sweet yellow onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced (you might want to leave the garlic out if it is for Yom Kippur before fasting) 1 lb carrots, peeled and chopped 1 lb celery, peeled and chopped (get rid of those strings) 1/4 cup fresh parsley (chopped 1 teaspoon fresh sage, chopped (or 1 1 /3 tep dried sage) 1 teaspoon fresh marjoram, chopped ( or 1 1/3 tsp dried marjoram) 2 teaspoon fresh oregano, chopped (or 1 tsp dried oregano) (also not a favorite for a stuffing flavor for my family, I would leave out the oregano) 1 quart chicken broth (4 cups) (keep homemade broth in the freezer for Holiday cooking, make your own!) 1 lb sliced white mushrooms 2 eggs, beaten salt and pepper Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut the Challah into 1/2 inch cubes. Spread the cubes out across two baking sheets. Place the trays in the oven for about 12 minutes, switching trays on racks halfway thru cooking, till the Challah cubes are toasted and starting to turn golden. Remove from oven and allow to cool. You can do this ahead of time to save you time! Heat 1/4 cup of olive oil in a large saute pan over medium high. Saute the onion and garlic for 6 - 7 minutes till softened and fragrant. Add chopped carrots, celery, parsley, sage, marjoram and oregano to the pan. Saute for 5- 6 more minutes. Pour 2 1/4 cups of chicken broth into the pan along with 1 tsp of salt and 1/2 tsp of black pepper. Remove from heat. Reserve remaining chicken broth. Heat up the remaining 2 teaspoons of olive oil in a skillet over medium height heat. Add sliced mushrooms to skillet. Saute for 10 minutes till the mushrooms begin to brown and shrink in size. Remove from heat. You may need to cook the mushrooms in two batches depending on the size of your skillet. In large mixing bowl, combine Challah cubes, vegetable/ chicken broth mixture, and mushrooms. Stir to blend all the ingredients, making sure the Challah cubes are evenly moistened. Add the beaten eggs to the mixture and stir till they are well mixed into the stuffing. The mixture may seem dry now, but wait to add more broth until it's had a chance to cook-the liquid will slowly be absorbed by the bread. Spray with non-stick spray (I use slow cooker liners for less clean up) and pour the Challah mixture into a 5 to 6 quart slow cooker pot. Turn the setting to high and cover pot. Cook for 30 minutes on high. Check the stuffing to see if it seems dry, if it does, drizzle a little more broth over the top of the stuffing. Cover pot again and reduce heat to low. (Continued on page 13) 12 SHOFAR OCTOBER 2014 (Continued from page 12) Let cook on low for 4 hours, checking and stirring every hour to make sure the stuffing isn't too dry. It it is, add more brothcarefully, as it can easily go from the right texture to overly wet and mushy. After 4 hours, stir, taste, and add more salt or pepper, if desired. Switch to warm setting until ready to serve. Stuffed Chicken Breasts ( Sweet for the High Holidays Meals) Pound and flatten chicken breasts (or slit and open chicken thighs). (pound to 1/2 inch pieces) Wash and dry the chicken and lay out on flat surface to fill. Filling Ingredients 1 Tablespoon oil 1 1/2 cups diced sweet-tart baking apples Chopped 1/3 cups diced yellow onion (one small onion) Chopped 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon dried rosemary, chopped 1/2 cup dried cranberries 1/3 cup apple cider Saute ingredients until translucent, about 4 minutes. Cook until liquid is absorbed about 4 more minutes. Fill the desired amount of chicken breasts and/ or thighs. Secure with string or toothpick, season with salt and pepper (I sprinkle a bit of Wondra flour over the chicken as well). Brown for 2 minutes in oil on each side and remove to sprayed baking dish. Cover with oil from the frying pan and 1/4 cup of apple cider and bake