LITURGY, THE PRAYER OF THE PEOPLE 28th Week of the Year Saturday: 4.30 pm 5.30pm 6.00pm Saint Mary Saint David Lewis Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys (Fr. Doyle Intention, +Peggy Barton) (Pat Moore (Birthday wishes), Raymond Puseley, Monica Puseley, +Kenneth Rose, +Melville Rose (+Breeda O’Driscoll) Sunday: 9.00 am 9.30 am 10.30 am Saint Anne Saint Mary Saint Michael 11.00 am 6.00 pm Saint David Saint Mary (Louis Bracchi) (Anie George (Birthday)) (+John Hurley (Birthday), +Richard Abdie, +Joan Lester, +Florence Boucher) (Holy Souls) (People of the Parish) 9.30 am 10.00 am 7.00 pm Saint Michael Saint Mary Saint David Divine Office (+Immaculata Quatrini) (Holy Souls) 10.00 am 10.00 am 10.30 am Saint Anne Saint Mary Saint Mary Morning Devotions (+Christopher Wysome, +John Rizzo) Adoration, to 12.00 Wednesday 10.00 am 10.30 am 10.30 am 2.00 pm 6.30 pm 7.00 pm Saint Teresa of Jesus Saint Mary Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys Saint Mary Saint Mary Saint Michael Saint Michael (+John Rizzo) Requiem Mass for Winifred Deacon Divine Office Requiem Mass for John Rizzo Adoration (People of the Parish) Thursday 10.00 am 5.00 pm Saint Richard Gwyn Saint Mary Saint Michael (Thomas & Shanty) Holy Hour 10.00 am 10.00 am Saint Ignatius of Antioch. Bishop & Martyr Saint David Lewis Adoration and Devotions. Saint Mary (+Pam Gush, Michael Mathew (B’day)) 10.00 am 10.30 am 3.30 pm Saint Luke, Evangelist Saint Mary Saint Mary Saint Mary Monday Tuesday Friday Saturday (+John Rizzo) Adoration, till 11.45. Adoration, till 4.15. [Next Sunday’s Intentions: Saint Anne – +Alma Charles Saint Basil & Gwladys – Anne (for recovery) Saint David – Mr. Griffin Saint David Lewis – Tom O’Connell Saint Mary – Emily & Sam (Good Estate), +Pam Gush; Thomas, +Yvonne Jones ; Mr & Mrs Julius Sana & Family Saint Michael – +Tony Brown SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Monday Wednesday Saturday 6.30 – 6.50pm 6.30 – 6.50pm 10.45 – 11.45am 3.30 – 4.15pm Saint David Saint Michael Saint Mary Saint Mary A Parish of the Archdiocese of Cardiff :: A Registered Charity :: ALL SAINTS PARISH Saints Anne, Basil + Gwladys, David, David Lewis, Mary & Michael “A L I V E A N D A C T I V E ” 28th Sunday of the Year 12TH October 2014 (Sunday Readings: of year A ::: Weekdays of year 2 ::: Breviary: Week iv) THIS SUNDAY’S MASS Scripture: Isaiah 25: 6 – 10 Psalm 22 R/. In the Lord’s own house I shall dwell for ever and ever. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Fresh and green are the pastures where he gives me repose. Near restful waters he leads me, to revive my drooping spirit. He guides me along the right path; he is true to his name. If I should walk in the valley of darkness No evil would I fear. You are there with your crook and your staff; with these you give me comfort. You have prepared a banquet for me in the sight of my foes. My head you have anointed with oil; My cup is overflowing. Surely goodness and kindness shall follow me all the days of my life. In the Lords own house shall I dwell for ever and ever. Philippians 4: 12 – 14. 19 - 20 Matthew 22: 1 – 14. Intercessions: Lord, hear our prayer. Having seen their twelve-year-old son finish bottom of the class in every subject, a couple decided to send him to a special tutor. Six weeks later, they asked the tutor how he was doing. ‘He’s getting straight A’s,’ said the tutor. ‘That’s great,’ said the relieved parents. ‘Mind you,’ added the tutor. ‘His B’s are still a bit wonky.’ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yes, I’m a Senior Citizen: I’m the life of the party – even if it lasts until 8.30 pm. I’m smiling all the time because I can’t hear a thing you’re saying. I’m usually interested in going home before I get to where I am going. I’m very good at telling stories – over and over and over. I’m aware that other people’s grandchildren aren’t as cute as mine. I’m so cared for – eye care, dental care, long term care. I’m sure everything I can’t find is in a safe place, somewhere. I’m a walking storeroom of facts, it’s just that I’ve lost the key to the storeroom door. I’m having trouble remembering simple words like………. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A priest was speeding along on a motorbike when he was stopped by a cop. The officer said: ‘I can’t help noticing you’ve got L plates, Father. For someone who has yet to pass his test, you were going dangerously fast.’ ‘Don’t worry, my son,’ said the priest. ‘Jesus is with me.’ ‘In that case,’ said the officer, ‘I’m going to have to book you,. You’re not allowed a pillion passenger.’ PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL PARISH PASTORAL TEAM Revd. Michael Evans Revd. Richard Aziati Sister Brigid Cantwell Sister Paul Gerard Chidgey Sister Visitation O’Donoghue Sister Veronica Sheehan Revd. Deacon Richard Withers PARISH OFFICE 9 Stow Hill, NP20 1TP 01633 265533 (Monday -Friday: 9am-3pm) Saint David’s Primary, Park Crescent, NP20 3AQ PARISH SCHOOLS Saint Joseph’s Primary, Fairoak Avenue, NP19 8SW, HOSPITAL TEAM Saint Mary’s Primary, Queens Hill, NP20 5HJ Saint Michael’s Primary, Baldwin Close, NP20 2LW Saint Joseph’s High School, Pencarn Way, NP10 8XL, Royal Gwent + St. Woolos Hospitals Hospital Chaplain Emergency Sick Call Number Hospital Rota: Today: Anita & John Revd. Michael Doyle Sister Justina Morrin 816027. Head: Mrs. B Ellsworth. 258801. Head: Mr. P. Knight. 840490. Head: Mrs. N Gould. 262078. Head: Mrs. J. Manship. 653110 Head: Mr. T. Brown. 265533 Father Richard 858539 Sr. Veronica 0780 5696474 Next Sunday: St. Michaels Collections Saint Anne: Saints Basil and Gwladys: Saint David: Saint David Lewis: Saint Mary: Saint Michael: £267.30 £351.11 £ £144.00 £902.00 £ (Gift Aided: (Gift Aided: (Gift Aided: (Gift Aided: (Gift Aided: RUSSIAN CHOIR A very big THANK YOU to the Russian Choir who gave such a beautiful concert on Friday evening. This was a wonderful and memorable occasion for all who attended, which would not have taken place without the generosity of the host families. Thank you one and all. LONDON TRIP A DAY TRIP to London on Monday December 1st. Departure from Newport Railway Station at 8.30 a.m. and returning at 5.30 p.m. from Trafalgar Square. Cost £15 if the coach is filled. Payment due by November 1st. Ring John Haywood on 01633 668990 or John Marenghi on 01633 263965 if you are interested. Thank You. RCIA RCIA meet every Tuesday at 7pm in the Marian Room, in St Mary’s Institute. Call for RCIA Fr. Richard on 07805696474 'Wales and the Marches Catholic History Society A talk will be given by Father Siemens on the Ukrainian Rite at St David's College, Cardiff, on Sunday, 12th October at 3pm.' CHRISTMAS MASS INTENTIONS Mass Intentions for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day will be for the People of the Parish, due to high demand. £203.00) £) £55.00) £344.00) £) Mass Count: Mass Count: Mass Count: Mass Count: Mass Count: Mass Count: 65 85 72 506 The Cross of Christ The Cross of Christ Upon your brow The Cross of Christ Protect you now The Cross of Christ Upon you mind The Cross of Christ Make you kind The Cross of Christ Upon your head The Cross of Christ Save from dread The Cross of Christ Upon your face The Cross of Christ Give you grace The Cross of Christ Upon your heart The Cross of Christ Set you apart The Cross of Christ Upon your soul The Cross of Christ Keep you whole. PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND October 30th – November 8th 2014 There is are 2 places left If you are interested contact : Fr. Richard or the Parish Office. PRAYERS PLEASE Please pray for the Repose of the Souls of Hazel Carter who died this week. In your Prayers, Please remember also in your prayers Joan May, Sheila June White, Win Jackson, Joan Harrington, Margaret Rowe, Mary