until the juices run clear and chicken is done. Serve with a fresh spring of rosemary or parsley and the sauce from baking pan. Breaking News .... A New, Hassle-free Way to Purchase Gift Cards! Want to buy gift cards but are not able to get to the synagogue? No problem! Just call the synagogue office, tell them what you need, and they will mail the cards to you. You will be required to pay for them, by check, as soon as possible, but no later than seven (7) days after placing your order. It's that simple! You might be asking .... why can't I just use my credit card to purchase gift cards and not have to write a check? Answer: The synagogue needs to pay a service charge of up to 4% on credit card transactions, so, as you can see, this would eat into the 5% we would earn on the sale of gift cards. We are implementing this on a trial basis. We feel that this is a process we must try, to make it easier for AKSE Congregants to obtain gift cards. The synagogue will assume the liability on the remote possibility that gift cards are not received. Treat your family to a vegetable dish of Roasted Green Beans with Red Onions and Walnuts Since we all make purchases from supermarkets and drug stores, there is really no reason why we should not be able to get greater than 90% participation Cover 1 lb of green bean with 1/2 cup of thinly sliced red from AKSE Congregants. There is absolutely no cost to onion, t tablespoon oil, 1/2 tsp salt, 1 Tablespoon apple cider you, and a great way to support one of AKSE's ongoing vinegar, 1 tsp olive oil, 1 tsp grainy mustard and 1/2 cup fundraising projects. toasted and chopped walnuts. All of this should be roasted at 400 degrees and covered with vinegar, olive oil and We supply gift cards in $50 and $100 denominations mustard whisked to toss and cover with after roasting. for ShopRite, Superfresh, ACME, Super G and $100 cards All of these sweet and savory flavors are not only tastes of Fall, but a mixture of flavors for the Sweet New Year. I really for Walgreens. hope you try some of these recipes and let me know how To order your gift cards: Call the synagogue office wonderful your Holiday dinner turns out. Blessing for a Sweet at (302) 762-2705, or email your order to the office at New Year to all of you. office@akse.org Until Next Time....... Meryl For any questions about this program, please contact Marty Zukoff, at martyzukoff@gmail.com, or (302) 478-4734 Thank you for your support! The Gift Card Committee OCTOBER, 2014 SHOFAR 13 Cantor Yehoshua Redfern Dee Yiddishe Lieder: "Jewish Music and More" Classic Artistic Renditions Sunday, November 9, 2014. 2PM Cantor Yehoshua Redfern in Concert Leah M. Smith Hall Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center Univ. of MD/College Park Come enjoy an exciting afternoon of magnificent and outstanding Jewish, Cantorial, Israeli, Oratorio and Broadway repertoire Artwork provided by Kol Yehoshua Productions Principal People: Accompanist Cantor Daniel Gildar Event Attributes Presented By Kol Yehoshua Productions Seating: General Admission Estimated Length: 1 hour and 30 minutes including intermission Repertoire includes Cantorial, Yiddish, Israeli, Opera, Oratorio and Broadway selections. Cantor Yehoshua Redfern and Cantor Daniel Gildar 14 SHOFAR OCTOBER 2014 October Anniversaries 2 Avi and Lidia Ini 10 Joshua and Gina Schoenberg Faith and Louis Brown 13 Linda and Christian Sereduke 19 James and Nina Hubbert 24 Ron Makar & Mollie Epstein-Makar 30 Lex and Ankie Vega Special Anniversaries 20 Edward and Debra Hertzfeld Speedy Recovery October Birthdays 1 Steven Howard 4 Lenore S Plafker Leonard H Seltzer Samuel Romirowsky 5 Israel Abate Luft 6 Gary Aber 8 Loretta Augenbraun Ellen Feingold James F Hubbert 9 Karen G Moss 16 Linda Schreiber 17 Michael Feingold 22 Sharon Marshall 23 Judith Rosenberg 29 Stephen Michlin Rita