Stewart, Malcolm Stewart, Avril McDonald, Kathleen Essery, Callum Lewis, Easton William & Arabella Rose Thomas-Yendle (Premature Twins), Joe Dunn, John Fox, Lillian Skillen, Bernard Dunn, Janet Walsh, Jill Jones, Freda Deacon, Lolith Sauksciuviene, Lucy Stoneman, Colin Richards, Albert Evans, Iris Anthony, Annette Jones, Rachael Parker, Keiron & Liz Breen, Audrey Putz, Ron Page, Ted Page, Mary Park, Colin Blacker, Martin Parry, Pat Webb, Christine Bennett, Zonia Dagger, Douglas Skinner, Janet Gillian Jones, Casey Hard, Maureen Harris, Peter Wright, Danny O’Carroll, Dale Ward, David Oates, Ada Jones, Avril Taylor, Glenys Harvey, Rose Hackwood, Catherine Williams, Lil O’Hagen, Catherine Margerison and Idris Skillen and all in the Family of our Parish who are sick or housebound, and all who care for them. Someone to Pray for? Please tell your ‘Community Correspondent’, or ring the Newsletter Secretary, 265533. AROUND AND ABOUT IN OUR CHURCHES Today: 12.30 12.30 Baptism of Ffion & Carys Avon at Saint Mary’s Church. Baptism of Milley Birchall at Saint Mary’s Church. 5.00 St. Mary’s Folk Choir practice in St. Mary’s Church. New members are always welcome. Monday: 5.30 5.45 Saint Mary’s Legion of Mary meets, in the Marian Room in Saint Mary’s Institute. Saint David’s S.V.P. (Society of Saint Vincent de Paul) meets, in Saint David’s Presbytery. Tuesday: 10.30 10.30 Saint Anne’s Community Club meets in Saint Anne’s Hall: All welcome. Saint David Lewis Talent Sharing, in Saint David Lewis Hall. 6.15-7.45 Brownies meet in Saint Mary’s Institute. 11.50 7.00 Shared Lunch in Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys Church. Everyone welcome to join in. Bible Sharing in Saint Mary’s. Acts Chapters 3-5. 7.30 Bingo, in Saint Michael’s Hall. Thursday: Friday: Next Sunday: 12.30 12.30 5.00 Baptism of Jessica Williams at Saint Mary’s Church. Baptism of Ethan John Haywood at Saint Mary’s Church. St. Mary’s Folk Choir practice in St. Mary’s Church. New members are always welcome. St Richard Gwyn Catholic High School, Argae Lane, Barry CF63 1BL Headteacher Job start 1st January 2015 Salary: Group 5 £70,668 - £81,857 How to apply For an application pack, a conversation about the role or to book a school tour, please contact Caroline Robinson on 01446 729253 or email Closing date is Friday 17th October 2014 Short listing is on 20th and 21st October. St Joseph’s RFC St Joseph’s under 9’s and under 12’s are looking for boys and girls to join their team. If you are interested in playing, having fun and making new friends, then give Andy Ryan a call 07769548652 The Word Communion C.L.O.W. Counters Cleaners 11t/12th October Mike Glennon Pat Tempest Martin Kurzik Mike Glennon Val Roberts Sian O’Donovan Beth Linton Mike & Janet Singleton T & M Williams 18th/19th October Bernard Tyson Ceri Hobbs Pat Burgess Sr. Visitation Nancy Jones Beryl Williams Bethan Manners Bernard & Janet Tyson Sr. Visitation Eileen There will be a shared lunch on Thursday, 16th October. We meet at 11.50am to put our food on the tables, say our prayers in the church, then enjoy a delicious meal in good company. Everyone is welcome to join us. Can anyone give Marion a lift from Park Ave, Rogerstone, to St Basil and St Gwladys Church on Saturdays, to arrive about 5.45pm, so that she can organise the music for Mass. 11th/12th October The Word We all enjoyed the "Fish and Chip supper! We raised £316 for our Church maintenance. Thank you to all who contributed. St. Anne's Christmas bazaar will be held on Saturday 22nd Nov. Your usual support and generosity will be appreciated to make it a success. A list for our Christmas Hamper will be at the back of the church next Sunday. Please bring in your red boxes as soon as possible! St. Anne's Tuesday club are organising a Christmas trip to Gloucester Quays on Thursday 20th Nov. There are still a few seats available at £9:00 per head. Please ring Carol on 857569 for more information C.L.o.W Communion Counters Cleaners Larry Cullen Keira Cullen Julie Hodgson Daniel McFarlane Anne Edge Margaret Whitfield Tony Sheehan The Quinn Family 18th/19th October Anne Edge Anthony Quinn Joy & Julie Larry Cullen Margaret Whitfield Tony Sheehan The Quinn Family This month we are asking St Basil and St Gwladys to particularly watch over everyone who lives, works, visits or passes through Bassaleg. Apologies for the late cancellation of the meeting last week it is due to be reschedule in the next few weeks. Charity Concert held on Friday 19th September was according to those living next door to Alice, a great success. Although not present, she’s still receiving donations for the Cuedeca Hospsice in Benal Malaga. At present £360 will be sent to Spain. A Charity Concert says Alice will be held on Saturday 11th October in aid of Saint Michael’s Hospice, Dublin, Handicapped Children Appeal. As usual dancing to Ritchie the Roundhead, bingo, bran tub and prize draw will act as a diversion. Tickets £3.50 from the usual suspects and Mary Nichols. Bring your own refreshments. Stalls for Christmas Fayre in November. Are you able to help in any way? If so, have you put your Name on the list at the back of the Church? Please can anyone donate Paperback/Hardback BOOKS for our Christmas bazaar on the 29th November. If you can please have a word with Sheila Hughes. This week the Prayer Group will pray for all those living in Tone Sq, Tone Close, Trent Road especially those with any special needs at this time. Line Dancing: Come and join our Line Dancing group in the Church Hall, everyone most welcome. If you would like more information, please contact Pam McLoughlin. Monday and Thursday morning - 10:30 am to 12:30 pm Wednesday evening - 07:30 pm to 09:30 pm Prayer/Talent Group: Our Prayer/Talent Group meet every Tuesday and Friday in the Church Hall. They are an active group within our community and enjoy the interaction of the various social gatherings which they organise throughout the year. Everyone most welcome! Just come along on ….. Tuesday and Friday 10:00 am to 12:00 noon APOLOGIES FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE CAUSED LAST SATURDAY, OUR NEW SIDE GATE WILL BE OPEN WHEN THE CHURCH OR CHURCH HALL IS BEING USED. AT ALL OTHER TIMES, IT WILL REMAIN LOCKED. th th 11 /12 October The Word Esther Gomes Michelle Barrett Communion Maura Dineen Sean Barrett Matin Barrett th th 18 /19 October Devina Gomes Sr. Justina Pam McLoughlin Martin Barrett Mary Burke The recent SVP collection raised £350. Many thanks for your generosity it is greatly appreciated. We are also still in need of white goods, if you have any to donate please contact the Parish Office. Ministering to the Assembly th th 11 /12 October Readers 4.30 Suzan Glennon Tony Corten John & Dorothy Tucker 9.30 Ron Atkin John Haywood 6.00 Patsy Groves James Carney Communion As per separate list Shelagh Clark, Counters Helen & Rebecca Harper Group 3 Cleaners H. Harper C.L.o.W. B. Roche 200 Club : th th 18 /19 October Duncan Colley Suzan Glennon Tim Hancock Mary Williams Rose O’Keefe Tony Turner Vincent Charmary As per separate list Nick & Gina Putwain Group 4 A. Jones E. Hurley 28.09.14. G. Blackborow 05.10.14. E. Roche No. 9 No. 59 The Family of the Late Pam Gush would like to thank everyone for their Prayers, Mass Cards, Sympathy and Support during the last two years of Pam’s life. It has been of considerable help to us all. The Legion of Mary Candle Intention This week the candle burns for the people of West Africa suffering the ebola crisis. There will be Adoration on Wednesday at 6.30 pm th 11t/12 October th th 18 /19 October The Word Ann Pollard Gerald Anderson Catherine Fisher Joseph Curran Communion Sergio Cinotti Ann Coombes Teresa Cinotti Myfanwy Anderson Sheila Wigmore Sergio Cinotti
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