Gottesman 31 Howard M Berlin Refuah Shlaimah. Good wishes and prayers for a complete recovery to: Sam Slomowitz May the Lord our G-d send a perfect healing from heaven to all his sick children. Amen. ● Rosanne & Michael Cabelli and Lilian Cabelli upon the birth of a granddaughter and great granddaughter, Shoshana Margalit Orenstein, daughter of Sara & Nathaniel Orenstein of MA and sister of Eliav, Amitai & Ivri. ● Nathaniel Jaffe for being accepted at the Temple University School of Social Work in their Master’s Degree program. CONDOLENCES TO - Special Birthdays Harriet Ainbinder Nan Pezzner Mazal Tov 1 10 18 29 Daniel E Shufler Eric M Doroshow Barry S Brown Howard B Stromwasser Are you a October birthday person? Come and join us at our monthly birthday celebrations on October 11 and enjoy our delicious birthday cake. Libby Plafker upon the passing of her brother-in-law, Alex Drucker. Avi Ini upon the passing of his mother, Bellah. May the Lord comfort the families among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem and may they know of sorrow no more Donations appreciated. OCTOBER, 2014 SHOFAR 15 Received during the month of August, 2014 .IN MEMORY OF MAZEL TOV Mitchell Zukoff, brother of Marty Zukoff: Dianne & Jeff Seidel & Family; Clara Mattes; Cathy & Moshe Vinograd; Morton & Roberta Brown; Ruth & Rhonda Falk; Edie Slovin; Jerry & Dianne Naplan; The Lattin Family; Fred & Shoshana Bereskin; The Zussman Family. Alex Drucker, brother-in law of Libby Plafker: Sharon & Dan Berry; Shirley Fisch; Cynthia Kauffman & Family. Anita Doroshow, mother of Eric Doroshow: The Zussman Family; Rhoda Meizell, wife of Al Meizell: The Zussman Family; Bernice Tomases. Sister of Jake Kreshtool: The Zussman Family. Kurt Coonin, brother of Susan & Robert Coonin: Rhonda & Jim Lehr; Gloria Brown. Judi Rosenberg, in honor of her retirement: The Zussman Family. Ann & Ed Jaffe, in honor of their 60th wedding anniversary: The Zussman Family. Carol & Barry Brown, in honor of the birth of a new grandson: Dianne & Jeff Seidel & Family; Paul & Rita Gottesman; The Lattin Family. Eileen Cohen, in honor of the birth of a granddaughter: The Seidel Family. Marilyn Epstein, mother of Mollie Epstein Makar, in honor of her birthday: Dianne, Jeff, Adam, Mara & Tom (Seidel). Lillian Kemper, sister: Bob & Sally Levine Harvey Brown & Sol Lehr: Jim & Rhonda Lehr Sam Pratt, father & grandfather: Sue & Jeff Pikus Maurice Klein: Goldie & Gershon Klein David Howard Smith: Jerome & Sharon Smith Mother & Grandmother: Max & Judi Rosenberg & Family Ann Griff, mother & grandmother: The Cabelli Family Sarah Kauffman Menkes: Cynthia Kauffman & Family Victoria Freidman: Morris & Mrs. Weiler REFUAH SHLAYMAH (SPEEDY RECOVERY) Harriet Ainbinder: The Lattin Family; Charlie & Barbara Keil; The Wagman Family. Sandra Flam Gary: Shirley & Sophie YAHRZEIT Helen Concors: Sanford Concors Alfred K. Schweizer: Gail Tolpin Sam H. Bronfin, uncle: Joy Davis Judith Schwarcz: Paul & Rita Gottesman Mary Sandrowitz: Peter Goldfinger OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS Library Fund: Samuel L. Kursh IN THANKS FOR THE BEAUTIFUL SHABBAT SERVICES & FOR THE ALIYAH I RECEIVED IN APPRECIATION OF ADAS KODESCH SHEL EMETH CONGREGATION STANLEY EPSTEIN BARBARA & RICHARD LONGWILL Have you been to the new web site yet? www.akse.org Updated daily with current info and news for you! 16 SHOFAR OCTOBER 2014 OCTOBER YAHRZEITS 1 Charles Axler Isadore Greenberg Leo Sirkin 2 Ida Glazar Joseph Ritter Victor Rubin Ruthe Zietz 3 Tillie Slomowitz Sarah Kaye 4 Oscar Brodinsky Edward Inden Ruth Jacobson 5 Fannie Bloom Samuel Pratt 6 Jacob Goldstein Morris Goldstein Philip Holob 8 Irving Adler Esther Clingman Max Greenwald Morris Roisman Max Samonisky Peter Sandrowitz Albert Schwartz 9 Aaron Kirshner 11 Gussie Hirshout 12 Sara W.Colen Harold Goodman 14 Joel Fisher Goldie Kagel Jacob Weiner 15 Lieb Berman Isadore H. Bleiberg Jacob Glass Dorothy Grossman Miriam Newstadt Max Sandal 16 Harold Gordon Kayne Minerva Kraft 17 Suzanne Faye Nathanson 18 Solomon Meizell Lena Orlick Ethel Paul Marvin Simon 19 Louis Newstadt 20 Sara Kozak Michael Simon 21 Norman Greenblatt Phyllis Ann Rosen Isadore Soltz 23 Dian Pevar 24 Miriam L. Berger Aaron Samuel Berlin Ester Bleiberg Minnie Esther Braxman Wilma Slovin Brodsky Michael Herskovitz Max Keil Jacob Krause Lewis Schendowich 25 Murray Liebert 26 Benjamin Pezzner 27 Sadie Fisher Toba Gross Estelle Lehr David Lessin Bertha Penn 28 Albert W. Jacobs 29 Jacob Goldstein Albert Haboucha Emilie Khozan Haboucha Lena Jacobs Rose May Porter Morris Weisman 30 William Holtzman 31 Max Melwager Martin Berger PLEASE NOTE:Yahrzeit dates listed represent the English dates which correspond to the Hebrew dates of death. AKSE Daily Service Times: Sunday 8:00 a.m. Monday,Tuesday,Thursday 7:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Wednesday 5:30 p.m. Friday Evening 6:30 p.m. Community Minyan Wednesdays 7:30 a.m. at Beth Shalom Fridays 7:30 a.m. at AKSE Excluding Rosh Chodesh and other special days. Shabbat Services at 9:00 a.m. SEE CALENDAR for Mincha Ma’ariv times. HOLIDAY TIMES MAY DIFFER. SCHOENBERG MEMORIAL CHAPEL In the hallowed tradition of our faith . . . a dignified setting with reverence for customs and observances in strict accord with family wishes. 519 Philadelphia Pike 762-0334 OCTOBER, 2014 SHOFAR 17 HARRIET JACOBS Realtor Home 302 655 5600 Direct Dial 576 6816 Residential Real Estate 3711 Kennett Pk. Ste. 130 Greenville, Delaware 19807 Office 302 429 4500 E-mail Hjacobs@psre.com NOW AVAILABLE IN WILMINGTON, DELAWARE KOSHER PIZZA! BOSCOV’S Ala Carte CATERING SERVICE From a small, intimate gourmet dinner to a banquet for several hundred . . . from a cocktail party to a formal dinner . . . Boscov’s A La Carte makes entertaining easy. We’ll bring the party to you . . . or prepare it in your kitchen, if you prefer . . . perfectly tailored to your specifications, and very affordably priced. The best party you ever gave is just a phone call away. 610-370-3718 DELIVERED FROM LEVY’S PIZZA IN NJ RABBI OR ANNE SAKS HAVE THE DETAILS, PLEASE CALL THE OFFICE FOR MORE INFO WHEN PATRONIZING OUR ADVERTISERS, WHO HELP PAY FOR THE SHOFAR, PLEASE MENTION YOU SAW THEIR ADS IN THE AKSE SHOFAR. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ADVERTISING IN THE SHOFAR, please contact AKSE at office@akse.org or call (302) 762-2705. 18 SHOFAR OCTOBER 2014 OCTOBER, 2014 SHOFAR 19 ADAS KODESCH SHEL EMETH 4412 WASHINGTON BLVD. WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19802-1226 Bayshore Ford 19 Harriet Jacobs Realtor 18 Boscov’s Catering Service 18 Schoenberg Memorial Chapel 17 ShopRite 20 AKSE FAMILY NEWS 15 CALENDARS AND SCHEDULES AKSE Calendar OCTOBER 10 Daily Service Times 17 EVENTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, ETC. BIRTHDAY KIDDUSH UPDATE 15 BREAK THE FAST INFORMATION 4 CANTOR REDFERN’S CONCERT INFO 14 DONATIONS 16 GIFT CARD PURCHASING PROCEDURE, NEW! 13 HEBREW SCHOOL CALENDAR 11 HOLIDAY INFORMATION & TIMES 1 HADASSAH CHILD EDUCATION PROGRAM 7 KIDDUSH SPONSORSHIP INFORMATION 9 RABBI’S LETTER 2,3 RABBI SAKS: CLASS INFO DEADLINE FOR NOVEMBER SHOFAR IS OCTOBER 21, 2014 Submissions due ON or BEFORE the DEADLINE in order to publish the Shofar in a timely fashion. Only items submitted on time can be guaranteed inclusion in the Shofar (subject to editorial discretion). Submissions MUST be in WRITING! Email to shofar@akse.org or mail, Fax or hand deliver to the synagogue office. 20 SHOFAR 8 WHAT COOKING IN YOUR KITCHEN 12-13 UNTERBERGER BAT MITZVAH INFORMATION 9 SISTERHOOD PRESIDENT’S LETTER & CALENDAR & EVENT DESCRIPTION 4-6 OCTOBER YAHRZEITS 17 OCTOBER 2014
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